
  • last week
00:00Larissa, do tell.
00:02Would you say you're looking for something specific with dating or are you just kind
00:06of like open to anything right now?
00:09The first date that I went on post-divorce, I did not suspect anything when he said, do
00:14you want to go home and meet my cat?
00:16So I very quickly learned that I don't really know a lot about a lot.
00:24Veronica and I are doing really good.
00:26I tried to hide for a while.
00:27It didn't work.
00:30I look at you and me as like we're basically married.
00:33It's like the commitment level that we have together.
00:36Is marriage in your future?
00:42That's awkward silence.
00:46I can't wait to hear your new album.
00:49It's been really hard for me to see Mariah go through another painful relationship breakup.
00:55This time though, she just picked herself up and she's just like, okay, I'm taking over
01:00the world now.
01:01I mean, I'm proud of that girl.
01:03But he never stayed to see the sun rise.
01:12Are you going in?
01:22Depends on how cold it is.
01:23It's cute.
01:25Look at the sailboat.
01:26It's so pretty.
01:27My mom would say, I want to be out there.
01:30We're at one of the beautiful beaches today here in our backyard.
01:34I think the last time she and I were at the beach was our second date.
01:38A year and a half ago.
01:40We go often.
01:42It's like when you live next to it, you take it for granted and never go.
01:46And you just get busy.
01:49Right here?
01:51No, a little in.
01:53You want to sit on the edge?
01:56Veronica and I have recently decided to take our relationship public.
02:00And so far it's going good.
02:05My biggest worry about going public is my privacy.
02:09Micah being in the public eye, he's sort of a tell-all book and I'm a book with a lock on it.
02:14But him being so open about his life and me being the complete opposite, we've learned to counterbalance each other.
02:22So going well, but we'll see.
02:25I brought my frisbees.
02:28What do you love about Micah?
02:30Okay, so what do I love about Micah?
02:32Oh my God, there's a lot of things.
02:35Go catch.
02:37What do I look like, a dog?
02:41There goes your shoes.
02:46First, I call it golden retriever energy.
02:48I love his personality, his being, how he enters a room, his outlook on life.
02:53Veronica, catch.
02:58It doesn't hurt that he's good looking.
03:00But to be honest with you, one of the first things I thought about Micah was like, oh, he's not going to like me.
03:05I'm a little bit taller than him.
03:07But he does.
03:09We completely don't look at that.
03:12We couldn't care less.
03:17In a lot of ways, we're opposite.
03:19I'm definitely more out of the box, more adventurous than my girlfriend is.
03:22She's the homebody.
03:26I don't like being alone.
03:29Okay, I don't like laying like this.
03:31Why not?
03:32It's very awkward.
03:33Lay on your side then.
03:34You're going to get covered in makeup.
03:36Veronica's definitely the most opinionated out of the two of us.
03:39She's not a pushover.
03:40You can't get your way around her.
03:43You got to earn.
03:46Let's see what good you are at this.
03:51No, I suck at this.
03:53Also, I love her work ethic.
03:55I find that very, very attractive.
03:58But she's a little bougier than I am.
04:02She likes electric vehicles.
04:04She likes pink, Paris Hilton, Taylor Swift.
04:07And I like, you know, motorcycles, diesel trucks, guy stuff, I guess.
04:11And she doesn't really care about those things.
04:15We got to recreate what we did on our second date.
04:17You tried to throw me in the water.
04:22I'm just kidding.
04:27Last time you weren't kidding.
04:29You chucked me in and I was like, who is this guy?
04:31I didn't chuck you in.
04:32You did.
04:33It was the little pond in the middle.
04:35You threw me in.
04:36I didn't throw you in.
04:37I probably walked in there with you, but I didn't get you wet.
04:39You got me soaking wet last time.
04:41I would not have done that.
04:43You would not have done that.
04:44No, you would have.
04:45Because you did.
04:47I would remember that.
04:48Because you did.
04:49You're frustrated sometimes.
04:50I know, don't you love it?
04:52Take your glasses off.
04:53I can't see.
04:54You're pretty without your glasses.
04:55I can't see.
04:59We have kind of this playful banter that we do a lot.
05:03I don't get to see you anymore anyway.
05:05I like playing around and teasing and goofing off.
05:09Have a kick in your step and be happy.
05:12Look on the bright side of things.
05:15Are you going to get that rock?
05:23Mine's nicer.
05:28Look at mine.
05:30Are you in love?
05:33Are we in love?
