Celebs Go Dating S13E07 (2024) - Stephen's ready to meet a new man.

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Single celebrities join an exclusive dating agency in a bid to find true love. Matchmakers pair them with non-celebrity partners and the cameras capture every romantic and cringe-filled moment.

Popular celebrities go on a blind date with civilians and try to strike up a romantic relationship with them. They are matched by expert matchmakers from a dating agency.

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00:02All right, Slug? Have a shit time.
00:05Ella's keeping it PG.
00:07I'm not going to drink, I'm not going to be crude.
00:10Have fun, but not up the bum.
00:12Chris hopes for a three-way.
00:14Oh, I got you a present, by the way.
00:16Called him what with a watermelon.
00:18Tristan's got some junk in the trunk.
00:20Are you a tripod?
00:22They call me the elephant, but...
00:24No-one's ever called me that.
00:26And Stephen's putting in the graft.
00:28I'm always the representer.
00:30I like to go all the way.
00:32To the cream.
00:40Welcome to Celebs Go Dating.
00:42The show where we take red carpet regulars
00:44and pair them up with the public.
00:46All from our world-famous celebrity dating agency.
00:49Our lady agents, Anna and Dr Tara,
00:51are already in with our fantastical frontman, Tom.
00:54This is for real, I really want to go on a nudist retreat.
00:58Me too, but fully clothed with binoculars.
01:01Are they really careful at supper time?
01:03Cos if they served a casserole or something,
01:05and you've got a very hot gravy,
01:07and then suddenly it's in your pedenda...
01:09I mean, nobody wants hot gravy in a ball bag.
01:13Give it a try and tell me you don't like it with a straight face.
01:19Give me that hot sauce, hot sauce!
01:21And speaking of hot sauce, look who it is.
01:24This absolute baller.
01:26Come in.
01:27I don't say this often, but I like your jacket, Paul.
01:30Hello. We were just talking about you.
01:32We were talking about...
01:36You know what, though? My hand hurts a little bit.
01:39Can I just say, his arse is so hard,
01:42you've just broken your hand.
01:44I was like, jeez, my hand...
01:46You might have to do the other one so that I'm even.
01:49That's enough slap and tickle, you lot,
01:51cos we've got celebs incoming!
01:54And tottering in for her spanking, fresh from a sexy funeral,
01:58it's Funeration Street's Helen Flanagan.
02:01Hello, Celebrity Dating Agency.
02:03Hi, it's Helen!
02:04Oh, come in, do.
02:18Now, am I straight?
02:20In a word, no.
02:22Oh, my God, look at that!
02:24Oh, look, chic en noir!
02:26I went for kind of like innocent white
02:28and I've gone for black this time.
02:30You look like Lana Turner.
02:32She looks like she's put the dress on backwards.
02:34Oh, thank you.
02:36Gordon Bennett.
02:38Gosh, what exquisite framing of her magnificent contours.
02:43You know, I've got to be careful, I'm popping out of this today.
02:46I thought I'd go really sexy, but then my nipples...
02:49Tell me about it, my nips are harder to tame
02:51than a couple of Greek street dogs.
02:53No, I can't see any areola, darling.
02:55I'm going to have to be careful.
02:57I think they're beautifully encased, actually.
02:59Thank you. Maybe I'll go a little bit like that.
03:01Yes. So I'll just cover with my hand.
03:04With flanners popping out, look who's popping in.
03:07He's here for the nips,
03:09it's posh man beauty, Tracey McPhitt.
03:14Hello, Tom. Justin here.
03:16Hello. You come in.
03:32Good to see you.
03:34How are you? Yeah, I'm good.
03:38Look, did you two speak about the tutorial wizardry before you came?
03:42We did. I said, you're going to match my outfit.
03:45As much as I love Tom, I've completely forgotten he's still in the room.
03:48Somehow I've been distracted by Helen in that beautiful dress.
03:51I don't know how, but, you know, I'm just a man.
03:54Every time I see you together, you're flanking.
03:57Flanking? What's flanking?
03:59You're flanked, flanked.
04:01Oh, OK, OK.
04:03This very hot flank is osculated this way.
04:08And then something's fizzing in the middle.
04:11Is that how it works? Some sort of chemical reaction?
04:17Hello. All right.
04:19Bye, darling.
04:21They are ready for you, Helen.
04:23Oh, amazing. Bye.
04:25So as we leave Tom to flank all over Tracey Phipps,
04:29Helen's been summoned up for a chat with Dr T and Anna.
04:32If she can get in, that is.
04:34Push it!
04:36Oh, oh, oh.
04:38I mean, that's a seamless entrance.
04:42Well, look at you.
04:44Helen Flanagan!
04:46I mean, you wouldn't wear this down out here, would you?
04:50This is the first time the agents have seen Flanner
04:53since her second date with massage man Luke.
04:55Luke, think you're so gorgeous?
04:57You really are.
04:59I just can't see me and you going anywhere, though, can you?
05:01It's so much better when you pie someone while laughing.
05:04Tell us about the date.
05:06You know, he's lovely.
05:08If he was maybe 35 and would understand my life a bit better,
05:12maybe, but I've got three kids and I'm 34 and he's 23.
05:16It's just not going to work for me.
05:18And I tried to be open-minded,
05:20but the conversation was running short of things to talk about.
05:23What happened? Was there, like, a revelation moment?
05:26I just realised it was just like I said.
05:28Well, we've heard from you.
05:30Feedback is so important.
05:32Well, it's feedback time.
05:34We are actually going to call Luke right now.
05:37And basically, you're going to allow him to, you know, respond.
05:42Oh, are you kidding me?
05:44I am dreading speaking to Luke.
05:46Can't wait to do this by email.
05:49Just you do you. You're a good girl.
05:52On her date with Luke, Helen was very flirty and they even kissed.
05:57And then out of nowhere,
05:59she killed all the chances of any kind of romance in the future.
06:02Luke must feel pretty confused by this whole situation,
06:05so we want to give him a chance to have his say.
