from hell to borneo

  • 2 days ago
00:05:08Dupont, over here!
00:05:37Jojo, you're a full speed up river fast.
00:05:40Get ready to jump.
00:05:56Pull up close to the king.
00:06:15Try to look busy. Move about.
00:06:26Find out we have two boats that look alike. We'll be in a lot of trouble.
00:06:28Yes, sir, Captain.
00:06:30Cheer up. We'll make it.
00:06:47Looks like we have company.
00:06:49Wait down.
00:06:57Well, hello, Lieutenant.
00:06:59Out for an evening joyride?
00:07:01I guess you know why we're here.
00:07:03Yes, yes, of course. Be my guest.
00:07:05Search the boat.
00:07:11Nothing but seashells, Lieutenant.
00:07:16Turn them around, Jojo.
00:07:18Yes, sir, Captain.
00:07:21You see, Lieutenant, just like I said.
00:07:24Nothing but seashells.
00:07:26Excellent business. Buttons, you know.
00:07:28Why, do you realize how many people in this world would be stranded without buttons, Lieutenant?
00:07:33You know, I take my work as a sacred trust.
00:07:35Like I always say, those buttons must go through.
00:07:38Rather a kiss, senor.
00:07:43I suppose you think you're quite clever.
00:07:45One of these days, I'm going to cut you with a load of undocked cigarettes.
00:07:49Or perfume. Or maybe something worse.
00:07:52And that will be the end of it.
00:07:54Your smuggling days would have come to an abrupt end.
00:07:57Ah. I'm sorry, I couldn't accommodate you, Lieutenant.
00:08:00I could send you a set of buttons.
00:08:03Welcome back any time, Lieutenant.
00:08:41That's the way, Daddy.
00:08:43I don't know, boy.
00:08:49Knock it off. Knock it off.
00:08:52Here's the guy that's supposed to be ready later.
00:08:54That one? All right, all right, all right.
00:08:56Knock it off. Knock it off. Knock it off.
00:08:58Get out of here. Get out of here.
00:09:07Johnny! Lover!
00:09:09Hey, hey, hey, Lieutenant. Take it easy.
00:09:12Where have you been? I thought you were out of here.
00:09:15Where did you go, huh?
00:09:16Just a little business.
00:09:17Come on, baby. My baby.
00:09:20Come on.
00:09:26You guys, get out. Sober up.
00:09:29Double scotch on the rocks.
00:09:31What do you have, honey?
00:09:33Same. Make it two, huh?
00:09:36Double scotch on the rocks.
00:09:38Here's your 20, Chirita.
00:09:40Next time, collect first.
00:09:43Okay, Johnny. Tell me, you got another girl, huh?
00:09:46How come I don't see you for so long?
00:09:48Big business, right?
00:09:50But this time, you'll stay home, huh?
00:09:52For a while.
00:09:54Your drink, daddy.
00:09:57Hey, hey.
00:09:58Take it out. Take it out. Take it out.
00:10:08This will be for the boys.
00:10:10Their drinks and the girls.
00:10:12You got it?
00:10:14They've used up that much. Kick them out. Okay?
00:10:17Oh, Johnny. Now I know I missed you so much.
00:10:21Yeah, now I know, too.
00:10:35Mr. Dirksen.
00:10:36Yeah, what can I do for you?
00:10:38I represent Mr. Belltower. My name is Jorgens.
00:10:41That's nice. Have a drink.
00:10:43I don't think you understand.
00:10:45Sure I do.
00:10:46Hey, Teddy, the cute girl.
00:10:48I'm here to deliver a message.
00:10:50Mr. Belltower is the gentleman who inquired about you
00:10:53through a mutual friend, Mr. Wootup.
00:10:55That's nice.
00:10:57Mr. Belltower wishes to see you soon, tonight.
00:11:01That's fine.
00:11:02But can't you see, friend, I have a prior engagement?
00:11:05But Mr. Dirksen...
00:11:07Besides, you know I don't cotton messenger boys.
00:11:10If this guy wants to see me, tell him to come and see me himself.
00:11:12He's outside in the car now.
00:11:14You would just step out for a moment.
00:11:16Hey, what's wrong with right here?
00:11:19Mr. Belltower says to tell you it's important.
00:11:22To mention El Dorado.
00:11:25You'd understand.
00:11:31I'll see you later, Artie.
00:11:39Hi, boss.
00:11:40Hi, Jojo.
00:11:42Hey, Dorita.
00:11:46Are you busy tonight?
00:11:48Yes, I'm busy tonight.
00:12:05Well, Mr. Dirksen, this is a pleasure.
00:12:09You're that rare breed, the rugged individualist.
00:12:12Since all my attempts to entice you to come to me have failed,
00:12:16like Mohammed, I have come to the mountains.
00:12:21Here I am.
00:12:22What can I do for you?
00:12:24Right to the point, eh?
00:12:26That's it.
00:12:27The man mentioned something about El Dorado.
00:12:29Yes, that's part of it.
00:12:31Well, let's not rush it, shall we, Mr. Dirksen?
00:12:34As a matter of fact, I wanted to invite you to a little party tonight.
00:12:38Sorry, I'm tied up tonight.
00:12:40You won't regret it, Mr. Dirksen.
00:12:42Or are you so indifferent to your own best interests?
00:12:45I have something that I think you'll want very much.
00:12:48A million dollars, Mr. Dirksen?
00:12:51A million?
