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Kongsuni and Friends - Little Sister - Kids Cartoon - Toy Play - Kids Movies - Videos for Kids


00:01Someone's calling.
00:02Let's answer it.
00:07Oh, hi, Kongsuni.
00:08Wow, you're answering the phone now.
00:10Is your mom home?
00:13Can I talk to her?
00:14Oh, right.
00:15She's working.
00:17So are you playing with your baby sister?
00:19Yeah, but I'm not alone.
00:23It's fun.
00:24I really love playing with her.
00:26I mean it.
00:27It's the best ever.
00:29Your mom's lucky.
00:30You're such a good big sister.
00:32To be honest, I get a lot of help from my friend.
00:36I mean, I should go now.
00:40Let's keep playing, okay?
00:48She's like me, a little tiny pancake monster.
00:52Chloe, listen.
00:54You shouldn't play with your food.
01:02Say something if you understand me.
01:10You do get it.
01:11Time for a nap later, okay?
01:13We can play a little longer if we're quiet.
01:17Maybe we can play restaurant.
01:23That's what we'll do.
01:24I'll be the cook lady.
01:25You'll be my helper.
01:26Oh, yeah.
01:27Now you're talking.
01:28Let's get started.
02:28It's a grandprise!
02:30It's a grandprize!
02:32Here we go!
02:33Here we go!
02:34It's so fun when you share cooking.
02:36Just crack some eggs, that's how we start.
02:37Pour in some milk, it's the next step.
02:38Now stir it up, go round and round.
02:39That's our special recipe.
02:44It's always fun when we are cooking You've got to start with bananas
02:53Stir, stir and stir, add two more eggs It's time to cook and then we're done
03:00Thanks for sharing cooking time!
03:04Kongsuni makes anything she does look easy!
03:08Cooking's not an easy thing, but Kongsuni is special!
03:11Check it out!
03:15Yogurt and bananas! Mom made this this morning. Have some!
03:22Say, ah! You have to eat it if you're going to grow up healthy and strong!
03:33Fruit and yogurt! You try! Fruit and yogurt!
03:38That's good, good! Star, you're learning so fast!
03:45Kids, I've finished working!
03:49Come here! You're wet again!
03:53You must be hungry!
03:56I'm hungry too! Guess what? I looked after her just like you told me to!
04:02Yum yum!
04:05Hungry? Open wide for Mom!
04:09Yum yum!
04:15Oh, Kongsuni used to do that! You're just like her!
04:24That's my girl! Your big sister's been teaching you how to talk!
04:29Seems like just the other day she was this little.
04:40I feel sad.
04:42It's not fair! Why is Mom always with her?
04:45Because she's a baby! Your mom was like that with you too!
04:49A long time ago. Not now. Everything's about the baby. It's like she forgets about me.
04:56Kongsuni! All set for your story?
05:00Are you done with Chloe?
05:02I just put her to sleep. So?
05:07Something wrong? Where did all the smiles go?
05:11This isn't like you. Why are you so quiet, sweetie?
05:14Can I be a baby again?
05:17Don't you like growing up?
05:19Yeah, sometimes. But I want to be your special girl again.
05:22But you are. I love you just as much as her.
05:26You're both very special. Never forget that, okay?
05:30I'll try not to. I miss you.
05:34Let's think of all the things you can do that a baby can't.
05:38Going to the playground, feeding yourself, playing make-believe.
05:42Know what? I'm going to make sure we spend more time together.
05:46Once a day, we'll play whatever you want.
05:50I don't want to be a baby now. Babies can't go to school like me.
05:54I'm lucky. I can play with blocks and go to the park and ride my bike.
05:59Who's my girl?
06:06Mom, look what I have!
06:12Here I come!
06:14Look, Mom! It's a phone!
06:16Oh, wow! Did you make that?
06:18Yeah, at preschool.
06:21Ring, ring. Who is it?
06:24Hello? Can you hear me?
06:28Yes, loud and clear.
06:31Hello. This is Kongsuni speaking.
06:34When you get busy with your work, just call me, okay?
06:38I can help out with tidying the house.
06:41I'm growing up, so I can help with the baby, too.
06:45Call me!
