The guy who was asking for money in front...
00:00Do you remember there was a clip of a Nigerian brother outside the Kaaba? What was he saying?
00:06Do you know what happened to that brother?
00:08Wallahi, he's one of the rich guys. Did you follow that? Follow, go check it, go online
00:14You can google it what happened to the brother. They call him Akhi. As soon as they see him
00:19They say Fulus Fulus instead of Salamu Alaikum. He was complaining
00:22When people see me they say Fulus Fulus, they forget to say Salamu Alaikum because on social media you get to be known
00:29With certain things, but the brother became wealthy. Then I found out that actually that clip
00:35Is only a small portion of his dua. The full dua, he started off by saying
00:41Oh Allah forgive us. Oh Allah grant us the ability to worship you
00:45Oh Allah grant us this and that and he was asking Allah's forgiveness and mercy and Jannah and everything and
00:50Someone loved the dua and was listening to this guy crying to Allah and he he turned the camera and he started
00:57Videoing it. By the time the video started he was