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The Growing Game - Kongsuni and Friends - Kids Cartoon - Toy Play - Kids Movies


00:12It's taking way too long.
00:14I'm sorry, what?
00:17What's taking way too long?
00:20My plants.
00:22To grow you mean?
00:23Are you following instructions?
00:25Well, I think I am.
00:28I'm sorry.
00:29I'm giving out lots of water and lots of sunshine.
00:33The only thing I need now is for you
00:34to make a magic plant growing machine.
00:37Could you?
00:38You want me to help?
00:40Yeah, I do. Please!
00:42I guess I could try.
00:44You want it to grow faster?
00:46This'll be a challenge.
00:48If anyone can make my berry tree get big faster,
00:51I know you can.
00:52I've got it covered.
00:57I love it!
00:59It's going to be so happy!
01:01Kansuni, it's getting late.
01:04You don't want to miss the bus.
01:08This growing machine's perfect.
01:10You're safe and warm.
01:24After that comes the fruit.
01:26I don't get it.
01:27How does the flower turn into fruit?
01:29It just does.
01:31See, look, here's when they're still little.
01:33After the flowers are finished,
01:35these little things start growing.
01:37I bet it doesn't even take very long.
01:40Oh, my!
01:44Oh, yeah.
01:46Are your berries ready yet?
01:47They weren't this morning,
01:49but I'm hoping they'll be finished by the time I get home.
01:58I'm back!
02:01Did you miss me?
02:11No! How did my plant get hurt?
02:14Why are you so droopy?
02:16Are you feeling sad?
02:18Say something!
02:28Uh, oopsie.
02:30I guess I shouldn't have left it running all day.
02:33Looks like we overdid it.
02:35I'm trying to give it first aid.
02:37Think it'll get better?
02:39You know, plants are pretty tough most of the time.
02:42Then again, this one looks sad.
02:44Maybe I should try moving it or add some more dirt.
02:47Do plants get cold?
02:49Kansuni, come tell me what you did at school.
02:54Aw, that's okay. Accidents happen.
03:02Cuddles make it all go away.
03:07More cuddles!
03:12I got it all figured out!
03:15I'm so happy!
03:17More cuddles!
03:22I got it all figured out!
03:24I know how to make my plant grow big and strong this time.
03:27Just a second.
03:29See, I think I found what the problem was.
03:31The water was coming out too fast.
03:36But I just learned that I need to give it more love.
03:39Okay, I'm all ears.
03:41Well, and feathers.
03:43You see, it's not just light and water that count.
03:46I didn't know that you care.
03:48Plants need lots of love, just like babies do.
03:53Let's go, Sayo! The garden needs us!
04:00Let's plant the seeds here, it's perfect timing
04:04With lots of sun, a lovely breeze
04:07Sprinkle some love, and water too
04:11And soon we'll see, they'll start to grow
04:15Strong and tall tomato plants
04:18Yo, Kong City! Yo, Sayo!
04:20Aren't you glad we're best of friends?
04:22Always having lots of fun!
04:24Clap your hands, clap your hands
04:26Always best of friends, yeah!
04:28With every day, the plants grow stronger
04:32It's getting close to picking time
04:35The leaves start falling, you know it's ripe
04:39It seems like magic, but it's just nature
04:43Growing our tomato plants
04:46Yo, Kong City! Yo, Sayo!
04:48Aren't you glad we're best of friends?
04:50Always having lots of fun!
04:52Clap your hands, clap your hands
04:54Always best of friends!
05:23Almost time to head home, sweetie
05:56Finally, it happened!
06:04What's up?
06:06Look, Mom and Dad, my first strawberry!
06:11Well done! Exciting!
06:15Huh? Hang on, are you sure about this?
06:22Never seen one so round before
06:24Me neither, but I worked hard so that it would grow
06:27And I have no doubt that you did
06:32Know what? It'll get red and bumpy when it's old
06:35But now it's smooth and round, just like Chloe
06:38You think so?
06:42We know you're excited
06:44But what if it's something different?
06:46You'll still love it, won't you?
06:48Oh, don't worry, I'm not wrong
06:51Just wait, this'll be the best berry ever!
07:04You guys, come see!
07:06I grew my own fruit!
07:09Hey, yeah, I see it!
07:12Hang on a second, that doesn't look like any fruit I've ever seen
07:17This must be an apple tree
07:19Not quite. Apple trees get really big, they take years to grow
07:23I know that! Take a look, mine's a strawberry!