07:08Oh, no. Look at the time.
07:10Are you going? I was...
07:12I'm off. Running late. I'll call you later.
07:15Up, up, and away!
07:21Kongsuni, what's wrong?
07:24You've hardly eaten. How come?
07:26I don't like this green stuff. It's all slimy. Look.
07:30It's so droopy, I think it feels sad.
07:33No, it's happy. Do you know why?
07:36Because it's healthy. If you eat it, then you'll be healthy, too.
07:40And healthy means happy.
07:42No, it doesn't. It makes me sad.
07:45If you try it, you just might like it. Come on.
07:49I didn't like it the last time I tried. It's so yucky.
07:54If you try it for me, I'll play tickle monster.
07:59Yay! Mommy time!
08:03You can say no if you don't like it, but first try one mouthful.
08:07Here it comes.
08:10No! Gross!
08:12I'm just asking you to taste. Come on, down the hatch.
08:16No way! Mom, you promised!
08:21Honestly, this day doesn't feel special.
08:27It's not my birthday, and it's not Chloe's birthday yet, either.
08:33Oh, hey, I know! Is it spring break already?
08:36Wait, not yet.
08:38Honestly, any other guesses? You're almost there.
08:41Oh, I know it!
08:43So, what day is it?
08:45It's the day we all go to the fair and ride the carousel.
08:49Never mind. I guess it's no big deal.
08:52Mom, what's wrong?
08:54We're going to be late. Finish up.
08:57I've got a better idea. I'll stay home, and we can play till dinner.
09:01What do you say to that?
09:03Mommy has work to do. Besides, I thought you liked school.
09:07The bus is waiting.
09:21Freedom! Yes!
09:24Man, it sure was stuffy in there.
09:28Boy, this place is noisy in the morning.
09:31It's like a block of seagulls, or a troop of monkeys.
09:35Have fun, dear.
09:36Okay. Bye, Mom. See you right after school.
09:39I hope you have a good day, Kongsuni.
09:45Well, that's one thing off the list. Hooray!
09:52Still, I can't believe no one remembered it was my birthday.
09:57Oh, well. Things could be worse.
10:00Hello, Mom.
10:05You think every day is special. Maybe you're on to something.
10:12Happy birthday, Mom.
10:14Thank you, darling. Who's good to me, you are.
10:19Her birthday? I've got to tell Kongsuni that it's her mom's big day!
10:29Oh, no! Sayo! I didn't get a present for her!
10:33Wait. She likes earrings.
10:35But I don't have any!
10:38Well, know what I think? You'd be lost without me.
10:42I'm wise, like a wise old owl, except I'm not that old.
10:49I've got it! I figured it out!
10:56I've got a plan. It's going to be so good.
10:58This will be the best birthday ever!
11:00So, where do we start?
11:05It'll be in three parts.
11:07Step one, orange juice.
11:10Who doesn't love orange juice?
11:12The next part is flowers. Mommy really likes the pink ones.
11:15And that's part two.
11:17Part two smells pretty.
11:19I'll play with Chloe while Mom does the laundry. It's perfect.
11:24Part two and part three!
11:26Alright! One, two, three!
11:28Are you ready to get started?
11:30It's teamwork, and I can't do it without you.
11:40Have some. You'll love it.
11:42It's orange juice, but it tastes like sunshine and superpowers.
11:47It does? You are so thoughtful, sweetheart.
11:57Well, I...
11:58See, I wasn't sure if I should add salt or sugar, so I kind of guessed.
12:04I shook up the orange juice really good for you, Mommy.
12:08You know, it doesn't have pulp, so...
12:12It got on my drawing!
12:15I'll have to start over.
12:17Or maybe I can save part of it.
12:19Who am I kidding?
12:22I'm sorry, Mom.
12:28Yo, friend. Don't feel bad.
12:30Remember the plan? You've still got parts two and three!
12:33Right. Come on!
12:41Hi, Mommy. Your drawing was so pretty.
12:44It's really too bad that you have to make it all over again.
12:47I want to cheer you up!
12:51It's okay. Accidents happen.
12:54You're sweet for wanting to cheer me up.
12:57What are these? Pretty. They're for me?
