• last month


00:00Oh, God, I thought that was a person.
00:01Previously on My Big Fat Fabulous Life.
00:04Let's get started.
00:05So I took my friend's advice,
00:07and I actually found a matchmaker.
00:09Homework-wise, send me over the best photos
00:12that you've had taken of yourself over the last year.
00:15I've actually lost 100 pounds from my heaviest weight,
00:18so I don't know if I have a lot of really good ones
00:21that really look like me now.
00:23Oh! Oh, my God!
00:26Sweet baby, hey!
00:29Jamie and Heath are getting married
00:30in a couple months in Mississippi,
00:32and, of course, the whole family is gonna be there
00:34with bells on, and I'm just thrilled.
00:37So I'm about to turn 40, and I decided
00:39I want to do a big trip. We're all gonna go to Spain.
00:42Spain, of course, is the birthplace of flamenco.
00:44The inspiration for my 40th birthday trip is flamenco.
00:50I realized I'd never taken a class like that,
00:52and that was it for me.
00:53If that's where my man is, I'll be there.
01:23I'm scared about this.
01:25I haven't been in a dance class period in five years
01:27and neither have you that I know of.
01:28Well, I'm looking forward to this
01:29because it's not partner dancing, like, you know.
01:31Correct. We don't have to touch each other.
01:33We have not been here in 20 years.
01:37Is it gonna smell the same?
01:39I am dragging Todd to a flamenco dance class
01:42down at the Culture Arts Center,
01:43and this is significant for a couple reasons.
01:47Look, I just got chills.
01:48It's exactly the same.
01:51Todd and I met in this literal building.
01:54This is where I met Tal.
01:56This is where we rehearsed for shows that we performed
01:59that Buddy used to, like, work backstage for.
02:01It's just a time capsule of my life,
02:05and here I am now, almost 40,
02:08with just what feels like a lifetime of experiences,
02:13and I didn't know that the Cultural Arts Center
02:15was gonna remain such a constant in my life,
02:17but I'm glad that it has.
02:20Is it first time to dance flamenco?
02:21Yes. I'm gonna be honest with you.
02:23The only thing I think I know about flamenco is this.
02:25That's it. Okay.
02:26That's, like, literally...
02:27It's good. Okay.
02:29I don't wear heels, so I am not even in...
02:31I heard y'all when I came in.
02:33I was like, oh, no.
02:35Flamenco is a dance original to Spain.
02:38I have a different style.
02:41Today I make a slow one to more sexy and sensual.
02:44Gracias. Perfect.
02:47I want to go into my 40th year
02:50believing that 40 is the new 30.
02:53The first move is the elbow.
02:57You make a circle like a ballet,
02:59and go down, complete.
03:01My heart is set on going to Spain,
03:03and I would love to bring all of my friends.
03:06We haven't really had a lot of time together,
03:09like, especially since I found my new family.
03:11I've been wrapped up in that for the last year almost,
03:14and so I think it would feel rejuvenating, invigorating.
03:18I mean, something about the Spanish culture,
03:21the food, the dancing, the siestas.
03:24The men.
03:26Ready, go.
03:27One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
03:38Literally every time I start moving,
03:41I start smiling, I can't help it, I feel so good.
03:44It's like the simplest thing.
03:45I'm just like doing this, and I'm like, oh, yeah.
03:48Oh, yeah.
03:49One, two, three, and four, five, six, seven, eight.
03:55When I sit alone up at night, and I think,
03:57like, how can I quell this midlife crisis?
03:59Like, what kind of hobbies can I engage in?
04:01What can I do that can make me happy?
04:05You could dance.
04:06You could just dance.
04:07You could start there.
04:21I have to say, I'm pleasantly surprised,
04:23because not only do I think that I can handle
04:25this level of flamenco, but I feel like sex.
04:30I mean, it's the type of time I'm looking at myself
04:33in the mirror, and I'm like, I wish some dude
04:35that I had a crush on was watching me right now, because.
04:39Two, three.
04:40If you weren't interested before I walked in the class,
04:43you would be interested now.
04:45Three, and four.
04:48One, two.
04:49This flamenco dance class is the best thing
04:51I could have ever planned for myself,
04:52and if I had any doubts about going to Spain,
04:55I don't have any now.
04:59Say ole!
05:05Oh, yeah!
05:07How you feel?
05:08I feel good.
05:09You feel good?
05:10Tired, sweaty, lost.
05:12I feel like the style is washing over us.
05:13We need to just absorb it.
05:15Right, yeah.
05:16We're going to Spain.
05:17So I was like, let me go check out a flamenco class,
05:19but like, I mean, they've got tons of clubs,
05:21like flamenco clubs there, right?
05:22Yes, you have class everywhere.
05:24Perfect, okay, wonderful.
05:26Gracias, gracias.
05:27Thank you, bye y'all.
