Made in Bondi S01E04 (2024)

  • 2 days ago
00:00I'm excited if you have your little date with Charlie.
00:04How do you feel about a little, like, revamp?
00:06Got a little bit of suit and boot in action.
00:08Oh my god, look at you!
00:11I feel like I've met my match.
00:13There's just one more little thing I have to do.
00:19So if you could be a goldfish or an eel,
00:23which one would you choose?
00:25Oh lordy.
00:27Speed dating is just not for me.
00:29Sounds like you're looking for someone
00:30that you have a better connection with.
00:32I'm taking a holiday to Australia, Sydney.
00:34No way!
00:36I'm so excited you're coming over.
00:38Do you want him to end it with Molly?
00:42Lawson and I are done because he's still in love with his ex.
00:46I love you.
00:48And I think you love me.
00:50Your birthday wasn't too long ago.
00:52You were there with Molly.
00:53We are not here together.
00:56Most disrespectful person I've ever met in my life.
00:58They're not standing there making out.
01:02I think he's trying his best.
01:03And this whole time, he hasn't known how he's feeling.
01:08Well, unfortunately, I do that sometimes.
01:13Are you kidding me?
01:14You'll thank me at the altar.
01:16I'm not running away.
01:17I'm here with my boy to have a good time.
01:20I do want you in my life.
01:22We're going to have a fantastic day.
01:23And then you can decide if you want to kiss me or not.
01:26You'd be such a fool not to give it a shot.
01:28I hope you sort it out.
01:29You really do have a way of sounding like a slimy dick.
01:51This is lovely out here, isn't it?
01:54I'm very excited to be here.
01:57Kangaroo Valley is so pretty.
02:00You're actually so sweet for organising this.
02:03I'm very keen for some one-on-one time.
02:06Just us.
02:17Hey, you.
02:19You have no idea how happy I am to be here with you.
02:23Are you sure it's fine with Pippa?
02:27Her and Molly are really good friends.
02:29You've got nothing to worry about.
02:31Happy to be alive.
02:33Yeah, it's beautiful.
02:38Look at this.
02:40How is it?
02:41It's beautiful.
02:42It's beautiful.
02:43It's beautiful.
02:44It's beautiful.
02:46Look at this.
02:48How amazing is this?
02:51It's so pretty.
02:52I have outdone myself.
02:53You have.
02:54This is lovely, isn't it?
02:55The champagne...
02:56Oh, did you organise champagne too?
02:58I organised everything for you, don't you worry.
03:00It's so nice to kind of get down here,
03:03away from all the drama that we left at Jai's dinner party.
03:07There was a lot.
03:08Far out.
03:10Have you had a chance to, like, kind of talk to Lawson?
03:16No, I haven't had a genuine chat yet.
03:19It's nice to know where his head's at,
03:21with the whole Bella's my soulmate,
03:23but we're not going to get together kind of thing,
03:25which is also, like...
03:27It's hard.
03:28It's so weird.
03:30So I'm really excited to be spending this little trip away together.
03:34I know.
03:35It is so beautiful.
03:36I know.
03:37It's going to be lots of fun.
03:39Room for two more.
03:42How are we?
03:44You guys look...
03:46What a little surprise.
03:48You guys are down here.
03:51Secret little surprise, yep, I know.
03:53Our romantic weekend for two has turned into four.
03:57Better ask for forgiveness than permission.
04:04And look at you guys in your robes already.
04:06Go on, make yourself right up.
04:07We're a bit ahead of the game here.
04:09A few champers and a bit of jacuzzi.
04:11We couldn't help ourselves.
04:14No stress.
04:15We've got a big house to get our own separate space.
04:18Let's stay on the other end.
04:20Change off of the awesome for some.
04:25We'll have to come up with a new name in the days we're here.
04:27Yeah, I'll leave that to you, Lawson.
04:29Thank you, Lawson.
04:43So how are you feeling, darling?
04:45I'm good.
04:46I'm OK.
04:48You always seem so strong, but I know that deep down this is hurtful.
04:52Because it was all new and exciting and wonderful,
04:55and then all of a sudden it's over.
04:58I'm just, like, still trying to process.
05:01Tell me what Lawson said.
05:03He pretty much was just like,
05:05listen, Bella and I had a big chat.
05:08I didn't realise, like, there were so many feelings there.
05:11And those feelings of love.
05:13Oh, what?
05:15He needs to grow up a bit.
05:17You are quite sensible for your age and mature for your age.
05:21No, you are.
05:23I think the next person you're with,
05:25maybe if they're a couple of years older, could be really nice,
05:27because they can...
05:29OK, let's all get ahead of ourselves.
05:31No, but do you know what I mean?
05:32Like, just someone that can...
05:34Well, no, I don't want to be with...
05:35It's a bit more sensible.
05:36I really don't want to, like, be in a relationship for a while.
05:39Because I'm sick of men.
05:40I'm sick of them.
05:41Oh, darling.
05:42No, obviously not all...
05:44There are good ones out there.
05:45No, but I just can't be bothered with drama.
05:50It's just, like...
05:51I know.
05:52Like a bit of excitement.
