Dawson's Creek Season 2 Episode 7 The All-Nighter

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Dawson's Creek Season 2 Episode 7 The All-Nighter


00:00to me back. You kissed my girlfriend. Truth is, I'd do it again. Kiss me. I thought you'd never ask.
00:06You make me so happy. I have to make myself happy first.
00:12We can't just say I love you for the first time and have it be over.
00:16Good night.
00:17Think about it. There's not a single dramatic storyline in existence that Shakespeare didn't
00:37conquer first. Family revenge, political intrigue, the great gender battle. The guy mapped it all
00:42out for us. And what was his parting lesson? What was genre of all genres that he finally
00:47arrived at after years of toil and sacrifice? Tragedy. Like all great romantics, he finally
00:56realized that life was a lot more likely to end up with a bunch of dead Danish people on stage
01:02than with a kiss. What a sad movie. Mom, you cried at the commercials.
01:09Only that cotton commercial. We've got to do something about your perpetual state of melancholy.
01:15I'm concerned about you. Well, honey, I'm concerned about you.
01:24Ever since your breakup with Joey, you haven't said one word about it.
01:29Dawson, you haven't even wallowed. What good is wallowing? All the wallowing in the world,
01:34you're going to bring somebody back. Wallowing isn't about getting them back.
01:38It isn't about them at all. It's about you and learning to allow yourself the few meager
01:45advantages of being the Dumpy. Advantages?
01:50Sure. Like, um, allowing yourself to stuff your face with a lifetime supply of red licorice and
01:57donuts. Or, um, a newfound appreciation for country music.
02:04Seeming like an excuse to watch the last scene of Field of Dreams again.
02:08Acquiring the necessary pain to write bad, bitter poetry.
02:12Reason to scowl. Reason to bitch.
02:14To work out aggression. Yes.
02:15Yep. You see, when you think about it, honey,
02:21every inch of pain that touches you makes you a deeper, more real individual. Whether
02:27you're 16 or slightly older. So it doesn't get any easier?
02:36Nope. You just go to bed earlier.
02:40Good night, honey. Good night, Mom.
02:44I, um, hope I was an acceptable substitute for a movie night.
02:49You were great.
04:27What light through yonder window breaks?
04:39It is the midterm, and your impending failure is but hours away.
04:47Blue books. You will notice they are blank. And for many of you,
04:56they will score higher as such than when actually written in.
05:03Please sign your real name.
05:06As to the test, it will cover everything that we have studied in English literature thus far,
05:13and it will be worth 50% of this term's grade.
05:22Main points of interest. Shakespeare, Dickens, the Romantics,
05:27and your favorite, the read everybody's talking about, Beowulf.
05:33I will be hosting a study session in this classroom at three o'clock. It is my recommendation
05:45that you attend, unless, of course, your parents have dedicated at least a wing or two to an Ivy
05:53League institution, in which case your tragic East Coast aristocratic social alcoholic fate
06:02has already been sealed. This is more than just an exam, people. It's your life.
06:21Dawson, at some point we are going to have to say something to each other.
06:24What would you like me to say, Charlie?
06:26I don't know. What do you want to say?
06:32Besides that?
06:34Joey, you made it very clear that you needed space, okay? You're giving me that space.
06:40Well, I didn't think it would mean that we'd be cutting off all communication, Dawson.
06:43What did you think it would mean, Joey?
06:46This isn't fair.
06:47To which one of us? You can't make up all the rules.
06:49I don't want to.
06:50Then what do you want?
07:01You know, one day this cafeteria is destined to cook a fry that actually tastes like a fry.
07:07Bon appétit. Ever been in one?
07:12All hail, the queen of non-sequiturs has spoken.
07:15It's not a non-sequitur, it's this one's chain.
07:17These chick magazines are racier than Playboy. There's always some article in there about how
07:21to prolong you this or arouse you that.
07:24This one's a purity test.
07:28Purity test. You've heard of them.
07:30An assortment of sexual questions that, when totaled, are meant to gauge your level of
07:35sexual experience.
07:36Oh, don't put that away now.
07:40Why? It's fun.
07:41Uh, gauging our level of sexual expertise is not really my idea of joy abounding.
07:49I don't think I know where this is going, pasty witter. I know your history.
