Dark Harbor 2019

  • 2 days ago
00:00:00NPS Films
00:00:14Another glass?
00:00:17I had one.
00:00:21Just don't understand why you have to drink.
00:00:24I'm not drinking.
00:00:25You just had another glass!
00:00:27Why do you feel this need to control everything that I do?
00:00:29I am concerned.
00:00:30Oh, really? You're concerned?
00:00:32Here we go.
00:00:35Don't do that.
00:00:37I have given you no reason not to trust me.
00:00:46Because I see the way that you talk to your coworkers.
00:00:49They're my coworkers.
00:00:50And your texts back and forth. What's her name again?
00:00:53These are your own goddamn issues that you have to get over.
00:00:56I have been faithful to you, Olivia.
00:01:00For now.
00:01:05Okay, so you're going to crucify me for something I have not done.
00:01:10Meanwhile, I come in here and you're drinking!
00:01:21I'm done.
00:01:26I'm done.
00:01:57Happy birthday, Dad.
00:02:00So I had to call you, huh?
00:02:02Yeah, I'm sorry.
00:02:03No, I know you're busy.
00:02:05Too busy for your dad.
00:02:09How's your day?
00:02:11How is my day?
00:02:12Well, your mother's taking me out to dinner.
00:02:16Lucky you.
00:02:20So how about you, kiddo?
00:02:22You, uh...
00:02:23So how about you, kiddo?
00:02:25You, uh...
00:02:26You okay?
00:02:34Yeah, I'm fine.
00:02:37Are you sure about that?
00:02:41Miss you.
00:02:45I know, I miss you too.
00:02:49Look, why don't you come home, huh?
00:02:52No, I can't do that.
00:02:54Can't be around her.
00:03:00I know.
00:03:04Hey, sweetheart, hold on one sec.
00:03:08Yeah, can I help you?
00:03:36The search continues for famed children's book author Stanley Prescott.
00:03:40We all love him so much, and I pray to God that he's okay.
00:03:43But how does somebody like Stanley Prescott just go missing?
00:03:46He's the most important person on the friggin' island.
00:03:48I mean, he's definitely the wealthiest.
00:03:50But him and his wife always give back to the community, too.
00:03:52They do. They do.
00:03:54I spoke with Father James yesterday.
00:03:56He said don't give up on Stanley.
00:04:00I'll be honest with you, I don't think he's on the island.
00:04:02You think he took off?
00:04:03Don't be surprised if his body washes up on shore.
00:04:51Olivia is in New York now, and she is taking pictures,
00:04:56which is some sort of hobby.
00:05:00There she finally is.
00:05:02Oh, Lillian.
00:05:04Look at you. You have that wonderful baby glow.
00:05:09I thought you would be here.
00:05:10I'm here.
00:05:11I'm here.
00:05:12I'm here.
00:05:13I'm here.
00:05:14I'm here.
00:05:15I'm here.
00:05:16I'm here.
00:05:17I'm here.
00:05:19I thought you would be here by three.
00:05:27Any word?
00:05:28Nothing, no.
00:05:30They're still searching.
00:05:32They're going to find your father.
00:05:35I know it.
00:05:41Well, probably run off with some whore.
00:05:44Jesus, Susan, don't say such a thing.
00:05:47He's never home.
00:05:53You shouldn't be doing those.
00:05:55It's fine.
00:05:56You know, I remember when I was pregnant,
00:05:59I used to send Chris out in the middle of the night
00:06:01because I was craving pineapples.
00:06:04He'd play music for Darren when he was still in my belly.
00:06:09He'd sing to him.
00:06:11I thought about adoption.
00:06:13Oh, well.
00:06:15You know, there's a lot of couples out there that can't have children.
00:06:20A baby is a blessing from God, and God gave him to us for a reason.
00:06:27I have to go to the bathroom.
00:06:45I know.
00:06:58Do you really think he'd run off with someone else?
00:07:05We went out to dinner once.
00:07:06And, um, his fan, some fan, she was old enough.
00:07:12I mean, she was Olivia's age.
00:07:14The way they talked to each other.
00:07:16Mom, you have no idea.
00:07:25Oh, okay.
00:07:36I love you.
00:07:55Thank you so much, sweetie.
00:07:56Remember Olivia?
00:07:58Thank you.
00:08:07They used the wrong shade on his face. It's too dark.
00:08:13It's so sweet of you to come.
00:08:14I'm sorry.
00:08:15Thank you.
00:08:16You know Olivia.
00:08:17Thank you for coming.
00:08:18Thank you.
00:08:22I can't bear to talk to anyone else. I...
00:08:25Why don't you get some air?
00:08:29Because I have to be a good host.
00:08:31Olivia, people came all this way to show their respect.
00:08:53Who is that, Olivia? Do you know? Standing there.
00:08:58Nope, I don't know her.
00:09:00Nope, I don't know her.
00:09:04Were we not just talking about bad makeup?
00:09:09Caked on like a French hooker.
00:09:12Don't do this.
00:09:14It's offensive.
00:09:17Presenting herself that way at my husband's wake.
00:09:22She was sleeping with it.