05:34He's not going to say.
05:35I'm going to give you some humility today.
05:44I think we're in real love.
05:46It's not all bliss, but we love each other.
05:50I think that's a good answer.
05:52It's a safe answer.
05:54No, it's not all happy and roses 100% of the time.
06:00But it is a lot of the time.
06:02I guess it's genuine love.
06:09Oh, goodness gracious.
06:11Is this all one word?
06:15Where are the spaces?
06:20I win.
06:21What was it?
06:23That sucks.
06:24You didn't win.
06:25Yes, I did.
06:26What was it?
06:27You have one guess left.
06:28What was it?
06:29This is what it was.
06:31Oh, I guessed L.
06:34No, you didn't.
06:35Yes, I did.
06:36You never guessed L.
06:37You guessed B-A-T-S and then V.
06:40I fell for you.
06:43No, I fell for you.
06:46Oh, thank you.
07:02It's so nice outside today.
07:03I literally just want to get some fresh air and run around in some poop and kick up some dust.
07:07It's insane.
07:08Milk and utter.
07:09Lydia Grace is in town for a few days, and I thought it would be kind of fun to go out to a farm, milk some cows.
07:18I grew up on a farm, and I've always missed it since I left.
07:23I was the one that oversaw all, like, the milking chores.
07:26That was my world.
07:28I think I was really scared to explore that when I was with Ethan because if I were to have said, like,
07:36oh, I miss country life and the farm and all these things, he immediately would have taken that as I wanted to settle down in Cairo, Georgia
07:43and have 10 kids and be barefoot and homeschooling and all of this, and I didn't want that life.
07:48Now, being single, I feel like I'm in a place where I can be like, oh, I really miss nature and animals and the farm,
07:55and I really miss that hard work, and I don't want the life that I grew up in, but I want to revisit it in my own way.
08:03I told you about, like, the little get-together we're going to have while you're here.
08:06We're going to talk about sexy sex.
08:08I don't even know exactly what this entails, but a friend of mine was like, hey,
08:11I know someone who does, like, little gatherings for, like, 20-somethings, whatever, I guess any age, but, like,
08:21all he had to tell me was that she would talk about sex, we would play games, there'd be swag bags for me to be like, yep, sign me up.
08:29Since being out and, like, dating, going on dates, hooking up, I'm realizing that I actually have way more handicaps than I thought I did.
08:40What I knew about sex growing up was don't have it until you're married,
08:46and that resulted in so much misinformation even as a teenager.
08:50Like, I remember being a teenager and thinking I could get pregnant if I was literally, like, sitting too close to a guy.
08:57Having only been in one long-term relationship, and the fact that I was with someone who also came from the fundamental world,
09:02now being out on my own, I feel like I'm realizing for the first time how much purity culture really f***ed me up.
09:12Yeah, it affects you mentally, doesn't it?
09:14That's why I married the first boy that I held hands with.
09:17The other thing that I was told is, like, once you are married and you can have sex and not go to hell, your job is to make him happy.
09:27Your job is to please him. It's about him.
09:30And so that worked, being married for a few years, because Ethan was told the same thing.
09:39But that doesn't work for me anymore.
09:41But there is this one guy that I've been on a few dates with who, like, isn't like that. He's very understanding.
09:46As I've continued to see this guy on the East Coast, we've been on a few dates,
09:51and I think the feeling of safety that I feel when I'm with him has enabled me to be a little bit more maybe honest with myself
10:01about insecurities I feel like I have and lack of knowledge that I have about sex.
10:07I want to face that head-on because I don't want to struggle with that years and years down the road.
10:15Oh, red silos.
10:19Look at the little cow heads poking out.
10:22Oh, I'm so excited.
10:24I'm going to milk a cow.
10:26This is so cool.
10:27And then I'm going to hug a cow.
10:31We've got a pretty good fair going.
10:33I haven't gotten into anything whatsoever.
10:35I haven't gotten into anything with my little sisters about my divorce with Olivia.
10:39I feel bad about it because it's like a bad example, and because I don't want that to ever happen for any of them.
10:46Everyone knows what we're doing tonight, right?
10:48I'm scared.
10:49Tonight we are setting up for a little sex education pizza adult night.
10:54What is the most sensitive part on the vulva, and what is its purpose?
10:59Can I have a—the vulva—
11:16Girls, let's go get sticks.
11:21Anything you guys can get, throw in the center.
11:29Today we're at the farm, and I'm just going to hang out with my little sisters.