07:55You do?
07:57You're a typical guy. You want everyone to think that you have this
08:01unseemly, adventurous, sexual existence, when in fact,
08:08your purity level is probably closer to Big Bird's than Bill Clinton's.
08:14Yeah, you know what? You got me. That's me, Mr. Embarrassingly Pure.
08:19Whatever. So, am I going to see a Peterson's Cramorama?
08:23So that would imply that I'm going.
08:25No, no, no, pasty. You cannot fail on this study session. It's way too important.
08:29To you?
08:30No, no, no. To anyone who cares about their grade.
08:33Well, do you see? There's the rub. You're so not concerned.
08:36Don't joke about this. I'm serious.
08:39As committed as you are to doing everything in your power to getting an A,
08:42I'm equally committed to getting my C,
08:45possibly D, if I can't get a good enough look at your answer sheet.
08:49Give me one good reason why I should.
08:55Okay. Fine. I'll go.
09:01Just don't expect me to stay awake.
09:08Chris, what's up?
09:09It's a long run today.
09:12I thought you might be looking for someone to keep stride with.
09:15Oh, and you'd like to be that someone?
09:18I'm a good patient.
09:20I want to speed up and slow down.
09:23And when to leave someone alone.
09:27Jenna, is there a particular reason why you're not receptive to my wily charms?
09:32Other than the fact that you omit them regularly to any skirt within a six-mile radius?
09:36I actually have a car, so it's more like a tri-state area.
09:42A smile. Mission accomplished.
09:47Later, Chris.
09:53Oh, he's just being cute.
10:06But she really is.
10:06Man, have you seen his lovin' on the evenin' rap sheet? It's epic.
10:10Relax, Dawson. She's lookin' at home.
10:14So you hittin' that study session tonight, or what?
10:16Oh, I doubt it.
10:19Not much in the, uh, applying-myself zone these days, you know?
10:24How about you?
10:27It's either that or another evening watching some awful 70s tearjerker with my mother,
10:30so you should go.
10:36You know, I'll tell you what, Dawson.
10:38Since it doesn't look like I'm gonna be having a hot night of unbridled passion
10:42with Romeo over there, I'll consider it.
10:45Dear class, went home with a cold that was considerably more important than you.
10:50The test is still on for tomorrow's study-the-sample questions.
10:54Until then, hardly yours, Mr. Peterson.
10:58So we bailed on his own session.
11:01I'm thinking we should have our own study session.
11:04My folks are in St. Martin. We'll have the whole house to ourselves.
11:08Right. Like, we'd really get a lot of work done that way.
11:11The lady questions my motives.
11:14Right, invite your friends.
11:16You two interested?
11:18Come on, study my place.
11:20I was thinking more along the lines of the city library?
11:23Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
11:24His offer does have certain enticing qualities.
11:27Since when have you been in such a rush to form a study group?
11:30Have you ever seen this man's house?
11:33His family is totally loaded.
11:35They got a satellite dish.
11:38Come on.
11:39All right, we're in.
11:41Cool, I'll drive.
11:45Young lady, will you be joining us?
11:50How can I resist?
11:59Hey, Joey.
12:00So, what are your study plans?
12:02Oh, just me, my English lipbook, and a couple of other things.
12:06Oh, just me, my English lipbook, and the loud crying baby?
12:10Good, then you can come with me.
12:13Oh, a study session at Chris Wolf's.
12:15I can't do this alone.
12:17Chris Wolf's?
12:17You're gonna rely on Chris Wolf to provide a suitable study environment?
12:21I think I'm better off with the loud crying baby.
12:23Okay, do you honestly believe that I would let this night be anything less than ridiculously
12:29Trust me, I'm in mega control of this event.
12:33Hey, Dawson, where are you headed, little buddy?
12:39I saw Peterson's note.
12:40I figured I'd hang on.
12:41I'm actually headed to a different study session at your airport.
12:44Different study session?
12:45Spacey Ritter code for party?
12:48Raffle road trip to Disneyland?
12:49Believe it or not, this is a true meeting of intellectuals.
12:52A highly moderated studious environment.
12:55And that, my friend, is our ride.
12:58So, what are you saying?
13:00I'm sure.
