Escape from Germany (2024)

  • last month
في عام 1939، كان جيش هتلر يغلق الحدود، وكان هناك خمسة وثمانون مبشرًا أمريكيًا في ألمانيا يخدمون كنيستهم. وكان هروب هؤلاء المبشرين من ألمانيا النازية أحد أكثر الأحداث دراماتيكية في تاريخ الكنيسة الحديث.
00:02:24Elder Siebold?
00:02:26I'm Elder Anderson.
00:02:29I'll talk to you after I explain.
00:02:35I said, welcome to Germany.
00:02:37You don't hear that a lot here.
00:02:39Hi. You've got something right there.
00:02:41It looks like blood.
00:02:47Oh, boy, I've got to get home.
00:02:50How far away do we live?
00:02:52I mean, home-home.
00:02:57How long have you been out?
00:02:5826 months, four days.
00:03:00So I'll be going back to Idaho soon.
00:03:05Germans are fine folks,
00:03:07but their leaders have some cockeyed ideas.
00:03:14Yeah, well, I heard that some German officials
00:03:16are trying to have the New Testament rewritten
00:03:18to show that Jesus wasn't a Jew.
00:03:21What's that?
00:04:43I haven't read it yet, but it's supposed to be swell.
00:04:58Well, danke to you, too.
00:05:06Hey, what's the big idea?
00:05:08Time to go, Elder.
00:05:21It'll take a while to get an answer.
00:05:23I'll have to get back to you on that.
00:05:26Danke schoen, Elder Dursch.
00:05:44You know, Elder, missionaries tend to lose
00:05:46two things on their missions,
00:05:48their hair and their sweethearts.
00:05:53Hello, German Mission Office.
00:05:55Yes, this is President Hugh B. Brown, the British Mission.
00:05:58Yes, President.
00:06:02Is President Wood available to speak with me?
00:06:05No, sorry, sir. He's at a mission conference.
00:06:07Are you able to get a message to him?
00:06:09Yes, sir.
00:06:10This is very important, Elder.
00:06:12Please write this down.
00:06:17This is President Wood.
00:06:19President, this is Elder Barnes.
00:06:21I have an urgent message for you
00:06:23from President Heber J. Grant.
00:06:27Okay, go ahead.
00:06:29In three days, the German army will invade Poland.
00:06:32Evacuate the mission to Holland or Denmark,
00:06:34but get them out immediately.
00:06:39Okay, uh, hurry to the General Consul's office,
00:06:43check on this, and then, um...
00:06:46I'll let you know where to send them.
00:06:49Hello, Elder Barnes. How can I help you?
00:06:52I have something very important for the Consul General.
00:06:55I'm hoping to see him.
00:07:08Good to see you again, sir.
00:07:10Oh, yes. What can I do for you, Elder?
00:07:13We have been informed by our church president
00:07:16that in three days, the German army will invade Poland.
00:07:20I wanted to ask what you know of the situation.
00:07:25In three days?
00:07:27Yes, sir.
00:07:33Have a seat.
00:07:47This is from our embassy in Berlin.
00:07:50At this time, there is no indication
00:07:52of any German military movement.
00:07:56So, Elder Barnes, our military attache
00:07:59has no knowledge of any such aggressive activity
00:08:02on the part of the Nazi army.
00:08:05From what source did your church president
00:08:08get this information?
00:08:10I would say he got it from the Lord, sir.
00:08:15He is a prophet.
00:08:18Son, our U.S. military
00:08:21has the finest intelligence in the world.
00:08:24If I may, sir,
00:08:26I believe President Heber J. Grant
00:08:28has a better source of intelligence
00:08:30than the U.S. military.
00:08:33You can trust me, sir.
00:08:35I'm sure of it.
00:08:37The U.S. military.
00:08:39You really said that to him?
00:08:43All right, then.
00:08:45Call him, wire him.
00:08:47Send pigeons.
00:08:49Any way to get to them and tell our missionaries to get out.
00:08:51Yes, President.
00:08:53Poland's been good to us. Send them to Rotterdam.
00:08:55Yes, President.
00:08:57I'll be back in a couple hours.
00:08:59Yes, President.
00:09:01All right.
00:09:03How about you finish unpacking, then we'll get going?
00:09:06What are you doing?
00:09:08Well, the hard thing right now
00:09:11is everybody's scared stiff they're going to war again.
00:09:13You can't get anybody to talk about the gospel.
00:09:16So I've been spending a lot of time on my homecoming talk.
00:09:20Yeah, well, I heard that Adolf Hitler
00:09:22actually likes our church
00:09:24because we believe in being subject to kings, rulers,
00:09:27and obeying and sustaining the law.