11:35We need paper.
11:38I miss doing this.
11:40Maybe that'll get going.
11:43My favorite memories at the farm were climbing trees, riding horses, and even to this day, me and Olivia getting married.
11:52We got married at the farm.
11:57And that's still in my memory.
12:00Just such a beautiful day.
12:12I don't think I've talked to you guys about it very much, but you guys do know me and Olivia aren't together anymore.
12:21And we are officially divorced, right?
12:29I've talked to all of my family about my divorce with Olivia.
12:33I haven't gotten into anything with my little sisters about it, really.
12:36I feel bad about it because it's like a bad example as their older brother with my marriage not working out.
12:43I have to be a better example in the future.
12:46I don't want that to ever happen for any of them.
12:51I already knew that Ethan was getting a divorce, but part of me wants to, like, talk about it and, like, know, like, why and what that looks like and, you know, just details.
13:00But he's not that open of a person, you know.
13:03He doesn't talk that much about, like, himself, so I just wanted to be quiet just in case he wanted to say anything.
13:10It's not something you really want to talk about.
13:11It's like you want to know, but it sucks to talk about.
13:14We got a pretty good fire going for how wet everything is.
13:19I feel like I have learned an immense amount from my divorce with Olivia, but I feel like there's still so much to learn.
13:27Every day I'm scratching the corners of my mind, looking for things that I can take into the future so I don't make the same mistakes.
13:37For example, cooking is a way to a man's heart.
13:42There are roles that a man plays that are different than a woman plays.
13:47When's the last time you cooked a meal?
13:48I was not saying in any way that every woman in the world should be in the kitchen cooking three meals a day.
13:54That's not at all what I meant.
13:57Back when we first got married, when Olivia used to cook dinner.
14:03It's a little crispy because I was distracted, but there you go.
14:05That's fine, thank you.
14:06I felt taken care of and thought of and loved in the same way I took care of her cars and anything that needed to be fixed, you know, was just taken care of.
14:16Anything that needed to be fixed, you know, was just what we did for each other.
14:21But by the time I said that, she hadn't cooked a meal in two years.
14:26When she stopped, it just felt like she didn't really care.
14:35My comment that I made was not about cooking three meals a day.
14:38I was not feeling loved and I was very angry.
14:42If I could go back, I would say it differently and have a discussion in a very different way than just losing it and everything spilling out at once.
15:01I want a quarter horse so bad. I want a piece of land, a dog and a quarter horse.
15:12Here's a piece of land.
15:23Being back at the farm reminds me of all the good things from my childhood and the fun times that I kind of forgot about in all the drama of the last couple of years.
15:33Sun's starting to come out.
15:35What do you guys want to do? Go for a walk?
15:38I've done a lot of thinking about what the true problem was with my family, me and Olivia.
15:48I mean, Olivia was just consumed with all these problems she saw with the way we were raised.
15:53And I think what it comes down to is Olivia hated the way that she grew up with her family and the problems that her family had.
16:04And at the end of the day, was rewriting everything for herself and what she believed and she had to reject everything else.
16:14This is nice.
16:19It was just all negative. Very, very, very negative. And it doesn't have to be that way at all.
16:26Where's Ethan?
16:28He's right here.
16:31What's your year?
16:33I'm high. How are you?
16:37I feel like my childhood was mostly good and I would totally move back to Cairo at some point.
16:43Oh, Ethan, look at the cow! Look at the cow!
17:04Oh, my gosh.
17:06Hi, baby.
17:08Oh, Olivia, look at that big one out there.
17:14For all the things about my childhood that were not great, being outside with animals was great.
17:22And I love when I get to revisit that.
17:25Isn't it so nice to be back on a farm?
17:27What's your name?
17:29You don't have a tag?
17:31You don't have a tag?
17:33What's your name?
17:35Find some friends?
17:37Lots of friends.
17:39Lots of friends.
17:41I'm Olivia.
17:42I'm Zach.
17:43Nice to meet you.
17:44I'm Lydia.
17:46Nice to meet you.
17:47Nice to meet you.
17:48We grew up on a farm. We had cows and goats and we used to milk cows and goats.
17:50And recently we've been having a debate about who knows how to milk a cow better.
17:55So we kind of had to settle that score.
17:57Okay, well, we've got to set up right now.
18:01Look at the little baby.
18:03So this cow is a beautiful, easy cow to milk.
18:05She's already leaking, yeah.
18:07What I would suggest is you get one of you on each side and go for it.
