Emmerdale 27th August 2024

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00:31Mmm. I've had it all night.
00:34Not surprised, knocking that bottle back you bought.
00:38I haven't been drinking anything.
00:40There, see? It's unopened.
00:42Hi, sweetheart.
00:44Do I have to go to the garage?
00:46Look, I've told you, you can help Sarah tidy the tools up.
00:49Yeah, but he can stay with me if he wants to.
00:52Just go and wait in the car a minute.
00:54Bye, darling. Remember your lunch.
00:57There's no way I'm leaving her here with you.
01:00Look at the state of you.
01:02Hiding bottles and getting smashed again.
01:04Hiding bottles?
01:06I'm not hiding anything.
01:08Or getting smashed.
01:10Delivery's ready. Just need the van keys.
01:12Try knocking next time.
01:14Oh, take no notice.
01:16He's just jealous cos there's another strapping lad about the place.
01:21Meaning brute strength.
01:23That's all.
01:25Brute strength.
01:27That's what you need on a farm.
01:29You can't beat Nate's strength, though.
01:31His muscles trump the lot of you.
01:33Take it you've smoothed things with Warwick Pies?
01:37Some Richard fella kicking off about wanting to speak to you.
01:40Richard, not yet.
01:42I've put in a tender to supply extra meat,
01:44so he'll be chasing me for a final price.
01:46He's one of your big customers. You need to bring him back.
01:49Yeah, but he's a pussycat.
01:51And I think he fancies me,
01:53Smooth talk him and he'll soon roll over.
01:56Well, I'd best get off.
01:58OK, see you.
02:00Look, all this one in the business, you're letting things slide.
02:03Now, if this is down to your drinkie, you need to sort things out.
02:14Hope Evan's OK.
02:16Why wouldn't he be? We've only just left him.
02:18I know, I just...
02:20I feel so awful using a potential bone marrow transplant.
02:24It's like we've attempted fate.
02:26Look, it's not you who should feel guilty, it's your dad.
02:29If he's the one that drove you to it, you had no other choice.
02:32Wow, you're keen?
02:34You haven't got the keys yet.
02:36Well, I told you we were serious.
02:38Well, I've left a few bits in there, but it's still only part furnished.
02:41You all right with that?
02:43Yeah, yeah, we can make do.
02:45Contract signed.
02:48Here is 10,000, four months' rent up front.
02:51Ah, works for me.
02:54And Priya, obviously. I mean, I'll be giving the money to her.
02:58Well, it's all there, you can count it.
03:00No, no, I trust you.
03:02Although I probably shouldn't.
03:04I mean, what did you do, rob a bank?
03:06Where's that man?
03:08Oh, only asking.
03:10Bit odd, mind.
03:11You know, you shelling out for this place when you live up at Home Farm.
03:16Anyway, better crack on.
03:18Gabby's watching the kids.
03:20Well, enjoy your new home.
03:22Make some happy memories, I know I did.
03:24And some sad ones.
03:26Anyway, enjoy.
03:29Right, do you want to...
03:30Well, I'll sort this, do you want to go and get the other stuff?
03:33Don't want to go together.
03:35What, I'm risk bumping into Dad?
03:37I'm done, Billy.
03:39I'm not setting foot in Home Farm again.
03:50Go on, then.
03:51Spit it out.
03:53Spit what out?
03:54Whatever it is you've come round here to say.
03:59This nosy vibe you're giving off, I'm guessing it's to do with Jake.
04:02It's not nosiness, it's his sisterly concern.
04:08Whatever business deal you were cooking up, it better not be anything dodgy.
04:11Who says we're doing business?
04:13Well, you seemed pretty cosy in the pub yesterday.
04:15I was having a friendly chat, that's all.
04:19Bonding over Taylor Swift.
04:21Wasn't born yesterday.
04:24Look, you can't trust him, Caleb. He's a snake.
04:27We've got stuff in common, we're new mates.
04:30Both business powerhouses, aren't we?
04:32Both been to Village Pariah.
04:34Both in the habit of telling porkies.
04:36Look, if he tries to embroil you in anything, walk away.
04:41I mean it.
04:42Cain's got enough on his plate without having to mop your mess up and all.
04:53You struggling?
04:56Didn't expect to see you here.
04:59Collecting my last few bits.
05:01I take it you're late, as per.
05:04Day off, if you must know.
05:06So, yeah, I thought I'd learn to change tyre.
05:09Why don't you call someone?
05:11You can afford it, after that whopping pay rise I gave you.
05:14Gave? I don't remember anything willing about it.
05:17Well, you're Gabby and Laurel's problem now.
05:20You can overcharge them as much as you like.
05:24Yeah, well, I'm done with this place.
05:26And all the minions that work here.
05:28Well, they're done with you and I.
05:30Whatever comes next, Jay, I hope it's what you deserve.
