The Young and the Restless 9-3-24 (Y&R 3rd September 2024) 9-03-2024 9-3-2024

  • 2 weeks ago
00:00Hi. Hard at work I see. My happy place. Well, one of them anyway. Yeah, I know the feeling.
00:29We are so lucky to be able to do what we love to do, right? Yes, we are. What are you doing?
00:36Are you hiding out down here or what? Well, I just had a meeting upstairs and I needed
00:42a moment of quiet to prepare for my next meeting. What about you? Same. A meeting. Chancellor
00:49of business, I assume? Yes, absolutely. Oh my goodness, fancy running into you. Billy
01:01boy Abbott. How are things with the Chancellor? It's Abbott, Chancellor, Victor, but you know
01:08that unless you're losing your grip on the corporate world. Maybe it's time you wander
01:13on down to the pastors and stay there. You've always been delusional, haven't you, Billy
01:18boy? You slapped your name in the company and now you think you're playing with the
01:23big boys. Yeah, who would have thought? Two of us with our names immortalized on the side
01:28of the building, we should celebrate. You're a peacock. That's what you are. We're equals
01:34and you can't stand that. That is so funny. You and I are equals. All right, man. Keep
01:45on dreaming, brother.
02:15Oh, look, this is a surprise. Oh, wow. Best guy. Hi. Hi. Wow, you are looking especially
02:38beautiful today. And I am feeling especially lucky. Yeah? What's going on? Do you want
02:44to join me for a quick cup of coffee and I'll fill you in? I wish I could, but I am
02:50due at the office for a meeting with Billy. Oh, that's no fun. Yeah. Tell me about it.
02:56Why don't you give me a hint? Uh, I will say that part of it is thanks to you. Oh, wow.
03:05I'm honored. What did I do exactly? Oh, no. You're too busy. You're gonna have to wait
03:10till later to find out. Give me a hint. Come on. Give me something. Will you settle for
03:15a kiss? Always. Kidding. Maybe I should cancel my meeting. Yeah, I think it's too late for
03:27that. No, you're just gonna have to find out everything later and we are gonna have to
03:31celebrate. I think. You know what? That just might get me through my day now. Thank you.
03:37You better get going. The sooner you get this meeting over with, the sooner I get to
03:40see you again. Bye. See you. You are done with Adam? No, you can't meet that. What happened
03:57between the two of you? I just can't. I can't. It's over. Sally, please. I don't make a decision
04:07this big so quickly. You're upset. Yeah, I'm allowed to be upset. Yes, you are. But I'm
04:14begging you. Don't walk away from Adam. Please. I don't think you're in a position to tell
04:28me what I should or shouldn't do in my relationship. You're right. You're right. I'm not. I have
04:34no right to say anything. But I know, Sally, how much Adam loves you. And I know how much
04:41you love him. And I know how strong your bond is. Yeah, apparently not strong enough. He
04:45made a mistake. We both did. That night meant nothing to either one of us and we wish we
04:52could take it back. Please, please don't let it destroy everything you have with Adam.
04:56Adam did that by sleeping with you and lying to me about it for weeks. Yeah, I mean, he
05:00struggles with that. Right and wrong. Honesty. He always has is because he's terrified of
05:09being abandoned. No, he needs to make better choices. Adam's head. He didn't think lying
05:14to you was wrong. He thought that he was protecting you and protecting your relationship. That
05:18is an excuse. But that's how Adam's mind works. When he loves someone and wants to protect
05:25them, sometimes he's his own worst enemy. But you know that. You also know that he's
05:35capable of goodness, kindness. Sally, since you came into his life, he's become so much
05:43better and softer and more gentle. That's because of you. Because of your love, because
05:50of your influence. And I know I don't have any right to ask this, but if you could just
05:56consider giving him another chance. Okay, so you want me to stay with Adam because what?