18:12I told farmer Zach that I grew up on a farm and so did my sister.
18:16And he was kind of like, all right, yeah, come on out.
18:20Like, can help feed the animals.
18:22Maybe have a little friend time together, but also rivalry.
18:28You ready, Lyd?
18:31May the best woman win.
18:33So on the two buckets, there's like a line inside of these buckets.
18:36It's whoever gets to the line on that bucket first.
18:43You're okay. You're okay.
18:49It very much is like riding a bike.
18:52Lydia, remember when we were kids and we would just squirt it directly in our mouth?
18:56I do remember that.
18:57Are you hinting at something?
18:59Man, how do you do this these days? Just a little.
19:02Okay, if we're milking to the line in the bucket, I'm over mine.
19:05That is mostly foam, ma'am.
19:07No, it's not. See? You cannot see a sticker on mine.
19:10You see that sticker on that one there?
19:12But mine is not mostly foam.
19:14Lydia, it's the same amount.
19:16No, it's not.
19:18You know, your sister is kind of blowing you out of the water.
19:20Yeah. I'm also just connecting with the cow.
19:22I guess I just didn't care about competing once I started milking.
19:25I was connected with that cow.
19:27That's what I wanted to do.
19:29So was I. That's why she let down really fast for me.
19:31I just want to connect to the cow, and I don't want to rush it.
19:34I don't want to rush the beautiful things in life.
19:36You definitely won, and I will give you that. I really don't care.
19:39Thank you, because I do.
19:41I know you do.
19:43This is unbelievable.
19:45Call us anytime.
19:48It's so nice as adults to be able to come back to a farm and reconnect with animals.
19:53I feel like in some ways, my life has always been defined by who I needed to be for other people.
19:59Whether that was a good daughter, or a good wife, or a good sister-in-law slash stand-in mom at some points.
20:09And this is the first time in my life that I don't owe anyone else a role.
20:14I don't have to fit a narrative.
20:17I can just be me.
20:18And that's both exhilarating and very scary.
20:21Can I let her out of the headlock?
20:25Farm work is dirty and sweaty and hard, and it's also at the same time, so fun.
20:32So 10 years of my life, very formative years of my life, I was milking goats and cows, and mucking barns, and baling hay, and doing all of these things.
20:44I want to integrate it back into my life in my own way.
20:46I can be a career woman, and I can live in a city that makes me feel invigorated and stimulated, and I can still go out to the farm and milk a cow, and get my feet dirty, and remember the simple, beautiful things in life.
20:59I can have both.
21:01And I've never felt like I could have both before.
21:04This has been so much fun.
21:06Did you get your bill?
21:10Come by anytime.
21:12No problem.
21:17Oh, my God.
21:19You're going to drink that whole thing.
21:22Everything to her is new.
21:24She called me during the Super Bowl and asked me who Usher was.
21:27I promise you I'll share.
21:29Oh, thank you so much.
21:31Let's laugh.
21:33What else do you expect?
21:35I said, who's Usher?
21:50Look at you strutting.
21:53I met Sydney through the studio that I record at.
21:56We really hit it off, and we've been very good friends ever since.
21:59Okay, are you ready for your life to be changed?
22:04We're going to go and get the best cinnamon roll you've ever had.
22:09In your life.
22:11Anytime I'm in Tampa, I just...
22:12go down and see her.
22:14We want a cinnamon roll, and she wants a coffee.
22:19Sydney's like an older sister.
22:21She gives good advice, and she's a good person for that.
22:24Oh, my gosh.
22:26Oh, my gosh.
22:29Oh, this looks so good.
22:31You're going to drink that whole thing.
22:35I love teaching Mariah new things,
22:38taking her to do new experiments,
22:40because everything to her is new.
22:43She called me during the Super Bowl and asked me who Usher was,
22:46so she's like a little kid.
22:49I just love being around her,
22:51because she makes everything feel like it's the first time again.
22:54I promise you I'll share.
22:56Oh, thank you so much.
22:58I'm going to lean over for some, and it's going to be good.
23:01She said that the artist was Usher.
23:06I didn't...
23:08I didn't...
23:10I'm going to laugh.
23:12What else do you expect?
23:14I said, who's Usher?
23:16Have you heard of Beyonce?
23:20Have you heard of Taylor Swift?
23:24Do you know who she's dating?
23:28Who's Doja Cat?
23:30That's one I should stick with.
23:33This is my first one of the year.
23:41I told you.
