FTS 8:30 02-09: Venezuelan pres. sent message to workers of hydroelectric power plant

  • 2 weeks ago
FTS 8.30
*“Partido Libre” stands in support for president Xiomara Castro
*Israel: general strike against Benjamin Netanyahu’s government


00:00President of Venezuela Nicolás Maduro sent a message to the workers of the Simón Bolívar
00:15hydroelectric power plant for a rapid response after sabotage last Friday.
00:23The Liberty and Re-Foundation Party, known as Partido Libre, ratified its absolute support
00:27for President Xiomara Castro and rejected the interference of the United States.
00:32In Israel, the main trade union center, Histadrut, has called for a general strike to demand
00:39an agreement for the release of the hostages and to protest against the government of Benjamin
00:44Hello, welcome from the south, I'm Luis Alberto Matos from the Televisual Studios in Havana,
00:58We begin with the news.
00:59The President of Venezuela Nicolás Maduro sent a message to the workers of the Simón
01:03Bolívar hydroelectric power plant who in less than 24 hours restored the electric service
01:08after the attack to the heart of the Guri system that left the country without power.
01:11The report with Madeline García.
01:13The view does not reach the majesty of the Simón Bolívar hydroelectric power plant,
01:20considered the fourth largest in the world.
01:28This is where electricity is produced for the entire country.
01:35The road leads us to the heart of the Guri system that was attacked in the early hours
01:40of Friday, August 30, two days after the presidential elections that ratified Nicolás
01:45Maduro as President of Venezuela.
01:52Beneath these great walls are the turbines that generate the electricity produced by
01:56the Caroni River, which is dammed here in the state of Bolívar in the southeast of
02:02the country.
02:06This time the aggression attempted to liquidate this dam, unlike in 2019, which was the first
02:12large-scale attack on the system.
02:18Because it went directly to the Guri, it went directly to the main busbar, and when we say
02:22main busbar, it is the main source of generation of the country, and that immediately brings
02:28as a consequence a cascade effect in all of the rest of the country, and of course in
02:32all the national geography, because this is an interconnected system.
02:37The transmission lines that come from Guri to El Tigre were attacked, and that brought
02:41as a consequence an action of some equipment in which a destabilization of the frequency
02:45was produced.
02:52Executive Vice President Elsie Rodríguez and the Minister of Electricity arrived here.
02:57They supervised that everything is going well in the different areas.
03:04This is the operations command room of the Guri distribution yard.
03:08From here the energy generated in the powerhouse of the hydroelectric plant is controlled and
03:13distributed and transmitted to the center, east and west of the country.
03:21We must be alert to these perverse extremist plans.
03:27The whole world on alert, the plans of the Venezuelan ultra-right wing and the threats
03:32do not cease.
03:33This is how they left a record of what the attacks was able to break in.
03:39A political leadership that has the task of coordinating what is done inside and what
03:43is done outside, surrounding the hostage taker as it is done when you have a prolonged hostage
03:49situation, cutting off his water and electricity.
03:52They are the operators of the United States in Venezuela who are facing an escalation
03:58of aggression and attempted coup d'état that is still in full swing and is now being expressed
04:03in the electrical system.
04:06No one is going to stop this country.
04:08What is coming are years of prosperity and well-being for us.
04:13This is the Guri control room where everything is monitored.
04:17It is the brain.
04:18That day at dawn, the workers, technicians and experts did not stop, since a 19-year-old
04:24girl who is part of the team had never experienced a similar situation.
04:36I was very nervous, but we tried as much as possible to solve and resolve the situation
04:40and to be there for our people.
04:44I want to bring you a message of gratitude from the President, because the Corpoelec
04:48workers have always been on the front line in defense of the Venezuelan people and we
04:52know the tremendous effort they have given.
04:57President Maduro sent a message to all his workers, Venezuela remains under siege.