13:01Yep. Because I know how much you like flowers.
13:04That's why I went out and picked them just for you.
13:07Thank you, sweetie.
13:08Oh, no. I think these are the neighbor's prized flowers.
13:12It's okay. You didn't know.
13:14But she won't be happy.
13:18It was a nice thought, though, sweetie.
13:21I didn't mean to get you in trouble.
13:31Mommy's still sad.
13:41Why'd you stop?
13:43Now it's time for part three.
13:52Oh, no, no, no, no!
13:54Terrible idea! Please don't!
13:58Oh, Blanco! Come on!
14:00She doesn't bite. Just play with her.
14:04Maybe not, but she sure drools a lot.
14:10I'm not a basketball!
14:13Oh, this is so heavy!
14:18Oh, this isn't fun!
14:33Hey, Chloe, are you okay?
14:35They're there.
14:37Shh! Let's not bother Mommy.
14:41Oh, no! Did you hurt yourself, sweetie?
14:45Oh, you smell that?
14:47Oh, I'll change her diaper.
14:49But I think she's crying because she bumped her head.
14:52Just a little.
14:53Thank you for telling me, but it's not your fault.
14:56And I can change her.
15:00All right. Come on, Chloe.
15:03It didn't work. It's not a good birthday.
15:08Oh, we're having lots of bad luck today.
15:11All I wanted was Mommy to feel special.
15:17I know. Me, too.
15:21Say, let's just forget it.
15:25Hey, hang on a sec.
15:27Why give up?
15:29I mean, it's still her birthday, right?
15:32Huh? Yeah.
15:34Then we've got a chance. We can come up with something.
15:36It's not even dinner time yet.
15:38We must have a few hours left.
15:40There's got to be another way we can make her birthday special.
15:43Come on. Let's put our heads together.
15:45Sorry. I don't want to.
15:47No? You're sure?
15:50I mean, I know.
15:52What about your birthday?
15:54What made it so special?
15:56My birthday?
16:01It's your special day, honey.
16:03I can't believe you're four years old already.
16:06Time to blow out the candles on your cake.
16:09Make a birthday wish.
16:11I love you, honey.
16:17I remember.
16:19On my birthday, it was the cake that made it special.
16:22But how are we going to get her one?
16:24Get one? No, that's not going to happen.
16:27But how are we going to get her one?
16:29Get one? No, that's not going to happen.
16:31We've got to make it.
16:33But problem is, we're not allowed to cook.
16:35What do we do?
16:37Pretend? I guess it could be a pretend one.
16:40Dad might bring home a real one.
16:43Whatever works.
16:45Come on. It's time to turn that frown upside down.
16:47Cheer up.
16:49She's going to love it. Promise.
16:51You've just got to believe.
16:53So what do you say, Sparkle Pop?
16:55All right.
16:57I'll do it your way, but I won't like it.
17:01Sure. If you say so.
17:07Okay, please don't cry, Kongsuni.
17:09Yo, listen.
17:11We're running out of time here.
17:15Oh, yeah. Got it.
17:19All the best cakes are covered in candies and lots of whipped cream.
17:23So, I know where we keep that stuff.
17:26We can make Mom's birthday cake look real.
17:28As long as nobody eats it, I guess.
17:30If it looks super real, you've got to make sure they know.
17:34They'll know it's a pretend cake. Promise.
17:38All right, then. Let's do it.
17:40What are we waiting for?
17:42And welcome!
17:45On today's cooking show, we have Master Chef Kongsuni.
17:49A few words?
17:53Hi there.
17:55Don't you want to say something about what we're making in the kitchen?
17:59You know, your mom's C-A-K-E?
18:04Can you tell me again? I kind of forgot about it.
18:07Can't blame you. It's been a long day, all right?
18:09We're here to make a cake for your mom, remember?
18:12Yes, we're making her birthday cake and we're putting sweet things on top of it.
18:17What do we have?
18:26These things are made of different fruits.
18:29Let's use them all. The whole tub.
18:32Hi. Welcome back.
18:34Today, we're going to show you how to make a beautiful pretend birthday cake.
18:42It's always fun when we play baking.
18:45We start with flour, the very best.
