Nineties Eastenders (2nd December 1996)

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Nineties Eastenders (2nd December 1996)
00:39Mrs Vicks, how are you?
00:41Okay. How's Joe?
00:48He had a good night. The medication is helping.
00:51He seems much calmer than he was yesterday, which is what we'd hoped.
00:54Well, that's a relief.
00:56Do you want a coffee?
00:57No, not for me, thanks anyway.
00:59So you think you can help him, then?
01:01Yeah. The drug should help to keep him a bit more stable.
01:04Hopefully they'll prevent these extreme occurrences, eventually.
01:08So how long will he have to be in the pills for?
01:11Well, it should take about ten days for them to have any noticeable effect.
01:15Ten days? I was hoping to take him home today.
01:18Look, don't worry.
01:20Dr Hadoway wants to speak with you and Joe this morning.
01:22He'll explain the long-term prognosis.
01:25Why don't you pop and see Joe in the ward, and we'll come and get you soon?
01:28Okay. Thanks.
01:33What do you reckon to this place?
01:35What's it matter? It's a boot sale, not Harrods.
01:37We've still got to track the punters, though, haven't we?
01:39Yeah, as long as it's punters and not the law.
01:41Well, that's what all the other stuff's for, so we blend in.
01:43And if anyone asks...
01:44I'm selling them for my uncle, who runs a second-hand car...
01:46Cousin! Cousin!
01:47My cousin, Bryn, who runs a second-hand car place in Kerfilly.
01:50All in perfect working order, sir. All top-of-the-range working models.
01:54Will you stop doing that?
01:55I had a really weird dream last night.
01:57Oh, yeah?
01:58Yeah. We were wandering about the square, me and you.
02:01It was totally deserted, nobody there.
02:03It was really creepy, and I was naked.
02:07Yeah, I bet there wasn't a Christmas tree there, either.
02:10The Walford Council aren't going to put up a tree or decorations.
02:12Who says?
02:13It's in the Gazette. Here, read it.
02:15Oh, shit.
02:18Oh, blimey, this is terrible.
02:25Oh, hi.
02:28Oh, OK.
02:29No, no, it doesn't matter.
02:31OK, then. Bye.
02:37Won't be the same at all.
02:40Yeah, he can't pick me up till half eleven.
02:42Something wrong with his car.
02:43Oh, well, look, I was planning on going to the boot sale at Lennox's car park.
02:47See if I can pick up some old albums. Do you want to come, too?
02:49Boot sale?
02:51Well, OK, then.
02:52I better get dressed.
02:53Yeah, you don't want to wander around the streets naked now.
02:55No, I don't think Walford's ready for that yet.
02:57We've got to do something about this Christmas tree business.
03:02I don't like it in here. I don't want to go on.
03:04I know, but it's the best place for you at the moment.
03:09They're in here as well, you know.
03:12You know, them.
03:15They're using him over there.
03:18They're sending him messages on that thing about me.
03:22I've got to get away from him.
03:26Mate, how much for all these records?
03:29Those are fiver.
03:30Fiver? Great.
03:32Er, each.
03:35Oh, I'll have to think about it.
03:37I'll take a wander around, I'll come back, all right?
03:39Yeah, right.
03:41I mean, it's just so humiliating having you there like a minder or something with a great big wad of notes.
03:46This is about the joint account again?
03:47No, it's not just about that.
03:49I just need to know where I stand.
03:51I mean, I know we're married, but it doesn't feel proper or official.
03:54Oh, it's official, all right.
03:56You know what I mean.
03:57I'm just saying that we should be talking about sharing things properly now that we're married.
04:01I mean, how do you want me to look after you if you won't even let me go out to do the weekly shop on my own?
04:06You're saying you don't want me to come shopping with you anymore?
04:08No, I'm just saying I'd like to be able to go on my own sometimes.
04:11Well, you can.
04:12Come and ask me and I'll give you the money.