06:08And we want Helen to confront the effect
06:11of her confusing behaviours on her dates.
06:14Luke, hello.
06:16It's Anna and Dr Tara,
06:18and I've got our lovely Helen here as well.
06:21We're in the agency. How are you doing?
06:23I'm good, thank you.
06:25We've just been going through your feedback
06:27from your last date with Helen.
06:29We felt it was important that you got an opportunity
06:32to say how it went for you.
06:34Yeah, of course.
06:36So, yeah, I felt the date went well itself.
06:40A lot of flirting going on.
06:42The odds kiss here and there.
06:44And then it just stopped out of nowhere.
06:46It was quite abrupt.
06:48It was just really out of the blue.
06:50I wasn't expecting it at all.
06:52So how were you left feeling?
06:58Like, deflated, in a way.
07:00OK, so I'm just going to pass you over to Helen now.
07:03Here we go. Flan cam.
07:05Hi, Luke. How are you? I'm good.
07:07Hi, darling.
07:09Honestly, I am so sorry.
07:11I'm really, really gutted that I made you feel that way.
07:15So I really am sorry.
07:34Oh, God.
07:36I think, for me, I just thought,
07:38oh, you know, you're a lovely guy, you're really hot,
07:41and, you know, you're really nice,
07:43but I didn't feel like our conversation was getting on deeper levels.
07:46I felt like I couldn't properly talk about everything,
07:49like me being a mum and things like that.
08:03Erm, but I do want to apologise to you.
08:09Oh, make it end!
08:12Bye, darling. Bye-bye.
08:19How do you feel about that?
08:21I'm kind of a bit disappointed in myself
08:23that I hurt someone's feelings like that.
08:25But I'm going to learn from that.
08:27That conversation was mature, and you as well.
08:30And I just want you to bear that in mind
08:32when we're talking about ages.
08:34That was case in point, wasn't it? Case in point.
08:37You're a milf, and maybe we'll set you up with a dilf.
08:40How about that? I love a bit of dilf.
08:42Don't look at me, Anna. I'm taken.
08:44Helen, you're going on a date.
08:50So, this is Danny.
08:52He's no Bobby Beckles, but strong beard game, to be fair.
08:55Bald head, though. Good hat coverage.
08:5736. Older than you.
08:595'10". Look where he's from.
09:01Up north. And he's northern. He's northern.
09:03He's got kids.
09:06First reactions.
09:07Yeah, he's fair.
09:09Yeah, send me on a date with Danny.
09:11So, going in with Danny, yeah, I think it's about the shared values.
09:15You know, he is a dad,
09:16so naturally this conversation around children
09:18will probably be an easier one for you.
09:20You've got this. Yeah, I've got it.
09:22Right, girl, you get out there with Danny,
09:24and we cannot wait to hear how it goes.
09:26Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you.
09:28Go and enjoy and have fun. A great session.
09:31Thank you very, very much. Bye! Thank you.
09:35That was a lovely sesh. Good job, Taz.
09:37Yeah, good job, everyone,
09:39especially Helen for not getting involved in that awkward mum fist bump.
09:45Now, to let the P-dog know the T on the H on the A in the T-team.
09:51Quick, Paul, get those tabs minimised.
09:53I wonder what a filth the brunt dog's into.
09:55Yes. Oh, my God.
09:57Hello. Hello. Hey, babe.
10:00Close call, Paul.
10:01How goes it?
10:03Well, she went on the second date with Luke.
10:09And the first portion of it, it was a great time.
10:12They were flirty, sexy, having kisses.
10:14Amazing. Yeah.
10:16She then immediately changed and was just like,
10:19oh, you know, this is not going to work, you're too young for me.
10:22It's her sudden revelation that was odd.
10:25It's very odd.
10:27And I wonder if her only mode of communication is just zero or 100.
10:32It is. It seems like that.
10:34There's nothing in between. Spot on. Spot on.
10:37So I think working on moving forward would be on communication
10:41and reading the situation and having that social etiquette.
10:45This is somebody who is glaringly becoming more and more obvious
10:49to all of us that when it comes to dating, she really doesn't have a clue.
10:53Yeah, she's a beginner. Big time.
10:55But it was a really good chat.
10:57She's kind of on track, I would say, with even more work to do
11:01from our part, but she's listening and she's receptive,
11:03so, you know, she's a good client.
11:05Good deal. Insightful session. It was. Yeah.
11:08I don't know why you lot are sat around looking smug.
11:10We've got loads to get through.
11:12Coming up!
11:14Chris brings a third to his date with Daisy.
11:17This is Walter, by the way. Nice to meet you, Walter.
11:20Tristan's put on the spot.
11:22Come on, then, where's this bloody love rap? Where's this shit bag?
11:25And things aren't looking up for Ella's date with Reece.
11:27Shit, this makes things so awkward now.
11:32Welcome back to Celebs Go Dating,
11:34where Love Island lothario Chris Taylor is on to his next date.
11:38On his previous date, Chris absolutely killed it.
11:41No, it was a good chat. It was a really great chat.
11:43Yeah, it was a great chat.
11:45No, I mean, literally, he deaded any chance of a second date
11:48with the beautiful Sukaina.
11:50I'm going to be honest, I just don't think we've ever had a date
11:53where we've had a date where we've had a date where we've had a date
11:56where we've had a date where we've had a date where we've had a date
11:58where we've had a date where we've had a date where we've had a date
12:00where we've had a date where we've had a date where we've had a date.
12:02I just don't think we align that well.
12:04So, Anna and Paul found him a new date.
12:06This is Daisy Rae. Daisy Rae.
12:08Christ. She's a lovely girl.
12:10She doesn't like people who can't take her jokes.
12:12Oh, she doesn't take herself seriously.
12:14She likes funny people. And send some homework.
12:17We don't want to change you. You're funny, you're enigmatic.
12:20But let's be mindful of this joker that kicks in, OK?
12:24Well, let's see if Chris can show his more serious...
12:27Oh, look, he's got a watermelon.
