I Survived as Spiderman for 100 Days

  • 2 days ago
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00:00I'm doing it!
00:02This is me in real life,
00:04and this is me as Metaverse Spider-Man.
00:06One Metaverse day is 48 minutes in real life,
00:08and I'm gonna be spending the next 100 days
00:10as the amazing Spider-Man.
00:11To accomplish my lifelong dream of being a real superhero,
00:14I've spent hundreds of hours in real life
00:15training with Spider-Man,
00:16and it was literally insane to watch it.
00:18One handed?
00:19My goal is to become the most powerful superhero
00:21in the Metaverse in the next 100 days.
00:23What could go wrong?
00:24Here we go.
00:26How do I do this?
00:29What is going on?
00:30This is crazy.
00:31I've never been in VR before.
00:32Dude, there's a light pole right there.
00:34So apparently, I am Spider-Man.
00:36Whoa, these are my legs.
00:38Whoa, this is weird.
00:39Oh, there's a person right there.
00:41Hi, sir.
00:42Where are you going?
00:42That's the first person I've seen.
00:44All right, how do I do this thing?
00:45How do I walk?
00:46Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:47I just glitched like crazy.
00:47I'm gonna start walking.
00:48I don't know where I'm at in the real world.
00:50If I'm gonna survive 100 days in here,
00:52I need to learn the basics.
00:53So here is what I look like from the front.
00:55Pretty epic.
00:56This is the worst Spider-Man costume.
00:58As I progress, I can somehow unlock more.
01:01I have no idea how to do that.
01:02I'm looking pretty snazzy.
01:03Once I got the hang of walking,
01:04I was freaking out by everything around me.
01:06This guy's weird.
01:07I don't know why, but looking at this guy
01:08is making me really motion sick right now.
01:10I feel really weird.
01:12All right, excuse me, fellas.
01:13It was nice meeting you guys.
01:14Whoa, is he trying to fight me?
01:16He's trying to fight me.
01:18Do not fight me, sir.
01:19I'm Spider-Man.
01:19Oh, okay.
01:20I am currently getting beaten up.
01:22Whoa, but I don't think it's hurting.
01:24I wanna punch this guy.
01:27Is anyone friendly in here?
01:29No response?
01:31I'm running in real life too for some reason.
01:32He's still coming.
01:33Okay, we gotta get out of here.
01:34I don't know how to use my superpowers yet.
01:36How do I climb this pole?
01:37I'm Spider-Man.
01:38Climb the pole.
01:38I am standing inside of the pole right now.
01:41This is not working.
01:41Turns out being Spider-Man isn't as simple
01:43as just pressing some buttons.
01:44I didn't realize it until now,
01:46but apparently there's different skills
01:47and suits I can unlock.
01:48I don't know how to use any of my powers.
01:50I'm a floating head right now.
01:51Day one was a lot of learning.
01:53I also found out if I tap the side of the headset,
01:55I can see what real life is like.
01:56This is crazy.
01:58Whoa, I can see my hands in real life.
02:01Today is a good day for a good day.
02:02I love that quote.
02:03Day two, I tried to learn powers.
02:05How do I do like a web sling?
02:07Whoa, I just broke the game, I think.
02:09I just tried to do a web sling and I can't move.
02:13Did I just break the game?
02:14On day three, I waited for the game to reload
02:16and I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
02:18It's kinda making me sick eating this thing.
02:19Once I logged back into the game, I was instantly shocked.
02:22Someone talked.
02:23Bro, why are you wearing pajamas, bro?
02:25Where are you?
02:26I'm behind you.
02:26Oh, I died.
02:27Oh, I see your body.
02:29I just met my first friend and he's already gone.
02:31I've never played VR before, so I need a guide to help me.
02:33Where are you?
02:34I'm right here.
02:35That's you?
02:36Oh, here's a car.
02:37I found a car.
02:38What do you mean you found a car?
02:38This guy's making me very uncomfortable.
02:39Making friends here is so easy.
02:41He even has a sweet car.
02:43Dang, look at those wheels.
