Dawson's Creek Season 1 Episode 3 Kiss

  • 2 days ago
Dawson's Creek Season 1 Episode 3 Kiss
00:02I want to be your boy adventurer.
00:04So I'm interested.
00:06I am sorry, Pacey. What I did was wrong.
00:09My lips kissed back.
00:30This is the Jen moment.
00:41This is my future. We're watching.
00:43Me and Jen. Jen and I.
00:45Black and white future. How retro.
00:47I'm talking about the romantic apotheosis.
00:49My first kiss with Jen is going to be just like that.
00:51Oh, wait a minute. We're back to that?
00:54You mean you haven't even kissed that girl?
00:56It's not about the kiss, Joey. It's about the journey.
00:58It's about creating and sustaining magic.
01:01Does Jen fall for this warped movie logic?
01:04It's not warp. It's romance.
01:06It's old, Dawson. Just kiss her, will you?
01:08Take the elevator to the next floor and get off. It's time.
01:11It's not that simple, Joey.
01:13It's about creating the perfect moment.
01:16It has to be planned with the right music and lighting and dialogue.
01:21You can't storyboard a kiss.
01:23Sure you can.
01:24It's not reality, Dawson.
01:26These movies that you're watching are false images that don't exist outside the city limits of Hollywood.
01:31Not true. Their image is grounded in the reality of imagination.
01:35Did you just pull that one out of your butt or what?
01:38Everybody thinks that movies are fantasy, but they don't have to be.
01:42From here to eternity, you can have that. You just have to create it.
01:46That moment on the beach could be yours. You could be Deborah Carr.
01:50Mm. Sand in my crotch. Heaven.
01:54You know, it's attitudes like yours that prevent storybook romances from happening.
01:59You're way too cynical.
02:02Far too jaded for this conversation.
02:05Sorry, Dawson, but romance doesn't come with a John Williams score.
02:10It's called stereo.
02:11And it doesn't come with a sunset or starlit summer night, either.
02:15And I'm personally offended by this movie mentality that would have us believe that Brad Pitt and Sandra Bullock
02:20are going to magically drop from the sky and sweep us off our feet.
02:23I don't know how to think for Brad Pitt.
02:25I don't. It's an analogy.
02:26Sandra Bullock?
02:27Dawson, these movies aren't real.
02:30They're not kissing with their tongues.
02:32It's take 22, the girl's bored, the guy's gay.
02:35It's celluloid propaganda.
02:37Joey, Joey, Joey, you bitter, cynical, jaded thing.
02:44You used to be bitter and cynical, too.
02:47You were far more interesting.
02:50But now I choose magic.
02:53You know this Peter Pan fantasy film land you're living in?
02:58It will be your downfall.
03:00One day you'll understand, Joey.
03:02You'll know what it's like to long for someone, to desire them and want to kiss them.
03:07And then you're going to come to me and you're going to say, Dawson, you were right.
03:13See, Joey, all you have to do is believe.
03:23Clap hard, Dawson.
03:25You may be Tinkerbell's last hope.
03:29Stars and sunsets
03:31Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:33Hey, hey, hey, yeah
03:35My heart is in my hands
03:39My head is in the clouds
03:43My feet have left the ground
03:47My life is turning around
03:52Every voice inside my head
03:56Is telling me to run like mad
04:00Oh, balls and arrows
04:03Stars and sunsets
04:05Hey, hey, hey, yeah
04:07Hey, hey, hey, yeah
04:09Every heartbeat
04:11Every kiss
04:13Just makes me wonder
04:16What all this is
04:18Suits of armor
04:20Hearts and arrows
04:22Hey, hey, hey, yeah
04:27Behind every closed door lies another room
04:33Waiting there for you
04:37Should I open up and enter the box
04:42Like she wanted me to
04:45Outside the time and space we share
04:50E-O-A-Z equals N-Z squared
04:54Don't you know
04:56You never taste what's good
04:58What's sweet
04:59And that's the way it's done
05:24The coach has a heart attack and drops right before the game.
