Śmierć za śmierć

  • last month
00:01:29parked under the office.
00:01:31Which one?
00:01:33A few after ten.
00:01:35After nine, if I'm not mistaken.
00:01:37I went to get the newspaper.
00:01:41You didn't go into the office?
00:01:45First I went to the kiosk.
00:01:47It's deep in the village,
00:01:49I can't get there by car.
00:01:51You didn't leave the newspaper at the office?
00:01:55Well, how long did it take you?
00:01:59I was walking slowly.
00:02:01Ten minutes.
00:02:03I went back to the parking lot.
00:02:05What did you do with the newspaper?
00:02:07I don't know.
00:02:09I threw it on the ground
00:02:11when I saw the boy.
00:02:13They were nowhere.
00:02:15I'm sure someone took them.
00:02:19You came to the parking lot.
00:02:21What happened next?
00:02:23I got closer to the car.
00:02:25I saw that the trunk was open
00:02:27and the boy was standing next to him.
00:02:29I yelled at him.
00:02:31You don't have an alarm?
00:02:35I don't think I touched it.
00:02:41Have you ever seen this boy?
00:02:45You saw him
00:02:47for the first time with the trunk open?
00:02:49Yes, I'm holding my laptop.
00:02:51It's a computer.
00:02:53I know it's a laptop.
00:02:57Do you keep it in the trunk?
00:02:59I do it every day.
00:03:01I take it with me.
00:03:03How much is it worth?
00:03:05I don't know.
00:03:07Ten thousand.
00:03:11And what happened next?
00:03:13I ran up to him.
00:03:15I threw the laptop on the ground.
00:03:17But he took out a knife.
00:03:19I jumped in front of him.
00:03:21I got angry and kicked him.
00:03:23You kicked him?
00:03:25I kicked him in the stomach.
00:03:27I had to.
00:03:29I had a knife.
00:03:31I threw it on the car next to me.
00:03:33It turned on.
00:03:35He bent forward.
00:03:39I kicked him again.
00:03:41But I felt the distance.
00:03:43I hit him in the head.
00:03:49Could you show me how you kicked him?
00:03:53I have to show you.
00:03:55How was it?
00:03:59I don't know.
00:04:07I don't know.
00:04:09I don't know.
00:04:23When did he drop the knife?
00:04:29After the second kick.
00:04:31The knife fell out of his hand.
00:04:35I didn't want to hurt him.
00:04:37I didn't want to hurt him.
00:04:41Then he ran out of the office.
00:04:43My colleague.
00:04:47He bent over him.
00:04:49He called the police.
00:04:55He picked up the laptop and took it to the office.
00:05:01We'll write a confession.
00:05:03That's it.
00:05:05Take it to the chair.
00:05:33He's dead.
00:05:35How old is he?
00:05:37I don't know.
00:05:39I don't know his family.
00:05:41But if we find him,
00:05:43I'm sure he's dead.
00:05:45He's an adult.
00:05:47Or a child.
00:05:49He looks like 20 years old.
00:05:51What did the prosecutor say?
00:05:53Orłowski got the case.
00:05:55Orłowski doesn't like such things.
00:05:59He hasn't been arrested yet.
00:06:03We held him for 2 hours.
00:06:07We wrote a confession.
00:06:09The lawyer came.
00:06:11We let him go home.
00:06:13Who's Witczak?
00:06:15He's the co-owner of an IT company.
00:06:17His wife, car, house.
00:06:21His confessions are based on the confession
00:06:23of his partner Jerzy Zakrzewski.
00:06:25Maybe they're too complex.
00:06:27Are there any witnesses?
00:06:29We're looking for them.
00:06:31I'm sure someone saw him.
00:06:35What are you going to do?
00:06:41We're checking Witczak,
00:06:43his systems,
00:06:45his friends' phones.
00:06:49He's in the lab.
00:06:51I'm waiting for the boys.
00:07:03Witczak has good systems.
00:07:07His wife is a counsellor.
00:07:09And his father-in-law is a MP.
00:07:11Mikołaj Witczak.
00:07:13Mikołaj Adamczyk.
00:07:15Adamczyk. MP Adamczyk.
00:07:17A very popular MP.
00:07:19You'll get a few phone calls.
00:07:25Need some salt?
00:07:27No, no.
00:07:43The wave of violence is flooding our city.
00:07:45Another attack took place again.
00:07:47This time the victim defended herself.
00:07:49The attacker attacked you with a knife.
00:07:51Yes, I was attacked and wounded
00:07:53by a bandit who wanted to steal my car.
00:07:55I defended myself and my property.
00:07:57You managed to defend yourself.
00:07:59The bandit is dead.
00:08:01Aren't you afraid you'll be treated as a bandit?
00:08:03Yes, I heard about people who,
00:08:05like me, defended themselves before the attack
00:08:07and then spent many months in prison.
00:08:09I'm sorry it ended like this,
00:08:11but he had a knife,
00:08:13and I defended myself with my bare hands.
00:08:15You see, Svaneczka?
00:08:17He's just making an opinion about himself.
00:08:19Well, is the right to defend a dead right?
00:08:21No, no.
00:08:47Good morning.
00:08:49Thank you for coming.
00:08:51I was on my way to Natusza's.
00:08:53I have a meeting with the budget committee in a moment.
00:08:55What do you know about the events at the party?
00:08:57My husband told me everything,
00:08:59but I don't want to get involved.
00:09:01Didn't he say, for example,
00:09:03that the boy didn't have a knife,
00:09:05that he had been set up?
