Visher (2024)

  • 2 days ago
يتحول هوس محتال عبر الإنترنت بامرأة إلى كابوس عندما يشهد سلسلة من الأحداث المرعبة داخل منزلها، كل ذلك من خلال عدسة كاميرا الويب الخاصة بها.
00:00:00I need to talk with my son, I need to talk with my son.
00:00:28I need to talk with my son, I need to talk with my son, I need to talk with my son.
00:00:41I need to talk with my son.
00:00:52Oh, hey mom. Yeah, for some reason your phone number said unavailable.
00:00:56That's weird. How have you been?
00:01:00Fine, just busy with work and all that.
00:01:02And the kids?
00:01:04Good, good. About to start school soon. So, uh, what's up? Everything alright?
00:01:12Well, I hate to bother you with this stuff, but...
00:01:17What? It's okay. Just say it.
00:01:21I'm still waiting for your father's life insurance money to come in.
00:01:26Bank called and said if I don't pay what I owe, they're going to take the house.
00:01:31Those greedy bastards. Well, yeah, it's fine. Just pay me when the money comes in. How much do you need?
00:01:39Around $20,000.
00:01:41$20k? Why so much?
00:01:43Oh, it's complicated.
00:01:46Before your dad died... Never mind. I knew this would be too much.
00:01:52No, no, it's fine. I'll just take it from savings. Maybe we can go to the bank this weekend.
00:01:59It has to be now.
00:02:03The bank says they have given us all the time we need.
00:02:06Are you like 100% sure this isn't a scam, or...
00:02:09Dustin, do you really think I am an idiot?
00:02:13No, no, I'm just... No, yeah, okay. Just give me your bank account number and I'll send a wire.
00:02:30Uh, 437411453.
00:02:35Thank you so much, honey. Love you.
00:02:43Forgive me. Forgive me.
00:03:12I know what I do is bad, but this is the only way I can live.
00:03:19The only way I can feed my family back home.
00:03:25You know this.
00:03:29Lead 2039 was good. $20k. What's next?
00:04:0090k. Is that a typo?
00:04:07Perfect. I'll hit this one hard tonight.
00:04:11Please transfer my 50%. Cut of that 90k tonight.
00:04:2325%. The original deal was 50.
00:04:32Fine. Fine.
00:04:42Only enough to survive and then...
00:04:48Then I'm done, I promise.
00:04:56Hey Ruth, this is Megan with First Choice Bank.
00:04:59We know...
00:05:04Hey Ruth, Tom here with First Choice Bank.
00:05:22Is Ruth there?
00:05:23This is she.
00:05:29Hi. Ruth, this is Tom with First Choice Bank.
00:05:34I'm sorry to bother you so late at night, but there has been some unusual activity on your bank account.
00:05:40Damn it. Are you serious?
00:05:42Yes, but fortunately we caught it early and we can stop it before it moves any further.
00:05:51Thank God. You wouldn't believe the bad luck I've been having lately.
00:05:55Sorry to hear that.
00:05:57It's fine. Just life stuff.
00:06:00Okay ma'am, so if you could...
00:06:02Hey, I'm sorry if this is a weird question.
00:06:08Is your name really Tom?
00:06:13Come on. This is like the fourth person I've talked to from customer service and they always suspiciously have a strong foreign accent with a very American sounding name.
00:06:25Well, my real name is Samesh.
00:06:31We use names like Tom or Mary for our customers to feel a little more at home.
00:06:38I knew it. Are you from India?
00:06:42Well, I was born there, but...
00:06:44I'm only asking because I visited India last year. Mumbai. And I loved it.
00:06:51Mumbai? I was actually born there.
00:06:55Well, I'll admit there was a little bit of a culture shock at first, but man, they are some of the nicest people I've ever met.
00:07:03And the food was good. Bizarre at times, but good. I'd like to go back sometime.
00:07:09Yes, that's a great place with great history, food, and great people.
00:07:16Okay, sorry. What did I need to do?