00:12:53Shall I send my car to pick you up at your hotel in, say, about an hour?
00:13:04I'd say in about an hour.
00:13:08Happy birthday, darling.
00:13:10Oh, Daddy, they're beautiful.
00:13:16Mr. Dirksen must be quite a remarkable man.
00:13:18He certainly has you on his tiller.
00:13:22Marjorie, my little vampire,
00:13:24Dirksen is not one of your momentary toy soldiers
00:13:27to be wound up and then thrown away again.
00:13:30Don't worry, I'm just fascinated.
00:13:32He and I have got some business to discuss,
00:13:34so I don't want you tampering with the success of that outcome.
00:13:38Why all this fuss about one little plantation
00:13:41in some godforsaken part of the world?
00:13:43It isn't one little plantation.
00:13:45It's a complex of diversified products,
00:13:48copra, coffee, rudder,
00:13:51that covers a large island.
00:13:53And that godforsaken part of the world, as you call it,
00:13:56is in the heart of lush, rich Southeast Asia.
00:14:00Turbulence and violence,
00:14:02but still an empire of raw materials.
00:14:05And I am going to be part of that empire.
00:14:08Dirksen is going to help me in that noble endeavor.
00:14:12Sounds very exciting.
00:14:14It is, my pet.
00:14:16Ah, here he is.
00:14:18Will you excuse me a minute?
00:14:24Mr. Dirksen.
00:14:27Mr. Dirksen.
00:14:29I am glad you came.
00:14:31Why, did you think I wouldn't?
00:14:33I wasn't quite sure.
00:14:35And what'll you have?
00:14:47Just who are you, Baltar?
00:14:49What is your game?
00:14:51Ha, ha, ha.
00:14:53An interesting question.
00:14:55Financier, adventurer, gambler.
00:14:59I put all my stakes on Southeast Asia.
00:15:02Your father was like that, wasn't he?
00:15:05Oh, don't be surprised.
00:15:07I know all about him.
00:15:09Sit down.
00:15:11Henry Dirksen.
00:15:13Corporal, United States Army.
00:15:15Discharged Manila, 1916.
00:15:181917, 1918.
00:15:21Whereabouts unknown.
00:15:231919, he suddenly and rather dramatically
00:15:26shows up at the court of the Sultan Mohammed Khan.
00:15:29What's more, he's a favorite of the old man.
00:15:32In return, this brash Yankee soldier
00:15:35is made a gift.
00:15:37A whole, lush, big island
00:15:40close to Borneo.
00:15:42As yet untouched and unclaimed by any colonial power.
00:15:46How unusual it is to own a piece of land
00:15:48that no government or nation has any claim to.
00:15:51Eldorado fascinates me.
00:15:53I need it.
00:15:55I want it.
00:15:57You've got the wrong man, Baltower.
00:15:59You want to talk to my brother.
00:16:01I've already approached your brother
00:16:03with a very generous offer.
00:16:05He said the decision was entirely yours.
00:16:08One million dollars.
00:16:13Twenty million coconuts.
00:16:16You must have a real love for coconuts.
00:16:19You must have a real love for coconuts, Baltower.
00:16:24Yes, I love coconuts.
00:16:27And freedom, Mr. Dixon.
00:16:29I'm fascinated with the prospect of being my own law.
00:16:32Unaccountable to any man or nation.
00:16:36That's just what I thought.
00:16:38My brother probably thinks that if it's worth all that money to you,
00:16:41it would be worth a lot more to someone else.
00:16:43Of course, he's right.
00:16:45But I venture to say that the future of your island
00:16:48is somewhat precarious.
00:16:50And I'm sure you'll admit
00:16:52that there are a great many countries
00:16:54who'd be delighted to annex Eldorado.
00:16:56But I don't suppose they'd have much quibble
00:16:58about taking it by force.
00:17:00What about you?
00:17:02What would make it so much easier
00:17:04for you to hold off such a force?
00:17:06Two things.
00:17:08I have enormous ambition and a lot of money.
00:17:11That says it's a risk that I can afford to take.
00:17:14Now, can I count on your seeing your brother?
00:17:19I'll talk to him.
00:17:22Good. Let's join the party, shall we?
00:17:25Let's get one thing straight.
00:17:27The decision is strictly his.
00:17:30Oh, by the way,
00:17:32are you taking your boat south?
00:17:35Possibly. Why?
00:17:37Well, I have a number of surplus truck engines
00:17:40that I want to sell to a man in Indonesia.
00:17:42I'd like him to get them as soon as possible.
00:17:44Well, I've got a couple of boats going down
00:17:46the first thing in the morning.
00:17:48We won't be going down quite as far as Indonesia, though.
00:17:50No problem.
00:17:52I'll arrange for him to pick them up in Eldorado,
00:17:54if you've no objection.
00:17:56Oh, no, that's okay.
00:18:04Oh, Mr. Dixon,
00:18:06I'd like you to meet one of my associates.
00:18:10Your Highness.
00:18:12Ah, Mr. Belltower.
00:18:14My apologies.
00:18:16Allow me to present Mr. Dixon.
00:18:18We've been in conference. Mr. Dixon,
00:18:20this is a business associate of mine,
00:18:22His Highness Prince Ali Hakeem.
00:18:24Card, Mr. Dixon.
00:18:26I assume you are related
00:18:28to this esteemed family of Eldorado.
00:18:31Mr. Dixon is the brother of James Dixon.