05:33Oh my God, my feet really hurt.
05:35I love watching us, you were good.
05:37You are.
05:38You are, you are, you serve.
05:40I do.
05:41But we do compliment each other very well, I feel.
05:44As long as you stand right here,
05:46and I am just off your left shoulder to the back.
05:49There'll never be another pair like us?
05:53Oh my God, I've got that photo shoot coming up
05:55for the matchmaker.
05:56This is what's supposed to get me a man.
05:58I'm building up my portfolio.
06:00Wait, these are for your ads?
06:01This is for the matchmaker.
06:02I'm building up my portfolio.
06:03Oh, she has like a dossier of you.
06:07But I gotta make it to the wedding first.
06:08You're going by yourself?
06:09Yeah, but at this point, if I were to have a date,
06:11they would be a stranger.
06:12I'm not going to a wedding with a plus one
06:14for the first date, you know what I mean?
06:15I'm not doing that, that's weird.
06:16My niece Jamie's wedding is this weekend,
06:18and I'm going to have a good time regardless.
06:21And honestly, at this point, if I had a date,
06:23I think it would take away from my enjoyment of the wedding
06:26because it would be with someone
06:27that I don't know very well.
06:29Lord though, if Kenny comes.
06:33If Kenny ever tries to talk to me again
06:35about the facts of the situation.
06:38I don't understand.
06:39I have not spoken to Kenny about this
06:40since like the day after it happened,
06:42and he keeps texting.
06:44Okay, last text.
06:45I have been messed up for three days,
06:48so stressed about life, all capitals,
06:50changes at work, all capitals, et cetera.
06:53Lately, I've been messed up every day before I met you
06:56because I have to know someone
06:57before I can treat them with true affection.
06:58I didn't mean to say that.
07:00I wanted to let you know sooner,
07:01but people have sexual preferences.
07:03Nothing but love for your entire family.
07:04And yes, you as well.
07:05We are similar creatures in many ways.
07:06Big hearted, sweet, thoughtful.
07:07I'm a little smarter than you.
07:09Wink, JK.
07:11And then how about a spelling contest?
07:12Scared to lose?
07:15First of all, how can you even have that?
07:18I just don't see any reason to engage
07:21with him about this anymore.
07:23If I see him at the wedding, I'm gonna be stressed.
07:26And if I don't see him, I'll be relieved.
07:30You really got him torn up
07:31for somebody who rejected you.
07:35Right, I need to remind Kenny, you rejected me.
07:36Right, you have to console him
07:39for his rejection of you.
07:40You were mean to me, and now I gotta console you.
07:43It'll be all right.
07:44Explain to me how it works.
07:45We'll get through this.
07:46I'm not an option for you down there.
07:49My stomach hurts.
08:01Well, this'll go with any outfit.
08:05Oh my God.
08:06This dog has better accessories than I do.
08:10You know how some days you just like,
08:11you wake up and you feel pretty,
08:12and then some days you just don't?
08:14I hope today's a pretty day.
08:16I'm not sure yet.
08:18Today, I'm having a photo shoot
08:20to hopefully get some photos
08:22that Alessandra, the matchmaker,
08:24can use in my portfolio
08:26that she presents to men.
08:28Ghost, don't fight me on this.
08:30She won't.
08:31Jessica is here as kind of my,
08:33I don't know, creative director.
08:35She's so invested in my dating journey,
08:37but I'm glad she is because I need the support
08:41and the encouragement.
08:43Y'all, we're coming.
08:45I feel like there is a whole lot riding
08:48on this photo shoot.
08:49So my vibe for this,
08:51I'm trying to think of what really represents me.
08:53I'm fantasizing romantic vibes,
08:57me and Goosey sharing meats and cheeses.
09:01This could be you.
09:02Yeah, exactly, exactly.
09:05So that's what I got for the first.
09:06What do you think?
09:06I absolutely love it.
09:07You're into it.
09:08It's so cute, yeah.
09:09Okay, perfect.
09:10All right.
09:13Come here, look what-
09:14Do you want to bring her like over here for me?
09:16Okay, can you sit?
09:18Good girl.
09:20Such a baby.
09:21Good girl.
09:22That's cute.
09:23She's just too much.
09:26Oh, and her hair's blowing in the wind.
09:28I know, it's fabulous.
09:33Good girl.
09:35She hates it so much, it's hilarious.
09:38Look at that profile.
09:41Oh my God, she's killing it.
09:43She's like her mommy.
09:46Yes, good.
09:47Oh, that's beautiful.
09:48I love it.
09:50All right, come on, queen.
09:51We got some more photos to take.
09:53I'm not gonna lie,
09:54I was feeling pretty insecure before we started,
09:57but now I feel better.
10:00So I'm excited to play around with a couple other ideas.
10:03Now question.
10:05Are we considering doing anything
10:08like a little sexy, maybe?