05:05With the determination of the ultra-right wing, extremism and now fascism and the gringos
05:11to attack in order to destroy the walled hearth that provides electricity to our country
05:16from Guyana.
05:18Maximum commitment, maximum commitment to the homeland, maximum loyalty, maximum technical
05:26In record time, in a safe, stable and very robust manner, the electric service was delivered
05:33to the people of Venezuela.
05:35My gratitude.
05:41Investigations continue to find the perpetrators and masterminds of this new attack on the
05:46electrical system.
05:52In other news, in Bolivia, forestry and land authorities confirmed that they will deliver
05:56in the next few days a regulation of supreme decree 5230, which strengthens the punishment
06:02against arsonists in the country.
06:05After a week of facing the forest fires, the direct obligatory affairs of the National
06:09Protected Areas Service, Ramiro Vidarte, declared that the forestry and land authority
06:14is working on the regulation of the supreme decree that will be formally delivered to
06:18the national government and the Ministry of Environment and Water.
06:22It is worth mentioning that to date, 274 administrative sanctioning processes are being followed for
06:28the fires in the country.
06:36And in Honduras, on Sunday night, the Liberty and Re-Foundation Party, known as Partido
06:40Libre, ratified its absolute support for President Xiomara Castro and rejected the interference
06:45of the United States.
06:46After concluding an extraordinary session, the Partido Libre communicated the decision
06:50to repel external threats that may alter the realization of elections in 2025.
06:55In a statement read by the Honduran Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Gerardo Torres, was also
06:59denounced the interference.
07:01Declarations by the United States Ambassador Larodogo and retired military personnel, which,
07:06according to several sectors, point to a conspiracy for a new coup d'etat.
07:10In this context, the ruling party called for a large mobilization in the Honduran capital
07:14on September 15, in support of President Xiomara Castro, in addition to celebrate the appointment
07:19of Rexy Moncada as new defense minister.
07:31To ratify the absolute and unwavering support to Comrade Xiomara Castro and to actively
07:37accompany her courageous and firm decisions to maintain peace and security and respect
07:43for the independence, sovereignty and self-determination of our people.
07:51To repel external threats that threaten the realization of clean, free democratic elections
07:56in the year 2025 and thus avoid a repetition of the tragic events of the coup d'etat of
08:03July 28, 2009.
08:09To condemn and reject the interference of the Embassy of the United States of America
08:14by attacking the chief of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Armed Forces and the former
08:19Minister of Defense in violation of international principles and conventions trying to provoke
08:25the destabilization of the armed forces.
08:29Let's now take a short break, but remember you can join us on TikTok at Teleso English,
08:35where you'll find news in different formats, news updates, and much more.
08:45We'll be right back, stay with us.
09:06Welcome back.
09:11In the United States, 10,000 hotel workers went on strike to demand higher wages and
09:15a return to pre-COVID-19 pandemic staffing levels.
09:18According to the union that called the strikes, the large-scale hotels were affected by the
09:22abandonment of 5,000 workers in the Hawaiian capital Honolulu alone, which affected the
09:28service of more than 10,000 workers.
09:30Also pointed out in a statement that many hotels took advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic
09:34to reduce staff, which caused workers to lose their jobs and incomes.
09:39In this sense, the strikers concentrated in several hotels in Boston and called a demonstration
09:43for Monday.
09:51In our news in Libya, citizens celebrated the 55th anniversary of the Al-Fateh revolution
09:56that led to the overthrow of the monarchy and brought Muammar al-Qadhafi to power.
10:01According to Lokomiya, the people took to the streets of the country with slogans and
10:04waving the green flag used during Qadhafi's stay as a symbol of the heroic revolution.
10:10In this sense, the citizens expressed their conviction that Libya will be green again
10:14and the legacy of Muammar al-Qadhafi will prevail for years to come at the political
10:19and social levels.
