• last year
From exclusive items to portion sizes, we wanted to find all the differences between Hungry Jack's in Australia and Burger King in the US. This is "Food Wars."


00:00From calorie count to portion sizes, we wanted to find out the differences between
00:04Hungry Jack's Australia and Burger King in the US. This is Food Wars.
00:12First things first, you might have noticed there's a difference in the name.
00:16Here in Australia, Burger King operates under the name Hungry Jack's because when they first
00:21came here, their name was already taken. We'll get more into the history later,
00:24but when you hear me saying Hungry Jack's, that's why. Now let's get into the drinks.
00:29In Australia, our Hungry Jack's drinks come in three sizes, small, medium, and large.
00:36In the US, our Burger King drinks come in four sizes, the value, the small,
00:43the medium, and the large. Let's measure them to keep them honest. To be fair to Burger King,
00:48I filled these up. I think I did a pretty good job. The lid's a little recessed.
00:52Yes, there's ice in there.
00:54Now let's measure the large.
01:00I feel like everything is about four or five ounces off.
01:03Our fries, or chips as we like to call them in Australia, come in three sizes,
01:09small, medium, and large.
01:11Our fries come in four sizes, the little value, the small, the medium, and the large.
01:17And you know we're going to weigh them.
01:19So these portions should weigh 90 grams, 116 grams, and 166 grams,
01:25according to the Hungry Jack's website. So let's see if this is true.
01:36Both Australia and the US have the Whopper, so let's weigh both of them and compare.
01:42All right.
01:45On to the nuggets. In Australia, our nuggets come in four sizes, three, six, 12, and 18.
01:55Our US nuggets come technically in three sizes, the four piece, the eight piece,
02:01which in some part of the countries you can also get the fiery nugget version in eight piece,
02:05and a 16 piece, which was not available.
02:08Well, I want to be in the shot. I'm just kidding, because this is my new headshot.
02:13Here in the US, we have four sizes of onion rings. Again, value, small, medium, and large.
02:18In Australia, our onion rings come in two sizes, a medium and a large.
02:24Just eyeballing it right now, it looks like we have bigger portion sizes than Australia.
02:28I'm going to count out the rings and the largest and see how it compares to theirs.
02:32So in a large serving, we get 12 onion rings.
02:36Okay, so this is one of the smaller ones we had.
02:40Here is everything that you'll find at an Australian Hungry Jack's
02:43that you won't find in an American Burger King.
02:46And here's everything you can get at a Burger King slash Hungry Jack's in America,
02:51you can't get in Australia.
02:52Let's get into the burgers. I have to say, my observation in all of this is all of these
03:00burgers, not only are they massive, but they look really good.
03:04We have a Whiskey River Whopper, we've got onion, you've got lettuce, you've got,
03:09you have chips inside, you have tomatoes, two layers of cheese, two burger whop patties.
03:19I really like this. I really, really like this.
03:22The burgers are better at Hungry Jack's.
03:25So there's a saying in Australia,
03:27so there's a saying in Australia, it's one of their slogans,
03:30and they always say the burgers are better at Hungry Jack's.
03:33And this is really good.
03:35I can't taste like whiskey specifically. I don't know if it's,
03:39I'm not drunk yet, so I think there's not whiskey in there.
03:45But I think it must be like a whiskey glaze or a whiskey sauce.
03:48It's like a caramelized flavor.
03:51We have these exclusive U.S. burgers starting all the way down there.
03:57A Texas Double Whopper, same as a regular Double Whopper, but this one has jalapenos.
04:05Okay, so you're getting your money's worth. Oh, there's also bacon in there too.
04:08All right, pretty good. I don't know if I could eat a whole one of those, but I liked that.
04:12We have a Double Whiskey River Whopper, an Ultimate Double Whopper,
04:18which is two layers of beef and two layers of cheese.
04:22We have your Classic Whopper, a Double Whopper and Cheese,
04:26a Triple Whopper and Cheese, and an Angry Whopper.
04:31And it comes with a single patty or a double patty,
04:34or there's a triple beef option if that's what you like.
04:37And with Angry Onions.
04:40I don't know what an Angry Onion is. I've never met an Angry Onion before.
04:46All right, let's have a bite of the Angry Whopper.
04:53There's a bit of a spice to it. Nothing too overpowering.
04:57It's quite nice. I like this as well, but that's really like a nice subtle kick to it.
05:01So that's what makes it angry.
05:03If you're wondering, I'm so happy I could solve that problem for you because I'm here to serve.
05:08If double meat isn't enough for you, we also have the Triple Whopper Australia.
05:12Yes, you are correct. That is a bun,
05:18then a piece of meat, and then another piece of meat,
05:22and then a third piece of meat, and then all the stuff.
05:28He's jumping in the middle of the meat. You can't just go meat, meat, meat.