10:10Do you mean a sensible?
10:12Like a boudoir shoot, maybe fully nude.
10:17Just saying.
10:19I mean, while they're here.
10:23I am not a modest person.
10:25Okay, we got some props.
10:26Oh my God.
10:28But that was not what I thought
10:31I was gonna be doing for this photo shoot.
10:33Maybe we should put some candles back here.
10:35Should we light said candles?
10:37Like, I've never seen this side of Jessica before.
10:39She is like, take it off.
10:42All right, this is for your future mans, okay?
10:45I mean, you too.
10:46As much as Whitney is not a shy person,
10:49even the most confident person needs a little nudge
10:52every once in a while to really go for what they want.
10:55I know Whitney wanted this photo shoot
10:56to represent who she is,
10:57and what better way to show someone who you are
11:00than to show them all of you?
11:01That's perfect.
11:03All of that.
11:05There you go, Whit.
11:08Where's shoulder?
11:10There you go, right there.
11:11She goes.
11:12It looks really good, Whitney.
11:13All that, yes.
11:14Yeah, that's the stuff right there, queen.
11:17What if we did like, pulled it all the way down,
11:19and did like this?
11:20Now these are heavy, so.
11:22So get it now while I'm holding them.
11:24Make your fingers look pretty.
11:26Make your fingers look pretty, like that.
11:28Look down again, I like the look down.
11:31How do you feel about removing the skirt?
11:33All right, get naked.
11:34How do you feel about doing that?
11:37It doesn't take me a whole lot
11:39for me to just be off to the races, you know?
11:42I just need like one, yeah girl, you look great,
11:44and then I'm like, cool, let's do it.
11:47Oh, yeah, look that way.
11:48It's not what I planned, but I think it's good.
11:53Keep moving your arms for me, that's perfect.
11:55Give me little angles, yes, yes.
11:57Oh, y'all, oh my god, yes.
12:00Just grab your boobies for me.
12:02Sorry for calling them boobies.
12:03Oh yeah, that's perfect.
12:05You are genuinely stunning.
12:08Oh my word, I'm not even gonna lie.
12:10I mean, sick.
12:11Whitney, look at your titty, girl.
12:13My titty, that one titty do sit right.
12:16That titty's titty, girl.
12:18That one titty sit real good.
12:19That titty's titty, yeah.
12:20Are you happy?
12:23I certainly was not planning on taking my clothes off,
12:26but honestly, it's kind of a fun confidence boost
12:30that I needed, and it's definitely getting me
12:33into the vibe of like putting myself out there with men.
12:38And of course, they're not gonna go in my portfolio,
12:40but I will have them in my back pocket for someone special.
12:43All right, well, I gotta run, unfortunately.
12:45Of course you do now.
12:46I know.
12:47I got what I came for.
12:49Thanks for getting me out of my clothes, I guess.
12:55I'm wondering if Kenny's gonna be at this wedding.
12:58I think Jamie said she didn't actually
13:00send him an invitation, so.
13:01Kenny seems like the kind of guy that would just show up.
13:04Is Kenny coming?
13:05I don't know.
13:06You would know.
13:07I have to prepare myself for the inevitable,
13:10awkward apologies from him that are going to keep coming.
13:30Are we in Mississippi yet?
13:31We've been in Mississippi.
13:34We flew in last night to Mobile, Alabama,
13:37and we had to drive 40 minutes to Lousdale, Mississippi,
13:40where Jamie and Heath's wedding is.
13:41We are headed to the rehearsal dinner.
13:43The wedding is tomorrow, and I cannot wait.
13:46This is the first granddaughter getting married.
13:49She beat us to the altar.
13:52I hope I get a daughter that's gonna get married someday.
13:56Well, what you have is a son
13:58who's in a very serious relationship,
14:00so maybe you should start there.
14:02Because, Daddy, how it goes is first comes love,
14:04then comes marriage.
14:05And then comes the baby in the baby carriage.
14:09Well, we haven't talked about all that quite yet, so.
14:12Well, let's talk about it now, Karen.
14:14Let's not.
14:15There is a little bit of pressure from my family
14:17to get married and have kids,
14:19and it doesn't help that we're going to a wedding.
14:22I do love Karen, and I see us having a future together,
14:25but, you know, let's be in the moment.
14:32That's a loud blinker.
14:33I'm right tired.
14:34I didn't, I was trying to sleep on that plane,
14:35but, you know, I can never sleep on a plane.
14:37I'm ready to party.
14:37Oh, God, no, you are.
14:39Karen, have you ever been to Mississippi?
14:42I'm wondering if Kenny's gonna be at this wedding.
14:46I think Jamie said
14:47she didn't actually send him an invitation, so.
14:49Kenny seems like the guy that would just,
14:50the kind of guy that would just show up.
14:51Who is Kenny?