00:09:26I can't believe you'd bring that up again.
00:09:28She ignored us completely.
00:09:40He would never do that to us.
00:09:44You didn't know him.
00:09:46I didn't know him.
00:09:47He was.
00:09:50You didn't know him like I did.
00:09:53He became disinterested in me after I gave birth to you.
00:10:34Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?
00:10:38Shall tribulation?
00:10:40Or persecution?
00:10:42Or famine?
00:10:44Or nakedness?
00:10:45Or peril?
00:10:46Or sword?
00:10:48As it is written, for thy sake we are killed all day long.
00:10:52We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.
00:10:57Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.
00:11:04For I am convinced that neither death nor life,
00:11:07nor angels nor angels,
00:11:11nor powers nor things present nor things to come,
00:11:15nor height nor depth,
00:11:18nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God,
00:11:23which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
00:11:42Your father was such an extraordinary man, Olivia.
00:11:45He touched so many with his work.
00:11:50I always remember him there at the children's hospital,
00:11:54reading from his books.
00:11:57Yeah, me too.
00:12:00How long is your stay home?
00:12:02I'm actually leaving tomorrow.
00:12:05I'm having the baby in New York, and I'm due in two days.
00:12:09Two days? Gosh, that's soon.
00:12:15Well, congratulations.
00:12:17A baby is a blessing from God.
00:12:20So I've heard.
00:12:23You know, I don't mean to be presumptuous, but
00:12:26as you may or may not know, your father was a big contributor with our church.
00:12:31And we'd be fortunate, fortunate and grateful if that were to continue.
00:12:37I'll talk to my mother.
00:12:40She stopped coming a few years ago.
00:12:47She didn't say?
00:12:50I know the relationship that Stanley had with Christ.
00:12:55It's what he would have wanted.
00:12:57Then I'm sure we'll be in the will, Father.
00:12:58Thank you for the service. It was beautiful.
00:13:11I'm surprised you haven't poured yourself a glass of wine yet.
00:13:15Don't worry, I wouldn't embarrass you.
00:13:18What did the priest want?
00:13:20Tried to shake me down for money.
00:13:22Said Dad always made contributions.
00:13:24Why didn't he ask me?
00:13:26He said you don't go to the church anymore?
00:13:28No, I do not.
00:13:31Did he tell you why?
00:13:34Didn't ask.
00:13:40You know, I still care about all of these people.
00:13:44Even if they want nothing to do with me.
00:13:49Everyone's here to support you, Mom.
00:13:51It's for your father.
00:13:53Not for me.
00:13:54Funerals are for the living, not the dead.
00:13:59That is the silliest thing I've ever heard.
00:14:24I love you.
00:14:54I love you.
00:15:24I love you.
00:15:38The town's getting zoning in place to put a statue up near the ferry terminal.
00:15:43I mean, you should be proud.
00:15:45Listen, the last time I talked to him, our conversation was cut short.
00:15:53Yeah, I saw that in his statement.
00:15:55Listen, his death was ruled a heart attack.
00:15:59There was no evidence of foul play.
00:16:01It's just that it...
00:16:04It seems strange.
00:16:07We both know how awful cell service is on this ship.
00:16:10I don't.
00:16:12We both know how awful cell service is on this island.
00:16:17Hey, Chief.
00:16:19Good to see you here.
00:16:22Miss Prescott.
00:16:24I just want to say I'm so sorry.
00:16:26Anyone that goes through something like that, but especially you.
00:16:29I mean, Stanley was an inspiration to me.
00:16:32I grew up reading his books.
00:16:34Thank you.
00:16:36What brings you to this side of the bay?
00:16:38Farmer's market.
00:16:41Farmer's market?
00:16:46Well, thank you, Kellen.
00:16:53It's a good scene. Nice to meet you.
00:17:02I imagine this kind of thing happens a lot these days.
00:17:07I like hearing from people who admired him.
00:17:09It's nice.
00:17:36Mom, you okay?
00:17:45How did the funeral pictures turn out?
00:17:50I don't know. I haven't really gone through them.
00:17:53I was thinking about what you said yesterday about Father James shaking you down for money.
00:18:00What an awful thing to say.
00:18:03Everything he's done.
00:18:08I'm going to make a sizable donation to them after we sell the sailboat.
00:18:14How much should we give them, do you think?
00:18:18I don't know.
00:18:20How much is the sailboat worth?
00:18:26I have no idea.
00:18:29We've got all these things now, Olivia, and I don't know how or who.
00:18:38We'll have all that he's left, too.
00:18:44What do you want for dinner?
00:18:50Wow. That was fast.
00:18:54Your father's barely cold on the ground.
00:18:57I'm due any day.
00:18:59And I'm having the baby in New York.
00:19:01Yes, well, you've cut your mother completely out of that process, haven't you?
00:19:05God, Mom, not everything is about you.
00:19:09I am all alone.
00:19:14I'm all alone now.
00:19:32I'm taking Dad's car.
00:20:08I'm taking Dad's car.
00:20:39Good evening, miss.
00:20:41Can I grab you a sparkling water to start?
00:20:44Actually, could I grab a glass of Malbec?