00:09:07I think you're joking.
00:09:09How are your husband's relations
00:09:11with the partner?
00:09:13You see, the contract was arranged
00:09:15a little stupidly.
00:09:17Zakrzewski and his husband
00:09:19have the same voice,
00:09:21but in fact,
00:09:23his husband is the head of the company.
00:09:25Would Zakrzewski be able
00:09:27to lie to your husband?
00:09:29I don't know.
00:09:31Zakrzewski is double-faced.
00:09:33Your husband can be aggressive.
00:09:35Oh, you can hear that.
00:09:37That's my husband.
00:09:39He had some problems.
00:09:41He drank a little.
00:09:43He hit a drunkard hard,
00:09:45and the drunkard hit the car.
00:09:47No, no, it wasn't like that.
00:09:49The drunkard attacked me and our child.
00:09:51You gave him money
00:09:53to cover the case.
00:09:55As I said,
00:09:57I don't want to get involved,
00:09:59but Zakrzewski is the spirit of my husband,
00:10:01and if something bad happens,
00:10:03he's definitely behind it.
00:10:05Do you meet privately with Zakrzewski?
00:10:07No, not anymore.
00:10:11It's a strange relationship.
00:10:13We're a real family.
00:10:15You see,
00:10:17some people are trying
00:10:19to discredit us,
00:10:21especially me.
00:10:23Of course, as a public person,
00:10:25I have to take that into account,
00:10:27but this obsession
00:10:29with parking
00:10:31is directed against me
00:10:33and my father.
00:10:37The prosecutor of the Bitczak case
00:10:39had a heart attack.
00:10:41A heart attack?
00:10:45And it killed him.
00:10:47The new prosecutor
00:10:49got the case.
00:10:51I don't like such people.
00:10:53I knew her.
00:10:55I met her in high school.
00:10:57I even went with her
00:10:59in high school.
00:11:01She's all right.
00:11:03I hope so.
00:11:05She met our boy
00:11:07at the disco.
00:11:09Is he a fun guy?
00:11:11I think so.
00:11:13He's got money.
00:11:15At least the people
00:11:17he was hanging out with.
00:11:19No one knows him?
00:11:21We asked people in the city,
00:11:23but no one wants to talk about him.
00:11:25If he's in the city,
00:11:27some thief must know him.
00:11:33Take him away
00:11:35for the murder of a taxi driver.
00:11:51It wasn't me.
00:11:53I swear.
00:11:55For Christ's sake.
00:11:57I was drunk.
00:11:59I don't drive a taxi.
00:12:01You cut this taxi driver.
00:12:03He's like a seed.
00:12:05He's like a vampire.
00:12:07They set me up.
00:12:11It wasn't me.
00:12:15I've been drinking
00:12:17since morning.
00:12:19My sister was drunk.
00:12:21Watch better movies.
00:12:27Take him away.
00:12:35It wasn't me.
00:12:41Welcome to our humble abode.
00:12:43Hi. What's this?
00:12:45An advance.
00:12:47Stop it.
00:12:51What you did is nothing.
00:12:53You can't come to this
00:12:55like you come to a cell.
00:12:57The boy died,
00:12:59and you think you deserve it?
00:13:01It's simple.
00:13:03You're a fool.
00:13:05You have nothing.
00:13:07Witczek has a good car.
00:13:09His alarm didn't work
00:13:11when the boy broke in.
00:13:13Like a woman.
00:13:15She doesn't know
00:13:17the alarm button
00:13:19is next to the central lock.
00:13:21How did he close the car
00:13:23without the alarm?
00:13:25Check it.
00:13:27Why didn't you ask
00:13:29if she remembers him?
00:13:31Why didn't he open the door?
00:13:33How did he know what was there?
00:13:37Should I make you laugh?
00:13:39Should I go to your bosses?
00:13:41Watch it.
00:13:43The protocol says
00:13:45the boy has a broken skull.
00:13:47That's right.
00:13:49He fell on the asphalt
00:13:51after kicking Witczek.
00:13:53He has a mark on his head
00:13:55as if someone hit him hard.
00:13:57But he kicked him!
00:13:59What do you think?
00:14:03Yes, yes.
00:14:05I can't sleep
00:14:07after our tragic breakup
00:14:09at the graduation ball.
00:14:11You're pathetic.
00:14:21You're compromising.
00:14:23They say
00:14:25good policemen
00:14:27should have a nose.
00:14:29And you don't even have a head,
00:14:31let alone a nose.
00:14:33It's not like a few nice words
00:14:35at the beginning of the day.
00:14:37I don't like the testimony
00:14:39of Witczek and Zakrzewski.
00:14:41It looks like
00:14:43they had everything prepared.
00:14:45Like with that wandering laptop
00:14:47which first lay on the ground
00:14:49and then landed in the office.
00:14:51Or maybe he wasn't there at all.
00:14:53Or maybe they're telling the truth.
00:14:55A lot of coincidences.
00:14:57The knife was in a strange place.
00:14:59After being kicked by Witczek,
00:15:01the boy should have let him go.
00:15:03And it looks like he was
00:15:05squeezing him until the last moment.
00:15:07It's hard to guess.
00:15:09The knife fell out of his hand
00:15:11and Witczek didn't even throw it away.
00:15:13He knew he was dead.
00:15:15There were only the fingers
00:15:17of that boy on the knife.
00:15:19If the knife hadn't been there,
00:15:21you'd say it was too far away.
00:15:23And the wound Witczek had on his hand?
00:15:25The cat scratched me more.
