Emmerdale 30th August 2024

  • 2 days ago
Emmerdale 30th August 2024
00:00Still no reply from Moira.
00:10Hopefully she's busy sacking John.
00:12Oh, come on.
00:13What? It was definitely him?
00:15We don't know that for sure.
00:17Who else could it have been?
00:20We don't even know if it was done deliberately.
00:23I asked John, he said it wasn't him.
00:24Right, and you're gullible enough to believe that.
00:26I just don't think he'd do something like that.
00:28Someone made sure that the bull could get back into the barn.
00:31It was him.
00:32Why are you so quick to defend him, anyway?
00:34I'm not defending anyone.
00:36Your best mate's in here with concussion because of him.
00:39Face it, Aaron, the boy's a liar.
00:41The truth will come out one way or another.
00:50Waking up in your own bed is one of life's simplest pleasures.
00:54I'm no international jet setter like you,
00:56but wherever I go, I do enjoy coming home.
00:59Just in time.
01:00I've prepared your favourite breakfast.
01:04What are you after?
01:06Just to show you how glad I am that you're home.
01:10You know, I was thinking you should try talking to Dawn today.
01:15I don't think there's any point.
01:17It's got to be worth a go, surely.
01:19Kim, we've talked about this.
01:21I think they just need a bit more time.
01:23We can't let it drag on forever.
01:25I know that, but let's just leave them be for now, eh?
01:31Your call.
01:34Better get this eaten and crack on.
01:36Got admin to do.
01:37Oh, and I've got a meeting tomorrow I've got to prep for
01:40with my new financial advisor, the very dashing Peter.
01:46Should I be worried?
01:47I don't know.
01:48Go on.
01:49Should you?
02:02Mackenzie's lucky that wasn't worse yesterday.
02:04Certainly is.
02:05An unexpected face-off with a 2,000-pound bull.
02:08Never good.
02:09I got chased by a herd of cows once.
02:11That was bad enough.
02:12Get her a coffee, please, Jimmy.
02:14Any word on Mackenzie?
02:16He's lost and a bit bruised, but he'll live.
02:18Glad to hear it.
02:19He's not happy, though.
02:21Give him our best when you see him.
02:22Yeah, I will.
02:28I want a word.
02:32Do you indeed?
02:34About yesterday?
02:36I thought we'd had that conversation.
02:37Well, we're having it again.
02:39A bit presumptuous.
02:40I'm being serious.
02:42I can see that.
02:43Mackenzie could have been seriously hurt.
02:46Well, maybe run along and report back
02:49that he's barking up the wrong tree,
02:51because I had nothing to do with it.
03:04You're going to wear a hole in that, and it wasn't cheap.
03:11Well, if you've got something to say, spit it out.
03:14I know you, Lydia.
03:19Actually, there was something I wanted to talk to you about.
03:22Yeah, I'd already figured that bit out.
03:25And it's not an easy thing to discuss.
03:28Sounds ominous.
03:30Hopefully not a pay rise.
03:32No, it's about Will.
03:34Right, let me stop you right there.
03:40You're about to tell me about Rose trying it on with him, aren't you?
03:43Well, I know all about it.
03:45And it wasn't entirely his fault.
03:48He's assured me nothing else happened.
03:51And I believe him.
03:52Yeah, well...
03:54I appreciate your concern.
03:56But I don't want to talk about it any more.
03:59It's my marriage, my business.
04:02So, please, just stay out of it.
04:09Here you go.
04:11Two mango nohitos.
04:13Oh, a bit decadent, isn't it, for the afternoon?
04:15Well, if someone else is paying.
04:17I quite like this grown-up kids thing.
04:20Oh, just letting you know, I might have to nip to the shop.
04:22We're running low on prosciutto.
04:23We've just had a delivery in.
04:25It was on the order.
04:27Oh, I'd better go and check it. Come with me.
04:29Right, I'll be back in a minute.
04:31I'm sure I ordered them.
04:35No chance.
04:37Come on, Arthur, I just want to talk to her.
04:39I said no.
04:40From now on, any communication between you and her
04:43goes through me.
04:44Hey, I'm warning you.
04:47You'd better listen.
04:48You are not taking that house away from my mum.
04:50You know, it's really sad
04:52seeing you go from a sweet little kid
04:55to a manipulative interfering...
04:57Yeah, I had a good teacher.
05:00Come back with something concrete
05:02about the divorce by the end of the day,
05:04or I might just have to ring for you
05:06and check she knows what you've been doing to Mum.
05:16Glad you popped in, actually.
05:19It's just I've been having a think,
05:21and I've decided
05:23not to sell those haulage shares after all.
