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Kongsuni and Friends - Big Sister - Full Episode -Toy Play - Cartoons For Children


00:00Someone's calling! Let's answer it!
00:06Hello? Oh, hi, Kongsuni! Wow, you're answering the phone now! Is your mom home?
00:13Can I talk to her? Oh, right, she's working.
00:17So, are you playing with your baby sister?
00:19Yeah, but I'm not alone.
00:23It's fun! I really love playing with her.
00:26I mean it! It's the best ever!
00:29Wonderful! Your mom's lucky. You're such a good big sister.
00:33To be honest, I get a lot of help from my friend. He's... I mean, I should go now.
00:38Okay, bye-bye!
00:41Let's keep playing, kay?
00:48She's like me, a little tiny pancake monster!
00:52Chloe, listen. You shouldn't play with your food.
01:04Nom-nom, chomp-chomp, munch-munch. Say something if you understand me.
01:09Nom-nom, nom-nom, nom-nom.
01:15You do get it. Time for a nap later, okay?
01:18We can play a little longer if we're quiet. Do you like make-believe?
01:24Oh, maybe we can play restaurant!
01:31That's what we'll do!
01:32I'll be the cook lady, you'll be my helper!
01:34Oh, yeah! Now you're talking! Let's get started!
01:40It says... why don't we just follow the pictures?
01:45Great idea!
01:49This looks yummy.
01:50Got it!
01:52An apple?
01:56We should use an egg.
01:57Don't, don't, don't!
02:00Be careful! Eggs are super easy to break!
02:04Let's clean up and start cooking!
02:09It's always fun when you're sure cooking.
02:13Just crack some eggs, that's how we start.
02:16Pour in some milk, it's the next step.
02:20Now stir it up, go round and round.
02:24That's our next step.
02:28Now stir it up, go round and round.
02:32That's our special recipe.
02:35Kongsuni makes anything, she does look easy!
02:39Cooking's not an easy thing, but Kongsuni is, here we go!
02:46It's always fun when we are cooking.
02:49You've got to start with bananas.
02:53Stir, stir and stir, add two more eggs.
02:56It's time to cook, and then we're done.
03:00Thanks for sharing cooking time.
03:04Kongsuni makes anything, she does look easy!
03:08Cooking's not an easy thing, but Kongsuni is special!
03:11Check it out!
03:17Yogurt and bananas!
03:19Mom made this this morning.
03:21Have some!
03:23Say, ah!
03:25You have to eat it if you're going to grow up healthy and strong.
03:33Fruit and yogurt!
03:35You try!
03:36Fruit and yogurt!
03:41That's good, good!
03:43Star, you're learning so fast!
03:45Kids, I finished working!
03:49Come here!
03:51You're wet again!
03:54Aw, you must be hungry.
03:56I'm hungry too!
03:57Guess what? I look after her just like you told me to!
04:02Yahoo! Finally this day has come!
04:04Yo, Kongsuni! What day is it today?
04:07Well, today is...
04:09It's my birthday today!
04:11My friends are coming over!
04:14And I wonder what they might bring me for my birthday!
04:19Teddy bear, bicycle, pencil, crayons
04:24What kind of presents do you think I'll get?
04:28Happy birthday, Kongsuni!
04:31Wow! Here we brought your favorite cake too!
04:35Lookie, lookie!
04:36Strawberry cake!
04:38Hurry, hurry, light the candle!
04:41The birthday hat is on your head!
04:43Happy birthday, happy birthday!
04:45Kongsuni's special day is here!
04:50Come and eat, there's lots of food
04:52Your favorite treats cause we love you
04:55Kongsuni's special day is here!
04:59Happy birthday!
05:00Make a wish and then blow
05:02One, two, three, go!
05:08Light the candle, light the candle
05:10Light the candle again for you
05:13Make a wish, it may come true
05:15Happy birthday, happy birthday!
05:17Kongsuni's special day is here!
05:20Happy birthday, happy birthday!
05:22Make a wish and then blow
05:24One, two, three, go!
05:32Yum, yum!
05:36Hungry? Open wide for Mom!
05:39Num, num!
05:44Oh, Kongsuni used to do that
05:47You're just like her
05:54That's my girl
05:55Your big sister's been teaching you how to talk
06:01Seems like just the other day she was this little
06:10I feel sad
06:11It's not fair
06:12Why is Mom always with her?
06:14Cause she's a baby
06:15Your mom was like that with you too
06:18A long time ago, not now
06:20Everything's about the baby
06:22It's like she forgets about me
06:25Kongsuni, all set for your story?
06:29Are you done with Chloe?
06:31I just put her to sleep
06:36Something wrong?
06:38Where did all the smiles go?
06:40This isn't like you
06:42Why are you so quiet, sweetie?
06:44Can I be a baby again?
06:46Don't you like growing up?