05:33It will be.
05:34You watch this space.
05:39What do you mean, we've got a problem?
05:41Who's that?
05:43Oh, just Jay, my old boss.
05:46The one who got you fired?
05:48Yeah, but I won in the end. Got the big pay rise.
05:51Hardly the point, though, is it?
05:53Oh, come on, you stupid thing.
05:56Want me to do it?
05:57No, no, no, no, no.
05:59Oh, just because I'm a woman, I can't manage.
06:02Well, no thank you.
06:04Just, I'm too tight, that's all.
06:06Turn the wrench the other way.
06:11Works wonders.
06:17Oh, no, it doesn't.
06:21Yes, it does.
06:26You're back.
06:28Is Dawn with you?
06:30No, she's with the kids.
06:32We're at Holgate. Is that where you spent last night?
06:34No, she stayed at the hospital and me, Clemmie and Lucas stayed at the B&B.
06:38Is all this really necessary?
06:40This is your home. This is where you belong.
06:43Billy, we need to sort it out.
06:46Look, I'm not proud of lying about Rose,
06:48and I'm sure Dawn's not proud about lying either.
06:51Dawn lied because she had to. She had no choice.
06:53And if you think that that cancels out what you and Kim did, then just forget it.
06:56Look, I'm messed up, all right?
06:58I can't lose me family over it.
07:00Oh, come on, Will.
07:01You chose your own toxic marriage over Dawn and the kids.
07:05You don't deserve them.
07:06It was Rose who was toxic,
07:08making out that she cared and all she wanted was money.
07:10I shielded Dawn from that, as did Kim,
07:12and that's why we cover for each other.
07:14And if it had come to it, ever needing a transplant,
07:17then obviously I'd have come clean.
07:19Well, that was your chance to come clean.
07:21But, you know, you chose self-preservation over your own grandson.
07:25I got it wrong.
07:27Even for the right reasons, I still hate myself for it.
07:30Join the club.
07:33Look, Dawn doesn't want to see you, all right?
07:35So respect her wishes and stay away.
07:45It's tidy in there.
07:48That's John's doing. He likes everything neat.
07:50Good for him.
07:51So, what have I missed?
07:52Finished fencing the paddock.
07:54Yeah, I saw.
07:55And the bull's making himself at home.
07:57And the pie farm called.
07:58They're not happy you'd gone anywhere.
08:00John managed to smooth it.
08:01Yeah, so I heard.
08:02But it's all sorted now.
08:04I just laid it on thick about how my new pedigree bull
08:07will be enhancing their beef supply.
08:09It's a good investment.
08:11It's a shame Cain doesn't agree.
08:13You two still not seeing eye to eye, then?
08:15He's got a bee in his bonnet.
08:16Thinks I'm neglecting things.
08:17He's worried about you.
08:18No, he's worried about me drinking.
08:20You know, I'm sick of his accusations.
08:23Just when you need a husband to support you.
08:25Hang on.
08:27Oh, take that, mate.
08:28It's about the contract.
08:32Hi, Richard.
08:35Yeah, fine. You?
08:39So, do we have a deal or...?
08:41Thanks for coming over.
08:43It's not a social call.
08:44Well, at least it's private.
08:46We were too obvious talking in the pub yesterday.
08:48People were asking questions.
08:50Well, I can't have Laurel finding out.
08:52It'll affect my settlement.
08:53Well, she won't, not if we keep it behind closed doors.
08:55So if anyone asks, we're just mates and that's all.
08:58Well, so long as you get this problem sorted out.
09:01You told me that planning approval was a done deal.
09:05It was till me contacts at the council upped his fee.
09:08Well, can't you bribe someone else?
09:10I mean, 20 grand is way over the odds.
09:12There is no one else.
09:13That's why he's squeezing us for more money.
09:15I'm not happy about it.
09:17You know, one minute you're telling me one thing,
09:19next minute you're telling me something else.
09:22I need a partner that I can rely on.
09:24Jay, you're looking at him.
09:27Listen, mate, even if it does cost us an extra 20 grand,
09:30it'll be a drop in the ocean compared to the money we're going to make.
09:33Where's your share?
09:35It's in the safe.
09:36I'll meet my contact later. I'll drop it all off then.
09:44Tell him he's a greedy scumbag.
09:47I'll wait till it's rubber stamped first, will you?
09:50Do you always carry this much money on you?
09:53Not as a rule.
09:54I've only just got it and now I'm giving it away.
09:57Call it an investment.
09:58A cock-up, more like.
10:00You need to be more careful.
10:03I am not a man to be messed with, Caleb.
10:06Try it again.
10:08You'll find out.
10:17You go me, eh?
10:19Sweet-talking Richard.
10:20I guess it's one way of doing business.
10:23What do you mean?
10:24Doubling the amount of beef we supply.