05:26Right. Any particular reason?
05:28Not really.
05:30Well, you were desperate to sell yesterday.
05:32You had to persuade me.
05:33I know that.
05:34Heat of the moment.
05:36It doesn't really make sense, Jimmy.
05:39I got carried away.
05:41Me and Nicola, we've had another talk,
05:43and we've decided now's not a good time to sell.
05:46Right. Well,
05:48we often might not still be on the table
05:50if you change your mind again.
05:51We won't. We made our decision.
05:53Fair enough. Your call.
05:55Thanks, Caleb.
05:56Oh, not at all.
05:57A man can change his mind if he wants.
05:59What's this?
06:00I was just saying
06:02a man can change his mind every now and again.
06:04The haulage.
06:05Right. He's told you, then?
06:07He has.
06:09Plenty of other places for me to invest my money.
06:12Bondo closes and all that.
06:17Thanks, mate.
06:18Last thing I need is that swindler as a business partner.
06:20I've got bigger problems to deal with.
06:23Came yesterday with a bunch of roses.
06:27I know what you did.
06:30It's about the kiss with Rose.
06:33Actually, I might not have been 100% honest about that.
06:39Oh, how amazing was that?
06:41Hearing all those lovely comments about Frankie Fittmer, key worker.
06:44It was great, really great.
06:46Not that we need anyone else to tell us what a little superstar she is.
06:49Always nice, though, innit?
06:50Do you know what?
06:52I reckon we can give ourselves a pat on the back.
06:55I don't think we're doing too badly
06:57at this separated parenting malarkey.
07:00Yeah, I think you might be right.
07:02Oh, and these are just the cutest things ever.
07:05You can keep your Rolexes and your gold chains.
07:07A homemade Best Daddy bracelet from my daughter is the only bling I need.
07:11I think we deserve them.
07:13Yeah, we do.
07:17I'm really glad we can be like this, you know.
07:20Just getting on for Frankie.
07:23And I know I don't deserve it after everything.
07:27Let's not go into all that now, eh?
07:36Something wrong?
07:38No, it's fine. I'd better go, though.
07:40Are you sure nothing's up?
07:42Yeah, sorry, Trace. I just need to get this.
07:51Oh, you're a whole male matador.
07:54Yeah, I've never heard that before.
07:56No, all joking aside, I've been worried sick.
07:59I'm not worried enough to reply to my text, though.
08:01I didn't get any texts.
08:02You definitely did, Moira.
08:04Well, I've been flat out. I must have missed it.
08:07Are you all right?
08:08Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I'll live to fight another day.
08:11Just not with a £2,000 bill?
08:13Probably not, no.
08:14How you doing?
08:15Yeah, good.
08:16And what were you doing with that thing in there, anyway?
08:18It wasn't meant to be there.
08:20We've got a pretty good idea how it happened, though, haven't we?
08:25Listen, this has gone far enough.
08:28I did ask him again and he said it wasn't him.
08:30And you're willing to believe someone you barely know?
08:33Why don't you just back off, Mackenzie?
08:35This is all because you've got a pathetic crush on him, isn't it?
08:38I think you need to stay out of my business.
08:40Oh, so you all know what happened yesterday as well, then?
08:43What happened yesterday?
08:45When I walked in on these two.
08:47Did you?
08:51So this was when you were apparently asking him if you let the bill back in?
08:54I didn't have anything to do with that, all right?
08:56Do you know what, mate? You crack on.
08:58If you're that desperate, fire away.
09:00You stay out of my way.
09:01I'm telling you, for the last time,
09:04I did not open the barn door.
09:09Actually, I think that might have had something to do with me.
09:30I didn't realise that you were going to be in there.
09:32Moira, you were the one who told me to go and fix the quad.
09:35Did I?
09:38OK, well, I'm sorry.
09:39It should be John that you're apologising to.
09:41He's the one who's been getting the blame for it all.
09:43Well, not for me he hasn't, but I'm sorry, John.
09:46It's fine.
09:47No, it's not fine at all.
09:53Do you not think you should apologise as well?
09:55What, to him?
09:57Of course, to him. Who else?
09:59Keep your apologies. I'm not interested.
10:01Oh, I wouldn't worry. There wasn't one coming.
10:03Right, I think we'd just better get you inside, yeah?
10:05Right, fine.
10:07But I'd be careful if I were you, Aaron.
10:09He'll be responsible for yesterday, but he doesn't change anything.
10:11He's still a snake.
10:15I was drunk and we kissed.
10:17It should have ended there.
10:19Well, it shouldn't have happened in the first place.