12:29Hi, mate. Could I have an espresso martini and a margarita, please?
12:34No problem.
12:35A new record. Chris forgot the homework before the date even started.
12:39This is Walter, by the way.
12:41Nice to meet you, Walter.
12:43I went and bought her a watermelon, stuck some googly eyes on it,
12:46cos flowers are a bit crap, ain't they?
12:48Yeah, but you look less of a twat carrying them round.
12:51You could make them into a nice watermelon margarita one day, sir.
12:55Mate, you can hear your...
12:58I've become really attached to Walter.
13:00Well, why don't you just cut a hole in him and fuck him?
13:03It would save everyone a lot of time
13:05and finally give Dr Torres something to properly unpack in the agency.
13:08Luckily, your honey due to arrive...
13:10Sorry. ..Daisy Ray is here now.
13:14Chris isn't my usual type, looks-wise.
13:16But looks isn't everything to me.
13:18My mum always says I'm just really mean to my exes.
13:20I don't go for the best-looking guy in the room.
13:23As long as they're funny, that's usually the way to my heart.
13:26Walter, you might be in with a chance here, son.
13:29Do my honey due pun. She'll love it.
13:32Hello. Hi. How you doing? You all right?
13:34I can't really walk in these. Oh, nice to meet you.
13:36I'm so tall. Sorry, I'm so tiny.
13:38I'm Daisy. Nice to meet you. You too, aren't I?
13:40Very nice to meet you. Thank you. You've got a lovely face.
13:42Thank you. So do you. Compliment for compliment.
13:44Do you want a leg up on there, or are you all right?
13:46No, I'm good, thank you.
13:48Then I might need a chiropractor after this to sort my neck out.
13:51Why? What's going on with your neck? It's so high up.
13:53Oh, from looking up. The quiff's nearly touching the ceiling.
13:55I know, it is quite long, isn't it? Yeah.
13:57Margarita for you. Yes, thank you very much.
13:59Cheers. Cheers.
14:01Oh. Top, tit, arse.
14:03And then table, and then eye contact.
14:08Oh, I got you a present, by the way.
14:10No, you didn't. Yeah.
14:12It's a watermelon with googly eyes on it.
14:15What? Have you actually bought that?
14:17Yeah, I made that myself.
14:19That's the face of a lady who's too polite to leave immediately.
14:22I actually do love watermelon. Do you?
14:24Yeah, I love watermelon. Well, that's a good start.
14:26I pulled in Walt with a watermelon. That's cute.
14:28Do you actually like watermelon? No, I feel like she's a...
14:30I love watermelon.
14:31When I was a kid, my... I don't like cake,
14:34so my parents would stick candles in a watermelon for me on my birthday.
14:38That's quite sweet. My nan did that with me, with roasted potatoes.
14:42I'm optimistic. At the minute, she's very engaging and fun.
14:46The freaks are matching.
14:48You seem really fun, and I like it. Mm-hm.
14:52I am fun. No, you are. I am fun.
14:54I'm just laughing at myself, saying it's stupid.
14:56It's my definition of me. I'm fun.
14:58So, as we leave Walter and his melon-of-a-mate Chris
15:01crushing over the pint-sized Daisy,
15:03back at the agency, Tom is keeping Tristan entertained.
15:06I bet these posh toffs are talking about something super intellectual.
15:09So, do goats have very big willies?
15:11Well, bigger than humans, yeah.
15:13Told you, it's like a TED talk. I'm going to take notes.
15:15Goat dick. Big.
15:18Not that I'm, you know, particularly familiar with goat's faces.
15:21You are with elephants, though, aren't you?
15:23That's a different story.
15:25Elephant expert two. Are you a tripod?
15:27They call me the elephant.
15:29They call me the slug.
15:31No-one's ever called me that.
15:33You've got a macro member. I've never really had any complaints.
15:36The whole kitten caboodle. Yeah.
15:38And in your case, the caboodle's a winner.
15:42I think you're about to be summoned.
15:46I surely shall. Bye.
15:48Off we go. They are ready for you.
15:50They're ready for me. Into the lion's den.
15:52Arrested from my bosom.
15:54Always a pleasure. I'll see you. Oh, shush.
15:56Ciao. Ciao.
16:03Oh, there we go. Come in.
16:05Hello. Tristan Fitz!
16:07Good to see you. Good to see you.
16:09You guys look really cool. Very beautiful.
16:11So do you. So do you. Thank you.
16:14We are very well, thanks, babe. How are you?
16:16I'm good. This is a good day.
16:18This is your day, Tristan. Excited to be here.
16:21Good. Let's start with the brunch.
16:23So I think it's fair to say, isn't it, Paul,
16:25that out of all of our celebrities,
16:27you, my love, breezed it.
16:29Yep, it weren't a bad day in the office for old Fippy Whips.
16:32I think I would like to go on a second date with Georgia.
16:35And vlog.
16:37Tristan, you have bagged yourself two dates.
16:40Very lucky man.
16:42He dated both of them in one night.
16:44Lucky elephant.
16:46You look nice. You look beautiful, as you always do.
16:48Thank you. You look beautiful. How are you?
16:50Very good, thank you. Good to see you again.
16:52You too. I love this dress.
16:54Using his tongue, he whittled it down to Georgia.
16:58Ending things with Lauren in a typically chivalrous manner.
17:01You know, you're absolutely stunning,
17:03and I do like spending time with you.
17:05I do feel like there's maybe more of a connection
17:07between Georgia and I.
17:09I spoke to Lauren, said, I don't think this is going to go anywhere,
17:11and I'll see Georgia afterwards.
17:15OK. OK.
17:17It was quite late when we finished my date with Lauren,
17:19so we went back to mine.
17:23Introduced her to the elephant.
17:25All of our clothes stayed on.
17:27Ah, a fellow dry hump, welcome to the clan, my brother.
17:31We had fun. It was cheeky, it was funny.
17:33She's a lovely girl.
17:35The question is, what did Georgia think?
17:37Do you think you're a good match with each other?