00:20:47Yeah, sure.
00:21:01We met earlier at the coffee shop.
00:21:05Farmer's Market?
00:21:09Small world.
00:21:12You know, the ferry doesn't run after seven. You're about to be stuck on the mainland.
00:21:18Mind if I sit?
00:21:23We have a Malbec for the lady.
00:21:26And will you be joining us this evening as well, sir?
00:21:32All right, how about a drink?
00:21:34I love what she's having.
00:21:36And an order of the ricotta and braisley crostini.
00:21:41How's that sound?
00:21:46Look at you. You are just glowing.
00:21:52And you have a lovely smile.
00:21:57Gosh, I'm making it awkward. All right, tell me.
00:21:59You're not going back to the island. Where are you going?
00:22:02I live in New York.
00:22:04New York?
00:22:06I've never been there. How is it?
00:22:08You love it.
00:22:09It's a... you know.
00:22:12No, I don't know. What else?
00:22:16I don't know. It's a... it's a big city.
00:22:20Lots of buildings and... subways and...
00:22:25You are so descriptive.
00:22:29A Malbec for you.
00:22:31And a menu.
00:22:32Thank you.
00:22:36Well, what now? How about a toast?
00:22:41To men like your father.
00:22:44Who've changed the lives of so many people around the world.
00:22:49Including me.
00:23:03Thank you.
00:23:04For saying that.
00:23:07Well, it should be said.
00:23:10You're going to have to forgive me when I say I really envy you.
00:23:13You're about to start this incredible journey.
00:23:17And there's something about being a parent I've noticed.
00:23:19Especially in mothers.
00:23:21They possess this unconditional love.
00:23:25It's really incredible to see.
00:23:27I hope to one day have that for someone.
00:23:33I'd do anything to be in your position.
00:23:36To be a...
00:23:46If you'll just excuse me, I'm going to use the restroom really quick.
00:23:49Oh, hi. Baby bladder, yeah.
00:23:53I'll save you, Christinie.
00:24:07Thank you.
00:24:33You're crazy.
00:24:34That's funny.
00:24:36I gotta say, you have lived a full life.
00:24:41And now you're going to be a mother.
00:24:46And you're going to be a great one.
00:24:48And your daughter is going to get the best of everything, you know?
00:24:52Experiences and schools and she's going to travel the world.
00:24:56And not end up in Maine.
00:24:59Yeah, that's what I was trying to say.
00:25:02It's not a bad place to come back to, though.
00:25:09And she will...
00:25:12Go back to...
00:25:15The city.
00:25:18You know, that's her...
00:25:21Kind of strange to think about.
00:25:24Which, you know, who knows, it's not what you had.
00:25:28Maybe better.
00:25:36What I had.
00:25:44I am bringing a baby into this world.
00:25:52And I don't want to end up like my mom.
00:25:56And Greg...
00:26:00Greg is great.
00:26:02You know, he's a really good guy.
00:26:05He's going to be a good dad.
00:26:09But, you know, it would just crush me if I broke him.
00:26:15Like my mom broke my dad.
00:26:18There's just a lot of unhappiness there.
00:26:27It's the first time I've ever said that out loud.
00:26:32It takes a lot of strength to say that.
00:26:35I love it.
00:26:37I love it.
00:26:39I love it.
00:26:41I love it.
00:26:43I love it.
00:26:45I love it.
00:26:47I've always believed that strength is something that comes from living.
00:27:03You okay?
00:27:08Oh, Jesus.
00:27:10You know, the Lord cries when you say that.
00:27:13Oh, um...
00:27:15Hey, can we do the check?
00:27:17It's okay.
00:27:19Is everything okay in here, sir?
00:27:21Yeah, everything's just fine, thank you.
00:27:23How much do you have to drink?
00:27:24Just one glass of wine.
00:27:25One glass?
00:27:27All right, just relax.
00:27:28Come on, honey.
00:27:30Oh, right.
00:27:31This should take care of everything.
00:27:32I think she's going into labor.
00:27:35Should we call an ambulance?
00:27:36No, no, no.
00:27:37I have it.
00:27:38Thank you.
00:27:39I guess she's going into labor.
00:27:40She's going to have a baby.
00:27:41She's going to have a baby.
00:27:43Okay, right through here, honey.
00:27:44Let's go.
00:27:4724, please.
00:27:48Thank you.
00:27:49Okay, honey.
00:27:50We're going to get you home.
00:27:51You're going to be fine.
00:27:52Should we go?
00:27:53Yeah, you have a little pregnancy sickness.
00:27:54Thank you.
00:27:57That's us.
00:28:01Come on.
00:28:03Right in there, honey.
00:28:05All right, watch your head.
00:28:09It's going to be just fine.
00:28:10It's going to be just fine.
00:28:40It's going to be just fine.
00:29:11Thank you.
00:29:28How's it going over there?
00:29:29It's going good.
00:29:34You okay?
00:29:37Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:29:38It's just, you know.
00:29:41You got anything to drink tonight?
00:29:50No, sir.
00:30:05Who's this now?
00:30:07I was just taking her home.
