Style de vieTranscription
00:00Wow! Fais-le encore, Manny!
00:05Wow! C'est un fort bruit d'air!
00:09C'est vrai, Strange. C'est vrai.
00:12Tu dois avoir beaucoup d'air dans les pneus, ou ils vont tomber plat.
00:15Et tu ne peux pas conduire un vélo sur un pneu plat.
00:18Qu'est-ce que tu fais maintenant, Manny?
00:21C'est un gauge de pression du pneu.
00:23Il me dit combien d'air il y a dans le pneu et si il en faut plus.
00:3034. C'est bon?
00:33Perfecto. C'est parfait.
00:36Maintenant, on doit vérifier le pneu arrière.
00:38Je peux le faire, Manny?
00:40Bien sûr. Je vais te montrer comment.
00:43Tout d'abord, on doit s'assurer que le pneu est propre et fonctionne correctement.
00:50Je veux essayer! Je veux essayer!
00:53D'accord, Squeezie. Mais tu dois juste le déplacer un peu.
00:57Sinon, trop d'air va sortir.
00:59D'accord, Manny.
01:04Tout le monde va bien?
01:05Je pense que oui.
01:08Oui, on va bien.
01:09Oh non, Manny! Le pneu!
01:13Ça va. On peut utiliser l'air-pump pour le remplir.
01:16Maintenant, voyons. Je pense que l'air-pump est dans la pochette.
01:24Bonjour, Handymanage Repair Shop. Vous l'avez cassé?
01:27On l'a cassé!
01:29C'est Manny.
01:30Bonjour, Manny. C'est Rinaldo.
01:33Rinaldo, bonsoir. Bon après-midi.
01:36Bonsoir à vous aussi, Manny.
01:38Qu'est-ce qu'on peut faire pour vous?
01:40Bien, mon chien Galoche a juste un peu de perricots, un peu de chiens.
01:45Donc, je me demandais si vous pouviez venir et construire-les une maison de chiens.
01:51Pas de problème, Rinaldo. Pas de problème du tout. On sera là tout de suite.
01:56Ok, tous.
01:58Nous devons construire une maison de chiens pour Galoche et sa nouvelle famille.
02:02Sa nouvelle famille.
02:26Nous l'avons construite!
02:34Hum... Qu'est-ce que c'était?
02:36Peut-être que c'était de la lumière?
02:40Je ne pense pas, Philippe.
02:44Bonjour, Mr. Leopard. Tout va bien?
02:48Oh, bonjour, Manny.
02:50Qu'est-ce que c'était, cette lumière brillante?
02:52C'était juste la lumière de mon nouveau photobooth.
02:55Oh, un photobooth!
02:58Qu'est-ce qu'un photobooth?
02:59C'est un photobooth. C'est un moyen amusant de prendre votre photo.
03:03J'ai pensé que mes clients auraient aimé.
03:06Comment ça marche?
03:08Tout ce que vous devez faire, c'est s'asseoir dans la petite salle, appuyer sur le bouton et sourire.
03:13Puis votre photo sort de cette salle.
03:16Oh, pouvons-nous l'essayer?
03:18Bien sûr.
03:19Oh, merci, Mr. Leopard.
03:23OK, tous.
03:25Dites « cheese ».
03:30C'est étrange, ça ne marche pas.
03:34Peut-être qu'on peut aller voir à l'intérieur pour vous, Mr. Leopard.
03:37Oh, c'est OK, Manny. Il a probablement juste besoin d'un petit ajustement.
03:42Oh, d'accord, Fluffy. Vous pouvez venir aussi.
03:46Prends ton cheveu.
03:47Oh, je pense que je vois le problème.
03:52Oh non!
03:53Oh non!
03:54Oh non!
03:55C'est parti!
04:00Pas celui-là non plus.
04:03Est-ce que vous allez bien, Mr. Leopard?
04:06Oh, je vais bien, Dusty. Juste bien.
04:08Où es-tu?
04:13Wow, c'est beaucoup de photos.
04:15Maman a raison, j'ai des yeux sympas.
04:19Eh bien, il vaut mieux qu'on y aille, Mr. Leopard.
04:22OK, Manny. À plus tard.
04:31Hola, Manny. Hello, tous.
04:34Hola, Renato.
04:36Merci d'être venus si vite, Manny.
04:38Oh, regardez les perrots. Les chiens.
04:43Hi, Galaxus.
04:50Faisent-ils autre chose que dormir?
04:54Les chiens sont comme les bébés, Turner.
04:56Ils ont besoin de beaucoup de sommeil.
04:58Et c'est pareil pour leur mère.
05:00Oh, ils sont si mignons.
05:04Alors, quel genre de maison de perrots, de chien,
05:06penses-tu, Renato?