02:44This car is sick though, dude.
02:45I'm still new to this gaming stuff, bro.
02:47Can you show me like a round and stuff?
02:49Yeah, I can show you.
02:50And just like that, we made our first friend, Craze361.
02:53Dude, this is beautiful.
02:55Look, there's a plane above us, dude.
02:56Oh yeah, there is.
02:57Oh damn, that's a big plane.
02:59This is actually my favorite spot right here.
03:00There's so much things to actually do.
03:02Why are you just staring into my soul?
03:03This is making me very uncomfortable.
03:04Craze was so nice, he even introduced me to his friends.
03:07This is my friend Dan, we've known each other
03:08since high school.
03:09Why isn't he looking at you?
03:10Is he an NPC?
03:10No, he's my friend Dan, bro.
03:11All right, Dan, we'll see you later.
03:13We're gonna go on the rollercoaster.
03:16Craze is great.
03:17We are already like basically like best friends.
03:19Are we becoming friends?
03:20I think we are becoming friends.
03:21Is that how this works?
03:22I think this is how this works.
03:24I was having an incredible time,
03:25but then Craze's mom made him get offline.
03:29Craze, bro, where are you?
03:31That was day five.
03:32On day six, I tried using my superpowers.
03:34Oh, I did not mean to do, whoa!
03:37I'm just trying to walk, what did I just do?
03:39Oh, why do I keep punching random people?
03:41I promise I do not mean this.
03:43And there's a police officer right there,
03:44I kinda need to run.
03:44I'm on the hunt for bad guys.
03:46I just got a notification that there's some crime this way.
03:48Lots and lots of bad guys.
03:50Oh, I got him.
03:51He's not hurt, okay.
03:52I need to get out of here, I don't know what I'm doing.
03:54I'm about to die.
03:55Oh, I need to get out of here.
03:56I need to get out of here.
03:57Okay, I am going to die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die.
04:00Ah, that just got my stomach.
04:01Running away from the crime made me realize
04:03I have a lot to learn, just like in real life.
04:05On day eight, I practiced more powers.
04:07I think this would be a good spot
04:08to kinda test some of my powers out.
04:10I know I haven't unlocked everything,
04:11but let's see what I can do.
04:13Whoa, oh my, what did I just do?
04:17I am so sorry, dude.
04:19Okay, I should probably get out of here
04:20because I just hurt someone very badly.
04:22On day 12, I started to fight bad guys
04:24and experienced my first earthquake,
04:26or as the locals call it, a glitch.
04:28I am surrounded by a bunch of bad guys right now.
04:30Finally, I had my first real opportunity to stop crime,
04:34but I ran away.
04:35I need to learn how to fight.
04:36This is not good.
04:37I just keep getting jumped by all these people.
04:39You're gonna climb up this wall.
04:40Oh, dude, nice.
04:41Day 14, I experienced my second glitch.
04:44I'm falling out of the world.
04:45I just fell into a basement.
04:47All right, this is kinda creepy.
04:48Yeah, I think I just broke the game.
04:50On day 15, I had to master a Spider-Man power.
04:53All right, how am I gonna climb up this building?
04:55I'm just gonna run as fast as I can.
04:56Oh, I'm running.
04:58Yes, the XP bar went up.
04:59Okay, I'm starting to figure out
05:00how to use these powers a little bit more.
05:02Day 16, I was going to learn how to web swing,
05:04but our best friend came back.
05:05Craze, should we go stop some crime?
05:06Yeah, I'm just getting a ride first.
05:07Whoa, what are you doing?
05:08You ready? Let's go.
05:09You just took their car.
05:10What do you mean?
05:11It's our car now.
05:12Look how nice this is.
05:13Why did you do that?
05:13Yo, bro, just get in.
05:14Let's go.
05:15These people have guns, bro.
05:16What are we doing?
05:17What do I do?
05:18Craze, what do I do?
05:18Just use your super powers.
05:19I'm trying.
05:20I don't know how to use these powers.
05:21I'm just randomly swinging.