05:53I'm sorry.
05:54I feel for you.
05:55I'm sorry.
05:57It just does suck, like...
05:59I know, darling.
06:02You know I love you so much.
06:03I love you too.
06:04You've got so much to look forward to, darling.
06:07The world's yours.
06:20How are we, guys?
06:23I'm really good.
06:24I've got a photo shoot tomorrow,
06:25and Harley's going to come and help me out.
06:27Sounds like fun.
06:28That's exciting.
06:30Fun times to be had.
06:32And how are you, Lucky?
06:33I'm good.
06:34My endorphins are flowing.
06:35I just got done with a run.
06:37Very nice.
06:38I am obsessed with morning run clubs right now.
06:40Is it true what they say?
06:41That run club is the new dating scene?
06:44Yeah, it's so much easier meeting them there
06:46than sitting down for a first date.
06:48Have you guys ever tried not dating?
06:53Yeah, look.
06:54Actually, I take that back.
06:55It's not so much fun.
06:58Anyway, so guess who called me the other day?
07:05Like London Tristan?
07:07Yes, Tristan.
07:08He's actually flying over in a couple of days.
07:12And he's bringing his friend, Miles.
07:14What a great surprise.
07:15So, is he single?
07:17I mean, you never know with Tristan.
07:19I believe so.
07:21What is he chasing after his long-lost love here?
07:52What is your favourite meal?
07:54Death Row, come on.
07:55Mm, I love me a, like a ribeye.
07:59I'd go seafood for sure.
08:01I couldn't live without lobster and caviar and oyster.
08:07I do love an oyster.
08:10Hello, hello.
08:11How are you?
08:12Good, how are you?
08:15You look lovely, you know that?
08:18So, is Fuvo coming out?
08:20Um, yeah, she should be.
08:22I'm glad you and Pip are getting along so well.
08:24Yeah, it's going real good at the moment, but it's also daunting.
08:29What scares you about it?
08:31It's such a rapid change.
08:32It's such a rapid change, like first proper genuine feelings in 22 years.
08:39I know.
08:40It's crazy.
08:41It's weird seeing you like this.
08:44What was her thoughts on Bella and I joining your getaway?
08:48Did you talk to her?
08:50I haven't had a proper chat with her yet, but I'm sure she's in a bubbly mood.
08:58I think we're A-OK.
08:59Glad to hear it.
09:07You look great, Pip.
09:10You look really good, what top is that?
09:11It's a little dress.
09:12From Arj.
09:13Oh, so cute.
09:14Are you guys like boyfriend, girlfriend?
09:17What's the go?
09:18Um, it's going really well.
09:22I really like him.
09:23But we arrived and who else walks in but Lawson and Bella are here.
09:33Are you kidding?
09:36Charlie invited them.
09:38Charlie invited Lawson, but why is Bella here?
09:41I feel like I'm doing you dirty by being here.
09:45What is going through his head?
09:48I don't know if they're here together.
09:49I don't know if they're here as friends.
09:51Like, they're in robes.
09:53They've been in the hot tub.
09:56This is like a big fuck you to me.
09:59And he's still got your bracelet on.
10:05Fuck off.
10:07It's baffling.
10:09It's baffling.
10:10I almost want to bring it up.
10:12Oh my God, please, go and instill some fear, Pippa.
10:15Make sure Lawson knows that I know.
10:18Me and Charlie in the woods, who's surviving longer?
10:23Charlie, you're a bit of a city boy.
10:24Yeah, that's what I said.
10:26See, Bella gets me.
10:29Come join us.
10:30You look lovely.
10:32How have you been today?
10:34I just got off the phone with Molly.
10:38Obviously, she knows you're both here now.
10:42Did she think it was a bit too soon?
10:46Well, you were both very adamant at Jai's party that there was nothing going on,
10:51nor would anything go on.
10:54And now we're all in a little double date.
10:58I guess I'm a little bit confused as well.
11:00Like, what is going on?
11:02Well, where we were at at the dinner party was exactly what we said.
11:07But we did share a heated kiss.
11:12So you're being called out a lot by Harley and Lockie.
11:17Molly was defending you.
11:20You guys were fucking macking on downstairs.
11:23I understand the timing is horrendous,
11:27but the passion and love I have for Bella,
11:30that's not something I'll ever regret.
11:32But you've still got Molly's bracelet on.
11:34I'm wearing the bracelet because it's my favourite piece of jewellery.
11:37And I don't think it's a sign of disrespect or anything.
11:44I'm honestly confused.
11:45I mean, are you together? Are you single?
11:48No, I wouldn't say.
11:49We're not together, but we are here together, yeah.
11:52So you love each other, but now you're not going to be together,
11:55but you've kissed and you're still not going to be together.
11:59I'm 22 years old.
12:01So are we all, though.
12:03I understand that, but I didn't plan on meeting my soulmate at 18.
12:08At 22 years old, that's a terrifying thing.
12:12You really do have a way of sounding like a slimy dick, Lawson.
12:18I think I'm going to head to bed.
12:21If you'd like to come with me, shall we?
12:23Yeah, I'll join you.
12:24Good night.
12:25You too.