04:14Look, don't ignore me.
04:17Look, I've got more important things to worry about, like finding out who was behind that break-in.
04:21Oh, listen to you. What are you going to do?
04:23The police ain't holding out much hope of catching them, you know.
04:25The police, will they, no.
04:26More than you, I think.
04:28Yeah, well, somebody sent that scum.
04:30Where are you going?
04:31To make a few inquiries of my own.
04:36It won't be the same, you know.
04:38She used to take me to see the tree every year.
04:40She really loved it.
04:41Yeah, I know.
04:43Perhaps we should get some sort of petition together.
04:45Yeah, I could get all my friends to write to the council.
04:47Yeah, great idea.
04:49Sold all the radios, then?
04:50No, just one left.
04:52What have you bought?
04:53An old radio transmitter.
04:54What for?
04:55For one of the four radio wolfing.
04:57Sweet sounds coming down.
04:59From a tar block nearby.
05:00What do you mean?
05:01Hey, pirate radio.
05:02Hey, well, cool.
05:04Sold all your radios, gentlemen.
05:06Just one left. Interested?
05:07The one whose car this was in last night.
05:09Oh, no, it's my cousin Bryn and Cthulhu.
05:11It's OK. I know Mr Mason.
05:14Everyone knows me.
05:15Yeah, you're an acquaintance of George Palmer's, right?
05:19And if I were you, I'd think very carefully about working for him in the future.
05:22Yeah, what's it to you?
05:23It's OK.
05:24Thanks for the warning, Bill.
05:27Because as far as I'm concerned,
05:29whoever works for George is on George's side.
05:33Do you get my drift?
05:34Yeah, we do. Thanks.
05:36In that case, would you mind giving him that for me?
05:41What about the radio?
05:45Oops. Clumsy.
05:49Is that who George warned us about?
05:51It's a lad.
05:53Joe, can you remember what you were doing when you were found the other day?
05:57What, on the, um...
05:59On the motorway, you mean?
06:01What do you think about that now?
06:06It was a bit daft, I suppose.
06:08Do you think you wanted to kill yourself?
06:13No, um, no.
06:15I think...
06:17I think I just wanted someone to come and find me, that's all.
06:21I see.
06:22Can you remember anything else about that day?
06:26Like what?
06:27Anything. Something you saw or felt, perhaps.
06:34I was thinking about Karen.
06:39Yeah, my sister Karen.
06:41I was thinking about her.
06:43Why were you thinking about Karen?
06:47Well, it was, um...
06:51It was the cars, you see.
06:53I always think about her when I see a car,
06:56and there were lots of them, so...
07:02I was in her seat.
07:05What do you mean?
07:07The accident.
07:13How did you feel about that, Joe?
07:15How do you think I felt?
07:17I don't know, unless you tell me. Can you tell me?
07:22Yeah, I can tell you.
07:29She shouldn't have been sitting in it.
07:31She shouldn't have been sitting in it.
07:35It should have been me.
07:43Don't leave it too long, mate.
07:48Friends of yours?
07:49Not really, just some guys from school.
07:51Jack's and his boyfriend, I think.
07:54Sort of.
07:55What do you mean?
07:56Well, they hang around together, but they don't really go out.
07:59So what do they do at school, then?
08:01They just see each other at break times and that. Nothing much.
08:04Right. So, um, you've got a boyfriend, then?
08:07Me? No.
08:09You gonna buy some other records?
08:11I'd love to, but four quid each is a bit of a rip-off.
08:14So they're just mates, then, are they?
08:16Yeah. Come on, let's go and have a look.
08:18He's turned it off.
08:19Well, now what do we do?
08:20We'll drop it in at the club.
08:21Or the Queen Vic. Let's just get rid of it.
08:23He looked like a right fag.
08:24Word is he was one of George Palmer's best mates.
08:26Boxer. Trained at his gym, middleweight.
08:28He was pretty good as well.