13:02We have no sing-along, so sing along.
13:20Here's to all the places we've never been before.
13:27Here's to summer tours, an awkward road to you and yours.
13:37To you and yours.
13:44Uh, TV is that way.
13:46Jacuzzi and sauna are out back.
13:49I'm gonna keep extra suits in the guest room.
13:51And, uh, kitchen's that way if you get hungry.
13:54Sounds like we're gonna get a lot of setting done.
13:57Reminder, I'm in complete control here.
14:04My little sister, Dina.
14:08She promises to stay out of the way.
14:12This room isn't gonna do.
14:13We're gonna need a long table, proper lighting, and high back chairs.
14:21Where's Spacey?
14:24Hey, check this out.
14:25200 channels from all over the world.
14:27It's the couch potato's dream.
14:29Look at that.
14:30Three stooges in Cantonese.
14:32That's great.
14:32Why do you insist on undermining me at every opportunity you get?
14:37I think I hope we'll have the alternative of this.
14:41Look, I'm gonna need your help with our attention deficit, host, okay?
14:45There's no way I can expend energy rounding up the both of you.
14:48Now, come on.
14:49I need to watch TV.
14:52So, the plan of attack is simple.
14:54Using this book, we'll spend 30 minutes on each of the various sections.
14:59Victorian poetry, Shakespeare, Dickens, etc.
15:02And, by my watch, if we allow for a few 15-minute breaks,
15:06we'll be able to cover the entire course load by midnight.
15:10That will still give us enough time to do an hour speed round
15:13and get a good night's sleep.
15:15Sound good?
15:19Uh, anybody want to order a pizza?
15:22Absolutely, yeah.
15:23Yeah, I got it.
15:27Listen, why don't you just think of this as several more 15-minute breaks strung together?
15:33We've got a bottle in here from 84.
15:35It's, uh, it's from Napa.
15:40Well, actually, the wine is made by a married couple
15:43who have a sort of a mom-and-pop thing going on.
15:47I always thought that she was quality over labels.
15:53I think we're getting to know each other minus sexual overtones.
15:58Well, it is possible.
16:02You know, Jim, it bothers me that you assume the worst about me.
16:06I don't know about you.
16:08Well, given our previous encounters, plus your reputation,
16:13what would you expect me to assume?
16:20That we're a lot alike.
16:22That, uh, reputations aren't worth the air they're written on.
16:27And that the only way to really get to know someone is by getting to know them.
16:37I don't want to let go just yet.
16:46Okay, for 200 points, the most famous of the romantic moments.
16:54Wrong again.
16:55Two beings were drifting, each one to the other.
17:00No moments, they're lifting, one hand from another.
17:07But wrong, though.
17:09Would you eat them in a box?
17:12Would you eat them in a box?
17:17I so hate you right now.
17:22It was Keats.
17:23Oh, okay.
17:24For an additional 100 points, can you give us his most famous moment?
17:31Okay, mom.
17:32Beauty is truth.
17:34Truth, beauty.
17:36Um, he's right.
17:39I forgot.
17:40It seems so.
17:44Oh, maybe we shouldn't have had that hot tub.
17:48What do you think?
17:48Chill out a little bit?
17:49We've been chilling out for like two hours.
17:51What we need to do now is focus.
17:56Well, then, what do we have here?
17:59Now, why don't I take you for the National Geographic time?
18:02Wait, you've got to be kidding me.
18:04How pure are you?
18:05Can I talk about an open can of worms?
18:09No way.
18:10We're already behind.
18:12Come on, Lieutenant.
18:13I vote for one last bonding event before you go back to academic torture.
18:17Why not?
18:22Okay, in an effort to keep this moment of folly under control, I'm taking charge.
18:28There's 100 questions total, and I only have one test.
18:33So we'll pass it around and take turns asking.
18:37Write your answers on the paper, and we'll total when finished.
18:45Okay, um, Casey, why don't you start?
18:48All righty.
18:50Question number one.
18:52Have you ever been intimately aroused by a relative?
18:56So it's a Southern test, huh?
18:59Number 13.
19:00Have you ever experimented with bondage?
19:02Number 22.
19:03Have you ever gotten cozy in an air... in a public place?
19:07In your parents' bed.