00:15:27We need to make a local vision.
00:15:29It'll explain a lot.
00:15:31There's an arrest for Witczek.
00:15:33At least until you find out
00:15:35who he killed.
00:15:37Wait a minute.
00:15:39And you've never been robbed of a car?
00:15:41The guy was pissed off.
00:15:43I'll lock him up.
00:15:45It's a murder.
00:15:47I have to buy a witness.
00:15:49You want to show yourself as a sharp prosecutor?
00:15:51In my opinion,
00:15:53it qualifies for at least
00:15:55crossing the necessary line of defense.
00:15:57Or an unintentional murder.
00:15:59If you can kill a man
00:16:01for opening a car,
00:16:03maybe we'll start putting
00:16:05handcuffs in the middle of the city.
00:16:07Okay, I'll prove to you
00:16:09that the guy is clean.
00:16:11I really wish him that.
00:16:13But I don't think so.
00:16:15I'm sorry.
00:16:29We all know how much
00:16:31Ambassador Adamczyk is interested in.
00:16:33Especially Zięcia.
00:16:35No one else
00:16:37is predestined for his defense.
00:16:39Family values
00:16:41are very expensive for Ambassador Adamczyk.
00:16:43Do you think we're dealing with
00:16:45violence on our streets?
00:16:49And the reason for this is
00:16:51excessive liberalism of courts and prosecutors
00:16:53as well as the lack of efficiency
00:16:55on the part of the police,
00:16:57which, unfortunately,
00:16:59still remains in socialist structures.
00:17:01Yes, I'm listening.
00:17:05I'll even turn on the AC.
00:17:17How do I say this?
00:17:31I actually didn't expect
00:17:33you to stay there.
00:18:09Did this guy have anything in his hand?
00:18:11In my opinion,
00:18:13he had empty hands.
00:18:15Are you sure?
00:18:19You know,
00:18:21maybe he had something.
00:18:23He was standing behind me,
00:18:25between the cars.
00:18:27I don't know.
00:18:29But, you know,
00:18:31he had nothing on my eye.
00:18:33He was waving his hands.
00:18:35He was standing between the cars
00:18:37and didn't run away?
00:18:39The whole street was empty behind him.
00:18:41Only the wind.
00:18:43He was standing, as if nothing ever happened,
00:18:45and he was talking to the other one.
00:18:47Are you sure?
00:18:51And did they talk for a long time?
00:18:55I was walking from the bus stop
00:18:57and they were already standing there.
00:18:59It had to last a while.
00:19:01You know, this guy was laughing.
00:19:03I saw it well.
00:19:05He was nodding.
00:19:07Maybe they didn't find them.
00:19:09Maybe you should call this number.
00:19:11All right, all right.
00:19:13Maybe later.
00:19:15And what happened next?
00:19:17You know, it looked normal, didn't it?
00:19:19Did the man who was talking to him
00:19:21have any weapon?
00:19:25Why not?
00:19:27And what happened next?
00:19:29Suddenly, the one who was talking to the guy,
00:19:31as soon as I jumped on him,
00:19:33and as in this American TV series,
00:19:35about this policeman
00:19:37with a beard and a hat,
00:19:39and he kicked him.
00:19:41But how?
00:19:43The boy was so shocked by the car
00:19:45next to him that there was smoke.
00:19:47And the alarm went off.
00:19:49And this boy started waving
00:19:51as if he wanted to hit that guy.
00:19:53And then this guy,
00:19:55and if he didn't correct him,
00:19:59He kicked him twice.
00:20:01Well, yes.
00:20:03Oh, and you know,
00:20:05why should a man
00:20:07make trouble?
00:20:09This thief deserved it.
00:20:13All right, so now
00:20:15let's write a confession.
00:20:19In my opinion,
00:20:21such a thief should cut his hand
00:20:23and then there would be order
00:20:25in this country.
00:20:27He did very well.
00:20:29For the sake of this dress.
00:20:33We sold the property
00:20:35for repetition and nothing.
00:20:37Still a total madman.
00:20:41The daughter, please, is the best in the class.
00:20:45How does it happen?
00:20:47Genetic madness.
00:20:51And you were supposed to get married, right?
00:20:57She went to the US on a scholarship.
00:20:59And yesterday she called at night
00:21:01and said she was going to Italy.
00:21:03She left me a cat
00:21:05and she ran away too.
00:21:07You're unlucky.
00:21:09But it's not unlucky.
00:21:11The third one is running away from me.
00:21:13You have nothing.
00:21:15Do you know what problems you have in your head?
00:21:17I would be glad if I could live like you.
00:21:25What's up?
00:21:27You look nice.
00:21:31Listen, you were doing a case
00:21:33against Zakrzewski and Witczak.
00:21:35Yes, it was
00:21:37a case against Zakrzewski.
00:21:39The car commission found out
00:21:41that half of the cars standing in it were stolen.
00:21:43I don't mean the one with Witczak.
00:21:45What was it about?
00:21:49They've been working with electronics
00:21:51for a few years, but they're not lucky.
00:21:53They don't know where the dogs are.
00:21:55A year ago they got into some
00:21:57conflict with the Russians.
00:21:59Zakrzewski had to sell his house
00:22:01and move to the blocks.
00:22:03Witczak was naked.
00:22:05His father-in-law helped him.
00:22:07Adamczyk was his boss.
00:22:09He gave him money
00:22:11and took over his shares.
00:22:13Of course, there's nothing to do with it.
00:22:15That means that Witczak's interests
00:22:17don't really belong to him.