05:08Parce qu'on peut la construire courte ou haute,
05:10ou même la faire en rond.
05:13Eh bien, j'aimerais une maison de perrots
05:15assez grande pour Galaxus et ses chiens
05:17pour qu'ils soient confortables.
05:19Oh, tu veux une grande cuisine?
05:23Je ne pense pas que Galaxus ait besoin d'une cuisine, Pat.
05:27Qu'est-ce si elle veut faire des pancakes pour les chiens?
05:32On va construire pour Galaxus et ses chiens
05:34une maison de perrots très spéciale.
05:36Une maison de perrots très spéciale.
05:38N'est-ce pas, tous?
05:39Oui, Manny.
05:40Très spéciale.
05:48Regarde! Un des chiens est éveillé!
05:53Oh non! Le chien s'est éteint!
05:56Il ne s'est pas éteint, Rusty.
05:58Les chiens sont juste très curieux de tout.
06:11Laissez-moi imaginer.
06:12Il est tombé sur ma tête.
06:14Oh non! Pas le chien!
06:16Tu vas bien, Turner?
06:19Je vais bien.
06:30Tu vois, Galaxus est une mère fantastique.
06:34Une mère fantastique.
06:36Parce qu'elle protège ses chiens et les garde.
06:39Elle le fait.
06:41Ok, tous.
06:42Prenons des mesures.
06:46Trois pieds hauts par quatre pieds longs, Manny.
06:50Merci, Stretch.
06:52Maintenant, on peut aller chez Kelly
06:54et prendre du bois, des coutures et de la peinture.
06:57On reviendra bientôt, Galaxus.
06:59Adios, perritos.
07:02Au revoir.
07:04Salut, Kelly.
07:06Salut, Manny.
07:07Salut, tous.
07:08Salut, Kelly.
07:09Salut, Kelly.
07:10Salut, Kelly.
07:11Qu'est-ce que c'est, Kelly?
07:15Oh, des pantalons!
07:18Ce sont des pantalons de bienvenue que je viens d'obtenir.
07:20Ils ont l'air géniaux à l'extérieur de la porte.
07:23Même à la porte de la maison pour les chiens?
07:27Bien sûr.
07:28C'est pour les chiens.
07:30Oh, je pense que j'ai le bon objet pour ça.
07:35Des poupées pour les chiens.
07:37Voici, Manny.
07:38Dis à Galaxus que je lui félicite pour ses nouveaux chiens.
07:42Je le ferai.
07:44Maintenant, on a besoin de bois, des coutures et de peinture pour construire la maison.
07:48Pas de problème, Manny.
07:50Merci, Manny.
07:52Merci, Manny.
07:53Merci, Manny.
07:54Merci, Manny.
07:55Merci, Manny.
07:56Merci, Manny.
07:57Merci, Manny.
07:58Merci, Manny.
08:00Pas de problème pour moi.
08:05Bonjour, Renaldo.
08:06Tu es de retour.
08:09Je vais rentrer et faire des limonades framboises.
08:12Dis-moi si tu as besoin de quelque chose.
08:15Ok, les chiens, prêtes pour construire pour Galaxus et ses chiens une nouvelle maison?
08:20Prêtes, Manny, allons-y.
08:23Let's get going and fix it right
08:27Twist and turn
08:28Make it tight
08:29Travajamos juntos
08:32We work together now
08:34Cut it, bend it, run, tap it, clap
08:37Bend and twist
08:38Just like that
08:40Each of us has a special job
08:42We work together
08:44Todos juntos
08:45We can fix it right
08:49Buen trabajo
08:50Good job everyone
08:52Wow! It's fantastico!
08:55I think it might be the most beautiful casa de perro I've ever seen
09:00Gracias, Reinaldo
09:01There's still one more surprise, Reinaldo
09:05And here it is!
09:09I love it! Gracias, Manny
09:12Actually, the welcome mat is a gift from Kelly
09:16I will call her later and thank her
09:18And now we should show Galashes and her four puppies their new home
09:23Uh, did you say four puppies? Because I only count three
09:30Uno, dos, tres, si, only three
09:35But where is the fourth perrito, the fourth puppy?
09:40I don't see a puppy anywhere
09:42Oh no
09:44I have an idea
09:46Maybe if I bark like a puppy, the missing puppy will bark back at me
09:51Great idea, Squeeze! Start barking
09:56Hey, I hear the puppy
09:58Um, that was Squeeze
10:01Oh yeah
10:10Wait, Galashes
10:12I'm not a puppy, I'm a pair of pliers
10:18Squeeze, are you okay?
10:21I'm okay
10:25But I guess I'll be staying around here for a while
10:28Galashes thinks Squeeze is her missing puppy
10:31Oh no, what are we going to do, Manny?
