The Rifleman S04E11

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The Rifleman S04E11


00:00Well, there's one thing about the long gun. It tears up what it hits. It kind of discourages
00:16the other fellow's trigger finger when he's dying.
00:18Holliver, Holliver, we got something working for us.
00:26North Fork's deserted. The marshal and most of the town people are over in Twin Creek
00:29at some kind of centennial.
00:30Well, I don't know as I like that. Play in the empty seats, as the saying goes.
00:35Look, never mind about the empty seat. With most of the town folk over a day's ride away
00:38from us, the timing's perfect for us.
00:40Well, I kind of dispute that any time is perfect for killing a man, D.C.
00:46We'll ride in like always. Take it slow and easy. Pick our man, watch him do a bit of
00:52sweating tonight.
00:53Oh, could you forget about the sweating for once, huh? And let's just play it safe. Look,
00:57you want your kicks, get it in the saloon when this thing's over.
00:59Well, you might call it a vice, D.C., watching a man sweat. But then again, you might say
01:05I'm doing a good turn, letting the man live the night out after seeing John Holliver,
01:11after knowing the time has come for him to meet his creator.
01:15So let's go kill us a man. Do it real nice, so the folks at North Fork will remember us.
01:27The Rifleman, starring Chuck Connors.
01:58Well, got it done already?
02:05You know, I've been getting a lot of help from Jeffrey these days. Before breakfast
02:10he had it broken down, barrel reamed, and a new spring cut.
02:13That's fine, Henry. You're teaching your boy a good trade.
02:16Well, you know, Lucas, a man likes to try and pass things on to his son.
02:27What's wrong?
02:39Holliver? John Holliver?
02:43That's him, with one of his men.
02:46Town kind of grew a mite.
02:49Seems more like a graveyard than a town.
02:51Oh, now, that's just the state of mind, D.C. To a man whose conscience lets him sleep on
02:56an easy pillow, it's a nice, quiet, peaceful town.
02:59I've never seen him before. Heard about him, though, having his share of gunfights.
03:04You can't call them gunfights, Lucas. They're executions.
03:07Holliver's an executioner. So many dollars ahead.
03:10He made us wait five years.
03:15But he meant it when he said he'd be back.
03:17Made you wait for what?
03:23That must be the rest of his men.
03:25Somebody in North Fork is sure gonna die, Lucas.
03:27Henry, what happened five years ago?
03:53What's the matter, Eddie?
04:10Nothing, Lucas, nothing.
04:13Nothing? You look like you got trouble.
04:16Well, Holliver coming back here means only one thing.
04:22He'll be leaving us with somebody to bury.
04:25What happened five years ago, Eddie?
04:27Henry Waller was too upset to go into it.
04:29Well, Holliver came to town alone.
04:33Killed a 19-year-old boy.
04:36Picked a fight with him and then made it seem like the boy had pulled his gun on him.
04:41Well, it was murder, Lucas.
04:44Pure murder.
04:46What happened then?
04:48Well, we couldn't officially charge Holliver with anything,
04:50so we ran him out of town on a rail.
04:54I don't know how we ever got up the nerve,
04:56unless it was because there were so many of us and Holliver was alone.
05:01But we must have been loco that night.
05:04Knowing Holliver to be a professional killer.
05:07Why did he wait five years if he'd been wanting to get even?
05:11That's what I don't understand.
05:13I don't know, Lucas.
05:15I just don't know.
05:18Well, Eddie, you know,
05:20until he proves himself more than just a peaceful traveler,
05:23there's nothing much I can do.
05:29I just can't see waiting, not when the time's so right.
05:33D.C., I'm thinking you're living only 50% of your life.
05:37That hurry-up way of yours is taking half the spice out of your waking moments.
05:41We're taking too many chances lately.
05:43It's getting to be like a game with you.
05:46If you take life serious, D.C., you're sure to come out losing.
05:49Be unhappy at the best.
06:01Lucas, who's Holliver really after?
06:04He doesn't have to be after anybody, Nils.
06:07Those two just aren't standing out there.
06:16We're having a meet in my livery stable in 20 minutes.
06:19Everybody's sticking together on this.
06:21No harm in that. Good idea, in fact.
06:23That is, if Holliver is really here with his eye on someone.
06:29Will you back us?
06:31That's my job till Micah gets back.
06:42Don't sand too hard, Mark.
06:45You know, you can always take the wood down more,
06:47but you can't put on what you take off by accident.
06:49I'm being careful, Jeffrey.
06:51Henry, I...
06:54Oh, maybe you better run along now, Jeffrey, and get supper for you and Mark.
06:57All right, Pa.
06:59When your mother left, everything fixed. Just cut up the meat and heat the gravy.
07:01I know what to do. See you in the morning, Pa.
07:03Get a good night's sleep, son.
07:08Eddie told me what happened five years ago.
07:10Now, maybe Holliver is just passing through town
07:12and isn't looking for any more trouble than you are.