05:27No, it's the coach. Nobody cares.
05:29I mean, it has to be something bigger.
05:31We start shooting tonight. I mean, shouldn't the script be locked?
05:34Yes, but we need to solve the ending.
05:36I mean, there's something missing at the top of the act.
05:38What if we give the split end some kind of a problem?
05:42Like drugs, drinking, his girlfriend got knocked up.
05:46Kill someone.
05:48An unexpected death always works.
05:50Guys, guys.
05:52You need to create some dramatic tension.
05:55There's a formula to it, that's all.
05:57Anybody ever see Rocky or the Karate Kid?
06:00This film needs to be about the underdog, not the golden boy.
06:04He needs to overcome some kind of internal conflict within himself.
06:07And we, the audience, need to know why this game is so important to him.
06:11What's he going to prove to himself if he wins it?
06:13We need to care about it.
06:20Mr. Gold, as producer, I'm going to have to insist you shut him up.
06:35I noticed you didn't hand me back my test.
06:38Does that mean you need to see me after class?
06:41It means you racked up another prime number on a quiz.
06:45Prime like quality steak is prime?
06:48Prime like 23 is prime.
06:51Do you know anything about Ethan Fromm?
06:55Uh, I know he has a farm.
06:59And on that farm he has a...
07:01Stop, Macy.
07:03This is serious.
07:06I heard the other teachers talking about your work, or lack thereof.
07:11This is across the board.
07:13You're failing.
07:14Do you know how difficult it is to fail?
07:17Okay, this has taken a considerable amount of work and energy.
07:21This is deliberate.
07:23Of course.
07:24This is a premeditated effort.
07:26You see, it was my hope that a certain teacher was going to bail me out with some private tutorial encounters.
07:32This isn't a question of your intelligence, Macy.
07:35Of course it's not.
07:37You see, my problem is, I have a focus issue.
07:41I need a slave driver.
07:44Somebody with wit, maybe?
07:46We can't interact like this.
07:48Oh no, of course not.
07:50This is deadly wrong, taboo.
07:52However, you can tutor me.
07:54That's completely acceptable within our student-teacher relationship.
08:04I have a teacher's meeting after class.
08:07But I'll be working late.
08:09Meet me here later.
08:19I'm stuck.
08:41It feels like this baby is tangled in my rib cage.
08:46That's huge.
08:48Why don't you just go poop?
08:50Never tell a pregnant woman she's fat.
08:53Sorry, you're not fat, Bessie.
08:55You're just monumentally gargantuan.
08:58Your sister reminds me of a beached whale.
09:02You're joking, right?
09:05That was a joke.
09:06This is my big break.
09:08Gould's going to let me in the class officially, provided I prove myself this weekend.
09:13I'm on the crew for Helmets of Glory.
09:16I'm a PA for Nellie.
09:18That's a test.
09:19Yeah, of pure humiliation.
09:21See, that's the point.
09:22But if I can take her abuse of the winning attitude and...
09:25I'm serving lunches here.
09:27Of course, this completely ruins my romantic plans with Jen this weekend.
09:31Forget Wanderbro for a moment.
09:33Don't you have to work on your own movie?
09:35What's up with that?
09:36Originally, I was going to do both.
09:38That was the plan.
09:40And prove that, yes, romance can be created.
09:43Get off of that.
09:45What are you talking about, man?
09:46It's the last scene of the movie, right?
09:48The monster's dead.
09:49It's the beauty that killed the beast, etc.
09:51Penelope, our heroine, says her final goodbyes to the beast.
09:55I was going to shoot it up at the ruins.
09:57Ah, that's trespassing.
09:58Don't get caught.
09:59But it's a perfect monster's haven.
10:01Lush and romantic.
10:03And the perfect place to seduce the young and beautiful actors playing Penelope.
10:08You dog, you are sly.
10:10You make it sound so cheap.
10:12Do you want anything, or did you just come to inspect the place?