00:07:19Yes, I just need to verify some information of your account.
00:07:25Your email is RuthieBaby at, correct?
00:07:32Can you give me your date of birth, please?
00:07:37I'm going to email you a link. I just need you to verify your account info, and I can secure your account.
00:07:44Okay. Give me a sec.
00:07:48Okay, I see the email.
00:07:51Entering my info.
00:07:55And sent.
00:07:57Everything has been confirmed and your account is now secure.
00:08:06Awesome. Thank you so much, Sumesh.
00:08:09You don't know how hard it's been for me these last few weeks.
00:08:12My mom has some health issues and it's looking bad.
00:08:17Sorry to hear that.
00:08:20Well, thanks again, Sumesh. And who knows?
00:08:23Maybe someday we'll run into each other again.
00:08:37What's up?
00:08:41What's up?
00:08:45What's up?
00:08:49What's up?
00:08:53What's up?
00:08:57What's up?
00:09:01What's up?
00:09:05What's up?
00:09:25You won't be taken for a fool again.
00:09:29Please give me strength.
00:09:51Hello again.
00:09:53This is Sumesh from First Choice Bank.
00:09:58Sadly, it has come to our attention that your computer has been infected with a virus
00:10:03and you are now at severe risk.
00:10:08Are you kidding?
00:10:10I have been appointed to your case and will help you resolve this issue.
00:10:15How did they get a virus on my computer?
00:10:18There are many ways. Many ways.
00:10:21Clicking links, downloading unknown programs.
00:10:26It seems that's how they got access to your info.
00:10:31So what do I need to do?
00:10:33First, I need you to go to and download the program. It's free to use.
00:10:39Okay. Hold on.
00:10:45Okay. I think I've got it here.
00:10:48Now, it should give you a username and password. Please share them with me.
00:10:54Okay. Now, is this going to, like, let you see all my files and stuff?
00:10:58No. No, ma'am.
00:11:01This will only allow me to access some of your back-end programs to run a scanner
00:11:08and see if anything has been infected.
00:11:15The username is User4458. Password is J88D77FK44!
00:11:31Thank you, ma'am. Just one minute.
00:11:35How long is this going to take? It's getting late here.
00:11:39It won't take long, ma'am.
00:11:42It is very important that we solve this as soon as possible.
00:12:13Are you still there?
00:12:18Yes. Yes.
00:12:23Okay. Great. It looks like I have access now.
00:12:33Do you have a pen and paper nearby?
00:12:37Do you have a pen and paper nearby?
00:12:42Uh, yeah. Just a second.
00:12:59Reference number 4672249.
00:13:11Just give me a second.
00:13:14I'm going to start running some diagnostics to try and locate the possible virus.
00:13:55So, how long are you thinking this is going to take?
00:13:58I'm hoping another 20 minutes and I should be finished.
00:14:07How is the weather in your area today?
00:14:10Hot and humid as usual. How about there?
00:14:17You said your mother had some health issues. Is she better?
00:14:23I really don't want to talk about my mom. Old age stuff, I guess.
00:14:29I was thinking, after this call, can we get into a chatting app or something, if you would like, if we could just chat from time to time?
00:14:46Yeah. I really don't like to give out my information online.
00:14:51You seem like a really nice guy.
00:14:54It's just, I've had kind of a bad streak of crazy guys following me home and stuff like that.
00:15:01Yes, of course, of course. I'm sorry.
00:15:07Well, I hate to do this, but is there any way we could resume this tomorrow?
00:15:12I'm exhausted and I really need to head to bed.
00:15:16Well, I would highly recommend to finish.
00:15:19I know. It's just, I can barely keep my eyes open.
00:15:23Okay. Okay, ma'am.
00:15:25Just call 1-800-778-000 and give the reference number I just gave you.
00:15:33And we can reconnect and finish securing your computer.
00:15:39And again, I'm very...
00:15:47Why did you rush it?
00:15:50Every time you do this.
00:15:56And Eve, I've begged you countless times, countless times.
