FTS 12:30 06-09: Venezuela’s oil industry continues to grow stronger

  • last week
FTS 8.30
*France: Left Front claims Macron is “stealing” electoral win by appointing Conservative PM
*Siege of Jenin leaves 39 dead and over 130 injured


00:00Venezuela's executive vice president confirmed the operation of the Orinoco Belt and ratified
00:15that the country is making progress in the recovery and growth of its oil industry.
00:23In France, the left claims that President Emmanuel Macron is stealing the legislative
00:27election from the people by appointing conservative Michel Barnier as prime minister and rejecting
00:34to appoint economist Lucie Castex.
00:38And in Palestine, Israeli troops end the siege of Yenin, leaving 39 dead, over 139 wounded
00:45and almost total destruction after nine days.
00:52Hello and welcome to From the South.
00:54My name is Belén de los Santos and from Cesar Studios in Havana, Cuba, we begin with the news.
00:59In Venezuela, the vice president, Delsi Rodríguez, who is also Venezuela's Minister of Energy
01:03and Petroleum, has toured the Orinoco oil belt to see that the industry continues to strengthen.
01:10The facility, one of the most important in the country and named after Comandante Hugo
01:14Chávez, was toured by the delegation, which also included the president of Petróleos
01:19de Venezuela, Héctor Obregón, and in a leading role, the plant's workers.
01:24During the visit to the facility, located in the south of the country, which extends
01:28over five states, they reviewed the recovery and development plans and reaffirmed the commitment
01:33to contribute to the peace and growth of the country.
01:43The Attorney General of Venezuela, Tarek William Saab, ratified the summons by the Public Prosecutor's
01:48Office to the former presidential candidate of Venezuela, ultraright Edmundo González,
01:54to make statements in relation to a series of crimes he is accused of, among them his
01:59responsibility for the publication on an unofficial webpage of fraudulent electoral records.
02:05We give you more details with our correspondent, Luis Guillermo García.
02:13Prosecutor Tarek William Saab recalled that Edmundo González has repeatedly ignored and
02:17disrespected the authority of several institutions of the Venezuelan state, first of all the
02:21National Electoral Council, by not signing an agreement to respect the results, which
02:26he did not recognize and then endorsed, through different means, the publication of false
02:31minutes in an electronic media, accusing the electoral power of fraud.
02:36Then, he disregarded the summons issued by the Electoral Chamber of the Supreme Court
02:40of Justice to present his arguments and evidence of his accusations and, finally, he did not
02:45appear before the Public Prosecutor's Office, after this agency ordered his presence in
02:50three occasions.
02:56In this sense, as we informed you, the Public Prosecutor's Office ratifies the summons
03:02with the arrest warrant in progress for González Urrutia to be interviewed, and ratifies that
03:07he is requested and must be presented and brought to justice, as it corresponds within
03:13the framework of the Constitution and the law.
03:21The denunciations of electoral fraud made by the ex-candidate of the ultra-right, endorsed
03:26by corporate and political powers of the United States, were followed by multiple violent
03:31acts carried out by groups financed by the extreme right, several of which have already
03:37been ordered by the authorities, who point to Maria Corina Machado and Edmundo González
03:43as those responsible for these criminal operations.
03:51They are the intellectual actors of the death of 27 Venezuelans during the days following
03:56July 28 and of having mortally wounded 190, of which 100 are police and military officials
04:02and of having attacked and destroyed 400 state and also private properties, such as
04:07schools, high schools, universities, health centers, educational centers.
04:17The also President of the Citizen Power, Tariq William Saab, highlights that Edmundo González,
04:23through his lawyer, José Vicente Jarró, states that he is not responsible for the
04:27publication of the false tally sheets and that this is the responsibility of the Unitary
04:32Platform led by Maria Corina Machado.
04:34However, the Attorney General pointed out that it is public, notorious and communicative
04:39that the former candidate proclaimed his supposed electoral triumph based on these fraudulent
04:44However, the Attorney General emphasizes that the presence of González Urrutia's lawyer
04:49before the Public Prosecutor's Office is a sign that this attorney recognizes the authority.
