Nineties Eastenders (26th December 1996)

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Nineties Eastenders (26th December 1996)
00:00Morning. Sleep well, did we?
00:28No, we did not.
00:30Ah, thanks.
00:31Did you sleep OK?
00:32Yeah, great. Thanks for putting up with the sofa.
00:34No problem.
00:35You gonna go back this morning to the rig?
00:37No, I don't think so.
00:38I think I'll let them stew for a bit anyway, Grant knows where I am.
00:41Do us a favour, will ya?
00:43Take your little hen party somewhere else, some of us try and get some sleep.
00:46Oh, if you don't like it here, no-one's forcing you to stay.
00:48You do go on, don't you?
00:50No, I mean it. Any time you feel like leaving, you just go right ahead.
00:53Got it?
00:59Oh, I put a real damper on the day.
01:02I mean, what was she thinking about running off like that?
01:05I think Tiffany's got a lot on her mind at the moment.
01:07Even so, I wanted it to be a special day.
01:10Show George all the family together, you know, at their best.
01:13I've been too happy a week's.
01:15Look, I'm sorry if George, well, you know, made things worse.
01:19Is he OK? He's acting very strange.
01:22I think he's just been a bit overexcited.
01:25Well, he's obviously imagining things.
01:27All that stuff with Grant yesterday and the knife.
01:30And as for seeing you and Grant...
01:32Yeah, well, like I say, he's been overexcited.
01:35Nothing else?
01:37Perhaps you ought to see the doctor.
01:39Get his pills looked at or whatever it is.
01:41I mean, he'd certainly believe what he saw.
01:44Mum, Joe's fine.
01:45Yeah? Where is he now?
01:47He's upstairs watching the television. There's nothing to worry about.
01:50I was concerned, that's all.
01:52Look, Mum, I'm sorry about what happened yesterday with Tiffany and everything.
01:55It was all my fault.
01:56Well, it's done now. No point in dwelling on it, eh?
02:02You got a moment?
02:03Er, not now, Grant.
02:05I need some barrels changing.
02:07In a minute, Mum.
02:08Now, Grant. And after that, you can take the dog for a walk.
02:26Are you off?
02:28Yeah, just thought I'd go and get some fresh air.
02:30Sonny's trumpet too much for you, eh?
02:33OK, well, do us a favour.
02:34When he gets a couple of pints of milk, we're nearly out.
02:38What is it?
02:39I, um... I know this may sound daft, but...
02:43I had a really good time yesterday, you know, with Alan and everything.
02:47It's not daft, Robbie.
02:49Yeah, well, um, I'll see you later.
02:52I'll see you later, Mum.
02:53Oh, Grant, have you got a minute?
02:55I thought you wanted me to take Frida for a walk.
02:57The dog can wait. I want a word.
03:03Now, you can tell me what's going on.
03:06Going on?
03:07You and Tiffany and you and Lorraine.
03:11Do you want me to draw pictures?
03:21Mum, there's nothing going on between me and Lorraine.
03:24We're just good friends, that's all.
03:26You've seen the state Jack gets himself into.
03:28You can't take what he says seriously.
03:30If you say so.
03:32But there's something wrong, Grant.
03:34Me and Tiffany are just having a few problems, that's all.
03:37Listen to me. I don't know who's in the wrong here.
03:39And to be honest, I don't care.
03:41But she's your wife, Grant, and whatever the problem is,
03:44you've got to sort it out before it's too late.
03:46It's not that simple, Mum.
03:48Excuse me, but it's dead simple.
03:51Do you want another divorce?
03:54Of course not.
03:55So do something about it and fast,
03:57because that's where you're headed.
04:00You can salvage this, Grant.
04:02You've just got to want to.
04:19Thanks for coming.
04:21It's about Billy.
04:22How is he?
04:24He's OK.
04:25He hasn't got the faintest idea what's going on,
04:27and it really bothers him.
04:29Do you want me to try speaking to him again?
04:31It won't make any difference.
04:32Yeah, but if I was to...
04:33Don't you see?
04:34I mean, you were at home yesterday and today you're not,
04:36and he can't work that out.
04:39Billy needs you.
