15 Minute Beginner Friendly Beach Yoga Flow

  • last month
00:00Hey everybody, welcome back to my channel.
00:10Today is a 15-minute beginner-friendly yoga flow.
00:15This is perfect for when you're short on time but still want to get a little movement in,
00:19and we are starting off in a seated butterfly position.
00:23So come to a seat, bring your soles of your feet together, knees are bent and falling
00:29out wide, ground down through your tailbone, and take a hold of your shins, ankles, or
00:39your big toes.
00:43Gently lifting through your chest, deep inhale.
00:52As you exhale, pulling yourself forward, come into a gentle forward fold.
00:58Bring your torso over your feet.
01:05As you inhale, bring yourself back up.
01:10And exhale, gently plant your hands behind you.
01:14You can come to your fingertips as well.
01:17Let's just take a gentle back bend.
01:21As you inhale, slight lift through the chest, exhale, let your head slowly fall back.
01:29Be mindful of your neck.
01:34Release out, come forward, grab a hold of your ankles.
01:41Begin to extend your left leg straight out, bring the sole of your right foot on the inside
01:47of your left thigh.
01:49Inhale, reach those arms high above your head, and exhale, let your torso fall over your
01:57left thigh, bring your forehead towards your knee, and letting your hands fall to wherever
02:03feels best for you, whether that is your shins, ankles, or toes.
02:10All right, as you release out, reach those arms high above your head, and begin to switch
02:20So right leg is out, extended and straight, left sole on the inside of your right thigh,
02:26inhale, arms reach up, exhale, hinge at your hips, fold forward, forehead to knee.
02:38Begin to lift yourself back to center, extend your left leg out so that you are in a seated
02:46wide straddle, inhale, reach those arms high above, ground down through your tailbone,
02:55and as you exhale, gently walk your palms out in front of you.
03:00Walk them out to whatever feels best.
03:05Maybe you come down to your forearms, maybe you go all the way down to your belly.
03:13Nice groin and hamstring stretch.
03:16All right, gently lift yourself up and out of your wide straddle, and begin to make your
03:22way into a tabletop position, and go right into your cow and cat movements.
03:29Make sure your shoulders are stacked over your wrists, hips stacked over your knees.
03:34As you inhale, cow pose, drop your belly, lift your gaze.
03:41Exhale, cat, press your palms into the ground, round through your spine, inhale, cow, tilt
03:49your pelvis forward, lift through your chest.
03:54Exhale, cat, round through your back, take a look at your thighs.
04:00Take a couple more rounds of your cow and cat, pair it with your breath, go at whatever
04:04pace you would like.
04:06If you want to add in some other movements that would feel good within your spine and
04:11body today, feel free to do so.
04:18And when you're ready, come back into a tabletop position.
04:22Step your right foot out to the right side, straighten your right leg, and shift yourself
04:27forward and back just a few times, sink those hips low, come forward, bring those shoulders
04:35past your wrists just a few times.
04:39Come back into your tabletop, let's switch that out.
04:42Step your left foot out, straighten out that leg, and begin to shift forward and back.
04:54Great job.
04:55When you're ready, come back into your tabletop, lift yourself onto your shins, bring your
05:01hands onto your hips, engage your core here.
05:09As you put your weight into your left shin, step your right foot forward, come into a
05:14modified low lunge, keep that right knee stacked over your right ankle, and let's sink deep
05:22into that left hip flexor.
05:24So make this a nice deep lunge, slightly tuck under your tailbone, inhale, reach those arms
05:31high above your head, exhale, inhale, reach through your fingertips, exhale, come into
05:42a twist.
05:43So plant that left palm on the inside of that right foot, right arm reaches towards the
05:50sky, beautiful, deep inhale, and exhale, release your right palm down, frame your right foot.
05:58Inhale, low lunge, lift your left knee off the mat, exhale, begin to shift yourself forward
06:05and back just a few times, you should feel it in your calf here.
06:11And when you're ready, come back into your low lunge, ground down through your left palm,
06:16inhale, twist, lift the right arm all the way up, low lunge twist, exhale, release that
06:24right palm back down, frame your right foot, plant the left knee down, bring your hands
06:31to your hips, and then step that right leg to meet the left shin.
06:37So we are on our shins again, engage your core, put your weight into your right shin,
06:42step the left foot forward, come into your modified low lunge, again, sink deep into
06:48your right hip flexor, inhale, arms reach up, exhale, make sure that left knee is stacked
06:56over your left ankle, inhale, reach through your fingertips, exhale, plant the right palm
07:02down, left arm reaches up, we're in our twist again.
07:07Deep inhale, exhale, release, frame your left foot, inhale, right knee comes off the mat,
07:14we are in low lunge, exhale, shift forward and back a few times.
07:24Coming into our low lunge twist again, ground down through your right palm, inhale, left
07:29arm reaches to the sky, beautiful.
07:35Release out whenever you're ready, frame your left foot, drop your right knee down, bring
07:41your hands to your hips, step the left leg back, and then make your way into a downward
07:51Lift those hips high to the sky, ground down through both palms and both feet.
07:58If you wanna take a spinal wave here, you can.
08:05Let's come into a down dog twist, so make your stance a little wider, so widen out your
08:10feet just a little bit.
08:12Inhale, reach that right hand towards your left shin or left ankle, exhale, nice deep
08:20twist, look underneath that left armpit, and come back to center, then switch it out.