05:23I think I just threw something on my back flip.
05:24Bro, please just keep doing whatever you did.
05:26I'm getting extremely motion sick right now.
05:28Where are you?
05:29I don't see you, bro.
05:29Right here.
05:30Okay, come on.
05:31We gotta get out of here.
05:32As me and Craze were building our friendship,
05:33he got offline again.
05:34Later, Spider-Guy.
05:35Good luck out there without me.
05:36Finally, after days of training and fighting,
05:38we got our first suit upgrade.
05:41I am looking fresh with this new suit upgrade.
05:43All right, let's run around and check it out.
05:45I'm gonna go show this off to the civilians.
05:49I thought I was gonna die.
05:49What's up, bro?
05:50I like your shirt.
05:53All right.
05:54Okay, this is kind of awkward.
05:55This new suit is looking sick.
05:57This is way better than that stupid hoodie one I had before.
06:01That is the most beautiful sunset
06:03I've seen in my entire life.
06:05And that's when I saw something insane.
06:06Oh my gosh.
06:07What is going on here?
06:08There's a ton of cops.
06:09What is happening?
06:10There's so many bodies laying around.
06:12What is that thing?
06:13This is when I found out we have an arch nemesis.
06:16This is crazy.
06:17It's Venom.
06:18That guy just destroyed me.
06:19I'm gonna have to take that guy down,
06:20but I'm gonna have to learn how to use the rest of my powers
06:23because that guy just owned me.
06:24He literally chopped my head off.
06:26This was my rock bottom.
06:27I found out a crazy villain is running around
06:30creating havoc in the city, and I'm just a normal guy.
06:32I found my sandwich from earlier.
06:34I thought I lost this thing.
06:35I eat when I'm nervous.
06:36What's wrong with me?
06:37Focus, Matthew.
06:37We are on a mission to be a superhero, not to have fun.
06:41Okay, now that we got that out of the way,
06:43day 25, no fun, no distractions.
06:45Okay, figure this out, Matthew.
06:46What do I do to do a web sling?
06:48I just keep jumping and I'm not shooting a web.
06:51How do I?
06:54This is crazy.
06:56I am web slinging right now.
06:58Oh my God.
06:58I'm so high up in the air.
07:00Okay, whoa, no, no, don't fall, don't fall.
07:01Grab onto something else.
07:04Oh, a back flip.
07:05This is so cool.
07:06This is so sick.
07:07I am getting so good at this.
07:09And this is when my sister found out
07:10I was using her room to become a superhero.
07:13What are you doing?
07:14Hi, Cheyenne.
07:15Why did you?
07:16I'm spending a hundred days as Spider-Man.
07:18Why in my bedroom?
07:19In the metaverse, not in your bedroom.
07:20You're in my bedroom right now.
07:22I gotta tap back in.
07:24At this point, I'm trapped.
07:25I'm even doing real life activities in the headset.
07:27Return to play area, you left your boundary.
07:30I feel like VR is trying to consume me.
07:32Moving and pass through can increase risk of injury.
07:36It was obvious the headset never wanted to be removed ever.
07:38Anyways, who cares about real life anymore?
07:40Day 30 had the best in-game weather ever.
07:42My favorite part about VR is that I can just stare
07:44at the sun.
07:46Kind of just sitting here, rethinking my actions.
07:50It's been a few days since I saw my friend Craze
07:52and now I just have these random NPCs
07:53punching me in the back of the head.
07:54Day 37, I definitely have a favorite thing to do.
08:00I'm getting really good at this web slinging thing.
08:05All right, grab this side of the building.
08:08I did it.
08:09Okay, now jump off.
08:13That is definitely a new trick.
08:14I have never done that before.
08:15By day 45, I was learning a new power every day.
08:18I learned how to walk in slow motion.
08:19Seems like the most pointless superhero power ever, but.
08:21Hi ma'am, how you doing?
08:22Need help crossing the street?
08:23Oh, it makes everything slow motion.
08:26Now boom, fast.
08:27I can control time.
08:29Is that something Spider-Man can do?