08:30That's how he got his nickname on account of how good he was on his feet.
08:33Bill the Goat.
08:35Yeah, but him and George had a falling out.
08:37What are you looking at?
08:38Oh, just thinking.
08:39The Vic's a good place for the area. It's nice and high.
08:41I can see Grant Mitchell agreeing to that.
08:43Mind if we stick this highly illegal antenna on the top of your pub?
08:46I don't think so.
08:47It's not high enough anyway.
08:50You two got a death wish, have you?
08:52Speaking of which...
08:54Speaking of which...
08:56I've got a letter for you.
08:57Oh, who from?
08:58Bill the Goat.
09:01Where did you bump into him?
09:02Boot sale. Lennox's car park.
09:04We were flogging those coal radios.
09:06Oh, that's nice and close.
09:07Talk about dumping on your own doorstep.
09:09Did he say anything?
09:11No. He had a couple of heavies with him.
09:13But we couldn't really refuse.
09:15OK, boys.
09:16Just keep your wits about you and let me know if you see him again.
09:19Yeah, will do.
09:25Do us a favour, boys.
09:27Don't mention this to anyone.
09:29Yep, there you go.
09:33Right, Alan.
09:35What have you got here, then?
09:36A few old albums for the 70s.
09:37Nigel will be well chuffed, isn't he?
09:39How you doing?
09:40Yeah, I'm all right.
09:41How are you?
09:42Oh, you know.
09:43On your own?
09:45Fancy a pint?
09:46Yeah, why not?
09:48No duty today, Sanjay.
09:49No, she's gone over to Indra's for the day.
09:51We're just going for a pint.
09:52Well, no peril, either.
09:53Still in Greece.
09:54Well, I'll join you.
09:55Where are you going to have one?
09:56Back at the Vic or somewhere like that?
09:57Well, I haven't finished here yet.
09:59You carry on. I'll meet you later.
10:01Well, look, why don't we go back to our place?
10:03Alan's there and Jay can come too.
10:05Are you sure?
10:06Yeah, we've got plenty in.
10:07Oh, yeah, thanks.
10:11Well, have a bit of a party, eh, Phil?
10:13Yeah, looks like it.
10:15Right, Jo, thanks.
10:16We'll wrap this session up for now, shall we?
10:18But we'll need to talk again.
10:20What happens now?
10:21Well, I'd get out of here, I hope.
10:23You don't have to go.
10:24In fact, it might be best if you stay here a day or two.
10:26I think there are things you need to work through
10:28and we may be able to help you do that.
10:30No, no, Mum, I want to go.
10:31Please, I want to go.
10:33Do you mind if I have a chat with your mother?
10:36Well, why do you want to do that?
10:38She may have some questions she wants to ask me.
10:43Oh, um, OK.
10:45Stuart will go back to the ward with you
10:47and we'll see you soon, OK?
11:01So, what do you think?
11:03Is he really ill or what?
11:05It's probably a bit early to say,
11:07but as long as we've found a medication that's helping him to relax,
11:11then we're on the right track.
11:17Do you want to do it before I open up?
11:20Er, no, I'm all right for now.
11:22Are you all right?
11:24Do you fancy getting out for an hour or so?
11:26I'd love to, but Grant's out.
11:27Well, that's a shame. Where's he gone?
11:29He's off asking questions about the raid.
11:31Yeah, he doesn't seem to think what happened was just a coincidence.
11:36From what you've told me,
11:38and of course from the time I've spent with Joe,
11:40I'd say that he's suffering from a psychotic depression,
11:43probably triggered by the guilt and trauma
11:46he's been feeling since Karen was killed.
11:49Yes, it's like a kind of clinical depression.
11:52Some people become so low they lose touch with reality.
11:55And that's what's happened to Joe?
11:57Probably, yes.
11:58And that's because he's blaming himself for a death?
12:01There are no certainties, Lorraine, but I believe so.
12:04I've been beside myself for the past few months,
12:07worried to death about him.
