The Rifleman S04E24

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The Rifleman S04E23
00:00I don't care what you saw. You're a liar.
00:07I am not a liar. You take that back.
00:13Call me a liar, will you?
00:32Let me up! Let me up!
00:35I'm not a liar. Say uncle.
00:38Will you say uncle?
00:40All right, uncle.
00:42Now come and take a look for yourself.
00:44I already said uncle.
00:47All right, I'll come and look.
00:49And if I'm right, I get a knuckler free for an apology.
01:10I'm not a liar.
01:38See? I was a liar.
01:40Now I'll take my apology.
02:08The Rifleman
02:22Starring Chuck Connors
02:29I always win the small ones.
02:43Well, let's call it a night, gentlemen.
02:45All right with me. I can't tell hearts from spades anymore.
02:49Rose, bring me a whiskey.
02:51Oh, I'm terribly sorry, gentlemen.
02:53I seem to have lost my manners. Would you care to join me?
02:56Thank you, sir.
02:57I'll pass this round. Thanks anyway, Killer.
02:59Make that three shots, Rose.
03:02I'd say you're about twelve dollars ahead, Mr. McCain.
03:06Fourteen. Pretty close.
03:07You're a pretty good poker player, too.
03:09I was once a long time ago.
03:12Pats, thanks for the music.
03:28Jesse, what are you doing here?
03:30I couldn't wait anymore. I had to find out what was happening.
03:33Well, did you catch him at it?
03:36I watched his hands like a hawk.
03:38Never took my eyes off him all night.
03:40Did he ever touch his sleeve?
03:43His coat?
03:45Jess, I didn't see anything out of order.
03:47Look, he's an all-hander, this.
03:49He's not gonna run the risk of cheating.
03:51Plus, the stakes are higher.
03:53The stakes were high enough the other night.
03:55The thing I own in the world.
03:58You still haven't told Mary yet.
04:00How can I?
04:01I promised her I'd never touch her card again.
04:04She swore she'd leave me if I did.
04:07But, Lucas, I can't stand seeing her work so hard and have nothing.
04:11Well, Jesse, you'd better be ready to explain something to her.
04:14If I lose my wife and farm because of that tin horn, I'll kill him.
04:17Tell me, Lucas.
04:18Stop talking like a fool. That's not gonna help anything.
04:20I could take Killer out in the woods and beat him to a pulp, make him admit it.
04:22Then explain that to Mary.
04:23Then she'll know you were gambling for sure.
04:28I'd better play poker with him again tomorrow night.
04:30Maybe if the stakes are higher, he'll try something I can catch him at.
04:35You go home and be patient.
04:42Lucas, I got no right to ask any friend to do this much for me.
04:46All the years we've been friends, Jess, you've done more for me than I could ever make even.
04:50Besides, I like poker.
05:09Unbutton me, honey.
05:13Ooh, gets less and less every night.
05:16You know what I think, Rose?
05:18I think it's time we move on.
05:19Oh, suits me fine.
05:21I'm getting fed up with this place.
05:23I'd like to go where there's some life, maybe see a couple of shows.
05:26Okay, honey.
05:28Fold the game.
05:29Good. Then it's settled.
05:31Just give me a day, maybe two, to get rid of some of these IOUs for cash.
05:50Oh, hello, son.
05:51Sorry I woke you.
05:55I wasn't asleep.
05:56Say, looks like you got banged up a little.
05:59What happened?
06:00Millie cleaned them up and put some Arnica on them.
06:03Well, what did you do, get in a fight in town?
06:05Sort of.
06:07Now, Mark, we don't keep things from each other as a rule.
06:11No, not as a rule.
06:13I'm sorry.
06:15We don't keep things from each other as a rule.
06:18No, not as a rule.
06:22Well, then?
06:24I got in a fight with Willie.
06:26I said he was lying, and he wasn't.
06:29Lying about what?
06:34About you gambling with that man who's married to the new waitress at the hotel.
06:39Willie said you're no better than a tin horn.
06:42And you fought him in my account.
06:45Sit down, son.
06:46I'd better tell you what's going on.
06:48Mike is the only other person who knows.
06:50Now, I don't want this to go any further,
06:52but we have a little problem with Jesse Phillips.
07:11G'day, Jesse.
07:12What, Keeler?
07:13Yeah, it's rather warm, isn't it?
07:16I don't see how you farmers get through the day in this heat.
07:19You get used to it.
07:20Yes, I suppose so.
07:22A man can get used to anything except being skinned.
07:26I came for my money, Jesse.
07:28You got the 1500?
07:34You said you'd give me time.
07:36I tell you, Jesse, I've had enough of this town.
07:39I think it's time another community had the benefit of my sport mobility.
07:43I'm leaving in two days.
07:46Got a thousand.
07:47All you'll get for your ride is sunstroke.
07:50All my money is in them sacks.
07:52You better start packing.