19:09Have you ever crushed your parents having sex?
19:12Number 63.
19:14Have you ever named your most private of regions?
19:17Number 69.
19:19Whoa, whoa, whoa.
19:20I think we just debated him.
19:22Have you ever engaged in a sexual activity with a member of the same sex?
19:27With a transvestite?
19:29Have you ever slept with a four-legged creature?
19:33Have you ever paid for sex?
19:35Question number 84.
19:40Have you ever fantasized about a friend's significant other?
19:47Ooh, very quiet in the room all of a sudden.
19:50Have you ever had an affair with a friend's significant other?
19:54In my fantasy.
19:58Have you ever had an affair with a friend's pet?
20:03I get all the animal questions.
20:05Okay, number 100.
20:09Um, have you ever been in love?
20:13If so, how many times?
20:14Give yourself a point of freedom for each time.
20:18Okay, let's score him up.
20:25Okay, is everybody ready?
20:41Not now, Dawson.
20:42So look in your face when you're in there, Christian.
20:46Is this your version of space?
20:47You're free to leave any time.
20:49I don't see you making a rush for the door.
20:50That's because I came here to study, Dawson.
20:52I didn't know that you were coming.
20:54Is it so awful that I'm here?
20:57Stop putting words into my mouth.
20:59I asked for time, Dawson.
21:01Just time.
21:02Please respect that.
21:10Dawson, right?
21:12Dina will appear in case you didn't remember.
21:17Dina, do you know what the coffee is?
21:19Yeah, a drip or instant?
21:21Um, drip.
21:24Tough room.
21:25With me?
21:28So, care to fill me in on the details of your little love affair?
21:34I'd rather not discuss it, actually.
21:38You're right, Dawson.
21:41I talk.
21:42People like you and me, we can say everything with a look.
21:47And the totals are as follows.
21:50Chris clocked in with the least pure score of 66 percent.
21:55Jen is a close second with 69 percent.
21:59Joey and Dawson bring us up the scale with a matching purity level of 85 percent.
22:04And I round us up with a 92.
22:08Wait a minute.
22:09We're matching purity levels?
22:11And I round us up with a 92.
22:15Wait a minute.
22:16We're missing one here.
22:18It's right here.
22:19Oh, why didn't you turn it in?
22:21Didn't really want to.
22:22Hand it over.
22:25You dog.
22:26Well, this wouldn't have anything to do with question number 16.
22:3016? I don't get it.
22:32Yeah, well, we'd be right past it.
22:33But I think we should really get loud.
22:35What do you say, Pace?
22:36Chris, stop it.
22:37No, come on.
22:38I'm dying to know.
22:39What'd you put for 16, Witter?
22:40Let's just put an old room to rest right now.
22:43You know, Chris, is there anything redeeming about you other than your house?
22:49Will someone please tell me what you guys are talking about?
22:53Okay, I'll look it up myself.
22:55Um, 16.
22:58Have you ever had sex with someone twice your age?
23:03It's a joke, right?
23:05Well, it's true after all.
23:07Witter laid the pipe with Miss Jacobs.
23:11I don't know whether to congratulate you or fall off my chair.
23:15Miss Jacobs?
23:16The, um, teacher who left Capeside?
23:21Pacey, you said that you were embarrassingly pure.
23:26Those were your words, right?
23:40Chris, do you know where they may have gone?
24:02I'm telling you, they're out there screwing around by now.
24:05They wouldn't know whose makeup sex is the best kind.
24:10I wouldn't know.
24:12Don't worry, bud.
24:14The way you and Joey are going at it,
24:15there's bound to be some serious makeup sex in your future.
24:27How am I doing?
24:30The lovely Jen Lindley.
24:32She has you sedated.
24:33You know how she thinks.
24:35She likes me, yeah?
24:37Well, you never have had much trouble attracting the opposite sex, Chris.
24:44Jen's different.
24:46She's, uh, too with it.
24:50Of course, the deal requires a completely different strategy.
24:54You mean sleeping with her?
24:55No, I mean a heavy game of Uno.
24:57It's not gonna happen.
25:00We'll see.
25:00You know, Chris, Jen is in this really weird kind of vulnerable state right now, all right?
25:09Don't take advantage of that.