17:42I feel like we have a lot in common,
17:44we hold the same values in life.
17:46He comes across really well, a true gentleman.
17:48What could Tristan improve on?
17:50It would be nice to see more of his...
17:52Bank balance?
17:54Playful side.
17:56Taking the piss out of things alongside his charm.
18:00I agree with Georgia.
18:02Tristan comes across a bit serious, especially on dates.
18:04But I think there's a reason
18:06why he struggles to be a bit more fun,
18:08and we need to get to the bottom of it.
18:10Can we talk about your romantic relationships?
18:12So about a year and a half ago,
18:14I came out of a three-year on-and-off relationship
18:16with Liv.
18:18Liv Bentley?
18:20Yeah, Liv Bentley, yeah.
18:22That was really hard.
18:24We broke up twice or three times in that period,
18:26and we always ended up back together.
18:28There was never any cheating, any scandals or anything.
18:30It was just something didn't fit
18:32when it came to how we communicated
18:34our feelings to each other.
18:36I think what we need to do is
18:38really unpack you, right?
18:40If you go to the press, right?
18:42They're like, Tristan is a Lothario.
18:44Which is why, from the minute you've walked in,
18:46we've all been trying to figure it out.
18:48Come on, then, where's this bloody love rap?
18:50Where's this shitbag?
18:52And I don't believe the shitbag is in there at all,
18:54so why? Why does the press say it?
18:56I've never cheated in my life.
18:58I would never purposefully string along two women.
19:00There's never been an overlap or crossover
19:02with anyone I've dated on the show or anything like that.
19:04And that's kind of what affects me a lot,
19:06is people's preconceived judgement of who I am.
19:08Something that I heard someone
19:10throw into the equation somewhere,
19:12again, your life, and that's no shade
19:14on Tallest Tall, lady that
19:16perhaps was into
19:18adult work?
19:20Oh, yeah, that was before Liv.
19:22How was that? I'm curious.
19:24It was great, yeah, amazing.
19:26I actually, I'd seen a video
19:28of hers, if I'm honest,
19:30and I was like,
19:32she's absolutely stunning.
19:34I was attracted to her, and I was like,
19:36OK, wow, something's very striking about her,
19:38despite the fact that she's naked.
19:40It's hard to say.
19:42OK, so I probably initially judged a bit by its cover,
19:44and then I started chatting to her,
19:46so I sent her a message on Instagram,
19:48and I just said, listen, I think you're beautiful,
19:50I'd love to go for a drink if you fancy,
19:52and she responded, and we met up.
19:54And if I'm being honest, back then,
19:56I was probably like, oh, this will be a bit cheeky,
19:58a bit fun, let's see what happens,
20:00but this woman is amazing.
20:02Interesting. So a full relationship?
20:04I'd say it was going that way quite quickly,
20:06and the honest-to-God truth
20:08is why it ended,
20:10is because we started filming Men & Chelsea again.
20:12Why would that have...?
20:14I don't know what it was.
20:16She wanted to commit to something more serious.
20:18I was starting to maybe struggle a bit more
20:20with the fact that we'd be in bed together,
20:22and then she'd get up and go do her work.
20:26And then that was clashing with Chelsea,
20:28and it all got a bit overwhelming,
20:30and I kind of didn't want to tell them about her
20:32because I wanted to keep it private,
20:34and it just... OK, OK.
20:36Wow. That's a bit sad, though.
20:38Yeah, it was a bit sad.
20:40Because you end that,
20:42and then it seems like very quickly thereafter
20:44you then enter a relationship with Liv.
20:46Yeah, yeah.
20:48I think there's been a few occasions
20:50where I've almost self-sabotaged a situation
20:52because I feel like maybe I'm not worth
20:54what that person's looking for,
20:56but I think it's safe to say that we are both
20:58really looking forward to our next chat.
21:00Yes. Nice. Me too.
21:02Thank you, Tristan. Honestly, truly.
21:04Thanks for opening up. Appreciate it.
21:06Thank you so much. Thanks, Tristan.
21:08Always a pleasure. You're a total gem.
21:10Enjoy. Excellent work.
21:12Thanks for your time.
21:14Goodness me, that was quite the session.
21:16I did not know we were going to go that deep.
21:20I know that I need to loosen up with people I'm dating.
21:22It takes a lot for me to let someone into my inner circle,
21:24but I know deep down that I have this fun inner child
21:26that is just desperate to come out and play,
21:28so hopefully George can be the girl
21:30that I can be myself with.
21:32Oh, I'd love him to go and do something really silly.
21:36I think he'll want to.
21:38I bet you he'll have anxiety
21:40over thinking about something silly now.
21:44As Tristan heads off to do something silly like,
21:46oh, I don't know, put eyes on a watermelon,
21:48something crazy like that,
21:50we're back with Love Island's random quiff man
21:52and his dainty date, Daisy.
21:54Cheers. Eyeballs.
21:56Their date's been off to a superb start,
21:58a proper meeting of oddballs.
22:00The agent's told me that I need to get deep on dates.
22:04Ooh, gold star for Chris.
22:06He's actually taken the agent's advice on bold.
22:08So I think we should play a game.
22:12Where's he going with this?
22:14I think we should play Never Have I Ever.
22:16OK. I don't know if that's, like, quite steep.
22:19Yeah, yeah, yeah. That is.
22:21I'm withholding judgement at the moment.
22:25You familiar with the rules? Yeah, I am.
22:27OK, I'll go first.
22:29Never have I ever...
22:33Come on, mate, I've had deeper pizzas than that.
22:35Big up, Chicago town.
22:37So you've never verjazzled?
22:39No, that's not my era. How old are you?
22:41How old am I? In years, 33.
22:43Fucking hell.
22:45Ancient you are.
22:47Are you looking for an era?
22:49Do you like men with grey pubes?
22:51Yes, I do, actually. I've got a top three.
22:53Larry Lamb, George Clooney, then Philip Schofield.
22:55Schofield used to be first, but, you know.
