इन 7 पुत्रों के पिता हैं भगवान शिव - क्या आप जानते हैं इनकी संतान के बारे में?

  • 2 days ago
भगवान शिव को देवों के देव महादेव कहा जाता है। उनके रहस्यमय जीवन के बारे में हम बहुत कुछ जानते हैं, लेकिन क्या आप जानते हैं कि उनके 7 पुत्र हैं? इस वीडियो में हम भगवान शिव के सभी पुत्रों की कहानी और उनकी विशेषताओं के बारे में विस्तार से जानेंगे। ये रोचक जानकारी आपके लिए नई और अद्भुत हो सकती है। जानें भगवान शिव के बच्चों से जुड़े रहस्य!

#भगवानशिव #शिवकेपुत्र #हिन्दूधर्म #शिवकहानी #शिवमहिमा #धार्मिकज्ञान #हिंदूमान्यता
00:00Usually, people know about the two sons of Lord Shiva, Ganesh and Kartikeya.
00:05But you will be surprised to know that apart from these two, Lord Shiva had five more sons.
00:11In the ancient stories, it is said about his seven sons.
00:15After the union of Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati, Lord Shiva's married life began
00:20and many incidents in his life led to the seven sons of Lord Shiva.
00:24Let us know about the seven sons of Lord Shiva.
00:28According to the stories, after the death of Sati, Lord Shiva sat on a hard penance.
00:33At that time, the demon named Tarakasura's atrocity had increased.
00:37All the deities who were troubled by Tarakasura went to Brahmaji.
00:41Then he told that the son of Lord Shiva and Parvati will kill Tarak.
00:46After this, Parvati got married and this is how Kartikeya was born and the demon was killed.
00:52According to the story, once Mother Parvati was going to take a bath.
00:56She saw that there was no one on guard.
01:00Then she created a son out of the dirt and dirt of her body and made him stand on guard.
01:06After a while, Lord Shiva came and the child stopped him from going.
01:12Angry, Lord Shiva cut the child's throat.
01:15Then after this, he put the head of the elephant child on Lord Ganesha.
01:19Shiva's third son was Sukesh.
01:21According to the ancient stories, the demon king Heti married a girl named Bhaya.
01:26From these two, a son named Vidyutkesh was born.
01:30Vidyutkesh's wife Sandhya's daughter was from Salkatangkata.
01:34Salkatangkata was a Vyabhicharini.
01:36Because of this, when her son was born, she left him without a heir.
01:41Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati protected that child and made him their son.
01:46Lord Shiva's fourth son is Ayappa.
01:50In South India, they are worshipped in Sabarimala temple.
01:53Ayappa is the son of Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu's form Mohini.
01:58Seeing Vishnu's Mohini form, Lord Shiva became a brave man and Ayappa was born from him.
02:04According to Srimad Devi Bhagavad Purana, once Lord Shiva threw his third eye into the ocean.
02:12This is how Jalandhar was born.
02:14Jalandhar hated Lord Shiva a lot.
02:17Once, to make Mother Parvati his wife, Jalandhar started a war with Lord Shiva and he was killed.
02:24Lord Shiva's sixth son is Bhoma.
02:27In hard penance, Lord Shiva's sweat fell on the ground.
02:31Due to this sweat, Devi Bhoomi had a son.
02:35This son had four arms and he was of the colour of blood.
02:38This son's earth started nurturing him.
02:42Since then, he was called Bhoma because he was the son of Bhoomi.
02:46Mangalgraha is also known as Bhoma.
02:49Once, Mother Parvati came from behind and closed Lord Shiva's eyes.
02:54This created darkness in the world.
02:56Then, Lord Shiva opened his third eye.
02:59Due to the light of the third eye, Mother Parvati started sweating and the son was born from her.
03:06Due to being born in darkness, his name was kept as Andhak.
03:10He was blind since birth.