23:45I'm going to have icing all over me now.
23:47That is so good.
23:49So how have you been?
23:55We haven't seen you in what?
23:57I don't know.
23:59Tanya just asked me, she was like,
24:01when's the last time you saw her?
24:04So you moved back home and who do you live with?
24:06With my dad.
24:08He pretty much, he has a huge household to himself.
24:10Your roomie?
24:12My dad is my roomie.
24:14How is that?
24:16Don't get me started.
24:18You're living with your bestie.
24:20He is my bestie.
24:24So back in September,
24:26that was my last month here in Tampa,
24:28I was going through a hard time
24:30and just was like,
24:32I don't know what to do.
24:34Yeah, and that's normal.
24:36I mean, you just have to, you know,
24:38getting heartbroken is a life situation.
24:42Everybody goes through it.
24:44It's just an experience in my life
24:46that was so private and no one,
24:48but it was the most damaging one ever.
24:50It was a situation that you went through
24:52and God got you out of it.
24:54I was in a relationship
24:56and I've never experienced that much
24:58like heartbreak and pain before.
25:00I love somebody else more than I loved myself.
25:03Maybe that's a good thing
25:05because it gave it my all.
25:07The man that I thought I knew
25:09was everything I ever wanted and more
25:11and would never ever do what he did.
25:16I don't understand any of this
25:19and that's confusing to me.
25:22The thing that really keeps me going
25:24is like I know for a fact
25:26that one day I'm going to look back
25:28and see why this happened.
25:30Just trusting that that's one day
25:32where I'll be at.
25:34Yeah, and nobody has perfect seasons
25:36in life all the time,
25:38so just navigating through the tough ones.
25:40And the most important part is don't,
25:42like, yes, you can realize that it sucks
25:44and feel bad for yourself every once in a while,
25:46but don't let that consume you
25:48and don't just fall into that
25:50like victim mentality or whatever.
25:53I ended things with this person
25:57not because I didn't love him.
26:00I still deeply loved him,
26:02but there's a lot of things I don't know,
26:05a lot of missing pieces,
26:07a lot of questions I have
26:09that I just feel like I'll never get the answers to
26:11and I have to come to terms with that,
26:13but it is hard.
26:16It is hard trying to move forward
26:19with just all these questions in my head constantly.
26:22Did you love me?
26:24Did you care about me?
26:26Did you say, did you mean any of,
26:28like, what parts of it were true?
26:30I guess where I'm at with relationships, I guess,
26:33I mean, I'm not looking for anything for sure.
26:36I have fully placed my identity in that person.
26:41It's easy to do that,
26:43and then it's hard to realize how you did that.
26:45Because you think, like,
26:47who am I apart from this person?
26:49Like, they become your everything.
26:51Just make sure that, like, no matter who you're with,
26:53that they're not knocking you down
26:55and, like, you just kind of unconsciously
26:57don't even realize it.
26:58That's what one of my songs,
27:00Undeserving, talks about.
27:04I've almost finished my album.
27:06We're going to be shooting a music video soon,
27:09and I want as many of my family members
27:14that want to participate,
27:16I want them to participate.
27:18When I'm writing a lot of music,
27:20I want to show you.
27:22Make an album and get the air conditioned
27:24in your car fixed.
27:26Oh, that would be a good idea.
27:29So we're going to be starting
27:31with an anatomy pop quiz.
27:33Who can tell me where the vagina
27:35is located on the vulva?
27:37Who can show me on the puppet?
27:39In between here.
27:41Where? You want to open it up?
27:43Oh, my God, it opened!
27:58Let's go.
28:02Will's back in town.
28:04Will and I got really close
28:06when we were both living in LA.
28:08Will's one of the friends
28:10that I can talk to literally
28:12about anything.
28:14And the first time he met her,
28:16Veronica and I were in
28:18like a little argument,
28:20maybe a little bigger than a little.
28:22And then you're like,
28:24whew, that's over with.
28:26It'll never happen again.
28:28Little did you know,
28:30that was a small one.
28:33What have you been doing?
28:35You know, I got a job
28:37at the health care union.
28:39It's a lot tougher,
28:41but it's going well.
28:43What about you and your girlfriend?
28:48My girlfriend and I have had
28:50ups and downs.
28:53Yeah, so every relationship
28:55has them though.
28:57You're not alone there.
28:59My life has definitely changed
29:01a lot recently, tied down.
29:03Not an untieable knot yet.
29:06I haven't tied the knot,
29:08you know what I'm saying?