00:30:10We were having supper at the restaurant.
00:30:13She fell asleep.
00:30:14She's pregnant.
00:30:16She's a friend of yours?
00:30:18Yes, sir.
00:30:19Family friend.
00:30:21What restaurant?
00:30:23What's that?
00:30:25What restaurant?
00:30:27Oh, the Deluccio's.
00:30:33They make a mad chicken parm.
00:30:36Yeah, yeah.
00:30:37I hadn't had anything there that I didn't like, actually.
00:30:41Hey, you know, I got a friend over there.
00:30:46Yeah, Steve.
00:30:47Yeah, old man.
00:30:48He makes a Manhattan out of this world, I'm telling you.
00:30:52Not that I had one tonight.
00:31:00Hey, you mind if I wake her up?
00:31:03No, I don't mind.
00:31:04Sure, go ahead.
00:31:07She might, though.
00:31:13I'll let the lady sleep.
00:31:15Save you some trouble, right?
00:31:17Oh, appreciate it.
00:31:20All right, you got it from here?
00:31:24I think so.
00:31:26All right, I'll wait over here till you're done.
00:31:29Appreciate it.
00:31:30Thank you.
00:31:31You have a good night now.
00:31:32You too, officer.
00:31:40All right.
00:34:30How are you feeling?
00:34:41There's a glass of water next to you.
00:34:48What happened?
00:34:50You got sick.
00:34:52At the restaurant?
00:35:01That's my mother.
00:35:05I would have taken you home, but I didn't know where you lived.
00:35:08You couldn't tell me.
00:35:13I'm sorry, I don't remember what happened.
00:35:16Tell you what.
00:35:18We'll talk everything over at breakfast.
00:35:21Where's my purse?
00:35:23Let's talk first.
00:35:26I have to go.
00:35:33You smell that?
00:35:36You smell that?
00:35:49Not there.
00:35:58Not there either.
00:35:59Back to the window.
00:36:05Thank you.
00:36:08Uh, Regina?
00:36:13Olivia said thank you.
00:36:16Yeah, I heard her.
00:36:21I apologize.
00:36:25Paper's on time.
00:36:27Charlie, this is Olivia.
00:36:32Charlie, this is Olivia.
00:36:37That chair's always empty.
00:36:39That's okay, Charlie. She's gonna be joining us for breakfast.
00:36:56Is she your friend?
00:37:00She is our friend.
00:37:08Well, we know one thing.
00:37:10You didn't get her pregnant.
00:37:15That's not appropriate.
00:37:23I'm sorry.
00:37:24It's okay.
00:37:32That's okay.
00:37:44Let's pray.
00:37:49To Heavenly Father.
00:37:50Why have you been following me?
00:38:00I haven't been completely honest with you, and I apologize.
00:38:04That is to say,
00:38:07I knew your father.
00:38:11Regina knew your father.
00:38:17is your father's son.
00:38:25I swear to God, if you talk about my dad...
00:38:26Please do not use the Lord's name in vain in this house.
00:38:29Jesus, okay, I believe you.
00:38:30Dammit, sit!
00:38:44I'm so sorry.
00:38:47Listen, I know this is hard to hear.
00:38:50Especially that Stanley's been paying us off to keep this quiet.
00:38:55As you can see, it hasn't been much.
00:38:58We're humble servants of God, we don't need much.
00:39:01Do we?
00:39:04But the fact remains,
00:39:07has a legal right to what's been left for you.
00:39:10He is Stanley's flesh and blood.
00:39:24Okay, well, I'd say the same thing if I was sitting where you're sitting, but...
00:39:28Imagine what the headlines would say
00:39:31if we went to court.
00:39:36I didn't want to do that.
00:39:37I came to you first because I think that you
00:39:39deserve the courtesy of choosing
00:39:42to do what's right.
00:39:47the opportunity to meet your brother
00:39:49face to face.
00:39:55I'm sorry.
00:40:08One way or another,
00:40:10you're gonna give me half of that inheritance
00:40:12so I can give Charlie the life he deserves.
00:40:30I told him it was a bad idea to bring you here.
00:40:34Soon you'll find out what it's like to bring a child into this world alone.
00:40:40The only difference is
00:40:42you'll be able to afford it.
00:41:10I'm truly sorry about the pain of your father's betrayal.
00:41:14I pray God gives you the strength to do what's right.
00:41:16Do what's right.
00:41:21Give place unto wrath.
00:41:23Vengeance is mine to repay.
00:41:36Your father
00:41:38was a monster.
00:41:41But he's given you an incredible gift.
00:41:44This opportunity.
00:41:46I'm giving it to you.
00:42:08I was 15 when I had Kellen.
00:42:14Did my best.
00:42:17I'm sorry.
00:42:29Any bruises?
00:42:31And I checked the baby's heart rate.
00:42:33It's fine.
00:42:34You ordered a blood and urine test?
00:42:37Of course.
00:42:40Listen, Olivia, I'm sorry.
00:42:42I gotta run through this one more time.
00:42:44But you were fully clothed?
00:42:49And then what happened?
00:42:52And then his mom made me breakfast.
00:42:56Yes, Regina.