00:18:34How interesting.
00:18:36Certainly, I hope you are more sensitive than I am.
00:18:39I hope you are more sensible than your brother.
00:18:42What does that mean?
00:18:44Simply that destiny is destiny, my dear fellow.
00:18:47There are the sheep of this world
00:18:49and the wolves also.
00:18:51Those who wait to see what happens
00:18:53and those that make it happen.
00:18:56We intend to make things happen.
00:18:59Your charming island is important to us,
00:19:02but your brother is a stubborn man.
00:19:05Oh, come now, Your Highness.
00:19:08We can discuss this some other time.
00:19:10No, let him go on.
00:19:12I'd like to hear what's in store for me.
00:19:15It's very simple.
00:19:17Sooner or later, Eldorado will be ours.
00:19:20Now, there is a simple and profitable way
00:19:23of doing things
00:19:25or a more dramatic and explosive way.
00:19:30We have haggled long enough with your brother
00:19:33and our patience is running out.
00:19:38You know something, Bell Tower?
00:19:40Your fat friend just said the wrong thing.
00:19:43Now, I can't say whether or not my brother will sell,
00:19:46but I'll tell you this.
00:19:48The price just went up exactly double.
00:19:51Oh, Mr. Dixon.
00:19:53I wouldn't say any more if I were you.
00:19:55You know, this could be a very expensive conversation.
00:19:58Mr. Dixon is quite right.
00:20:00Your Highness, I think you've said enough.
00:20:02Hello, everyone.
00:20:03Ah, Marjorie.
00:20:05Mr. Dixon, allow me to present my daughter, Marjorie.
00:20:08Mr. Dixon, I'm very jealous.
00:20:10I was under the impression this party was given in my honor,
00:20:13but it seems that our guests are gravitating toward you.
00:20:17I'm sorry, Miss Bell Tower, if I...
00:20:20Marjorie, and you should be sorry.
00:20:23You're quite right, Marjorie.
00:20:26Now, while you exact tribute from Mr. Dixon,
00:20:30I remember that I have some business to attend to.
00:20:33Why don't you come with me, Your Highness?
00:20:35Excuse us, won't you?
00:20:39You know, we have a beautiful garden.
00:20:41I can see it.
00:20:51Do you usually come to the rescue?
00:20:53Hmm, not usually.
00:20:56Unless there's a good reason.
00:20:58Oh, was there one?
00:21:02It seemed an easy way to meet you.
00:21:07I must say, Mr. Dixon,
00:21:09the way you look at me,
00:21:11I'm not sure which one of us is more fascinated by the other.
00:21:14Well, you'll have to forgive me,
00:21:16because I'm used to sort of sizing up a man or a woman at a glance.
00:21:21How do you size me?
00:21:23Oh, all woman.
00:21:25Nothing more?
00:21:27Does there have to be anything more?
00:21:29You're beautiful.
00:21:30Your father's rich.
00:21:32I think you've got too much as it is.
00:21:34Oh, sir.
00:21:36I was hoping Daddy would give you to me for Christmas.
00:21:42John Dixon,
00:21:44tell me about yourself.
00:21:46Why, hasn't your father told you?
00:21:48No, not exactly.
00:21:50Oh, I don't mean the simple cut-and-dry facts.
00:21:53I know about your family and the island.
00:21:57And I know that you're a strange,
00:22:02but fascinating man.
00:22:04Oh, did he tell you all that?
00:22:08I see it.
00:22:09I feel it.
00:22:11I feel that you're different from other men.
00:22:17I better warn you.
00:22:19I'm just passing through.
00:22:21I came from nowhere, and I'm headed for the same place.
00:22:24I play for keeps only for now.
00:22:26Tomorrow morning, I forget all about it.
00:22:30You play my game.
00:22:35What are you waiting for?
00:22:48I'm going to find out everything about you.
00:22:56Here they come.
00:23:26Operator, I'd like to send a straight wire to Zamboanga.
00:23:42Hey, Jojo.
00:23:44Come on, on your feet.
00:23:46Hey, Jojo.
00:23:48Hey, Jojo.
00:23:50Hey, Jojo.
00:23:52Hey, Jojo.
00:23:54Hey, Jojo.
00:24:08Come on, on your feet.
00:24:10Wake up.
00:24:11Okay, Skipper.
00:24:13Already a ship safe.
00:24:14There'll be a couple of truckloads of crates.
00:24:16Put them on the competes.
00:24:17Fill up the fuel tanks and get underway.
00:24:19I want you to try to be out of here by noon.
00:24:21Where to?
00:24:25Hey, no kidding.
00:24:28That's right.
00:24:29I guess Mr. James will be glad to see us again.
00:24:34I'm afraid not, Jojo.
00:24:37He's dead.
00:24:45I'm going ahead by plane.
00:24:47I don't want you wasting any time along the way.
00:24:49I'll see you there in about three days.
00:24:51Oh, maybe sooner.
00:24:53Okay, good luck.
00:25:15Mr. Dixon.
00:25:17Don't you remember Pepe?
00:25:23Yeah, Pepe.
00:25:25You came a long way.
00:25:27I got married.
00:25:28And my wife is a wonderful cook.
00:25:30And I am Captain Medell, Philippine Constabulary.
00:25:33I know you, Captain.
00:25:35Oh, you're the one who sent the wire, weren't you?
00:25:38Oh, I've got a jeep here.
00:25:40Do you have any buggy, Mr. Dixon?