12:33Good night.
13:04It's good to be back.
13:06Yeah, it's good to be here.
13:08You're going to love it here.
13:09Let's have some fun.
13:12Looking straight down the lane.
13:16Look good, Bella.
13:17You look stunning. You look stunning.
13:19Glad I went with the white bikini.
13:24Come on, guys. Let's rally.
13:26Emma, are you ready?
13:30Jesus, Paul, calm down.
13:32Jesus, Paul, calm down.
13:33That was in.
13:34I do not do backhands.
13:39We're not sporty.
13:41Speak for yourself.
13:42I'm highly sporty.
13:44And serve.
13:48Yes, B!
14:03Breakfast is ready.
14:08Good morning.
14:09Good morning.
14:11Oh, this is so cute.
14:16You are just spoiling me, aren't you?
14:21Obviously, last night was...
14:25I don't know.
14:26I don't know.
14:27I don't know.
14:28I don't know.
14:29I don't know.
14:30Obviously, last night was...
14:32a lot.
14:33It was.
14:34Me and Lawson are best friends
14:36and we've got a lot of history together.
14:38But, yeah, you're in every right to back up Molly,
14:41especially in that situation.
14:44It's just, you know, like, obviously,
14:46I don't really know Lawson and Bella all that well,
14:49which is a bit awkward.
14:50But, yeah, I just don't want anything
14:53to, like, impact whatever we've got going on here.
14:58I'm just liking spending time with you, you know?
15:01I'm really liking hanging out with you.
15:03I'm really loving it.
15:04I feel the same, don't worry.
15:06I can definitely see a bit of a future with you.
15:09I mean, I'm not running away.
15:11Yeah, me neither.
15:12I don't think we can go far around here anyway.
15:15Run down the road, play with the cows.
15:20Yeah, yep, yep, yep, yep.
15:22Knees tight.
15:24Perfect, perfect.
15:27Mate, these are good.
15:28Go back to when you moved on that angle.
15:32I cannot tell you how much you're going to love this place, brother.
15:35You're going to fall in love with women and the view.
15:38Mate, I'm in love already.
15:39I'm in love already and get me in that water.
15:42Well, listen, I've got some friends here.
15:44I've got some friends here.
15:46Get me in that water.
15:48Well, listen, I've got some friends I want to introduce you to.
15:51On the beach.
15:52Let's go find them.
15:55Beach babe Isabella.
15:57How did I go?
15:58I thought you were good.
15:59How did you feel?
16:00Yeah, good.
16:01There were a couple in there that were really good.
16:02I'm happy with them.
16:03I reckon we made the right choice.
16:04I know you wanted the red bikini.
16:05Well, it's great.
16:06You're stunning.
16:08You looked in.
16:10Hello, guys.
16:12What a beautiful sight.
16:15How are you, buddy?
16:16Nice to meet you.
16:17Nice to meet you.
16:18How are you, man?
16:20Hey, brother.
16:22Miles, how are you, man?
16:24Pleasure to meet you too.
16:26Hi, stranger.
16:29Welcome back.
16:30Welcome back.
16:31I've missed this place.
16:32Welcome for me.
16:33Have you been to ours before?
16:34No, never.
16:35This is your first time.
16:36It's my first time.
16:37How long are you guys here for?
16:38A month.
16:41It's like one of those places where you come and then it's hard to leave.
16:42Like last time, I was impossible.
16:43I was gutted to go home.
16:44So, what's this one looking like in Sydney then?
16:45What do you want to do?
16:46You know what?
16:47I want to do everything.
16:48All I can say is I've left Chelsea and I'm here with my boy to have a good time.
16:53Yeah, perfect.
16:54Let's have some fun.
16:56Yeah, let's introduce Miles to what Bondi is.
16:58I'm ready.
16:59I've got to say, I have definitely missed this view.
17:02Looking very good.
17:03I like the slick look.
17:04You guys missed out on all the action.
17:06I just had to roll around in the sand.
17:08We can have another replay, I think.
17:09I think it's only appropriate.
17:10I've flown half across the world to say hi.
17:14We were spying you across the beach, I have to say.
17:16You know what?
17:17All this boy's been doing is talk about you.
17:19On the plane here, he was like, Isabella, Isabella this, Isabella this, Isabella pictures.
17:23What did I tell you?
17:24I said keep your damn mouth shut.
17:25He was sleeping and he was talking and he was saying, Isabella, Isabella.
17:28Try and keep a straight face when you say that.
17:31Listen, I feel like last time I was here, we didn't really get the chance to get to know each other properly.
17:36No, I agree.
17:37There was a lot going on.
17:38And that was a shame.
17:43It was a shame.
17:59Okay, that was the hit of the day.
18:01And therefore, we win.
18:02No, no, no.
18:03That was the match point.
18:04It's a draw.
18:05It's a draw.
18:06I don't believe in draws.
18:07I feel like I killed that.
18:08I'm accidentally really sweet.
18:10I feel like all of us killed that.
18:14Emma, have you ever used a tennis court at your house?
18:16Besides a party?
18:17It matches my eyes.
18:19Yeah, it does.
18:21That's why we bought the house.