00:09:30We just got word from President Wood.
00:09:32Leave immediately for Rotterdam.
00:09:34Where's Rotterdam?
00:09:36What's the deal?
00:09:38That's all I was told.
00:09:41Let's go.
00:09:43We'll call President.
00:09:45Where's Rotterdam?
00:10:04Yes, President.
00:10:06I will extend a call to someone.
00:10:08He needs back at the mission office.
00:10:10We're going to get Elder and Sister Goltz.
00:10:12Who's Elder and Sister Goltz?
00:10:14Are they missionaries? Slow down.
00:10:16Oh, yeah.
00:10:18I understand what you are saying.
00:10:20But it is not necessary for us to leave.
00:10:25We face no danger in our own fatherland.
00:10:28Whether there is danger or not,
00:10:30President Wood sent me to get you to leave.
00:10:32My patriarchal blessing promises me
00:10:35I will serve a mission in Germany.
00:10:38I have not finished my mission,
00:10:41so I will not go.
00:10:45Sister Goltz,
00:10:48can you convince your husband to leave?
00:10:53He is boss.
00:11:00Am I the only one that wants to go home around here?
00:11:04I didn't come here to be a servant.
00:11:07I came here to be a friend.
00:11:10Am I the only one that wants to go home around here?
00:11:13I didn't come here...
00:11:19You should probably go with him, yeah?
00:11:27But, President, I said all of that.
00:11:29They won't leave.
00:11:31Yes, they will. Now go back and get them.
00:11:35Yes, President.
00:11:38Oh, boy.
00:11:40What do you mean, oh, boy? What?
00:11:42Nein! Nein!
00:11:44Here is what I see.
00:11:46I have faith in my patriarchal blessing,
00:11:49but you, you have not!
00:11:51This is not a matter of faith.
00:11:53This is a matter of obedience.
00:11:56President Wood said we must leave,
00:11:58so we must leave.
00:12:07Glaubentlich! Unglaublich!
00:12:12Sister Goltz, you've got to do something.
00:12:16If you don't, there's a huge possibility
00:12:19you will be stuck here through a war.
00:12:21And if that happens,
00:12:23you may never see your family again.
00:12:31Und this thing is for sure.
00:12:34My parents were German.
00:12:36My grandparents were German.
00:12:38I am German, and I will never leave this country.
00:12:44Papa, I go.
00:13:01She is boss.
00:13:03We will go.
00:13:31President Biel,
00:13:33I order all missionaries
00:13:35to leave Germany at once.
00:13:44Nothing to hear.
00:13:47Sister Heimel,
00:13:49you are to report to the mission home in Frankfurt.
00:13:53Sister Rosenhan,
00:13:55leave it scheduled to the train station
00:13:57and on your way.
00:13:59And on your way to Holland,
00:14:01you are not to wait for anyone else.
00:14:04I must have my passport stamped.
00:14:08and you should buy your ticket on to London.
00:14:13But I'm not going to London.
00:14:17The spirit tells me,
00:14:20do this.
00:14:30Good day, Elders.
00:14:32We've received a new missionary.
00:14:34This is Elder...
00:14:38Good day, Elder Anderson.
00:14:40Elder Ruff,
00:14:42I cannot continue as branch president.
00:14:44We've been told to leave the country.
00:14:46We are here to call and set you apart
00:14:48as the new branch president.
00:14:50I can't.
00:14:52You can.
00:14:54I can.
00:14:56I can't.
00:14:58You can.
00:15:00I know you've only been a member for a few months,
00:15:02but you will learn as you serve.
00:15:04I received a military summons an hour ago.
00:15:09I leave today.
00:15:16May we give you a blessing?
00:15:31Sie wollen also nach London.
00:15:33Ohne britischen Schnäppel geht das nicht.
00:15:36Und warum nicht?
00:15:38Weil das britische Konsulat geschlossen hat
00:15:41und alle Mitarbeiter das Land verlassen haben.
00:15:44Werden Sie dann bitte wenigstens ihren Reisepass
00:15:47für die Ausreise stampfen?
00:15:51Sie werden auch ins Ruhe kommen müssen.
00:15:56Weil der Verantwortliche dafür schon gegangen ist.
00:16:00Brauchen Sie auch einen Stempel?
00:16:03Ich bin Deutsche.
00:16:05Ich werde Deutschland mit oder ohne Stempel
00:16:07in meinem Ausweis verlassen.
00:16:09Sie werden ohne Stempel im Pass die Grenze nicht überqueren.
00:16:15Unser Prophet hat uns gesagt, dass wir gehen sollen.
00:16:19Und ich werde dem Propheten folgen.