07:54Because this spread goes to the bank tomorrow a.m.
08:01Mary, go back in the house.
08:02What's happening, Jesse? What is it?
08:04Mrs. Phillips,
08:06if your husband would get rid of that shotgun, I'd be pleased to tip my hat.
08:10Who are you?
08:11John Keeler, ma'am.
08:13The new owner of this ranch.
08:15The new owner?
08:17Didn't he tell you?
08:19Your husband's not a very good poker player, ma'am.
08:21He ran into a bit of bad luck.
08:24Sorry to have to surprise you this way, ma'am, but he should have told you.
08:28He's got till tomorrow to pay me.
08:31Good day, ma'am.
08:37You promised me it would never happen again.
08:41You promised you wouldn't play cards.
08:45I know it.
08:47I didn't set out to break the promise.
08:50Mary, I thought I could win enough to buy more seed, but he cheated me.
08:55Mary, I'll get the farm back. You'll see.
08:58It's not the farm, Jesse.
09:00It's you. Don't you see?
09:04It's you. Don't you see?
09:18Good morning, Mary. Jesse?
09:21She knows, Lucas. Keeler was just here.
09:24He wants his money by tomorrow morning.
09:27Oh, Lucas.
09:30How can you trust a man who can't control himself?
09:34Mary, you know how badly Jesse needs seed for a good crop this year.
09:37He thought he could win it.
09:39Well, he wasn't right. Don't be too quick to judge him.
09:42He didn't do it to make it easier for you.
09:47What can you do with a man like that?
09:50Mary, I'm going to try to prove that Keeler cheats.
09:53I've got till tomorrow.
09:55I guess...
09:57I guess I've got till tomorrow, too.
10:00At least to make up my mind.
10:02Thank you, Lucas.
10:27Here he comes.
10:30Step right up, gents. Step right up and let's play cards.
10:33Wheel and deal. Jacks are better, aces high, and deuces wild.
10:38Hey, Tin Horn, I'm calling you.
10:40What's the matter? Are games too fast for you, Mr. Tin Horn?
10:43Want to call me a liar again?
10:46Or did you have enough last night?
10:48Come on, Mark. He's just a big mouth.
10:58What's the trouble, son?
11:00Oh, it's these I-E-E-I words. I always get them mixed up.
11:04Well, there's a rule to follow.
11:06I before E except after C when sounded like A is in neighbor and way.
11:10I know that.
11:12Well, like here's a word where the I comes before the E and it's after a C.
11:17Glacier. Oh, that's a French word or something.
11:19You work on it, son.
11:22I can't concentrate.
11:26Well, son, it'll all be over tomorrow, one way or another.
11:29Good night.
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12:21© BF-WATCH TV 2021
12:39Well, if it isn't Mr. McCain, the gambler.
12:43Hello, Millie.
12:45What's going on?
12:47Do you know that the whole town's calling you a Tin Horn gambler?
12:50I'm so tired of defending you.
12:52Oh, you've been defending me?
12:57Why are you doing it?
13:00Why does a steer rub his flank against a tree, Millie?
13:03Because he likes it.
13:05Lucas, please tell me.
13:07Why are you playing in that game?
13:09You really want to know?
13:11Great piano music.
13:15Last night Mark wouldn't tell me what he was fighting about
13:17and tonight you're keeping secrets.
13:19I just like to play poker.
13:20With a professional Tin Horn?
13:23When your son is alone all night?
13:28Well, I guess I know when I've been told to mind my own business.
13:32Good night, Mr. McCain.
13:34Now, Millie.
13:36Only my friends call me Millie.
13:39People who don't trust me, and gamblers,
13:42call me Miss Scott.
13:50Well, were you ever skin-tanned and nailed to the barn door?
13:54No, I don't know.
13:55I thought I stood up to her pretty well, Micah.
13:57You lost.
13:58Did you talk to Fats?
14:00He's watching Keeler closer than his piano music.
14:02Hasn't seen anything wrong.
14:04Keeler went out to Jess' place this morning.
14:06He's leaving town in two days and he wants to collect.
14:08So, of course, Mary found out.
14:11How'd she take it?
14:12I'm not sure.
14:13I explained how it happened.
14:14I think I got Jess' day of execution.
14:16But I've got to start forcing things.
14:18Trouble is, I can't do much with $175.
14:21More money might draw him out.
14:23Yeah, it might.
14:41Here you are.
14:43Swear to God, I could lose it.
14:45Take it.
14:46A hundred will be enough.
14:47Take it all.
14:49Come on.
14:51Thanks, man.
15:00Hello, Mr. McCain.
15:02Back to buck the tiger?
15:04If I can get my britches onto one of those seats.
15:07I don't know, looks like a big night.
15:09Howdy, McCain.
15:10How's it going?
15:11You know me, I always win the small ones.
15:20Hello, Rose.
15:21Hi, Lucas.