06:48Yeah, sometimes
06:49But I want to be your special girl again
06:52But you are
06:53I love you just as much as her
06:56You're both very special
06:58Never forget that, okay?
07:00I'll try not to
07:02I miss you
07:03Oh, shh!
07:04Let's think of all the things you can do that a baby can't
07:08Going to the playground, feeding yourself, playing make-believe
07:12Know what?
07:13I'm going to make sure we spend more time together
07:16Once a day, we'll play whatever you want
07:20I don't want to be a baby now
07:22Babies can't go to school like me
07:24I'm lucky
07:25I can play with blocks and go to the park and ride my bike
07:29Who's my girl?
07:32Mom, look what I have!
07:37Here I come!
07:39Look, Mom! It's a phone!
07:41Oh, wow! Did you make that?
07:43Yeah, at preschool
07:45Ring, ring! Who is it?
07:48Hello? Can you hear me?
07:52Yes, loud and clear
07:57Yes, loud and clear
08:00Hello! This is Kongsuni speaking
08:03When you get busy with your work, just call me, okay?
08:07I can help out with tidying the house
08:10I'm growing up, so I can help with the baby, too
08:14Call me!
08:37Oh, no! Look at the time!
08:39Are you going? I was...
08:41I'm off! Running late! I'll call you later
08:44Up, up and away!
08:50Kongsuni, what's wrong?
08:53You've hardly eaten. How come?
08:55I don't like this green stuff. It's all slimy. Look
08:59It's so drippy. I think it feels sad
09:02No, it's happy
09:04Do you know why? Because it's healthy
09:07If you eat it, then you'll be healthy, too
09:09And healthy means happy
09:11No, it doesn't. It makes me sad
09:14If you try it, you just might like it
09:17Come on
09:19I didn't like it the last time I tried
09:22It's so yucky
09:25If you try it for me, I'll play tickle monster
09:29Yay! Mommy time!
09:38Hey there little hippo
09:40You ate lots of grass for your last meal
09:43Now it's time we have to brush your teeth
09:45First you take the toothpaste
09:47Then you take your toothbrush, too
09:50Squeeze a little toothpaste on your brush
09:52You're good to go
09:55Brush-a brush-a brush your teeth
09:57Now everyone, it's lots of fun
09:59Even little hippo, he's learning how to do it, too
10:02Brush-a brush-a brush your teeth
10:04With Kongsuni, it's so much fun
10:06Rinse your mouth out
10:08Now it's time to play
10:14Let's make sure we get each one
10:16Up, down, up, down
10:18Now let's reach for the back teeth
10:20Up, down, up, up, down
10:22Now let's get those front teeth
10:24In the front and in behind
10:26Let's do the back teeth once again
10:29Front, back, front and back
10:31Now don't forget the tongue
10:33Now we're done!
10:34Little hippo, Kongsuni and Eve
10:37Did you already finish your dinner?
10:39We can all play after we brush our teeth, okay?
10:43Brush-a brush-a brush your teeth
10:45Now everyone, it's lots of fun
10:47Even little hippo, he's learning how to do it, too
10:51Brush-a brush-a brush your teeth
10:53With Kongsuni, it's so much fun
10:55Do your very best
10:57Now it's time to play
11:02Shhh! Be very quiet!
11:06I'm looking for baby Chloe!
11:18Aha! Found you!
11:21Quick, go hide again!
11:25Four, three, two, one!
11:48Found you!
11:51I'm the best finder there is, Chloe
11:54You'll need to try better than that
11:57Nine, eight, seven
12:01Six, five, four, three, two, one!
12:06Oh, Chloe!
12:08The first rule of playing a game is not to be asleep
12:12Oh, come on, Chloe
12:14Fun first, sleep second
12:17Babies need to sleep a lot more than we do, Kongsuni
12:21Chloe needs some rest
12:23And then she can play later when she's awake again
12:27Maybe she'll be able to play later
12:30I can't think of any games I can play by myself
12:36You can play with me, Kongsuni
12:42Let's play rock, paper, scissors
12:46Who's going to go first?
12:59Rock, paper, scissors
13:01Well, I don't have any hands
13:03Can you play catch?
13:05Not without hands
13:07What about...
13:09I think whatever you're going to say, I'm going to need hands, yo
13:13Oh, I wish I could play with a Chloe that didn't want to sleep all the time
13:17If that's what you're after, I can whip one up
13:21Wow! It's Chloe!
13:25Well, this is a whole new Chloe
13:27You can play all you want and she won't get tired, even a bit
13:31Oh, thanks, Seyo!
13:33Where to start?
13:45Thanks, Seyo!
13:48Thanks, Seyo!
13:50This Chloe has so much energy!
13:53But I'd really like to play tag
13:57But I don't think just two of us could play tag
14:01You're right
14:02Who plays tag with just one person?