00:16:24Vielen Dank.
00:16:26Auf Wiedersehen.
00:16:27Auf Wiedersehen.
00:16:37Wir haben nur einen Moment.
00:16:39Ja, wir machen schnell.
00:16:41Wir beeilen los.
00:16:45Wir haben nur einen Moment.
00:16:47Ja, wir machen schnell.
00:16:49Wir beeilen los.
00:16:56Die Schwestern wollen sich verabschieden.
00:16:59Auf Wiedersehen.
00:17:00Auf Wiedersehen.
00:17:01Auf Wiedersehen.
00:17:02Walter, das ist vom Militär.
00:17:06Du musst heute gehen.
00:17:12Alles ändert sich.
00:17:14Wir leben in zweierlei Zeit.
00:17:23Wir leben in zweierlei Zeit.
00:17:37Bruder Lutz,
00:17:38alle Missionarien wurden von uns gesagt,
00:17:40dass sie nach Deutschland gehen.
00:17:42Wir sind hier, um Sie als
00:17:44Branche-Präsident zu nennen.
00:17:49Aber ich bin nur ein Priester.
00:17:54Du bist alles, was der Herr hat.
00:18:01Präsident Wood,
00:18:03hier ist Joseph Fielding-Smith.
00:18:05Ich bin hier in Europa,
00:18:07also überprüfe ich die Evakuierung.
00:18:09Hast du deine Missionarien erreicht?
00:18:12Wir wissen es nicht.
00:18:14Wir haben keine Telefone,
00:18:15also ist es eine Frage,
00:18:16wie wir die Kabel anrufen
00:18:17und hoffen, dass sie durchkommen.
00:18:18Hast du einige Älteren eingestellt,
00:18:20um sicherzustellen,
00:18:21dass die anderen wissen, was zu tun ist?
00:18:26Es wäre ein großartiges Wunder,
00:18:28wenn wir sie alle rauskriegen,
00:18:30bevor das Ding aufbläst.
00:18:37Ich werde sehen, wie das geht,
00:18:38Herr Smith.
00:18:44Guten Tag.
00:18:45Herr Siebold!
00:18:49Hallo, Tomate.
00:18:50Hallo, Spud.
00:18:52Frau Anna.
00:18:53Herr Siebold,
00:18:55Präsident Wood möchte Sie jetzt sehen.
00:18:58Bis später, Tater.
00:19:02Herr, ich werde Ihnen eine Geschichte erzählen.
00:19:04Vor der Spanischen-Amerikanischen Krieg
00:19:06musste Präsident William McKinley
00:19:08eine wichtige Botschaft
00:19:10zum Leiter der Revolutionärs,
00:19:11General Garcia, bekommen.
00:19:13Aber Garcia war bereits im Verstehen.
00:19:16Und jemand sagte dem Präsident,
00:19:18es gibt einen Typen namens Rowan.
00:19:20Er ist zauberhaft.
00:19:21Er wird Garcia finden,
00:19:22wenn jemand kann.
00:19:24Also wurde Rowan geschickt
00:19:26und er wurde einem Brief gegeben,
00:19:28um Garcia zu übergeben.
00:19:30Rowan landete an der Küste von Cuba
00:19:33über Nacht
00:19:34und verschwindete in die Dschungel.
00:19:37Drei Wochen später
00:19:39steht er auf der anderen Seite der Insel,
00:19:42nachdem er ein hostile Land
00:19:45on foot
00:19:46and against all odds
00:19:48had delivered the letter to Garcia.
00:19:52So my point is this.
00:19:54McKinley gave Rowan
00:19:56a letter to deliver to Garcia
00:19:59and Rowan took the letter
00:20:01without whining about it.
00:20:02He just took it.
00:20:06I have a letter
00:20:08that I desperately need sent.
00:20:11I need you to deliver my letter to Garcia.
00:20:19I don't know.
00:20:20I don't know what you're even asking.
00:20:23you heard the part about not whining, right?
00:20:27There are somewhere around 30 missionaries
00:20:30that are lost and penniless
00:20:32between here and the Dutch border.
00:20:35It'll be up to you to find them
00:20:38and see that they get out.
00:20:41Now, you're strong.
00:20:42Now, you played college football.
00:20:44So I'm sending you without a companion.
00:20:47I don't know why.
00:20:48I just think it's right.
00:20:54I don't know, President.
00:20:59we're in trouble
00:21:02and you are the man for the job.
00:21:05I can't leave for another day or two,
00:21:07so I need you to do this.
00:21:16This contains 500 marks.
00:21:18Take us to Holland and then on to London.
00:21:22Find him.
00:21:24Find him and get him out.