14:52Kenny is the love of Whitney's life.
14:55This is news.
14:56No, Kenny is a family friend.
15:00They tried to hook me up with Kenny.
15:01He came to Thanksgiving.
15:03We ended up kissing.
15:04You guys kissed?
15:05Then he said, let's go to the wedding together,
15:07blah, blah, blah.
15:08I said, okay, great.
15:09And he said to me, I'll take you on a real date.
15:11And I said, okay.
15:12And then he goes, I'll take you on one,
15:14but you know I only like thin women.
15:17And I said.
15:19Oh, well, no, Kenny, I didn't know that, see, because.
15:22Because we made out.
15:23Right, he keeps trying to salvage it.
15:24And then he says, I mean, Whitney,
15:26I mean, you're a pretty girl and all,
15:28but it's like, I can't force myself to be gay.
15:32He's not.
15:33I was like, Kenny.
15:34Oh, no, we don't like Kenny.
15:35Block, delete, goodbye.
15:37And he's still, like, two months later,
15:39he texts me again about it.
15:40I was like, Kenny, please let this go.
15:43I personally hope that I don't see Kenny.
15:46Let's go.
15:47Because he has been unable to stop, like, apologizing
15:52and going on and on over the fact that he, like,
15:55asked me on a date and then told me
15:56he wasn't attracted to big women.
15:59So I just don't, like, I don't need the apology.
16:02It's just like, okay, that was weird.
16:04It's over.
16:05And, like, can we stop talking about it?
16:07The more Kenny talks, the worse it gets.
16:14Hey, girl.
16:16There's Whitney.
16:17How are y'all?
16:22How are you?
16:22What's up, man?
16:23Good to see you.
16:27Good to see you guys.
16:27I know.
16:29Heads up, I got fireball in the car.
16:30Oh, I got fireball right here.
16:32Oh, hell to the no, that's what I'm talking about.
16:36Getting greeted by my new extended family members
16:40never gets old.
16:41It is so nice.
16:42I always think of what Angie said,
16:44which is that you can never have too many people
16:47who love you.
16:48And it's true.
16:48How are you?
16:49I'm good.
16:50You smell nice.
16:51Do I?
16:53It's my wedding cone.
16:54You just got a fresh haircut?
16:55See, look at you.
16:56Are you so excited?
16:57You nervous?
16:59Is Kenny coming?
17:00I don't know.
17:01I figured you would know.
17:03No, I don't know.
17:05I just want to know in advance
17:07because I have to prepare myself
17:08for the inevitable, awkward apologies from him
17:12that are going to keep coming.
17:17I'm about to get some.
17:18Go eat a oyster.
17:19A raw one.
17:20I can't, I don't like oysters.
17:21Me either.
17:22I just tried a, and they're big too.
17:24No, I can't.
17:25I got like half of it down.
17:26Now that I have to get caught in my mouth,
17:28I can't do it.
17:28No, I can't do it.
17:29I feel like a duck.
17:31Oh, now let me look at you.
17:37You look so good.
17:38Look, I just got chills.
17:40Oh, me too.
17:41Because you're talking about it.
17:43You look beautiful.
17:44Now, I do have to confess to you,
17:45I did not shave my legs, but.
17:48It's fine.
17:49We ready to rehearse?
17:52Lord, let me get a sweet tea.
17:53We about to rehearse.
17:55Listen, is Kenny coming?
17:56I don't think so.
17:58I just wanted to know.
17:59All right, I'm gonna grab some tea.
18:01I feel like if Kenny doesn't show up tonight,
18:03then he also will not show up to the wedding,
18:06which is something that I can feel good about.
18:08Because if I see him in the flesh,
18:12I'm gonna get stressed.
18:14Hey, everybody in the bridal party.
18:16Bridesmaid or grinsmen, up here.
18:19Blues and grandparents, stay where you are.
18:22And parents.
18:24All we need is grinsmen and bridesmaids.
18:28Back in Switzerland,
18:29Jamie asked me to be a something blue for her wedding.
18:33It would mean the world to me
18:34if you were my something blue,
18:35wearing the color blue on our wedding day.
18:38You have to be a part of it,
18:39because you're my aunt.
18:40I'm in the wedding?
18:43I remember when she asked me, I was floored.
18:45Like, I had just met her,
18:46and I thought it was so thoughtful and wonderful
18:50to feel honored in that way,
18:53as part of her family.
18:54I love it.
18:55I love my niece.
18:56I love being an aunt.
18:58And this stuff is just fun.
19:01So what do we do now?
19:02I don't know.
19:03Just drink?
19:05I'm drinking tea.
19:06I know.
19:08Everyone's so lovely.
19:10So y'all getting married and what?
19:13I don't know.
19:14Well, we're just enjoying hanging out.
19:17I mean, I like him.
19:18You like him?
19:19Let me go tell Hunter you said you like him.