10:34We have to find the missing puppy and get Squeeze back
10:38Okay, everyone, let's spread out and look all over
10:44Puppy, puppy! Come on, puppy!
10:48Donde estas? Where are you?
10:51Maybe the puppy's in here
10:55Well, do you see anything?
10:59Felipe, this is no time for napping
11:03I wasn't napping
11:06Did you hear that?
11:12Over here
11:16Flicker, luz por favor, light please
11:22Yes! We found our puppy!
11:27He's so cute
11:45Galashes really likes her new doghouse
11:48She's already moving in
11:54I'm going to miss you guys
11:58I think they're going to miss you too, Squeeze
12:01But you can come visit whenever you like
12:06I mean, yeah!
12:16Pet Picnic
12:22All right, herramientas, the food is all packed
12:26So we can head over to the pet picnic in el parque, in the park
12:30Yeah. Say, aren't we forgetting one thing for this pet picnic?
12:35What's that, Turner?
12:37Our pet
12:39Turner's right. We can't forget to take our pet to the pet picnic
12:44But where is Fixit?
12:47Donde estas, Fixit? Where are you?
12:56She was just like hide and seek
12:59We can play that and lots of other games at the picnic in el parque
13:04Felipe's right
13:06Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez
13:15Hop, hop, jump in
13:17Come on, let's go
13:19Hop, hop, jump in
13:21Si, vamonos
13:23Hop, hop, jump in
13:25Don't go too slow
13:26Keep up
13:27Let's get to work
13:29We've got to go
13:37Come on, Fluffy, it's just a little tunnel
13:40You can crawl through it
13:42Hola, Mr. Lopart
13:44Hello, Manny, hello, Tools, hello, Friskit
13:48It's Fixit
13:51What are you doing, Mr. Lopart?
13:53Fluffy and I were just testing out this toy tunnel
13:56We're bringing it to the pet picnic for all the pets to play with
14:00Animals love to crawl through things
14:03Si, I'm sure all the pets at el parque will love it
14:08Here, girl, here we go
14:12Crawl through the tunnel
14:15And we're crawling
14:18Maybe we can help, Mr. Lopart
14:20No, no, no help necessary
14:23Fluffy just needs to get warmed up
14:25Thanks anyway, Manny
14:27Okay, then I guess I'll see you at the pet picnic in el parque
14:31We will definitely see you there
14:34Come on, Fluffy, it's easy to crawl through the tunnel
14:37You just go like this
14:40Hmm, this tunnel's a little smaller than I thought
14:44Okay, uh-oh
14:46Fluffy, I'm stuck
14:48And I'm starting to roll
14:56Wow, look at all the pets!
14:59Is this a picnic or a zoo?
15:03There certainly are a lot of pets here in el parque
15:06And there's a bunny right here
15:09Oh, it's Lila's bunny, Freckles
15:12Hola, conejito
15:14Hello, bunny
15:17I think Freckles likes your boots
15:20Hello, bunny
15:23I think Freckles likes your boots, Manny
15:26Hi, everyone
15:28Sorry about that, Manny
15:30Freckles is hungry because it's time for her lunch
15:33Hey, does anyone want to help feed Freckles?
15:37I do, I do!
15:42There you go, Freckles
15:44Nipple, nipple, nipple
15:46Hum, I think we need another carrot
15:50I have another one in my picnic basket by my blanket
15:54See you guys later
16:00Hey, it's Galoshes
16:02Oh, she's excited to see us
16:09Galoshes, sit
16:12I have a way with dogs
16:17Abuelito brought Chulo
16:20Hi, Abuelito
16:22Hi, Chulo
16:24Hola, Tul
16:25Hola, Manny
16:27Allow me to handle this
16:30Chulo, sit
16:32Yeah, see?
16:34When it comes to dogs, I have the magic touch
16:39No, no, no doggies
16:43Oh, that tickles
16:45It looks like you really have a way with dogs, Turner
16:51Really fix it
16:53You too?
16:54Hi, guys
16:55Are you having fun at the pet picnic?
16:58There are so many pets here in the park
17:01Like cute fluffy bunnies
17:03And puppies
17:05Oh, there's nothing cute or fluffy about this pet
17:10That must be Mrs. Portillo's pet chameleon, Maurice
17:14Don't worry, Rusty
17:16Maurice is very nice, remember?
17:19Hi, Maurice
17:23I can blink too
17:28And I can wiggle too
17:36Hey, where did you go, Maurice?
17:39He's right there, Pat
17:40He's camouflaged
17:44What's camouflaged?
