Tanjiro becomes a stalker _ Demon Slayer S4 EP 2 reaction hashira training arc kimetsu no yaiba

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00:00Tanjiro is kind of like everyone's therapist or friend.
00:03I like that Tanjiro didn't hear anything so he's like,
00:05okay, I'm just gonna welcome myself in.
00:08Do you guys see the eye bags?
00:09Hey guys, today we're hopping into Demon Slayer season 4 episode 2.
00:14I'm excited.
00:15All right, we're seeing kind of the scene being set,
00:18all the Hashira have gotten a little bit of an intro,
00:22and now it's full-on training.
00:24I'm not gonna lie to you,
00:25I do feel like we're heading into almost like a filler-esque type of mini arc here.
00:31Because it seems it's gonna be more jokes, more fun and laughter
00:37right before everything starts to hit the fan and a lot of fights start.
00:41So let's get into it.
00:48Oh, that's a nice library.
00:55They're not gonna actually re-show us the scene, right?
01:04And the whole conversation, right?
01:14No way!
01:15This feels like the Naruto Shippuden filler arc all over again.
01:26Aw, he adores her!
01:41I'm sorry they didn't do this sooner.
01:55I forget, do we know much of her background?
02:15I hope we kind of see more of how these two met.
02:25I think this is my favorite intro song to Demon Slayer yet.
02:34Linitz's face in the intro always gets me.
02:37Oh, I hope we find out why he was so standoffish from all the other Hashira.
02:42The water Hashira?
02:44I have to admit, I will be a little bit annoyed if we see too many recycled scenes in this arc.
02:54Oh, I guess we will find out.
03:15Aw, Tandir was kind of like everyone's therapist or friend.
03:19He's able to talk and communicate and connect with pretty much everyone in the series.
03:24You know what?
03:40Food is the real way to connect with someone.
03:54I guess if you don't have a doorbell, that's pretty effective.
04:05Just yell out your own introduction.
04:17In denial.
04:20I like that Tanjiro didn't hear anything.
04:22So he's like, okay, I'm just gonna welcome myself in.
04:36I was about to say, Tanjiro is really up in his personal space.
04:52Okay, that's a little unfair.
04:57I don't think he gave Tanjiro that many pointers or spent that much time training him, to be honest.
05:03And Tanjiro's been busy, okay?
05:05He's been fighting, I guess, lower moons, upper moons, back to back per season.
05:12So to be fair, I think Q here is a little bit too harsh on him.
05:17He seems very standoffish.
05:19And don't tell me, is his backstory something like,
05:22oh, his whole family and all his friends were annihilated by demons.
05:28So now as Hashira, he believes that power is above all and solitary power is the way to go about it.
05:36Is that where he's coming from?
05:37And is that why he's kind of refusing to work with the other Hashira?
05:40Because he thinks it's a useless way to go about it.
05:44Is that it?
05:58Is he planning on retiring?
06:05It would frustrate me so much to speak to him.
06:08He seems like a very few words, not very explaining type of person.
06:19I think persistence is key here.
06:23Annoy him to the point where he can't ignore you.
06:28You can't be mad on an empty stomach or on a full stomach.
06:42He's like, good morning.
06:50I do think if this was anyone else, but Tanjiro doing all this,
06:54I mean, he's just welcoming in.
06:56Well, he's welcoming himself into Kyu's house every single day now and kind of harassing him.
07:04If it was anyone else, I think he would have gotten kicked out.
07:07But because it's Tanjiro, it's hard to say no to him.
07:11I think Kyu's gonna fold.
07:16Oh my gosh.
07:20Tanjiro's ability to hold a conversation on his own is amazing.
07:34Do you guys see the eye bags that Kyu has right now?
07:37He's probably not sleeping well because his alarm
07:40at the crack of dawn probably every single day is Tanjiro.
07:43In the shower?
07:52Not the restroom.
08:01Knowing Tanjiro, he would.
08:07He is stalking him.
08:08Literally, even to the bathroom.
08:13What's the final selection again?
08:29I remember him.
08:34We're gonna take a trip down memory lane, aren't we?