19:21I love him.
19:22Yeah, that's what I thought.
19:25He's great.
19:26Yeah, he's really happy.
19:28I want to make him really happy, so.
19:29Yeah, you do.
19:30Hey, Whitney, this is you.
19:32After my mom goes, you'll go.
19:34You need to be walking.
19:35No, I'm walking with Maddie.
19:37I understand that, but you are a parent.
19:39Cindy has already walked down the aisle, baby.
19:41I have heard from Angie many times
19:44that Jamie and I are very alike in a lot of ways.
19:46Go walk down the aisle.
19:47I'll see you soon.
19:48Particularly that she's a planner and a perfectionist.
19:51Go, it's fine.
19:52Y'all can just walk now.
19:53And, you know, would love to, you know,
19:55event plan and control every little detail and whatever.
19:57And I am definitely that way.
19:59I hope these chairs are gonna support me.
20:01I think right now she seems pretty chill,
20:03but you never know.
20:04There's a lot of time to bridezilla overnight,
20:07so I'm not making any predictions
20:10until I see her tomorrow at the wedding.
20:15Oh, Lord.
20:17It's raining.
20:19What the heck?
20:19It's too much.
20:22Did we have everybody?
20:23Jamie, are we missing anybody?
20:25Hold on.
20:25Where's dad?
20:26Okay, yes, just go.
20:28Just go.
20:29Damn it, dad.
20:31She is cold.
20:32We are on a time crunch.
20:33Maddie, look.
20:34Y'all, stop telling her to look.
20:35She's not gonna look.
20:36It's fine.
21:02Oh, is Pete out there?
21:04No, we have him put away.
21:07It ain't in there.
21:08How do you think Jamie's been holding up today?
21:10I think she's doing good.
21:12She's very calm, very peaceful.
21:14She's not really even been stressed at all today.
21:17She's not been a broadzilla.
21:18Not yet.
21:20The day is not over.
21:22The day is not over.
21:23That is correct, Brooke,
21:24because I could be.
21:35Let me hear something.
21:40And then kind of move your robe around a little bit
21:43so we get a little bit of movement.
21:45Yep, perfect.
21:47I got it.
21:48It is absolutely freezing, isn't it?
21:50I know.
21:55It'll be fine.
21:56It's gonna be a 15-minute ceremony.
21:57It'll be pretty and picturesque.
21:59That's what you're gonna remember.
22:04I'm like, she's not as wicked inside.
22:08You're gonna be good.
22:09It's beautiful out.
22:10All right, let's do a couple of you
22:11and your sister right over here.
22:12For Jamie's wedding,
22:14of course, you plan it a year ahead,
22:16so you have no earthly idea
22:17what the weather's gonna be a year from now,
22:19but on rehearsal, it was raining.
22:21So at least today, it's not raining.
22:24They shortened their vows, right?
22:26Because it's so good.
22:27Yeah, it's not like they're,
22:29it's freezing cold and windy,
22:32which I know that's great for Whitney,
22:33but not for everybody else.
22:35We're cold.
22:37I woke up and my dress was two sizes too big.
22:40I don't know what happened.
22:42Had you tried it on before?
22:43Yes, and I tried it on the night before last night,
22:45with the bra and everything,
22:46and I was like, oh, this is good.
22:47Put it on today and it's falling off my whole body.
22:49So you lost that much weight, huh?
22:50In two days, I guess so.
22:52You know that?
22:54It's better than getting up and trying your dress on
22:57and you can't get in it.
22:58My dress is literally falling off my torso
23:02and I have no idea why.
23:04It is not because I lost weight.
23:06I bought this dress like three weeks ago.
23:08I tried it on and I was like, oh, it's perfect, love it.
23:11And then I put it on today
23:13and it is like leaving my body.
23:16I'm stepping all over my dress in the gravel.
23:18I don't think it can be saved.
23:20Okay, oh my God.
23:22Like, I need safety pins.
23:24I need something because this is horrible.
23:29We've clipped it.
23:31I don't know what to do.
23:32It's falling off me.
23:33It literally feels like it's two sizes too big on the top.
23:36I tried this on the day before yesterday.
23:40I'm gonna have to drink.
23:41I'm gonna have to drink to handle this.
23:45Daddy, will you go get me a glass of red wine?
23:50He's like, she never drinks.
23:52I don't know, but I need a solution
23:53or else it's going to fall off of my person.
23:58Okay, good.
23:59Thank you, Daddy.
24:01Look, Daddy.
24:02I know, I saw it last night.
24:03Come here, girl.
24:06It's a nice frame.
24:07I took this picture.
24:09You took it?
24:13Babs was pregnant with Whitney three months.
24:18Gosh, she's beautiful.
24:23It's very thoughtful of Angie and the family
24:25to include Babs into this wedding
24:28and I only wish Babs could be here to see it.