10:21But then I went knocking on her door.
10:24And one thing led to another.
10:26I regretted it straight away.
10:28And I thought that Rose had only told Dawn,
10:30so I just figured that it'd go away, but...
10:34Now this...
10:36She'll be messing with you.
10:38Trying to get under your skin.
10:40Well, it's worked, hasn't it?
10:42You're definitely sure it's her?
10:44Who else could it be?
10:46What about Dawn?
10:48She doesn't want anything to do with me anymore.
10:50No, it's Rose. I know it is.
10:52Have you asked her?
10:53I sent her a message on social media.
10:55She didn't get back to me.
10:57It doesn't look like she's been online.
10:59Well, I suppose you just have to ignore it and hope it goes away.
11:03Either that or head it off at the pass.
11:06It's your call, but...
11:08if I was you, I'd be hanging tight and praying hard.
11:16John, I'm sorry about all of this.
11:18Ah, mistakes happen.
11:20Well, not mistakes that nearly get people killed.
11:23Mac doesn't help, though.
11:25Running round, making accusations,
11:27throwing his toys out the pram.
11:29Maybe not, but he's still my brother,
11:32so I need to stand by him.
11:34Especially when it was my stupidity that nearly got him killed.
11:38What exactly are you trying to say here?
11:41That I'm sorry.
11:43But you and him, it doesn't really seem to work, does it?
11:47Are you sacking me?
11:49No, I'm not sacking you, but...
11:53Oh, OK.
11:55Fair enough.
11:56My van's fixed now.
11:58Would have been leaving soon anyway.
12:00I mean, it'd be great if you could work your notice.
12:03But if you want to leave straight away, I'll pay you what you do.
12:06You deserve that much.
12:08It's fine. I won't leave you in the lurch.
12:11I'll carry on till you find a replacement.
12:14Thanks, John.
12:16Look, I'm sorry it's come to this. I really am.
12:19Look, the bottom line is, we need a cash injection.
12:23The cost of expanding the warehouse is getting bigger every day.
12:25It's a massive drain on funds.
12:27Are my cash flowing great?
12:30I've already put a fortune into this.
12:32Plus the ten grand that I gave you to bribe the council guy.
12:35I thought that was supposed to be greasing the wheels.
12:37It will.
12:38Look, it's not my fault the goalposts keep shifting.
12:41You need to pick up the slack on this one.
12:43No, I haven't got another spare penny.
12:45Well, I'm sorry, Jay, but you're the co-owner of this business.
12:48The contract, which you read a million times before signing, by the way,
12:52says you're just as liable as me for any unexpected costs.
12:55Yeah, well, the words blood and stone spring to mind.
12:59What about Laurel?
13:01What about her?
13:02Well, you're in the middle of divorce negotiations.
13:04Now's the time to turn a screw. Maximise your settlement.
13:08I can't do that.
13:09Why not?
13:10I just can't, all right?
13:11Things have changed and I need us to be on good terms.
13:15So what? You're just going to sit there and watch our business potentially fail?
13:20It's not going to fail.
13:21I bet Laurel's not sat over there thinking about how she can play Mr Nice Guy.
13:24So why should you be?
13:27Are you still stewing about that phone call?
13:29Kind of. I mean, I've got no right to be bothered. I know that.
13:33Oh, as if it's that simple.
13:35We've both got to move on, and if Nate's met someone, then good for him.
13:39He deserves to be happy.
13:41What? It's the truth. I mean, it's been months now.
13:44He's got every right to get on with his life.
13:47Yeah, of course he has.
13:49What? Trace, I'm agreeing with you.
13:51It would just be good to know who.
13:53You know, if they're going to be around Frankie.
13:56And this is all just about Frankie, is it?
14:00I am sorry that I blurted that out before.
14:03It's done now.
14:05Trust me, John.
14:06The chance of you having an easy and stable relationship with Aaron Dingle is zero.
14:12You said anything about a relationship. It was a bit of fun, that's all.
14:16Just don't get caught in a big mess,
14:18because you'll only be giving yourself a load of grief.
14:20Just don't get caught in a big mess,
14:21because you'll only be giving yourself a load of grief.
14:23Is this you doing here? I don't need complications bit again.
14:28What's he doing here?
14:29I asked him to come.
14:34You seem to spend a lot of time getting told what to do.
14:37Well, actually, I've come to tell her to back off about yesterday.
14:40I just wanted to talk to you both about all this.
14:43All this what?
14:44Well, you two.
14:45And I really don't want to stick my nose in.
14:46Well, it sounds like you're getting...
14:48Wait a minute.