25:15We won't do anything she's not looking forward to.
25:17We'll see.
25:20If it's proof you need.
25:25You see that light up there in the guest house?
25:28When that light's off.
25:30That means I'm inside.
25:33With Jen.
25:36Lowering both our purity levels.
25:40And you?
25:42All right, you'll be out here.
25:53Let me know if you need a bar of swimsuit.
25:59God, I can't believe this place.
26:01It got brand new swimsuits just for visitors.
26:05Nice digs.
26:07What's the matter, Joey?
26:08You're not gonna give in to a little hot tub temptation?
26:11I'm just gonna study things.
26:17You know, I really am sorry about you and Dawson.
26:22I mean, I know that you may not believe it.
26:24You know, you're right, I don't.
26:28Thanks, Joey.
26:29Thanks for making our conversation just as delightful as ever.
26:36You know, I used to think that it was our mutual feelings for Dawson that kept us apart.
26:40I never really considered the fact that maybe you were just a bitch.
26:51Look, Jen, I didn't mean to be so harsh.
26:58God, I am so sick of talking all the time.
27:02I just want to follow my feelings and not think and discuss it.
27:06I mean, we run it into the ground and...
27:17Don't you just want to have something left to just experience?
27:25As much as anyone.
27:56I was beginning to think you walked all the way home.
28:05Why didn't you tell me about her?
28:10It never really came up.
28:14No good, Pacey.
28:15It did and you lied.
28:16Come on, Andy.
28:17What was I supposed to say?
28:19Okay, well, how about for starters, um...
28:22Oh, before you fall for me, Andy, I slept with my teacher.
28:27All right, there's an easy sentence.
28:28It's not a joke, okay?
28:30It's serious.
28:34And despite your braggart tendencies, Pacey, it's not exactly an admirable event.
28:44It's not fair, Andy.
28:47You're judging me and you don't even know the circumstances.
28:50Besides, I slept with her, not you.
28:57Why would you do it, Pacey?
29:04Oh, so there were no feelings involved.
29:06Of course there were feelings involved.
29:09You asked why.
29:10Okay, I take it back.
29:11I don't want to know anymore.
29:17You're not like that.
29:19Of course I'm like that.
29:21I'm a sexual creature, Andy, and so are you.
29:25Why do you think we talk about it so much?
29:27Why do you think we joke about it?
29:28Why do you think we give each other tests to see how pure we are?
29:31No, that's different.
29:32That's completely innocent.
29:34No, it's not.
29:35The test was about sex and sex is never innocent.
29:39It's intense, it's passionate, and sometimes it can be life-altering.
29:43But it's never innocent, Andy.
29:52I'm really sorry if this changes the way that you feel about me.
29:56But I can't change that.
30:00And if things are going to continue between us, I think you're just going to have to accept that.
30:19Yo, Jen!
30:21Hot dog's ready.
30:24Be right down.
30:29Jen, hey.
30:30Dustin, what, you're not going in?
30:31No, um, can I talk to you for a second?
30:35Yeah, I...
30:37I'm worried Chris doesn't exactly have the best of intentions here.
30:42Tell me something I don't know.
30:43You're aware that his goal is to sleep with you tonight?
30:47He's a guy.
30:49He's 16 and he...
30:52...seems to find me attractive.
30:53So, yes, I would assume he's got some sort of agenda.
30:58You okay with that?
31:01Just because he has some sort of master plan doesn't mean that I've got to go along with it.
31:07And for that matter, I don't know if I'm going to sleep with you tonight.
31:10I don't know if I'm going to sleep with you tonight.
31:13And for that matter, why do you assume that I don't have a plan of my own?
31:24Were you hiding the vents?
31:26So you dated both of them, huh?
31:28You certainly do your research.
31:31Which one's the one?
31:34On your test, you put you'd been in love once.
31:38I'm dying to know.
31:39Is it Cameron Diaz or Julia Roberts?
31:43How did you...
31:43It's called an answer sheet.
31:47It's called...
31:51Not so fast!
31:53I have one you'll want much more.
32:00She puts a little smiley face in her O's.
32:04Carmen makes me want to puke.
32:06All right, well, let me see it.
32:07Not so fast.
32:09This toll has a fee.
32:16You've got to be kidding me.