00:22:19What's he got to do with it?
00:22:21They're setting up something for the Swedes.
00:22:23And of course, they won a serious auction
00:22:25to computerize offices in the city.
00:22:27Witczak's wife helped them with it.
00:22:29And you'll have the money.
00:22:31It's all in the family.
00:22:33When was the auction?
00:22:35A week ago.
00:22:51I've got a witness who says
00:22:53he didn't see a knife,
00:22:55he saw a gun, but he didn't know who.
00:22:57It's because of his TV appearances.
00:22:59He should've been locked up.
00:23:01I don't know.
00:23:03He was totally fucked up.
00:23:05I don't know.
00:23:07He wasn't a good thief.
00:23:09Maybe he wasn't at all.
00:23:11So what?
00:23:13Maybe we'll go for a coffee?
00:23:17I can't today.
00:23:19I heard you're happily married.
00:23:21And I found out about it after the divorce.
00:23:23Why don't people say that?
00:23:25Maybe we'll go for a coffee?
00:23:27No chance, Rafał.
00:23:29It's a pity.
00:23:31In the movies, a carpenter and a prosecutor
00:23:33don't look like a couple.
00:23:37I'm sorry for those old sins
00:23:39and for that terrible high school.
00:23:43it can only get better.
00:23:49it can only get worse.
00:23:53May I?
00:24:07He was a calm, polite, nice boy.
00:24:09He paid regularly.
00:24:11I rented a flat for him,
00:24:13but I didn't know he had stolen documents.
00:24:15I guess
00:24:17you won't punish me for that.
00:24:19Maybe not.
00:24:21Do you know
00:24:23this knife?
00:24:25Should I know him?
00:24:27I'd like to know
00:24:29if you saw him
00:24:31in Artur's flat.
00:24:33Maybe I did.
00:24:35I went there once a month
00:24:37to see if he didn't destroy something.
00:24:39He paid and that's it.
00:24:41Did he live alone?
00:24:43I don't care.
00:24:45As long as the neighbors don't complain,
00:24:47I don't care.
00:24:49He wasn't at home often.
00:24:51He didn't say what he did.
00:24:53He said he ran a clothing store
00:24:55with a friend.
00:24:57He was well-dressed.
00:24:59Maybe a little too manly.
00:25:03Did you see any of his friends?
00:25:07I saw one.
00:25:09I even got scared of him.
00:25:11This is Artur.
00:25:13Artur said he was a fashion designer.
00:25:15An artist.
00:25:17An artist?
00:25:19What did he look like?
00:25:21He had earrings
00:25:23on his ears and nose.
00:25:25And very nice hair.
00:25:27And here.
00:25:29He had a little lizard.
00:25:31What? A lizard?
00:25:33He's crazy.
00:25:37Could you draw her?
00:25:41I don't know if I can.
00:25:47Something like this.
00:25:51I've been to school.
00:25:53But not everything.
00:25:55I won't go there anymore.
00:25:57I'm going to school.
00:25:59By myself.
00:26:11Get up.
00:26:13Get up.
00:26:15Where are you going?
00:26:17To a fashion show?
00:26:19Do you know him?
00:26:25Show me.
00:26:27I know this guy.
00:26:29What's his name?
00:26:33Did you give him a job?
00:26:37I'm not doing well lately.
00:26:39He's crazy.
00:26:45Sometimes he orders delivery.
00:26:49But he orders for his clients.
00:26:51What do you mean?
00:26:53For his guys.
00:26:55Some of them like him.
00:26:57A bit of speed.
00:26:59An extra attraction.
00:27:01Did he go out with guys?
00:27:05No one will cry for him.
00:27:07When did you meet him?
00:27:09A week ago.
00:27:11What did you talk about?
00:27:15He was playing on his computer.
00:27:17He's crazy.
00:27:19He says he's rich.
00:27:21What does he want?
00:27:23I don't know.
00:27:25He's a smelly guy.
00:27:27What did he smell?
00:27:29I don't know.
00:27:31Something was wrong with him.
00:27:33Who else?
00:27:35I don't know.
00:27:37They talked to each other recently.
00:27:39I think they know each other well.
00:27:55The law protects the bandit.
00:27:57A honest man has no chance
00:27:59against the law.
00:28:01If he tries to break the law
00:28:03I'd like to call
00:28:05Marcin Witczak as an example.
00:28:07A man who tries
00:28:09to protect the bandit
00:28:11becomes a victim of the law.
00:28:23Witczak's case looks
00:28:25a bit different than it started.
00:28:27He'll come up with something
00:28:29in 2-3 days.
00:28:31I work at the Academy of Fine Arts.
00:28:33I need your inspiration.
00:28:35Look what's in the papers.
00:28:37They're making fun of us.
00:28:39Do you want to be an example?
00:28:43Witczak's phone number
00:28:45is also his.
00:28:47As if he called himself.
00:28:49So what?
00:28:51He bought someone's phone
00:28:53and called him.
00:28:55Do you have anything else?
00:28:57Witczak and Artur
00:28:59got along very well.
00:29:01Witnesses saw them talking
00:29:03in the parking lot.
00:29:07Artur is a male prostitute.
00:29:093 years ago he went to Berlin
00:29:11and gave money there.
00:29:13We found amazing equipment
00:29:15in his apartment.
00:29:17The latest computer.
00:29:19The equipment comes from Witczak's company.
00:29:23Go on.
00:29:25I think someone
00:29:27searched everything
00:29:29from the computer.
00:29:31Why did he wash himself
00:29:33in that car?