07:14No, no. No, Holliver would never come back to North Fork
07:16unless he intended to get even.
07:18What got into me that night?
07:20I knew he was an evil man, a killer.
07:22Why didn't I mind my own business?
07:24Henry, you can't blame yourself.
07:26Nils talked me into joining him that night.
07:28He had no right to take advantage of me.
07:30I'm a sick man. I was sick then. It wasn't fair.
07:32Holliver was looking right at me that night
07:34when they were tying him to the rail.
07:36He'd remember me.
07:38Why didn't he think I was the ringleader?
07:41They want to be so brave and ride a killer out of town on a rail,
07:43why didn't they go ahead and do it instead of involving a sick man?
07:45Henry, pull yourself together.
07:47What makes a man a coward, Lucas?
07:49Nobody can call you a coward
07:51for being afraid of a man like Holliver.
07:53It isn't only Holliver.
07:55I've always been afraid.
07:57From the time that I remember
07:59considering myself a man.
08:03A man.
08:05I make a mockery of the word.
08:07There isn't a person in North Fork
08:10who hasn't the greatest respect for their gunsmith.
08:12That's you.
08:14I said I was a coward, Lucas.
08:16I am.
08:18Nobody can blame a sick man for...
08:20A sick man.
08:24Now these pills that I'm always taking
08:26that Dr. Burrage gives me.
08:28Sugar pills.
08:30I don't understand.
08:32Dr. Burrage understands.
08:34Henry, I'll have a talk with Holliver.
08:36Maybe find out what's on his mind.
08:39He's over in the saloon.
08:41And if he came here for me,
08:43you tell him that there are others in town
08:45who had more to do with what happened that night than I did.
08:47You tell him that Eddie and Nils and Tom Barrett
08:49are more to blame.
08:51Oh, I'm so sorry, Lucas.
08:55Meet me over at the livery stable
08:57with the other men.
08:59I'll be there when I'm finished talking with Holliver.
09:01And Henry, calm yourself down, huh?
09:21Mr. Holliver?
09:23My name is McCain. Lucas McCain.
09:39Deputy marshal of this peaceful hamlet I hear.
09:41Until our regular marshal gets back, yes.
09:43Some folks are wondering
09:45about your business in town.
09:47Come back to collect something, Mr. McCain.
09:49Town owes me, come back to collect.
09:51Exactly what do you intend to collect?
09:53Well, you might call it self-respect.
09:55As marshal here,
09:57I don't figure you'd have any objections
09:59to a man standing up for his self-respect.
10:01Depends on your meaning.
10:03A fair amount, sir.
10:05I'm here to ask satisfaction
10:08from the town of Northwell.
10:10A town is made up of people, Mr. Holliver.
10:14So is an old man who wants his name
10:16to go unsullied to the grave.
10:18I'm asking that a representative
10:20of this town meet me in the street at sunup.
10:22You know very well
10:24none of the men who chased you from this town
10:26is capable of facing a gunfighter.
10:28Rode me from town, Mr. McCain.
10:30Rode, not chased.
10:32Kind of like that record straight.
10:34I'm curious, Holliver.
10:37Why did you wait five years to come back here?
10:39Knew some of the folks would be worried
10:41I'd be coming back, Mr. McCain.
10:43Didn't see no point in having them stop worrying.
10:45Holliver, you're a man
10:47with a twisted way of thinking,
10:49so I'm not mincing any words.
10:51My advice to you is to forget this.
10:53Because if you don't, I'll be on that street
10:55when you walk out at sunup.
10:57Well, now,
10:59I really figure I'm facing no marshal, Mr. McCain.
11:01But if you see it fitting
11:03for you to take the town's part,
11:05I guess I'll just have to go along.
11:07My boys will be there to see you
11:09get a fair shake.
11:11There'll be other men behind me on the street, too.
11:13Better think twice before carrying this
11:15any further, Holliver.
11:19Mr. McCain,
11:31Well, it's all set, Lucas.
11:33We've agreed we'll stand behind the one Holliver goes for.
11:35Well, Holliver and I just had a few hot words.
11:37He's expecting me to meet him
11:39on the street tomorrow, represent the town
11:41to recoup his so-called honor.
11:43You, Lucas? Mm-hmm.
11:45But you were never involved.
11:47Look, you mean Holliver didn't remember
11:49any one of us?
11:51There's no one man he had his mindset on?
11:53If he had, I imagine he would have said so.
11:55It was dark that night.
11:59I'll bet Holliver never had a good look at any one of us.
12:01Eh, he's sure been
12:03doing a lot of worrying for nothing.
12:05There's still worrying to do, Eddie.
12:07Just how we're going to handle Holliver and his men tomorrow.
12:09But we've got
12:11four guns against his four.
12:13I don't think Holliver figured on a group of folks
12:15standing up against him.
12:21Something wrong?
12:23You said you had
12:25words with him, Lucas.
12:27Well, I kind of see it like
12:29a personal thing between Holliver and a...