00:21:30Follow your impressions, Elder Seawold.
00:21:34Follow your impressions, Elder Seawold.
00:21:37But find him.
00:21:40Listen to the still, small voice.
00:21:44Angels will go with you.
00:21:49You can use this map.
00:21:53We have elders in most of these towns
00:21:56in between here and Holland.
00:21:58They'll be at the train stations.
00:22:04That's a lot of country.
00:22:07And some may be stranded
00:22:09in these towns closer to Denmark.
00:22:20What is it?
00:22:22Does President have any idea
00:22:24how difficult this is going to be?
00:22:26What am I supposed to do?
00:22:28What am I supposed to do?
00:22:30What am I supposed to do?
00:22:40Like the hymn says,
00:22:42do what is right.
00:22:53Ah, nuts.
00:23:00Ah, nuts.
00:23:30Ah, nuts.
00:24:00Ah, nuts.
00:24:02Ah, nuts.
00:24:04Ah, nuts.
00:24:06Ah, nuts.
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00:24:30Ah, nuts.
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00:26:58Ah, nuts.
00:27:00Ah, nuts.
00:27:02Ah, nuts.
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00:27:06Ah, nuts.
00:27:08Ah, nuts.
00:27:10Ah, nuts.
00:27:12Ah, nuts.
00:27:14Ah, nuts.
00:27:16Ah, nuts.
00:27:18Dimwits anyway.
00:27:48Come on, let's go, let's go!
00:28:18You are not allowed to take photos with the host.
00:28:22The host has to give you permission,
00:28:24to invite the next guests.
00:28:28The guests can leave the building from the stage.
00:28:33The guests can only enter the building,
00:28:36if someone's not allowed to.
00:28:38After that, the host has to do the tour around the building.
00:28:41We are getting ready for the film.
00:28:43But to be honest,
00:28:45I was also very surprised by the way
00:32:05Are you getting some swell pictures of a whole bunch of nothing?
00:32:17What city is this?
00:32:23Aren't we getting off?
00:32:33Are we getting off?
00:32:37There might be missionaries here.
00:32:42No, there's none here.
00:32:47You don't want to check to make sure?
00:32:52There's none here.
00:33:16What town's next?
00:33:21After this, you pass into Holland.
00:33:26Tell them to hurry, please.
00:33:33Have you talked to any of the others yet?
00:33:35The long-distance lines are all jammed.
00:33:37Hopefully the wires got through.
00:33:41Attention, attention. This is Radio Deutschland.
00:33:44All German railways are now under military supervision.
00:33:48From midnight, the German government can no longer guarantee travel destinations.
00:33:54The Dutch border is now closed to all foreigners.
00:33:58Only those with Dutch passports are allowed to enter.
00:34:03The Dutch have closer borders.
00:34:10We sent our elders the wrong way.
00:34:21This is all I could find.
00:34:22Oh, sweat.
00:34:25Most of the food has been taken to the soldiers.
00:34:29It doesn't taste like bread.
00:34:31It tastes more like sawdust.
00:34:38Look at that.
00:34:42If you don't have enough flour, you gotta fill it with something.
00:34:46You gonna eat that?
00:35:07What are you doing?
00:35:09I'm getting evidence of how they're treating the people here.
00:35:12You know, that could qualify as evidence to the Nazis that you're a spy.
00:35:22Sie behendern die Ordnung.
00:35:26Verlassen Sie meine Stadt!
00:35:31Jorden, Jorden!
00:35:33In die Gegend.
00:35:41Kleines Mädchen.
00:35:50Listen up.
00:35:52You're only going to let us into Holland if we have money.
00:35:55You'll each need to be carrying your own cash.
00:36:01Was machen Sie da?
00:36:04What are you doing?
00:36:05Put that away.
00:36:09What are you doing?
00:36:13Turn your pockets inside out and show me all your money.
00:36:26Where are you traveling?
00:36:30You're smuggling this money out of Germany?
00:36:33Give it to me.
00:36:56Over my dead body.
00:36:59Is that disposable?
00:37:01Come with me.
00:37:02Where to?
00:37:03The police station.
00:37:06I'm not going anywhere with you.
00:37:10You have no authority here.
00:37:12I'll talk to the military police, but I won't leave this station.
00:37:19You will come with me now.
00:37:21I am an American citizen.
00:37:24I demand to speak with the military police.
00:37:28Don't you touch me.
00:37:30If you touch me, there's going to be a fight.
00:37:42I demand to speak with the military police.
00:37:45Can't he demand that?
00:37:47He just did.
00:37:53I'd better go with him.
00:38:03Did you see that?
00:38:09I understand it's best for us to leave, but I don't understand why all the rush.