00:25:51Just how did it happen?
00:25:53The last one, two years.
00:25:55Many times pirates came.
00:25:57We fight them off.
00:25:59Then the other day, it's the same.
00:26:01We catch a bunch of pirates
00:26:03with plenty of guns and ammunitions.
00:26:05When we get back to the compound,
00:26:07Jim runs into the camp.
00:26:09He's got a gun.
00:26:11He's got a gun.
00:26:13He's got a gun.
00:26:15He's got a gun.
00:26:17He's got a gun.
00:26:19He's got a gun.
00:26:20Jim runs to the radio shop
00:26:22to wire Captain Medell.
00:26:24But something was wrong with the radio.
00:26:26So the operator stepped outside to fix it.
00:26:29When he comes back,
00:26:31he sees his brother dead.
00:26:33Did you get the guys who did it?
00:26:35We tried.
00:26:39How about you, Captain?
00:26:40You're supposed to be the law around here.
00:26:42In the Philippines, yes.
00:26:44But you forget, technically,
00:26:46your family's island is not part of the Philippines.
00:26:48We can assist unofficially.
00:26:50And, of course, we're sympathetic.
00:26:54That didn't help my brother much, did it?
00:26:56Your sympathy?
00:26:57Believe me, Mr. Dirksen,
00:26:59we are just as concerned as you are
00:27:01about this whole business.
00:27:03In recent years,
00:27:05some international adventurers
00:27:07have been stirring up trouble
00:27:09all over Southeast Asia.
00:27:11Terrorisms, bombings,
00:27:13many times under the guise of revolution
00:27:15and frequently involving communists.
00:27:17We can use some of our people
00:27:19to gain their own ends.
00:27:21We'd like to know what those ends might be.
00:27:23And I think you can help us.
00:27:25Look, Captain,
00:27:27let's get this straight.
00:27:29I came down here because of my brother's death.
00:27:31Now, if I could help get the guys who did it, fine.
00:27:33But as far as politics is concerned,
00:27:35that's strictly out of my line.
00:27:39I think I'll drop by El Dorado in a couple of days,
00:27:41if you don't mind.
00:27:43No, I don't mind.
00:28:29I'm glad you're back, Mr. Dirksen.
00:28:31With your brother gone,
00:28:33you will stay and run the plantation now.
00:28:35Pepe, the plantation was never for me.
00:28:37Now the gem's gone,
00:28:39I'm afraid I won't stick around too long.
00:28:41El Dorado, it's yours,
00:28:43just like it was your father's.
00:28:45You just can't leave that...
00:28:47Mr. Dirksen has just arrived.
00:28:49Let him collect his thoughts.
00:28:51I'm sorry.
00:28:53I understand, Pepe.
00:28:55Your boat is loading supplies now.
00:28:57We'll leave in the morning.
00:28:59I'll arrange a room for you.
00:29:01Excuse me.
00:29:15You're back!
00:29:17You're back!
00:29:19Hey, hold on, young lady.
00:29:21I think you've got me mistaken for someone else.
00:29:23Don't you remember me?
00:29:25Well, it's not that I don't remember,
00:29:27it's just I'm not exactly sure.
00:29:33Maria Vargas.
00:29:37Maria Vargas.
00:29:41Maria Vargas.
00:29:45Why, sure, I...
00:29:47The Vargas family.
00:29:49Well, I'll be.
00:29:51Why, of course I remember.
00:29:53But I remember two small boys
00:29:55and a skinny little girl in pigtails.
00:29:58I'm the girl.
00:30:00Yeah, I can see that all right.
00:30:02But how in the heck did you grow up so fast?
00:30:05Then you remember.
00:30:07Well, of course I remember, but not quite like this.
00:30:09What are you doing here?
00:30:11I'm looking for medical supplies for the infirmary.
00:30:13Medical supplies?
00:30:15Mm-hmm. I'm the nurse of El Dorado.
00:30:17Well, is that right?
00:30:19Yes, I will go there tomorrow.
00:30:21T.U. Jim arranged that I should go to the island every two weeks
00:30:23to work at the infirmary.
00:30:27Always I bought something.
00:30:29Cookies, cakes.
00:30:31And many times we'd talk about you
00:30:33and when you would return.
00:30:37Now you are back.
00:30:39I bring him flowers.
00:30:42He can no longer hear me.
00:30:44Yeah, we'll both miss you, Maria.
00:30:47Well, I guess I'll get on back to the hotel.
00:30:51No, you must stay at my house.
00:30:55Maria, I'll come out the first thing in the morning.
00:30:57See you then, huh?
00:30:59No. We always expect you to stay with us.
00:31:01Besides, Juan and Pedrín would be happy to see you again.
00:31:03I still think it's gonna be too much trouble, Maria.
00:31:05No more talking. We go.
00:31:09No more talking.
00:31:36Pedrín! Juan!
00:31:38Hey, Uncle Johnny's here!
00:31:40Uncle Juan!
00:31:44Come here!
00:31:46Uncle's here!
00:31:52Which is which?
00:31:54Pedrín in front, Totoy and Juan.
00:31:58I missed his boy. I sort of adopted him.
00:32:00After his mother died,
00:32:02she was a very close friend of mine.
00:32:04His father was from Brooklyn.
00:32:06He can't talk, and I'm trying to teach him how.
00:32:14Hello, Pedrín.
00:32:16Hello, Juan.
00:32:18Hello, Totoy.