24:32I only wish Babs could be here to see it.
24:38Look, look.
24:41Get into your girl.
24:42Love you.
24:43Love you.
24:45Okay, I'm gonna go vlog for Jamie.
24:46See y'all later.
24:50Hey, friend.
24:52Are you ready?
24:53Are you excited?
24:54Are you excited?
24:55Okay, I'm gonna have you come over this way.
24:57You're gonna turn this way.
24:58To my right?
24:59Yep, to your right.
25:00And then you're gonna walk towards her
25:02and then once you get over there,
25:03you can hug her or do whatever you want, okay?
25:10Oh my God, I'm dead.
25:17Oh my gosh.
25:20You look so pretty.
25:24I am dying over Jamie and Heath's
25:26like little photo shoot that is happening
25:28and I'm doing my vlogging thing.
25:31Are you cold?
25:33Oh my gosh.
25:34Love it.
25:35Okay, let's give you a fur
25:36so you can get warmed back up.
25:39I gotta walk around you real quick.
25:41I'm like running my fat ass
25:42like with my little tripod, like.
25:46Oh my God.
25:46You're in, you're in, but kiss his leg.
25:49It's okay, I was getting her taking your pictures.
25:51But Jamie looks so amazing.
25:53This dress is amazing.
25:54The back of the dress,
25:55did you see the bow?
25:56It's incredible.
25:57Heath looks wonderful.
25:59Like I'm so into it.
26:01I think this wedding is going to be perfect.
26:06Oh, all righty.
26:10Okay, all right.
26:12Mom's side of the family,
26:14if you'll come outside.
26:15Your hair's fine, come on,
26:16we have no time.
26:18Granny, it's fine.
26:18Let him go.
26:20Did we have everybody, Jamie,
26:21or are we missing anybody?
26:22Hold on.
26:23Where's dad?
26:25He's literally gonna miss the pictures.
26:26One, two, three.
26:29We have one more picture
26:30and then we're done.
26:32Damn it, dad.
26:35It's time to take family pics.
26:37And where is Glenn Thorne?
26:38Dad's gotta be here.
26:39He's gonna miss the pictures.
26:40Jamie, she is cold.
26:42Maddie's not looking at the camera.
26:44Maddie, look.
26:45Y'all, stop telling her to look.
26:46She's not gonna look, it's fine.
26:47We don't have time to wait for dad.
26:48Okay, yes, just go.
26:50Just go.
26:51I can't.
26:52We are on a time crunch.
26:54And if dad misses the family pictures,
26:56this is going to be a disaster.
27:10Get in real quick
27:11and then one picture and then.
27:18Daddy, we're about to miss the pictures.
27:21For real.
27:23Okay, come on, dad.
27:24See, we're missing it.
27:25Thank God my dad has appeared
27:26because I really didn't want him to miss this opportunity
27:28to do the family pictures.
27:30And with the way that Jamie is going,
27:31I think that would have been it.
27:34I know.
27:35One more picture.
27:36One more picture.
27:37One more picture and Maddie will go inside.
27:38She might've not just cut his ass out the picture,
27:40she might've cut his ass out the family.
27:42I want everyone to look happy.
27:43It's not cold outside.
27:45It's warm.
27:46We're on a beach somewhere.
27:48Got it, okay.
27:49All right, all of them can go inside.
27:51All right, dad, we're good.
27:53We can go inside.
28:01She's stressed, I can tell.
28:02She is.
28:03That photographer is on a strict schedule.
28:06Oh, so they have to leave.
28:07Well, no, it's just that we have so many people
28:10she has to have pictures with.
28:12Like, it has to move.
28:14My dad was in the bathroom.
28:15He was like, I was using the bathroom.
28:17I personally feel a little choked up
28:19over just like seeing my dad in the wedding
28:23and then seeing him in the picture.
28:25I mean, I'm not gonna lie,
28:26I'm not gonna lie.
28:27I'm not gonna lie.
28:27I'm not gonna lie.
28:28My dad in the wedding,
28:31not only, you know, obviously,
28:32to the impact of my dad having a granddaughter
28:34and Jamie's getting married and all that,
28:36but like, even just to see my dad
28:37so included and integrated,
28:41well, in all of us,
28:42it just, it still makes me emotional
28:43because how many ways, like, could it have gone?
28:47That's why I've always said
28:48everything happens for a reason.
28:50So it happened at the time that it needed to happen.
28:56I know, right?
28:59This is, I know, a really special moment for you.
29:03It is.
29:04And it's special for us, too,
29:06that we found you in time to be able to witness
29:09Jamie getting married, so.
29:12I know.
29:13Your first grandchild having a wedding
29:17before your children.
29:19Well, you didn't get to witness me,
29:21but at least you get to see Jamie.
29:24You look so beautiful.
29:25You look handsome.