12:11I'm going to discharge him into your care.
12:13Well, that's brilliant news.
12:15Yes, but you'll need help.
12:17I've arranged for the CPN to make a daily visit for the first week or so.
12:21I'll need to see him again as an outpatient after that,
12:24and you'll need to ensure that he doesn't miss taking his tablets.
12:27Well, will he be all right with them,
12:29after what happened on the motorway?
12:31Yeah, I really don't think that was a serious attempt at suicide,
12:34just a way of attracting attention to himself.
12:38Do you think you can handle all this, Lorraine?
12:40I don't know.
12:42I'm not sure how to treat him.
12:45It's important that Joe feels in charge of his own recovery.
12:49He has to really want to get better.
12:51So make sure he takes his pills without him feeling you don't trust him.
12:55Be patient, answer any questions, don't keep anything from him.
12:59If you don't know, ask the CPN.
13:03It's going to be quite a challenge, Lorraine.
13:05Do you have any questions?
13:07What about the pills? What do they do?
13:10In the long term, they'll make him calmer,
13:12but it's important that you both understand
13:14that the tablets could cause lethargy and exhaustion.
13:17They could affect the muscles, causing spasms.
13:20But we can give you more tablets to help control that.
13:23I'll arrange with the pharmacy to have some made up for you to take away.
13:28Look, it's early days,
13:30and only time will tell if we're right about this,
13:33but I'm hopeful.
13:35You've been brilliant, all of you.
13:38Thank you so much.
13:40Take care, Lorraine.
13:42And if he starts to worry you or if you're not happy about something,
13:46ring us right away, OK?
13:48OK. Thank you.
13:54Seeing you with those boys from school...
13:56Nigel, they're just friends, I told you.
13:58Yeah, I know, but seeing them, I realise that you and me
14:02have never really had a chat about...
14:05what happens.
14:07You know what I mean? No.
14:09Oh, well, um...
14:11My old mum used to call it... Mind you, it was different then.
14:14People didn't really talk about it openly like we do now,
14:17but my old mum called it...
14:22This is about sex, isn't it?
14:24Yeah, yeah.
14:26I really think, you know, we should have a chat about it.
14:29It's all right, Nigel, I've done it at school.
14:33In class, in biology.
14:35I mean, you know what happens when a man and a woman...
14:38you know.
14:40Yeah, we started it in primary school.
14:44Right, I'll be leaving. See you later.
14:46Yeah, right. Bye. Have fun.
14:51Morning, Princess.
14:53Where did you two get to so early this morning?
14:55Waking up, banging the doors. Yeah, the boot sale.
14:57Radios? Yeah.
14:59Lover boy was there. Alan? Who was he with?
15:01Nobody. All on his own.
15:03What's this jet one left over?
15:05No, radio transmitter.
15:07Going to get ourselves on the airwaves. Pirate station.
15:09Radio Walford. Snappy title.
15:11Yeah, we'll think of something better.
15:13Not very big, is it? Doesn't need to be.
15:15All we need is something powerful enough for the area
15:17and this little baby will do the job all right.
15:19That's all you need, is it?
15:21Well, plus a second sound source and a cassette deck
15:23and a CD player and a microphone and a mixer desk
15:25and something for the broadcasting bit.
15:27But I know a guy who knows a guy and I'll give him a call later.
15:30Pardon me for being naive, but isn't it illegal?
15:32Oh, Hayley.
15:34So where exactly are you planning to run this radio station from?
15:39Could the police track us down?
15:41Not if we keep on our toes.
15:43I agree on one condition. What's that?
15:45That I get to sing on it.
15:46Same again, please. Put it away. This is on me.
15:48Are you a lad? Yes, I'm the landlord's wife now.
15:50What's his is mine.
15:53All right, you back? What are you doing?
15:55I'm giving the anchor a drink.
15:57Yeah, well, don't make a habit of it.
16:01So, er...