22:57Do you know what? I've never had a man with grey pubes.
22:59Well, let's not talk about that, all right?
23:01I'm ten years older than you are.
23:03Young-hearted, though.
23:05Oh, right, fine. Well, it works, then.
23:07I'm such an old-timer.
23:09Yeah, we'll just ignore the decade, that's fine.
23:11That is a hard one.
23:13I've never had a man with grey pubes.
23:15I've never had a man with grey pubes.
23:17Decade, that's fine.
23:19That is a whole one-third of my life.
23:23That is problematic.
23:27To be fair, I'm 33 and I do need to grow up.
23:29Go on, it's your go.
23:31Never have I ever had a tattoo on my bum.
23:33You don't?
23:37I'm getting one now.
23:39I've got Larry Lamb on my left bum cheek,
23:41George Lamb on my right bum cheek,
23:43Dave Lamb in the middle, bum dying with me,
23:45I'm not the type of person to have, like,
23:47someone's name on your bum or something.
23:49What must you think of me?
23:51Are we still playing this game?
23:55You go, you go, and then we're getting serious,
23:57because you're being silly.
23:59That's what an entire decade of maturity will get for you.
24:01OK, never have I ever dated somebody with a micropenis.
24:07Get a little swig in that, babe.
24:09I don't know if I...
24:11Cos you're on one right now.
24:13This is going great.
24:15It's going brilliant.
24:17It's my favourite date so far.
24:19I feel like you're being sarcastic, and that's rude.
24:21It sounds sarcastic, doesn't it?
24:23That's so rude.
24:25No, no, no, honestly, I'm not being rude,
24:27that's just my voice.
24:31I can't help it.
24:33Is this why you struggle to, like, talk serious?
24:35No-one believes me when I'm being nice.
24:39It sounds sarcastic.
24:41Something nice...
24:43or something serious.
24:47Can't see it happening.
24:49Why don't you tell me something really deep about yourself?
24:51No, we won't do that.
24:53No, but that's what you were asked to do, so why don't you do that?
24:55Yes, go on, Daisy girl!
24:59Coming up!
25:01Rhys impresses Ella.
25:03I know that I'm an incredible person,
25:05and I'm glad that you can see that there is more to me.
25:07Most guys would run.
25:09I'm not most guys.
25:11Chris goes balls to the wall with Daisy.
25:13I've only got 1.5 testicles.
25:17And Stephen has to call the cavalry.
25:19How's it going?
25:21He's a really nice guy, but it's all a bit serious.
25:33Welcome back to Celebs Go Dating,
25:35where Ella, say it like it is, Morgan,
25:37is getting ready for a second date with Randy Rhys.
25:39Oh, my God, I'm late again!
25:43Ella was reunited with Rhys at the agency brunch
25:45where sexy secrets were revealed.
25:47You guys had sex, right?
25:49Yeah, bits happened.
25:51But Rhys' pieces wasn't enough.
25:53I did send Rhys a message
25:55saying that I'm not sure if I wanted to go
25:57on another date.
25:59And it wasn't long before he won her back round.
26:01You are a gentleman,
26:03and you've been super respectful to me,
26:05so I think I'd like to go on a second date with Rhys.
26:11I didn't go into that brunch expecting
26:13for me to pick Rhys for a date.
26:15That was, like, the last thing
26:17I thought was going to happen.
26:19But I was like, do you know what,
26:21this man feels mugged off,
26:23then I do what I did with him,
26:25and then I obviously dump him over text,
26:27yet he still comes back.
26:29And I just think he just likes me for me,
26:31and I'm not used to that.
26:33I don't want to be all glitz and glam.
26:35I'm not going to drink, I'm not going to be crude,
26:37I'm not going to...
26:39If anything, I'm going to use this to, like,
26:41talk about serious things
26:43and show a different side of me.
26:45And have fun. Have fun,
26:47but not up the bum.
26:49Bad luck, Rhys.
26:53Back to Chris' date with Daisy now,
26:55and he's still struggling to follow the agent's advice
26:57about going deep with the chat.
26:59Say something serious.
27:03Oh, here we go again.
27:11I've only got half a left ball.
27:13The other half's in the Albert Hall, apparently.
27:17That's opening up.
27:19I don't tell many people about that.
27:21That was a traumatic point in my life,
27:23I had to have an operation on it and try and save it,
27:25and they saved half of it.
27:27So I've got half a bollock. I called him Arthur.
27:29They're not going to go deep on a first date,
27:31they're for fun. They're for fun and jokes.
27:33This actually has been lovely.
27:35Yeah, I've enjoyed it.
27:37Yeah, me too.
27:39What do you think?
27:41I can't tell with your...being sincere.
27:43No-one can.
27:45It's been a thrill.
27:47You too.
27:49There's nothing in that.
27:51Now he goes deep.
27:53Jesus Christ.
27:55I am an ick, to be fair.
27:57Do you want a piggyback?
28:03Are you sure you've got me?
28:05I can't hold you.
28:07You've just got to move.
28:09Please choke me as much as you can.
28:11I really enjoyed my date with Chris.
28:13He was really funny.
28:15I think we have similar personalities,
28:17so we can bounce off each other.
28:19I just wish you'd let me know a little bit more
28:21about who he is and him.
28:23Daisy's a lot of fun,
28:25but she is an entire decade younger than me.
28:27That's a lot of years.
28:29Very nice to meet you.
28:31Lovely to meet you.
28:33Are you taking Walter with you?
28:35I'll take Walter with me.
28:37Are you actually?
28:39Yeah, I want a memento.
28:41We'll look after him.
28:43See you later.
28:47Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse,
28:49Chris's date goes home with another man.
28:51Fair play, Walter.
28:53Chris is getting ready for his first date with Danny.
28:55Third time's the charm, eh?
28:57Right, girls, I'm going on my date.
28:59What should I wear?
29:01Shall I go cash or shall I put a shirt on?
29:03What you reckon, babs?
29:05Sausages, double up.
29:07Oh, I've got a text message.