10:20It is important to note that the Al-Fateh revolution was secluded by Muammar al-Qadhafi
10:24against King Ayatollah I, motivated by public discontent over corruption, foreign influence
10:30and the inefficiency of the monarchical government.
10:35In the Occupied West Bank, Israel's military operation in the Yemeni refugee camp has resulted
10:58in the death of at least 24 Palestinians, including 14 members of militant groups, in
11:02the past five days.
11:05The Israeli military has escalated its operations in Palestinian territories, particularly in
11:08Yemen, under the pretext of combating alleged terrorist threats.
11:12This escalation of violence resulted in a severe humanitarian crisis that led to the
11:15displacement of numerous families.
11:17Residents are facing critical shortages of food and medicine, and many are too terrified
11:22to leave their homes.
11:24The ongoing violence reflects a broader pattern of oppression against the Palestinian people,
11:28who have endured increasing casualties and displacement since the onset of the conflict
11:33We live in terror and fear for the children.
11:42In addition to the fact that we have infants in the building who have no milk or diapers,
11:47no bread, no food for the rest of the residents, no one dares to go out.
11:52Because there is a sniper in the Rayyan building who shoots at anything he sees, I went out
11:57at a risk.
11:58I walked close to the wall so that the sniper would not see me in order to get here, in
12:02order to bring bread and water, water to drink.
12:07In Israel, the main trade union center, Istartrut, called for a general strike to demand an agreement
12:12for the release of the hostages and to protest against the corruption of Benjamin Netanyahu.
12:17Although the duration of the strike has not been specified, one of the most significant
12:20measures is the cancellation of all flights at Ben Gurion International Airport.
12:25Furthermore, dozens of businesses and restaurants have decided to close their doors, in addition
12:29to universities, hospitals, banks, stores and several public offices, which are either
12:34paralyzed or working at minimum capacity.
12:37The action comes after the recent recovery of the six bodies of Israeli prisoners that
12:41has intensified criticism of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, accused of obstructing
12:45negotiations with the Palestinian Resistance, Hamas.
12:56And the UN Agency for Palestinian Refugees has accused the Israeli government of buying
13:01ads on Google to block users from giving donations to the agency.
13:06UNRWA Commissioner General Philip Lazzarini said in a post on X.net that Israel's attempts
13:11to defame the agency damaged its reputation and put the lives of its staff at risk.
13:17Lazzarini called for more regulations for companies, including social media platforms,
13:21to combat disinformation and hate speech.
13:24Israel has been campaigning for years against UNRWA, the main organization providing human
13:28gender aid to Palestine and semi-occupied territories and services to Palestinian refugees
13:33in other countries, since 1949, alleging it has connections to terrorists and pushing
13:38for its closure.
14:24Welcome back.
14:28The far-right Alternative for Germany party led the regional elections held in the state
14:32of Thuringia.
14:33Colloquial media estimated that the advance of the party with openly xenophobic positions
14:37was related to the increase of anti-immigrant tendencies.
14:40Likewise, the victory of the far-right is something unprecedented in the country since
14:45the post-war period and it is unlikely that it will lead the region since the other formations
14:50reject any coalition with the party that bases its discourse against immigration and
14:54military support to the Ukrainian regime.
14:56Regarding the results, the far-right formation obtained about 33.1% of the votes, higher
15:01of the conservative or the Christian Democratic Union of Germany party with 24.3%, according
15:06to the first exit polls.
15:13Poland commemorated the 85th anniversary of the start of the Second World War in a solemn
15:17ceremony to remember the first attacks by Nazi Germany.
15:20The commemorative events took place in Westerplatte, on the Baltic coast of the country where Germany
15:25bombed a Polish fort on September 1st, 1939.
15:30According to the Polish press, Warsaw and Berlin are holding talks on financial compensation
15:34for surviving victims of the conflict, while Polish President Andrzej Duda took part in
15:40the events in the town of Wellum, in the west of the country, where the first German bombs
15:44fell 85 years ago.