15:22How about a sandwich and some coffee?
15:24Help yourself.
15:25I got to get this tray over to those thirsty coyotes.
15:27Sure, but let me pay you first.
15:29You can keep the change.
15:32Thanks, sweetie.
15:42McCain's loaded for bear.
15:46Well, I'm happy to hear it, baby.
15:49Tell Joe to get on.
16:11There's an empty chair, sweetie.
16:21Evening, gentlemen.
16:28Sorry, money.
16:30I'll see it.
16:32How many?
16:42I'll play these.
16:44Check to the raiser.
16:48I'll bet 20.
16:5320 and 20 better.
16:59I'm out.
17:00Should have been in in the first place.
17:02You got nerve.
17:03I would have had to look.
17:06I'm a professional gambler.
17:08This ought to make me about even.
17:11Well, gentlemen.
17:12Looks like we've come full circle.
17:15Seems like it's going to be another one of those dull evenings.
17:18Well, let's warm it up a little.
17:20Not a bad idea.
17:22Why don't we take the limit off?
17:24Table stakes, what do you say?
17:27Here's where I get killed.
17:29I came to play.
17:31Oh, Rose.
17:33Bring the gentlemen a round of drinks, will you please?
17:35And bring me a sandwich.
17:48Wait a minute, Rose.
17:51Set that tray down in front of me.
18:04What's troubling you, McCain?
18:06That napkin, Mr. Keeler.
18:08I'd like it better if it weren't folded.
18:11You think there's a stacked deck in the napkin?
18:14Go ahead and look.
18:25That's one of the bad things about being a gambler.
18:31Now, get out.
18:37You're not very grateful, Keeler.
18:40Hmm? What did you say?
18:42At least I proved you run an honest game.
18:56I can't hold a grudge, McCain.
18:59You're a man of charity.
19:00A man of charity.
19:09Have one on me.
19:33Anything wrong?
19:36No, sir.
19:38I just thought I'd take a ride. I couldn't get to sleep.
19:43Mike, isn't there something you can do?
19:46Can't you arrest him or something?
19:48Not until he breaks the law.
19:50And there's no law against poker.
19:52Well, let's go.
19:54Let's go.
20:01Come on, your pa will be all right,
20:03but maybe you'd better wait inside with me till we make sure, huh?
20:10Come on, boy.
20:14Rose, open the bank drawer, will you, please?
20:16Get some air circulating in here.
20:18Twenty-six bucks, and don't raise it, man.
20:21That's all I got on the table.
20:23I'll call.
20:28Come on.
20:30Two pair of jacks up.
20:33Three aces.
20:35Ah, there goes six months fine in the desert.
20:39You folding?
20:41Got all them tapped out.
20:43Well, gentlemen,
20:45I guess that's it.
20:47My luck's been running pretty good the last hour.
20:49Let's keep going, Keeler.
20:51You mean the two of us?
20:53Why not?
20:55No, thank you.
20:57I don't like to play head and head.
20:58You can keep going all night, can't we?
21:01Do you really feel lucky?
21:03I don't think I've cooled off.
21:06I'll tell you what, how much money you got there?
21:09Oh, I'd say about $700.
21:12I'll play you one game of showdown for the whole thing.
21:23Thought you wanted to play.
21:25All right.
21:27Let's go.
21:50You really believe in your luck, don't you?
21:52I think lady luck will stay with me, for another hand.
21:56Oh, I'm so sorry.
21:58I'm so clumsy.
22:10A jack.
22:12A king.
22:15Jack's a pair.
22:19No help.
22:20A seven.
22:23Still no help.
22:25Possible flush.
22:28A deuce.
22:32No flush.
22:35An ace of hearts.
22:45King's a pair.
22:47That's lucky.
22:48You had me worried, Keeler.
22:50I was afraid you weren't going to do it,
22:52but you came through like a thoroughbred.
22:55You switched the decks.
22:57Is that what you do when a man whips you?
22:59Call him a cheat?
23:01I smudged the cards in my hand,
23:03and one of them was the ace of hearts.
23:07No smudge.
23:09When Rose dropped the bottle,
23:11you switched the decks.
23:13You're loco, McCain.
23:15I am.
23:28It's got to be here somewhere.
23:46you got any music for cheating tin horns?
24:04Want a souvenir?
24:06No, I've had enough souvenirs to last me for ten years.
24:09Like this bill of sale.
24:11I ought to frame it and hang it over Jess's fireplace.
24:13I'll trust Mary to see to that.
24:15Hey, look at this, Pa.
24:17This is Mark Dent.
24:19I know, son, I know.
24:21Pa, teach me how to play poker.
24:25If you don't, Lucas boy, somebody else will.
24:28Yeah, but not for a while yet, Micah.
24:30All right, son, someday.
24:32First thing you're going to have to learn about poker
24:34is that it's not always played as a game.
24:36Come on, let's go home.
24:44Come on.
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