00:42:59Why didn't you leave then?
00:43:02Because he didn't give me back my purse yet.
00:43:07And then what?
00:43:08And then he threatened me.
00:43:11How so?
00:43:13He said vengeance is mine to repay.
00:43:17I think it's from the Bible.
00:43:19He wouldn't stop talking about it.
00:43:21Why would he say that?
00:43:22Vengeance, vengeance is mine.
00:43:31I don't know.
00:43:43Okay, look, I gotta be honest.
00:43:45I don't have enough to charge him with anything.
00:43:53I'll do what I can to make sure he leaves you alone.
00:44:07What are you doing here?
00:44:08I thought you were going to New York to have your baby.
00:44:13Am I to simply expect to see you whorling in and out of my house whenever you feel like it?
00:44:21You know, I deserve some respect and a little consideration.
00:44:25I have just lost my husband.
00:44:27You have always been the most competitive, manipulative.
00:44:30You pitted your father and me against each other for years.
00:44:34You did that.
00:44:35That was you, Mom.
00:44:38God, you even blame me for Dad cheating on you.
00:44:41Your father hated me because of you.
00:44:46No, he didn't.
00:44:47Yes, he did.
00:44:48Because he wanted a son.
00:44:50And after you were born, I couldn't give him one.
00:44:56Then why'd you stay?
00:44:57Because it was my duty.
00:44:59I sacrificed everything for you.
00:45:02I didn't ask you to do that.
00:45:04So you don't get to hold that over my head for the rest of my life.
00:45:11When you have your child, then you will know how I feel being your mother.
00:45:42Hello, Chief.
00:45:51Thank you, Susie.
00:45:52And, uh, a beer for the young man.
00:45:58You need to leave Olivia Prescott alone.
00:46:03I don't know what you're talking about.
00:46:04There is something I need to talk to you about.
00:46:06Need to leave Olivia Prescott alone.
00:46:09I don't know what you're talking about.
00:46:10There is something wrong.
00:46:15So what happened last night?
00:46:19Oh, I ran into her at supper.
00:46:22You just...
00:46:24happened to run into her?
00:46:27I go to DeLucia's all the time.
00:46:29Great chicken parm.
00:46:31You know Steve? The bartender?
00:46:37Well, okay, so let's get one thing clear.
00:46:41She asked me to join her.
00:46:46I didn't want to be rude, I implied.
00:46:49It was very pleasant.
00:46:51A couple laughs.
00:46:52She's really charming.
00:46:55Then she got sick.
00:46:58And I took her home.
00:47:03She thinks she did more than just take a home, Kellen.
00:47:06She thinks she did more than just take a home, Kellen.
00:47:21What could I possibly do?
00:47:26Old habits die hard.
00:47:27Old habits die hard.
00:47:35I've paid for my sins.
00:47:41I've changed.
00:47:44She went to go see Dr. Baker this morning.
00:47:47And they called me.
00:47:51You better pray to God those tests come back negative.
00:47:55You understand me?
00:48:12Enjoy your beer.
00:48:27I love you.
00:48:57I love you.
00:49:11I have reached the law firm of Greg Barner and Associates.
00:49:14Please leave a message.
00:49:30Hey, is it time?
00:49:41Is everything okay?
00:49:46I've been trying to call you.
00:49:50I know.
00:49:57Do you need anything?
00:50:03No, I'm fine.
00:50:07I'm sorry.
00:50:13Me too.
00:50:57Good morning.
00:50:59Good morning. Can I help you?
00:51:02I'm so sorry to bother you, Ms. Prescott.
00:51:05We haven't actually formally been introduced, but I'm a friend of Olivia's.
00:51:13I know it's early again.
00:51:15It's quite early.
00:51:16Again, I apologize.
00:51:18You see, there was this misunderstanding the other day.
00:51:22And I wanted to come by, and I'd love to talk to your daughter and just clear everything up.
00:51:34And those are some lovely earrings, might I add. Wow.
00:51:40Uh, thank you very much. They were a gift.
00:51:42Uh, Olivia is asleep right now, so I will tell her that...
00:51:48Kellen. I will tell her that...
00:51:49Kellen stopped by.
00:51:52Good to see you.
00:51:53Oh, you know what, Ms. Prescott?
00:51:54I got on the first ferry over this morning.
00:51:58It's not easy getting on this island.
00:52:01No, the ferry's the only way, yeah.
00:52:04So, if you wouldn't mind, I'd prefer to just come inside and wait.
00:52:09I hadn't gotten to my prayers yet this morning.
00:52:13And I won't be any trouble, I assure you.
00:52:17I'm sorry, you want to come into my house to pray?
00:52:21Yeah, I'm a member of the Mother of Mercy Church right across the bay.
00:52:24Perhaps you know Father James?
00:52:27I do know Father James.
00:52:43He's a mentor of mine.
00:52:45Is he now? Well, please, come in.
00:52:51Thank you.
00:53:00So sorry to hear about Stanley. He was...
00:53:04quite the man.
00:53:06Thank you.
00:53:11I've heard this property is breathtaking, but the rumors don't do it justice, Ms. Prescott.