16:04In France, on another day of competition at the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games, Venezuela
16:09won its first gold medal.
16:11In the track of the Stade de France, the 400 meters T11 race took place in the Venezuelan
16:16Enderson Santos in a spectacular performance, won the gold medal in the T11 class with a
16:20time of 50.58 seconds, improving his personal best with his guide Ubrich Massa.
16:26The Venezuelan para-athlete beat in a phenomenal finish in the last meters the French Timothée
16:31Adolphe, who marked a time of 50.75 to win silver medal and Guillaume Atangana, representative
16:37of the Fuji delegation, won the bronze medal with a time of 50.89.
16:40This is the second medal for Venezuela so far in this 17th edition of the Paralympic
17:01Let's now go to Cuba, where we will learn about Old Havana and its system of fortifications.
17:06Old Havana is the old desire of the Cuban capital.
17:13As a wall, it has an urban layout, where are the still remains of the walls that has protected
17:18it for more than two centuries.
17:21The historical center of Havana has maintained a remarkable unity of character resulting
17:25from the superimposition of different periods of its history.
17:29It manages in a harmonious but expressive way to the original urban design and the underlying
17:33pattern of the city.
17:35As a wall, it was inscribed as a World Heritage of Humanity before UNESCO in 1982.
17:45Founded around 1519 by the Spaniards by the 17th century, it has become one of the main
17:53shipbuilding centers in the Caribbean.
17:55Old Havana maintains a remarkable unity of architectural character through its adherence
18:00to its original design.
18:02With its urban square surrounded by buildings of outstanding patrimonial value, the narrow
18:07streets of its old town preserve an interesting mixture of baroque and neoclassical monuments,
18:13with an homogeneous group of private houses with arcades, balconies, growth iron gates
18:18and internal courtyards.
18:20Today, Old Havana is an expanding metropolis with a population of 2 million inhabitants.
18:27The city is undergoing continuous renovation, where it has regained tourism levels.
18:32It also has a high degree of authenticity in terms of location and environment.
18:36Cultural life in the city includes museums such as the Museum of the Revolution, a ballet
18:40festival in the Great Theater, baseball or music such as salsa, song or huahuanco.
18:47And let's move on to Colombia to learn natural coffee landscape of this region, let's see.
19:02These productive landscapes are located in certain points of the Caldas, Quindío, Risaralda
19:07and Northern Valle del Cauca.
19:10Located in the center and the west of the Andes mountain range, in them are integrated
19:1418 urban settlements, which maintain a harmony between the natural, economic and cultural,
19:20which are combined in a mountainous area with coffee plantations, cultivated in collaboration
19:25some of them in clearings of high jungle.
19:36The architecture that is found when visiting these spaces is a fusion between Spanish cultural
19:40patterns and the indigenous cultures of the region, which are adapted to the process involved
19:45in the cultivation of coffee.
19:47A clear example of this is the sliding roofs, with large walls that are built by a system
19:52that allows them to be more flexible and dynamic.
19:56Currently, more than 50% of the walls are built with this traditional method.
20:08The natural coffee landscapes are the result of a process of adaptation of the population
20:12of Antioquia.
20:13In the middle of the 19th century, actions that have created a culture and economy that
20:17are rooted in the coffee tradition.
20:19The coffee producing farms in mountainous areas, the way of life of the coffee growners
20:23is different from what is known, because it is based on legacies that have been transmitted
20:27through time.
20:34In 2011, this landscape was inscribed on UNESCO World Heritage List, arguing that it is an
20:39exceptional example of a cultural, sustainable and productive landscape, which over time
20:43has adapted to the diverse geographical and climatological characteristics that occurs
20:47over the years.
20:58We have come to the end of this newsletter, you can find these and many other stories
21:01on our website, Teresa English.net, so join us on social media, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram
21:06and TikTok.
21:07For Teresa English, I'm Luis Alberto Matos, thank you for watching.