16:03Blossom looking after the kids, is she?
16:06Sonia and Billy been at it from the moment they got up.
16:09Had to get out for a bit.
16:11Kids, eh?
16:16Right, here we are.
16:17Grab's up.
16:19Thanks, Angie.
16:21It's all right.
16:23Right, well, just help yourselves, all right?
16:26This is nice, isn't it?
16:28Yeah, yeah.
16:29Oh, yeah.
16:31How do you feel?
16:38So, how are the inquiries going?
16:42I'm still working on it.
16:44Who do you see? Anyone in particular?
16:46Nice, but a worry.
16:47Well, maybe there's nothing to find out.
16:49Well, I've got to go.
16:52Nice, but a worry.
16:53Well, maybe there's nothing to find out.
16:55There was more to that breaking than just emptying our tills.
16:57What makes you so sure of that?
16:59What, five minutes after closing, so our mum's here on her own?
17:01That's pretty convenient.
17:02They didn't take all our cash.
17:04So what kind of burglars does that make?
17:06George, can we go?
17:08Er, yeah.
17:09Just be careful, eh?
17:14Oh, hello, Nigel. How are you?
17:16I'm fine, Mrs M. More importantly, how are you?
17:18I'm still a bit shaken.
17:20That's terrible.
17:21Shall we go?
17:22All right, all right.
17:25All right, Nige, what are you having?
17:27Er, half a lager, please.
17:29Is, erm, is there a rain about?
17:32No, she's at the hospital.
17:35It's all right, it's only us.
17:37Oh, cheers.
17:40Is, er, is something wrong?
17:42Yes, actually.
17:43You moan at me about giving Bianca free drinks
17:45and the next minute you audition him out to Nigel.
17:48So if you're allowed to give free drinks to your friends,
17:50then I'm allowed to give free drinks to my friends.
17:52As I'm your wife.
17:54Are you going to do it yourselves?
17:56Nah, cos the area has to be set up properly by this bloke your mate knows.
17:59Calls himself the Rig Doctor.
18:01What's his real name, then?
18:02Dunno. It's a cage about his name getting about.
18:04I wonder why.
18:06All right, Nige?
18:07All right, Sanjay. Do you want a drink?
18:09No, mate, I'm having one over at Cavernfield.
18:11Just getting some more supplies. What are you up to?
18:13Oh, nothing much. Claire's out with her dad.
18:15Well, why don't you come along?
18:16Oh, I'd be delighted.
18:17It doesn't matter.
18:18To be quite honest, I'd like to see you there, mate.
18:20I mean, Alan's there and he's not exactly the most cheerful company.
18:22Well, if you're sure they won't mind.
18:23Of course they won't.
18:24Have you got any bottles of lager?
18:26Yeah, which one?
18:28It'd be cheaper at the off-licence.
18:35Come on, love. Home.
18:38Keep the change. Thanks.
18:39Oh, thanks a lot, love.
18:40Let's go and dance, shall we?
18:48So how's things at the archers?
18:50Yeah, not bad. Pretty busy, in fact.
18:53Well, that's good, isn't it?
18:55Yeah, he's... very good.
18:59Here, look who's here.
19:00Oh, yeah? Not intruding, am I?
19:02Nah, pleasure to see you, mate, really.
19:04How you doing, Alan?
19:05Been better.
19:07So, show us these records, then.
19:09All right.
19:10Oh, cheers.
19:11I've gone for a fiver each. I did well, didn't I?
19:14Yeah, yeah, you did very well, yeah.
19:17I'd better be going.
19:18The kids will be running rings around Blossom by now.
19:20Oh, must you?
19:21Yeah, I better.
19:22Yeah, I should shoot off as well.
19:23I'll set up the dinner ready when Gita gets back.
19:25I saw your mum over the Vic. She still looks a bit shaken up.
19:28It ain't surprising, really, is it?
19:31Perhaps I'll go over to see her.