04:42Look, whatever happens with us,
04:43it doesn't alter the fact that we have a child.
04:45I know that.
04:46And it makes it harder that he can see you every day
04:48just around the corner.
04:49You know, when he gets home, you're not there.
04:51It's confusing.
04:53Look, I think about Billy every day.
04:55And yesterday, when he ran off,
04:58I was so scared.
05:01Look, I know you want things back.
05:02For Billy, for everyone.
05:05Look, I love Billy.
05:06And after yesterday, I won't neglect him.
05:09I promise.
05:11It's the best that you can do.
05:13Right now?
05:14Yeah, it is.
05:15What about the future?
05:16What about us?
05:17Look, please, Carol, don't push it.
05:22I'll see you.
05:32That's the thing about a bit of metal,
05:34you've got to teach it who's boss.
05:36What did Carol tell you I was here?
05:37She didn't have to.
05:38I could hear you from the fire in Victoria Road.
05:40So what's the matter?
05:41You can't stay away?
05:42She's better being at home with her mum, that's all.
05:44Is she giving you a hard time?
05:46She reckons I should apologise to mum.
05:48Well, she's right.
05:49Yeah, I know.
05:50And I will.
05:52What's going on with you and Tiffany, anyway?
05:54Not you and her,
05:55just her mum bending me ear about it.
05:56Oh, yeah?
05:57Usual routine.
05:58I think the word salvage was used.
06:00What's going on?
06:01Well, other than the fact that we live on different planets.
06:04Is that bad, eh?
06:06You know, I've never really seen her properly with her mates before
06:09until the other night.
06:10She didn't really at home, you know.
06:12Like she fitted in.
06:16That's hardly surprising, is it?
06:18I mean, we're what, ten years older than she is?
06:23Yeah, but who does she marry, eh?
06:27And she's having your kid.
06:30All right, let's just say I ignore these feelings.
06:33Say to myself, everything's going to be all right.
06:35Try to make a go of it.
06:38What if I do that?
06:40And I miss out on something better with somebody else?
06:44Is there someone else?
06:46I don't know.
06:48Well, look, I can't tell you whether your marriage is worth saving or not.
06:51That's your shot.
06:53I suppose so.
06:54If you are going to try and save it,
06:56then you'd better do it properly.
06:58There's no point looking over your shoulder
06:59waiting for someone better to come along.
07:03Now, that's a duck-billed platypus.
07:05That lives in Australia.
07:06That's interesting, isn't it?
07:08Hey, Martin, what are you looking at?
07:09Nothing. It's boring.
07:11I thought you were interested in nature.
07:13Don't know what I like.
07:15Don't know anything about me anymore.
07:17Darling, you know that's not true.
07:19Yes, it is. You're never even here.
07:21You only care about you.
07:22I hate you.
07:24Martin, come on. Let's go outside.
07:26Get your water pistol. Come on.
07:27Yeah, really.
07:28Come on. Let's put our coats on.
07:34Made a right mess of things, haven't I?
07:36No, you haven't.
07:38Look, sometimes when someone dies,
07:40it hurts the youngest the hardest.
07:44I shouldn't have gone away, should I?
07:47Thank goodness.
07:49What's the matter? What's happened?
07:50It's Joey's run-off.
07:52Well, have you tried a Jackson's?
07:53He's not there. He's gone. Disappeared.
07:55About an hour ago, he went out for something.
07:57He wouldn't say what.
07:58Well, that's probably what he's done. He'll be back when he's ready.
08:01I don't think so.
08:02Well, why not?
08:03Because I found this outside.
08:05They were new the other day and he's hardly touched them.
08:08He's taken himself off his medication, Gran.
08:10He's clinically depressed and I don't know where he is.
08:12What have you called the shrink?
08:14Well, no. I mean, if they found him, they'd lock him up again.
08:16I can't bear that.
08:17Right, come on. We'd better go and look for him.
08:18What, for two of you?
08:19Yes, Mum. You've got a problem with that?
08:21Well, I'll stay here in case he comes back.
08:26Come on.
08:34Where's he gone?
08:35Actually, about half an hour ago. Why?
08:37We can't find him.
08:38Well, he's heading towards the canal.
08:39Did he look OK?