12:31and a marshal now,
12:33not against town folks.
12:35I thought you told me you were going to stick together,
12:37no matter who Holliver came here for.
12:39If he came after one of us,
12:41Lucas, yes, but
12:43you and Holliver having words,
12:45well, uh,
12:47maybe you should have honey-talked him
12:49and avoided trouble.
12:51We ain't gun hands, Lucas.
12:53We were just sticking together for our own protection.
12:55Hey, Eddie's right, Luke.
12:59Fighting ain't our job.
13:01Are you trying to tell me you're leaving me
13:03to face Holliver and his men alone tomorrow morning?
13:17They can't be blamed, Lucas.
13:19Fighting isn't their business.
13:21Neither is it mine, Henry.
13:29But you are the marshal while Mike is gone.
13:33It isn't that I wouldn't help you if I could,
13:35Lucas, but...
13:37I'm a sick man. I...
14:29I often wondered
14:31what's in a man's mind
14:33his last night.
14:37I couldn't care less.
14:39But this business of warning a man
14:41and then watching him sweat,
14:43it's really going to cost you someday.
14:45That's done for a purpose, D.C.
14:49When a man sweats the night through,
14:51he just isn't the same laddie in the morning.
14:55I'd say by morning,
14:57Mr. McCain's going to be mighty fidgety.
14:59Yes, sir, mighty fidgety.
15:21I thought you and Jeffrey were getting ready for bed about now.
15:25Jeffrey and me heard about what happened,
15:27and I...
15:31You must despise me, Lucas.
15:39if I could help, if I really could help,
15:41I would help.
15:43I want you to believe that.
15:45Don't you think it'd be better if you stopped talking about it?
15:47It's a pretty difficult thing to
15:49justify, cowardice.
15:51You're right, Lucas.
15:53Absolutely right.
16:01Pa, what I wanted to say before is that...
16:03I mean...
16:05I know I'm still a boy,
16:07but maybe I'm old enough to use a gun now.
16:09You're not old enough, Mark.
16:11But, Pa...
16:13I said you're not old enough to handle a gun!
16:15Now, get Jeffrey and go on out to the Waller house.
16:17And don't come back to town till I send for you.
16:19You understand?
16:21Yes, sir.
16:29Come here, son.
16:35Someday you'll be standing
16:37alongside me, the two of us together,
16:39both of us men.
16:41But right now, you've
16:43got something coming first.
16:45A growing up time.
16:47Growing up time?
16:49You see, son, a man
16:51either has a time to look
16:53back on, or he doesn't have it.
16:55It's, uh...
16:57Well, it's an awfully nice time.
16:59When you see an old man
17:01dozing in the sun, and he looks like he's smiling,
17:03well, he's
17:05thinking back on his growing up time.
17:07Thinking back and
17:09living it all over again.
17:11Mark, I want
17:13you to have that time.
17:15I want you to be a boy
17:17while you are a boy.
17:19I don't want you doing man things.
17:21It's really very important.
17:23And then when you're a lot older,
17:25and you begin
17:27thinking back instead of ahead,
17:31you'll know what I mean.
17:35Good night, son.
17:39Good night, Pa.
17:47Good night.
18:17Good night.
18:33Can you sleep, Mark?
18:43I can't either.
18:47I guess we'll have to
18:49stay here till it's over.
18:51Well, my Pa
18:53wouldn't like if I were
18:55to show up in town.
18:57Well, you know,
18:59we can hear the gunshots from here, though.
19:01I guess so.
19:05it ain't like
19:07my Pa's afraid.
19:09Well, he handles a gun real good.
19:11So it ain't like he's afraid.
19:17I didn't say anything like that.
19:19I didn't say nothing like that,
19:23It's just...
19:25he's so sick.
19:27I mean, if my Pa was better,
19:29he would help your Pa tomorrow
19:31and not leave him out there alone.
19:37I'm sorry, Mark.
19:39I'm real sorry.
19:47I'm sorry.
20:17I'm sorry.
20:47I'm sorry.
21:17I'm sorry.
21:47I'm sorry.
22:03It does me good, McCain,
22:05to see North Fork boasting
22:07of one soul with a little bit of backbone.
22:09Kind of strengthens my faith
22:11in my fellow man.
22:13You may be calling this turn, Oliver,
22:15but make no mistake.
22:17You're calling
22:19whether you live
22:21or die.
22:23Well, I guess either way,
22:25the town will be remembering me.
22:27That's kind of important to me, Mr. McCain.
23:15Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
23:17Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
23:19Looks like the sheep have grown horns.
23:23Well, I expect we might as well
23:25call the whole thing off.
24:11Nice sound.
24:13Waller and son.
24:15That makes me feel kind of proud, Paul.
24:17No more proud than me, son.
24:19Waller and son.
24:21Gee, Paul, that makes them partners.
24:23That's right.
24:25And that gives me an idea.
24:27Why don't we put a sign like that on our barn?
24:33You think we need a sign?
24:39Ha, ha, ha.