05:31Our Whopper doesn't automatically have cheese. You can get a Whopper with cheese, obviously.
05:35So this one doesn't have cheese. Texas did have cheese.
05:38I don't know why cheese is the default for the Whopper.
05:42The Whopper's been around for so long.
05:44Back when people wanted regular hamburgers and not cheeseburgers, we think it's just insanity.
05:48And then we have the Bacon Deluxe. This is very similar to the Ultimate Double Whopper.
05:54The sizing is the main difference that I can tell, and obviously with the patties and stuff.
06:00But the flavor is supposed to be the same.
06:03We also have the BBQ Bacon Whopper Jr., which of course has bacon, American bacon.
06:10Now's the perfect time. I know that she was talking about
06:13close-up of the bacon, so why don't I just do a little something right here for her?
06:17All right. All right. Check it out, Australia. American bacon.
06:21We got the strip bacon. I'll just get a good glamour shot.
06:24Nah, we're bacon. We got the strips. We got the strips.
06:27So the bacon in Hungry Jack's is Australian eye bacon, and it looks something like this.
06:34If you can manage to see it past all this sauce.
06:38I know you guys in America generally prefer your bacon to be a bit crispier and thinner.
06:43We do have that option here.
06:45However, our rashes of bacon do tend to be quite a thicker portion.
06:49So it is thin and crispy on the outside,
06:53but the inside, see how it's like a, it's a nice bit of pork.
06:57Speaking of bacon, we have the Bacon King.
07:00It feels like this is the Whopper without the vegetables, which I applaud.
07:04Look, everyone, they put cheese in between the meats.
07:06See, they know how to do it. This is great.
07:08I don't know why I said there'd be a whole different menu thing.
07:10Just call this the, this should be the Whopper.
07:12And then we have a Whopper Jr. in cheese.
07:15Little baby Whopper.
07:17And then a triple cheeseburger and a BBQ cheeseburger.
07:21Moving on to the much smaller burgers.
07:23Look at this, man.
07:24Look at the tiny little guys.
07:25Bacon cheeseburger.
07:26If you want a little more meat in your mouth, and you know I do,
07:29go ahead and get yourself the double.
07:31Yo, Australia.
07:35Look at that cheese pull.
07:36It's like an insider video from three years ago.
07:38I have no idea what rodeo, if rodeos exist outside of the States or the Americas.
07:44And if they don't, we have a thing called rodeos.
07:46And for some reason, we have a rodeo burger.
07:49And that's just a cheeseburger with BBQ sauce and onion rings.
07:53And now we have our Grillmaster collection.
07:56So this is made from thick, juicy Angus.
08:01Starting off to my right, we have the Grillmaster's pulled pork and Angus.
08:06They went hard on the pulled pork.
08:09They didn't shy away from that.
08:13You can taste the BBQ sauce, which is surprising
08:16because it didn't look like there was much BBQ sauce on it.
08:20The pork flavor is coming through ever so slightly,
08:22but it's just the texture of the pulled pork and a solid beef patty
08:27that I don't really like that much.
08:30We have our Grillmaster cowboy Angus.
08:33We have our Grillmaster double cowboy Angus with two Angus patties.
08:39And then we have our Grillmaster's Chicago Angus patty.
08:44Double bacon, natural cheese, and peppercorn sauce.
08:49I'm also curious to know, like, why did they make a Chicago burger?
08:52What is a Chicago burger?
08:54Is Chicago a peppery city?
08:55I thought it was a windy city.
08:56It has a patty.
08:57It's got some lettuce, iceberg lettuce, a sauce,
09:01which I presume has pepper in it, obviously.
09:03Otherwise, don't know what that black stuff is in it.
09:06That would be questionable.
09:08And it has layer of cheese and bacon and tomatoes.
09:13I think maybe the reason it's a Chicago style burger
09:16is because of the double bacon.
09:18I know in the early part of last century,
09:20the stockyards were really popular in Chicago.
09:24Upton Sinclair wrote a book about it called The Jungle.
09:27Don't read it.
09:27It's a real bummer.
09:31I prefer this to that.
09:32This has a lot more flavor.
09:33The textures are good.
09:34I like the combination of the bacon and the Angus beef.
09:38It's really messy though,
09:39so don't take someone out on a first date and get the Chicago burger.
09:43And now we have our Grill Master's Angus bacon and cheese,
09:47and then the Grill Master's double Angus bacon and cheese.
09:51So there's two Angus patties and two layers of cheese.
09:56I just have to say, I'm really impressed by Hungry Jack's.
10:00I find that their burgers are really, really good,
10:03and the quality is unreal.
10:05Here are all the chicken options exclusive over here in the US.
10:08Down here, we have the BK Royal crispy chicken.