10:26That is a big deal and it deserves a celebration.
10:29I'll stick to a brew.
10:31Oh, don't be a spoilsport.
10:32This is a team effort.
10:34You know, with John in his customer service, you know,
10:37and you helping me source the bull.
10:40Yes, here we go.
10:43Here we go.
10:45Cheers to us.
10:48We won the contract.
10:50Warwick Pies won a double the amount of beef.
10:54Bit of a little bit in the hard stuff.
10:55I thought that was a present for me.
10:57Well, you turned your nose up at it.
10:59And me and Nate are celebrating.
11:01The dynamic duo.
11:03You know, I knew that that bill would bring us luck.
11:05I should give you a bonus.
11:07After all, you're the one that talked me into buying it.
11:11You didn't need much persuading.
11:15We're good together, you and me.
11:17We're both adventurous.
11:19We both take risks.
11:20Aye, it might not always work out,
11:22but we do have a laugh along the way, don't we?
11:25I'll go and check on the ad.
11:26One of the young ones has offered food.
11:28Oh, celebrating on my own?
11:29You're as boring as your old man.
11:39Are you trying to wind me up on purpose?
11:41Wind you up how?
11:43The way you're talking to him.
11:44Show some respect.
11:49I didn't realise me and him were still so subject.
11:51Only because you're making it one.
11:54What is wrong with you?
11:56I don't know who you are anymore.
11:57You know what, I'm sick of it.
12:20Someone's flash.
12:25Sort of thanks to Jay.
12:28Told him I needed an extra ten grand to provide the council.
12:31I thought that was already covered.
12:33Well, he doesn't know that.
12:36Caleb Milligan, you are a bad man.
12:38That's why you love me.
12:40I'd love you even more if you handed some of that over.
12:42Would you, a splurge at Harvey Nicks?
12:43Yeah, well, it'll have to wait.
12:45Everything we've got right now
12:47is going towards buying the oil yard.
12:48If they ever decide to sell?
12:50Well, everything's in place.
12:52Soon as I'm done, they'll be desperate to get rid.
12:54I'll be glad to see Will lose everything.
12:57I still feel bad about Jimmy.
13:00Well, he's still got shares in the CAF.
13:03Half of B&B will survive.
13:05This is about us.
13:08It's about our future.
13:10If I get this business up and running, we'll be set up for life.
13:13At what point in all this do I finally get my husband back?
13:24I thought you were out on deliveries.
13:26Just got back.
13:27Mate said one of her heifers isn't well.
13:30Yeah, she's not eating or drinking,
13:32so we've put her in a bed to keep an eye on her.
13:35You seem worried about her.
13:38Animals don't upset me.
13:39People do.
13:43Can't do right for doing wrong.
13:46Wait, is it me?
13:48Am I being unreasonable?
13:50He said that I'm playing games or trying to wind him up.
13:53Are you?
13:54No, why would I?
13:56So what's his problem?
13:58Well, he's upset because I bought the bull.
14:01Because we can't afford it.
14:03And no well done for winning the contract either,
14:05which would more than cover the cost.
14:07You won it. That's great.
14:08Yeah, we did.
14:09And you helped too, by the way.
14:11Cain did well bringing you in.
14:12You're a good fit.
14:14Not sure he'd say so.
14:16That's just Cain being Cain.
14:18Hostile's his default setting.
14:20Look, if you want to sort things out with him,
14:23I don't mind stopping here with the heifer.
14:25Oh, no, no.
14:26Shoot afternoon off.
14:27I'll look after her.
14:29At least if I stay out of his way,
14:30I can't make things any worse, eh?
14:43Look, I'm not here to cause any trouble.
14:45Well, sling her up then.
14:46She shouldn't have come.
14:48Look, if I can't get through to you,
14:49then at least let me speak to Dawn.
14:51Look, she doesn't want to see you.
14:52She's my daughter.
14:53I can't lose her over something like this.
14:55You're her father now.
14:56Surely you understand.
14:57Yeah, and I love my kids.
14:59And I'd never treat them the way you treated Dawn.
15:01They come first, no matter what.
15:03I was putting her first.
15:05Rose chose the money over being a proper mum.
15:08I was trying to protect her.
15:09Look, stop trying to justify yourself
15:11and listen for once.
15:12Dawn is done with you, so stay away.
15:17Dawn said you weren't coming.
15:19Do you want to see my new room?
15:21He's not stopping.
15:22Dawn, I...
15:23Look, we don't want any nasties getting in, do we?
15:26Evan's health comes before everything.
15:28Of course it doesn't.
15:29Maybe we could play in the garden?
15:31Not today, love.
15:32If Dawn wants me to go, then I'll have to, love.
15:34It's not because I don't love you.
15:36You know family means everything to me.
15:38Maybe another time.
15:39I hope so.
15:40When all this is blown over.