18:23That's why we bought the house.
18:24So, by the way, I need to update you on the date with Pippa and Charlie.
18:27Oh, yeah.
18:28How do you look?
18:29He looked so hot.
18:31Really proud of us.
18:32Do we think it could be love?
18:34They're really into each other.
18:35Oh, that's cute.
18:37It's nice.
18:39Paul, how is the journey post oil treatment?
18:41I mean, nothing as of yet.
18:43Still nothing?
18:44No, still nothing.
18:46I'm still hopeful.
18:47We just haven't met that person yet.
18:50Seeing as Emma and I have put in so much hard work.
18:54And you're still solo.
18:55Excuse me?
18:58We're going to set you up a dating profile.
18:59I don't know if I'm really comfortable with this.
19:01I must insist.
19:03Firstly, I'm going to take some photos of you because I love this tennis outfit.
19:06It says I'm sporty.
19:07You do look good.
19:08I'm muscly.
19:10I played AFL in high school.
19:12We'll take a few photos and then I'll set up the profile.
19:15I will keep it on my phone.
19:17You'll thank me at the altar.
19:19I don't know if I will.
19:20Pippa is so lucky to have me, not you.
19:23All right, let's do it.
19:24It's going to be a bit of fun.
19:25It will be fun.
19:26So should we get some photos now?
19:28What do you want me to do?
19:29Oh, that's hot.
19:30That's hot.
19:32Oh, that's good.
19:33I love that.
19:34Wait, Paul, what if you did a bit of a flex?
19:36I'm not doing a flex.
19:37Yeah, just like one arm.
19:38No, just like the one arm.
19:41Your arm muscles look great there.
19:43Now, clench your jaw.
19:47Think of the jaw.
19:48Give me jaw.
19:49Philly's doing it behind the camera.
19:52There we go.
19:53Paul, you're sexy as fuck, man.
19:56You do look like a sexy catwoman.
19:58In my little onesie?
20:00I've never seen that one.
20:02You can go play tennis, and I'll go save the world.
20:04One cat at a time.
20:06That sounds about right.
20:09Oh, look.
20:10This is cute.
20:11Here, wait.
20:12Hand me my phone.
20:14I'm going to take a photo.
20:15Take a photo of me?
20:17Stop it.
20:18Stop it.
20:19Stop it.
20:20Stop it.
20:21Stop it.
20:22Stop it.
20:23Stop it.
20:24That's me.
20:26Stop it.
20:27Get my ass.
20:28Go, pose.
20:29You're like, get my tennis shoes now?
20:31See, now you look like a golfer, but, like, in the wrong environment.
20:33Do you, uh, do you want to talk about last night?
20:37Probably should.
20:39So, despite it being kind of my situation, you're still involved.
20:46But I also recognize that we do need to figure this out.
20:51We've kind of had a bit of an open-ended thing here, so I'm just going to say what I want.
21:00And that's that I do want you in my life. I want to keep seeing you.
21:05And I don't plan on going on any dates and doing that sort of stuff.
21:12No, I'm glad. That wouldn't make me very jealous.
21:16So what do you want to do?
21:18Look, what we have is strong. I'm just happy you're in my life for the minute and we'll leave it at what's been working.
21:26So we're not exclusive, we're just going to do what we do and that's where we're at?
21:43So I think it would be good now that you guys are here to organise drinks or something.
21:46Have you not already organised them?
21:48No, we haven't.
21:50He thought it was going to be a welcome party.
21:53I didn't think you guys would just spring off the plane so fresh.
21:56No, but I think it's a good idea. Let's get you guys around, let's have a couple of drinks.
22:00He's up for mischief this boy.
22:02I'm not up for mischief.
22:04I actually have been talking to an Aussie girl. We spoke…
22:09Been here for what? Two hours and you've already met one?
22:13No, so we were actually messaging on Instagram last year.
22:17And we were talking loads, we were liking each other's pictures and then she came to London.
22:22We were going to meet up. I got really ill, couldn't see her.
22:26And then when Tristan was like, mate, we're coming to Australia, I was like, wouldn't mind maybe messaging this girl again and see if she's single.
22:33You guys actually might know her. Her name is Bella Solano.
22:38Do you guys know?
22:40This is who you've been chatting to?
22:42She's a sweet girl, that doesn't sound like…
22:44Oh no!
22:46She seems like a sweet girl.
22:48I'll let you take this one.
22:50She's a sweetheart. I can't wait for you to meet her.
22:53What's your issue with Bella?
22:55I actually don't have one with her. It was more Lachy, he got caught up in Bella and her ex-partner Lawson's drama.
23:01While Lawson was seeing another girl already.
23:03It's complicated between them I feel.
23:05So is Bella single?
23:07She's single.
23:08So Bella is single, I'm single, I'm here in Australia not for long and I want to have a good time.
23:15He's ready to mingle.
23:17So I think I should message Bella then and tell her to come tomorrow night to drinks.
23:21I think that is a fantastic idea. I'm excited to see her.
23:39All I need is your love, your love.
23:43All I want is just one touch, one touch.
23:47The music takes me high and I ain't coming down.