10:13The Burger King Royal.
10:14The BK Royal.
10:15Fit for King...
10:22Australia, I don't know if you're aware of this,
10:23but there's a chicken sandwich civil war going on in this country.
10:27Every single fast food place has their chicken sandwich.
10:31I think Chick-fil-A just came in.
10:32Got everyone scared.
10:34Every fast food place, every burger place,
10:35has at least four chicken sandwiches, sometimes more.
10:38And Burger King, I gotta say, they did a good job.
10:41Been sitting for a minute, still crispy, very impressive.
10:44Crispy's in the title.
10:45Here are all the chicken options that you can get at Hungry Jack's.
10:48The Whiskey River Jack's fried chicken.
10:50So you have some lettuce, you have your whiskey sauce
10:55with some chips, onion ring maybe.
11:00The spicy BK Royal crispy chicken sando.
11:04Generous with the mayo.
11:05They're moving mayo at BK.
11:06They're moving mayo.
11:08Everything is chipping with mayo.
11:10I don't mind.
11:11It's got more heat than I thought it would.
11:16Nothing I can't handle, but yeah.
11:17The Whiskey River grilled chicken.
11:20The classic Jack's fried chicken.
11:23This is just fried chicken with some mayonnaise and some iceberg lettuce.
11:28The spicy Jack's fried chicken.
11:31And it has spicy sauce on that.
11:34Australia, we also have a bacon and Swiss BK Royal crispy chicken sandwich.
11:41Here it is.
11:44It's good.
11:44It's a good combo.
11:45It's really good.
11:46I like that.
11:46I probably would get that one over all the other ones.
11:48The cheesy bacon classic Jack's fried chicken.
11:52The cheesy bacon spicy Jack's fried chicken.
11:55So this would be the spicy sauce.
11:58That's a lot of spicy sauce.
12:00The spicy grilled chicken.
12:02The grilled chicken.
12:04The grilled chicken with bacon and cheese.
12:07And of course, this little guy, the Chicken Jr.
12:09If you've ever had a McChicken, it's the same exact thing.
12:13Whoa, what's going on here?
12:14That sauce?
12:15Or is that like...
12:16Started skimping on...
12:16No, because mayo's on top.
12:19What's that?
12:21I'm not licking it.
12:26Maybe a bit of mayo.
12:27I don't know what it is.
12:28I want to try the cheesy bacon spicy Jack's fried chicken.
12:33Because I haven't been able to get like a spicy burger.
12:37And this looks like it is packed with spice.
12:45So let's take a bite into it and see how spicy it really is.
12:51That is very spicy.
12:54Definitely recommend this one.
12:55This one's really, really good.
12:56It's such a relief because I feel like every burger that we've had
12:59is like says it's spicy, but it's like...
13:03And last but not least, we have some additional exclusive items.
13:07The Burger King, we have a big fish, which is our fish sandwich.
13:11Rivals, of course, the Filet-O-Fish.
13:15A square piece of fish.
13:17Looks a little rough, right?
13:18I like how it tastes.
13:20Filet-O-Fish is better, but I get down on a big fish.
13:23Remember those chicken sandwiches from before?
13:25We got them in wrap form.
13:26Three wraps to choose from.
13:28So the first one we have is the classic crispy wrap, sorry.
13:32Half a chicken breast.
13:33Half? Come on, guys.
13:34You just cut it in half?
13:35Can't give us the whole one?
13:37Mayo, lettuce, tomato.
13:39This one's the spicy one.
13:42Here's the other half.
13:43Again, half a chicken.
13:44I don't know what the price point is,
13:45but you're definitely getting half of the chicken you get in sandwich form.
13:48We do have a couple of plant-based options at our Burger King.
13:52They're not vegan, though,
13:53because they are cooked in the same grill as the beef burgers
13:55and still contain dairy and eggs.
13:57Just Burger King, mwah, that one.
14:00The Impossible Whopper, which we have here.
14:02There's also the single Impossible King.
14:04Couldn't get it for this one.
14:06What does the burger taste like, you ask Australian?
14:08Well, first of all, let's take a look at it.
14:10Sometimes it looks like beef, and sometimes, like now, it does not.
14:14It has mayo on here, and I'm certain it's not a vegan mayo.
14:17It tastes just like a Whopper,
14:18because a Whopper is swimming in mayo,
14:20and they add something to the meat to make it taste like it's char-grilled.
14:24I mean, I think that everything together,
14:25because of the toppings and the way that they prepare a Whopper
14:29and an Impossible Whopper are the same.
14:31So I would think, yeah, maybe side-by-side I could tell a difference,
14:34but right now, this tastes exactly like a Whopper.
14:36But if we just isolate the meat,
14:40you can do taste a difference in just the meat.
14:42So not my favorite.