00:32:20He's very shy to strangers.
00:32:36This is our house?
00:33:06Tío, you want to see our ducks?
00:33:08They're so proud of them.
00:33:10Come on.
00:33:14You have many, many ducks.
00:33:17Much like you have thousands.
00:33:19No, no. But many.
00:33:21Thanks to the Dursun for their help.
00:33:30Boys, meet the Dursun.
00:33:33Boys, meeting time.
00:33:35Quack, quack.
00:33:37Quack, quack.
00:33:39Quack, quack.
00:33:41Let's talk about Totoy.
00:33:43They just love to watch him imitate the ducks.
00:33:45Quack, quack.
00:33:47Quack, quack.
00:33:49Quack, quack.
00:33:51Here I quack, there I quack.
00:33:53Everywhere I quack, quack.
00:33:55Late last night, I heard a noise in the barn.
00:33:57So I went out to see what was going on.
00:33:59They kept a little fiddle in the middle of the floor.
00:34:01Loco, loco, did I dance.
00:34:03I never saw before.
00:34:05He did a well put waddle, quack, quack.
00:34:07A well put waddle, quack, quack.
00:34:09He waddled to the left and waddled to the right.
00:34:11Flopping his wings and quacking all night.
00:34:13Take a little sail further.
00:34:15Everybody get together.
00:34:17Quack, quack.
00:34:19Quack, quack.
00:34:31Quack, quack.
00:34:58Quack, quack.
00:35:01Quack, quack.
00:35:03Quack, quack.
00:35:05Quack, quack.
00:35:07Quack, quack.
00:35:09Quack, quack.
00:35:11Quack, quack.
00:35:13Quack, quack.
00:35:15Quack, quack.
00:35:17Quack, quack.
00:35:19Quack, quack.
00:35:21Quack, quack.
00:35:23Quack, quack.
00:35:25Quack, quack.
00:35:27Quack, quack.
00:35:29Quack, quack.
00:35:31Quack, quack.
00:35:33Quack, quack.
00:35:35Quack, quack.
00:35:37Quack, quack.
00:35:39Quack, quack.
00:35:41Quack, quack.
00:35:43Quack, quack.
00:35:45Quack, quack.
00:35:47Quack, quack.
00:35:49Quack, quack.
00:35:51Quack, quack.
00:35:53Quack, quack.
00:35:55Quack, quack.
00:35:57Quack, quack.
00:35:59Quack, quack.
00:36:01Quack, quack.
00:36:03Quack, quack.
00:36:05Quack, quack.
00:36:07Quack, quack.
00:36:19Ah, you like fish?
00:36:21Real plinth of fish, eh?
00:36:23I see you. You like?
00:36:25Any kind of fish.
00:36:27Big one? Small one?
00:36:29Any kind of fish. You like?
00:36:31I've been a fisherman here for many, many years.
00:36:34We have many fish here.
00:36:36Any kind of fish. Big ones? Small ones?
00:36:38Any kind of fish.
00:36:40Hey, Joe, come on.
00:36:42Buy fish. I see you big one.
00:36:55Come on.
00:37:25What happened?
00:37:29I think I just bought some fish.
00:37:55Thanks. Thanks for the lift.
00:38:51There are many trouble in the sea.
00:38:53We never know which one are the pirates.
00:39:14Who do you suppose they are?
00:39:16Well, they look like fishermen.
00:39:23Quack, quack.
00:39:33Well, there it is. Andrado.
00:39:37I have a jeep waiting for us.
00:40:23Quack, quack.
00:40:36Pepe. Yes, sir?
00:40:38Whose airplane is it?
00:40:40I don't know, sir.
00:40:53He says they came earlier. Three of them.
00:40:55They claim to be friends of yours.
00:40:57Fancy my airplane?
00:40:59Yeah, and one beautiful girl.
00:41:01With the hair the color of this silver and gold.
00:41:23Hot. Hot.
00:41:27No, goat.
00:41:29Follow the jeep.
00:41:40Now, Mr. Dixon.
00:41:43I must apologize for dropping in unannounced like this.
00:41:47I must admit it is quite a surprise.
00:41:49You can blame me.
00:41:51You can blame me.
00:41:55I made him detour so we could drop by and see you.
00:41:58I hope this isn't an inconvenience.
00:42:01No, it's all right.
00:42:05Miss Vargas.
00:42:07Belto and his daughter Marjorie.
00:42:09Miss Vargas. How do you do?
00:42:11Hello. Delighted.
00:42:13Maria. Yes.
00:42:15Shall we?
00:42:21Miss Vargas.
00:42:23His Highness Prince Ali Hakim.
00:42:27Senor Juan.
00:42:29Welcome home.
00:42:31Jariah, it's sure good to see you.
00:42:33Tio, would you excuse me?
00:42:35I have something to take care of.
00:42:37I still can't understand
00:42:39why a man like you would leave all this
00:42:41for a less secure life.
00:42:43You said that before.
00:42:45A pleasant enough house.
00:42:47But, of course, I'd make a few changes here and there.
00:42:50But altogether quite blessed.
00:42:52Jariah will take care of any of your needs.
00:42:58Your Highness, for the last time,
00:43:00watch your tongue.
00:43:02I can't have my plans ruined by your blundering remarks.
00:43:05May I fix you a gentleman a drink?
00:43:08I think I'll have one.
00:43:10Or two.
00:43:13Or three.
