Warrior[savasci] Episode 4 [Urdu Dubbed]

  • 2 days ago
#Turkish series in urdu dubbed


00:28What's wrong with you?
00:29I know what kind of mental state you are going through.
00:31What's wrong with that?
00:34Do one thing, you go and make tea for yourself.
00:36I'll take care of him.
00:40So Erin, what do you want to do?
00:44I want to put up a cartoon.
00:45Okay tell me, which cartoon should I put up for you?
00:47Any one.
00:48Put up a good cartoon for me.
01:33Okay Behraam, I was saying that...
01:38Behraam, are you out of your mind?
01:42Leave it, give it to me.
01:49Don't worry, it's nothing to worry about.
01:54I have no intention of committing suicide.
02:00If you and my son were not in my life, I would have committed suicide by now.
02:08What should I do?
02:09I don't understand anything.
02:12Behraam, please don't do anything like this.
02:17What are you thinking?
02:19Whatever you have done for me,
02:24only my heart knows how I tolerate all that.
02:36You clean other people's houses to run this house.
02:39I can't see all this.
02:43And I can't do anything for this house even if I want to.
02:50What should I do? I don't understand anything.
02:54I'm tired.
02:56Behraam, everything will be fine.
03:01If you tolerate so much, I will lose my courage.
03:05He will be the owner of this house.
03:07You do one thing, sit here. I will go and see who is at the door.
03:22Come fast.
03:23If he is at the door, I will finish his story today.
03:26He won't survive.
03:27He is not there.
03:28Then who is it?
03:31What happened? Tell me something.
03:34Who is it?
03:40You got released, sir.
03:43I am happy to see you.
03:48Is the case over?
03:50I thought you won't come out so easily.
03:52How did it happen?
03:53Tell me something.
03:54I will explain you slowly.
03:55But now we have some emergency.
03:57What happened? Is everything fine?
04:01It's time for you to rest.
04:03Come with me.
04:04Sir, if you are joking with me.
04:06Then I am not in the mood to joke right now.
04:08Come, let's go inside and sit.
04:10You may not understand.
04:13Gopus will give you all the information.
04:16Sir, you know how close I am to you.
04:19If you ever need me.
04:21Then I am ready to sacrifice my life for you.
04:30I mean.
04:33You have really called us back.
04:39Go and get ready soon.
04:41And get yourself ready.
04:43Till then, I will find two more headhunters.
04:45Which headhunters?
04:47Who can these headhunters be?
04:48Think yourself.
04:49Sir, you have solved all my problems.
04:52Did you hear what he said?
04:54He is gathering everyone.
04:55We will be together again.
04:57I can't believe it.
04:58I am very happy.
04:59We will be together again.
05:00We will be together again.
05:01We will be together again.
05:02Thank God.
05:14I don't understand what is the matter?
05:16Why did you call us here in the afternoon?
05:20It was your suggestion to work here.
05:22So, bear it now.
05:24You are saying as if my suggestion was wrong.
05:27We didn't have any work.
05:28Instead of sitting idle, isn't it good that we got this job?
05:32Got this job?
05:34What are you saying?
05:36Can't you see?
05:37He just gave us an ordinary job.
05:39Nothing else.
05:41Try to remember.
05:43What were we?
05:44And what have we become now?
05:46Be thankful, Emre.
05:48We have got a job in such a good club.
05:50This place is very famous.
05:53Yes, Ghalib.
05:54You are right.
05:56You get such a job by luck.
05:59You are talking nonsense.
06:01Use your brain.
06:02Who is he?
06:06Who can come at this time?
06:19This place is closed right now.
06:21You can come at night.
06:24Even if I want to go, who will stop me?
06:27Look, there are no staff inside right now.
06:28That's why we are asking you to come at night.
06:30Move your hand.
06:35You might have not heard that this place is closed.
06:40Stay in your limits.
06:41Can't you understand what we are saying?
06:42Try to understand.
06:44This place is closed right now.
06:45Stay in your limits.
06:46Can't you understand what we are saying?
06:47Try to understand.
06:48Leave from here.
06:49If we get angry, you won't be able to leave.
06:53That's why leave now.
06:56Go and sit in your car.
07:15I don't think I am needed here.
07:19Sir, you?
07:20Yes, me.
07:22How many games will you play?
07:23Aren't you tired of doing all this?
07:26What has happened to you?
07:28What to do, sir?
07:29This is a part of our job.
07:32Listen to me.
07:33Listen to me.
07:34Listen to me.
07:35Listen to me.
07:36Listen to me.
07:37Listen to me.
07:38Listen to me.
07:39Listen to me.
07:40Listen to me.
07:41Listen to me.
07:42Listen to me.
07:43Listen to me.
07:44Your call time is at 8.15.
07:45Reach on time.
07:49You two change your clothes and come there.
07:53Emre, did you hear that?
07:54I think he is joking with us.
07:57A commander doesn't joke with his soldiers.
07:598.15 in the morning.
08:03It's up to you two.
08:10Wow, Emre.
08:11Sir has given us a very good news.
08:14Here is another one.
08:16But Ghalib, we are hungry.
08:22Thank you very much.
08:23Here you go, sir.
08:26Enjoy your meal, sir.
08:30I love the food here.
08:32Their food is very delicious.
08:33That's why I brought you here.
08:36I want to spend every happy moment of my life with you.
08:39Yes, I want the same.
08:40I want to go to a beautiful place and enjoy the food.
08:44I wanted to talk to you.