14:49You two are the ones who've been sneaking around and lying to me.
14:52So don't have a go.
14:53That's because it's none of your business, Vic.
14:55All right, all right, all right.
14:56I'm going to make this easier for both of you.
14:58You don't have to worry about any of this, because I'm leaving anyway.
15:01Moira's ended my contract with the farm.
15:05Well, my van's fixed.
15:06I was always going to go when that happened, you know that.
15:08But you can't just leave.
15:11It's for the best.
15:13But you belong here.
15:16Can I say anything to make you stay?
15:31I was out of line.
15:34John's bad news, and Aaron needs to be careful.
15:38Yeah, he said.
15:41Hang on.
15:42You were just as convinced as I was that John let the bull in.
15:50Do you think that I should speak to Aaron?
15:52I'm not getting involved, okay?
15:53Get me out of it.
15:55Well, I'm certainly not apologising to John.
15:57Yeah, I think you already said that and all.
15:59But you do think that I should say sorry to Aaron?
16:01I don't know.
16:03It's up to you.
16:04Might be an idea.
16:05Before you spoil your little bromance.
16:11Okay, sorry.
16:12Beautiful friendship.
16:15Are you jealous?
16:22Okay, fine.
16:23If it makes you happy, I'll do it.
16:25Might as well get it over and done with.
16:29I love you.
16:42What do you want?
16:44Is your mum around?
16:45Can't you get the message?
16:47You're not welcome here.
16:48I just want to talk.
16:50I've already told you.
16:51If you want to talk to her, you go through me.
16:53Arthur, I am not here to cause trouble, okay?
16:55I just want to give her this.
16:57What's that?
16:58Listen, I've been doing a bit of thinking since me and you spoke earlier.
17:03And you're right.
17:04You know, I want your mum to feel secure here.
17:09Knowing that I won't contest the place.
17:12I want things to be amicable, okay?
17:15Life is too short to be arguing about money and houses.
17:20I'm glad you've come to your senses.
17:25What happened between me and you earlier, it spooked me, if I'm honest.
17:31You being like that.
17:33Yeah, well, you deserve it.
17:35Well, maybe so.
17:37But just don't become like me, Arthur, okay?
17:40That's all I'm saying.
17:42Trust me.
17:43I can see it in you, and you don't want that.
17:47You might not be my real son, but it feels like you are.
17:51Even if you can't stand the sight of me.
17:54The last thing I want is you and me at each other's throats.
17:57All right?
17:58So any game playing stops it.
18:06I didn't expect to see you.
18:13You're both looking so serious.
18:15Jay's come to give you something.
18:20I won't be contesting the house.
18:23And I've put it in writing.
18:26It's all yours.
18:28No more arguments.
18:35Hi, John.
18:37Can we chat?
18:39Just before you make any decisions about leaving.
18:41It's just, I really want you to stay.
18:46And I wondered if we could talk about it.
18:49So just call me back, okay?
18:53With any luck, Rose will get bored and move on.
18:58Unless someone else has got it in for me.
19:03You reckon it could be Lydia?
19:05Yeah, I'm just having a quick coffee.
19:07No way.
19:08I wouldn't put it past her.
19:10I never saw her brought in them flowers.
19:12How do I know that it's not her?
19:14And there's been some strange comments and funny looks.
19:17You really think she could do something like this?
19:21I don't know.
19:23All I'm saying is, I can't rule it out.
19:27I suppose.
19:29Shall we talk?
19:45I just wanted to say I'm sorry.
19:48It's not me you should be apologising to.
19:50Well, I'm not going to apologise to him, am I?
19:54Listen, I know I overstepped the mark.
19:58It's none of my business who you see or what you do.
20:00No, it's not.
20:03But you do deserve better than...
20:09I'm just saying don't sell yourself short.
20:11Okay, I thought you came to apologise.
20:14Well, I did. There.
20:16That was an apology.
20:17But if you're determined to be with a complete and utter...
20:20No, seriously, just...
20:21Okay, fine.
20:22I won't cause any more problems for you and him from now on.
20:26I promise.
20:27Well, there is no me and him.
20:30Oh, okay.
20:35So do you forgive me?
20:37Yeah, I suppose so, yeah.
20:45Well, I would love a cup of tea if you were...
20:47Ah, erm...
20:49I'm pretty sorry.
20:51It's been a long day.
20:55Yeah, fair enough. I need to get going anyway.
20:57Oh. Alright.
20:58Well, no worries. I'll catch you tomorrow.
21:10He really likes me, doesn't he?
21:14Does it matter?
21:16Well, he doesn't know I let him.
21:25Stay with us here on ITV1.