29:10It's a lot of work.
29:12Because in the beginning,
29:14everything's bliss, you know?
29:16When those first arguments come,
29:18then it's a little rocky.
29:20I love her,
29:22and I want to be with her.
29:24But it's a big learning curve.
29:27What's kind of been creating
29:29friction for you guys recently
29:31or over the past couple months?
29:33There's times where I'll go out
29:35of town and my girlfriend will
29:37feel like I've abandoned her.
29:40Do you see where she's coming from?
29:42I mean, maybe I don't talk to her
29:44as much because I'm hanging out
29:46with my family, doing stuff up there.
29:48But I still call her like
29:50three times a day.
29:55Are you blipped?
29:57That's what Will suggests.
30:04It's kind of funny because
30:06I'm the only person in my entire
30:08family, or at least the only guy
30:10that's in my family,
30:12and of a lot of my friends,
30:14now I'm the only one
30:16that's in a relationship.
30:18I think I'm in the lead,
30:20and you guys just got to catch up.
30:22But there are definitely
30:24some things I miss about
30:26being a little more free.
30:28What about your dad?
30:30Talk to him about it at all?
30:32I talked to him a little bit.
30:34His advice was you just got to
30:36figure out if you're going to commit.
30:38Before he said that,
30:40I know the way my dad said it,
30:42he means a ring.
30:44What are you thinking about that?
30:46I go back and forth.
30:50Before I settled down with Veronica,
30:53my friends would have called me
30:55a bit of a player.
30:57You know, I used to...
30:59I used to explore.
31:01It's a natural thing.
31:03And when I think about it,
31:05I'm only 22.
31:07I am young.
31:08I am, you know,
31:10very adventurous
31:12and very free-spirited.
31:14But she's the first girl
31:16that's meant this much to me.
31:18She is amazing.
31:20So, you know,
31:22there's pressure, like,
31:24and there's a lot running
31:26through my mind sometimes.
31:28It's like, am I making
31:30the right choice?
31:32Stick it at your own speed.
31:34Yeah, I'm just learning.
31:36Yeah, life is interesting.
31:50I don't have enough wine glasses,
31:52so I'm just going to offer people
31:54wine out of glasses.
31:56Yeah, that's fine.
31:58Can I give you one of the not-so-fun?
32:00Yeah, absolutely.
32:02Tonight we are setting up
32:04for a little sex education
32:06pizza adult night.
32:08If it wasn't for sex,
32:10I'd go down a little bit better.
32:14Okay, as long as that's
32:16the only thing going down.
32:18As I've continued to see
32:20this guy on the East Coast,
32:22I've realized how little
32:24I know about sex,
32:26and I want to change that.
32:28There's a lot of ways
32:30I could educate myself.
32:32I could check out a book
32:34from the library and read a book.
32:36I could Google anything,
32:38and I could just go to bed.
32:40And I have the perfect friends
32:42to be awkward with.
32:44You want to dive in,
32:46or should I eat it all?
32:48No, Kapish, you're the delivery guy.
32:50You don't eat it.
32:52I'm the one who's supposed
32:54to eat this pizza, bro.
32:58Your hair looks so good.
33:00Thank you so much.
33:02Mariah and I met Hayden and Kapish
33:04when we visited Micah in L.A.
33:06All right, you guys ready?
33:08It's really good.
33:10And when I moved out here,
33:12I reconnected with them.
33:14Okay, so Micah, do you guys
33:16still talk to him or no?
33:18I haven't heard from him in ages.
33:20Me either.
33:22Fair enough.
33:24Everyone knows what we're
33:26doing tonight, right?
33:28I'm scared.
33:32How's it going?
33:34Hi, my name is Jocelyn,
33:36and I'm a sexual empowerment
33:38volunteer at Friends.
33:40I've planned a really fun
33:42sex workshop where we're
33:44going to be opening up
33:46a conversation around
33:48sexual anatomy and sexual
33:52All right.
33:54That's great.
33:56I feel like this is a magic bag.
33:58You're going to keep
34:00pulling stuff out that we're
34:02not expecting.
34:06As I see Jocelyn unpacking
34:08her experience.
34:22So I just kind of want to
34:24go around and ask like,
34:26what do you want to get
34:28out of today's workshop?
34:30So who would like to go first?
34:34No, I was going to say you.
34:36I can go first since I'm
34:39You're full.
34:40Kidding, kidding.
34:42Very excited.
34:43In this period of my life,
34:44I'm newly divorced.
