घमंडी चूहा और हाथी की कहानी | Ghamandi Chuha aur Hathi ki Kahani | बच्चों की शिक्षाप्रद कहानी

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आज की कहानी 'घमंडी चूहा और हाथी की कहानी' में जानिए कैसे एक घमंडी चूहे ने अपनी अहंकारिता में बड़ी गलती कर दी और उसे एक विशाल हाथी ने क्या सिखाया। यह कहानी बच्चों को सिखाती है कि अहंकार हमेशा नुकसानदायक होता है और विनम्रता से ही हम सच्चे दोस्त पा सकते हैं। इस कहानी को अंत तक देखिए और अपने दोस्तों के साथ शेयर करना न भूलें।

इस कहानी में:

चूहे की घमंड की कहानी
हाथी की सिखाई गई महत्वपूर्ण सीख
बच्चों के लिए नैतिक शिक्षा
अगर आपको हमारी यह कहानी पसंद आई हो तो लाइक करें, शेयर करें और चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें। धन्यवाद!

#घमंडीचूहाकीकहानी #हाथीकाकहानी #बच्चोंकानैतिककहानी #शिक्षाप्रदकहानी #HindiStory #KidsStory #MoralStories #HindiMoralStory


00:00Once upon a time, there lived a mouse in a forest.
00:02The mouse thought itself to be very intelligent, knowledgeable, beautiful, and capable in everything.
00:09In the same forest, there lived a cat and a dog.
00:12Once upon a time, a big elephant came from another forest.
00:16To see the elephant, there was a crowd of animals in the forest.
00:20All the animals said,
00:22Look, this elephant is so big, so huge, and so powerful.
00:27Are there no animals in this forest in front of this elephant?
00:32Hearing what the animals said, the mouse became very jealous of the elephant.
00:37Hearing what the animals said, the mouse said,
00:40Oh, brother, what is so special about this elephant that I don't have?
00:44This elephant has four legs. I have them too.
00:48The elephant has two ears, two eyes, and a tail. I have them too.
00:53I don't have a long nose like this.
00:55My nose is much better than this elephant's.
00:58And my ears are not like this elephant's.
01:01All the animals in the forest were laughing at the mouse.
01:06There was also a cat in the crowd of animals.
01:09Seeing the mouse, the cat's mouth watered.
01:12Suddenly, the cat jumped on the mouse.
01:16Somehow, the mouse escaped from there, saving its life.
01:20And while running, a dog came in its way.
01:24The dog had been hungry for many days.
01:27Suddenly, seeing the mouse in front of him, the dog's hunger increased manifold.
01:32Seeing the dog, the cat ran away.
01:35But the dog chased the mouse.
01:38The dog slapped the mouse.
01:40But fortunately, the mouse escaped from the dog's claw.
01:44While running, the mouse reached in front of the elephant.
01:47The elephant was walking in its merry way.
01:50It completely ignored the mouse.
01:53And as soon as the elephant stepped forward to move forward,
01:56the mouse hid under its feet.
02:00By now, the mouse was completely exhausted.
02:03It was very scared and frightened.
02:06It understood its place.
02:08Then it saw a hole in the mouse.
02:10The mouse entered it and saved its life.
02:13From the story of the Elephant and the Mouse, we learn
02:18that we should never be jealous of others' good qualities.
02:23If you liked this story, subscribe to our channel
02:28and don't forget to like and share the video.
02:31Your comments will inspire us even more.
