مسلسل وتبقى ليلة الحلقة 156 مترجمة

  • 2 days ago
00:00I'm going to go to sleep.
00:02I'm going to sleep.
00:14Mom, I can understand what you're going through.
00:20You are feeling so cheated but this is our truth.
00:30The truth about the two of us.
00:35Vania D.
00:39That new girl.
00:52She's my step-sister, Ma.
00:54She's my half-sister.
00:57For our survival, we took some decisions and took some important steps.
01:04If we get caught, many secrets will be revealed.
01:07The secret that only the two of us know.
01:10What was hidden till now,
01:13shouldn't be revealed.
01:15Or else, we'll be in deep trouble.
01:18We'll be in deep trouble.
01:19We'll be in deep trouble.
01:21We'll be in deep trouble.
01:29If Kata wasn't there, we wouldn't have found out.
01:42Kata had some doubts about Vania.
01:48She told me the whole truth.
01:52Kata had a doubt about Vania.
02:00Did the mother and daughter tell you anything?
02:05I mean...
02:07Did they say anything good or bad about you?
02:17They didn't say anything bad about me.
02:20But I don't understand why she came back into our lives.
02:25What do they want?
02:27Viyan, I need some time to be alone.
02:36I need some time to process all this.
02:39I know, dear, you are always with me.
02:44But I need some time.
02:46I need some time to process all this.
03:16Kata, why do I feel as if you haven't reached home yet?
03:27I didn't feel like it.
03:30I thought I'd ask you first if you had a good chat with auntie.
03:38Where are you now?
03:46You've been standing here all alone for a long time.
03:58How is auntie?
04:03She's quiet.
04:05Just quiet.
04:07It's not good.
04:09I know she won't be able to bear all this.
04:14Yeah, I'm kind of lost, Kata.
04:16I can only see darkness.
04:21Darkness inside me.
04:24In my mind, in my heart, in my eyes.
04:30I feel as if there's no light in my life.
04:38There's darkness in life.
04:42So, darkness is filled with light, Mr. Agarwal.
04:57Mr. Agarwal, I didn't call you here just to talk to you.
05:03There's something else too.
05:05You just stand here like this.
05:10Don't move.
05:16Don't move.
05:33Stars? We're here to see the stars.
05:46We're here to see the stars.
05:55Did you find the light?
06:01I found it.
06:10Now look clearly into this light.
06:14You're not standing alone.
06:16I am.
06:46I am.
07:11Farah, didn't I tell you
07:14that I'm scared?
07:18Look, the mother and daughter are back.
07:22Yes, but the good thing is that Vyaan doesn't know anything about our past.
07:29But I don't understand one thing.
07:32If Seema is back, why didn't she try to meet Vyaan?
07:37Why didn't she try to tell him anything?
07:39Why is she behaving so seriously?
07:41Farah, Seema has dementia.
07:47She's in the last stage.
07:50It's good.
07:52She won't remember anything.
07:55And we'll forget our past too.
08:00Wait a minute.
08:02This is not the time to give a moral lecture.
08:04Whatever happened with her, it happened.
08:07We didn't do it.
08:08But whatever she did to us, she did it on purpose.
08:13And now we have to protect our children.
08:16We have to save Vyaan.
08:18Teji, we can't let her ruin her life again.
08:21So listen to me carefully.
08:33Did you tell Ahsan about all this?
08:34No, dear.
08:36Right now, my priority is only you two.
08:38And I know very well that this is a very sensitive matter.
08:41And we have to handle it very delicately.
08:44But I'm just shocked.
08:46Has Miraj already given you two less pain?
08:49And now at this age, Teji knows that he has a daughter too.
08:53With that woman.
08:55Dear, I'm very worried about Teji.
08:59How will she handle everything?
09:00Poor girl.
09:02I don't know what she must be going through right now.
09:07Look, dear.
09:09No matter what Seema's condition is right now.
09:11But when she was fine.
09:13Or should I say, when it was her time, it was her time.
09:17Then she did a lot of wrong with you two.
09:21And this Vanya, she is her daughter.
09:24And I'm sure she is following her mother's footsteps in cheating.
09:27That's why.
09:29Before that, she lied and joined Atcon in her resume.
09:33And after that, she started trying to get close to you.
09:37Hey, what does all this mean?
09:44She has come to ask for her right.
09:47Those two mother and daughter have nothing.
09:50She still wants her right.
09:54She wants Atcon.
09:55Who wants Atcon?
09:57She wants a share.
09:59Today she will ask for a share.
10:01She will ask for her right.
10:03And tomorrow she will take everything.
10:05Like her mother.
10:07Look, Veyan.
10:09Dear, please.
10:11Don't go on Seema's condition right now.
10:14We both know the truth about that woman.
10:17Her truth.
10:19And this Vanya, she is a cheater in her blood.
10:22That's why.
10:25Don't trust Vanya.
10:40Now everything is in your hands, Veyan.
10:44Our reputation.
10:46Our image.
10:50The world should never come to know.
10:53That Suraj has an illegitimate daughter.
11:00I am scared to even say this.
11:57What do you think?
12:00Will I be able to handle this situation easily and sensitively?
12:09I have to protect my mother in every way.
12:14And that woman too.
12:20She is going to forget everything.
12:23She is even going to forget her own daughter.
12:28She is also traveling.
12:33You are thinking about your mother.
12:36And you are also thinking about that woman who has done so much wrong with you.
12:42The person who thinks about others before himself.
12:46He can never do wrong.