29:28You know, last year, you know,
29:30we were still wondering whether Hunter or Whitney
29:33would be getting married any time in the future.
29:36And, you know, and then obviously,
29:37hopefully that, you know, they might have children.
29:39And then all of a sudden,
29:41we are fortunate to find Angie and her family.
29:45So this is a great opportunity for us
29:48to see another chapter in our family
29:52and to see Jamie get married to Heath,
29:55which we think the world of.
29:56So this is an exciting time for us.
30:01Jamie, can everybody make your way outside, please?
30:04I know we're rolling, but.
30:06All right.
30:07And everybody, make your way outside.
30:09I like it.
30:18Nice summer day.
30:23Five minutes, y'all are gonna be married.
30:24It's gonna be good.
30:25Oh my God, look, I just got chills.
30:27It'll be all over then.
30:31Oh, whoa.
30:48Oh my God.
31:07Obviously, I'm an emotional person.
31:09I get emotional at weddings.
31:10I already feel just like teary-eyed just being here.
31:14We are moments away from Jamie
31:17becoming Mrs. Heath Horton.
31:20Oh my God, I'm crying.
31:23All right, Heath, this is it, man.
31:24This is it.
31:44Oh my God.
31:54She is beautiful.
31:56You know, I just don't even know how to explain
31:58like how you feel when your daughter's
32:00fixing to walk down the aisle.
32:01Like, you're so super.
32:03I'm proud.
32:04Like, I'm proud of my daughter,
32:06of the amazing woman she's become.
32:09And to find her person that we love
32:12and he's gonna be the father of my grandchildren.
32:15Like, we're super happy and excited for this.
32:22Today, Heath and Jamie join hands
32:25on this wonderful journey of marriage.
32:27Just as two streams flow down a mountainside
32:30and join and become a mighty river,
32:32so your lives today join in a commitment
32:35to each other and to God.
32:38Heath, will you repeat these vows to Jamie after me?
32:41I, Heath, take you, Jamie.
32:43I, Heath, take you, Jamie.
32:44To be my wife.
32:45To be my wife.
32:46I, Jamie, take you, Heath.
32:47To be my husband.
32:48To be my husband.
32:50To have and to hold from this day forward.
32:52For better or for worse.
32:54For richer or for poorer.
32:55In sickness and in health.
32:57To love and to cherish until we're separated by death.
32:59As God is my witness, I give you my promise.
33:02As God is my witness, I give you my promise.
33:05Can I have the rings?
33:07With this ring, I seal my promise.
33:10With this ring, I seal my promise.
33:11To love you and be your faithful husband.
33:13To love you and be your faithful wife.
33:15And just as this ring is a continuous circle.
33:17So my love for you will be continuous
33:19for the rest of my life.
33:22Today, before God and all these family and friends,
33:25you have expressed your love and affection
33:28by joining hands and making promises of faith and devotion.
33:32I pronounce that you are husband and wife.
33:35Heath, you may kiss your bride.
33:43Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you,
33:45Mr. and Mrs. Heath Horton.
33:50Let's go, baby!
33:55It's a joyous occasion.
33:57It is a joyous, joyous occasion.
33:59And there is nothing better than seeing Heath and Jamie kiss
34:02and walk back down that aisle as a married couple.
34:07Baby, we're married.
34:10I didn't think we were ever gonna get married.
34:13I love you so much.
34:15I can't believe it.
34:17What do we do now?
34:18Do we go home and make a pot roast or what do we do?
34:25You just, go girl, go.
34:26When I'm offered some moonshine,
34:28you know, I've never actually had it.
34:30Go girl, go, go, go.
34:32That's where the shine hides.
34:33I'm a little nervous that I have done too much.
34:36It tastes just like a carpet.
34:54Well, I'm gonna just take all these right here.
34:59Heath, come, woo, woo!
35:01Oh my goodness.
35:03I need a refill and a cup.
35:04Where are you going?
35:06To the car, where the alcohol is.
35:09You want some moonshine?
35:10All right, I'm coming for something.
35:13I promised that I would have a drink tonight.
35:19And I am committed to that promise.
35:21So when I'm offered some moonshine,
35:24you know, I've never actually had it.
35:26Just you tell me when I have to.
35:27You just, go girl.
35:29Moonshine, it's a little bit like a cocktail.
35:32It's a very Southern thing.
35:34Oh, you won't give me a peach.
35:35Oh, you got two of them?
35:36Yeah, yeah.
35:37I kind of always thought it was illegal.
35:38I'm not really sure what the legalities are of moonshine
35:41or what it even is or where it comes from.
35:43But I decided that tonight is the night
35:46I'm about to find out.
35:50Go girl, go girl, go.
35:51Open your mouth.
35:52Go girl.
35:53I'm trying to get it to where I can suck it down.
35:56Suck it down!
35:58I gotta drink it so I can eat the peach.