10:15I'm picking up a to-go order.
10:16Ten fish and chips, five family fries, and a dozen shrimp burgers.
10:21And what do you want?
10:23Actually, something a little sexy would be good.
10:27I got a maybe, kinda, sorta date this evening.
10:31Who's the lucky farm animal tonight?
10:33What makes a woman horny?
10:35Your polar opposite?
10:37I mean oysters.
10:38Right, oysters.
10:39A dozen oysters.
10:40Joey, pack them up.
10:42And you can pack them up now, Joey.
10:50Anybody home?
10:53Who is that guy?
10:55Who's who?
10:58Uh, the guy who's breaking your neck.
11:00Do you know him?
11:02I've never seen him before.
11:04He's probably just some rich kid who just stepped off his mommy and daddy's yacht or something.
11:09Could it be?
11:11Joey is finally noticing the opposite sex?
11:14Shut up.
11:15Uh, excuse me, young man.
11:17This woman here thinks you're very attractive.
11:19You bunch of dogs.
11:23Forget it, Joey.
11:24Guys off yachts don't go for waitresses.
11:31I'm gonna kill you.
11:32One night in your sleep, a slit throat maybe, or a screwdriver to your temple.
11:37Be ready.
11:42Too many times.
11:46I've seen it before.
11:51That look in your eyes.
11:55That head for the door.
12:01Hey, Dawson.
12:03Hey, Pooh.
12:04What are you doing here?
12:06Oh, just living a fantasy.
12:08No, seriously.
12:10Cliff gave me a part.
12:12No point was there a couch involved, right?
12:14No, Cliff's a very nice guy.
12:17And I've got two lines.
12:18Uh, way to go, and those swallows sure do look big.
12:22Pretend you're supposed to be in my movie, not this homage to headgear.
12:26Hey, glad you made it.
12:30Just in time.
12:31We were just about to start.
12:33Rehearsal's up.
12:39Thanks, dude.
12:40Thanks, Dawson.
13:01Has Ethan made it to the county fair yet?
13:04Uh, yeah.
13:05Yeah, he has.
13:06Yes, he has.
13:10There was no county fair when I read it.
13:21What were you in high school?
13:23What do you mean?
13:25A jock, a brain, a cheerleader.
13:29Just curious.
13:31Well, I was captain of the dance team and class treasurer.
13:35And I studied a lot.
13:42A jock.
13:44Center fielder, why are you asking?
13:48That you've dated me?
13:54We're in school.
13:55We are not alone.
13:57There are people in this building.
13:58And it's just a question.
14:01If you and I had gone to school together and we were the same age, would you have dated me?
14:07Probably not.
14:12But that was a long time ago.
14:14And I've learned a lot.
14:17I'm smarter now.
14:19At least I was until a few weeks ago.
14:26What's this?
14:27Summary questions for the first two chapters.
14:30I'll tell you what.
14:31You answer all of them.
14:33And perhaps I'll give you some positive reinforcement.
15:00All right.
15:15All right.
15:35No applause.
15:48Just send money.
15:51Wait, wait.
15:52Don't go.
15:57You know, you were spying on me.
15:59It's public doc.
16:00No, I mean, it's okay.
16:03My name's Anderson.
16:05Anderson Crawford.
16:10So you come with a name or just an attitude?
16:14Just an attitude.
16:17Do people find this charming?
16:19I haven't asked.
16:24So, um, what brings you to Cape Side?
16:31Tough question.
16:32Yeah, I don't know.
16:34You can get back to me.
16:40What brings you to Cape Side?
16:42My parents.
16:44They're antique hounds.
16:46They're on the hunt for some chair.
16:48Apparently Paul Revere once parked it.
16:51Well, that explains your parents.
16:53But what about you?
16:54I'm a crew.
16:56Base Corps boarding school.
16:58You can only take that all-male environment for so long.
17:02But, you know, I'm doing all the sharing here, so tell me something about you.
17:08I'm a Pisces.
