虎に翼 第113話 2024年9月4日

  • 2 weeks ago


00:00Excuse me, is there anything you would like to ask for compensation?
00:07May I?
00:12If the prosecutor can't ask for compensation from the U.S. or any other country,
00:18where should the victim who is suffering right now ask for help?
00:31As a lawyer, I cannot answer that question.
00:54That's all.
01:01I sympathize with the victims,
01:04but it's hard to say that there will be compensation.
01:09I think the government should think of another way to save them.
01:16That's not what this court is arguing about.
01:21We cannot expand the international law from sympathy for the victim.
01:26That's all.
01:29The law is the law.
01:33That's all.
01:36We are both responsible for a lot of things.
01:56Thank you for watching!
02:26Thank you for watching!
02:56Thank you for watching!
03:26Thank you for watching!
03:56The court is adjourned.
04:35I read the article.
04:44Can you share what you have in your heart with me, your husband?
04:56Can you share what you have in your heart with me, your husband?
05:02It's hard for the U.S. to ask for compensation.
05:12But I don't know if I should do that or what I can do.
05:20Oh my god! Someone help me!
05:23Mom, what's wrong?
05:25What should I do? I don't have my wallet.
05:29I don't have my wallet.
05:31I don't have my wallet.
05:37Yuriko, please sit down.
05:41Please sit down. I'll look for it.
05:48I'm sorry.
05:50Don't worry.
05:51Don't worry.
06:10Here you are.
06:27I had a visitor yesterday.
06:30What did he say?
06:33I won't say it directly, but he made me smell a lot.
06:38He told me to finish the trial as soon as possible.
06:43I wonder how many politicians are in a hurry to get the attention of the world.
06:48I wonder how many politicians are in a hurry to get the attention of the world.
06:59I have to think about it.
07:05I have to think about my powerlessness and my limit.
07:11I have to think about what I can do.
07:18I have to think about what I can do.
07:39I'm sorry.
07:41Tora-chan, you must be tired.
07:43I'm sorry.
07:46My mother lost her wallet, so I was looking for it until late.
07:51I found it in the back of the cabinet.
07:54I see.
07:56Your mother is getting better.
08:02It can't be helped.
08:04Everyone gets older someday.
08:15I didn't expect to see you.
08:18I'm sorry.
08:24Welcome to this side.
08:52Thank you very much.
08:53Please let me consult with you in detail.
08:59Excuse me.
09:02Yoshida Miki, the plaintiff, is going to appear in court.
09:08He's coming from Hiroshima.
09:10It's a good wind.
09:12You might be surprised.
09:14The other four plaintiffs refused.
09:17This trial is gradually attracting the attention of the world.
09:20What will happen to her if she stands alone in front of the court?
09:28Will she live without suffering for the money she earns from damages?
09:34What will she experience in the future?
09:40It's not up to you to decide that.
09:44What hell do you want to fight?
09:50It's up to her to decide.
09:58December, 1966.
10:02The next year, in January,
10:06the Tokyo District Court appointed the plaintiff.
10:21Tomoko, the plaintiff.
10:32When Tomoko is deeply troubled and depressed,
10:36Koichi remains silent and stays in the same place.
10:46Koichi-san, thank you.
10:50You're welcome.
10:59What does it mean for the victim to stand in court?
11:12It might affect the judge's judgment.
11:17But in return...
11:22Koichi will see it and be hurt.
11:30Why does an individual have to suffer under the name of the country?
11:39Every citizen is respected as an individual.
11:46Then, an incident occurs.
11:52Yuri-san, don't!
11:58What's wrong?
12:00The stew you made for dinner is rotten.
12:04What do you mean?
12:06Don't worry, it's cold.
12:08Grandma, it's dirty.
12:10Don't touch it!
12:17Yumi-chan, are you all right?
12:34Calm down. Take a deep breath.
13:08What are you doing?
13:11It looked like you were busy.
13:17That's why I didn't come to help.
13:22I was really busy today.
13:25That's why!
13:28Don't worry about it.
13:31You'll go to a great university and work at a bank every day.
13:38You'll be a proud grandchild.
13:41I'm sure you'll be very proud.
13:50If you two are alive, don't go to a great university.
13:55I didn't say that.
13:59You'll go to a good school and live a boring life.
14:04Even if you work, you'll just drink tea every day.
14:10I'm the one who decided that.
14:15I'm living the way I want.
14:19Don't ask me for anything else.
14:28Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!
14:33What are you doing?
14:42Nodoka-san, are you okay?
14:57Good morning.
14:59It's Wednesday, September 4th.