00:29:35What if the whole situation
00:29:37is a result of Witczak's romance
00:29:39with Artur?
00:29:41The ambassador of ladies,
00:29:45Brzozki Gród.
00:29:47Is Witczak famous
00:29:49in the pedaling world?
00:29:51No, but it doesn't matter.
00:29:53I'll send you something in 2 days.
00:29:55What happened to the taxi driver?
00:29:57This moron
00:29:59had nothing to do with it.
00:30:01His cousin
00:30:03set him up.
00:30:05He's been in Lodz for 2 weeks.
00:30:07Today he confessed to murdering a taxi driver.
00:30:09Nice, nice, nice.
00:30:11And now?
00:30:13Can't you accuse him of anything?
00:30:15Unfortunately, there's nothing to accuse him of.
00:30:21What's the cure for this situation?
00:30:23Full decommunization
00:30:25of the law, criminal code,
00:30:27courts and police.
00:30:29Restitution of death penalty.
00:30:31Restitution of prison sentences.
00:30:33Prisons can't be pensions.
00:30:35And also
00:30:37full legal responsibility
00:30:39for juvenile offenders.
00:31:05Maybe a figure of a dragon?
00:31:07The police will give us a discount.
00:31:09Next time.
00:31:11I know this guy.
00:31:13His name is Artur.
00:31:17But he prefers rich guys.
00:31:21I don't know him.
00:31:23Will you tell me something about him?
00:31:25I don't talk shit.
00:31:29You don't look like a guy
00:31:31who'd like such a dick.
00:31:33I'm different.
00:31:35Maybe you're right, but he was killed.
00:31:39They should give him a medal.
00:31:41Nobody will cry for him.
00:31:43Do you know his name?
00:31:47I don't know his name.
00:31:50Was this guy among his clients?
00:31:53I don't know.
00:31:57You said he got rich fast.
00:31:59Did he have rich sponsors?
00:32:01He didn't have any.
00:32:03He was just taking pictures.
00:32:05Did he celebrate his clients' happy moments?
00:32:09He took a few pictures of me.
00:32:11With this guy.
00:32:13From a bank in Munich.
00:32:15And then he threatened me
00:32:17to show him my job.
00:32:19I laughed because I said
00:32:21my mom would be happy
00:32:23if I kept her job.
00:32:25And he
00:32:27took my client.
00:32:29I didn't get anything.
00:32:31And that's it.
00:32:33Honesty is the most important thing in my job.
00:32:35That's how I was raised.
00:32:37Grunt is a respectable family.
00:32:39Did he blackmail people with these pictures?
00:32:41He was too stupid.
00:32:43He had someone to help him.
00:32:45Do you know where he could have hidden the pictures?
00:32:47Maybe in the cellar?
00:32:49What cellar?
00:32:51In the house where he rented the flat.
00:32:53He hid some guys there.
00:32:55He caught them at the station or at the pub.
00:32:57I see.
00:32:59Did he blackmail anyone else with these pictures?
00:33:01He did.
00:33:05Where can I find him?
00:33:07I can find out.
00:33:09If you find out, tell me.
00:33:11Where's your business card?
00:33:13They give business cards in movies.
00:33:41I remember this idiot.
00:33:43He's not here.
00:33:47Let's go.
00:34:13What's up?
00:34:15The doctor said
00:34:17that the tumor has been removed.
00:34:19The next one is a boneless body.
00:34:21See you tomorrow.
00:34:29Should I call the lawyer?
00:34:33Listen, I can prove to you
00:34:35that you gave the knife to that guy.
00:34:37He blackmailed you
00:34:39and maybe Zakrzewski.
00:34:41He was a man,
00:34:43but recently he started to earn money
00:34:45by taking pictures of his clients.
00:34:47Yours are here too.
00:34:49Show me.
00:34:51He came to you
00:34:53and demanded more money.
00:35:07Do you know this girl?
00:35:17We found her
00:35:19in that guy's basement.
00:35:25She's alive.
00:35:27Someone injected her with something.
00:35:31It was the day
00:35:33you met Arturka.
00:35:37Do you know her?
00:35:49I became a target
00:35:51of a campaign
00:35:53by the communists
00:35:55where my opinion
00:35:57about this country
00:35:59as a truly independent country
00:36:01is completely foreign.
00:36:03I publicly declare
00:36:05that I have nothing
00:36:07to do with Mr. Wiczczak
00:36:09and this is how it works.
00:36:11He defends his interests
00:36:13in the company of Wiczczak.
00:36:15Free advertising.
00:36:17Do you want to tell me
00:36:19that Wiczczak is innocent?
00:36:21No, there's something wrong with this guy.
00:36:23When I showed him a picture
00:36:25of this girl in the basement
00:36:27he went completely crazy.
00:36:29So you have a motive.
00:36:33Now tell me
00:36:35about his girlfriend Arturka.
00:36:39Show me that you can be impartial.
00:36:43Robocop was also impartial
00:36:45and the bosses tore his head off.
00:36:47This case is important to us.
00:36:49It's not about
00:36:51the whole Wiczczak.
00:36:53It's about what
00:36:55we're going to do next.
00:36:57Do you understand?
00:37:01I understand that
00:37:03you want to get Adamczyk.
00:37:09I have some reliable information about him.
00:37:13Maybe it's worth
00:37:15letting others know about him.
00:37:19And what?
00:37:27You can easily fool him.
00:37:35There are people who would like that.
00:37:39They appreciate us.
00:37:45I don't want to get stuck in this shitty job.
00:37:51It's about the truth.