14:43If you're a vegetarian or vegan, well, get rid of the mayo.
14:48If you're not eating meat,
14:50I would say that the plant-based Whopper, to me,
14:53is probably the closest to the real thing
14:55as far as plant-based fast food things are concerned.
14:58That's my personal opinion.
14:59We actually have two plant-based burgers and a fully vegan burger.
15:03The vegan Whopper and cheese,
15:05double vegan patty,
15:07vegan cheese,
15:08vegan mayo,
15:10and the patty is made from veg.
15:12We have a plant-based Whopper,
15:15a plant-based Whopper cheese.
15:17The cheese is not vegan.
15:19The plant-based Angry Whopper.
15:21Our vegan options are actually vegan
15:23as they're cooked separately from the meat patties,
15:26which is really good.
15:27Because if you're a vegan or vegetarian
15:28and you want to come and get a good feed,
15:31then you know it's definitely vegan.
15:33This is the best place to go to.
15:35Yeah, so have a good feed in Australian means...
15:40How do I say a good feed?
15:41Like, enjoy your meal.
15:43If you want to have a good meal,
15:44if you want to enjoy your meal,
15:46let's try this vegan Whopper cheese,
15:48double vegan patty.
15:53This is a good option.
15:54If you did want an alternative,
15:56I like this.
15:57And if you just didn't want any meat,
15:59it's very filling.
16:00There's a lot of flavor.
16:02It's got like a herby taste to it.
16:05You can taste the onion.
16:07The cheese is good too.
16:08I was going to try the cheese separately
16:10just to see if that adds any flavor.
16:14The cheese is just a bit creamy.
16:17Creamy texture.
16:18A bit more of like a smoky flavor,
16:21subtle smoky flavor throughout.
16:22On to the sides.
16:23Australia, you don't have these chicken fries?
16:26Get a load of this.
16:27Isn't this a great idea?
16:28Looks like a fry, right?
16:29Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah.
16:30This is a piece of chicken.
16:31They come in, I don't know how many different options.
16:33We've got the four piece.
16:34And it came in a bag.
16:35Usually it comes in a fun little box,
16:36but whatever.
16:37These things are fantastic.
16:39Mozzarella sticks.
16:41Come in four and eight pieces.
16:43No way this, no way I can do this, Paul.
16:46He's been sitting for a minute.
16:50Yo, no.
16:52Comes with marinara sauce.
16:54RBK also has apple sauce,
16:56but they unfortunately forgot it.
16:58So no sauce.
17:00And in Australia, these are our exclusive sides.
17:03We have a three nuggets and chip curry cup.
17:07And we have a poppin' chicken curry cup
17:10and a poppin' chicken curry cup plenty pack.
17:13However, those were not available.
17:15We do have a load of other sauces.
17:17You know what that means?
17:18Sauce talk.
17:21Now we're going to talk about all the sauces we have
17:24that are exclusive to Australian hungry jacks.
17:27Starting with a barbecue plum sauce.
17:31And it's, aioli is not just garlic mayo.
17:34Traditionally it's made with garlic and olive oil.
17:37Whereas mayo uses oil and egg yolks.
17:40And then we have our spicy sauce.
17:43How spicy is it?
17:45I'm about to tell you right now
17:46because I'm going to crack into this.
17:49Let's go.
17:50It's not that spicy.
17:51The kick comes after.
17:53It is spicy.
17:54Barbecue plum.
17:56Never heard of a barbecue plum before.
17:59That's really good.
18:01It's sweet.
18:02It's got that sweet plum kind of jam marmalade flavor,
18:06but with that barbecue sauce through it.
18:09But I feel like the plum taste comes through more.
18:12I really like that.
18:13All right, barbecue.
18:16All right, barbecue.
18:21Honey mustard.
18:25It's okay.
18:25Here's our ranch.
18:27America is obsessed with ranch.
18:30I, of course, am not.
18:32I'll try it.
18:33Yeah, it's fine.
18:34All ranch tastes the same.
18:35Moving on, we got buffalo sauce.
18:38So we got zesty sauce, Australia.
18:40I don't know if this is just for dipping stuff
18:42or if it's on a burger.
18:44I don't think I've heard of this before.
18:45Maybe we had it before in other food wars.
18:48I just don't remember.
18:49Let's see how zesty it is.
18:50Oh man, that is zesty.
18:53It's like a strong mustard, but also creamy.
18:56Brown mustard.
18:57Also, we have sweet and sour sauce.
18:59More for nuggets than it is for fries, but why not, right?
19:03And before the marinara, you know, I love.
19:06We have other sauces you get here in the U.S.,
19:09including stacker sauce, mustard and mayo,
19:12tartar sauce, royal sauce, King Charles' favorite,
19:15and a spicy glaze sauce.
19:18Hungry Jack's also has some brekkie options.