19:33Er, why don't you ring her?
19:35No, there's no point.
19:36Might as well just go and see her. I might be long.
19:38She's not there. She's gone out with George.
19:42Has anyone fancied a game or something?
19:44Not me.
19:45Well, I've got a monopoly set at home. I could go and fetch it.
19:48You're joking, aren't you?
19:50Well, granted, now she is.
19:51What about a game of cards?
19:53Yeah, that's not a bad idea.
19:55Great. Is that all right with you, Kev?
19:57Yeah. What do you think, Phil?
19:58Yeah, why not?
19:59Just for small stakes, though, eh?
20:01Well, yeah, to begin with.
20:10Sorry I didn't know you were asleep.
20:12No, I was just resting my eyes. I didn't get much sleep last night.
20:15How's Joe?
20:17Hard to say.
20:18I pleased he's home.
20:20He's in the bath.
20:21Will he be all right in there?
20:23Don't worry. I've removed all the sharp objects.
20:26Oh, I'm sorry. It's just been a trying sort of a day.
20:29He'll be fine. He's just glad to be back.
20:32Well, fancy a cuppa?
20:33That's very sweet. That'd be nice.
20:35No problem.
20:36Did they treat him all right?
20:38He was very ill. They could see that.
20:40They were very considerate.
20:42Well, I should hope so.
20:43But he's all right now, isn't he? I mean, they wouldn't let him out otherwise.
20:46Well, they've given him drugs which have calmed him down,
20:48but it's going to be a long time before we can say he's better.
20:51To be honest, it's like a nightmare that you can't wake up from.
20:55I just don't recognise him half the time.
20:57I just look at him and...
20:59Oh, I'm sorry.
21:00Hey, hey, don't be.
21:02Look, if there's anything I can do for either of you,
21:06just let me know, yeah?
21:07Well, there is something.
21:08Go on.
21:09Like a cup of tea?
21:10Yeah, sure.
21:12I tell you what, if you want, I'll help you put up a bed in your room for him.
21:14Yeah, that'd be great, thanks.
21:16No problem.
21:19So, how are you doing?
21:21About clear as you are?
21:23Look, we could play for matches.
21:24I could owe you.
21:25Nah, it's not a problem, mate.
21:27I mean, Claire says they've covered it at school,
21:29but I feel I ought to say something.
21:31I'm going to go out and get a bit of fresh air, see if Mum's back.
21:34I think it's a parent's duty to do it face to face, don't you, Kath?
21:39Sex education.
21:40Oh, right.
21:42What will you tell Ben?
21:44Well, I'm hoping it'll be a year or two before we need to bother about it.
21:47Claire told me they did it all at primary school.
21:50Hey, um, why don't we have a real drink, eh?
21:53Yeah, that's not a bad idea.
21:55Anyone else?
21:56Yeah, yeah, please, go on.
22:00I still think it's a parent's job, though, don't you?
22:04I'm sorry, Nigel, you've lost me.
22:06Oh, never mind.
22:08Well, this is fun, innit?
22:12He, um, can't have been above five the last time he slept in the same room as me.
22:16Right now I don't care, I just don't want him out of my sight.
22:18Well, if there's anything I can do.
22:20You've, um, done enough already.
22:24Um, Grant was just to help me make a bed up for you.
22:27How was your bath?
22:29How are you, Joe?
22:31Clearly not a better bath.
22:33I was just saying to your mum, if there's anything you want.
22:37Well, I don't know, do I? Why would I want anything?
22:41Look, Tiffany's on her own downstairs, so, um, I'll make her down and give her a hand.
22:45I'll see you later.
22:50Look, um, why don't you lie down? You must be shattered.
22:55Can't sleep in them. Can I sleep in your bed, please?
22:58Well, yeah. Yeah, of course.
23:05You know, you used to do this when you were little.
23:07I used to come into the bedroom and you'd be hiding under the covers.
23:13What did the doctor say about me?