00:53:18Well, it was Stanley's dream, his design.
00:53:21It feels empty without him in it.
00:53:24Oh, I'm sure the Lord will find a way to fill it with comfort.
00:53:34Yes, Stanley was the pride of Dark Harbor.
00:53:39Wasn't he?
00:53:40Yes, he was.
00:53:43Did you know him?
00:53:45Who didn't know Stanley?
00:53:48And how do you know Olivia?
00:53:51Long time friends.
00:53:54She never mentioned you, but don't take it personally, she doesn't tell me much.
00:53:58Oh, it's okay. I'm sure she's under a lot of stress with a baby soon to arrive.
00:54:03Well, I don't think a baby was much on her agenda, whatever she thought her agenda might be.
00:54:10I don't think she would have continued the pregnancy without the influence of the boyfriend, who is now the ex-boyfriend, I think.
00:54:16I don't know. It's hard to keep track.
00:54:21I don't know.
00:54:52It's nice to meet a young man who has such an appreciation for music.
00:55:00Well, I'd love to play another, but that's the only song I know.
00:55:05It's a good start.
00:55:07You know, when I play, I try to imagine that each of the notes is my inner voice.
00:55:14You know, when I play, I try to imagine that each of the notes is my inner voice.
00:55:39I'll make some coffee. I'll be back in a minute.
00:55:53You went to the chief.
00:55:58What did you do to me?
00:56:03I took care of you.
00:56:08I was concerned about the baby.
00:56:15I'm sorry.
00:56:22It'll just be another minute or two.
00:56:26I'm afraid I have to go.
00:56:29I'll tell Father James you said hello.
00:56:32It was a pleasure meeting you, Miss Prescott.
00:56:34I'll walk you out.
00:56:38I don't know what else to do, Father. I've never seen a sign so clearly.
00:56:43I don't think you understand.
00:56:46No, Father. I understand everything now.
00:56:51If you have respect for the church and you have respect for me, then you'll do as I say and you'll leave the Prescott's alone.
00:56:58How can you side with them?
00:57:00I'm not siding with anyone. I'm protecting you.
00:57:04From who?
00:57:08From yourself.
00:57:09You think you're my savior now?
00:57:14Faith is something that takes a lifetime to understand.
00:57:21I'm beginning to question your convictions, Father.
00:57:26Let me ask you something.
00:57:29I was three months in. I had a bullseye on my back from day one.
00:57:34The woman I raped had a brother in my cellblock.
00:57:38What are the odds?
00:57:40On a Sunday morning, they cornered me in the showers.
00:57:44I figured I was going to catch a beating.
00:57:47Maybe they'd teach me a lesson.
00:57:51Then they may even have their way with me.
00:57:54But instead, I saw a blade.
00:57:57It's funny. At first, I couldn't feel a thing.
00:58:00I just watched the blood flood down my leg.
00:58:06Has anything like that ever happened to you, Father?
00:58:13No. It hasn't.
00:58:19So when you were in the shower, you didn't feel a thing?
00:58:23It hasn't.
00:58:26So when you talk about understanding faith,
00:58:30no amount of time compares to an experience like that.
00:58:36You have a lot to learn, Father.
00:58:54Hey, Regina.
00:59:03What happened?
00:59:06He fell.
00:59:09That so?
00:59:10Yeah. What can I do for you?
00:59:13I spoke with Kellan last night. I need to talk to him again.
00:59:17Is he here?
00:59:28You call me immediately if he stops by.
00:59:34Is he in trouble again?
00:59:39Call me, Regina.
01:00:15I didn't want to believe a single part of what he said,
01:00:18but when I looked into Charlie's eyes, I just...
01:00:21I saw this piece of myself.
01:00:25What do you suppose it is that frightens you about the idea of Charlie being your brother?
01:00:32My entire life has been a betrayal.
01:00:37And I never really knew the man that I loved most.
01:00:48You know, Olivia, you...
01:00:51Your father was protecting you.
01:00:54He knew what having an illegitimate child would do to your mother.
01:00:59And in turn, how that would affect you.
01:01:05Your father wasn't perfect.
01:01:07He loved in ways he shouldn't have.
01:01:15He asked me to set up a trust for Charlie.
01:01:19And I did.
01:01:21You see, your father was concerned that Regina wouldn't be able to manage the money herself.
01:01:29I kept your father's secret.
01:01:32That's why I approached you the way I did at the funeral.
01:01:36And I'm sorry.
01:01:42I'm sorry you had to find out the way you did.
01:01:48It's not right, Father.
01:01:51It's not right.
01:01:57It's not always about how others define what's right.
01:02:03Humanity is choosing what's best for others.
01:02:13Now, if you want, if you're not comfortable with the situation, you can build your own trust.
01:02:19It's not about the money.
01:02:22I have a brother.
01:02:25I have a brother.
01:02:42Olivia Hines, Chief Sanders.
01:02:44Listen, Dr. Baker got the results back from your blood test.
01:02:48They did find traces of ruth lenien's system.
01:02:52I'm sorry.
01:03:08We need to talk about Charlie.