06:01Then if we stay together, you can feel less guilty about your role in destroying our relationship
06:06that we could just move past it as if nothing happened. This isn't about me. I just think
06:11Adam deserves to be loved the way you love him. You're quite the cheerleader championing
06:19Adam's cause because I know how much he loves you. I know how much Adam loves me, but it's
06:28not enough for either of us. Well, you must have your hands full with Chancellor or should
06:40I say Abbott Chancellor. It's a lot of change there. Yeah, it definitely is, which is why
06:46I was glad to get out for a meeting. I understand. Just recently I was running
06:52Penn Moores and Newman Media at the same time and I would tell them I was going for a meeting
06:58when all I needed was just to walk through the park to my home. Oh yeah, I've definitely been
07:03there. That must have been nice though, working with Nikki. I loved it and I learned so much at
07:12Newman Media. Yeah, I actually saw her earlier today and we had a really great conversation.
07:19That is so awesome. You know, women in business, we need to support each other.
07:24We need to share ideas and lift each other up. Yeah, I agree. No, we were talking about Catherine
07:31and she was just reminding me how important it is to honor her legacy at Chancellor.
07:37Catherine was one hell of a woman and you're doing just that and you're also honoring your
07:44father by following in his footsteps as this C-suite powerhouse. He would be so proud. Thank you.
07:55Yeah, she also reminded me just how important it is to know your values and fight for what you
08:01believe in and never back down. Oh, sounds like you are ready for battle and I think you're going
08:09to get everything you want from this next meeting. Who's it with? Victor, actually. Oh my goodness.
08:17Yeah, Victor and Nikki in one day. Talk about a match.
08:24My meeting.
08:25You know, your dad taught you how to navigate business and how to deal with powerful people
08:33and that is going to stand you in great stead. Powerful people like Victor? Yes, he can be
08:45a challenge and he certainly didn't get where he is today without being a little cagey. Yeah,
08:53yeah, the chess master. Exactly and you know, Victor, family comes first,
09:03business or not and he expects loyalty above anything else, family or not.
09:12I am well aware. Well then, you're more than adequately armed for whatever this business
09:19meeting is and don't forget one other thing. Have fun. Remember that? Yeah, so nice to see you.
09:28You too. Bye.
09:35You and I equals?
09:39That's very rich, you know. You know damn well that I started my company from the ground up
09:45with nothing, whereas you were handed all this on a silver spoon, right? I believe I've earned this.
09:53I made this happen. You did? You don't believe me, do you? You're not only a peacock, you're a parasite.
10:03You live off the accomplishments and knowledge of others, don't you? And you underestimate me,
10:08Victor. You'll learn what I'm capable of. Really? You? You and I both know Lily is the heart and
10:17soul of Chancellor. By the way, talking about Lily, how's that association going? Are you getting along or what?
10:24Lily and I both want what's best for Abbot Chancellor. Really?
10:28Abbot Chancellor? I wonder what Jack thinks about all of your shenanigans.
10:34Oh, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but Jack's good with it. He's good with the name change and with
10:39the fact that I'm running the company. Running it into the ground? It's funny. You should enjoy
10:45yourself because I do know what I'm doing. Really? Says the man who gambled away the family's yacht.
10:53Interesting. I bet your brother is very happy that you will take your business genius
10:59elsewhere. Yeah. As far away from your brother as possible. That's the difference between your family
11:04and mine because, you know, Jack and I have a difference of opinion, but we still respect each
11:09other. We still treat each other like brothers, not like chess pieces. I wonder what your brother's
11:14opinion will be once he realizes you've managed Chancellor into the ground and in the process
11:21really hurt the good Abbot name. That's not going to happen. So I guess we'll never find out.
11:42Good. You're here. Let's get into it. Okay. You got the productivity reports?
11:49Got them right here. What are we looking at? Overall, our key performance indicators are
11:56pretty solid. That's good. There has been a drop in productivity though. Reasons? Employee
12:03engagement seems to be a bit of an issue. Overall job satisfaction, both are slightly
12:07down from last quarter. Well, that's to be expected. Abbott Chancellor has gone through
12:11significant changes. Well, I did some research on some measures that we can take to maybe get things
12:17back. As soon as things calm down, the numbers will go back up. I hope so. With what I have
12:24planned with Abbott Chancellor going forward, employee engagement and job satisfaction will be
12:28the focus. We'll have better numbers the next quarter. Okay. What's next on the agenda?