29:09Oh, it's from Paul.
29:11Stephen got news of his next date
29:13when meeting up with ex-partner Daniel.
29:15Here's your next date.
29:17You'll be meeting Danny, 40.
29:19He's thumbs up, a dry sense of humour and good banter.
29:21See, this sounds more like it.
29:23Ding, ding, ding.
29:25So, my initial impressions of Danny are...
29:29he seems a little bit up my street, if I'm honest.
29:33Yeah, I think he's going to be a good match.
29:35I'm going to go in there,
29:37listen more
29:39and take a bit of a back seat on this one.
29:41I'm going to let Danny take the lead
29:43and see how it flows
29:45and, yeah, just be more inquisitive.
29:47Oh, a bit of CK1 for luck.
29:49Just in case.
29:51I'm not sure it's that lucky.
29:53Babs, what do you reckon?
29:55Does he look nice?
29:57Excuse me, Daddy.
29:59There he goes, freshest smelling cock in Brighton.
30:01Meanwhile, Ella's arrived for her second date with Rhys
30:05and she's planning on keeping things nice and casual.
30:07I did not have a second date lined up on the cards with Rhys,
30:11but I'm actually really excited.
30:13I've tried to tone it down
30:15and just I want him to see a nicer, softer side of me
30:19rather than kind of big, bold, bolshie Ella.
30:21Oh, my God.
30:23All right, Slag?
30:25What the hell?
30:27That table over there.
30:29Oh, right, it's one of those novelty diners
30:31where the wait is a room to you.
30:33People are weird, aren't they?
30:35Right, there you go, this is for you as well.
30:37What does it say?
30:39Have a shit time.
30:43Oh, my God, I've got an idea, I've got an idea.
30:45This is no time for colouring in, Ella.
30:47Rhys is about to arrive.
30:51I'm walking into this date slightly more nervous
30:53than the first time.
30:55I'm hoping to break down some walls,
30:57ask her what she's actually thinking
30:59and find out a lot more about her.
31:01Oh, you look really nice.
31:03Thank you, so do you.
31:05My God, Rhys is looking fit,
31:07but come on, Ella,
31:09I'm going to be serious
31:11and I'm going to keep this PG for once.
31:13Oh, my God, wait.
31:15OK, so this is my message to you.
31:17Rhys, I'm sorry for being a knob at times.
31:19I love you.
31:21Aw, what's the back say?
31:23OK, I don't...
31:25Oh, it says ploughed more than a farmer's field,
31:27which isn't trail.
31:29No. Oh, shut up.
31:31Yeah, how are you, anyway?
31:33I'm good, how are you?
31:35Yeah, I'm good.
31:37Can I actually talk to you about the brunch?
31:39I know I said sorry, but also thank you for...
31:41It's all right. ..having my back.
31:43Told you I had you.
31:45I know that I'm an incredible person
31:47and I'm glad that you can see that there is more to me,
31:49but if I was in your shoes,
31:51most guys would run if they were you.
31:53I'm not most guys.
31:59I know, and this is what I'm starting to be like.
32:01You need to stop self-sabotaging.
32:03You probably self-sabotage so many half-decent people...
32:05Yeah, I know.
32:07..but you've got a lot of crazy stuff, like personal stuff.
32:09So you're amazing.
32:11Like, any lover would be lucky to have it.
32:15And you've just got to make sure you know that.
32:17Give people a chance every now and then.
32:19Oh, he thinks I love you.
32:21Oh, he's a good one, Ella.
32:23Rhys is being so sweet and reassuring.
32:25He's saying all of the right things.
32:27So maybe these PG dates
32:29aren't that bad after all.
32:31While Ella and Rhys hit things off...
32:33..across town,
32:35this horny little puss-puss...
32:37..the cat...
32:39..is watching Stephen arrive for his date with Dishy Danny.
32:41I'm really excited, actually.
32:43I've seen a picture of Danny. He's definitely up my street.
32:45After my meeting with Paul,
32:47I've taken on the advice,
32:49I am going to sit there tonight, really listen to my date,
32:51try and get to know him as much as I can
32:53instead of just me going on about myself
32:55and how funny and handsome I am.
32:59So far, Stephen's had an absolute showdown
33:01on his dates.
33:03You generally feel really, really horny.
33:05I think it's probably best if I get going.
33:07He got pied off on his first date.
33:09Oh, my God, have I just been pied?
33:11And the second date was a total car crash.
33:13You've been quite sensible tonight,
33:15but we're on a first date,
33:17and I thought you might be a little bit more fun.
33:19So the agents have set Stephen up
33:21with 40-year-old Danny,
33:23who's closer to his age and enjoys some good bands.
33:25I'm a little bit nervous about my date with Stephen,
33:27but mainly because I've never met him.
33:29And it's not very often that I go on dates
33:31with someone that I've not met before.
33:33Stephen? Stephen?
33:35Oh, hello, mate. I thought he was going to come for that.
33:37How are you doing? All right? I'm good, how are you?
33:39Danny, yeah? Yes.
33:43Are you all right? I am good, I am all right.
33:45So this is a strong start.
33:47Danny's definitely a good-looking lad.
33:49How's your day been?
33:51Yeah, good, yeah, just been lounging around,
33:53you know, preparing myself.
33:55Yeah. I, er...
33:59I haven't done something like this before,
34:01so I'm a bit more awkward than I am.
34:03We'll have a giggle.
34:05Don't worry.
34:07Look, your profile said you like banter.
34:09I do like banter, yeah.
34:11I wouldn't say I'm a naughty boy,
34:13I just like to take the piss.
34:15Yeah, OK.
34:17Thank you so much, I appreciate it.
34:19Cheers. Cheers.
34:23I can feel he's quite nervous.
34:25I think I'm going to have to carry this a bit more.
34:27On the little bit of blurb I got of you,
34:29it said that you were a change manager.
34:31What is a change manager?
34:33To be honest, I don't even know half the time.
34:35So what do you do?