18:49Pour in some milk. It's the next step.
18:52Now stir it up. Remove the clumps.
18:57That's our special recipe.
19:00Kongsuni bakes awesome cakes for many occasions.
19:04This one is a special cake. It's for her mother's birthday.
19:07Here we go.
19:10It's always fun when we play baking.
19:14We stir it up to remove the clumps.
19:17Then decorate with special care.
19:21I love the colors, the special candy.
19:25Now it's ready for my mom.
19:29Kongsuni makes anything she does look easy.
19:33Now we have a special cake ready for the party.
19:36Check it out.
19:41Come on. What's this big surprise, dear?
19:44I can't see a thing.
19:46Perfect. You're not supposed to.
19:49Kongsuni, are you ready?
19:52Three, two, one.
19:56Surprise, Mom. This yummy cake is for you.
20:00It's your special day. We love you.
20:07What's going on?
20:09So much suspense. You know, you are such a kid.
20:12Just have a seat and keep them closed.
20:15Kongsuni, all set?
20:16Ready, Dad.
20:18Three, two, one.
20:22Surprise, Mom. This yummy cake is for you.
20:26It's your special day. We love you.
20:30Mom blew out the candles.
20:33She's right. Make a wish.
20:36And make sure you keep it a secret.
20:46That was sweet. I honestly thought you'd all forgotten.
20:50It might have slipped my mind, but then Kongsuni reminded me.
20:55Oh, thank you, sweetie.
20:58Daddy, you didn't remember that other thing?
21:01Oh, right, right. Silly me.
21:04These are for you.
21:06Roses. My favorite.
21:09They're so beautiful.
21:11And look, there's this. I made it.
21:14It's a card.
21:16Aw. You wrote this all by yourself?
21:21Happy birthday, Mommy. I love you.
21:28Wow. It's a wonderful card. I'll treasure it forever.
21:35And these are coupons.
21:37I made them just for you whenever you need something.
21:40Kongsuni Power to the rescue!
21:43Let's see. What are they?
21:48Coupon 1. Super fresh orange juice from Super Kongsuni.
21:52Be very careful not to spill and never add salt.
21:56Coupon 2. Pretty fresh flowers for Mommy when she needs cheering up.
22:01But only flowers we know we're okay to pick.
22:04Coupon 3. One hour playtime with Chloe.
22:07But only careful and gentle games.
22:10Beautiful. Just look at it.
22:13I can't believe you did all this just for me.
22:18Aw. I'm sorry, my darling.
22:21I know that I've been a little impatient.
22:25Let me make it up. We can go do arts and crafts in my office.
22:29Yeah, okay. That sounds like fun.
22:32But are you sure that you aren't mad at me?
22:35Come here.
22:37Oh, Kongsuni. I'm the happiest mommy in the whole world.
22:46Really, I mean it. I'm so proud of you. You know that, right?
22:54Thank you for a great day.
22:56Every day I spend with you is a joy.
22:59But today I feel extra special.
23:03Good, because you are special, Mommy.
23:06Time for cake yet? I'm getting hungry.
23:10I suppose.
23:13Looks good. Where'd you get it? The new bakery in town?
23:17What? Who, me? I didn't get it.
23:20I thought you two baked it together.
23:24Um, okay.
23:26Hang on.
23:28Enough talking. Let's get back to the cake.
23:31You're gonna be surprised.
23:33Oh, all right.
23:38That's weird. It's really hard to cut.
23:41Honey, did you get the cake on display?
23:44Like I'd do that again. Here, let me try.
23:52Done it. And no one noticed it was pretend.
23:55Yep. Thanks to Sue.
23:58And the best family ever.
24:01Happy birthday, Mom.
24:08Your Highness, I have defeated the dragon.
24:11I smelled its breath.
24:13Was it stinky?
24:14Super stinky.
24:16And that's how the Dragonslayer saved the kingdom.
24:19Remember, brush your teeth, because nobody likes dragon breath.
24:29Know what, honey? You were a perfect tree.
24:33Right, Chloe? I don't think we've ever seen a better tree.
24:40But I didn't want to be a tree, Mom.
24:43I like princesses.
24:45They're pretty, and they're important.