19:21Just know brekkie is short for breakfast here in Australia.
19:25If you're aware, we love to shorten our words.
19:28So we will call afternoon arvo.
19:31We'll call a snag for a sausage.
19:36Taka is dinner.
19:37Back to the items here.
19:39Here we have a bacon and egg Turkish brekkie roll.
19:43We have our sausage and egg Turkish brekkie roll.
19:47We have our Jack's brekkie roll.
19:49We have our barbecue brekkie wrap,
19:51and we have our big brekkie wrap,
19:53which is the same as that one.
19:54It just has hash browns in it.
19:56And then we have pancakes and onto our cheese toasties.
20:00A cheese toasty.
20:02We have ham and cheese toasties
20:04and a ham, cheese, and tomato toasty.
20:07U.S., we love our fast food breakfast,
20:10or brekkie, as you would call it in Australia.
20:13Starting down here, we have French toast sticks.
20:16Frekkies, I guess.
20:17You can get them three or five.
20:18Has this nice old syrupy dipping sauce.
20:21They're just okay.
20:22We have a lot of breakfast sandwiches in the U.S.
20:24You can get a breakfast sandwich in different bread forms.
20:28The first one we have is a biscuit.
20:30Don't know if you have these in Australia.
20:33Try to explain it to non-Americans what American biscuits are.
20:36Easier just to show you.
20:37You have KFC, right?
20:38It's like those biscuits you get at KFC.
20:40We have these breakfast sandwiches.
20:42See this little thing?
20:43It's like the driest thing in the world.
20:45But we have breakfast sandwiches.
20:46Here's a bacon, egg, and cheese one.
20:49You also get sausage, egg, and cheese.
20:50Ham, egg, and cheese.
20:51Good, dry.
20:52I really don't go for those,
20:53but I do like are the croissan'wiches.
20:56Another bread option where it is a croissant.
20:59Yes, a croissant.
21:01And we stuck a bunch of meat and cheese inside of it.
21:04Gonna go with the...
21:05This one is the bacon one.
21:08A fully loaded.
21:10Sausage and ham and bacon.
21:16Oh my goodness.
21:17Every version of pork in one sandwich with eggs.
21:23I have to know.
21:28Kind of wish I didn't.
21:29Kind of wish I didn't.
21:31Biscuits or croissants.
21:32These are the ones you can get.
21:33I'm gonna throw on screen the whole list
21:35of both the options that you have.
21:37I can't list them all.
21:38It's just a different version of the bread
21:40with a meat, an egg, and a cheese.
21:42Also, breakfast burritos.
21:45Believe it.
21:46This one.
21:47Yo, dog.
21:48This is a hefty boy.
21:49This, I believe, is the egg-normous burrito.
21:53Come on.
21:54This thing is like...
21:56This has gotta be.
21:56This is like a chipotle burrito.
21:58Look at the size of this thing, Uli.
22:00See what's inside.
22:03Australia, I assure you, this is not normal.
22:06Hash browns, bacon, sausage, an egg, cheese.
22:12It also comes with a picante salsa,
22:16which we will find out together how it is.
22:21Breakfast burritos are a big thing in America.
22:24Probably in the UK as well, but this is just ridiculous.
22:27It's actually really good.
22:28And you know what?
22:29Secret weapon, the salsa.
22:30I don't know who makes the salsa,
22:31but yeah, dude, I'm having a comeback right now.
22:37If you want a breakfast burrito in not gigantic form,
22:40there's also a breakfast burrito junior.
22:42Got yourself a sweet tooth.
22:44We have two exclusive desserts in the US.
22:46Right here, two chocolate chip cookies.
22:48Also, we have this Hershey's sundae pie.
22:52Sundae pie on the go.
22:54Look at this thing.
22:54Look at this thing.
22:55You see that, Uli?
22:57I'm kind of mad now that I know this exists.
22:59I'm going to want it all the time.
23:00And at Hungry Jack's, these are our dessert options.
23:04We have a Storm Biscoff, which wasn't available.
23:07A Storm Bubblegum.
23:09A Storm Oreo.
23:10A Storm Cadbury Flake.
23:13A Storm M&M's Mini.
23:15A Sticky Day Pudding.
23:17A Caramel Sundae.
23:18A Strawberry Sundae.
23:20A Chocolate Sundae.
23:21And a Mini Drumstick Vanilla.
23:24Storm's, if you're not too familiar,
23:26I would say it's quite similar to a McFlurry.
23:29The bubblegum looks a little bit terrifying.
23:31I really want to try it.
23:32It looks kind of gross.
23:34But the marshmallows on top, it looks ridiculously sweet.
23:38This is all that I had to try my ice cream with.
23:45That was so sweet.
23:47It was putrid.
23:49It was foul.