17:10I'm into Harleys, body piercing, and men with tattoos.
17:15Are you here with your parents?
17:16You guys on a boat?
17:20Um, actually, we brought the chauffeur.
17:24Mother hates to sail.
17:26She doesn't like the sun.
17:28She burns easy.
17:31What about you?
17:33I'm a lotion.
17:35No, I mean, do you like to sail?
17:37Why do you ask?
17:39I'm taking a survey.
17:42Because I want you to come sailing with me tomorrow.
17:48I can't.
17:49Come on.
17:50I'll show you my tattoo.
17:52Gatman has a tattoo.
17:55If you come sailing, you'll find out.
17:59Do you?
18:08I can live with maybe.
18:10If at least you tell me your name.
18:16Deborah Carson.
18:20Deborah Carson.
18:26Quiz me.
18:29Okay, let's start easy.
18:33What was the name of Ethan's wife?
18:35Who is Xena?
18:38So what do I win?
18:40Not so fast.
18:41There's more.
18:42What was the name of the town in which they lived?
18:44What is Starkfield?
18:46Very good.
18:48All right.
18:50I'm ready.
18:51One more.
18:54Why do you think Ethan had such a strong sense of duty?
19:00You must cite some examples from your text when constructing your response.
19:08That's why we've got to give it 110%.
19:11Eight days a week.
19:12Remember how hard we worked this summer?
19:14That's what it pays off.
19:16Let's do it for the coach.
19:19He likes to watch.
19:20Let's go out there and show them what we're made of.
19:23It's your cliche here.
19:24Let's lay it on the line.
19:26May I have another?
19:27Let's go out there and do it for our friends.
19:29Does someone need to have a talk with Mr. Gold about someone's attitude?
19:36Go for it, Nellie.
19:37Oh, I will.
19:38Believe me.
19:40As producer, I will tell him exactly how you disrupted filming and delayed the entire production.
19:48When did you start to hate me?
19:50I missed it.
19:51What did I do?
19:52It's what you didn't do.
19:53You haven't earned your place here, Dawson.
19:56I worked all summer on this script, and I don't appreciate you walking in here and trashing it.
20:04I don't hate you, Dawson, but this is business.
20:07Strictly professional.
20:09You need to show a little gratitude.
20:12Now, you shape up, or you're going to be shipped out.
20:18Let's go again.
20:20Back to our place.
20:22Well done.
20:24All right, everybody, back to one.
20:27Which explains her motivation or desire to keep Ethan from seeing beyond the somewhat limited scope of life with her on the farm?
20:41Well, well, well.
20:46And my reward is?
20:49You got me, Pacey.
20:50I never expected you to get this far.
20:53So, Miss Jacobs was bluffing?
20:57Your reward is your education.
21:00No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
21:03I'll tell you what, I'll owe you.
21:06It's okay tomorrow.
21:08No, it's not.
21:10Not here, not now.
21:11This is my place of employment.
21:13It's lit.
21:14There's no janitor, no film crew.
21:17Everybody's gone home for the night.
21:19It's just you and me.
21:23What's the matter?
21:27You know, you're right.
21:30Let's do it.
21:34But where should we do?
21:36I know.
21:37My desk.
21:38Our first time should be on my desk.
21:43Hurry up.
21:44We don't have much time.
21:46Better drop him.
21:47I know what you're doing.
21:49You're calling my bluff to see how far I'll take it.
21:52No, no, no, I'm deadly serious.
21:55Take him off.
22:00I'm on to you tomorrow.
22:03You think I'm going to cave, that I wouldn't go through with it.
22:06Do you have condoms, Pacey?
22:08Because we are going to need condoms.
22:12If it is a high school, I'm sure you can round some up.
22:18What's wrong?
22:20Well, this just isn't the most romantic place on earth, you know.
22:25Well, is this your first time, Pacey?
22:30You know that it is.
22:36Go home, Pacey.
22:39You need to find a girl your own age.
22:42Not some insane middle-aged woman.