32:19That's not gonna happen.
32:25I think you'll find her last answer rather interesting.
32:29It seems while you've only been in love once,
32:32according to you-know-whose answer sheet, she's been in love...
32:45It's enough, it's time to study.
32:49No, no, no, relax.
32:51We're in a hot tub.
32:54Studying is not for men.
32:56Really, it's not.
32:59It's my best friend.
33:13...what if I don't promise her?
33:17Then we won't.
33:20Jenna, I'm not a bad guy.
33:24I just want to have fun.
33:27Come on, then, tell me.
33:30Christopher Robin...
33:33...what is your idea of...
33:38I don't know.
33:47So, Jenna...
33:51...are we on the same page?
33:54Same page.
34:09Is she okay?
34:23Yeah, she'll be fine.
34:26She just wants to be alone right now, you know?
34:30Why didn't you just write no?
34:35I didn't want to lie to her.
34:39I mean, I don't know, man, what would you have done?
34:44I don't like to think it would have been honest.
34:48I don't know, it's...
34:50...it's been a trouble saying a lot of things lately, you know?
34:56You know what?
35:02Try harder.
35:19Look, no more rounds tonight, Dawson.
35:22I am so tired and I'm actually trying to get five minutes of sleeping in.
35:30Jo, I thought what we had was special.
35:33Look, I'm serious.
35:35I don't want to talk about anything but this.
35:37You wrote that you've been in love twice.
35:42You've looked at my test.
35:43No, no, I've learned my lesson about invading your personal privacy.
35:46Chris's little sister was kind enough to impart that information.
35:50Jo, you said that I was your world.
35:53When did you have time for guy number two?
35:55I mean, I refuse to believe that you're shallow enough to fall in love with Jack after one kiss.
35:59Jo, I just don't understand.
36:00Look, I don't know, okay?
36:02Why can't we just go back to the way things were?
36:04Why can't we just be friends, Dawson?
36:06Is that really what you want?
36:08After everything that we've been through, you just want to go back to being friends?
36:11Jo, if you don't understand why that can't happen, if you don't get that...
36:17You don't get me.
36:29Very emotional.
36:31Oscar nominating.
36:34Go away.
36:37Dawson, you...
36:41You aren't crying, are you?
36:43Look, you wanted a kiss.
36:44Is that what you want?
36:46Are you prepared for everything that comes along with that kiss?
36:48Because it doesn't just end with a fade out, all right?
36:50There were percussions.
36:51Hearts get broken.
36:53Friendships get ruined.
36:54Your entire life could fall apart because of one kiss, all right?
36:57That's what you have to look forward to.
36:59So do yourself a big favor.
37:00Don't rush it.
37:56Knock, knock.
37:58What do you want?
38:02To hang out with the only sane individual here.
38:07He's so mean.
38:13All boys are.
38:14It's their easiest way of expressing themselves.
38:18After tonight, I'm avoiding growing up at all costs.
38:23Sounds good.
38:24Let me know if you have any luck.
38:29Aren't you supposed to be arguing the other side?
38:32Convincing me that growing up can be such a beautiful experience if I just let it?
38:38I see.
38:39You want the, I'm older than you, so here's how it works speech, right?
38:45How's this?
38:46Growing up sucks.
38:48And not all kisses are magic, and most boys do not live up to your expectations.
38:54But there are those times when everything, I mean, love, romance, relationships,
39:04it all falls together perfectly, and it's incredible.
39:10And it's those moments, no matter how depressingly few and far between,
39:16that make growing up worth it.
39:18It'll be okay.
40:18Oh my god, tell me it is not 6 a.m.
40:38It's 6 a.m.
40:40Wake up, wake up.
40:43Hey, see, the test is in four hours.
40:46Oh my god, oh my god, I must have been studying and I passed out.
40:50Eddie, relax, relax.
40:52Where's the blind?
40:54What are we gonna do?
40:55We don't have any time.
40:56What's happening?
40:57Where is everyone?
40:58Everyone is totally asleep, totally unstudied, totally unprepared, and totally screwed.
41:18I'm getting up.
41:21We should be down there.
41:40For a very fun night.
41:44Hang on a sec, I'll get dressing up.
41:46No, no, that's cool.
41:47Just take your time.