04:59Edmundo González Urrutia recognizes the Venezuelan institutionality, he recognizes
05:06the public ministry, which has a value for democracy, because indeed, if he presented
05:11himself as the electoral standard bearer of the most extreme right, and even boasts that
05:17he was a diplomat, the least a diplomat should do is to respect the rule of law.
05:23To be in the right if he is required and to present his allegations based on an ongoing
05:28investigation that has been made public.
05:37According to these announcements, the authorities are continuing their investigations into the
05:41various acts that sought to carry out a coup in Venezuela after the July 28 elections,
05:47in which President Nicolás Maduro won.
05:57In other news, Mexico's President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum assured that there is no possibility
06:02of suspending the reform of the judiciary as it is a decision of the people.
06:07This is how she responded after being consulted by the media about the beginning of consultations
06:12on the reform announced by the Supreme Court of Justice.
06:16The President-elect assured that a few people cannot reverse the decision of the Mexican
06:20people expressed on June 2.
06:22She assured that the decision rests in the sovereign power and that it will be for the
06:28best of the country.
06:35Who has to decide the constitutional reform are the deputies and senators, and as it says
06:40in the constitution since 39 that sovereignty resides in the people, but also, the only
06:47one who has the power to change the constitution is the constituent, which in our country are
06:55two-thirds of the chamber of deputies of senators and majorities that correspond in local congresses.
07:02We must make the popular will.
07:06And also the President-elect called for calm and stated that the reform is the best thing
07:10that could happen to the country.
07:13Nobody has to worry.
07:15The fact that the judges, ministers, and magistrates are elected by the people of Mexico is better
07:21for Mexico.
07:22That means more democracy, more independence of the judiciary, but also, as I have explained,
07:28the way in which they will be elected to be voted.
07:31Who will decide who will be voted is through a broad call, is the best thing that can happen
07:36to the country.
07:39And now let's take a short break, but remember, you can join us on TikTok at Telser English
07:43where you will find news in different formats, news updates, and much more.
07:50Stay with us.
08:11Welcome back from the south.
08:12The United States Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, landed on Thursday in Port-au-Prince,
08:16the capital of Haiti.
08:18He announced an increase in aid to combat criminal groups, but made no reference to
08:22the problems of the Presidential Transitional Council.
08:26Two weeks ago, when he announced the trip, he included as a priority issue the serious
08:30accusations of corruption involving members of the Presidential Transitional Council imposed
08:35by Washington and Ottawa.
08:37However, upon landing, he only spoke of more aid to fight violence and the creation of
08:43an electoral council.
08:45On Friday, the Secretary of State is expected to hold a meeting with the President of the
08:50Dominican Republic, Luis Abinader.
08:58And in other news, Nicaragua is taking significant steps towards strengthening its agricultural
09:03sector with the introduction of new varieties of pitahaya.
09:07This fruit, also known as dragon fruit, let's see.
09:14Between 15 and 20 varieties of pitahaya are grown in Nicaragua.
09:19Recently, the government, through the Nicaraguan Institute of Agricultural Technology, presented
09:25the new inter-red pitahaya variety that has been made available to producers.
09:34We have done a characterization work of 16 materials we had, in which this turned out
09:39to be one of the most outstanding materials.
09:42Among the main characteristics of this pitahaya that we are making known today, we can mention
09:47the size.
09:48It is a pitahaya that has an average of 550 grams, which makes it an export fruit, that
09:55is, from the organoleptic point of view, a quite sweet variety.
09:59It has 12.6 grades brick, which makes it excellent for its consumption as fresh fruit, and also
10:07for its processing, either for jam, jelly or wine.
10:13In Nicaragua, improved varieties of pitahaya with specific characteristics to better adapt
10:19to Nicaraguan climatic conditions have begun to be implemented.
10:24These new varieties promise increased production, greater resistance to pests and diseases,
10:30as well as superior fruit quality.
10:36It is a very good variety.
10:38After all, it is a variety that we can export more easily because it is more productive
10:43and has a good color and it is different from the one we grow.
10:47With the new technologies that the government is giving to the producers, a significant
10:53improvement is achieved because all this is a more resistant variety.
11:02With these new technologies, we plan to add more to the varieties we have, to improve
11:06our crop and to be able to develop better as producers and achieve the export for our
11:10products and thus improve the quality of life of our families.