15:54Hey, Chas.
15:55I was talking to...
15:57Not working today?
15:59Faye intervened and we both got the afternoon off.
16:02I helped her fix a puncture, so she's buying me a drink.
16:05Yeah, of course you did.
16:07Still not had that one of yours fixed?
16:09Ask Mac, he's the one repairing it.
16:11Don't rush off on my account.
16:12The more eye candy we have in this deathly village, the better.
16:16There's more to me than meets the eye.
16:18Sounds like a challenge.
16:19You should get better acquainted.
16:20Yeah, I hate to burst your bubble, love,
16:22but I don't think he's that way inclined.
16:24How do you know?
16:26It's just a hunch.
16:28A correct one.
16:30Not that it's anyone's business.
16:32Oh, look, it's your BFF.
16:34Orange juice and lemonade, please, Chas.
16:36I'll get that.
16:37Oh, thanks, mate.
16:38It's a pleasure.
16:39Hey, did you get those memes I sent?
16:41Yeah, hilarious.
16:44Yeah, you're not teenagers.
16:47You must be Jay, Victoria's ex-boss.
16:50That's right.
16:51And you are?
16:53Victoria's big brother.
16:56All right, well, delighted to make your acquaintance.
16:59You, um, set her up, apparently.
17:02Accused her of putting broken glass in the food.
17:05Yeah, and then reinstated her above her pay grade.
17:08That's the least you could do.
17:09Yeah, well, I'm glad you see it that way, too.
17:17Outing yourself as my big brother, eh?
17:19He's a bully.
17:20Needs putting in his place.
17:22Well, it was nice to have you in my corner.
17:24I haven't had that since Robert went away.
17:26Don't get used to it.
17:27I won't.
17:28But I could meet you dinner.
17:29I'd say thank you.
17:32Go on, then, if you must.
17:35Drink up.
17:36And go where?
17:38Well, you, anyway.
17:39I've got business to sort out.
17:41Oh, you can go, then.
17:42I'll stay here for another.
17:44No, you won't.
17:45I might need you as an alibi.
17:47It's time I put home James Aldridge out of his misery.
18:05I want to see the new boat.
18:07Well, you'll have to wait.
18:09Morrow went halfway across the country for him.
18:11Shit is massive.
18:15Is that why you're angry?
18:16Because she stayed away longer and messaged me instead of you?
18:23Go and make us a brew, eh, mate?
18:29What do you want?
18:30Just checking you're OK after earlier.
18:33What, your lunchtime booze up with my missus?
18:35On shot, that's all it was.
18:36Morrow wanted to celebrate winning the contract.
18:39I know she was going on.
18:40You thought she had a skinful.
18:42Look, she's been acting weird with me a few times lately.
18:44I don't know why, but I'm not encouraging anything, I swear.
18:47Well, you encouraged her to invest in a bowl that we didn't need.
18:50She didn't even tell me she was going to go and buy it,
18:52but she told you instead.
18:53I don't know why she did that.
18:55I've got an idea.
18:57Maybe she wanted you to go and join her.
18:59You know, pick up where you left off.
19:01I've got eyes on my head, you know.
19:03I can see the signs, the drinking, getting distracted,
19:05neglecting the kids.
19:08So whatever's going on, I want to know, and I want to know now.
19:27Come on.
19:50So, come on, then, answer the question.
19:52After last time, all the fallout, do you really think I'd be that stupid?
19:55Well, you must think I am, the way you were carrying on.
19:57That was Moira, not me.
19:58Look, she's angry.
20:00Thinking that I sided with Samson over Matty.
20:02Maybe you and her is some kind of payback.
20:05I know how it feels after chasing Caleb.
20:07No, it destroyed my life.
20:09I did that to you and you still took my side. That meant a lot.
20:11And it took a lot on all.
20:13Like this, even just to ask.
20:15Look, you're my dad.
20:16Look, you even let me call you. I'd never hurt you again, I swear.
20:20No, we've worked hard to get where we are.
20:21Things are good between us.
20:22How would I ruin that?
20:25Doesn't explain Moira, does it?
20:27No, you're right.
20:28She has changed.
20:30Maybe it's the menopause or something.
20:31That changes women, doesn't it?
20:34So does alcohol.
20:36Jazz reckons she's been hitting the bottle hard.
20:38It's not just me.
20:39Well, talk to her and try and find out.
20:41She'll be around somewhere.
20:42Look, I've tried, but she's been pushing me back for weeks.
20:44Well, try harder.
20:45Now, wish me and Tracy had.
20:46You can't just give up.
20:52I need to see the kids.
20:53What, now?
20:54Well, I can't rely on her to, can I?
21:02Come on, you can eat something for me.
21:08All right, well, I'll come back and check on you later.
21:43Coming up next, all-new Cooking With The Stars continues
21:47here on ITV1.