08:38Did he maybe sacrifice himself to save him?
08:41Is that what it is?
08:43Hey guys!
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09:04That's why.
09:04Kyu probably feels like he's not worthy or he took Sabito's place.
09:12Oh, I love his voice.
09:37Oh my gosh, he's been carrying that his this whole time?
09:43Okay, can I say?
09:47I think that test is really flawed.
09:49I mean, first off, it's very vague.
09:51Okay, you gotta survive up that mountain seven days.
09:54You could argue that it proves that you're able to stand your ground and survive.
10:00But on the other hand, you do probably have cases like Kyu where he probably relied on
10:05help from others and might not have slayed any demons on his own.
10:09But I think it wouldn't have been better and more useful of the talent if they had
10:14trained them.
10:15I mean, not everyone's going to become a Hashira, right?
10:18That's a fact with demon slayers.
10:20But I think they really needed all the help they could get.
10:22And I can only imagine how much talent was wasted.
10:36Oh, no.
10:40So gloomy.
10:53Yeah, like a survivor's guilt.
11:10I mean, I get where Kyu's coming from.
11:13But let's be honest here.
11:15How is this going to help?
11:16If Sabito were alive, if anything, Kyu should have brought on or bought into Sabito's philosophy
11:23of trying to help as many as possible.
11:25Him being all standoffish and kind of holding himself back because he thinks he's not worthy.
11:32It's hurting the demon slayer corpse as a whole.
11:34So I'm kind of annoyed if his whole plan is just, oh, I'm not worthy.
11:37So I'm not going to participate in the training.
11:39So what?
11:40Are you just going to solo this?
11:42It's not like he can solo Muzan.
11:44So what is the thinking here?
11:47Oh, this fight was still one of my favorites of the entire series.
12:10If not, I think that's pretty up there.
12:13If not the favorite.
12:18You know, how the tears are able to go past the mask is something to be studied.
12:35No, I think he needs a reality check.
12:37He needs a wake up slap.
12:52Shame on you, Kyu.
12:52As an adult man, I think he's a young man.
12:56That you need Tanjiro to get some sense into you.
13:19Tomigyu's been wallowing all this time.
13:27I have to admit, this makes me see Kyu in a much lamer light.
13:40Ah, not the food.
13:52Oh, she's so pretty.
13:56Um, Kyu's not exactly the love hashiro.
14:10I don't know if this is going to work.
14:16I think Tanjiro's spiraling.
14:34Oh, that does look good though.
14:40Getting hungry.
14:57She looks pissed.
15:14Oh, maybe she's focused on the research part.
15:42Oh, I did not expect the ending to be so dreary and dark.
15:48I like it.
15:50I did not expect the instant dark mood to take on right after we saw a soba noodle speed eating contest.
16:01Okay, some thoughts I have.
16:03I'm kind of disappointed with this episode.
16:04I'm not gonna lie.
16:06I like it in terms of the art.
16:09It's as nice to look at as much as ever.
16:13It was nice to see Tanjiro talk to Kyu a little bit of his history.
16:18But it felt very flat.
16:20It feels like they're stalling to be honest.
16:23Because, okay, Kyu's whole story probably could have taken more like half an episode to be honest.
16:29If his whole thing was literally that he just needed to be pulled out of,
16:32out of, well, he just needs to be pulled out of his slump.
16:35He just needs to, in a sense, get a little bit of reality check.
16:40It just felt very filler backstory.
16:43So, yeah.
16:45What's his secret?
16:58Ah, I always wondered why his outfit is kind of half and half of two different styles.
17:05Aw, they're kind of foodie buddies now.
17:10Tanjiro really can make friends with just about everyone.
17:13Overall, I'm a little disappointed.
17:16It was a fun episode.
17:17But I'm kind of really missing the gap in advancement and story.
17:22Not even just action, but a little bit more substance.
17:25This just felt too fillery for me.
17:28But let me know what you guys thought in the comments below.
17:31And if you haven't yet, don't forget to like and subscribe to the channel.
17:34Thanks guys, and I'll see you in the next one.