34:45I was talking to my sister a
34:46lot recently how we grew up
34:47in a home that just,
34:48sex was a taboo subject
34:50and didn't talk about it,
34:51didn't know anything when
34:52I got married.
34:53And now I'm like out
34:54and dating again.
34:55And it's been something
34:56that's cropped up a lot
34:57in my life of like,
34:58oh, I still have residual shame.
35:00I think I didn't know
35:01what I didn't know prior
35:03to dating this guy
35:04on the East Coast.
35:05And then seeing how
35:06comfortable he is
35:08with his sexuality
35:09and exploring it
35:10and having fun
35:11and how important it is
35:12to him in his life
35:13and how important it is
35:14to him in a partner.
35:16That's when I started
35:17to realize how many
35:18hangups I had.
35:19We are very
35:20physically compatible
35:21and I want to
35:22explore that a little bit.
35:24But there have been
35:25some moments
35:26when I would react
35:27and be like,
35:28oh, no, I don't want
35:29to do that.
35:30Or like, oh, that doesn't,
35:31I don't know how to do that.
35:32So then that feels scary.
35:33Like, I don't know
35:34how to say what I like.
35:35I don't really know
35:36what I like.
35:37You're looking dumb
35:38in front of someone
35:39who's a lot more experienced.
35:40All right, so who else?
35:41What do you want to get
35:42out of tonight?
35:43How are you feeling
35:44about tonight?
35:46Go, Hayden.
35:47Increase my maturity
35:48in the matter.
35:50I love that.
35:51I laughed when I saw
35:52the dildo.
35:55And, you know,
35:56like, maybe after this
35:57I'll see it
35:58and I'll be like,
35:59good, good.
36:00An old friend.
36:01Great, great.
36:03I am actually
36:04very impressed
36:05by Hayden and Amanda
36:06coming to this party
36:08but then also
36:09learning together
36:10and laughing together.
36:11And I want that kind of,
36:13like, camaraderie
36:14and understanding
36:16and fun
36:17in a relationship.
36:18So we're going to be starting
36:19with an anatomy pop quiz.
36:23I know this.
36:24Okay, okay.
36:26All right,
36:27so we're going to start
36:28with female anatomy.
36:29This is my,
36:30not my vulva,
36:31but this is my vulva,
36:32my vulva puppet.
36:35Okay, great.
36:36So who can tell me
36:37what is the most sensitive part
36:39on the vulva
36:40and what is its purpose?
36:45Can I have a...
36:46The vulva, vul...
36:48The vulva is,
36:50The whole thing.
36:52It's the clitoris.
36:53Yes, that is the clitoris.
36:55And what is its purpose?
36:57I have no idea.
36:59All right, cool.
37:00Well, you get a prize
37:01for saying the clitoris.
37:02That was true.
37:03Sex chocolate.
37:05Okay, so who,
37:06so your hand was up too, right?
37:07So do you know
37:08what the clitoris' purpose is?
37:12Arouse it?
37:13More specifically?
37:15Arouse a specific person?
37:18Arouse what person?
37:21The person who has the clitoris?
37:26I don't think that Kapish knew
37:27that it was going to be this deep.
37:29Sex is a very taboo,
37:32like a very weird topic
37:33to talk about.
37:35And that's why I feel like
37:36Kapish was very uncomfortable today.
37:41Yeah, was he?
37:42How uncomfortable was he?
37:43I feel like he was
37:44very uncomfortable.
37:49Do you think you could help him?
37:52Oh, my God.
37:54Who can tell me
37:55where the vagina is located
37:57on the vulva?
37:58Who can show me on the puppet?
38:00In between here.
38:03Want to open it up?
38:04Oh, my God, it opened!
38:06Fun fact, you know when people
38:07get their clitoris pierced?
38:09It's not pierced on their clitoris,
38:10they pierce their clitoral hood.
38:12And the clitoral hood
38:13is the piece of tissue
38:14that's above the clitoris.
38:15So it doesn't hurt.
38:16Like, if you pierce the clitoris,
38:17that would really hurt.
38:21There's a...
38:24There's a hoodie
38:25over the clitoris.
38:28And I didn't know that.
38:30And I'm glad I do, you know?
38:32Now you know where to look,
38:33under the hood.
38:34Yeah, you check under the hood,
38:35make sure everything
38:36is running okay.
38:37Yeah, exactly.
38:38See if they need an oil change,
38:39you know?
38:41And then, you know?