12:36Well, Billy, you say that things are going to settle down. Yes. And last time we spoke,
12:41you thought Lily was trying to undermine you, you know, drive you out. And you thought I was paranoid.
12:48Are you still intent on ousting her?
12:53It's already done. Wait, you fired Lily? And there's no coming back from it now.
13:05There you are. Hi. My goodness. Thank you for meeting with me. I know you're a very busy man.
13:13Never too busy for you. So I understand the newly named Abbott Chancellor is not living up to your
13:22expectations. Yeah, you could say that.
13:29I bet you're working with Billy. Billy boy, it's not a walk in the park.
13:34It's not a walk in the park. I'm hearing some rumblings.
13:40Oh, I think we are way past rumblings.
13:46Well, Billy has unilaterally decided to run Chancellor on his own.
13:53That's ridiculous. You are Chancellor. Yeah, well, apparently I'm not Abbott Chancellor material.
14:01So Billy fired me.
14:13Love is enough, Sally. I can conquer anything. And I think, no, I know. I know
14:21Adam has enough love to get past this and make it up to you. If you'll give him a chance.
14:28Since Connor's diagnosis, Adam has really struggled with guilt, anger. He's questioned everything.
14:39Blamed himself, doubted the doctors.
14:43But in his search to find answers, instead of fighting his feelings, he worked through them.
14:49And he found strength, courage, to work through everything and be there for our son every single second.
15:01He surprised everybody. But I think most of all, he surprised himself.
15:06But, between fighting his demons, watching Connor suffer, feeling so helpless, the weight of it all,
15:25Adam lost his footing for a moment. One moment. One moment that will never happen again.
15:38Never happen again. You say that as if it's the first time you and Adam have cheated on Billy.
15:55I don't know what my future with Billy looks like. I don't know if we even have a future.
16:01What I do know is Adam is very sorry. He loves you so much. Yeah, in his own way.
16:08But I've just figured out that I need more and I sure as hell deserve more. I
16:15I told myself that Adam had changed. That this time would be different. And here I am.
16:20So, lesson learned for the last time. I refuse to let myself get hurt ever again. And the only way to do that is to stay as far away from Adam Newman as possible.
16:40The coffee you had to have. Thank you.
16:44Could you give me and Sally a moment alone? Of course. I really don't think that's necessary.
16:49We could just take a moment. No, I have a meeting. Sally, will you wait, please?
16:55All right, I won't keep you long, I promise. I just, I need to talk to you. I don't really
17:01think there's anything left for me to say. In fact, I don't see the need to speak again.
17:05Ever. Look, there has to be a way that we can resolve this, that we can work things out.
17:10I think the only person that you need to resolve things with is Chelsea.
17:25You fired Lily, your partner. Here I thought you were a quick study chance.
17:31Lily, you two were having issues. Things were said. That doesn't mean you can't take a step
17:37back and reassess. Hold on a second. Lily agreed to be my partner. She's had the intention of
17:43kicking. Yeah. And part of what pushed me over the edge was the fact that Jill put Billy in charge
17:50when I'm the one responsible for Chancellor success. And to be honest with you, that is
17:54something I never understood why she would hand the reins of the company to Billy boy beyond me.
18:00Yeah. I mean, she has other priorities, which I respect, but putting him in charge is a mistake.
18:08I mean, you know, he's impulsive and undisciplined and arrogant. And that's
18:14why I felt like I had no choice, but to push him out of the company. And I guess he
18:21suspected that. And then he ousted you, right? Yeah, but I am not just going to walk away.
18:28I have invested way too much in the company to do that.
18:31And that's why I will do whatever it takes to protect Catherine's legacy.
18:38So what is it you want from me?