34:37I work predominantly with companies
34:39that are implementing different technologies,
34:41different systems,
34:43and my job is to understand
34:45all of the different ways
34:47and all of the different people
34:49that change will impact.
34:51Yeah, I think we've lost him.
34:53Stevan, he's finished.
34:59Yeah, not one word registered with him.
35:03Coming up...
35:05Could you see this going somewhere?
35:07Rhys has Ella in his sights.
35:09I do want, like, your 100% attention.
35:11You don't want me dating anyone else?
35:13Well, not really, no.
35:15And Stephen puts Danny on the spot.
35:17When you see the pictures,
35:19do you think, yeah, he's cute,
35:21I fancy him, or...?
35:23I thought he would look like a fun guy.
35:25That doesn't shout out, yeah, he's gorgeous.
35:39Welcome back to Celebs Go Dating,
35:41where we left Ella and Rhys getting deep.
35:43Like, I've always just wanted
35:45someone respectful
35:47and who just treats me like
35:49the person that I should be treated as.
35:51Basically, the way that my dad treats my mum
35:53is what I want.
35:55Just let yourself open.
35:57Yeah, but I feel like I'm really open today.
35:59This is not like... I feel a bit...
36:01I know.
36:03I'm still a little bit nervous.
36:05You know what makes me laugh?
36:07Literally before this, I was like,
36:09I hope she not opens up.
36:11But you have to remember,
36:13I haven't dated in so long.
36:15But I think...
36:17I need to give you a chance,
36:19but obviously I'd also like you to give me a chance.
36:21It's going to sound a bit weird.
36:23I do want, like, your 100% attention.
36:25You don't want me dating anyone else?
36:27Well, not really, no.
36:29Rhys, this is a dating agency.
36:31Is that bad of me?
36:33Is that bad?
36:35No, I'm just a bit... I'm really shocked.
36:39Shit, this makes things so awkward now.
36:41God, this is so awkward.
36:43This is a celebrity dating agency,
36:45not a celebrity settle-down agency.
36:47I don't know what to do.
36:49I do want to date Rhys again,
36:51but I also want to keep learning.
36:53This is one thing I do do.
36:55I do jump in,
36:57and I get so ahead of myself,
36:59and I basically don't want to put all my...
37:01Eggs in one basket.
37:03Eggs in one basket.
37:05But then it just means for me
37:07that I have to make sure I'm...
37:09I have to make sure I stand out.
37:11Are you going somewhere?
37:13Between me and you? Yes, I am.
37:15You really can? Yeah, I do.
37:17Oi! Food's ready. Go get it.
37:19All right, calm down, you gobby knobhead.
37:21Come on, then.
37:23Any time today would be nice.
37:25Oh, this restaurant would stress me out.
37:27I don't think it's the best place for a date.
37:29Across town, Stephen's trying to find
37:31the fun side of a nervous Danny.
37:33What does that say up your arm?
37:35OK, it says what we play in life.
37:37What we play in life?
37:39What we play in life, which is a Louis Armstrong quote.
37:43But he was doing the outline,
37:45and then as he was colouring it in back this way,
37:47my stepsister was sat next to me,
37:49and I looked and I went, fuck.
37:51And he's like, what's wrong, does it hurt?
37:53I'm like, no, it doesn't hurt, it's wrong.
37:55And he's like, oh, well, I showed you the paper,
37:57it's your fault. Oh, no.
37:59Now I've got a fun story to tell.
38:01Well, it weren't that fun, to be honest.
38:03Now, now, play nicely, Stephen.
38:05Remember what Paul said about not taking the piss?
38:07OK. Enjoy.
38:13Hang on, that's not the toilet.
38:15Where is he? Who's he calling?
38:19Hi, Dan, it's me.
38:21Daniel as in ex-husband Daniel.
38:23What the fuck, Stephen?
38:25I've called Daniel for some advice.
38:27He's my go-to.
38:29How's it going?
38:31He's a really nice guy,
38:33but it's all a bit serious and a bit...
38:35like, one note.
38:37It's a bit dry.
38:39Should I cut and run?
38:41Do you know what? I would give it more time.
38:43At the end of it,
38:45there's still no connection, then you've got to tell him.
38:47OK. All right, look, Dan,
38:49thanks for the advice. OK, see you later.
38:51Bye-bye, bye.
38:55Right, so I've spoken to Daniel.
38:57He said, get back into the day
38:59and just enjoy yourself. Be you.
39:01So I'm going back in,
39:03I'm going to bring the banter up a bit.
39:05Blimey, brace yourself, here we go.
39:07Right. Yeah, that's better.
39:09No chilli on your willy?
39:11No chilli on the willy.
39:13Actually, do you want a little dessert?
39:15Sweeten it up with something.
39:17Oh, he's going for the classic dessert flirt again.
39:19Well, I'm not really into starters,
39:21so I'm quite happy to jump straight to the main
39:23and have a bit of dessert.
39:25Totally fine.
39:27It didn't work last time,
39:29so why on earth would it work this time?
39:31If you're having dessert, I'll have a dessert.
39:33Yeah? Yeah, I'm always going to have dessert.
39:35Good to know. Yeah.
39:37I like to go all the way.
39:39Subtle Stevie boy. OK.
39:41Do you not?
39:43Do you like to stop halfway? No.
39:45No. Fuck no. All the way. All the way.
39:47To the cream.
39:51No? Yes.
39:53That's why I'm going with the fondant.
39:55It's like a nice, hard exterior
39:57with a soft, creamy inside.
39:59Well, there you go.
40:01I think we found a bit of common ground.
40:03We both love spontaneity.
40:05Yeah, I'm really feeling this.
40:07So, with one of Stephen's dates
40:09finally going in the right direction...
40:13..back with Ella and Rhys now
40:15at the world's weirdest restaurant
40:17where the waiting staff are...
40:19Isabel. ..clearly not looking for a tip.
40:21Is there any questions you have
40:23about what I've been through at all?
40:25Cos surely you've never, like, dated someone like me.
40:28No, I haven't. I haven't.