08:30All right, I hear there is some crime.
08:33So my superhero catchphrase could definitely use some work.
08:35Oh, there you guys are.
08:36I know some tricks now.
08:38Ha ha, I'm in slow motion.
08:41They have no idea what they're doing.
08:42Oh, you can't hit me.
08:43Time for normal speed right now.
08:48As I was beating up on these bad guys,
08:50I realized they were only after one thing, money.
08:52Unfortunately, what they don't know
08:53is you don't have to be a villain to make money.
08:55You guys know this.
08:56Every week, I give one random person $1,000 for subscribing.
09:00Let's call him.
09:01Are you subscribed to my channel?
09:03So for being subscribed, you just won $1,000.
09:08Everyone watching, subscribe for $1,000.
09:12Anyways, we got another suit upgrade.
09:13I don't think that this suit was much of an upgrade.
09:16Yeah, I'm going to switch back to the other one.
09:18This is the same area where I fought Venom.
09:20Getting flashbacks.
09:22Let me try my new skills.
09:23I'm way stronger than last time I was here.
09:25And I was right.
09:26I'm getting so good at this superhero thing,
09:28I can even fight crime while I eat.
09:29I'm climbing this building.
09:31There is supposed to be some villains
09:32on the top of this roof.
09:33This is so much fun.
09:34Ha, ha, ha, ha.
09:37Ha, ha.
09:37I just snuck off the lift.
09:39I'm having so much fun.
09:40This is getting so easy.
09:44Listen to me, Spider-Man.
09:45I am you, and you are me.
09:47We will destroy Venom.
09:48I'm going to climb this building.
09:50Oh, shoot.
09:52I forget that this light is right here.
09:54This is so freaking weird.
09:56The ceiling is so short.
09:57But in the game, all I see is a sky right there.
10:00This is so exhausting.
10:01I have no energy left.
10:04Did someone say energy?
10:05Whoa, who is there?
10:07What is going on?
10:08Am I hallucinating?
10:09You look so stupid, bro.
10:11You're not hallucinating.
10:12I just have a G Fuel.
10:12I am hyped to announce that G Fuel
10:14will be sponsoring this video and partnering with the Beam
10:16team over the next few months.
10:17Are you serious?
10:18That is actually so sick.
10:19G Fuel is my favorite.
10:21Oh, I got to stop these bad guys.
10:22Hold on.
10:22All right, I'm going to use my new power, the web blossom.
10:26Oh, shit.
10:31Well, my metaverse health takes out those bad guys.
10:33Let me tell you about G Fuel.
10:35G Fuel is the official energy drink partner of e-sports.
10:37They provide gamers with a healthier, performance-driven
10:39alternative to standard energy drink products.
10:43This is so cool.
10:44Whoa, how did I do that?
10:46I have personally been drinking G Fuel for years.
10:48And me and the Beam team have been
10:49using their products behind the scenes for all of our videos.
10:52Oh, look at that car.
10:53Let's try this out.
10:58Why am I making car noises?
10:59I'm so childish.
11:00This is sick.
11:01Oh, I can't drive.
11:02I'm better at web slinging than driving.
11:03Sorry, guys.
11:04G Fuel has an amazing array of tons and tons of flavors.
11:06So for this video, we had to break out
11:08one of their special flavors, Spider-Man's radioactive
11:13Here, Matt, try this.
11:14Make sure to check out G Fuel using my link in the description
11:17to try the Matthew Beam starter kit.
11:18We're going to get 33% off for a limited time
11:20using the code BEAM.
11:22So good.
11:22As an added bonus, three lucky fans
11:24who use my code and post a screenshot of the purchase
11:26will win a limited edition Beam Team X G Fuel mini fridge.
11:29To enter, make sure to tag both Matthew Beam and G Fuel
11:32Energy on Twitter and Instagram.
11:33Thanks, G Fuel.
11:34It's day 77, and I've become one with the city,
11:37and I'm searching for venom.
11:39Oh, I'm underwater.
11:40This is so cool.
11:41Oh, dolphins.