23:52First night in Sydney?
23:54I am so excited.
23:58All I want is just one touch.
24:01Hell of a party you've got going on here.
24:04You having a good time?
24:05Yeah I am. It's been really nice to see everyone.
24:07And guess who I've invited?
24:11Tristan and Miles stopped by my photoshoot yesterday on the beach and I thought it would be a good chance for them to meet everybody.
24:16Oh awesome, yeah. What was the vibe?
24:18Yeah it was nice seeing Tristan.
24:22Do you feel like it was friendly? Do you feel like it was flirty?
24:25It was definitely flirty.
24:27He's always flirty.
24:29I think he's a really nice guy.
24:31But I'm just going to keep my wits about me.
24:35You're looking for something serious and long term right?
24:39Yeah I mean you can never predict what anything is going to be I don't think.
24:42But I think I'm interested in going out with someone with the right intentions.
24:46For sure.
24:48And like they're here for a fun time, not a long time.
24:50Honestly like for someone who's your friend you deserve the world.
24:53So I hope he's here for the right reasons.
24:56I guess we'll find out won't we?
25:13It's so good to see you. I've missed you.
25:15I've missed you. It's been way too long.
25:17So long.
25:19Far out so much has happened. I mean Kangaroo Valley was definitely interesting.
25:26But the house was so beautiful.
25:28It was so stunning.
25:30It was my first time with him.
25:32You guys are so sweet.
25:34It's got the cutest little pics.
25:36I'm obsessed with him.
25:38It's going really well.
25:40Like besides that little hiccup of multiple other people being there.
25:44Yeah that's a sign of miscommunication.
25:46Yeah just a little bit.
25:48But like I just wanted to get to the bottom of what's going on with Bella and Lawson.
25:51They told me that at the dinner party.
25:57They actually shared a kiss.
26:01Are you kidding me?
26:03No, no, no.
26:05All the while he's still wearing your fucking bracelet.
26:08What the f...
26:11That's made me pissed off.
26:13I completely understand where Harley and Lockie were coming from at this point.
26:17And the fact he was wearing my bracelet.
26:19I actually can't make sense of it.
26:21I want to go back.
26:23I think you should.
26:25It's just really shit.
26:27I just want to have one final conversation with him and never speak to him again.
26:44Lovely to see you guys. Let's cheers.
26:48Look me in the eyes.
26:49You're better.
26:50Do you know why that is?
26:53Seven years bad sex if you don't.
26:55Everyone look into his eyes.
26:56Well maybe that's why you're in a dry cell.
26:58Because you didn't know about this.
27:00I always look into people's eyes.
27:02Did you guys know that Marilyn Monroe bathed in 350 bottles of champagne?
27:07Is that how you maintain this stunning figure?
27:10That is how I get my natural glow.
27:12She's bathing in Dom Perignon every night.
27:14Like the hot oil treatment but really just a bottle of champagne on the head.
27:17Maybe Paul needs an oil bath.
27:20I'm done with your treatments.
27:22As fun as they were, I feel like that era's passed.
27:26Good because we're done with treatments.
27:28I've got to ask Billy.
27:31How is the dating profile?
27:32You are reading my mind.
27:33How is my profile?
27:34What photos did you use?
27:36I used a really hot one of the tennis day as the key photo.
27:40Tell me about it.
27:42Can you read some of these?
27:43Okay, let's have a look.
27:45This is from Anthony.
27:47You look like you're good with a racket.
27:49I hope you're just as good with balls.
27:53Oh, I love Anthony.
27:55Okay, this is a fun one from Digby.
27:58I have always wanted to date a pro athlete.
28:01I feel like you'd be pretty good with your hand-ball coordination.
28:05A lot of ball jokes.
28:07Let's move past Digby.
28:10Sam's a strong name.
28:12Could we go out for a glass of water sometime?
28:14I'm suddenly feeling really thirsty.
28:15Oh, I like that.
28:17A water date?
28:18Wait, that's cute.
28:19It's because he's thirsty.
28:21He could have said, a glass of champagne, I'm feeling thirsty.
28:25Are we matching these people?
28:27I just declined his invitation.
28:29It's a big no from me.
28:31Alright, I think I know what I want.
28:33So, thank you for all this effort, but I'm taking control of it.
28:37If I can have the password to my own profile.
28:40I don't think so.
28:46It's fun on the dance floor.
28:48Yes, super.
28:50You're like doing your moves.
28:52Obviously, you've got to, you know, start the party.
28:54Have a good time.
28:56I have a lot to tell you.
28:59Like a lot, a lot.
29:00Like a lot, a lot?
29:01Like a lot.
29:02A lot.
29:03Like a lot.
29:04Oh, goodness.
29:05So, Lawson and I, you know, we've known each other for a long time.
29:09We've been friends for a long time.
29:11We've been friends for a long time.
29:12Oh, goodness.
29:13So, Lawson and I kissed at Jai's dinner party.
29:19What the fuck?
29:21When we were in Kangaroo Valley, we kissed again.
29:24Oh, my God.
29:27But, he was still wearing that bracelet.
29:28No, no.