08:40Yeah, I suppose so. A bit preoccupied. Why? Is there anything the matter?
08:43I hope not.
08:44Christmas can be tough.
08:46Look, do you want any help? Shop's not open.
08:48No, it's better if it's just me and Gran.
08:50Are you sure? It's no problem.
08:51No, when we find George, there's just a couple of us.
08:53OK, look, if there's anything I can do...
08:55Thanks, Nigel. We'll be coming.
08:58Well, maybe Martin thought you didn't care.
09:01You know, right now, I think he's really scared that he's going to lose you too.
09:06Do you think so?
09:08He knows I love him.
09:09I know, but maybe he's beginning to learn that that isn't always enough.
09:12He knew that Arthur loved him, but, well, you know.
09:17Look, Martin's had to learn lessons that some of us don't need to worry about until we're a lot older.
09:22That's a lot for a kid.
09:24I wish I knew what to do.
09:26Well, I think just let him know you're not going to go anywhere.
09:30It's the way that he can trust you.
09:32Well, it's not over yet, is it?
09:34How do you mean?
09:35Well, once this case against the Home Office gets underway,
09:38everything's going to get dragged up all over again, all those lies about Arthur.
09:42It's going to be a nightmare.
09:44What's it going to do to Martin?
09:47Oh, no, have you had a nice time?
09:49The Sundance kid, here.
09:51He soaked one flowerpot, two tink hens and a very dozy pigeon.
09:56He must be quite a sharpshooter.
09:59Look, Martin, I'm sorry.
10:02This has all been my fault, and you do know I love you very much.
10:15Early days yet, eh?
10:31It's all right.
10:33I'm not planning on jumping or anything.
10:35Then why don't you calm down, eh?
10:37Because there's...
10:39Because it's quiet.
10:41Because there's no one up here to spoil things.
10:43There's no noise.
10:45Come on, Joe, I've been worried about you.
10:47No, what are you doing here?
10:49You've been comforting my mum again, have you?
10:52I ain't going to lie to you, Joe.
10:54Good. Because I saw you.
10:56There wasn't any mistletoe, so don't even try saying that there was.
11:00It's true. I care about your mum.
11:04You don't care about me, though, do you?
11:07Well, that's where you're wrong, you see.
11:09Because if you're unhappy, well, that makes Sarah unhappy.
11:12Because if you're unhappy, well, that makes Sarah unhappy.
11:15And I don't want that.
11:17I want to see you safely home, and I think that's what you want, see?
11:21You haven't got the fairest idea what I want.
11:24See, look at you, you're talking like you're my friend.
11:27But you're not.
11:29I'd like to be, though.
11:32Would you?
11:34Yeah. You and me.
11:36It'd be good.
11:39Well, so you'd like to be my friend?
11:43If that's what you want.
11:48Yeah. Yeah, I'd like it.
11:53All right, Mum?
11:55Come here.
12:00Oh, let's get you home, eh? It's freezing here.
12:05Come on.
12:21Hi, Mum.
12:23Philip? How are you feeling today?
12:25A bit rough.
12:27Sore head? Dry mouth?
12:29Wish you'd stayed in bed?
12:34Look, Mum, I'm...
12:36I'm sorry about yesterday. I'm sorry for spoiling it.
12:39Are you? Or did Kathy just tell you to say that?
12:42Mum, I'm not here because Kathy told me to be here.
12:44I'm here because I'm sorry.
12:46I really wanted the day to be special.
12:48Yeah, I know, and I messed things up.
12:51What's the matter with you? You never used to drink like that.
12:54Is everything OK?
12:56Yeah, I'm fine, Mum. I just got a bit carried away, that's all.
13:00I don't know. You're as bad as your brother.
13:03I mean, what is it with children?
13:05How come there's such liabilities?
13:07Or is it just my kids?
13:09Where is Grant, anyway?
13:11He went off with Lorraine. Joe's done a runner.
13:14Has he said anything to you about her?
13:19What? Nothing?
13:21You don't believe all that stuff Joe came out with yesterday?
13:24Grant said there's nothing going on.
13:26Well, are you going?
13:31Come on, you. Let's get you inside.
13:33Get you warm, something to eat.