00:37:59I like this job so far.
00:38:01It's your business.
00:38:05Maybe we should talk about something else.
00:38:07About what?
00:38:09Maybe about...
00:38:13Maybe about computer games?
00:38:19About sex.
00:38:57Are you alone?
00:39:01It doesn't matter.
00:39:03There can be a triangle.
00:39:05I don't want to disturb you.
00:39:07Not you.
00:39:09You were so drunk in the pub.
00:39:11Was Agata visible?
00:39:13I know about that.
00:39:15Maybe another time.
00:39:19Grzesiek is a friend of the guy
00:39:21who catches clients at Janusz's pub.
00:39:23Near the new disco.
00:39:25Great. We've found
00:39:27a girl in the basement.
00:39:29I don't know her.
00:39:31Who's that?
00:39:33I don't know.
00:39:53Maybe a triangle?
00:39:57I walked a long way here.
00:39:59Maybe you'll see this picture?
00:40:05I know her.
00:40:43Calm down.
00:40:45I just want to talk to you.
00:40:51You know him, right?
00:40:55Don't lie to me.
00:40:57I'll shout that you're cheating on me.
00:40:59Do you want to try?
00:41:03I want to know who was blackmailed by Artur.
00:41:05I don't know anything.
00:41:07Don't lie to me.
00:41:09Do you want me to tell your friends
00:41:11what you're doing in the pub?
00:41:13I don't have friends.
00:41:15What about your mother?
00:41:17She's in the hospital.
00:41:19Artur photographed his clients.
00:41:21Do you know him?
00:41:23His name is Witczak.
00:41:25I haven't seen him.
00:41:27Maybe Iwona.
00:41:29She often took pictures in the hotel.
00:41:31I always went there.
00:41:33Where can I find her?
00:41:35She lives nearby.
00:41:37I can take you there.
00:41:41Don't go anywhere.
00:41:43I'll do what you want.
00:41:55Iwona Kolman, 17 years old.
00:41:57She's been a prostitute for 3 years.
00:41:59She came from a town in Rzeszów.
00:42:01Her father was a judo coach.
00:42:03Now she's disabled.
00:42:05She's been living in Amfa for 3 years.
00:42:07A few months ago
00:42:09she ran away.
00:42:11Does she live alone?
00:42:13No, with a friend.
00:42:15You know,
00:42:17a few months ago
00:42:19a journalist told me
00:42:21that a policewoman beat her.
00:42:23He published an article
00:42:25about police violence
00:42:27against minors.
00:42:29A year ago,
00:42:31he was accused of rape.
00:42:33Be careful.
00:42:35You may be next.
00:42:37Give it to me.
00:42:59Sit here, behind the desk.
00:43:01I've never sat here
00:43:03and I won't.
00:43:11Do you know him?
00:43:13What if I don't?
00:43:15What about him?
00:43:19I know him.
00:43:21But I've never seen him.
00:43:25And her?
00:43:27She's my sister, Agnieszka.
00:43:31I don't look good
00:43:33in this picture.
00:43:35She's dead.
00:43:39I told you she's dead.
00:43:41But she's your sister.
00:43:43I don't care.
00:43:45I don't give a shit.
00:43:51Where did she come from?
00:43:53I don't know.
00:43:59Ask him.
00:44:01He beat her.
00:44:07I don't know his name.
00:44:09But he said
00:44:11he'd beat her.
00:44:15But he helped us.
00:44:19He helped her get rid of the kid.
00:44:23I've seen a lot of whores here,
00:44:25but you're a rare specimen.
00:44:29All right.
00:44:31Let's go.
00:44:37Excuse me.
00:44:39I don't want to talk about my husband.
00:44:41Do you know this girl?
00:44:43You know she's my husband's lover.
00:44:45She was, but she's dead.
00:44:47How did you know
00:44:49they were together?
00:44:51A whore sent me a picture of her.
00:44:53What did you do to her?
00:44:55I burned her.
00:44:57I could've found someone better.
00:44:59You just burned her?
00:45:01We talked to her husband.
00:45:03That's our business.
00:45:05Only you?
00:45:07I don't know what he decided,
00:45:09but it's very important
00:45:11when it comes to morality.
00:45:13When did you get it?
00:45:15Two days ago.
00:45:17He provoked me.
00:45:25My son was defending himself.
00:45:27He was crushed with baseball bats.
00:45:29The police still haven't found the perpetrators.
00:45:31The threat of life
00:45:33in self-defense
00:45:35is a sin.
00:45:37But let's not forget
00:45:39that everyone has the right
00:45:41to defend themselves,
00:45:43sometimes even a duty,
00:45:45if children, women,
00:45:49and even the state
00:45:51are in danger.
00:45:53The words of the priest
00:45:55make each of us feel like
00:45:57someone who can resist
00:45:59even on TV.
00:46:01Yesterday, a bandit was released
00:46:03for the murder of a taxi driver.
00:46:05This is pure paranoia.
00:46:07First, he looks for someone,
00:46:09and then he...
00:46:11How do you know that?
00:46:13We have ears in the walls.
00:46:15We'll soon be conducting a testimony
00:46:17in front of our cameras.
00:46:19This Adamczyk
00:46:21is running around in circles
00:46:23trying to find someone.
00:46:25What are you doing here?
00:46:29What have you become, a TV maniac?
00:46:31I was at a meeting.
00:46:33The boss was there.
00:46:35The boss of your wife, too.
00:46:37As far as I know,
00:46:39they're preparing to withdraw the charges
00:46:41against Witczak.