17:46It means the chameleon can change color to blend in with his environment
17:50It keeps him safe because other animals can't see him
17:54Wow, that's really neat, Maurice
17:57Um, Pat, Maurice is over there
18:01Oh, there you are
18:03Welcome, everybody
18:05Oh, there's Mayor Rosa
18:07Let's go hear what she has to say
18:10Come on, Maurice, let's go
18:12He already went
18:14I knew that
18:16I'm a hammer
18:18This is our very first Sheep Rock Hills pet picnic
18:22It's nice to see everyone here in El Parque with your wonderful pets
18:28We have lots of fun events planned today
18:30First, our pets will play Find the Buried Treat
18:36Then there'll be a water balloon toss
18:39Followed by an egg and spoon race and other outdoor games
18:43Yeah, like crawling through this tunnel
18:46All pets are welcome to try
18:48It's not for people though, trust me
18:51All right, now on with the festivities
18:56Oh no, scary thunder
18:59I think it's about to rain
19:02Everyone, let's all hurry over to the community center where we can keep dry
19:08Good idea
19:09Everybody, grab your things
19:16We made it inside just in time
19:19And without getting too wet
19:22But what do we do now?
19:25Why don't we have our picnic right here?
19:29Who's ready for the water balloon toss?
19:32I'm ready!
19:36Just a minute, tools
19:38Water balloons are too messy to play with indoors
19:44How about the spoon and egg race, Maddy?
19:47We'll be really, really careful
19:54But not careful enough
19:57I don't think that's such a good game to play inside either
20:01And the community center just isn't big enough to hold the other activities we planned
20:06Are you saying we have to cancel the pet picnic?
20:11It would be a shame to cancel such a fun event
20:14See, I don't want to do that
20:17Maybe we should just wait inside for the rain to stop
20:20Hmm, watching rain
20:23Fun, fun, fun
20:25Maybe to make it more fun, we can have a little sing-along
20:30That sounds like a good indoor activity, Felipe
20:33Si, and I know the perfect song to start the sing-along with
20:40De colores, de colores se visten los campos en la primavera
20:49Maddy! Did that noise come from you, little catita?
20:53Oh sure, Fluffy sings like an angel
20:56Fluffy, let's hear that lovely tune you were singing the other day
21:00You know, la la la la
21:07I have never heard a pet sing like that
21:10Es verdad, that's true
21:12Chulo cannot sing
21:14But he can do another neat trick
21:16Chulo, walk to me
21:21Buen perro, good dog
21:24Freckles can jump really high
21:27Show them, Freckles, hop, hop
21:32Wow, Freckles can hop over anything
21:40But I wish she wouldn't hop over me
21:43Mes esportillos perro, Carlos, can do the cha-cha
21:48One, two, cha-cha-cha
21:50Three, four, cha-cha-cha
21:53Our dog Fixie is pretty special too
21:57She can do lots of things
21:59Like bounce a ball on her nose
22:09Would anyone like to see my bird
22:12Bark like a dog?
22:14We would
22:15After that, our gato, our cat Patches, could play the harmonica
22:28My, my, I never realized what talented pets we had here in Sheetrock Hills
22:34Si, these pets are a lot of fun to watch
22:37I agree
22:38Yeah, they sure are
22:41In that case...
22:44Everyone, I have an announcement to make
22:47Since all the pets seem to have a special skill
22:51And since it's still raining
22:53The pet picnic will now be a...
22:56Pet challenge show!
22:59What a great idea!
23:02Muffy, I always knew you were meant to be a star on the big stage
23:07Not that we have a stage here
23:10Mr. Lopar, that's a great idea
23:12Oh, I thank you, mate
23:14But what was my great idea again?
23:17The tools and I can build a small stage for the pets to perform on
23:22That way, everyone will get a good view of the pets
23:25As they show off their talents
23:28I have some lumber in my truck
23:30We should be able to build it very quickly
23:32Come on, tools!
23:36Let's get going and fix it right
23:39Twist and turn
23:40Make it tight
23:41Travajamos juntos
23:43We work together now
23:46Cut it, measure, run
23:47Top it, flap
23:48Bend and twist
23:49Just like that
23:51Each of us has a special job
23:53We work together
23:55Todos juntos
23:56We can fix it right
24:01Great job, Manny, tools
24:04Bienvenue à la première édition de Pet Talent
24:08Aujourd'hui, on va voir un oiseau gratter comme un chien
24:12Et un oiseau faire un somersault
24:14Ça va être génial!
24:16D'abord, il y a Elliot
24:18Et son chien qui gratte
24:27Boy, he's good
24:35Pet Talent
24:41Manny a beaucoup de bons outils
24:43Pour qu'il fasse son travail bien
24:50Vous comptez combien d'outils il a?
24:541, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
24:598 outils! Bien joué!