40:30I do have questions. OK, go on.
40:32I'll ask you on our third date.
40:34And that, ladies and gents
40:36and celebs, is how you do it.
40:38Get in there, Rhys-y boy.
40:40That was so smooth.
40:42That was good, right?
40:44I just kind of swang and swagged.
40:46I do have some questions. OK, fine, deal.
40:48We'll save it for the third date,
40:50cos I've already realised I want to go on a third date
40:52with you anyway. Do you promise?
40:54Yeah, I promise.
40:56I really don't think you did.
40:58I think I fell in love with you.
41:00Here we go.
41:02We're not having a repeat of last time, then.
41:04Have you got a jacket?
41:06No, I didn't obviously dress
41:08very appropriately, neither.
41:10Aw, are you being serious? Yeah.
41:12Aw, that's very sweet of you.
41:14My date with Bella was really good.
41:16It was different because
41:18I feel like her attitude
41:20going into this date was a lot different.
41:22I am going to be a good girl tonight.
41:24Because as much as I would
41:26love to continue this,
41:28I want
41:30to look forward to the next date.
41:32And now I know we're going on a third date,
41:34it just gives me something to look forward to.
41:36Thank you for the amazing
41:40And I'll see you soon.
41:46I feel like the second
41:48date went really well.
41:50And I'm walking away with a smile on my face,
41:52I am walking away on my own.
41:54I'll see you soon, yeah? Okay, love you.
41:56Love you too.
41:58If this doesn't show
42:00I've done the agent's proud, then
42:02God knows what will.
42:04Across town, we left Stephen
42:06finally having flirty fun
42:08with Danny. Let's hope he can
42:10keep it up.
42:12What do you think people's
42:14first impressions of you are
42:16having seen you on
42:18Gogglebox? Like, do people form an opinion
42:20of you and who you are?
42:22Well, you tell me. Did you?
42:24Well, no, because I didn't really know who you were.
42:26Right. You see a picture of me, though? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
42:28I knew it. I knew what
42:30you looked like. And when you see the picture, do you think,
42:32yeah, he's cute, I fancy him, or...
42:36I thought you looked like a fun guy.
42:40That doesn't shout
42:42out, yeah, he's gorgeous.
42:44Oh, God.
42:46I'm feeling a bit put on the spot now.
42:48I didn't think
42:50you were an unattractive person, otherwise I wouldn't have
42:52come on the day. Hang on, what's going
42:54on? This was going really well a few minutes
42:56ago. When someone
42:58starts to question or
43:00say things like, oh, so you didn't look at my picture and
43:02weren't blown away by how handsome and
43:04good-looking I was. I didn't say that.
43:06No, but your mouth suddenly puckering up
43:08into a cat's bum hole did. I didn't say
43:10that. OK.
43:12That's the sort
43:14of stuff that then I get a bit
43:16taken aback by
43:18because I feel put on the spot.
43:20OK. So that changed
43:22quick. One minute we're finally having a little
43:24bit of banter and a flirtation,
43:26and then Danny accuses me of thinking
43:28that he should fancy me.
43:30I mean, he should, but what the fuck?
43:32What is your
43:34idea of a good first
43:36date? Not this one.
43:38My idea of a good
43:40first date is being able
43:42to talk comfortably and openly
43:44and some laughter,
43:46and during the date I'd probably be
43:48a little bit tactile
43:50if it felt right,
43:52and I felt that it was something that was reciprocated.
43:54Why are you doing this to yourself?
43:56So you would be tactile
43:58and you've not been that tactile.
44:00I haven't, no. You haven't at all, so
44:02therefore you're not feeling it. I thought
44:04we'd established that. I'm feeling very
44:06confrontational. You can say that. Oh, no,
44:08I'm not. I'm just trying to get to the bottom of it.
44:10We're on a date.
44:12I'm happy to discuss
44:14what it was.
44:16I think that I get along with you
44:18really well.
44:20I would probably say that there's not a
44:22spark for more than
44:24something platonic.
44:26Cool. Yeah, cool.
44:28Cool, cool. I'm cool.
44:30Well, that's fine.
44:32That's fine, so
44:34that's the end of the date.
44:36Well, look,
44:38it was lovely meeting you. It was lovely meeting you as well.
44:40Every success for the future.
44:42Good luck with the dates.
44:44Cheers, Danny. All right.
44:46See you later. Bye.
44:50We'll get another one of them.
44:54I fucking hated that.
44:56Well, that went well.
44:58I think the first part of the date was really good.
45:00I really enjoyed meeting Stephen.
45:02I thought he was a really warm and genuine
45:04and open person.
45:06The second part of the date felt like it took a little bit
45:08I'm not really used to
45:10someone being that
45:12direct about do you fancy me
45:14or not.
45:16Do you want to go on a date or what?
45:18Yeah? Come sit here.
45:20Well, the night wasn't a complete loss then.
45:22I had to ask Danny in the end
45:24if he fancied me because I was
45:26getting nothing from him that indicated
45:28that. So then I just had to ask him
45:30do you fancy me? And he flat out
45:32said no. Look,
45:34this is my third date. They've all
45:36been the same. No banter.
45:38No giggles. No flirting.
45:40Maybe they're all a bit too young for me.
45:42Find me some dirty old man
45:44that's going to think I'm a bit of crumpet.
45:46We're trying, Stephen.
45:48We're trying.
45:50Tomorrow night!
45:52God, that is done dancing to the max.
45:54There's a shocking store for
45:56Ella. Oh, darling.
45:58Bring it in to papa.
46:00A tough call for Jamelia.
46:02Perhaps we call him.
46:04Oh, I'm horrified.
46:06And raw emotion for Stephen.
46:08He was probably one of the best things
46:10ever happened to me. That's really
46:12beautiful. As our celebs,
46:14if you had a penis for the day, what would you do?
46:16Go. Have you ever drive to drive to Burnley?
46:18It's like somewhere with a lot of rings.
46:20Dating! But if you're not laying
46:22down the D anymore, it's on the back.