00:46:43The girl we found in Arturka's cell
00:46:45knew Witczak.
00:46:47So what?
00:46:49You said she had an alibi.
00:46:51If we try to kill Witczak,
00:46:53they'll say it's because
00:46:55we didn't manage to get rid of the bandit.
00:46:59Tell me,
00:47:01what happened to the girl?
00:47:03Agnieszka Koman,
00:47:0522 years old.
00:47:07She worked in several agencies in Krakow,
00:47:09and for half a year in Warsaw.
00:47:11She had a hot affair with Witczak.
00:47:13Arturek became interested
00:47:15and blackmailed Witczak.
00:47:17Do you have any evidence?
00:47:19Unfortunately, I don't.
00:47:21Witczak said she burned the photo
00:47:23she got from the blackmailer.
00:47:25I don't give a shit.
00:47:27You're too obsessed with this case.
00:47:29You're doing what the prosecutor tells you.
00:47:33I know what her purpose is.
00:47:35Leave it.
00:47:47I killed him.
00:47:53I killed Sukinsyn.
00:47:59I want to answer for it.
00:48:01She's not alive because of me.
00:48:03Who? Agnieszka Koman?
00:48:07Did it affect you?
00:48:09A few months ago,
00:48:11at the motel,
00:48:13we signed an extension
00:48:15with my father-in-law.
00:48:17My father-in-law called me
00:48:19and told me
00:48:21some bastard brought two prostitutes,
00:48:23but one of them
00:48:25wanted a boy.
00:48:27So my father-in-law
00:48:29and the bastard
00:48:31went somewhere
00:48:33and I stayed at the bar with the other one.
00:48:35Was it Agnieszka?
00:48:39And this bastard
00:48:41was Artur Maksymiuk.
00:48:43Her name was Alfons.
00:48:47I loved her.
00:48:51I loved her.
00:48:53Do you understand?
00:48:55I loved her.
00:48:57The second time we met
00:48:59was by accident.
00:49:01We went to her sister,
00:49:03a little chick.
00:49:05Where did Artur take those photos?
00:49:07Then he started
00:49:09to visit her regularly.
00:49:13At the bar, at the cinema.
00:49:15I don't remember
00:49:17how she stopped working for him.
00:49:19When did he take those photos
00:49:21which he sent to your wife?
00:49:23I don't know.
00:49:25First he told me
00:49:27he wanted money from me.
00:49:31I didn't have any.
00:49:35So I started to give him
00:49:37some computer parts.
00:49:39He was a madman.
00:49:41He wanted everything.
00:49:43He wanted $10,000.
00:49:45I refused.
00:49:49But the next day
00:49:51my wife got those photos.
00:49:53Then I told Agnieszka
00:49:55Artur was blackmailing me.
00:49:57She wasn't surprised.
00:50:01But she said
00:50:03she'd take care of it.
00:50:05To whom?
00:50:07And what?
00:50:09I don't know.
00:50:11I felt cheated.
00:50:13But it wasn't her fault.
00:50:15Two days later...
00:50:17The day Artur died
00:50:19she called you
00:50:21at 7.30.
00:50:23I have a billing for it.
00:50:29She said she was going to Artur.
00:50:31I took my daughter to school
00:50:33so it was hard for me to talk.
00:50:35I said I'd be at her place at 10.
00:50:37Then Adamczyk called you.
00:50:41Cell phones are great.
00:50:45He said he'd kick me out.
00:50:47Did he want to avenge his daughter?
00:50:51He was looking for a reason
00:50:53to sell the company.
00:50:55He was sick of it.
00:50:57Who called you
00:50:59from the phone?
00:51:05It was a joke.
00:51:09I went to the company
00:51:11to talk to Zakrzewski.
00:51:13He said Artur had Agnieszka
00:51:15at his place
00:51:17and he was treating her well.
00:51:19Do you know who it was?
00:51:21I don't know.
00:51:25I called Agnieszka
00:51:27but she didn't answer.
00:51:29I didn't understand
00:51:31because when I got to the parking
00:51:33that bastard was already there.
00:51:35He said he was waiting
00:51:37for 10,000 dollars
00:51:39and my laptop.
00:51:41He told me everything
00:51:43about the company.
00:51:45What did he have on Adamczyk?
00:51:47Photos of him having fun
00:51:49with a boy.
00:51:53The bastard laughed
00:51:55and said
00:51:57he'd do the same
00:51:59to us as he did
00:52:01to my girl.
00:52:03I couldn't stand it
00:52:05so I kicked him.
00:52:07But I couldn't do it.
00:52:09He took his knife
00:52:11and stabbed me lightly.
00:52:15I kicked him a second time
00:52:17but I aimed well
00:52:19at his head.
00:52:23I wanted to kill him.
00:52:25I wanted to kill him.
00:52:33I should have met her
00:52:35right after the phone call.
00:52:39I should have protected her.
00:52:41I should have left her a long time ago.
00:52:43What did you propose to her?
00:52:45I didn't have the courage.
00:52:51I killed someone I loved.
00:52:55I killed someone I loved.
00:53:11The legal system
00:53:13doesn't help the police
00:53:15but disorganizes it.
00:53:17The law isn't based
00:53:19on natural data
00:53:21in the catechism of values.
00:53:23He killed the boy
00:53:25with premeditation.
00:53:27If he doesn't calm down
00:53:29he'll be in jail for years.
00:53:31It's his choice.
00:53:33It's a lie.
00:53:35You have to tell me
00:53:37what really happened
00:53:39in the parking lot.