11:18The expansion of pitahaya production not only seeks to improve local supply and diversify
11:23the market, but also to open up new export opportunities, thus boosting the country's
11:29economy and generating employment in the rural sector.
11:37We currently have more than 400,000 kilograms exported to Asia, Europe, Costa Rica, El Salvador,
11:46and this is achieved in part to the producers who have implemented different techniques
11:52in this crop and its production through technology transfer.
12:00Nicaragua is making progress in pitahaya production, with the potential to become a reference in
12:05the region and in international markets.
12:14In other news on Thursday, the defense minister of Honduras, Vixi Moncada, reaffirmed the
12:19government condemns drug trafficking in all its forms.
12:22The minister said so on her visit to the northern city of San Pedro Sula.
12:27From there, the authority reiterated that there is every will to combat scourges such
12:31as drug trafficking and corruption, regardless of who may be involved.
12:37Minister Moncada further referred to the threats of conspiracy plotted by conservative groups
12:42as they would be orchestrating a coup against the government of President Xiomara Castro.
12:53And we have condemned crimes as our philosophy of life, not because someone imposes it on
12:58us, neither because someone recommends it, nor because we are officials.
13:04We reject criminal offenses from all areas of our public and private lives.
13:09We condemn crimes, we condemn illegal acts, and we think our society must move forward.
13:15We have always been demanding justice and we continue to urge, and we trust that the
13:19public prosecutor's office and the judiciary will combat corruption networks of police,
13:24prosecutors, judges, entrepreneurs, politicians, journalists who have also been involved in
13:31acts of public or private corruption in different sectors.
13:34We think corruption must be prosecuted at all levels.
13:52On Friday, Brazilians arrived to the commemoration of the Amazon Day amid severe regional drought
13:57and surging wildfires.
13:59According to the National Institute for Space Research, over 38,000 fire outbreaks have
14:05been recorded throughout the Amazon just in August.
14:09The Institute's specialists also asserted that humidity and smog from wildfires are
14:13spreading to the Sao Paulo metropolitan region due to the drought and the low flow of the
14:18Amazon rivers.
14:20So far, some 62 municipalities in the region have been declared in a state of emergency,
14:25while local authorities estimate that over 330,000 people have been affected.
14:37Meanwhile in Cordoba, in the central region of Argentina, the forest fire season has started,
14:43prompting the province authorities to declare a state of disaster.
14:47Precisely, the governor of Cordoba, Martín Yarillora, informed that the fires have consumed
14:5412 hectares of land affecting the states of Calamuchita, Punilla, Colón and Santa
14:59María, and added that they are working to reduce the damage and help the victims.
15:05In this regard, the Secretary of Climate Risk Management of the province acknowledged the
15:09bravery of the fire department, whose performance prevented a major tragedy.
15:19We have a cycle show break coming up, but before we invite you to visit our YouTube
15:22channel at Telus for English, there you will be able to re-watch our interviews,
15:26top stories, special broadcastings and more.
15:29Hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell to stay up to date
15:32on the world's most recent events.
15:36Final short break, don't go away.
15:52Welcome back to From the South.
16:00In France, the left claims President Emmanuel Macron stole the legislative elections from
16:05the people by appointing conservative Michel Barnier as prime minister.
16:10Despite the fact that the left-wing coalition New Popular Front won last July's legislative
16:15elections, the French head of state refused to appoint the economist Lucie Castex as head
16:20of the government.
16:22In turn, the French left has lashed out at the decision with the founder of La France
16:27Insoumise, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, asserting that the elections have been stolen.
16:33Likewise, the French Communist Party, the Oncologist and the Socialist Party have all
16:38expressed dissatisfaction with the appointment.
16:40In this context, Mélenchon has called on the French to demonstrate on the streets to
16:45defend democracy next Saturday.
16:52And in other news, the government of Russia announced on Friday it will impose restrictions
16:57on U.S. media, an action that comes in response to Washington's sanctions against Russian
17:03media outlets.
17:04The restrictions were announced on Friday by the spokesman of the presidential office,
17:08Dmitry Peskov, in reference to the coercive measures imposed on media outlets such as
17:13Sputnik and some of its workers.
