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Posture Purity Promotion ❤️

FAITH TO CONQUER ~ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08FHD3L2F

SUPERNATURAL FIRE ~ https://tinyurl.com/supernatural-fire (1st edition)

https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07K3T9KYC (2nd edition)

WAVES OF GOD ~ https://www.amazon.com/dp/1723991627

Paul F. Davis is a Worldwide Inspirational Speaker, International Educator, Wellness Trainer, UCLA certified University & Career Counselor and Author of 100 books who has touched 90 nations serving Governments, Companies, Cruise Lines, and Universities across the globe.


#inspiration #inspirational #business #success #motivation #motivational #happy #happiness #goodvibes #transformation #blessed #faith #smile #life #love #leadership #spirituality #truth #mentalhealth #promotion #peace #winning #world #service
00:00So I just finished at the gym and I was thinking, after watching a few people exercise, one
00:06in particular who had really bad form and posture and looked like he was doing more
00:10harm to his spine and his body than good, reminded me as a former fitness trainer and
00:16a wellness trainer that your form matters more than the amount of weight that you use
00:22to exercise because it's the form and the body positioning that helps you target specific
00:28muscle groups and likewise on the job, no matter what your job may be, your attitude,
00:34your disposition, your interaction with your colleagues and your fellow employees and your
00:39leaders, whoever they may be, that will determine your progression and your promotions in life.
00:46So likewise, the parallel between the gym, your form is more important than your amount
00:52of weight. Likewise, your attitude will determine your altitude on the job, no matter what your
00:57job may be. So if you have a great disposition and you're a janitor and you're happy and
01:01you're singing and you're serving people with joy and gladness, you will be promoted, my
01:05friend, because people want to associate with happy people that are serving from the heart,
01:11that are doing things with joy and gladness and a purity of heart and a sincerity. So
01:16that's lacking in the world and no matter what you do, when you carry that disposition,
01:21God will be with and bless you. So be encouraged, keep a pure heart, blessed are the pure in
01:26heart, they will see God, they'll be promoted, they'll go to the next level and God will
01:30continually bless them. Amen.