00:38:13Well, I can think of two reasons, darling.
00:38:16First, President Grant says we need to evacuate the mission immediately.
00:38:20And second, two missionaries were left in Germany when the Great War broke out.
00:38:24What happened to them?
00:38:26Sweetheart, do you think those Nazis will leave foreigners running loose?
00:38:29They'll lock us up.
00:38:31We'll stay locked up.
00:38:33Faster, everyone.
00:38:50Did you understand everything?
00:38:54And what is your explanation for all this?
00:39:04We are a group of Mormon missionaries from America.
00:39:07We are being evacuated from Germany with enough cash to purchase tickets through to London.
00:39:12If we don't have the money, the Dutch won't let us in.
00:39:17Do you have proof that these young men don't use their money for tickets?
00:39:23No, but I know they could use the money for something shameful.
00:39:30And what I know is that they don't have a license at the station.
00:39:34Wherever I see them, I have to stop illegal activities.
00:39:39And why were you at the station on patrol?
00:39:46That's what I thought.
00:39:48Get out of here and don't come back!
00:40:03I know some Mormons.
00:40:08They are good people.
00:40:10I understand why you must leave Germany.
00:40:17Keep this with you.
00:40:23Auf Wiedersehen.
00:40:32Well, what happened?
00:40:34Come on, what happened?
00:40:36We got into a big fight and I knocked the stuffing out of him.
00:40:40True? Is that what happened to Hildy McCormack?
00:40:42No, I just started crying.
00:40:44See, now that I believe.
00:41:03What are you doing here?
00:41:04We could not let you go without our advice.
00:41:06We cannot imagine being without you and your leadership.
00:41:09We hope to return soon.
00:41:12Thank you for remaining faithful and true.
00:41:16You will forever be our dear friends.
00:41:19Would it be all right if I write to you?
00:41:42Be true.
00:41:47Be true.
00:42:07You're on your way to London.
00:42:09May I see your London ticket?
00:42:15Very good.
00:42:16Welcome to Holland.
00:42:18Thank you.
00:42:21Oh, excuse me.
00:42:23Have you seen any Americans come through here?
00:42:26Any missionaries?
00:42:29I wouldn't know.
00:42:31I wouldn't know.
00:43:01Please help me.
00:43:04I have no money. I have nothing to eat. I'm lost.
00:43:21Pardon me?
00:43:24Do you speak English?
00:43:27Do you speak any English?
00:43:30Are you a missionary?
00:43:34A Mormon missionary.
00:43:39I didn't know what to do.
00:43:42I was sent to look for elders.
00:43:44We didn't know there were any sisters coming out of Germany.
00:43:47Only me.
00:43:48You just made it.
00:43:50They're about to close the border.
00:43:55Thank you, thank you, thank you.
00:43:59I think this might be against mission rules.
00:44:29Thank you.
00:44:46It's about time.
00:44:55Well, besides that, I heard Hitler learned about our fasting program.
00:44:58So he's starting his own fast Sunday where Germans are supposed to get what they save from skipping a meal for the government.
00:45:04Yeah, a hundred years after Joseph Smith started it.
00:45:11That's not baloney.
00:45:13I read it somewhere.
00:45:21Are you feeling okay?
00:45:25What do you mean?
00:45:28I just think it's pretty swell that you got assigned to go out and find us.
00:45:35Why is that pretty swell?
00:45:38It shows such a trust.
00:45:41Such an honor.
00:45:45Don't you think?
00:45:50I think I'll do anything if it'll get me home.
00:45:58What did he say?
00:46:01He said we're in trouble.
00:46:07He said Holland has closed its border and we have to get off the train.
00:46:12So what do we do now?
00:46:16Are we cooked?
00:46:21Are we cooked?
00:46:24Are we cooked?
00:46:38Mama, I'm hungry.
00:46:45I think you need to wait a little longer. There's only a tiny bit left.
00:46:54This is okay.
00:47:07This is the last of it.
00:47:24Where are you going?
00:47:32Where are you from?
00:47:54We have been on trains for the whole day.
00:47:59This is our fifth day.
00:48:02I think.
00:48:04Nobody wants us.
00:48:11What's that for?
00:48:15It lets us let people know to be mean to us.
00:48:23Let's go.
00:48:39No room in the end.
00:48:42All trains commandeered for troop transport.
00:48:45So what are we going to do?
00:48:48Wait here.
00:48:51We're cooked.
00:49:16This train. Get up. Get up.
00:49:18This train is going that way.
00:49:48Let's go.
00:49:51They're not going to wait.
00:49:54Elder, faster now.
00:49:57Come on, we got this.
00:50:00I got you.