12:50Whatever you will do.
12:52Everything will be fine.
13:09You know, nowadays.
13:11Everyday I feel.
13:15That at some point of time I prayed very sincerely.
13:17I prayed.
13:20That you came into my life.
13:26In every difficult time.
13:28In my darkest hours.
13:31In my most difficult time.
13:35You show me the right path.
13:47See you.
14:00Come in.
14:10Good morning.
14:15What happened? All okay?
14:20Whatever work you do with Viyan.
14:22In a few days his condition becomes like this.
14:24So please don't take so much stress.
14:28I came to thank you.
14:31For the recommendation.
14:33It's okay.
14:34Come. Have a seat.
14:37I came to say bye to you.
14:42What happened? Were you working all night?
14:44No but.
14:47Today is my last day in earth con.
14:56I mean.
14:58Did Viyan say anything?
15:03Everything is very complicated sir.
15:06Everything is very complicated.
15:15Tell me clearly what happened?
15:23There must be some reason to leave.
15:28You will know soon.
15:36Mania listen.
15:47This man is unlucky.
15:49Yes Mr. Punjab.
16:33You guys continue. I'll see you later.
16:35One second, Kala.
16:37Whatever we're going to discuss today, we'll discuss it in front of you.
16:40I'm sure Vanya can talk to you about whatever she wants.
16:42It's alright.
16:44But this is your family matter, so I'll just wait out.
16:48But you too...
16:54It's okay, ma'am. I don't have a problem.
16:58You know everything anyway.
17:01And now it's the right time for the whole world to know the truth about me.
17:11Tell me clearly, what do you want from me and Ratkhan?
17:15We're lawyers.
17:17We'll handle everything.
17:18If you've come to ask for your share as Mr. Viraj Raghuvanshi's daughter,
17:23rest assured,
17:24I'll give it to you without any hesitation.
17:30And maybe you'll have to take a paternity test as per the law, but...
17:34That's a maybe.
17:52If you have any doubts, I'm ready to get any test done to clear your doubts.
18:01And if you're concerned about my share,
18:04let me tell you, I'm not interested in your money or your company.
18:10I don't want it.
18:21Why did you come back after so many years?
18:26What do you want?
18:27I want you to accept my mom and dad's relationship.
18:32Acknowledge it.
18:35What happened to your mom can't be right.
18:38But you have to accept that she was not an unwanted woman.
18:48She was Mr. Viraj Raghuvanshi's true love.
18:56And I am his daughter.
18:58Both of them.
18:59I just want you to accept the facts, Mr. Viyan.
19:06My mother was defamed years ago.
19:10She was defamed on purpose.
19:14She was even called a house-breaking woman.
19:17Which is wrong.
19:19It is 100% a lie.
19:29The truth is, Mr. Viyan, that my parents loved each other a lot.
19:35Very innocent, true love.
19:38Which had no place for money or shares.
19:41They filled the space between them with love.
19:48Only love.
19:50And I am the symbol of that true love.
20:00You were right.
20:03It's all about perspective.
20:06The one you call love.
20:09True love.
20:12In the eyes of the world, it is an affair.
20:18And in the eyes of the world, it is an affair.
20:21And in the eyes of the world, it is an affair.
20:24And in the eyes of the world, it is an affair.
20:26And in the eyes of the world, it is an affair.
20:29The Mr. Viraj Raghuvanshi who was loved by your mother.
20:35First of all, he is my mother's husband.
20:38So if anyone is deceived in their relationship.
20:44My mother.
20:48It was not her fault.
20:49It was my fault.
20:55You tell me what was my fault in all this?
21:10If Mr. Viraj Raghuvanshi
21:14had true love for your mother.
21:17Then why didn't he dare to come in front of my mother
21:21and tell her everything clearly.
21:25To bring your mother in front of my mother and accept her.
21:34But he didn't do that.
21:37He suddenly announced one day.
21:43Everything is over from today.
21:47So the thing which you are calling innocent from the other side of the line.
21:54Look at it once from my point of view.
21:58It will look disgusting.
22:03It will look selfish.
22:08If we are told the same lie a hundred times in front of us.
22:12Then we consider it to be true.
22:13But in reality it doesn't become true.
22:21If I tell you that you were shown a lie.
22:24You were told a lie and you were made to believe a lie.
22:27Then you won't listen to me.
22:29Why will you listen to me?
22:32But you will listen to your mother.
22:36So it would be better if you go and ask your mother.
22:40What had happened?
22:41What had happened?
22:45What is the truth?
23:11What did she say?
23:25Mr. Raghuvanshi.
23:28When we make a design.
23:30We make it from different angles.
23:33So that we can see different perspectives.
23:36Sometimes there are such details.
23:39Which we can't see from one angle.
23:44So if you want to know the whole truth.
23:48You will have to see all the perspectives.
23:58Son, what is a house?
24:00There are people.
24:02And no one can be happy by breaking someone's house.
24:06I haven't broken anyone's house.
24:08Please don't tell them anything.
24:10You don't know everything yourself.
24:12Half of the information is very dangerous.
24:18This story is not as simple as it looks.
24:21There is something else.
24:23Which I will have to find out.
24:26What had happened years ago.
24:28Whose pain is still visible in your and your mother's eyes.
24:31Viraj and I respected Teji a lot.
24:33We didn't want anyone to know what he did to us.
24:38Look Katha, I think you should tell Viyan the whole truth.
24:42I know everything about Seema.
24:44And I want you to know it too.