24:48Every part's important, just in different ways.
24:51No, mine wasn't. Nobody really notices a boring old tree.
24:55Even a frog would have been way better.
24:58Mom, I really like playing pretend, and you said that I'm good at it.
25:02You're a very talented actor.
25:05So how come Teacher wouldn't let me play all the parts?
25:08I could have been a good horse, you know.
25:10There wasn't a horse, so I got stuck as a dumb tree.
25:13A nice tree.
25:15Mom, you're not listening to me. You don't get it.
25:18No? You want to show your talent, but so does everyone else, right?
25:23No, now.
25:24This isn't fair.
25:35Yay! Found it!
25:45Oh, please!
25:47Yoko, Suri, what is up with all the noise?
25:52I am trying to take a nap.
25:55I am trying to take a nap.
26:05What's so funny? This is my princess dress.
26:09And it's pretty.
26:11But it's too small. You've grown way too tall for it.
26:19I see London, I see France, I see someone's underpants.
26:29What a surprise.
26:31Kongsuni, it's a very beautiful dress.
26:35But you've grown. You'll need something a little bigger.
26:40I don't know. It feels all right.
26:49Off before it rips more.
26:56Why so glum, Chum?
26:59My dress ripped. I wanted to wear something nice, but see?
27:03How am I supposed to be a real princess?
27:07I don't have a costume.
27:11Hey, we'll figure something out.
27:13Come on, whatcha think?
27:16It's too hard. I need a big gown and a tiara and some shoes.
27:22It's just way too many things.
27:26That's tough.
27:30Hang on a minute.
27:33Nah, that won't work.
27:36I've got a magic stick that'll do the trick.
27:39It's show time.
27:55Sayo, you're the best friend in the whole world.
28:01A fort's way too small. You need a castle.
28:07Of course. Can you picture it? It's right there.
28:12Oh dear. Late again. This won't do.
28:16Princess Kogsuri, where are you? What's taking you?
28:25I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, Sayo.
28:28Princesses must always be on time. It's proper, you know.
28:32Slow and graceful steps.
28:34Okay, got it.
28:35No more running. No more skidding around corners.
28:39One step, two steps, glide with grace.
28:42Think you can remember that?
28:44Uh-huh. I can give it my best try.
28:48All right, Kongsuri, time to begin your lessons.
28:52The first step is to be graceful.
28:54It starts with balance and confidence.
28:57If you can keep those plastic plates from falling,
29:00you'll be able to do the trick.
29:02Balance and confidence.
29:04If you can keep those plastic plates from falling,
29:06you're one step closer to looking like royalty.
29:13Top marks, dear princess. Wonderful.
29:16Now to step things up a notch.
29:18Balance and confidence.
29:21And plastic.
29:27A princess must know everything about everything.
29:30A little something about something.
29:32History of dragons, unicorn behavior,
29:35and let's not forget fairy languages.
29:37We have much to do, my princess, in training. Ready?
29:44Never fall asleep at the table.
29:46It's very bad manners.
29:53I have to read all that?
29:55I mean, hang on.
29:58Isn't there some kind of easy way that won't take forever?
30:01There's no other way.
30:03Read a little bit at a time,
30:05like you're counting grains of sand.
30:07It won't take you forever, I promise.
30:09Just a hundred years.
30:18Wow. Looks so delicious.
30:22Pull me right there!
30:24You must learn table manners.
30:27But I'm starving.
30:29If you want to be a princess,
30:31then you have to learn to eat like one.
30:33Wait. You mean with my pinky up?
30:37Not even close.
30:40You'll get it.
30:42Takes lots of practice.
30:44So worth it. So yummy.
30:47Come on.
31:01Everybody knows how this works.
31:03It takes courage to kiss a frog.
31:06Wouldn't a gummy frog work?
31:08Not if you want to find true love.
31:12I've seen lots of frogs,
31:14and this one seems like a real prince in disguise.
31:18Wait. Do I really have to do it?
31:20I mean, really?
31:22All right, I'll do it, but not because I have to.
31:33A princess never keeps a prince or a frog waiting.
31:41And I'm not going to like it.
31:43And I'm not going to do it again.
31:55I was right.