00:50:08That was swell.
00:50:11I feel like Errol. I think I just became a man.
00:50:14It'll take a little more than that.
00:50:16Now that we're moving, the conductor won't stop the train just to get us off.
00:50:47President, look at this.
00:50:50Here we are in Rostock, trying to get to Denmark.
00:50:54But we're only nine miles from Monomunda.
00:50:57What's in Monomunda?
00:51:00A ferry. A ferry that goes to Denmark.
00:51:03How do we get there?
00:51:06I can ask.
00:51:17Where are you going?
00:51:20Back to Berlin.
00:51:27With all the military going to Poland, they're not running any trains to Monomunda.
00:51:31But this railroad goes right to the ferry dock.
00:51:35So there's got to be a way to...
00:51:40Maybe there's some kind of taxi.
00:51:46They don't leave any gasoline for taxis.
00:52:01President, here's an idea.
00:52:07And action.
00:52:13The train that just pulled into yard four is headed towards Denmark.
00:52:21That camera's going to get you in trouble.
00:52:34Leave your suitcases.
00:52:36Leave your suitcases. Get on and open a window.
00:52:39I'll tow your luggage.
00:53:06Come on.
00:53:12Holy smokes.
00:53:15What's going on?
00:53:27Come on.
00:53:30Easy, oldie.
00:53:36Come on. The train's moving.
00:53:39Get on.
00:53:42Pick it up.
00:53:54You went to what?
00:53:57Douglas, I think you've lost your mind.
00:54:00Maybe so.
00:54:02But I'm smart enough to know the Lord helps those who help themselves.
00:54:06We get to ride where they drive it?
00:54:09Shh. Quiet, quiet.
00:54:12Very quiet.
00:54:16Oh, swell.
00:54:31Stay in the corner.
00:54:34Do either of you have any idea what to do with all this?
00:54:37Maybe. When I was five, I got my daddy's tractor going and smashed it into the barn.
00:54:44Are we going to haul that whole trainload of folks with us?
00:54:46Uh, no.
00:54:49No, sir. No freeloaders.
00:54:54Lord, forgive us. Amen.
00:55:06How do you think it works?
00:55:09It must be simple. They hook and unhook hundreds of these a day.
00:55:12I can hardly see what they're looking at. I wish we had them.
00:55:14What's that the Boy Scouts say?
00:55:17Be... be something. Oh, yeah, be...
00:55:38Have you got it? Can you make it go?
00:55:40It's close. I just can't quite figure out how they shift it into gear.
00:55:44I think that this will start it.
00:55:47But I can't figure out how to get it out of neutral and into gear with the...
00:55:51Here it is!
00:55:54Wow. She's speedy.
00:55:57All right. Everybody ready?
00:56:00President Wood, are we doing the right thing?
00:56:04Mission presidents don't steal trains.
00:56:07Well, this one does.
00:56:11All right. Let's choo-choo out of here.
00:56:13Wait. Wait. How did all this track goes to Varmundi?
00:56:17Yes, this is Varmundi.
00:56:40Wait. How did all this track goes to Varmundi?
00:56:43Yes, this could be the track that goes to Berlin.
00:56:55Wait. Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!
00:57:04Right here. Right here. This will do it.
00:57:11Good. Good. Let's go. Let's go.
00:57:30Are trains being moved into military service?
00:57:36Hey, officer!
00:57:40Let's go.
00:57:59Anna, what are you doing, darling?
00:58:02Making sure no one's following us.
00:58:14Do you think we might get arrested?
00:58:19No. No, honey.
00:58:23Well, what happens to people who steal trains?
00:58:27I think they'd shoot us.
00:58:37The Lord will protect us, honey.
00:58:41Even if we're stealers?
00:58:47There will be police in Warnvernemünde watching the station.
00:58:51So, do we just pull up into the station and pretend like we're a bunch of German train engineers?
00:59:01What are we going to do?
00:59:04What are we going to do?
00:59:06Sweetheart, we don't know.
00:59:08We're making this up.
00:59:26Carol, why don't you say a prayer for us?
00:59:35I can't think of a better time.
00:59:39Our Father in heaven,
00:59:41we are thankful we get to ride where they drive the trains.
00:59:45And thankful to have come this far.
00:59:48We hope that you will bless us so that we can keep going.
00:59:52And we are sorry that we stole this train.
01:00:04I thought you were going to say something.
01:00:07I feel better now.
01:00:09A train's coming!
01:00:16Can this thing go any faster?
01:00:32Hey! I see water!
01:00:37Yeah, there's a boat!
01:00:41It's a ferry!
01:00:43We've got to figure out a way to signal it.
01:00:45This, huh?