11:43A spider and dolphins in the water.
11:46Oh, what is over there?
11:48Itsy bitsy Spider-Man swam in the metaverse water.
11:53It seems at least once every single day I come to this spot.
11:55This is my favorite spot in the entire day.
11:57Just overlooking my city that I protect.
11:59So beautiful.
12:02This never gets old.
12:03Web grub.
12:04As I was searching for venom, I found my best friend.
12:07Where have you been, buddy?
12:08I've missed you.
12:08Yeah, bro.
12:09I've actually been doing stuff IRL.
12:10You know, I was taking care of my bunny.
12:12In real life?
12:13Why aren't you playing the game more, bro?
12:14This is great.
12:15No responsibility.
12:16I wish I could be here all day, but there's
12:18just a part of real life you have to complete.
12:20I guess.
12:21I see you.
12:21It's been days.
12:22How did you get up here, bro?
12:23I figured only people with superpowers could get up here.
12:26Yeah, well, I mean, you'd be surprised
12:27to know how some other people could get up here.
12:29How long have you played this game?
12:31About four years.
12:32Can I ask you a weird question?
12:34What's up?
12:34What's your real life name, bro?
12:36I'm kidding.
12:37Nice to meet you, Preston.
12:38What's yours?
12:39How's your name Jeff?
12:41Oh, Jeff.
12:42You're making this awkward, bro.
12:43Nice to meet you, Jeff.
12:44I'm Preston.
12:45You have really nice eyes, Preston.
12:48Put that away!
12:49I'm just going to climb this building real quick.
12:51I want to show you my new skills, bro.
12:52What do you think?
12:53Whoa, how did you get all the way up there?
12:54I've been practicing, bro.
12:55Bro, I'm right at the airport.
12:56Where you at?
12:57I can't see you.
12:58How did you beat me?
12:59I literally have superpowers.
13:00I'm still going there.
13:01I have all the cars in existence,
13:03and I have all the helicopters in existence.
13:04You see this security guy, right?
13:05Is it OK for us to pass these security guards?
13:07I don't want to break the rules.
13:08It's fine.
13:09After hours of playing, we got another suit upgrade!
13:12Are you ready to see my new skin?
13:13Oh my gosh, bro, what?
13:15It looks amazing.
13:16It doesn't even look like pajamas anymore.
13:17So what are your plans with Venom and stuff, you know?
13:20I need to defeat him, bro.
13:21Why, though?
13:21What is Venom doing wrong?
13:22He keeps creating havoc in this town.
13:25See you later, bro.
13:26I'm going to go look for Venom.
13:27All right.
13:27If I was Venom, where would I be?
13:29On day 87, I finally found him.
13:35He just came out of nowhere and got me.
13:37All right, punch him.
13:40Oh, he just put himself to me.
13:41This is not good.
13:44What was that?
13:45Venom just came out of nowhere.
13:50Oh my god.
13:51Jeff, really?
13:52What do you mean?
13:53Why'd you do that?
13:54Why'd I do what?
13:55Quit hitting me already.
13:56What do you mean?
13:56I'm not hitting you.
13:57I'm fighting Venom, bro.
13:58Jeff, I'm Venom, OK?
13:59I am Venom.
14:01You are?
14:01Yes, I am Venom.
14:04Take that, bro.
14:06You cannot stop me.
14:07This is my ultimate form.
14:09No way!
14:10Come on.
14:11That's the web blaster, boy.
14:13I learned that a few days ago.
14:14Where are you, bro?
14:15Quit hiding.
14:16Last time I checked, you weren't even this powerful.
14:17I had you improve so fast.
14:18Come on.
14:19I'm sorry, friend.
14:22This is the final suit.
14:23This thing is sick.
14:25I wish I had this thing in real life.
14:27This is sick.
14:28In the end, I realize having all these fancy things
14:31or being a superhero means nothing
14:32without making amazing friends.
14:35I'm so sorry for everything, dude.
14:36Jeff, you're still my best friend forever.
14:38I hope that you can meet my rabbit still someday.