00:16:03Give me a wife or help me with these thoughts.
00:16:12How can anybody live like this?
00:16:33Not yet.
00:16:37Yes, but...
00:16:40I was, but she's going through a tough time with her mother.
00:16:47It's just...
00:17:16I'm sorry.
00:18:11No, no, no. Clear your mind.
00:18:15Clear your mind.
00:18:17Clear your mind.
00:18:21Clear your mind.
00:18:28Clear your mind.
00:18:45Clear your mind.
00:19:15Clear your mind.
00:19:17Clear your mind.
00:19:19Clear your mind.
00:19:21Clear your mind.
00:19:23Clear your mind.
00:19:25Clear your mind.
00:19:27Clear your mind.
00:19:29Clear your mind.
00:19:31Clear your mind.
00:19:33Clear your mind.
00:19:35Clear your mind.
00:19:37Clear your mind.
00:19:39Clear your mind.
00:19:41Clear your mind.
00:19:43Clear your mind.
00:19:45Clear your mind.
00:19:47Clear your mind.
00:19:49Clear your mind.
00:19:51Clear your mind.
00:19:53Clear your mind.
00:19:55Clear your mind.
00:19:57Clear your mind.
00:19:59Clear your mind.
00:20:01Clear your mind.
00:20:03Clear your mind.
00:20:05Clear your mind.
00:20:07Clear your mind.
00:20:09Clear your mind.
00:20:11Clear your mind.
00:20:13Clear your mind.
00:20:15Clear your mind.
00:20:17Clear your mind.
00:20:19Clear your mind.
00:20:21Clear your mind.
00:20:23Clear your mind.
00:20:25Clear your mind.
00:20:27Clear your mind.
00:20:29Clear your mind.
00:20:31Clear your mind.
00:20:33Clear your mind.
00:20:35Clear your mind.
00:20:37Clear your mind.
00:20:39Clear your mind.
00:20:41Clear your mind.
00:20:43Clear your mind.
00:20:45Clear your mind.
00:20:47Clear your mind.
00:20:49Clear your mind.
00:20:51Clear your mind.
00:20:53Clear your mind.
00:20:55Clear your mind.
00:20:57Clear your mind.
00:20:59Clear your mind.
00:21:01Clear your mind.
00:21:03Clear your mind.
00:21:05Clear your mind.
00:21:07Clear your mind.
00:21:37Clear your mind.
00:21:39Clear your mind.
00:21:41Clear your mind.
00:21:43Clear your mind.
00:21:45Clear your mind.
00:21:47Clear your mind.
00:21:49Clear your mind.
00:21:51Clear your mind.
00:21:53Clear your mind.
00:21:55Clear your mind.
00:21:57Clear your mind.
00:21:59Clear your mind.
00:22:01Clear your mind.
00:22:03Clear your mind.
00:22:05Clear your mind.
00:22:07Clear your mind.
00:22:09Clear your mind.
00:22:11Clear your mind.
00:22:13Clear your mind.
00:22:15Clear your mind.
00:22:17Clear your mind.
00:22:19Clear your mind.
00:22:21Clear your mind.
00:22:23Clear your mind.
00:22:25Clear your mind.
00:22:27Clear your mind.
00:22:29Clear your mind.
00:22:31Clear your mind.
00:22:33Mom, are you alright?
00:22:35I just had a bad dream and wanted to make sure you were safe.
00:22:37Yeah, I'm fine.
00:22:39Just check for me and make sure all the doors are locked.
00:22:41Mom, I'm fine.
00:22:43You should be resting.
00:23:04I don't hear anything in here.
00:23:15All good here.
00:23:19Good in here too.
00:23:25Door's locked.
00:23:27It's fine.
00:23:29Go back to sleep. Get some rest.
00:23:31I know, and I called you earlier,
00:23:33but the line was busy.
00:23:35Oh, yeah.
00:23:37I was on the phone with some sort of
00:23:39identity fraud thing.