01:01:01That's huge.
01:01:04That's huge.
01:01:16They're getting closer!
01:01:28Hey! Hey! America!
01:01:32We're Americans! America!
01:01:40Hey! They're coming back!
01:01:42Stop the train!
01:01:49Go, go, go! Don't wait! Go!
01:01:51Don't look back! Go, go, go!
01:01:54Don't stop, just go!
01:01:55We're Americans!
01:01:56Go, go, go!
01:01:57Sie steigen aus! Schieß auf sie!
01:01:59Feuer frei!
01:02:02I told you they'd shoot us!
01:02:04I told you!
01:02:06Keep your heads down!
01:02:07Run, run, run! Go, go, go!
01:02:08Look at the water!
01:02:09Hey! Hey! Over here, Americans!
01:02:17So anyway, I heard Hitler likes our genealogy program
01:02:21because it makes it easier for Germans to prove that they have pure German blood.
01:02:25And it's helped a lot of them stay out of jail or not get deported.
01:02:29I guess that just goes to show that even the genealogy program is just a tool.
01:02:34A tool that can be used for good.
01:03:01He just welcomed us.
01:03:05And a big welcome to you, too.
01:03:10That was nice.
01:03:20What an amazing coincidence for us to have an apostle here overseeing this.
01:03:25I think Heaven is very interested in the outcome of all of this.
01:03:36At last.
01:03:38Hello, Elder Smith.
01:03:40Here, President Garth.
01:03:42What an experience.
01:03:44What troubles did you have getting out?
01:03:46None, really.
01:03:48Five taxis, 17 trains, and a boat.
01:03:51Easy as pie.
01:03:52What's your report?
01:03:54Well, there are still 29 missionaries unaccounted for.
01:04:03I'm so worried I can't stand it.
01:04:08They're barely adults.
01:04:12How could this happen?
01:04:15Sister Wood, it will all work out.
01:04:20The war will not begin until those missionaries have arrived on Danish soil.
01:04:27Are you saying they'll hold up the whole war?
01:04:31They'll wait until we get all our missionaries out before they start fighting?
01:04:36I'm saying the war will not begin until all of our elders are out of Germany.
01:04:45Yet when I heard Hitler got Mormon elders to teach basketball to his teams to help them in the 36 Olympics,
01:04:50and then some of those elders went on to become refs in the actual games...
01:04:56Wait, you think that's baloney?
01:05:00Am I the only one here with half a brain?
01:05:03You might be, Elder.
01:05:06Hey, hey, listen.
01:05:08We make it through this checkpoint, we're home.
01:05:11No funny business, be respectful.
01:05:14Those Nazis could land all of us in jail if we botched this up.
01:05:18You with me?
01:05:22Elder Stiebels, do you think we should say a prayer before we do this?
01:05:29Elder Stiebels, do you think we should say a prayer before we do this?
01:05:49Elder Anderson, go ahead.
01:05:59Our Father which art in heaven, we thank thee for bringing us this far.
01:06:05Now we especially need thy help.
01:06:10This is scary, but not as scary as for those who haven't made it this far.
01:06:18We pray for all those good people who haven't done anything wrong,
01:06:25who are innocent.
01:06:31For the members who have tried to do their best to follow thee,
01:06:38for the members who have tried to do their best to follow thee.
01:07:09And especially for the Jewish people who are having such a tough time right now.
01:07:19Please bless the innocent children and those who can't defend themselves against all this.
01:07:32In Jesus' name, Amen.
01:07:38What are you doing? Get out! Get out!
01:07:44There must be opposition in all things.
01:08:03What are you doing?
01:08:07Don't make trouble.
01:08:09Yes, Daddy.
01:08:11Next up.
01:08:37How many?
01:08:39How many what?
01:08:41Click, click.
01:09:24We hope you enjoyed our beautiful Germany.
01:09:34Next up.
01:10:04Next up.
01:10:14I've only been in Germany for a few months,
01:10:17but even I can read a book to a camera.
01:10:46Next up.
01:10:49Welcome to Denmark, elders.
01:10:51You'll hop the next train to Copenhagen.
01:10:54I'll wire President Wood.
01:10:56Let him know you're here.
01:10:58Elder, I just heard the Gestapo, they're closing this border too.
01:11:02We just made it.
01:11:05You can't go back into Germany.
01:11:07You probably won't get back out.
01:11:34There's still elders out there.
01:11:37I feel it.
01:11:42I'll go with you.
01:11:44President Wood sent me to do this alone,
01:11:47so that's what it'll be.
01:11:52Thank you.
01:12:10Do what is right.
01:12:12We'll save some sawdust bread for when you get back.