13:35Lorraine, I think we ought to talk.
13:38What, now?
13:40Yeah, I think so.
13:42I'll be over by the War Memorial.
13:44It's quiet there. OK.
13:46Come when you're ready.
13:53Yeah, it'd be the easiest thing in the world to go back, yeah?
13:57Just pretend everything's fine.
13:59I can't do that.
14:01Me and Carol.
14:03I'm not ready.
14:05You can stay here as long as you like, you know that?
14:18I'm sorry I took so long, but I didn't want to leave Joe immediately.
14:21We'd got in.
14:23I understand.
14:32I just want you to know
14:35that I meant everything I said to you last night.
14:38I wouldn't want you to think that I was...
14:41well, you're not using you.
14:43I don't think that. Why would I?
14:45I wouldn't be the first bloke to jump ship when his marriage was in trouble.
14:48Well, I know that's not what you're doing.
14:51Try telling Mum that.
14:53Are you saying that she knows about...
14:55Don't worry. I said to her that we were just good friends.
14:58There was nothing going on.
15:00Did she believe you?
15:04I think so.
15:06And are we?
15:11Just good friends?
15:16Right now, I don't see how we could be anything else, do you?
15:20I don't know.
15:24Last night was the best thing that's happened to me in a long time.
15:29But more than anything right now,
15:32I want to be a dad.
15:34I want to have a baby. Can you understand that?
15:37Is this something you just figured out this morning?
15:39You don't get it, do you?
15:41Oh, I get it perfectly.
15:43You sit here saying you don't want to use me, but that's exactly what you're doing.
15:46That's not how it is.
15:48I mean, what's the matter? Reality come flooding in?
15:51You think this is simply guilt, is that it?
15:53Well, it certainly sounds like it to me.
15:55Well, it isn't.
15:59If I could be with you,
16:02I would be, believe me.
16:06If I could say to hell to Tiffany,
16:09and we could be together, just you and me.
16:14But is that what you want?
16:17For me to walk out on a marriage after a month?
16:21What sort of man would that make me?
16:23Like just about every other I've known.
16:27I'm not like that.
16:30I've got to try and work things out with Tiffany first.
16:34You understand that, don't you?
16:36If you say so.
16:40I care about you.
16:42And I want to be with you.
16:45But I've got to deal with the things that are wrong between me and Tiffany, you see.
16:52Look, I'd better get back.
16:56She'll be wondering where I am.
16:59Are you coming?
17:02I'll catch you later.
17:07You OK?
17:09Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine.
17:16I love this film.
17:18Somehow Christmas ain't Christmas without it.
17:20Every year I think,
17:22this time he's going to clear that barbed wire fence, you know.
17:25Hey, what are you doing?
17:27I was watching that. You want to turn it back?
17:29No. Do you want to pay this week's rent?
17:31You'll get it. Who died and made you chief?
17:34Yeah, OK, so I said I'd pay you, didn't I?
17:36That's right, Simon. Be cool, man.
17:39Might learn you get all bent out of shape.
17:41What do you mean by that?
17:42Freako's speech, mate.
17:43Oh, you're a pig. Do you know that?
17:47I've sat and listened to your little remarks all day.
17:49Nothing obvious, just a constant wind-up.
17:51Tiff, you don't have to get involved.
17:53No, I think I do.
17:54If I were you, Dan,
17:55I'd start being a little bit nicer to Simon here,
17:57cos right now, the way I look at things,
17:59you need him a hell of a lot more than he needs you,
18:01do you know what I mean?
18:02I'm just having a laugh.
18:03What's the matter? You lost your sense of humour or something?
18:05Oh, we're all rolling around, can't you see?
18:07So why don't you just take your stupid little jokes,
18:09your pig ignorance and your bigotry
18:10and shove it somewhere where we can't see it any more, all right?
18:13That's a little figure of speech and all.
18:18Oh, it's you.
18:19I want to talk.
18:21In private.
18:23All right, then. Come in.
18:26Come on, then.
18:36Oh, flaming racket.
18:37I mean, isn't there a law or something?
18:39I don't know, love, probably.
18:41Don't be like this rouser, just know it.
18:42She's going to be pounding away.
18:44Ian, it's just a party.