00:23:41I'm going to take care of it tomorrow.
00:23:43You need to deal with that right now. It's serious.
00:23:45Mom, please.
00:23:47I'm sorry. I'm just trying to help.
00:23:49I know.
00:23:51I'm sorry.
00:23:53It's really late. I'm tired.
00:23:55I just want to go to bed.
00:23:57Well, I'll let you go.
00:23:59I'm sure I will take care of it now,
00:24:01as soon as I hang up the phone.
00:24:05Just want you to know I love you.
00:24:09I love you too.
00:25:45Hi. Yeah, I was calling back
00:25:47about a case someone was helping me with earlier.
00:25:49Yes, ma'am.
00:25:51Yeah, I was...
00:25:53I believe I was handling your case.
00:25:55No, ma'am.
00:25:57I must ask,
00:25:59is the current location
00:26:03permanent residence?
00:26:07I actually just moved in a couple weeks ago.
00:26:09Can I get the address?
00:26:13It's 9293
00:26:15Black Castle Ridge,
00:26:17Alvin, Texas,
00:26:23I'll now gain access
00:26:25to the remote via program.
00:26:31Okay. Now...
00:26:37It shows that there
00:26:39is a security system here.
00:26:41Did you install this one?
00:26:43I did.
00:26:45I kind of had to.
00:26:47Long story.
00:26:49Ma'am, in this situation,
00:26:51a small, overlooked
00:26:55can help us
00:26:57resolve this issue very, very
00:27:01Okay. Well,
00:27:03you're going to think I'm nuts now,
00:27:05but when I moved in, I kept
00:27:07getting this feeling
00:27:09that someone was in my home.
00:27:13An intruder?
00:27:17I'm sorry.
00:27:19This is so stupid.
00:27:21I'm just...
00:27:23I'm just paranoid sometimes.
00:27:25It's okay. I won't judge.
00:27:29Do you believe in ghosts, Smesh?
00:27:33I do.
00:27:35Especially in my culture,
00:27:37if somebody dies an unnatural
00:27:39death like murder,
00:27:41the spirit turns negative.
00:27:45I've seen one.
00:27:47Here. With my own eyes.
00:27:49I felt it
00:27:51watching over me.
00:27:55I felt it
00:27:57trying to get inside of me.
00:27:59I can't tell anyone.
00:28:01Not my mom,
00:28:03not my friends,
00:28:07Why is that?
00:28:11I've had a history of
00:28:13mental health stuff.
00:28:15Anything I say
00:28:17just gets thrown around as being crazy.
00:28:21But I know what I saw.
00:28:23Something was definitely there.
00:28:27I believe you.
00:28:33Well, thanks, Smesh.
00:28:35You have no
00:28:37idea how terrible it feels when
00:28:39you're betrayed by everyone
00:28:41you thought was on your side.
00:28:43I also know the feeling of
00:28:45being isolated is a part of my job.
00:28:53Is there anything
00:28:55odd about the house?
00:28:57No. That's the weird thing.
00:28:59This house, for the most part,
00:29:01is the most basic, boring
00:29:03house you can imagine.
00:29:05Any previous owner?
00:29:07Yeah. I think there was one, but
00:29:09I don't know anything else about it.
00:29:11I mean, I got it from some company.
00:29:13Any basement?
00:29:19Not that I know of.
00:29:21Is it possible
00:29:25someone in your area
00:29:27is logged into your Wi-Fi?
00:29:29I doubt it.
00:29:31I'm kind of secluded out here.
00:29:33I see.
00:29:35I'm sorry.
00:29:37Just forget I said anything.
00:29:39Let's just fix this
00:29:41security issue
00:29:43if we can move on.
00:29:45Hang on.
00:29:47I think there's somebody at my front door.
00:30:11Is everything alright?
00:30:13Yeah. I guess
00:30:15the door cam just picked up a shadow
00:30:17or something.
00:30:19You mentioned earlier
00:30:21that you had problems
00:30:23with people stalking you.