00:53:41I can't do anything
00:53:43against his will.
00:53:45But you have to.
00:53:47He can't trust anyone.
00:53:49I'm the only one left.
00:53:51I have to go.
00:54:21You don't look well.
00:54:23You were under a lot of stress.
00:54:25Article 148, paragraph 4.
00:54:31Isn't it a murder?
00:54:37I feel sorry for you.
00:54:41But I feel good here.
00:54:43I have some funny bandits
00:54:45around me.
00:54:47You don't want to stay here
00:54:49but I have to.
00:54:51I planned it well.
00:54:55I told him to come
00:54:57to the parking lot.
00:54:59I put the laptop
00:55:01on his head.
00:55:03He turned his head
00:55:05several times.
00:55:07I broke his trunk.
00:55:09I threw the knife
00:55:11and that was it.
00:55:13I killed him.
00:55:39Do you know
00:55:41who wanted that alarm?
00:55:57Don't you understand?
00:56:07His confession is worthless.
00:56:09I don't care.
00:56:11We have them.
00:56:13It's complicated.
00:56:15I took the boy to the parking lot
00:56:17to look like a thief.
00:56:19Even a witness.
00:56:21He confessed
00:56:23because he thought
00:56:25Agnieszka died because of him.
00:56:27I don't believe in such motives.
00:56:29He was in love.
00:56:31You've never been in love?
00:56:35She was sprayed with so much
00:56:37that they didn't even have a dealer.
00:56:39What was his name?
00:56:43She left,
00:56:45closed the basement
00:56:47and that was it.
00:56:49We did what we had to do.
00:56:51Witczak won't get much.
00:56:53I think you have
00:56:55too much free time at work.
00:56:59was Artur's lover.
00:57:01He was blackmailed too.
00:57:05A super-inspector called me.
00:57:07If we arrest Adamczyk
00:57:09they'll make us a commune
00:57:11spitting on the hands
00:57:13of KGB agents.
00:57:15God knows what else.
00:57:17I don't want to know
00:57:19anything about Adamczyk's involvement.
00:57:21Do you understand?
00:57:23Let them eat the frogs themselves.
00:57:25The end.
00:57:29Why are you waiting?
00:57:31I don't have time.
00:57:33Renata wants us to arrest him.
00:57:35I don't care.
00:57:37You let Adamczyk go?
00:57:43Excuse me.
00:58:05What did you find out?
00:58:07Adamczyk worked for some people.
00:58:09He took photos for them.
00:58:11For whom?
00:58:13People need men and women
00:58:15for their purposes.
00:58:17You know how it is.
00:58:19It's better not to know too much.
00:58:21Get out.
00:58:37They murdered my son.
00:58:39They beat him to kill him.
00:58:41Before the trial they said
00:58:43he attacked them.
00:58:45I'm sure he didn't do anything wrong.
00:58:47He just didn't know how to fight.
00:58:49He always took from everyone.
00:58:51My son was murdered
00:58:53when he stole a car.
00:58:55But it's not true.
00:58:57The police caught him.
00:58:59He was a good boy.
00:59:01He should die here.
00:59:03Yes. Death for death.
00:59:05Death for death.
00:59:11What's wrong?
00:59:13I was on leave.
00:59:15My daughter is sick again.
00:59:21How is she?
00:59:25What did the prosecutor say?
00:59:27She was kicked.
00:59:31I heard you were kicked too.
00:59:33I have to find a place.
00:59:35It's upstairs.
00:59:37For disobeying the order.
00:59:39What happened?
00:59:45I didn't like the end of Witczak's case.
00:59:47What about him?
00:59:51He's a murderer.
00:59:53He'll be in jail for a few years.
00:59:55Unless he's confessed.
00:59:57What if it's true?
00:59:59They set him up.
01:00:01They provoked him.
01:00:03They knew he was nervous.
01:00:05They set him up?
01:00:11The murder department?
01:00:13A secret?
01:00:15What secret?
01:00:17Arthur took pictures of the client
01:00:19for an interview.
01:00:21He blackmailed people
01:00:23and got a lot of information.
01:00:25But he started to make money.
01:00:27He blackmailed Witczak,
01:00:29who was dating one of the girls.
01:00:31He's smart.
01:00:35Smart, but stupid.
01:00:37He took pictures with a guy
01:00:41you see on TV sometimes.
01:00:51Imagine what a scandal
01:00:53if it was revealed
01:00:55that Witczak,
01:00:57a member of the committee
01:00:59for special services,
01:01:01has dirty interests
01:01:03and likes young boys.
01:01:07Not a bad number.
01:01:11They had to turn their heads.
01:01:15They put the girls in the cell.
01:01:21They told Arthur to go to the parking lot.
01:01:23They organized a provocation in the parking lot.
01:01:27Witczak was furious
01:01:29and killed Arthur.
01:01:31The girl died by accident.
01:01:35You'll never prove it.
01:01:39That's the point.
01:01:43They're not idiots.
01:01:45They did a good job.
01:01:49We have a puzzle here.
01:01:51I'll make you some tea.
01:02:01They played with me like he did.
01:02:21They played with me like he did.
01:02:27They played with me like he did.
01:02:31They played with me like he did.
01:02:35They played with me like he did.
01:02:39They played with me like he did.
01:02:45They played with me like he did.
01:02:47They played with me like he did.
01:02:51They played with me like he did.
01:02:55The game is over.
01:02:59I admit defeat.
01:03:03I give up.
01:03:07I give up forever.
01:03:11Time is short.