01:03:35I need to make sure that Charlie is provided for.
01:03:40I'm going to do everything that I can for him.
01:03:43The child support?
01:03:45It will continue.
01:03:46I know.
01:03:50But I want to do more for him.
01:03:57We want Charlie safe.
01:04:00Just until Kellan is in custody.
01:04:03It's not safe here.
01:04:05You know, I offered to have an abortion when I got pregnant with Charlie, but your father wouldn't let me.
01:04:17Did he love you?
01:04:18He wouldn't let me.
01:04:25Did he love you?
01:04:34He loved you.
01:04:35He loved you.
01:04:47Okay, you take Charlie.
01:04:50I'm going to stay here and I'll call Chief Sanders as soon as Kellan gets home.
01:04:57Thank you.
01:05:09Are you okay?
01:05:14I am fine.
01:05:50Where's Charlie?
01:05:54Chief Sanders is looking for you.
01:05:56Oh, okay.
01:05:57He's going to put you away for good, Kellan.
01:05:59I'm trying to get this family what we deserve.
01:06:02You've ruined everything for Charlie.
01:06:03Charlie needs a father!
01:06:05You're not his father!
01:06:16No, no, no!
01:06:18Where's Charlie?
01:06:20He's not here.
01:06:22You gave her the press cuts, didn't you?
01:06:24Yeah, I did.
01:06:26I'm not going to let you ruin his life!
01:06:28Olivia doesn't even want her own daughter.
01:06:30They're sinners!
01:06:31Yeah, look at you, casting stones!
01:06:37I wish I had a boy to deal with when I had a daughter.
01:07:02Mom, this is...
01:07:04Hello, Charlie.
01:07:40I've known for years
01:07:42about all the money and all the lies and all the women.
01:07:45And you two thought you were so clever, didn't you?
01:07:50That son of a bitch was never faithful.
01:07:55You knew.
01:07:57You knew and you covered it up for years.
01:08:02Shame on you.
01:08:27He was brilliant
01:08:28and he meant so much to so many.
01:08:32He lit up every room that he walked into
01:08:35and everybody loved him.
01:08:40And I loved him.
01:08:46So I kept it quiet.
01:08:48I didn't say anything.
01:08:53And it was my silence that started eating at me.
01:08:56And it was my silence that started eating away at me
01:09:00until it hurt you.
01:09:06As you grew up, I grew more and more distant.
01:09:13And you didn't deserve it.
01:09:17You didn't deserve it.
01:09:22I'm sorry.
01:09:23I'm sorry.
01:09:25Oh, God.
01:09:26I'm sorry.
01:09:35I'm sorry.
01:09:44I'm sorry, too.
01:09:48We have nothing to be sorry about.
01:10:18I'm Susan.
01:10:25Charlie, why don't you come over here and look at these books?
01:10:28I think you'll find them very interesting.
01:10:30Olivia, where are you?
01:10:32I'm home.
01:10:33Listen, we found Regina Newhall almost beaten to death at her home.
01:10:36They're rushing to the hospital right now.
01:10:38Kellan's still missing.
01:10:42She has another son, Charlie.
01:10:44He's missing, too.
01:10:46He's here?
01:10:48Yes, he's here.
01:10:50I'm sorry.
01:10:51Charlie's missing, too.
01:10:53He's here.
01:10:54Excuse me?
01:10:55Charlie's here. I have him. He's safe.
01:10:57I'm on my way. Don't move.
01:11:01Stay inside. Keep the doors locked.
01:11:03I'll be there as soon as I can.
01:11:09What's happened?
01:11:12They're taking Charlie's mom to the hospital.
01:11:15And they're still looking for Kellan.
01:11:19Who is he?
01:11:21Yeah, he's Charlie's half-brother.
01:11:24Chief Sanders is on the way, so we should be ready to go when he gets here.
01:11:34My mom used to read these to me when I was younger.
01:11:39I don't think we have any of them anymore.
01:11:49Let's go.
01:12:19Your father was a monster.
01:12:41Come with me. Come on.
01:12:43Come on. Keep breathing. Breathe, sweetie.
01:12:46Breathe. Breathe, sweetie. Just breathe, sweetie. Just breathe.
01:12:51It's okay. It's okay.
01:12:55It's okay. It's okay. I'm here. I'm here.
01:13:07Come lock the door behind me.
01:13:10It's okay. I've got you. I've got you. I've got you.
01:13:15It's okay.
01:13:31Can we talk?
01:13:37That's it. I know. I know, sweetie. I know.
01:13:40Just breathe. Short, quick breaths.
01:13:45You're doing fine, Olivia. It's gonna be okay.
01:13:48Here it comes again. Okay. Okay. Hold my hand. Hold mama's hand now.
01:13:52Squeeze. Squeeze.
01:14:14Can we talk?
01:14:16Hold my hand. I'm here, sweetie. I'm here, sweetie.
01:14:19Squeeze my hand, Olivia. It's gonna be okay.
01:14:21She's coming. She's coming.
01:14:23You're doing fine. You're doing fine.
01:14:27There's nothing to be afraid of.
01:14:36It's about time. It's about time.