22:47No buts, please.
22:49Look, this can't go one second further.
22:51This is beyond wrong.
22:53I hope you understand that.
22:55Look at me.
22:57Look at me.
22:59You keep saying how this is wrong, and maybe tonight it is.
23:03But just to set the record straight,
23:06I'm a firm believer that sometimes it's right to do the wrong thing.
23:10All right.
23:27All right.
23:40All right.
24:13Deborah Carson.
24:17Anderson Crawford.
24:22You look amazing.
24:32You want to come to work?
24:37You want to come to work?
24:39Yeah, I'll help you.
24:42My parents know some Carsons who went to Palm Beach.
24:45Any relation?
24:47No, we're pretty much Manhattan-bound.
24:50Where'd you go to school?
24:53It's a drag, isn't it?
24:56Morning school.
24:58I don't think so.
25:00I kind of like it.
25:02What's there to like about it?
25:04Well, it's a privileged existence.
25:06I mean, think of the option.
25:09You could be stuck in a small town like this where nothing exciting ever happens.
25:15Well, it's not the education you're talking about.
25:18It's more the boarding part.
25:20It seems kind of unnatural.
25:22Taken away when you're 12, separated from your family.
25:25Just doesn't seem fair.
25:30I keep thinking I'll get used to it, but...
25:33I never do.
25:37I didn't know you sailed.
25:41Well, I'm a woman of many talents.
26:06The warm winds in our hair
26:11The summer tide is everywhere
26:16It's funny how today just flew past
26:26I've been in the wrong place
26:31I've been in the wrong place
26:36Long enough to know
26:43I'm in the right place
26:48My dad didn't do investments primarily.
26:50He doesn't really work.
26:52He just makes money.
26:53What about yours?
26:54Oh, he's a CEO of a huge conglomerate.
26:59Which one?
27:01One of the nation's best-selling tampons.
27:06So it's worth the money.
27:11Is this your backer's way of asking if I have one?
27:15Well, I just assume that you did.
27:20And what makes you think that?
27:22The way you carry yourself.
27:25You're really hands-off.
27:27It's like a clear radio signal, you know?
27:30I guess if I was seeing somebody, I'd want them to give off the same vibe.
27:37And how would you feel if she sailed to a deserted beach with some mystery man?
27:44Well, as long as she didn't keep a secret.
27:47You know, didn't lie about it.
27:49Truth can't hurt you.
27:51It's lies that can.
27:54Honesty is still the primary quality in good performing girls.
28:01All right, everybody.
28:03We can do this.
28:05And action!
28:08John, don't think of it as a football team.
28:10Think of it as a family.
28:12How so, Tim?
28:13Well, if we play like a family, we might just be able to beat Brewster.
28:17Now you're talking.
28:19That's what I call men and men pride.
28:21That's what I call men and men pride.
28:26Do you think we could get somebody who's not epileptic to run the camera?
28:31You try it.
28:33You run backwards with a handheld and see if you can do it any better.
28:36There's actually a technique.
28:37If you brace your arm...
28:38Did you say something?
28:42Looking good.
28:46We need more tape from the film lab.
28:49Go fetch, Doggy Dawson.
28:55How's it going back there?
28:56Are they ready for the all-important cheerleaders yet?
29:00They haven't even got a usable take of the first scene.
29:02Let's just say that as a director, your friend Cliff is a great quarterback.
29:07Well, we can't all be prodigies.
29:10Helmets of glory.
29:12Can you even say it with a straight face?
29:17Why are you here?
29:19I don't get it.
29:20Except to watch me get humiliated.
29:22Because I knew you'd be here.
29:27Hey, if we finish early, you want to help me get that magic hour shot?
29:31I'd love the chance to work with a real director.
29:35If we ever get out of here.
29:37You got it.
29:40Here's the grass you know here, and this is Elm.
29:43Now, if Oswald was here...
29:45Do you actually buy into that magical theory?
29:48What are you saying?