00:43:15All present and accounted for.
00:43:20The Dirksons.
00:43:22Mother, father,
00:43:24and sons.
00:43:26All but one underground.
00:43:29Tio, you must not be Peter.
00:43:31It was their home.
00:43:33Your home.
00:43:37Damn, darling, this killed my mother and father, and now my brother.
00:43:40Well, it's not going to kill me, I'll tell you that.
00:43:43What will you do?
00:43:45I don't know, Maria.
00:43:47I'll just have to think things out.
00:43:49Your brother loved you so much.
00:43:52Like your mother and father.
00:43:54You must...
00:43:57Well, I'll go and check the infirmary now.
00:44:00I'll see you at dinner.
00:44:10Stand guard near the generator.
00:44:16Double the guard at the gate.
00:44:19Come on.
00:44:41Welcome to my brother.
00:44:44What are you doing here?
00:44:46Well, I'm here to welcome El Dorado's lord and master.
00:44:49My dear brother.
00:44:51Half brother.
00:44:53I have the feeling you're not glad to see me.
00:44:55You're right, I'm not glad to see you.
00:44:57My father tolerated you, but I don't intend to.
00:45:00I don't trust you, Armit, and I don't like you.
00:45:03What a pity.
00:45:05Your departed brother and I became quite close.
00:45:08In a pig's eye, I'll be better.
00:45:11Why do you dislike me so?
00:45:14I'm everybody's friend.
00:45:16Yeah, you said it.
00:45:18I remember when the Japs were crawling all over these islands, you were their friend too.
00:45:23Okay, so the war is ancient history.
00:45:25But on this island, you're out of bounds.
00:45:28I shall say, offendee.
00:45:30I regret if I have offended you.
00:45:32A thousand times.
00:45:37Who is that strange fellow?
00:45:39A local character.
00:45:41He used to cause some trouble around here.
00:45:43Oh, there you are. I thought you deserted me.
00:45:46I hope you're all finished with your business,
00:45:48because I think it's high time we all had a nice, tall, cold drink.
00:45:56How long have you been here as a nurse?
00:45:58Almost three years.
00:46:00Such a beautiful nurse.
00:46:02I hope you stay with us when you take over.
00:46:08Miss Vargas, I was hoping we'd have the pleasure of seeing you again.
00:46:13Everything all right at the infirmary?
00:46:15We have a complete supply.
00:46:19I didn't know you two were related.
00:46:21Well, not exactly.
00:46:23We're just old friends.
00:46:25How nice.
00:46:27We're old friends too, aren't we, darling?
00:46:34What'll you have to drink?
00:46:35Orange, please.
00:46:36Good idea.
00:46:38With gin or vodka?
00:46:40No, just orange.
00:46:42I'll have some orange too.
00:46:54Gin, darling?
00:47:08Get back to the house quick.
00:47:20What was that, Mr. Dixon?
00:47:22Some kind of a prank?
00:47:24No, just a little target practice with your cocktails.
00:47:27Are you still crazy enough to want the place?
00:47:30I know what you mean.
00:47:32But I'm a man of my word.
00:47:34The offer still stands.
00:47:36You'd better get in the house.
00:47:38Are you all right, dear?
00:47:40You'd better get inside.
00:47:41I'm sorry, but under the circumstances,
00:47:43I'm afraid you're going to have to stay in the house.
00:47:45We may have trouble tonight.
00:47:46Uncle John!
00:47:48I think we should call a nurse for your niece.
00:47:50But then again, she is the nurse, isn't she?
00:47:58I'll get the infirmary.
00:48:02I'll get the infirmary.
00:48:04I'll get the infirmary.
00:48:08Anyone hurt?
00:48:10No, but you get that man and make it fast.
00:48:13We will try.
00:48:14Try? Try won't be good enough.
00:48:16Get him, do you hear me?
00:48:17Yes, sir.
00:48:25Mr. Dixon?
00:48:31I suggest you wear this.
00:48:33It's a good idea.
00:48:36Come on.
00:48:45You want to go?
00:48:49But that boy loses voice.
00:48:52When he was nine years old,
00:48:54the pirates burned the house.
00:48:56His mother and fathers
00:48:58and four brothers and sisters
00:49:00were burned alive.
00:49:02The doctor says it was Yap.
00:49:16Mr. Dixon?
00:49:23Are you sure it's the same one?
00:49:32They track him for two hours.
00:49:34He come down, they saw him.
00:49:36I understand the language, Pepe.
00:49:38Why did you bring him here if he was dead?
00:49:41Mr. Dixon said bring him back no matter what.
00:49:43Okay, okay, you men did fine.
00:49:45Just get rid of him.
00:49:52They caught him.
00:49:54When I see that hot-headed fool Ahmed,
00:49:56I'll give him a piece of my mind.
00:49:58Ahmed is one of my best men.
00:50:00It's just an error.
00:50:04If Dixon is killed, it'll be his last error.
00:50:06I must keep Dixon alive to negotiate.
00:50:08Your orders have been given,
00:50:10and they will be followed.
00:50:30I'm a white tornado!
00:50:35What is it?
00:50:37Take care of it.
00:50:39Keep your men at those stations.
00:51:02I told everyone specifically to stay in the house.
00:51:05Come take a bath.
00:51:08I always take a bath before I go to sleep.
00:51:11I like to be clean!
00:51:14All right, come on out.
00:51:16Come on in, Uncle Teal.
00:51:18The water's great.