18:45They're quite common this time of year.
18:47Come and sit down.
18:48There is a law, isn't there?
18:50Will you sit down?
18:51Ever since I came here, you've been up and down like a yo-yo.
18:54I told you, it's this flaming racket.
18:56It's not that bad.
18:57You kidding?
18:59This is about Stephen, isn't it?
19:02I know it's his birthday today, it's all right.
19:08He investigated the phone earlier on.
19:11Nothing. No leads, no nothing.
19:13Nobody knows where Cindy is.
19:16It's like she's just disappeared.
19:19I just can't help but...
19:22I can't help but think how Stephen is.
19:24I mean, where is he?
19:26What's he doing today? Is he having a good time?
19:29It's not right, Mum, I should be with him.
19:32Look, I'm sure he's fine.
19:34Are you?
19:35What makes you so sure?
19:38It's noise pollution, that's what it is.
19:40I'm going to phone up and complain about this.
19:43I'm not going to stop seeing my friend, you know.
19:45But you can't act like nothing's different.
19:47You're going to have a baby.
19:49Yeah, and who do you think knows more about that, you or me?
19:51Yes, I am having a baby, Grant,
19:53because I'm the one with swollen ankles and sleepless nights...
19:56Yeah, I know, I know.
19:57..and a manky back to prove it.
19:58Well, now you expect me to live like a saint?
20:00I just want you to be sensible.
20:02I am sensible, Grant, and I also have a life.
20:05And this baby's not going to stop me from enjoying myself,
20:07and neither are you.
20:09They're my friends, get over it.
20:11This isn't just about you going out, you do know that.
20:13Yes, I know, but we're not going to be able to sort that out over here, are we?
20:18I do want to try to make things work.
20:21Me too.
20:23Well, are you going to come home, then?
20:30Can I get you anything?
20:32I can't, Mum.
20:33Well, the video shop's open, why don't I get you something to watch?
20:37If you like.
20:43Peggy found these outside.
20:47These pills are meant to make you feel better.
20:50If you don't take them, you're going to feel bad again.
20:54Why, Joe, why throw them away?
20:59I don't know.
21:00I don't know.
21:02Don't you want to get better?
21:06Do you want me to?
21:09Well, of course I do. I mean, how could you ask me something like that?
21:13All right, but I just didn't know where.
21:15I mean, if I wasn't here, maybe you and Grant, you could...
21:18Is that what you think?
21:20Well, Mum, in the past few days, all you've done is talk to him.
21:23You don't even care what I think anymore.
21:26I just wanted you to see me.
21:28Just to pay attention to me once.
21:30But that is daft. I talk to you all the time.
21:33Mum, you lied to me.
21:34You said that there was nothing going on between you and Grant.
21:37There is absolutely nothing going on between me and Grant.
21:41I promise you that.
21:45Me and Grant, we're just friends.
21:49You... You are the most important thing in my life, do you understand?
21:54No-one and nothing else comes close, OK?
22:07You start taking your pills again.
22:12Right, that video. Any preferences?
22:15Erm, you choose.
22:17OK. I'll see you in a minute.
22:19See you.
22:29Look, he'll give us the money. I mean, if you said he would...
22:31Oh, yeah, his words, his bond, innit? I mean, he's a regular boy scout.
22:34He's not that bad. Why don't you give him a break?
22:36It's not been easy for him, has it?
22:38Look, I'll give him a chance today. He gives us some money.
22:48Did you find Joe?
22:49He was down by the canal, like you said.
22:51If you hadn't have seen him, I don't know what would have happened.
22:53Thanks, Nigel.
22:54Oh, no, I was just happy to help.
22:56Well, you're always a help.
22:58I don't know what I'd do without you.
23:01Are you blushing?
23:03No, no, I never blush.
23:05Yes, you are!
23:06No, I'm not. I've just gulped my tea.
23:08It was hot. It always makes me feel red.
23:11I don't know why.
23:13Erm, what can I do for you?
23:14I've just come for a video for Joe.
23:16Oh, right. Any preferences?
23:17Nothing too soppy.
23:18Oh, er, thrillers, action adventures, OK.
23:21All right.
23:26I had a really good time the other night.