29:49Are you saying that everyone on the Warren Commission lied?
29:53I'm just saying that Kevin Costner was pretty convincing in JFK.
29:57And I can't believe you've actually read the report.
30:00Isn't it like a million pages?
30:08There's curious, and then there's sand models of Dallas.
30:13Have I told you about my UFO theories?
30:17My UFO theories.
30:19How they swoop down, sometimes destroying entire cities.
30:28No, you don't.
30:31It's just Dallas, home of Ross Perot and the Cowboys.
30:36No one's going there.
30:44Look at the time I gotta go.
30:47My parents are expecting me.
30:52Is that the truth?
30:54Or are you just trying to wiggle out of a romantic situation?
31:01I'm sorry.
31:03Let's get Cinderella home.
31:20Today was a lot of fun, Anderson, but...
31:26You didn't know the truth.
31:29And that would be...
31:34Not Cinderella.
31:37Not even close.
31:51All right, everybody, this is it.
31:54This is the shot, I can feel it.
31:59John, don't think of it as a football team.
32:01You have to think of it as a family.
32:03Well, how so, Jim?
32:07Sorry, let's go again.
32:09Oh, the magic of filmmaking.
32:11What's loser friend doing here?
32:13Get out of that thing.
32:14I was just keeping it warm.
32:17Cliff, sweetie, it's not working.
32:21I know you want this moving tracking thing,
32:24but can we just use the tripod for this one?
32:27Hey, guys, just let me do it.
32:29Look, Dawson, I've had it with you.
32:31Whoa, whoa.
32:32Wait a second.
32:35You got an idea? Let's hear it.
32:37I'm open.
32:41John, you can't think of it as a football team.
32:44You have to think of it as a family.
32:46Now you're talking.
32:47That's what I call Minuteman pride.
32:49Let's go get them, brother.
32:52Cut. Cut. Great.
32:54Perfect. Perfect.
33:08You were brilliant today.
33:10You really put that Nellie Olsen right in that place.
33:13The real filming is yet to come.
33:16What can I get you guys this evening?
33:18We'll have two turkey clubs and two Cokes.
33:21Uh, no mayo on mine.
33:23Can I suggest Bode's own fat-free herb sauce?
33:25It's great with the club.
33:28Uh, sandwiches to-go, Cokes, while we wait.
33:31We're catching Magico tonight.
33:32New Orleans, remember?
33:33Oh, yeah.
33:34I'll put a Russian.
33:37What has gotten into Joey?
33:39I don't know. It's bizarre.
33:41You were late.
33:44Look, I'm in charge until you're 18
33:47or Dad gets parole.
33:48Whatever comes first.
33:50And we have to help each other out, Joey.
33:52It's just the way it has to be.
33:54I'm sorry. Ruined my good mood.
33:57I was just trying to have a moment of happiness
34:00in an otherwise pathetic existence.
34:04You couldn't be late, can you?
34:10Not alive.
34:13What is it?
34:16God, nothing.
34:20Mind if I join you? I'm on break.
34:31Who's that?
34:33You're always kind of a cute nobody.
34:37Hey, Debra.
34:39What are you doing here? I thought you had to meet your parents.
34:42Who's Debra?
34:43She's Debra.
34:44No, she's not.
34:47Oh, she's not?
34:49Well, then who did I spend the afternoon with?
34:55It's just that we don't call her Debra.
34:58She's just Deb to us.
35:01Are you guys from New York as well?
35:03Wait a minute. What's going on here?
35:06We're just passing through, though.
35:08Deb and I go to school together.
35:10And you are?
35:13Debra and I went sailing tonight.
35:17Would you like to join us, Deb's friend who we've never met?
35:21I'm going to get a takeout.
35:23Sandwich is up.
35:30You know, Anderson, the food's good here, but the service is a little iffy.
35:35You think your parents might free up some?
35:38I don't know. A big family scribe will turn in it tonight.
35:43I might be able to sneak away later.
35:45Okay. Where do you know where I'll be?