23:50I didn't even think a child would like that.
23:52That is...
23:54You can't go wrong with an Oreo.
23:56I always get them, but a Flake will be good.
23:58The chocolate is a bit shredded.
24:03That is a bit of me.
24:04That is a bit of me.
24:07Nice, creamy, and then a delicious taste of flaky milk chocolate.
24:14Burst of flavor in your mouth.
24:16Not overpowering and not feeling like you're going to have to end up in the ER
24:19because you have a heart attack.
24:21I've even added some more Storm Flakes to the base of the ice cream.
24:24So, amazing.
24:27Even though the M&M's have melted, this is really yum.
24:34M&M's are always a good choice.
24:35I like the M&M's Storm.
24:37This is the date, the Sticky Date.
24:40It's living up to the Australian name right now.
24:43It's really hot here.
24:44We're just about to get into summer.
24:46And the Sticky Date did, in fact, not make it from the journey from Hungry Jaxx to the studio.
24:54So, this is what we've got.
24:58A nice, saggy Sticky Date.
25:02I've tried a caramel sundae before.
25:04Caramel sundaes are really, really popular here.
25:07Caramel in general, really popular.
25:10But let's give a strawberry sundae a crack.
25:15Yeah, just tastes like a strawberry sundae.
25:17This drumstick here actually launched in Australia in 1963.
25:23And Peters is a classic Australian brand.
25:26So, this is a national Australian dessert, one could say.
25:32A lot of U.S. drinks.
25:33The B.
25:34Okay, starting right down there, a specific bottle of water.
25:37This Pure Life Nestle water.
25:39I should drink this.
25:40I'm not going to.
25:41We also have Diet Coke.
25:44I don't like diets.
25:46We've got Dr. Pepper.
25:47Yeah, the Doc.
25:51A Minute Maid lemonade.
25:53This is, I believe, root beer.
25:56And other drinks you can get for the kids.
25:58A little apple juice.
26:00They have these things.
26:01Frozen Fanta Wild Cherry.
26:03It's normally a slushy that have been filled up to here, but has melted.
26:06There's also a frozen Coke.
26:08Same thing, but Coca-Cola flavored.
26:10It's just a melted mess.
26:12You can get a regular coffee and an iced coffee.
26:15This is the vanilla one, I think.
26:16I don't know.
26:17This is the, yes, the vanilla iced coffee.
26:22Oh, God.
26:26It's like all vanilla.
26:27Too much.
26:28Bottle of milk.
26:29Kind of weird.
26:30But also, Burger King has these two shakes.
26:33Oreo shake and a chocolate shake.
26:35Yes, Oreo.
26:36Like to cook you.
26:37And this shake is so fantastic.
26:39And here's why.
26:39It isn't a vanilla shake with chocolate.
26:41It's like the cream flavored shake.
26:47It's so good.
26:49You can also get a chocolate version, too.
26:51A chocolate Oreo shake.
26:55To chocolatey, this is the one.
26:57This is the best one.
26:58Other drinks you can get at the BK in the U.S.
27:00We couldn't get where I just didn't feel like bringing.
27:03Is Sprite Zero, Unsweetened Iced Tea, Simply Orange Juice,
27:08Frozen Fanta Blue Raspberry Drink, Powerade Zero,
27:13Hi-C Fruit Punch, and Mellow Yellow.
27:16These are the drinks that we have at Hungry Jack's.
27:19We have Vanilla Coke, Fanta Raspberry,
27:23Mount Franklin Spring Water, Biscoff Shake,
27:26Bubblegum Shake, Caramel Shake, Strawberry Shake,
27:31Orange Juice, and Kerry Apple Juice.
27:34We have some frozen drinks with bursties,
27:36which come in a few different flavors.
27:39We have a Frozen Fanta and Grape,
27:41Frozen Fanta Sour Watermelon,
27:44Frozen Fanta Mango, and Frozen Fanta Raspberry.
27:48There's also an option to add bursties to the frozen drinks.
27:51They come in these flavors.
27:53Our spiders come in a Frozen Fanta Grape Spider,
27:57Frozen Fanta Sour Watermelon Spider,
28:00a Frozen Fanta Mango Spider,
28:03a Frozen Fanta Raspberry Spider,
28:05and a Frozen Coke Spider.
28:08I'm going to go with the Raspberry Spider.
28:10That's one thing I love about Hungry Jack's.
28:13Their ice cream is legit.
28:15Like their ice cream is so thick.
28:18Look at that.
28:21I like that.
28:23I don't like the bursties with it.
28:25The bursties did nothing for me.
28:26It's just a pop of flavor, but there's nothing.
28:29It's just a waste really.
28:30I think the ice, the spider tastes great
28:32just with the raspberry Fanta.
28:35I'm sure that in America you guys have spiders as well.