01:14:39Look at me. I want you to bear down. I want you to push. I want you to push.
01:14:44Push, Olivia. Push.
01:14:59It's gonna be fine.
01:15:05Oh, my God.
01:15:15Say hi to me.
01:15:30Oh, she's beautiful.
01:15:35She's beautiful.
01:15:54Everyone okay?
01:15:56She's fine. They're fine. Everything's fine.
01:16:05Oh, my God.
01:16:12Oh, God.
01:16:35What have you done?
01:17:06Hey, Charlie.
01:17:08Why don't you come over here and stand with me?
01:17:10Let's leave the boy out of this.
01:17:12I'm not talking to you.
01:17:14Charlie, come over here.
01:17:16No, no. I want to go home.
01:17:18I want to show you something, buddy.
01:17:20Leave the boy alone.
01:17:22Father, you don't know what the boy means.
01:17:26God knows what the boy means.
01:17:28I don't know what the boy means.
01:17:30I don't know what the boy means.
01:17:32I don't know what the boy means.
01:17:34God knows what he needs.
01:17:38And I'm doing God's work.
01:17:42Do you really believe that?
01:17:43Do you really believe that?
01:18:01Once upon a time, there was a boy named Kellan,
01:18:05who took beating after beating after beating.
01:18:09Needless to say,
01:18:10his daddy was a real piece of shit.
01:18:17Then one day, along came a man named Stanley.
01:18:22Stanley had the opportunity and the means
01:18:27to help Kellan,
01:18:29and he chose not to help him.
01:18:34Why not?
01:18:41What kind of sick prick immortalizes a kid as a worm?
01:18:50I ask you.
01:18:59And the days rolled on, and Dr. Kellan came to collect.
01:19:06And Stanley was eaten by worms.
01:19:11I breathed his last.
01:19:21That's a good one.
01:19:27You killed him. You killed my husband.
01:19:30Oh, I wanted to.
01:19:32The old coward had a heart attack.
01:19:36That was a lie down.
01:19:38But God knew what a man he was,
01:19:42and delivered him to me as an offering.
01:19:46And all was made right.
01:19:55Listen, put it down.
01:19:57Just put it down.
01:20:00That's enough.
01:20:04I don't want to do this.
01:20:05I don't want to do this.
01:20:08I'm so weak.
01:20:10You're not going to pull that trigger.
01:20:14let's stop.
01:20:18I'll put it down. I'll put it down.
01:20:36This is God's plan.
01:20:51That baby
01:20:54has been delivered to me.
01:21:06I'm the father.
01:21:29Let the children come to me.
01:21:34Do not hinder them.
01:21:39The kingdom of heaven
01:21:42belongs to such as these.
01:21:56can you go fetch us a bowl of water?
01:21:58Priest James, I'm going to need you to get up.
01:22:00Olivia, you too.
01:22:03It's time for the baby.
01:22:08Come on. Come on. Come on.
01:22:11Good boy.
01:22:13Olivia, I'm going to need you to stand, please.
01:22:21Come on.
01:22:22Join the family.
01:22:28We're a family now.
01:22:39We're ready.
01:22:41Isn't she precious?
01:22:44Come on.
01:23:02Bless my baby.
01:23:14And even as John the Baptist came forth from the wood,
01:23:20they thought him mad.
01:23:38Stay back.
01:23:39Stay back.
01:24:14And so,
01:24:16in the name of the Father,
01:24:19and of the Son,
01:24:21and of the Holy Spirit,
01:24:24I christen you,
01:24:26Charlotte McKinley Prescott.
01:25:20She's a beautiful girl.
01:25:24So, how are you? You okay?
01:25:28Still having nightmares.
01:25:32I think we always will.
01:25:38Look after my mom for me.
01:25:43Yes, of course I will.
01:25:47How about your father?
01:25:54What about him?
01:25:58You think you'll find it in your heart to forgive him?
01:26:10Forgiveness, Olivia.
01:26:14It's the best medicine for the heart.
01:26:22You be well now.
01:26:26Take care of yourself.
01:26:31You too.
01:26:43You take good pictures.
01:26:50You all packed for the city?
01:27:01Hey Charlie, can I see that?
01:27:31Thank you.
01:28:01I love you.
01:28:31I love you.
01:29:01I love you.
01:29:03I love you.
01:29:31I love you.
01:29:32I love you.
01:29:33I love you.
01:29:34I love you.
01:29:35I love you.
01:29:36I love you.
01:29:37I love you.
01:29:38I love you.
01:29:39I love you.
01:29:40I love you.
01:29:41I love you.
01:29:42I love you.
01:29:43I love you.
01:29:44I love you.
01:29:45I love you.
01:29:46I love you.
01:29:47I love you.
01:29:48I love you.
01:29:49I love you.
01:29:50I love you.
01:29:51I love you.
01:29:52I love you.
01:29:53I love you.
01:29:54I love you.
01:29:55I love you.
01:29:56I love you.
01:29:57I love you.
01:29:58I love you.
01:29:59I love you.
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01:31:23I love you.
01:31:24I love you.
01:31:25I love you.
01:31:26I love you.