41:50I'll meet you down there.
41:58All right, everybody, listen up.
42:01We got exactly four concentrated hours in which to study for the deadliest exam of our young adult
42:07Now, going off an abbreviated version of Andy's lesson plan, I plan on constructing a three-hour
42:14and 45-minute lesson plan which, if executed properly, will cover everything.
42:20You following me?
42:22PC, this test is way too important.
42:26Listen, don't worry.
42:27Okay, boys and girls, you happen to be in the hands of a professional crammer.
42:32Let's start with Beowulf.
42:33How many monsters did he have to fight and name one?
42:39Now onto the hard stuff.
42:40Which one of the Bronte sisters wrote Wuthering Heights?
42:46It was Emily.
42:48Charlotte wrote Jane Eyre.
42:50Then what did Emily write?
42:51Wuthering Heights.
42:52To be or not to be, whether it is nobler in the mind.
42:56Okay, name of the little people in Gulliver's Travels.
43:00The Lepusians.
43:01The big, bad, scary people.
43:06Brom D.
43:11Arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing them.
43:14To sleep.
43:15Name three occupations a traveller in the Canterbury tells.
43:24Do we say night?
43:25And by a sleep to say we end the heartache.
43:29Die to sleep.
43:30To sleep perchance to dream.
43:33I'll buy it.
43:34Brom D'ming.
43:35Brom D'ming.
43:36Brom D'ming.
43:39Congratulations, guys.
43:40We're done.
43:42But I got one last group activity.
44:26You really took control in there.
44:27What an interesting way of doing that.
44:30Yeah, well I perform well under pressure.
44:33I want to explain something to you.
44:34You really don't have to talk about this, Andy.
44:37I do, Pacey.
44:38I mean, I'm the queen of keeping dirty secrets, so I understand why you didn't jump forward
44:45with the information.
44:47I think I was just more shocked by the idea that you have so much experience and I, um...
45:01You're such a jerk.
45:03A slacker jerk.
45:04Champion slacker jerk.
45:08And what does that make you?
45:11I don't know, Pacey.
45:12You tell me.
45:13I dare you.
45:16You, Andy McPhee,
45:21are the girl that I love to hate.
45:23I love to hate you too.
45:35I love to hate you too.
45:38Not forgiven.
45:39It's enough.
45:51Can we talk?
45:59Do me a favor and don't say anything, okay?
46:00Because every time we speak, I always screw this up.
46:02So just, just please listen.
46:10All I've been thinking about lately is how much I want to take back our first kiss.
46:15How much I would pay to just let you climb through that window.
46:20I mean, who knows what would have happened?
46:23Maybe we'd still be together.
46:24I mean, who knows what would have happened?
46:27Maybe we'd still be best friends.
46:29Maybe we'd even still have a thing.
46:31I just know there wouldn't be hurting like this.
46:39But then I think about
46:44everything that kiss brought into my life.
46:47What it was like to look at you and know not just what you were thinking,
46:51but also what you were feeling.
46:52Because I was feeling the same thing.
46:55And then it's all worth it.
47:00It's worth all the pain that I'm going through.
47:05I want to regret kissing you, Joey, but I can't.
47:10It was the smartest decision I ever made.
47:19two times I fell in love on the test.
47:25And they were both you.
47:29I mean, the first time I fell was for my friend.
47:34The Dawson I grew up with, the boy across the creek.
47:36And the second time was after we kissed.
47:40I mean, you became this whole new person to me.
47:43And I fell in love all over again.
47:48I mean, just because we're not together anymore
47:50does not change my feelings for you, Dawson.
47:53It's me, I'm unsure of it.
48:00Joey, I'm going to give you that space.
48:04No real hostility, no underhanded comments.
48:06Just space.
48:11But that doesn't change the way I feel about you.
48:16Nothing can change that.
48:53Come on, Dawson, let's go!
49:24Your class, sometimes preparation teaches you more than the exam itself,
49:30therefore you have more of it.
49:33My illness has claimed me for another day.
49:38Well, it looks like we crammed all night for nothing.
49:41I don't know what are we supposed to do.
49:44Go to our other classes, I guess.
49:46Actually, no.
49:47I got one last group activity.
49:50Follow me?