35:47Planet Earth to Joey.
35:50I'll come by after the game.
35:52Hey, a charade is a good set of letters where you can use in that Scrabble game.
36:00Must have come right in the middle of something.
36:04Here you go.
36:06That's $7.50.
36:09Miss, would you, uh, would you like anything?
36:14No, but thank you.
36:18I called in a takeout. Right this way.
36:22It was really nice to meet you.
36:24Yeah. See you guys later.
36:26See ya.
36:35Are you kidding?
36:38That's my favorite.
36:40Isn't it yours?
36:42No, my favorite scene is when Streisand meets up with Redford years later in the street,
36:47and they speak pleasantly.
36:49And cordially.
36:51And then she brushes his hair off his forehead the way she did when they first met years earlier.
36:56Oh, it kills me.
36:58So bittersweet. They belong together.
37:02But they can never go back to the way they were.
37:05Oh, stop. I'm gonna cry right now.
37:07Okay, let's get out of here.
37:09I'll walk you home. We can take the scenic route.
37:12Oh, will you hold my hand like Katie and Hubble?
37:14Maybe more.
37:15Ooh. I'll get my things.
37:25Hello, Tamara.
37:31Mr. Gold is right around the corner.
37:33I know. I heard he's walking you home.
37:36Well, Mr. Gold is a friend of mine.
37:38Oh, clearly.
37:40We're friends, Spacey.
37:42I know what you do with your students, so I guess he's in for one heck of a ride.
37:47Look, you have got to stop with this before it gets out of hand.
37:52Oh, this is already out of hand.
37:54I have to go.
37:55Wait, wait.
37:57What do you want from me?
38:05I want you.
38:22We're actually not supposed to be here.
38:24The guy's dead and his son's a real ass.
38:26If he sees somebody, he'll run like hell.
38:28Oh, now we're trespassing, aren't we?
38:30Yes, we are.
38:32So what is this place?
38:33The Monster's Secret Haven.
38:35I don't know. For real, what is it? It's incredible.
38:37It's part of some guy's estate.
38:39He built it for his dead wife before she died.
38:42She loved Greece. It was her favorite spot.
38:45And then she got sick and couldn't travel anymore, so he brought Greece to her.
38:50That is so romantic.
38:54I think so.
39:01This is absolutely beautiful.
39:04Well, if we've got to hurry, we're going to lose the sun.
39:08So, uh, what do you want me to do here?
39:11Well, just look at that.
39:14Just sit right there and watch me as I create the moment.
39:31I was, um, thinking of using this for the closing sequence.
39:36What do you think?
39:38Well, that's a little schmaltzy considering it's a horror film.
39:42You see, I was going for the, uh, tragic end.
39:47You see, the Monster's dead, but in his death, Penelope finds understanding.
39:53She comes here to his secret place to say goodbye.
39:56She comes here to his secret place to say goodbye.
39:59It's dramatic.
40:02It kind of balances out all the blood.
40:06I see.
40:15Okay, um, so, so what's, what's my, what's my direction?
40:21That of longing.
40:23Incredible sadness.
40:27Think about what's just happened.
40:30You've just discovered that the monster you've killed was really the man you love.
40:35The victim of an experiment gone terribly wrong.
40:55It hurt.
40:58Was that okay? Because, I mean, it kind of...
41:01You are amazing.
41:03Well, sadness is my specialty.
41:07Should we do it again? I'm not, I'm not sure.
41:09This is perfect.
41:11Well, I had a good director.
41:13Well, I had a good actress.
41:17So, it seems a shame to waste all this good production time.
41:28Soft candlelight.
41:32Wait, wait, wait a minute.
41:35Wait, what are you doing?
41:41Wait, wait, wait a minute.
41:44Wait, what are you doing?
42:11I'm pretty good at that thing.
42:17I was hoping you'd show up.
42:24Listen, um...
42:27We leave tomorrow.
42:29But, um...
42:31I come to New York all the time.
42:34Take you out to dinner.