00:30:25My fault, mostly,
00:30:27for going on those shady dating sites.
00:30:29Could it be possible
00:30:31that one of them
00:30:33is doing these
00:30:35to scare you?
00:30:41I really only had an issue
00:30:43with one guy, but
00:30:45he's in prison for murder, so
00:30:47I guess I dodged that bullet.
00:30:51I know this sounds crazy,
00:30:53but I have many resources.
00:30:55I can get information
00:30:57about the house and its possible history.
00:31:01What about my identity theft
00:31:03issue and all that?
00:31:05Well, I was able to secure and patch up
00:31:07all the info
00:31:09after we talked.
00:31:11Things should be fine now.
00:31:13I wanted to call you, but
00:31:15decided not to disturb your sleep.
00:31:21that's one less thing to worry about, I guess.
00:31:27Did you really mean what you said
00:31:33Believing me?
00:31:35What I saw?
00:31:41Glad I can finally
00:31:43let some of this out, because
00:31:45I have
00:31:47real video proof of this thing.
00:31:51My phone.
00:31:53What's on that
00:31:57What's your number? I'll text it to you.
00:32:03my phone cannot
00:32:09Only texts.
00:32:11You can email me.
00:32:23Just a second.
00:32:27Take a look at it.
00:32:59What the hell is that?
00:33:33How could
00:33:35this be possible?
00:33:37I know.
00:33:45you have been honest with me,
00:33:47I must
00:33:49also be honest with you now.
00:33:51What do you mean?
00:33:53When I first
00:33:57access to your system,
00:33:59I did
00:34:01see something
00:34:07the whole
00:34:09camera system...
00:34:11You can see everything I'm doing?
00:34:15Come on, were you watching me?
00:34:17No, I have not been spying.
00:34:19This is just a part of gaining
00:34:21full access.
00:34:23Was my bank account
00:34:25even in danger?
00:34:27Yes, ma'am.
00:34:29You fixed the problem.
00:34:31I, too, saw
00:34:33something in your house.
00:34:35And you didn't say anything?
00:34:37It was just a
00:34:39black shadow.
00:34:41I couldn't be certain what it was.
00:34:43But I couldn't
00:34:45just let something
00:34:47be in your house and possibly
00:34:49harm you.
00:34:51Well, thanks,
00:34:53I guess.
00:34:55So you can see me
00:34:57everywhere in the house?
00:35:03When I saw
00:35:05your home system, there was another set
00:35:07of cameras, total
00:35:09four, and there was a staircase
00:35:11going to the basement.
00:35:15That's impossible.
00:35:17There's no basement here.
00:35:19No, there must be.
00:35:21I mean, I'm looking at it
00:35:23right now.
00:35:25There's a pair of stairs going down
00:35:29an old door.
00:35:31Hold on.
00:35:33I'm going to go look for this thing.
00:35:55. . .
00:36:19Not seeing anything.
00:36:25. . .
00:36:32Nothing in here.
00:36:34. . .
00:36:41Look at the closet.
00:36:43. . .
00:36:55Oh, shit.
00:37:07Ruth, are you there?
00:37:09My power went off.
00:37:11Can you still see me?
00:37:12No, I can hear you
00:37:14through phone, but I can't see you.
00:37:16I see the door at the bottom.
00:37:19I'm going to go in.
00:37:23No, no, no, no.
00:37:25We must wait until the power comes back on.
00:37:31It's fine. I have a light on my phone.
00:37:37. . .
00:37:53It's so warm in here.
00:37:55. . .
00:37:58I don't know.
00:38:00. . .
00:38:05I'm inside.
00:38:07Deep inside.
00:38:11Do you want me to call the police?
00:38:14Why would I want to leave?
00:38:17You need help.
00:38:19They all say that.
00:38:23Come over.
00:38:25Then I can get inside of you, too.
00:38:31. . .
00:38:35. . .
00:38:42. . .
00:38:59. . .
00:39:16. . .
00:39:45. . .