29:30Then, the next day, he was like trying to explain, you know, that he wants his, like, time to be solo and we're not exclusive.
29:38Lawson's saying, like, he loves you and stuff, but he's not acting on it.
29:42I just don't want to see you hurt and upset again and again and again and again.
29:46Hey, guys.
29:50How are you doing?
29:51Mate, how are you?
29:52Good to see you.
29:53Good to see you.
29:54How's your exposure?
29:55I forgot the double kiss.
29:56How are you?
29:57One more for that.
29:58Oh, third kiss on the mouth.
29:59Why not?
30:01Welcome to Sydney, guys.
30:03Thank you very much.
30:04I love it here already.
30:06It's crazy, like, loads of Brits move here and, oh, my God, why are there so many beautiful people here?
30:12All the girls are, wow.
30:15But, you've got your sights set on one girl in particular, remember?
30:18Who is it?
30:19Bella Solano.
30:21That reaction is quite commonplace.
30:23Yeah, yeah, yeah.
30:25One hundred percent go for it, but just know it's going to be difficult.
30:30I'm sure I'll figure it out.
30:33Is Bella here tonight?
30:34Yes, she is.
30:36Are you going to shoot your shot tonight?
30:37Yeah, a hundred percent I am.
30:38I want to meet her.
30:40You've come a long way to not meet her.
30:42So, now that we're here, we're thinking about organising little drinks.
30:44We want to meet the gang, so bring everyone down.
30:46And we should probably go for a drink, just the two of us at some point.
30:49We can do that.
30:53When am I finally going to get to train you?
30:58Because you'll hurt me.
30:59I won't.
31:00I'll be so nice.
31:01Dude, I, like, can't even walk up a hill.
31:02Like, I'm not.
31:04So, we'll change that.
31:05We'll spice up your life.
31:11Hey, guys.
31:12Hey, Bella.
31:13Lovely to finally meet you.
31:14Nice to meet you.
31:15How are you?
31:17Oh, both of us.
31:18Hi there.
31:19Sorry, Miles, that's me.
31:20It's Kayla.
31:21Nice to meet you.
31:22How are you?
31:24How are you?
31:25I'm good.
31:26I finally made it to Sydney.
31:27Yeah, what's up?
31:28Wait, you guys know each other?
31:30From Instagram.
31:31Ah, there we go, yeah.
31:32We've never actually met, but...
31:34We've known each other for quite a bit.
31:35Came to London.
31:36We didn't see each other there, so...
31:38I thought I'd fly all the way over here to say hello.
31:42Good surprise, though, right?
31:43Great surprise.
31:44Okay, cool.
31:45Look at that smile.
31:46Good timing.
31:47I have to say that.
31:48I feel like I'm blushing a bit.
31:49Is it getting hot in here?
31:50What do you mean?
31:51It's just hot.
31:52You look exactly how I thought that you would look,
31:53and you sound exactly how I thought that you would sound.
31:56And is that a good thing?
31:57So British.
31:59It's actually cute.
32:00I like a British accent.
32:03Do you speak French?
32:05Yeah, I'm half French.
32:08So, she looks beautiful.
32:10Ce soir, je te trouve très, très, très belle.
32:12That's so fucked up.
32:15You can teach me French.
32:16Yeah, that sounds good.
32:17So when do you leave?
32:19In a month.
32:20But who knows?
32:22Hmm, yeah.
32:23If I really, really, truly love it here,
32:24and I meet someone,
32:25who knows?
32:26Maybe I'll stay a little longer.
32:29I won't be playing by the rules
32:34Cause I don't wanna be your friend
32:40That's a good DJ, isn't it?
32:41Not too bad.
32:42I like that, for sure.
32:43Yeah, for sure.
32:44I don't wanna be your friend
32:49I love your sexy voice.
32:51Hello, Miss Jai.
32:52How are you?
32:53I've been good.
32:54I've actually taken this week so slow.
32:56Paul, Billy and I played tennis.
32:58Oh, wow.
33:00It's my new thing.
33:02How's your backhand?
33:04In other ways, fantastic.
33:08So you and Pippa went on a romantic holiday.
33:10Yes, we did.
33:12But we had two visitors
33:14that I forgot to inform Pippa about.
33:20I brought Bella along with me.
33:23If I'm being honest,
33:24that's like the biggest contradiction.
33:27Yeah, I know.
33:28Bella and I are taking it slow.
33:29We have feelings for each other.
33:30But I know I'm not ready.
33:32And I know we only have one shot at this.
33:35So you're kind of committing to not committing.
33:39I think you'd be such a fool not to give it a shot
33:42if you feel like she's your soulmate.
33:45And I think you might regret not giving it your all with Bella
33:48cause she might just up and leave.
33:50I'd love to get to know you a little bit more.
33:52Cause obviously we're only just messaging.
33:54And I've been asking around if you're single.
33:56So you are, I think.
33:58We were just having that conversation, actually.
34:01You are single?
34:02I am single currently.
34:05Okay, that's a good thing.
34:06So I'd love to maybe catch up with you a bit more and hang out.
34:10Yeah, I think that we can arrange that for sure.
34:13Sounds good.
