La première étape pour devenir musulman Nouman Ali Khan

  • 2 days ago
00:00How do we take responsibility?
00:12Okay, now I know I have to be responsible.
00:14How do I do it?
00:15How do I do it?
00:17I'm not going to tell you 100 steps.
00:20I just want to tell you one step.
00:23When you do one step,
00:25then you come back to me,
00:26we'll have some lunch,
00:27and I'll tell you step 2.
00:29But right now, let's only worry about what?
00:32Step 1.
00:34When did the Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم
00:37become a messenger?
00:38At what age?
00:4040. And at the age of 40,
00:41he started doing da'wah, yes?
00:43He started doing da'wah.
00:45Now, was he living in Makkah before that?
00:51Did people know him before that?
00:54What did they call him?
00:56They used to give him some nice names.
00:58What were the nice names they gave him?
01:00Al-Sadiq and Al-Amin.
01:03Did he ever talk to them about Islam
01:05before the age of 40?
01:08He did business with them.
01:09He lived with them.
01:10He was neighbors with them.
01:12He was friends with them.
01:13He ate with them.
01:15He talked with them every day.
01:17He helped them.
01:19He gave charity to them.
01:20That's all they had with him.
01:22For 40 years,
01:23the only thing they knew was Al-Sadiq and Al-Amin.
01:27And they knew that the most responsible person
01:30in our entire city is one person.
01:32Who is that?
01:34They don't call him Rasulullah yet.
01:36Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
01:38Now, that's your step one.
01:42Your step one as an ummah,
01:45my step one as an ummah,
01:47is we have to show the character of Rasulullah
01:51sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,
01:53Al-Sadiq and Al-Amin to the entire world.
01:57So when they think of Muslims,
01:59they think of someone honest.
02:01When they think of Muslims,
02:03they think of someone they can trust.
02:05Right now, it is so bad,
02:07we can't even trust each other.
02:10We can't even trust each other.
02:13We lie and we cheat.
02:16We lie and we cheat in business.
02:18We lie and we cheat in our families.
02:21We lie and we cheat in inheritance.
02:23We lie and we cheat in our jobs.
02:26We lie and we cheat in our tax forms.
02:29We lie and we cheat.
02:31Every chance we get,
02:33we lie and we cheat.
02:35The guy who is in the store,
02:37selling cloth,
02:38you know the ladies,
02:39they go to buy clothes.
02:40Baji, yeh bahot mehnga hai,
02:42yeh bada mushkil se mila hai.
02:43I have to give it to you.
02:45I have to sell it to you for a hundred.
02:47Because I bought it for 99.
02:50I will only make one.
02:51The guy bought it for 10.
02:52But he has to make a whole story,
02:54so he can get her to buy it for 99.
02:56Okay, okay.
02:57You just take it for 99, it's okay.
02:59And he makes this whole story.
03:00You can't even sell something without lying.
03:03How are we going to earn
03:05Sadiq and Ameen for the entire world?
03:08We don't even think each other are Sadiq and Ameen.
03:12We don't think each other are Sadiq and Ameen.
03:15You know, when you go in the Muslim world,
03:17somewhere, not here,
03:18anywhere in the Muslim world,
03:19and you get in a taxi.
03:22If they can tell I'm American,
03:25three times the price.
03:30Is that, is that, is that amanah?
03:32Is that amanah?
03:34You go to a mechanic,
03:36Muslim mechanic, mashallah.
03:38Muslim mechanic.
03:39I need an oil change.
03:41He opens your car,
03:42takes out the transmission,
03:43you need a new transmission too.
03:46I don't know cars, he knows cars.
03:49We're cheating people.
03:51We're lying to people.
03:52We're dishonest to people.
03:54And then we talk about the deen of Muhammad
03:56salallahu alayhi wa sallam.
03:58The dawah to Islam.
03:59The shariah of Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wa sallam.
04:01Wait a second, hold on.
04:0340 years first.
04:04Step one.
04:06Step one.
04:07Nobody thinks we're honest right now.
04:10Nobody thinks we're trustworthy right now.
04:12That is our priority.
04:14That is when dawah actually makes sense to people.
04:18Because before you even open your mouth,
04:20they love you.
04:22They love you.
04:24This man will never lie.
04:26I can trust him over anybody else.
04:29This is what a Muslim is supposed to be.
04:32So many of your co-workers are Hindu.
04:34So many of your co-workers are Christian in this country.
04:37So many of your co-workers are Buddhist.
04:39Or maybe even atheist or agnost.
04:42The only thing about Islam they know
04:44is not the Quran.
04:45They don't know the Quran.
04:46The only Islam they know is you.
04:49You are Islam to them.
04:51You are the ambassador of Rasulullah to them
04:54salallahu alayhi wa sallam.
04:55So when you tell your co-worker,
04:57I'll be there in 5 minutes.
05:005 minutes, I know the Sunni 5 minutes.
05:035 minutes means some time today.
05:07And the best one is,
05:08you haven't even left home yet.
05:10And they call you,
05:11where are you?
05:12Oh, I'm on the way.
05:14You're not on the way.
05:16You haven't even brushed your teeth.
05:19You're driving from like another country.
05:22You're driving over 3 hours away.
05:24Hey, where are you?
05:25Are you coming?
05:26Yeah, just 10 minutes.
05:283 hours you convert them into...
05:29You're not in a helicopter man.
05:31You're in a car.
05:33Be honest.
05:35In these little things,
05:36if we cannot be honest in little things,
05:38then definitely we cannot be honest in big things.