00:40:06Can you hear me?
00:40:10I'm in so much pain.
00:40:17It's inside me.
00:40:21Whatever was down there in the basement . . .
00:40:25. . . it's in me now.
00:40:29Go back to your room.
00:40:34And lay down.
00:40:39I think I'm feeling a little better now.
00:41:09. . .
00:41:19What are you waiting for, cripple boy?
00:41:21I'm here, ready for you.
00:41:27You need help.
00:41:29I'm sorry.
00:41:31Ruth can't come to the phone right now.
00:41:33But I'm here.
00:41:35Come on over.
00:41:44I am your end.
00:42:09What happened?
00:42:13I don't know.
00:42:19Are you all right?
00:42:29I just need to get some rest.
00:42:33I'm going to go lay down.
00:43:01Do me a favor.
00:43:05I'm going to lay down for just . . .
00:43:08. . . fifteen minutes.
00:43:09Get a little rest.
00:43:12Watch over the place.
00:43:15Watch over me.
00:43:22I'll . . . I'll . . .
00:43:23If I see something, I'll talk through this.
00:43:26Keep the speakers on.
00:43:39Shake it.
00:43:43I need some info, Poole.
00:43:46This time, it's a person and a house.
00:43:50A house?
00:43:53Anything you can find on it.
00:43:57Anything you can find on it.
00:43:59Anything you can find on it.
00:44:01Anything you can find on it.
00:44:03Anything you can find on it.
00:44:05Anything you can find on it.
00:44:08Maybe even . . .
00:44:10. . . info on the address, too.
00:44:12Okay. Name, address.
00:44:15Name, Ruth Harrison.
00:44:19Ninety-three, twenty-three.
00:44:21Black Castle Ridge.
00:44:23Alvin, Texas.
00:44:24Seven, seven, six, nine, six.
00:44:28When you need it.
00:44:29I need it now.
00:44:31All right, but it's going to cost you.
00:44:33That's fine.
00:45:29Well, I got some info.
00:45:31Someone spent a lot of time trying to hide this place.
00:45:34I'm going to email you some stuff.
00:45:36Some family who lived there way back then just vanished in thin air.
00:45:40They never left the house.
00:45:41How could they just vanish?
00:45:43Anyone who moved into that place would kill themselves.
00:45:46Last suicide there was only two years ago.
00:45:49And the woman?
00:45:50A couple of abusive relationships,
00:45:52take some meds for sleep, and hallucinations.
00:45:57It's schizophrenia.
00:45:58I don't know, it just says lack of sleep.
00:46:05I see.
00:46:08Poor woman.
00:46:09Hey, what's going on here?
00:46:11I don't give a shit, but are you stuck in this girl or something?
00:46:14It's a special case.
00:46:16Just be smart, man. Really.
00:46:18Yeah, bye.
00:46:37Are you okay?
00:46:46Wake up.
00:46:52Remember with fetish breath,
00:46:55with each root before my death.
00:46:58These voices are shrouded in glory,
00:47:01but they does make them grim and roaring.
00:47:04I take nothing with me, thy pain, thy fault.
00:47:07We shall take no prisoners at all.
00:47:10Let them die and watch upon them.
00:47:13This shall be my last word on them.
00:47:19Are you okay?
00:47:31Wake up.
00:47:35Wake up?
00:47:37We're about to go to sleep forever.
00:48:31Samash, save me.
00:48:34I'll call 911.
00:48:36No, just you.
00:48:42I'll come at once.
00:49:44I'll be here.
00:49:46You came.
00:49:49Yeah, me.
00:49:52You saved me.
00:49:55I'll take you.
00:49:57No one's ever cared.
00:50:00But you saved me.
00:50:02Anything for you.
00:50:05Thank you, Samash.
00:53:51Do you know this woman?
00:53:54Do you know this woman?
00:53:59I don't know.
00:54:01This woman was my mother.
00:54:09That woman was my mother.
00:54:15You conned her out of her entire life savings two years ago.