18:47I can't protect Chancellor on my own, especially if I'm not even working at the company.
18:52And I told Billy that I would take him to court over my dismissal, but
18:57who knows how that's going to turn out. But what I do know is that you're loyal to Catherine
19:03and she left you the company in her will. And I know how you feel about Billy.
19:11So what do you want from me?
19:16I believe that you've had your eye on Chancellor and that you're waiting for
19:20Billy to fail so that you can come in and pick up the pieces. And why would you say that?
19:28Because of your conversation with Devon where you told him to tell me to get out of the company
19:33before it was too late, which means you're planning a takeover. And if that's true,
19:41I want to help. I want to retake Chancellor and restore it to a company that Catherine
19:46can be proud of. And I believe that you and I can take down Billy together.
19:51I'm going to be honest with you, Billy. I don't know if this is going to be a problem or not.
19:59So your allegiance is with Lily. It's not about her. It's about you.
20:03So it's personal. Look, you're ambitious. I get it. You're out to prove all the doubters wrong.
20:09That's fine. But turning on your partner with no proof, no thought, no consideration at all.
20:14That is pretty damn. I did not turn on Lily. She lied to me. Firing her was not ruthless.
20:19It was survival. It was the fastest way to get rid of your enemy. It was the right thing to do
20:23for the company chance that what you're telling yourself. So we are going to have a problem,
20:26aren't we? Billy, I'm trying to understand what the hell just happened. Let me explain it to you,
20:31OK? Because you're new to the corporate world making tough decisions like this. You got to do
20:34it all the time. OK, yeah, I might be new, Billy, but you know what? The parallels between the
20:41corporate world and actual war are very real. And I've been there boots on the ground.
20:48You don't go into battle thinking you're going to lose. It doesn't mean you won't.
20:51And when you do, the cost is even more than you can imagine.
21:00So this is one of the most exciting ventures that Fenmore's has been involved in a very long time.
21:05I cannot think of a better place to launch that easy.
21:11Sally is coming, right? Absolutely. She'll be here any minute. There she is.
21:17Hi. Sorry. I hope I'm not too late. Not at all. No, but we do have a lot of ground to cover,
21:23so maybe let's just go ahead and get started. Yeah. So the most important thing I think is to
21:32launch Marquette Z with a strong brand identity, right? Unique storytelling. That's what's going
21:37to make it distinct from Marquette. And our focus is young, fresh, little daring.
21:45Yeah. Right. Absolutely. Yeah. And we were thinking of creating some reels, you know,
21:54to just give some sneak peeks of the garments, the fabric, what makes them special.
21:59Yeah. I like the way you're thinking.
22:09I love you.
22:09I love you.
22:20How, Adam? I asked you point blank earlier if you slept with Chelsea and you lied
22:27right to my face. And then when I still had doubts and begged you to be honest with me,
22:32you doubled down. I lied to you because I was afraid to lose you.
22:38Philly's right.
22:51Oh, that went about as well as I expected. I'm really sorry.
22:56Where's Connor? He ran into his buddy Beckett and his parents over on the soccer field.
23:02Lemonade out of a plastic cup. He brought his own straw. Amazing.
23:12Yeah. He's seems really dialed in to take care of himself.
23:17Well, this is the first time he's seen Beckett since he was hospitalized.
23:20Wonderful. Tell him about it. Seems pretty open with his treatment. So maybe he is ready.
23:27Either way. How will he feel about the conversation?
23:30Either way, we'll be there for him.
23:35Hey, what did Sally mean before she left?
23:40About how you and me need to resolve things between us?
23:51How about we start with what you said to Sally?
23:55I mean, it must have been really important. You couldn't get rid of me fast enough.
23:59I feel terrible about all of this.
24:02God, it was bad enough that you had to tell Billy. But why did you have to go
24:06get Sally all worked up? Why couldn't you just leave it alone, Chelsea?
24:10You obviously made things worse. If that is even possible.
24:13I was fighting for you, Adam.
24:17I was telling her how much you love her and need her and begging her to take you back.