01:12:15We'll be seeing you, Elder.
01:12:17See you soon, Elder Sebald.
01:12:30Oh, dear.
01:12:32Of course it's like this, Elder.
01:12:52This just came for you, President.
01:12:55Read it to me, Elder.
01:12:59Found six lost sheep.
01:13:02More Garcia's to find. Rowan.
01:13:05Let me see that.
01:13:07What kind of a message is that?
01:13:12It's a message of hope.
01:13:21Let's go.
01:13:51Let's go.
01:14:21Here's the deal.
01:14:23Train on track four is about to leave.
01:14:25Get on the train, then open the envelope.
01:14:27It'll tell you what to do.
01:14:57Let's go, Elders. Let's go.
01:15:22Let's go.
01:15:33Train on track two is about to leave.
01:15:36Get on the train, then open the envelope.
01:15:38It'll tell you what to do.
01:15:42Let's go.
01:15:51Let's go.
01:16:01Stand up!
01:16:03Give your places to the soldiers!
01:16:05Honor them for what they give Germany!
01:16:07All civilians stand!
01:16:12Stand up and give your places to the soldiers!
01:16:17All civilians stand!
01:16:21Let's go.
01:16:39I have seen this before.
01:16:42This is what happens before a war.
01:16:47I lived through the last one.
01:16:52I'm sure you'll be fine.
01:16:57I have a doctor, Fred,
01:16:59who has made sure that I won't have to live through this one.
01:17:06I have a black pill.
01:17:15It can't be that bad.
01:17:21It can't be that bad.
01:17:47Excuse me.
01:17:49Is there a place here where people eat?
01:17:52All restaurants are over there.
01:17:54Thank you.
01:18:19Thank you.
01:18:30Excuse me, please.
01:18:37In the inn?
01:18:40Yes, of course.
01:18:44Your head.
01:18:49Thank you.
01:19:11Oh, Siebold!
01:19:13We're out of money and didn't know what to do.
01:19:18I love it.
01:19:20I'm afraid you'll be sent home for this.
01:19:30Say, how did you know we were in here?
01:19:34Some things you just know.
01:19:40This is all of them?
01:19:43Yeah, we think so.
01:19:46You better know so.
01:19:49May I?
01:19:53Wait! Elder Siebold, he hasn't arrived.
01:19:59He'll keep searching until he's trapped himself.
01:20:16I'm sorry.
01:20:46Next stop.
01:20:49Oh, nuts.
01:21:02Where are you going?
01:21:17Copenhagen, Germany
01:21:20You've been here before.
01:21:25You go back and forth, Germany to Denmark.
01:21:33You're a swindler.
01:21:35You're a swindler.
01:21:37You're a swindler.
01:21:39You're a swindler.
01:21:41You're a swindler.
01:21:43You're a swindler.
01:21:55He's probably on his way to...
01:21:58I don't know exactly what...
01:22:04What in tarnation is going on out there?
01:22:08Let me call you back.
01:22:10Excuse me.
01:22:27How'd you get out?
01:22:38Keep this with you.
01:22:51Welcome to Denmark, sleep-dirty Mormon.
01:22:54We're still getting rid of you.
01:22:57We're getting rid of you.
01:23:18You did it right.
01:23:20Thanks, Helder.
01:23:22Well done, Helder. Well done.
01:23:25Thank you.
01:23:27Good job, Spud.
01:23:29Thanks, Tomato.
01:23:30You got every one of them.
01:23:32I know you would, Rowan.
01:23:34Thank you.
01:23:35And now we can all go home.
01:23:39Do we have to?
01:23:55No, we don't.
01:24:25The Lord be with you.
01:24:27And with your spirit.
01:25:25The Lord be with you.
01:25:55The Lord be with you.
01:26:25The Lord be with you.
01:26:55The Lord be with you.
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01:36:35The Lord be with you.
01:36:37The Lord be with you.
01:36:39The Lord be with you.
01:36:41The Lord be with you.
01:36:43The Lord be with you.
01:36:45The Lord be with you.
01:36:47The Lord be with you.
01:36:49The Lord be with you.
01:36:51The Lord be with you.
01:36:53The Lord be with you.
01:36:55The Lord be with you.
01:36:57The Lord be with you.
01:36:59The Lord be with you.
01:37:01The Lord be with you.
01:37:03The Lord be with you.
01:37:05The Lord be with you.
01:37:07The Lord be with you.
01:37:09The Lord be with you.
01:37:11The Lord be with you.
01:37:13The Lord be with you.
01:37:15The Lord be with you.
01:37:17The Lord be with you.
01:37:19The Lord be with you.
01:37:21The Lord be with you.