28:39You probably don't call it that.
28:43I'm not a fan of the bursties.
28:45I find that a frozen Coke like this,
28:49the ice cream tastes really good with the Coke on its own.
28:53The added texture and taste of a burstie was just useless.
28:57It was kind of a throwaway.
28:58It made it less pleasant.
29:00Jack's Cafe menu has a few options.
29:02A cappuccino, a flat white, a latte,
29:06a long black, which wasn't available,
29:09a mocha, hot chocolate, chai latte, Dilma tea, fancy,
29:16a mini chino and a piccolo, which weren't available,
29:19a macchiato and a short black,
29:22an ice long black, which wasn't available,
29:25a caramel fudge, iced coffee,
29:28an iced chocolate, an iced mocha and an iced chai.
29:33And for the ice drinks,
29:34there's an option to add brown sugar, popping pearls.
29:38That doesn't sound good to me,
29:44but I'm going to try it anyway.
29:46It sounds like it's going to be really, really sweet.
29:49So we're going to try the caramel fudge iced coffee.
29:56Oh my God, I hate it.
29:58I hate that.
29:58But why, why ruin a perfectly good iced coffee
30:06with these bursties?
30:08Hungry Jack's, I really appreciate you trying to be innovative
30:11and trying to jump on that whole boba sensation that's happening,
30:14but don't ruin a good thing.
30:18You've got a really good thing going.
30:19Your coffees are great.
30:21Well, they're good.
30:24So for those of you who haven't heard of Hungry Jack's before,
30:28it first opened up in Perth, Australia in 1971.
30:33You see, Burger King wanted to open restaurants in Australia,
30:37but the name Burger King had already been trademarked
30:39by a local restaurant in Adelaide
30:41because Burger King actually had never trademarked it down under.
30:45A wealthy businessman, Jack Powin,
30:48acquired the rights to the Australian Burger King franchise
30:52and decided to name it Hungry Jack's.
30:55Hungry Jack's and Burger King actually went to court in 2001
30:59due to Burger King wrongfully trying to terminate an agreement in 1990,
31:04which allowed Hungry Jack's to open and develop
31:07Burger King franchises in Australia.
31:10The development agreement, as it was named,
31:13meant Hungry Jack's had to open a minimum of four restaurants per year
31:18in certain parts of Australia.
31:20Burger King began working with Shell
31:22to market its own restaurant outlets in Australia
31:25in a relationship that excluded Hungry Jack's,
31:28which was not made aware of this until a year later.
31:31That was in 1995.
31:33In 1995, Burger King withdrew the approval for third-party franchises to open,
31:40which meant that Hungry Jack's could not stick to the development agreement.
31:46Eventually, Hungry Jack's actually won the battle
31:49and the judge ruled that Burger King had been breaching the contract.
31:53An agreement was made to rebrand the new Burger King restaurants
31:57in Australia into Hungry Jack's as a sole master franchise.
32:01Even though Australia is a huge country,
32:04it still doesn't have as many Hungry Jack's restaurants
32:07compared to the number of Burger King restaurants globally.
32:10There's only 452 Hungry Jack's, and that is as of September 2023.
32:17That's right, there's more than 18,700 Burger King restaurants around the world.
32:22That's 42 times more than Hungry Jack's.
32:24Texas is actually the state with the most Burger King restaurants
32:27at 583 as of September 2023.
32:31This year, however, two of Burger King's largest franchises have filed for bankruptcy
32:36due to low sales and high costs,
32:38and Burger King announced that it will be closing a few hundred stores later this year.
32:42In August of this year, Burger King was faced with a lawsuit
32:45over the size of its Whoppers compared to what's on the menu.
32:48The lawsuit alleged that the Whopper looked 35% larger
32:52with more than double the meat in the advertisement
32:54compared to the Whopper customers actually received.
32:57In response to the claim, a spokesperson for Burger King said that
33:01patties featured in its ads are the same ones used in the Whoppers
33:06served all over this great nation.
33:09No way that's true, but moving on.
33:12I mean, the fact that Burger King sells 2.1 billion Whoppers every year
33:16tells me the advertisement's working, so...
33:19All right, it's not the same size.
33:20Whatever, you ate it.
33:21Get on with your lives.
33:22Hungry Jack's also faced a lawsuit in 2020
33:27when McDonald's tried to sue over its creation of the Big Jack,
33:31which McDonald's claimed was very similar to the Big Mac.
33:35I can understand the similarities there.
33:38Both parties were expected to return to court at a later date,
33:43but the Big Jack was dropped from the menu,
33:45so it seems a disagreement may have been resolved.
33:48McDonald's is definitely Hungry Jack's biggest competitor
33:52with over a thousand restaurants,
33:55but word on the street is Wendy's is going to expand in Australia,
33:59although there has been a mixed response about that entering here.