00:51:20Miss Belltower, that'll be quite enough.
00:51:23But I haven't scrubbed my back yet.
00:51:26Why don't you come in and scrub my back?
00:51:29Very funny.
00:51:31Come on now, give me your hand.
00:51:35Give me your hand.
00:51:42Look, Marjorie, this is no joke.
00:51:45All hell is liable to break loose here any minute.
00:51:47Come on out.
00:51:49My goodness, Uncle Teal, you're so proper.
00:51:52Come on, get out.
00:51:59All right, come on, move.
00:52:01Well, thanks a lot, Sir Galahad.
00:52:04Don't I get to ride?
00:52:06All right, get in the house.
00:52:19You didn't exactly finish the job.
00:52:22What job?
00:52:24Tucking me in.
00:52:26There'll be no tucking tonight, Cleopatra.
00:52:41All right, Stuart.
00:52:49Now we will write book.
00:53:20Get in him.
00:53:26Get in him.
00:53:56Get in him.
00:53:58Get in him.
00:54:00Get in him.
00:54:02Get in him.
00:54:04Get in him.
00:54:06Get in him.
00:54:08Get in him.
00:54:10Get in him.
00:54:12Get in him.
00:54:14Get in him.
00:54:16Get in him.
00:54:18Get in him.
00:54:20Get in him.
00:54:22Get in him.
00:54:24Get in him.
00:54:27Get in him.
00:54:29Get in him.
00:54:31Get in him.
00:54:33Do you believe in love?
00:55:04What's happening out there?
00:55:06I don't know. It's probably one of their crazy feuds.
00:55:09Keep away from the windows.
00:55:11Why don't you go to bed?
00:55:13Where's Johnny?
00:55:14You've had quite enough of that.
00:55:17Marjorie, go to bed.
00:56:04No! No!
00:56:12What are you doing in here?
00:56:14Grenade! Grenade!
00:56:18You'd better get over to the infirmary.
00:57:29That sounds like it's from the infirmary.
00:57:31Get them retreating.
00:58:01Hurry up!
00:58:31Think Mr. Dixon will be at his turning point soon.
00:58:45If he has a sufficiently uncomfortable night, he will be quite willing to sail by morning.
00:58:52That's Hammond's signal. I will still see what he wants.
00:59:02No, I will see what he wants.
00:59:05You must be more careful.
00:59:34That stupid fool who fired at us was brought in.
00:59:37That stupid fool was dead, sir.
00:59:40Yes, I see. Excellent.
00:59:46Well, from the sound of it, you have accomplished a great deal.
00:59:50The prize was high, Effendi. We have lost many men.
00:59:54Never mind. We'll beat Dirksen to his knees until he whimpers.
00:59:59Not without more guns and ammunition.
01:00:01And the payment of the second installment is overdue.
01:00:04You are without ammunition?
01:00:07Ammunition will be arriving tomorrow. I'll see that you get it.
01:00:10Now go and withdraw your men as though you had ammunition.
01:00:14Oh, yes, yes.
01:00:16The money. The payment.
01:00:17That has nothing to do with me.
01:00:19Prince Ali Hakim will take care of that.
01:00:23Now go.
01:00:54John, are you all right?
01:00:57Yes, I'm all right.
01:01:00My God, what's happening? All that shooting.
01:01:03Just what do you think happened?
01:01:07This is a disgrace.
01:01:09Don't these bandits know that the personage of my station is here?
01:01:13Well, I guess not, Your Highness.
01:01:16But you don't have to worry about it.
01:01:18Because you'll all have to be out of here by morning.
01:01:20I can't be responsible for anything that might happen.
01:01:22Why, yes. Yes, of course.
01:01:25But what about our business, Dirksen?
01:01:28I should think after all this you'd be glad to get this place off your hands.
01:01:32I guess you would at that.
01:01:34I'll tell you something, Baltar.
01:01:36I'm a very funny man.
01:01:38I don't like being pushed.
01:01:40I have a strange habit of pushing back.
01:01:43There'll be transportation to take you to your plane first thing in the morning.
01:01:46Now, if you'll excuse me.
01:01:48Dirksen, if you don't mind, I'd like to wait for my shipment.
01:01:52When are your boats due in?
01:01:54Sometime tomorrow afternoon.
01:01:56Do you have a copy of the manifest?
01:01:59Why, yes. But it must be in my office.
01:02:02Although I'm sure there's a copy with the cargo.
01:02:05Good. I'll, uh...
01:02:15This one is still kicking.
01:02:17I think we can loosen his tongue.
01:02:23Ask him who killed my brother.
01:02:25Ask him who killed my brother.
01:02:47Tomorrow morning we take this island apart.
01:02:49Every stone, tree, and bush.
01:02:52I want Ahmed and his cutthroats.
01:02:54We'd better find them.
01:02:56I don't care if we have to burn this whole damn place to the ground to do it.
01:03:00Clean this up for me.
01:03:03We've got to move fast.
01:03:05If Dirksen discovers those crates of guns aboard his ship,
01:03:08he'll soon figure out our part in this.
01:03:10But what can we do?
01:03:11We've got to find Ahmed before Dirksen does, or we're finished.
01:03:15But where?
01:03:16We must find him.
01:03:17Tonight. At once.
01:03:19I've got to formulate new plans.
01:03:45Margie. Margie.
01:03:49Where'd your father and Prince Ali go?
01:03:51What do you mean, go?