07:27Well, it's just a baby, and it's going to change a lot
07:30Why don't we wait and see how it turns out?
07:33Does that sound like a good idea?
07:35Yeah! Strawberry, hear that? You can take your time
07:51How did you get here? Where is it?
07:54What did you do to my strawberry?
07:57And why am I stuck with a yucky tomato?
08:01Kongsuni, what's with all the racket? Something wrong?
08:06Look! Impressive!
08:08Those are very hard to grow, but Kongsuni's hard work and love have paid off
08:17Please don't throw it out after all your effort
08:25I told everyone I was a berry farmer
08:28They're going to make fun of me when I tell them it was a tomato
08:32They won't, I promise
08:40Can I take care of it then, if you don't want it?
08:45Is that a yes?
08:50I'm going to take that as a yes
08:53What are we doing today?
08:55Drawing time!
08:58Cool! I love drawing!
09:01Children, I want you to make a picture of your plants
09:04Oh, Miss Kim! You know what? My cat and the plant arm wrestled
09:08Scritches won, but Mr. Green put up a good fight
09:12Exciting! Maybe you could make a picture of that great adventure
09:17You've all done well and made many nice memories with your plant friends
09:22Now let's get drawing. You ready?
09:26No, that wasn't supposed to go there
09:41Wow! Such an artist! It should go on the wall
09:51What do you think? This good?
09:54Why'd it have to be a dumb tomato?
09:57I don't know why, but you were right about one thing
10:00It turned out to be red
10:02Yeah, but not a red berry
10:07Why didn't you want to throw it away?
10:11Because things don't always turn out the way we expect
10:17Know the trick? You try to make the best of it
10:20Focus on the good things
10:24I can't, Mom. There isn't anything good because all I ever wanted was a strawberry
10:41Children, what are the things we needed for our seeds to grow into big, strong plants?
10:46Anyone remember?
10:48Sunshine, love and water
10:50Very good. Love's important. As important as light and water?
10:56Great. Now we've talked before about eating healthy food, haven't we?
11:00Today we're trying something new
11:02Tasting foods you may not have had before. Are you up for the challenge?
11:08Look at mine!
11:10Mine's going to be great!
11:12Mine's going to be great!
11:18Kongsuni, something wrong? Do you want me to pick it?
11:24No, don't!
11:26Okay, I won't
11:28Ms. K, I didn't like it at first. I even tried to throw it away
11:33But then I made friends with the tomato
11:35I don't want to eat it
11:42I love you, Mr. Tomato
11:49Mommy, I'm home!
11:53Hey, guess what? Know what even I did at school today?
11:58It's so sparkly
12:03No, wait. What did you put it in there for?
12:06Oh, sometimes it gets a bit loose. It might slip off
12:10I could look after your ring whenever you take it off
12:13Sorry, sweetie, but I think it's safer in the box
12:16Please, Mom, I promise to be careful, okay?
12:19Maybe when you're older
12:23Let me tell you something about that ring
12:26Your dad gave it to me when we got married
12:29It means something very special
12:34It's okay, Chloe. Mommy's coming
12:44It's beautiful!
12:50Twinkle, twinkle, little star
12:53How I wonder what you are
12:57What's the haps?
12:59You're in a good mood
13:01Yep, because I found treasure. It's super sparkly
13:05I'll show you
13:12I don't see anything
13:14I mean, how beautiful!
13:16Oh no! The ring disappeared!
13:22I can see it
13:25Uh-oh, but I can't reach it
13:36Now it's all the way at the back
13:40This is terrible!
13:42I've got to get Mom's ring back somehow before she finds out
13:52Kongsuni, your friends are here
13:56It's just us
13:58Hi, Eve. Hi, Sam
14:00Nice to see you. Here for an adventure?
14:04Kongsuni's in her room. Go on in
14:08Sayo, she's going to notice that it's missing
14:11Is there anything that you can do?
14:13You mean like this?
14:20Make a strike!
14:38Are those stars?
14:40It's like fireworks!
14:42What's going on?
14:50Whoa! I never knew your room was so huge
14:55Huh? No! We've shrunk!
14:59I'm sorry. This is all my fault
15:03I lost my mom's ring and I need to hurry and find it
15:07You know where?
15:09Under there. It'll take forever to get to and...
15:12Not for adventures, what do you say?
15:15Great! Let's do this
15:19Go team!
15:28It's pretty dark under here. You're not scared?
15:32Wanna see something cool?
15:34You know I do