34:03McDonald's is the number one competitor against Burger King,
34:05possibly because it has more locations, about 40,000 more as of 2022,
34:10which is over double the amount of Burger King's.
34:12McDonald's has always been larger,
34:14despite both chains starting around the same year in the 1950s.
34:17McDonald's is just optimized for business domination.
34:21Burger King, I can't believe there's this many Burger Kings, to be honest.
34:24McDonald's is the king.
34:25They do everything right.
34:26They've always done everything right.
34:28Burger King has just been looking at McDonald's
34:31and trying to copy what they do.
34:32I'm not a big Burger King fan.
34:34I love McDonald's.
34:36McDonald's fries, way better, right out the gate.
34:38The burger selection at McDonald's, way better.
34:41More convenient, better service.
34:43Yeah, I love Hungry Jack's.
34:45I recently have been consuming more Hungry Jack's than any other fast food.
34:50I like Hungry Jack's.
34:51The burgers are really good.
34:52I like the meat.
34:53I like the produce.
34:54The good thing about Hungry Jack's is you can taste the difference in the quality of meat.
34:59It is definitely far more superior in the make.
35:02It's a bit more of a step up from your average cheeseburgers.
35:08I think a lot of Aussies perceive Hungry Jack's as something we grew up with.
35:13It definitely, even though it's the exact same thing as Burger King,
35:17Hungry Jack's for us resembles something that's Australian
35:21or an Australian take on American burgers and American fast food chains.
35:29Let's talk about price.
35:30In Australia, our Whopper is $9.20 Australian dollars, which is $6.03 USD.
35:38Make it a meal with medium fries and a medium Coke.
35:41It'd be $16.40 AUD or $10.75 USD.
35:47In the U.S., a Whopper will cost you $6.89.
35:51That makes our Whopper 2% more expensive.
35:54If you want to make it a meal with a medium drink, googe, and a medium fry,
35:59this whole thing will cost you $12.18.
36:02That's an 18% increase in price.
36:05It looks like our menu might be a little bit cheaper than the U.S.'s.
36:09I think the prices at Hungry Jack's are quite reasonable.
36:12There are a lot of fast food chains around that are quite expensive for what you're getting,
36:16and I always think that the price at Hungry Jack's is really quite competitive.
36:20Yeah, you know what?
36:2112-something for this, that seems like a pretty good deal.
36:25I'm seeing all these news stories about fast food is suddenly not cheap anymore.
36:29It used to be a lot less expensive, but I still think 12-something for all this,
36:34I could definitely get full on all this.
36:35So yeah, this is a pretty good deal.
36:40We took a look at the most calorific items on Hungry Jack's' menu.
36:45In Australia, this is the Grill Master's Double Cowboy Angus, coming in at 1,401 calories.
36:54However, if you got the Triple Cheeseburger Super Stunner Meal,
36:58which comes with small fries, a small Coke, a mini drumstick,
37:02three chicken nuggets, that would come to 1,386 calories,
37:09which is still less than the burger and with 15 calories remaining.
37:14For the US, it's the Bacon King as the most calorific single menu item,
37:19coming in at 1,200 calories.
37:22Let's get the rest of the stats on the screen there.
37:24If you were to get a cheeseburger meal with a small fry and small drink, Coke,
37:29and a four-piece nugget, and a soft-serve cone,
37:32that's only 86 calories more than just this Bacon King.
37:39Unfortunately, US Burger King does not disclose its ingredients, online or off.
37:44However, the Hungry Jack's website does have a full list of ingredients,
37:49and we found some pretty interesting stuff.
37:52The cheese in the plant-based Whopper isn't actually fully vegetarian,
37:58as it contains products derived from cows.
38:01More specifically, it contains carbs rennet, which is a type of lining of the stomach,
38:07and there's a type of enzyme commonly used in a lot of cheeses
38:10to help separate the curds and whey in the cheese making process.
38:16Liars! We trusted you!
38:18So if you actually want to avoid animal products,
38:21be sure to specify vegan Whopper when you order, not just a plant-based Whopper.
38:26A lot of ingredients like to use big scientific names, which sound a little scary,
38:32such as tocopherol.
38:35I can't even say that, tocopherol, tocopherol.
38:38But this is just another word for vitamin E.
38:42Why not just say that?
38:44And it is found in foods such as vegetable oils, nuts, and leafy greens.
38:49And we also found in barbecue sauce, there's Rochester sauce.
38:53I don't even know what Rochester sauce is.
38:56I know what a Rottweiler is, and that's a dog.
38:59Rochester sauce, I'm not too familiar with that.
39:02I am... what is that on Green Jacks?
39:06Still rolling.
39:09All right.
39:15Starting to lose it.
39:16It's that time.
39:18All right.