34:20I love you.
34:21I love you.
34:22I love you.
34:23I love you.
34:24I love you.
34:25I love you.
34:26I love you.
34:27I love you.
34:28I love you.
34:29I love you.
34:30I love you.
34:31I love you.
34:32I love you.
34:33I love you.
34:34I love you.
34:35I love you.
34:36I love you.
34:37I love you.
34:38I love you.
34:39I love you.
34:40I love you.
34:41I love you.
34:42I love you.
34:43I love you.
34:44I love you.
34:45I love you.
34:46I love you.
34:47I love you.
34:48I love you.
34:50I love you.
34:51I love you.
34:52I love you.
34:53I love you.
34:55Cheers, Jimmy.
34:56Cheers, pigeon.
34:58How's it being?
34:59The first couple of days in Australian?
35:00Mate, I love it here.
35:01I'm hooked on Bondi.
35:02Bondi Beach is beautiful.
35:04It's like so nice.
35:05I feel like the locals don't actually sit on the sand.
35:08No, no way.
35:09They sit on the grass.
35:10Cause no, you know like you don't want to be sandy.
35:11It's not, you know.
35:12Sandy, I mean we saw you rolling around the sand from afar, and I must admit, Tristan was lovin' it.
35:18Loving it was he
35:21Speaking of which you guys got your day coming up, right? We haven't actually organized anything yet. He's very excited is he oh, yes
35:28Do you like it? I?
35:30do there was definitely chemistry last time he was here, but um
35:35Do you have reservations?
35:37Just sounds like you do yeah, of course
35:39I do the version you saw of him last summer was what a guy having fun and just having issues with his ex
35:46It's not the best kind of like yeah, you know
35:49I think you've got to see him for now, and he is obviously trying to pursue you he wants to take you out
35:55Like I really like Tristan as a person. I just Tristan's great. He's
36:00Extremely loyal and honestly when he likes someone he shows up. He's not some guy
36:05He's just gonna be like okay playing around with you like he does like you
36:09So how did it go with Bella? Yeah, it was good. She was very surprised
36:14She was very special I wore the hell he dinner we caught up quickly and obviously I invited her to this little soiree
36:21I saw Lawson around what you're planning to navigate all that. There's nothing to navigate like for me
36:26She said to me that she's single so I
36:28What was like you know? I don't know the kid. I want to take better out
36:32She looks very keen to go out so there is no issue. Yeah, I don't see an issue
36:37So actually I see you and Bella in a day. Yeah, I think Lawson's gonna hate this
36:41He's John having two girls, and he's about to have zero girls
36:45Yeah, well unfortunately I
36:47Do that sometimes?
37:03You look gorgeous, thank you you look so pretty I didn't quite get the memo guys
37:09Yeah, I know or black. Yeah, it was really turned to the top
37:14I'm getting back in touch with my dark femme me and Charlie just rock up in matching all the time now
37:20So you're exclusive I would say yeah, I am I'm not seeing anyone else. I don't think he's seeing anyone else
37:27I want it to be smooth like I want to date him
37:31Yeah, I think we're both on the same page without even having to talk about it. Hi ladies
37:47Thank you, thanks for coming to the drinks, thank you
37:50Thanks for flying in well. You know it's not much excuse to fly across the world. Yeah, let's make some friends in Australia
37:56Yeah, well obviously no
37:59Harley and lucky yeah
38:01Yeah, nice. Yeah, how you finding it all this place is unbelievable honestly last night. I was here
38:06I fell in love with it, and yeah, yeah, it was tough to go back to English winter
38:09Oh, I'm actually going soon, so London. Yeah, yeah, so you're running away from Australia for any reason or yes running away
38:17I was seeing this guy Lawson and it turned out. He was still in love with his ex I
38:24Mean Lawson's absolute drop the ball here because you are gorgeous
38:30But wasn't Lawson also seeing someone else it well Bella is his ex I have heard of Bella
38:35I have you heard of Bella so my friend miles
38:39Out here knows Bella started chatting about a year ago. Oh my god
38:44They're meant to see each other in London
38:47Sadly he couldn't make it, and I think I think part the reason he came out here was to rekindle
38:53Bella has got so much room in her heart to still be in love with her ex and be talking to someone else
38:58I mean he's here today obviously I feel like this is an opportunity to go and speak to him
39:02And it sounds like a bit of closure is needed
39:14Was really nice that miles and Tristan invited us to this little shore a it was nice though. I'm not regretting it though
39:19Open tab, sorry hold on um you've been having a dance or what of course see really you're a horrendous dance
39:29Yeah, live in the dream at the moment. I'm in a happy mode
39:32Yeah, 24-7 she's swimming along well with Pippa. Yeah, and you met Pippa's folks and she met yours
39:37Yeah, it's moving fast been seeing each other a lot
39:42I've always said I was a slow burner, but yeah ate my words on that one didn't know reach
39:47That is good very pleased
39:49But um yeah, how's your feelings going with Bella at the moment? I am so strong, and it's so terrifying
39:58Are you thinking keep on chatting or you're gonna go full balls to the walls date. I'm definitely gonna initiate
40:05Sure, yeah, little picnic strawberries
40:11But I want to spend so much time with her yeah, and and that's exactly what I'm gonna do
40:44Are you good?