17:16For his part, the Russian ambassador, accredited in Washington, Anatoly Antonov, assured that
17:22sanctions have become a kind of discipline of political sports for the United States.
17:28Furthermore, the diplomat stressed that these measures are aimed at pressuring independent
17:33countries and highlight the risks of a dollar-centered system.
17:46We go now to Palestine, where after carrying out the largest military incursion into the
18:07occupied territories since the year 2000, the occupier's troops left Yenin, leaving
18:12death and destruction in the wake.
18:14The end of the siege of the city and its refugee camps has been confirmed by local authorities.
18:20They have also certified that the genocidal army has withdrawn from the vicinity of the
18:24government hospital and the Ibn Sina hospital, where they had been stationed since the invasion
18:30of the West Bank that began on August 28.
18:33The local government, confirming the complete disengagement of the Israeli military, reported
18:3839 deaths, more than 130 wounded and almost complete destruction after nine days of violence.
18:53We stay in Palestine as health workers started vaccinating children against polio in the
18:59southern Gaza Strip on Thursday after concluding the first phase of the immunization campaign
19:04in the territory's central areas.
19:06Vaccines are being administered by local health teams in coordination with UNICEF and
19:12World Health Organization as an urgent measure to prevent a polio outbreak after health authorities
19:18confirmed the first case reported in 25 years.
19:22There remains a risk that polio could re-emerge as a regional or global outbreak.
19:28It is important to note that the disease reappeared in Gaza as a mutated virus from an oral polio
19:34In this context, Hanan Balkhi, WHO regional director, made some statements.
19:44Polio has been eradicated from all countries in the world but to Afghanistan and Pakistan.
19:51So the resurgence of polio after 25 years of no cases in the occupied Palestinian territory
20:01creates a lot of anxiety in the global public health community and for WHO as well,
20:07specifically for children who can potentially become paralyzed.
20:13Understanding who was vaccinated and who was not is another challenge that the teams are
20:17working very clearly on with independent teams that are monitoring the campaign performance
20:24but also to ensure that the data that is being collected is as accurate as possible.
20:29It's never going to be exactly the number to the dot.
20:43And Palestine is a country with an extensive and rich tradition in the art of embroidery.
20:49Let's know a little more about this tradition.
20:51The colorful and elegant patterns that are present in the traditional embroidery of Palestine
21:00are an important part of the history and identity of this people.
21:05Originally, this art was made and used only in the rural areas of the country.
21:09However, with the time it extended to the big cities and today it is part of the clothing
21:14of the Palestinian women in and out of this territory, this unique artistic style identifies
21:20them from a long dress, jacket, pants, veil or headscarf.
21:25Each one of these garments has an embroidery handmade by a Palestinian woman.
21:37Wool, linen or cotton fabrics are the canvases chosen by the craftswomen to make the embroidery
21:42with silk threads. Various motifs and patterns adorned with figures such as birds,
21:47trees or flowers are made. Both this and the colors, in different combinations,
21:53communicate different data such as the region of origin, the socioeconomic status and the
21:58marital situation of the woman wearing the embroidery. The most important and representative
22:04garment is the thab, a loose-fitting dress with details on the sleeves and embroidered
22:08stripes that go down from the waist to the cut. The knowledge and tools required for
22:13this practice are passed from mother to daughter through different generations,
22:17giving them the opportunity to develop a skill and even generate income through the sale
22:21of these pieces. Embroidery is an activity that is usually done collectively. A group
22:31of embroiderers from the same village gather in a house or community center to work together,
22:36surely with the presence of their daughters, who learn by observation, although it can
22:40also be taught in a formal way. This makes it a tradition that fosters and develops family
22:46and community ties, building a national identity through the colorful clothing and Palestinian
22:51pride. The art of embroidery in Palestine, its knowledge, techniques, practices and rituals,
22:58was inscribed as an immaterial cultural heritage of humanity in the year 2021.
23:20And like this, we have come to the end of this news brief. You can find these and many
23:24other stories on our website at tesserenglish.net and also join us on social media. We are on
23:28Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and also on TikTok. For Tesser English, my name is Belén de los Santos.