01:03:53Off in the airplane.
01:03:55Well, how should I know?
01:03:57Maybe they just wanted to go sightseeing or something.
01:04:01What's that?
01:04:03Darling, sorry, I have some business to attend to.
01:04:05I'll be back this afternoon.
01:04:07Love, Dad.
01:04:08Good night.
01:04:23Good morning, men.
01:04:24Good morning, Mr. Dirksen.
01:04:25Everybody here?
01:04:26Yes, sir.
01:04:28I want every hut and possible hiding place searched.
01:04:31All right, get them loaded.
01:04:53Good night.
01:04:54Good night.
01:05:24Out of the way.
01:05:33Not here.
01:05:43Not here!
01:05:49Come on, let's go!
01:05:52Come on!
01:06:06Did you find anything?
01:06:07Nothing, but there are a lot of men meeting, along with Hamid.
01:06:11Eldorado Shrats are living, huh?
01:06:15Do you remember who they are?
01:06:16Most of them.
01:06:18When they come back, we'll give them a visit.
01:06:28My boats from Manila are being raided.
01:06:30What? Did you find Hamid?
01:06:32No, and if I don't miss him, I guess that's why we weren't able to find him.
01:06:35Is the other truck back yet?
01:06:37No, sir.
01:06:38Well, just soon as it gets back, get the men over to the fishing village and into those boats as fast as possible.
01:06:42And bring all the guns you can get your hands on. I'll go on ahead.
01:06:45Yes, sir.
01:06:47Yes, sir.
01:06:55Come on, let's get this boat in.
01:07:19Come on!
01:07:47Blossom, Jamboree, get these boats to the island.
01:08:18Bring them on.
01:08:30The crew is all dead.
01:08:31Hamid now has enough guns and ammunition to start a small war.
01:08:35They let down their sails for disguise.
01:08:38Fire at the boxes.
01:08:39Many are filled with ammunition.
01:08:41Pepe, cut in on the south end of their landing.
01:08:44I'll take the rest of the men and cut in on the north.
01:08:47Now, we're going to have to get there before they have a chance to distribute the guns and ammunition.
01:08:51Now, we're going to have to move fast.
01:08:53All right, let's go.
01:09:05As soon as those arms are distributed, we must get to plantation before Dirksen gets suspicious.
01:09:11Bell Tower, the plane will be ready at your command.
01:09:18Hurry and get those guns to your men.
01:09:39Get up!
01:09:41Pick it up! Pick it up!
01:09:43Get out of here!
01:09:44Come on!
01:09:48You clumsy ox, you!
01:09:50Get a move on!
01:09:54Get out of here!
01:09:55Come on!
01:10:04It's the Bell Tower.
01:10:05Dirksen's boats.
01:10:06What do you mean, Dirksen's boats?
01:10:08I'm afraid they saw us.
01:10:09They're following.
01:10:11Well, unpack those guns and get them to your men as quickly as possible.
01:10:13You, get these men working.
01:10:16Come on!
01:10:17Get a move on!
01:10:33It's the Bell Tower.
01:10:34Well, what is it now?
01:10:36Get those guns to your men.
01:10:39It's no use.
01:10:41These guns of yours are packed in grease.
01:10:43It will take hours for my men to clean them.
01:10:45Arlie, you!
01:10:48Arlie, you idiot, didn't you check those guns before you shipped them?
01:10:51I thought I...
01:10:52As usual, you didn't think.
01:11:01Armin, find the ammunition for our guns.
01:11:04And you, get moving.
01:11:25Arlie, come here, you damn man!
01:11:27Come here!
01:11:32Our whole plan is shot if Dirksen suspects me.
01:11:35I must get back to the plantation.
01:11:37You hold him off, and I promise I'll pay you well.
01:12:19Let me go!
01:12:28Kill him, boss!
01:12:43Kill him!
01:13:13Arlie, I've been hit!
01:13:23Belltower, your crazy dream is finished.
01:13:26I'm getting out of here.
01:13:28You too!
01:13:29You filthy traitor, you...
01:14:44Kill him!
01:14:46Kill him!
01:15:03It's a Dirksen!
01:15:04It's a Dirksen!
01:15:08It's a Dirksen!
01:15:10I saw Armin!
01:15:11I saw him there!
01:15:43Dear brother, I'm going to feed you to the shark.
01:16:13I'm going to feed you to the shark.
01:16:42I'm going to feed you to the shark.
01:17:09I'm going to feed you to the shark.
01:17:38I'm going to feed you to the shark.
01:17:45I'm going to feed you to the shark.
01:17:57I'm going to feed you to the shark.
01:18:03to live in a civilized world.
01:18:05You were made from your conception, Mr. Basterd!
01:18:42Oh, no!
01:19:53I guess you know how sorry I am
01:19:55that it all turned out the way it did.
01:20:00I really didn't know anything about his business.
01:20:03You do believe that?
01:20:06The trouble with your father and Prince Ollie,
01:20:08they dreamed of empires.
01:20:10I didn't exactly care how they got them.
01:20:13I guess I learned a lot myself.
01:20:18Well, I guess if you can turn over a new leaf and settle down,
01:20:23I suppose I could give it a try.
01:20:30Can you make it all right, Pepe?
01:20:33My wife is a wonderful cook.
01:20:36Well, I'm a lousy cook.
01:20:39But if you ever want your back scratched again, let me know.
01:20:49So long, lover.
01:20:57So long.