40:45Yeah, it's nice to see you smiling. I feel like we're kind of dancing around this
40:50Yeah, maybe I think maybe I'm quite direct and maybe you're quite
40:55Which is good, but I don't know where I stand with you at the moment
40:59Would you like me to
41:01Kind of dial it back or or is there something that you're interested in come seeing where it goes. I'm confused
41:08No, I don't want you to dial it back no no I don't I
41:13Think you're an amazing guy
41:15But I know you're here for a really short amount of time
41:19Is that your concern well, I would just hate to see
41:23Us start down
41:26You would hate for us to fall in love with each other, and then I get on a plane back to England. Yeah, yeah, essentially
41:33Hmm so instead of kind of leaning into it you're gonna put the wall up and we'll never find out
41:38Yeah, I think I'm really good at that. That's not I know I know
41:41I understand this and I get it being vulnerable is it's not a nice place to be but
41:46You know you are part of the reason I came back here for sure
41:49But I think it would be shame if we didn't just lean into it and get to know each other a bit more
41:53And you know I do like being a friend, but that's not all I want to be with you I
41:58Agree with everything you just said
42:01Right this is the plant we're gonna have a fantastic day, and then you can decide if you wanna kiss me no
42:09No like when you smile
42:13She is
42:15Hello, how are you good? How are you good? You look beautiful as always. Thank you. I'm glad you make it
42:23Yeah, well, thanks for having me. I must admit. I was very very happy to see you today and
42:30You do look
42:33Very nice
42:35Your ex have you met him I have not met him yet, so I'm sure I'll yeah, I'm sure you'll meet him yeah
42:44What's the vibe with you guys now um?
42:46we are
42:49Being on good terms
42:51So you trying to be like that whole let's be friends thing yeah kind of I mean, it's just it's a little bit complicated. Yeah
42:59so if
43:01He sees you with me is that gonna cause a little issue or um yeah, probably
43:10You've got those kind of naughty eyes
43:14Yeah, naughty mm-hmm
43:16What about you a little bit of a bad boy?
43:19Is that a bad thing? No? It's not a bad thing
43:23Let's just put it this way if I like something or someone I usually
43:28Tend to get what I want
43:39So how's the party so far, but yeah, it's really good. It's good. I'm gonna couple new faces
43:44Fine well you got a little bit of chatting to do and I'll go find Pippa see she's okay
43:51Yeah, just be the gentleman. I am
43:56How are you
43:58I'm good. How are you?
44:00I've been better. I've been much better. I think I owe you a very big apology
44:06Yeah, I would say that's pretty accurate
44:10I'm sorry for disrespecting at the dinner party and
44:13I didn't mean to disrespect you by going along to Kangaroo Valley so so fresh after it all
44:20Do you not understand how that makes me feel it makes me feel so shit
44:26It was your birthday party. I gave you that bracelet because like I cared about you a lot I
44:33Can understand where you're coming from but with your bracelet, I was wearing it as a token of respect
44:40It's the most beautiful piece of jewelry. I've ever worn
44:43I gave it to you because I really cared about you and your actions have showed me that you don't care about me I
44:50Think it's probably appropriate that you don't wear it anymore. Give it back to me. Yeah
44:58It really was my favorite piece of jewelry
45:01It's time to grow up
45:04Really really hurt me. I'm sorry for the dinner party because that was blatantly disrespectful
45:08But I'm not gonna apologize for my feelings for Bella and how they've matured and built up
45:12I'm not asking you to apologize for your feelings for Bella. I'm asking you to treat me with respect
45:17You're gonna lose a lot of other people
45:20like Bella her and Miles have been talking for a year and
45:25That is one of the reasons that he came out here like the main reason to
45:30See her and I guess get together
45:34Bella and I are on the exact same wavelength
45:36Well, you're obviously not because she was supposed to see him when he was in London and they couldn't and now he's come out here
45:44And so I just thought that might make you understand how I felt when you went behind my back
45:51This is all I have to say to you
45:56Good luck to you, and I hope you sort it out
46:05I'd like to take you out if that would be okay
46:09Let's do it. Okay sweet to a lovely French English date we
46:15And I'll be interested to see if you are as good at French kissing as you are at speaking French
46:21I'm sure you'll find out very soon
46:35Had to put out all the sauce for Bella because you like her yeah, of course I do
46:38You are going to lose this girl. If you don't lay all your cards on the table
46:42What do you want from me? I want you in my life in any way possible
46:46Isabel has definitely got all's up with me at the moment. I'm not entirely sure where I stand with her
46:50Still a bit unsure a little bit unsure. I think I've been like not giving you anything because I don't know how seriously to take you
46:59Tristan's apparently said that Molly is his type to a T
47:03Trying to get to know you but also confused about things. I'm definitely confused
47:08Trying to get to know you but also confused about things
47:10I'm definitely falling in love with Charlie. So you want to have a conversation about being boyfriend girlfriend? Yeah, I still really like you
47:17I just don't know if I'm ready for relationship at this age