42:37Rainbow Room. We can dance the night away.
42:43I'm not a very good dancer, Anderson.
42:47And I prefer boule.
42:49It's my haunt. I'm an East Side girl.
42:53But, boule isn't...
42:59Let me get you my number.
43:01I could stay awake.
43:06When you are asleep.
43:10I can hear you breathe now.
43:15Your breath is deep.
43:24Call me.
43:28One last time.
43:32I can hear a heartbeat.
43:36Is it yours or is it mine?
43:44I look at your lips.
43:48I know how soft they can be.
43:53Do they know what they wanted?
43:58The times they kissed me.
44:04And your hands.
44:08I held in mine.
44:12I know I'll kiss you more.
44:18Will they ever miss me?
44:26You, uh...
44:28You need to stay right here.
44:31In the moonlight.
44:36That's why you belong.
44:41That's all that I can do.
44:45And I'll remember.
44:49With its speed and power.
44:55Dawson, you were videotaping a really private moment.
44:59Please, just let me explain.
45:01Let me explain.
45:03I wanted the moment to be perfect between us.
45:07I wanted to create something special.
45:09Something worthy of how special I think you are.
45:12Dawson, you are not alone.
45:15I'm here for you.
45:17I'm here for you.
45:19I'm here for you.
45:21I believe how special I think you are.
45:23Dawson, you just try too hard.
45:26You're overzealous.
45:28It's my downfall.
45:32Why can't you just let the moment exist?
45:35Why do you always feel the need to make it happen?
45:37I don't know.
45:38I don't know.
45:39I just, I do.
45:43I don't know what else to say.
45:46Except that my intentions are nothing short of honorable.
45:52I've never met anyone like you before, Jen.
45:54You scare me.
45:55I scare you?
45:56And I love the way you scare me.
45:58But it makes me nervous.
45:59And then I do or say something stupid.
46:01And then I spend all this energy coming up with ideas to be smart so that you won't think I'm stupid.
46:06But then those ideas ultimately backfire, making me look even more stupid.
46:10And it's just a vicious cycle.
46:12And I'm really at the end of my rope right now, Jen.
46:14Because all I want to do is kiss you.
46:16And I'm afraid if I don't kiss you soon, I'm going to explode.
46:21You know, Dawson, this really sucks.
46:30Now I'm scared.
46:34The kiss.
46:35The kiss, I mean, you've built this kiss up to be such a big deal.
46:40What happens if I'm a disappointment?
46:44Never happen.
46:56Where were you?
47:03Hey, thanks for helping me out today.
47:05She's being nice, Bodhi.
47:07What does this mean?
47:09Uh, tread lightly.
47:15Um, Roulet, that restaurant in New York, it's on the east side, isn't it?
47:22No, no, no, it's in Tribeca.
47:25And it closed down a couple years ago.
47:27They had a great chef, though. Why?
47:30No reason.
47:45The percentage of dumb things I do is rising around you.
47:49What do you think that means when you keep on doing dumb things around the swimming pool?
47:53Well, I'm sure it's something extremely fruity.
48:00Oh, no.
48:01What? What? What?
48:03We gotta hide.
48:11Let's go.
48:13Where are we going?
48:14I don't know. Hurry.
48:16Who's coming?
48:23Oh, he's so... so overdue.
48:27We're gonna hide.
48:41This is... this is really gross. It smells.
48:43I know. I know.
48:45Oh, God, there's, like, stuff in here.
48:47Shh, shh, shh, it's fine.
48:49Just, like, calm down.
48:51It's just...
49:01Eye to eye
49:06Hey, don't I know you
49:10I can't speak
49:17Strip my senses
49:23On the spot
49:28I've never been defenseless
49:34I can't even make sense of this
49:39You speak and I don't hear a word
49:46What would happen if we kissed
49:50Would your talk slip past my lips
49:55Would you run away
49:58Would you stay
50:01Or would I melt into you
50:07Melt into me
50:20Melt into me