35:59You gotta turn it, turn it so it'll fit.
36:02Well, well, well.
36:07You got it, you got it.
36:09I gotta suck it up.
36:09It tastes just like a crawfish.
36:12That's the best part of it.
36:13That's where the shine hides.
36:20Don't stick to what you're used to.
36:30I don't do that, for the record.
36:32I don't drink, hardly ever.
36:35And it all feels very nefarious.
36:37I'm a little nervous that I have done too much.
36:42I'm a little anxious that I want to get back to my table
36:44and sit down before the moonshine hits.
36:49Ha ha ha ha ha!
36:50Ladies and gentlemen, here is your bridal party!
37:17Mrs. Heath Huffington!
37:19Thank you!
37:23Way to go, Heath!
37:25The bride and the groom is going to start with their first kiss.
37:31You're welcome, Eve.
37:33That's your wife!
37:36How many times have we practiced this?
37:38I feel like every five seconds.
37:41Are you worried about everybody looking at you?
37:43Is everybody looking at you?
37:44Probably so.
37:45Don't worry about them.
37:47I'm emotional as soon as I see Jamie and Heath doing their first dance.
37:52I love you, sweetie.
37:53I love you, too.
37:54I love you, too.
37:59I love the way that Heath loves Jamie.
38:01And knowing that Jamie and I are actually a lot alike and I think have some similar qualities,
38:07I think that I probably need a man to love me the way that Heath loves her.
38:12If I could find that, I would be thrilled.
38:15I would be absolutely thrilled.
38:17I would be absolutely thrilled.
38:22I won't let you go
38:25And now, ladies and gentlemen, the bride and the groom.
38:29I love you.
38:44When I see Angie and Jamie dancing together for their mother-daughter dance,
38:49I just, I just lose it.
38:52Not only because I love them so much, but also it makes me think about my mom.
38:57You're beautiful.
38:59I wish that were you in bands.
39:01I know.
39:03I'll never have that moment, you know?
39:06Because I won't get the opportunity to dance with my mom at my own wedding,
39:09so it's really emotional to watch.
39:24Love you.
39:25Love you.
39:30I love you.
39:36I gotta go. I gotta phone call.
39:38I'll be back.
39:45How are you?
39:46I'm good.
39:47You look nice. Where are you?
39:48I'm at Jamie's wedding.
39:49Oh, I didn't know the wedding was happening so soon.
39:51Yeah, it's really beautiful.
39:53Are you having a good time?
39:54Oh, yeah. I'm just, I'm old and tired and hot and fat, you know?
39:58Well, I was gonna see if you wanted to go see a movie or something.
40:00I was just bored.
40:01Well, ding, ding!
40:02When I get back, we really gotta hang out more.
40:04I really, like, Jessica texted me today, trying to hang out,
40:07and I told her I was in Mississippi, and, yeah, we gotta, we gotta do something.
40:12But, oh my God, we're all gonna go to Spain for my 40th birthday.
40:16This is a monumental birthday.
40:18Yeah, and make sure everybody got their passports.
40:20I'm good to go.
40:21Alright, Lord help us.
40:23I want to enter this decade feeling like a new woman.
40:27Could Spain, like, rejuvenate me and send me into my next decade
40:33with so much confidence and excitement?
40:36I believe so.
40:38And the men in Spain?
40:42I mean, I've never been to Spain.
40:44You seriously only turned 40 once.
40:46I'm so happy that you're open to doing something.
40:49When I get back, we'll hang out.
40:50When I get back, we'll hang out.
40:51Yes, please. I miss you. I love you.
40:53Love you. Bye.
40:56Jamie deserves a raucous reception,
41:00and if I'm gonna have to get my fat ass on the floor and bring it, I will.
41:05The only thing better than dancing at your niece's wedding reception
41:09is dancing at your niece's wedding reception with your family.
41:13I just can't believe that a year ago, I had never met these people.
41:18I had no idea what I was missing, what I would have,
41:22how my life would turn out,
41:24how my life would change.
41:26I just can't believe that a year ago,
41:28I had never met these people.
41:30I had no idea what I was missing,
41:33what I would have, how my life would change.
41:35And I am just really overwhelmed with the happiness of it all.
41:44I'm going into a new decade,
41:46and on top of that, going to Spain,
41:48it's something to look forward to.
41:59Lord have mercy.
42:01I'm exhausted.
42:04Next time on My Big Fat Fabulous Life.
42:09I recently decided to do something different with counseling.
42:13I decided I'm gonna do an intensive outpatient program.
42:18I was starting to have really dark, hopeless thoughts.
42:23I found your mother's engagement ring.
42:25Why do you have this?
42:26Just in case Hunter might ask her to get engaged.
42:29This is my 40th birthday trip.
42:30I'm already in the midst of a midlife crisis,
42:32and if someone else gets engaged right in front of me,
42:34I will lose it.