14:04Not us!
14:05Another player coming on up, yo!
14:08Um, actually, I'd really like to play duck-duck-goose, but...
14:13Okay, okay, I get what you're thinking there, Kongsuni
14:25Wow, look at all these Chloe's!
14:30Uh, I think I got carried away again
14:34Uh, I think I got carried away again
14:37Be careful, Kongsuni!
14:39Not a single thing to worry about, Seyo!
14:56Another point for me, Kongsuni!
15:00The best duck-duck-goose player there ever was!
15:09Oh no, Chloe!
15:11It's okay, it doesn't matter that you lost
15:19Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear!
15:26I think you were right about the whole be careful thing
15:31I could magic us up some earplugs
15:34I've got an even better idea!
15:59I think those Chloe's had the right idea
16:02A nap would be really good right about now
16:15That's better
16:18Chloe's all rested and ready to play again
16:25Maybe later, Mum
16:53Abracadabra, hocus pocus, voila!
16:59Twinkle, twinkle, my little one
17:02Tell me what my spells can bring me
17:05I am the best magician
17:09Abracadabra, hocus pocus, voila!
17:12Now everyone say your spells
17:15And wave your wands
17:18Abracadabra, hocus pocus, voila!
17:24Put your cloak on and ride on your broom
17:28We are the best magicians
17:31Let's see what our magic can do
17:35Now everyone say your spells
17:38And wave your wands
17:41Abracadabra, hocus pocus, voila!
17:44We can do anything
17:47With our magic wands
17:50Abracadabra, hocus pocus, voila!
18:02This is a song I wrote all about ice cream
18:06I call it Ice Cream
18:13Birds don't have ears, but you're making mine ache, yo
18:17It's not a good song
18:19It needs to have a little more rhythm
18:21It definitely needs a little more melody
18:23It needs a little more of everything, Kongsuni
18:25Where can I get all of that, Sayo?
18:28Years of hard practice, yo
18:31Or a magical talking bird
18:37One musical genius coming right up
18:43Give your instrument a tap, tap, tap, yo
18:49Wow, I did that all by myself
18:52Sort of all by yourself, yeah
18:54Why don't you play another one, Kongsuni?
18:59I do like the xylophone
19:01But I think something's missing
19:04Well, how about another instrument?
19:06That sounds great
19:08Whatever magic stuff you did to me
19:11Maybe you could give a little bit of that to Eve, too
19:15There's no single way that could go wrong, yo
19:20What instrument takes your fancy there, Eve?
19:23Well, I am quite good at the violin already
19:29I'd quite like to...
19:32I'm not so keen on the...
19:36That's a bit closer
19:39But I...
19:42Give her magic drum powers, Sayo
19:46Well, is that okay, Eve?
19:57Well, try them out
20:04Okay, okay
20:06I'll play a song and you drum
20:10Oh, wait, wait, wait
20:12Eve, do you think you could play a little faster?
20:17I could definitely try
20:21Oh, no, no, no
20:23A little slower
20:28Hmm, maybe more like...
20:31Would you mind if I tried?
20:33Yeah! Yeah!
20:36Perhaps if I could...
20:38Wait, wait, this is sounding really good
20:41But that's what I'm supposed to be playing
20:45Maybe I could take a turn on the xylophone
20:51This is more my speed, I think
20:57Oh, no, no, no
20:59This is more my speed, I think
21:03Oh, oh, try like this
21:07I don't think I...
21:09Oh, oh!
21:14I am not having fun anymore
21:17I definitely do not want to be in a band with you anymore, Konsumi
21:23Oh, well...
21:35Oh, this isn't quite working
21:39I'm not so sure you can make this work by yourself, Konsumi
21:42Oh, I think you're right, Sayo
21:45I didn't treat Eve very well, huh?
21:48How can I make it up to her?
21:50Well, it'd be a good idea to let her do what she'd like to do, for one
21:57What kind of song do you want to play, Eve?
22:00Something slow would be nice
22:03That sounds good to me!
22:27I'll show you all the safest way
22:30Only go in when the door is open
22:34Always stand still when you're inside
22:37Konsumi wants to keep you safe
22:40Running in the crosswalk when the light is red
22:44Danger! Danger!
22:46Don't run into people when you cross the street
22:49Danger! Danger!
22:51I'll show you all the safest way
22:55Cross the crosswalk when it's green
22:58Always make sure you can be seen
23:00Good! Good!
23:01I'll show you all the safest way
23:05Always hold the handles on the escalator
23:08Danger! Danger!
23:10Don't try to go down when the stairs are going up
23:13Danger! Danger!
23:15I'll show you all the safest way
23:19Always hold your parents' hands
23:21So tight!
23:22Always stand inside the yellow line
23:24That's right!
23:25I'll show you all the safest way
23:28Always remember safety first
23:54Thank you for watching!
