महाभारत में क्यों हुई थी कृष्ण जी की कर्ण को बचाने की कोशिश? | Mahabharat Yudh Mein Kyon Bachi Thi Krishna Ki Karn Ki Jaan?

  • last month
महाभारत के युद्ध में कृष्ण जी को कर्ण की जान बचाने की क्यों पड़ी? इस प्रश्न का उत्तर जानने के लिए इस वीडियो को देखें। हम इस वीडियो में महाभारत के युद्ध के दौरान कृष्ण जी की कर्ण के प्रति विशेष संवेदना और उनके कार्यों को विश्लेषण करेंगे। कृपया हमें अपनी राय और अनुभव कमेंट्स में साझा करें।

#महाभारत #कृष्ण #कर्ण #युद्ध #धर्मयुद्ध #भगवानकृष्ण #कर्णकीजान #भारतीयपौराणिककथा #Hindi #YouTube


00:00In the Puranas, it is often read that in the battle of Mahabharata,
00:03Lord Hanuman, who was sitting on Arjuna's chariot,
00:06would sometimes look at the Kauravas' army with his eyes wide open.
00:11At that time, the Kauravas' army would leave the battlefield due to the speed of the storm.
00:17No one had the courage to face Lord Hanuman's vision.
00:21Even his vision once fell on Lord Karna, who was fighting the Kauravas.
00:26It was Lord Krishna who saved Karna.
00:29Otherwise, he would have died long ago.
00:32It is said in an incident that when there was a war between Karna and Arjuna,
00:37Karna was raining arrows on Arjuna.
00:40Due to the rain of his arrows, Lord Krishna was also getting wounded.
00:44Due to his arrows, Lord Krishna's shield was cut off,
00:47and arrows were fired on his back.
00:51Lord Hanuman, who was sitting on the chariot,
00:53was looking down towards his worship.
00:57Lord Krishna's shield was cut off.
00:59Karna's arrows were piercing through his body.
01:02Lord Hanuman could not bear this.
01:05Unintentionally, he raised both his hands and stood up to kill Karna.
01:11Lord Hanuman's fierce arrows seemed as if the universe had burst.
01:16The Kauravas' army had already fled.
01:19Now, the Pandavas' army also fled in fear of Lord Karna's arrows.
01:23Seeing Lord Hanuman's anger, Karna dropped his bow and fell.
01:27Lord Krishna immediately got up, raised his right hand,
01:31and touched Lord Hanuman and warned him.
01:34He said,
01:35You do not have time to get angry.
01:37Lord Hanuman stopped when Lord Krishna touched him,
01:40but his tail was moving in the air.
01:44Both his hands were clenched.
01:46His eyes seemed to be on fire.
01:49Seeing Lord Hanuman's anger, Karna and his charioteer began to tremble.
01:53Seeing Lord Hanuman's anger not calming down,
01:55Lord Krishna said in a loud voice,
01:57Hanuman, look at me.
01:59If you look at Karna like this for a few more moments,
02:02then Karna will die from your sight.
02:05This is not the era of Treta.
02:07No one can bear your might and your speed here.