23:28The other night, I had a really good time.
23:30Yeah, me too.
23:31Did you?
23:36Oh, nice to see you back, love.
23:39Oh, thanks, Peggy.
23:40Listen, I'm sorry for running late.
23:41Oh, ancient history.
23:43You're back with Grant, and that's the main thing.
23:47Whiskey, please, love.
23:49I see Tiffany's back.
23:50Yeah, Grant went over there this afternoon.
23:53Everything all right between those two?
23:54I don't know.
23:55I tried talking to Grant,
23:56but he can be a secretive so-and-so.
23:58But she's back, so at least I'm not short-staffed.
24:02Small mercies, eh?
24:03Well, never mind. It won't be forever.
24:05Sometimes it feels like it.
24:07No, really.
24:08It won't be long before you can just walk away.
24:15What are you talking about?
24:16I'm talking about when we're married.
24:18I mean, you didn't think you were going to keep this place on, did you?
24:20Actually, yes.
24:22Hello, Mark.
24:23And you, don't go away.
24:26What can I get you?
24:27Two bottles of the usual, please, Peg.
24:33And how are you this evening?
24:35I'm fine, thanks.
24:38Doing OK?
24:39Oh, that's good.
24:40Oh, and a packet of kids, please, Peg.
24:42Coming right up.
24:44Now, you know sometimes at school
24:46there are kids that you're always fighting with?
24:48Well, it's a little bit like me and your dad.
24:51We fight.
24:52Which isn't very nice for us,
24:54and it certainly isn't very nice for you.
24:56Now, I know he came over yesterday,
24:58and we had a good time, didn't we?
25:00And he will be coming over again,
25:02and he won't be staying, love.
25:04Will he ever come home?
25:06I hope so.
25:08Yeah, one day soon.
25:10When he stops being angry, then he'll come home.
25:13Let's just keep our fingers crossed, eh?
25:17I just didn't think you'd want to stay here
25:19if you didn't have to.
25:20Then you thought wrong, didn't you?
25:22But why?
25:23The hours are lousy.
25:24Return your investments.
25:25Aren't they brilliant?
25:26Don't you want to give it up?
25:28Listen, when I took over this place,
25:30I had no idea if I'd make a girl.
25:32Everybody said I was crazy.
25:34And now, look at me.
25:37I've kept this place afloat.
25:39And these last few years have been more fun
25:41than I can remember.
25:43See, it's got nothing to do with the hours or the pay.
25:47This place is now part of me.
25:49Don't you see that, love?
25:51The day I leave
25:53will be the day they carry me out in a wooden box.
25:56Say that now.
25:57Tell me again in a few months
25:58when you don't have to be here.
26:00I won't change.
26:02If you say so.
26:03We used to do it every year.
26:04You know, kind of make a rhyme.
26:06Like, come alive in 85,
26:08get your kicks in 86, that sort of thing.
26:11A bit of a laugh, really.
26:13Did you?
26:15Well, get your kicks in 86.
26:17Is Joe okay?
26:19Yeah, yeah, he's upstairs with Lorraine.
26:20They're watching the video.
26:21Oh, yeah?
26:22She came in earlier.
26:23I haven't had a chance to tell you
26:24about the other night with Lorraine.
26:25Oh, yeah?
26:26I've got a really good feeling about this, Grant.
26:28Do you?
26:29You know how sometimes you can, like, convince yourself
26:33that someone feels something for you
26:35when actually they don't?
26:36Yeah, I suppose so.
26:39Well, with Lorraine, I think it's a real thing.
26:41Over the last few months, we've grown really close, you know,
26:44and now she teases me and stuff,
26:46and it's nice, you know, really comfortable.
26:48No, it's not going to get rid of me.
26:50No, it's okay.
26:51I feel really good about everything.
26:52You sure she feels the same way?
26:54I think she does, yeah.
26:55Has she said enough?
26:56She doesn't have to.
26:57I can tell.
26:59Maybe Cassandra is right.
27:0096 may have been a rotten year, but I know...
27:02Nigel, just honestly, you're getting hurt, that's all.
27:04How can I be?
27:05It's going to happen, Grant.
27:07I know it.
27:08Here's to Lorraine and next year.