24:21Well, I think we have her answer.
24:24This is all so fresh. Maybe you just need to give her time.
24:29Can we just be done with this conversation?
24:31No, not until you answer my question. What did Sally mean? What isn't resolved between us?
24:39I don't know. Maybe she's looking for a meaning in what happened between us.
24:45I don't know either.
24:47Maybe she's looking for a meaning in what happened between us.
24:51Why would she do that?
24:53Maybe it helps her let go. You know, if she thinks it meant more to us,
25:00it's a way for her to make sense of all of this somehow.
25:03That makes no sense. We've both made it very clear it was a terrible mistake.
25:08In the moment, the two of us just being idiots. What could Sally possibly think happened?
25:16The delivery schedule?
25:22A sample development is done. Production is projected about four to six months,
25:29but there is definitely some flexibility. So if we need to streamline that at all, it's doable, right?
25:39You okay?
25:41Yeah, Sally, we could take a break if you need to.
25:44Oh, no, I appreciate your concerns. Very kind of you, but I'm good. Yeah,
25:50work is exactly what I need right now.
25:55Cost of doing nothing is letting someone I don't trust wield as much power as Lily has.
26:01So I made a business decision and we will carry on.
26:04That is what worries me the most.
26:05What's that?
26:06Your attitude. You're so cavalier about this whole thing.
26:09It's because I know what I'm doing.
26:10Okay, Billy, you either don't understand the risks,
26:13the risk of what you've done, or you just don't give a damn.
26:17I don't appreciate you second guessing me.
26:19Your choices don't instill a lot of confidence.
26:21Maybe you got to pay a little bit of attention. Okay, you might learn something.
26:24Okay, Billy, you know what I do know?
26:27Chancellor has a history. It has a proven track record.
26:31Abbott Chancellor, on the other hand, it's basically a new entity.
26:34It's just beginning to find its way. And with the rough start that we've had,
26:38things could go sideways fast.
26:40Are you seriously suggesting that Abbott Chancellor is on the brink of financial ruin?
26:44The foundational company is in good shape, but that is because of Lily.
26:49Sounds like you're ready to jump ship.
26:52I don't know, Billy. I haven't decided yet, but I am concerned.
26:57If you can turn on Lily that fast, someone that you respected,
26:59someone that you worked very closely with, what's stopping you from turning on me?
27:05Nothing. Just don't give me a reason to.
27:11So, if I understand you correctly, you want me to help you take down Billy Abbott?
27:29Look, maybe I'm out of line. Maybe this is not how you operate.
27:40Well, I do know how important the company is to you.
27:43You helped when Chancellor Winters was on the verge of going public,
27:47and I really hope that you'll help again.
27:50And, you know, Nikki and I talked about Catherine earlier,
27:54and she reminded me how Catherine's last message to us was to make her proud.
28:00And that's what I intend to do.
28:03With my help?
28:05My father really respected you, and that makes me feel like I can trust you.
28:12You can trust me.
28:14And listen, I'm not coming to you empty-handed, by the way.
28:17I know where Billy and Chancellor are vulnerable.
28:22So let's assume that you
28:26want to help me take down Billy Abbott.
28:30What do you expect in return?
28:34I want my position at Chancellor back.
28:47You're a woman who knows what she wants.
28:51I do believe it's a fair deal.
28:55Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
28:58Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
29:02And I will give it some thought.
29:05Well, thank you for hearing me out.
29:10I'll be in touch.
29:12Have a nice day.
29:13You too.
29:21I'll make it easy for you, Billy.
29:23I'll resign right now.
29:24Okay, just hold on a second, okay?
29:26That's not how I expected this meeting to go.
29:29I need you here.
29:31I think you're a valued member of this company going forward, all right?
29:34So was Lily.
29:35Until she made a choice that undermined this company's future, Chance.
29:40A future that is possible in great part because of Lily.
29:44Let me be very clear.
29:45This company does not need Lily to succeed.
29:48We need trust.
29:50We need common goals.