23:15Well, he thinks you've worried yourself so much about Karen you've made yourself poorly.
23:20You're very depressed.
23:22And he said you've got to keep on taking your tablets.
23:24Otherwise you're gonna go on getting worse.
23:29The tablets make everything like it used to be, Mum.
23:32I hope so.
23:34Now, shut your eyes, lovey.
23:39Where's Dad gone, Mum?
23:42I don't know.
23:44It's just you and me and I won't leave you.
23:47Now, I want you to keep on taking your tablets and get better.
23:51Things will be like they used to be, I promise.
23:58I'm off for the Enrico Ghan pictures.
23:59Oh, yeah? What are you gonna go and see?
24:00I don't know. There's seven screens, so there must be something on.
24:02All right. See you later.
24:05I haven't been to the pictures for ages. Did you balance it, Graham?
24:08No, not really.
24:09And your wife can't, can't you, Slade?
24:11If you think being married's all about me working here with all those godsends,
24:14then you can think again.
24:16Why don't you guys sit down and put your feet up?
24:20Do you want a drink?
24:22Orange juice?
24:23Mm, I'd love one.
24:29You know, I'm not finding this very easy.
24:31Yeah, well, that makes two of us.
24:33But we'll adjust.
24:35We might not.
24:37We will eventually.
24:39It might help if we start the marriage off on the right footing, financially.
24:43Oh, what do you mean, like a joint account?
24:46I don't see how.
24:47It's not just about money, Graham.
24:48We're supposed to be in this together. It's what most married couples do.
24:51Yeah, but we don't want to be like everybody else, do we?
24:53Look, I just feel that if we had a joint...
24:55Everything all right?
24:56Yeah, fine, Tara.
24:57Where's Joe?
24:58He just needs some rest.
25:00No, he's not the only one.
25:01Well, why don't you take a break?
25:03Sure you can do that, mate?
25:04I'll do my best.
25:05All right. Is Joe still around?
25:06He's asleep.
25:07Oh, right.
25:10Joe's still not so keen on me, is he?
25:13It's his illness.
25:14I'm sure things will get better.
25:19Oh, you're back.
25:20How's Joe?
25:21A bit better, thanks. He's having a sleep.
25:23They've let him out.
25:24Oh, that's great news.
25:26Let's just hope he doesn't have to go back there again, eh?
25:28Poor kid. It's a terrible thing to have.
25:30To be quite honest with you, I don't know whether I'm coming or going.
25:33No, I'm not surprised.
25:34I wonder what's going to happen next.
25:36Well, maybe you don't have to wonder.
25:38Can I show you something?
25:44Cassandra? A fortune teller?
25:46Shh! Yeah.
25:47I've decided I'm going to go and have a personal reading.
25:50Is this what she does? Palms?
25:52She does everything.
25:53She does everything.
25:54Palms, tarot, leaves, the lot.
25:56Are you sure about this?
25:58Yeah, I mean, well, you never know.
26:00She might even be able to get in touch with Debbie.
26:04The thing is, I don't know if I'm brave enough to go on my own.
26:07We'll get someone to go with you.
26:11No, no.
26:12Oh, go on, please. It'd mean an awful lot to me.
26:15Well, as long as you're sure you know what you're letting yourself in for.
26:18Oh, great, thanks.
26:20She's a wonderful woman.
26:22Yeah, I know.
26:26Are you gone, then?
26:31Are you finished with that?
26:42Now, are you sure you want to go back in there?
26:44Of course I do. It's my home. Where else would I go?
26:47Well, you could stay at my place for a couple of days.
26:49Until the dust has settled.
26:50This old Georgie foyer?
26:52Always did have a soft spot for the ladies.
26:56I hope you're not too attached to this one.
26:58I appreciate your concern for me,
27:00but life goes on and I've got a pub to run.
27:09Peggy and Tiffany embark on a secret trip to hospital.
27:13Classic EastEnders continues next here on Drama.