38:42Just click start the...
38:43Set him on the...
38:46All right.
38:48What currently holds you back
38:50from being fully present
38:52and engaging
38:53in your sexual expression?
38:54The lack of men.
38:55No, I'm just kidding.
39:01I think, honestly,
39:02like, communication.
39:04After being taught for so long
39:06that the woman is made
39:07for the man,
39:08like, there's this, like,
39:09fear of expressing needs.
39:11And I am proud to say, though,
39:12that I am definitely
39:13working on that
39:14and experiences
39:16and experimenting around,
39:18and I think that's very important.
39:20How many of you have ever been
39:21in a situation where, like,
39:22you've shared something
39:23with someone sexually
39:24and they've kind of, like,
39:25freaked out on you?
39:27How did that feel?
39:33That's a good word.
39:34Like, why?
39:35Especially, like,
39:36in a monogamous relationship,
39:37you're like, wait,
39:38but you're the person
39:39I chose to be with
39:40and explore things with,
39:41and if you're not open to that,
39:42what do I do?
39:44Total recalibration.
39:45I'm stuck.
39:46You know, it's actually
39:47one of the biggest things
39:48that I work with, like,
39:49with couples is that
39:50they fall in love,
39:51they're, like, so happy,
39:52like, in the beginning,
39:53they talk about finances
39:54and family and education
39:55and life dreams,
39:57but sex never gets brought up.
39:59Then they're in this
40:00long-term relationship
40:01and they're unhappy
40:02because they never address
40:03the compatibility piece
40:04around sex.
40:05Sexual compatibility
40:06is so important.
40:07Which is funny,
40:08because if you bring it up,
40:09people will say, like,
40:10oh, that's kind of shallow,
40:11but it's not shallow at all
40:12if it's such a big part
40:13of your life.
40:14No, because it's like,
40:15okay, if that piece
40:16isn't working,
40:17then, like, we need
40:18to talk about it, right?
40:19I think I am starting
40:20to feel less shameful
40:22about sex in general,
40:24and I think this guy
40:25I've been seeing
40:26has greatly contributed
40:27to that.
40:29he's the only person
40:30that I have, like,
40:32gone on a date with
40:33that I've explained
40:34my background more fully.
40:36He's very encouraging
40:38and supportive,
40:39and to have someone meet me
40:40and be like, that's okay.
40:41Like, I'll meet you
40:42right there.
40:43I think that gives me
40:44a lot of confidence
40:45to, yeah, I guess,
40:48own my sexuality more
40:49and become more educated
40:51and not feel so ashamed
40:52moving forward.
40:54Thank you so much
40:55for having me.
40:56Did you guys enjoy it?
40:57Did you guys have
40:58a good time?
41:00Okay, great.
41:01Does the guy you're seeing,
41:02does he have a name?
41:04The guy that I'm seeing,
41:05does he have a name?
41:08What's his name?
41:09His name is Brendan.
41:10Do you plan on seeing
41:11this Brendan again?
41:14I think I'll see
41:15this Brendan again.
41:17We've been on a few dates,
41:18and, obviously,
41:20we're long distance
41:22and obviously,
41:23we're long distance right now
41:24and not exclusive,
41:25but I wouldn't mind
41:26if we were.
41:28All right, good night, y'all.
41:30Have a good one.
41:31Thank you so much.
41:32Thank you so much.
41:33My pleasure.
41:34Let's keep those
41:35questions going.
41:36Let's do it.
41:40Hello, hello.
41:41We're in Tampa
41:42at the rental
41:44that Mariah got
41:45for the whole family
41:47to help her
41:48make her music video.
41:49It's been a while
41:50since Barry and I
41:51slept under the same roof.
41:52You can have that room.
41:53You can stay with me.
41:55If fights break out,
41:58I'll just sit back
41:59and enjoy the show.
42:02All right, welcome
42:03to Speed Dating
42:04with the next fun thing.
42:05I'm super excited
42:06you guys are here.
42:07I know that she's
42:08dating somebody now
42:09that she's serious about,
42:10but I feel like there's
42:11so much that life
42:12has to offer.
42:13There's a lot to experience
42:14when you're single
42:15and not attached to somebody.
42:16If you had one night with me,
42:17what would you want to do?
42:20These songs are birthed
42:21out of the pain
42:22she went through
42:23with that guy.
42:26I have never met
42:27a master deceiver
42:28like that before.
42:30I just had to get up and go
42:31because I didn't want
42:32to be there for them.