29:51We need a collective eye on the prize.
29:53I need you, okay?
29:55The opportunity to turn this company into a powerhouse is right here for the taking.
30:00And I'm not going to let anyone stop me from making that happen.
30:03Do you hear me?
30:06What's going on with you, man?
30:07I'm passionate about this company.
30:09You have a problem with that too?
30:11You seem rattled.
30:13I mean, do you feel that betrayed by Lily?
30:15Is that where all this anger is coming from?
30:18I feel betrayed by everyone around me right now.
30:21So we've ordered the fabric and trim, created the cutting tickets, digitized the designs.
30:26Should put us ahead of schedule.
30:29You've really put the time into this.
30:31I appreciate it.
30:33So now that we have all the production details all buttoned up, see what I did there?
30:40Oh, yeah.
30:40I have one.
30:42Let's get to the fun stuff.
30:43The launch day.
30:45We're going to need to discuss running some targeted ads.
30:48And I would really like us to consider doing a live launch event at Fenmore's featuring our fabulous designers.
30:56Oh, that sounds fun and a little scary.
31:00Oh, I'm so impressed with what the two of you have accomplished.
31:05Well, it's really all Sally.
31:07I just ride shotgun, little styling, tweaking, zhuzhing.
31:12Chloe is completely underselling herself.
31:14This would not be happening without her.
31:16Well, together, you're both dynamite.
31:21And welcome back to where you belong.
31:27Yeah, seriously, guys.
31:28I knew that this collection was going to be good, but it really is outstanding.
31:37All right.
31:37Summer, you know, I need to run something by you.
31:40Oh, okay.
31:42This was a great meeting.
31:43See you soon.
31:46All right.
31:46See you back at the office.
31:52Well, that went well.
31:55And if we want to make the deadline, we should definitely start on the style.
32:00You are never late.
32:03You were here, but you weren't here.
32:06Basically, the whole first half of the meeting, which is so not like you.
32:10Talk to me.
32:11What is going on?
32:17It's Adam.
32:21What the hell did you do now?
32:25It's over.
32:27Thank God.
32:31I'm sorry.
32:33I didn't mean for it to slip out like that.
32:36I am.
32:36I'm sorry.
32:38No, you're thrilled.
32:39No, I'm not thrilled.
32:44I love you, and I hate to see you in pain like this.
32:52Yeah, here.
32:54I don't want to cry.
32:57Are you sure you don't want to talk about it?
32:59Yes, I'm sure.
33:00Because it's just going to make you hate him even more.
33:03That bad, huh?
33:06I mean, Adam and I were always a long shot, right?
33:10I mean, I should have known better.
33:13I did know better.
33:14I just...
33:17You love him.
33:22I loved.
33:25But I'm free now.
33:27And that is a good thing, you know?
33:29Because now I can focus on what really matters, which is my friends and my goals.
33:33And my number one goal right now is to hit the ground running with Marquette Easy.
33:37Are you sure you don't want to just take a little bit of time?
33:41To what?
33:41To what?
33:42To wallow?
33:42To feel sorry for myself?
33:45No, this launch is our chance of a lifetime.
33:49And now I have 100% time and energy to focus on things I might actually have control over.
33:56So work is exactly what I need right now, you know?
33:58I sure as hell don't need Adam.
34:03Look, I'm not in Sally's head.
34:06So I have no idea what she's talking about.
34:10And does it really matter?
34:11I mean, the bottom line is we screwed up and we lost the people that we love.
34:15No, I'm not willing to accept that.
34:19Chelsea, do you really think that Billy is going to take you back?
34:23I mean, come on.
34:25We've been here before.
34:26He said he needed time and space.
34:28So I'm going to give that to him.
34:29Maybe that's what Sally needs as well.
34:31Have you not been paying attention at all?
34:33I am not willing to give up my relationship, Adam.
34:37And you shouldn't either.
34:38And you shouldn't either.
34:43That night never should have happened.
34:46We both know it.
34:49So from this moment on, we will not discuss it again.