08:28Inhale, left palm to right ankle or shin, exhale, deep twist, and come back to center
08:37in your downward dog.
08:39Bring your feet a little bit closer together, inhale, shift forward, high plank, bring those
08:45shoulders slightly past your wrists.
08:49As you exhale, lower all the way down to your belly, bring those elbows towards your ribcage,
08:55inhale, lift your chest, press into your palms, cobra pose.
09:00As you exhale, release onto your knees and push yourself back and come into a tabletop
09:10From here, we're coming into a side plank variation.
09:13So kickstand your right shin out to the right side, ground down through your right palm,
09:19bring that left foot in line with your right knee, left arm reaches towards the sky.
09:24Your left foot can stay where it's at or you can test out your balance here and lift that
09:28left foot off the mat in line with your left hip.
09:33And hold here briefly, deep inhale, reach through those left fingertips.
09:39As you exhale, slowly release, come back into your tabletop.
09:44Let's switch it out.
09:46Kickstand the left shin out, ground down through your left palm, right arm reaches up, right
09:52foot can stay where it's at or you can test your balance and lift it off your mat.
09:58Deep inhale and slow exhale.
10:05At the end of your exhale, come back into your tabletop.
10:09From your tabletop, lift your hips up, come into a downward dog.
10:14Inhale, right leg lifts all the way to the sky.
10:18Exhale, step it through between your palms, low lunge.
10:22Inhale, lift warrior two, spin the left foot down so it's parallel with the backside of
10:28your mat.
10:29Right knee stacked over right ankle, arms are at a T.
10:33Square off your hips.
10:35It's easy for that left hip to be slightly lifted than the right when we come into this.
10:41And from here, we're coming into extended side angle.
10:44So as you inhale, shift those fingertips forward, exhale, right elbow on top of your right thigh,
10:52left arm reaches up.
10:54Stay here or go a little deeper and plant that right palm on the inside of your right
11:01Just an option, take it or leave it.
11:04Wherever you are, shift yourself into a low lunge, frame your right foot.
11:10Inhale step back, come into a high plank.
11:14Exhale lower all the way to belly or take chaturanga.
11:19Inhale up dog or cobra and exhale downward dog.
11:26Taking on the left side, inhale left leg lifts up, exhale, step it through.
11:33Inhale warrior two, right foot spins down, arms are at a T, bend through that left knee.
11:41And again, square off your hips here.
11:45Great job.
11:47Inhale, slightly shift those fingertips forward, exhale, extended side angle, left elbow on
11:54top of left thigh or take the deeper variation if you would like.
12:01Really reach through those right fingertips, inhale, exhale, release, come into a low lunge.
12:08Frame that left foot, inhale, step back, come into a high plank position.
12:16Shift forward, exhale, release down.
12:20Take your variation whether to your belly or chaturanga.
12:25Inhale up dog or cobra, exhale downward dog.
12:31Now come into a seated position.
12:33You can come to a cross leg position or onto your shins like how I am.
12:38When you're ready, deep inhale, reach those arms all the way up.
12:46Exhale, palms together, bring them down to your heart center.
12:50Inhale, arms reach up.
12:52As you exhale, let's come into a side bend.
12:55So right palm comes to the right side, reach that left arm up and all the way over to the
13:02Inhale, come back to center.
13:04And as you exhale, let's go over to the left.
13:10Inhale come back to center.
13:13And let's take a gentle back bend here.
13:16So from your seated position, you'll bring those palms behind you.
13:20Come on to your fingertips though.
13:24Gently lift through your chest, maybe let your head fall back.
13:32And then slowly release out.
13:35Come back into your tabletop position, widen out your knees, bring the big toes to touch,
13:41sink those hips towards your heels.
13:44Walk your palms out to the top of your space, forehead comes down to the mat.
13:49We are in child's pose.
13:53Take a few deep breaths here.
13:59Noticing the sensations throughout your entire body.
14:13Begin to lift yourself out of your child's pose.
14:18And gently make your way onto your back.
14:23When you get there, come into a waterfall position, extend both your legs straight up
14:28to the sky, arms are long by your side.
14:33Notice the connection between your entire spine and the mat.
14:41You can play around with your legs here a little bit if you'd like.
14:45Maybe bend one knee at a time.
14:51You can play around in your waterfall pose as much as you want or you can just stay still.
14:58And you can stay in waterfall as long as you'd like or you can join me for a supine butterfly
15:05So you can bring those legs into a butterfly pose, bending the knees, soles of your feet
15:11are together and letting those knees fall out wide.
15:16You can stay here for our shavasana today or if this does not feel good or you want
15:23to take a traditional shavasana with your legs down long, you are more than welcome
15:27to do so.
15:32Wherever you are at, take the next few moments to just relax, to just be.
15:41Soak in these last 15 minutes of movement before moving forward with your day.
16:01Feel free to stay here longer, but if you're ready to wrap up your practice and move forward,
16:09begin to come to a tiny ball, bring your knees to your chest, hands around your shins, rock
16:15side to side.
16:18And then rock yourself forward, come into a seated position.
16:24Bring your palms together at your heart center and ending class with one deep breath together.
16:31Inhale, reach those arms all the way up.
16:35Exhale, palms together, down to your heart center.
16:40Thank you so much for practicing with me today.
16:43I hope you enjoyed this flow and as always, please subscribe to support me.