00:54:23And because of the shame and depression, she took her life.
00:54:31I'm very sorry. It was just random.
00:54:35My mother was random to you?
00:54:38The name was given to me.
00:54:42It took me two whole years to find you.
00:54:46I scoured the internet, the deepest, darkest places I could find.
00:54:52And when I finally found the people who worked with you, I got my way to them.
00:54:58And because I gave them money, they sold you out.
00:55:04They threw you under the bus.
00:55:08And I got you, Addy.
00:55:12I found out everything about you.
00:55:16I lured you in.
00:55:19Tangled that dirty carrot in front of your face.
00:55:23Made you feel important for once.
00:55:29It took me time, yeah.
00:55:33So in the meanwhile, I found some other scammers along the way.
00:55:42Scum scammers just like you.
00:55:46I think I found a new calling, Addy.
00:55:49I can get your money back.
00:55:53Everything I promise.
00:55:57I'm saddened you think this is about money, Addy.
00:56:01But you can apologize to my mother.
00:56:06Mom, this is the man who scammed you out of all your money.
00:56:12This is the one who took your joy and all of your family away from you.
00:56:20Open your mouth.
00:56:23Open your mouth.
00:56:25Open your mouth!
00:56:27Somebody help me!
00:56:33Help! Somebody help me!
00:56:53Help me.
00:57:23Come on, Addy.
00:59:23Help me.
00:59:26Help me.
00:59:29Help me.
00:59:55Why would you do this to me?
00:59:58Why would you allow this to happen?
01:00:28Why would you do this to me?
01:00:31Why would you allow this to happen?
01:00:34Why would you allow this to happen?
01:00:37Why would you allow this to happen?
01:00:40Why would you allow this to happen?
01:00:43Why would you allow this to happen?
01:00:46Why would you allow this to happen?
01:00:49Why would you allow this to happen?
01:00:52Why would you allow this to happen?
01:00:55Why would you allow this to happen?
01:00:58Why would you allow this to happen?
01:01:01Why would you allow this to happen?
01:01:04Why would you allow this to happen?
01:01:07Why would you allow this to happen?
01:01:10Why would you allow this to happen?
01:01:13Why would you allow this to happen?
01:01:16Why would you allow this to happen?
01:01:19Why would you allow this to happen?
01:01:23This is what my mom always used to make for me.
01:01:30You didn't have many groceries, so I had to improvise.
01:01:37All done.
01:01:50A little spicy, but good.
01:01:56You know, I'm glad that we are not fighting anymore.
01:02:02When little things like that makes us stronger in the end.
01:02:10This could be our little corner of the universe.
01:02:17We could stay here forever.
01:02:20Just you and me.
01:02:22Would you like that?
01:02:26I would like that too.
01:02:29As Rumi says,
01:02:33I'm your moon and moonlight too.
01:02:38I'm your flower garden and water too.
01:02:43I came on this way, eager for you.
01:02:48Without shoes and shawls.
01:02:52Just to make you laugh.
01:02:57Kill all your worries to nourish you.
01:03:02We love you.
01:03:08Me too.
01:03:13You had mentioned during dinner that you want kids someday.
01:03:20That's exactly my dream.
01:03:25Baby, let's start that dream tonight.
01:03:38I love you.
01:03:42I love you too.
01:03:47I love you too.
01:03:51I love you too.
01:03:55I love you too.
01:03:59I love you too.
01:04:02I love you too.
01:04:06I love you too.
01:04:10I love you too.
01:04:14I love you too.
01:04:18I love you too.
01:04:22I love you too.
01:04:26I love you too.
01:04:32I love you too.
01:04:36I love you too.
01:04:40I love you too.
01:04:44I love you too.
01:04:48I love you too.
01:04:52I love you too.
01:04:56I love you too.
01:04:59I love you too.
01:05:03I love you too.
01:05:07I love you too.
01:05:11I love you too.
01:05:15I love you too.
01:05:19I love you too.
01:05:23I love you too.