08:46I wanted to take you to a beautiful place and talk to you.
08:51But now I want to talk to you in this restaurant.
08:55Didem, I want us to make the most important decision of our life.
09:01We should get married.
09:02What do you think?
09:07Yes, Didem.
09:08Can't we postpone this program?
09:11Because you don't know when and where you have to go.
09:15You shouldn't make any commitment at this time.
09:22What do you mean?
09:25Nothing special.
09:27You know how much I like you.
09:32I know. That's why I am telling you.
09:34We shouldn't delay the wedding.
09:37That's more like it.
09:38Come here.
09:40I am not at peace.
09:41I keep getting calls.
09:43Who is it?
09:44I don't know.
09:48Mr. Kagan, you?
09:54Lieutenant Kagan has come back?
09:57Yes, we were having dinner.
10:00Actually, we are going to get married.
10:04Thank God you came back, sir.
10:07I am very happy.
10:51The Gillick team is here with three officers and five sergeant commanders.
10:56Thank you very much.
10:58Are you all ready?
11:00Are you all fired up?
11:02We are ready to sacrifice our lives for our motherland.
11:10Listen to me carefully.
11:15I am happy to be with you all today.
11:20We can't be happy with this situation.
11:24This is not the time to question each other.
11:27This is the time to liberate the nation from this problem.
11:33I want you to be fully prepared for your duties.
11:41Soldiers, give all your attention to serve the nation.
11:50May God be with you.
11:54Sergeant Behram, come forward.
11:57Sergeant Behram is with you with all his heart and soul.
12:03Murad's life is sacrificed for this nation, sir.
12:08I am Murad Goindodo. I am ready to sacrifice my life for the nation.
12:12I will fight till my last breath without worrying about my life.
12:17Duran will never back down from his duty, sir.
12:22No matter what the situation is, I will fulfill my duty and fight till my last breath.
12:27No matter where the enemy is hiding, they can't escape from my bullets, sir.
12:30Are you ready?
12:31We are ready, sir.
12:32At any cost.
12:33We are ready.
12:34For the nation.
12:35We are ready.
12:36We will succeed in the mission.
12:43Some people were having a lot of fun during this holiday.
12:46And they are still not in their senses.
12:50You are right, sir. This has happened to us.
12:53It must have been difficult for them to come back so soon.
12:57Whatever happened, sir.
12:59It was like a nightmare.
13:01It is difficult to believe.
13:03Thank God, we are all here again.
13:06Otherwise, we would have to do a useless job.
13:08Because of this.
13:10By the way, there is one thing.
13:11I am very happy that we are together and have become active again.
13:15You are absolutely right.
13:16Let's go.
13:19Now we are together again.
13:20Now no one can save the enemies from us.
13:27I wish Sardar was here with us right now.
13:57Let's go.
14:29Will you keep sleeping like this?
14:34Get up, son. Eat something.
14:36Mom, I am very tired.
14:38I will rest for a while.
15:18Hey, Ms. Asiya.
15:19What happened to you all of a sudden?
15:22Are you asking me, Kublai?
15:24I mean, you just had a flu because of the weather.
15:26All of a sudden.
15:28It must have happened because of the cold.
15:29No, Kublai.
15:30It happened because of your commander.
15:32First, he hit our car.
15:34Because of him, I could have broken my neck.
15:36It's good that I came to the doctor.
15:42I will talk to you about that commander later.
15:44Listen, I am trying.
15:46But I couldn't talk to him.
15:47Don't worry.
15:48I will talk to him.
15:49Okay, Kublai.
15:50That's fine.
15:51You take care.
15:52I will handle this matter.
15:56How much will it cost?
15:57What do you mean, how much?
15:59I am asking you, how much will the car cost?
16:01If I take the car to the service station to get it fixed,
16:03it will cost a lot.
16:04Bumper, light, colour,
16:05if we get all these things fixed,
16:06the cost will increase.
16:07I think, if we take the car to an ordinary mechanic,
16:10it will be more appropriate.
16:13I don't know.
16:14Solve this problem quickly and call him.
16:16Should I call him?
16:17Yes, you call him.
16:18In fact,
16:19I will call him myself and talk to him.
16:22You are useless.
16:23You are useless.
16:34The number you are trying to reach is switched off.
16:36Did you see?
16:37His number is still switched off.
16:38Who knows where he is and what he is doing.
16:42What are you trying to say?
16:43I am trying to say that he is in the special force.
16:45We don't know when and where he will go.
16:53The number you are trying to reach is switched off.
16:55Did you see?
16:56His number is still switched off.
16:57Who knows where he is and what he is doing.
17:23The number you are trying to reach is switched off.
17:25Did you see?
17:26His number is still switched off.
17:27Who knows where he is and what he is doing.
17:54What happened, Ghalib?
17:55Is everything fine?
17:57Yes, yes.
17:58I am absolutely fine.
17:59I am just a little tired.
18:07Give us some tea.
18:13You also come with me to talk.
18:15You have so much love.
18:16Go and talk to him yourself.
18:17Yes, I have a lot of love.
18:21the colonel is very short tempered.
18:23That's why I am scared.
18:25I don't know how to talk to him.
18:27That's why I am asking you to come with me.
18:31Do you know this?
18:32Soldiers don't waste their time.
18:34If you want to say something,
18:36then go quickly.
18:38Okay, I will go.
18:40Let's see
18:41what the colonel says.
18:43Okay, good luck.
18:45Bahiram, did you order tea?
18:46Yes, sir.
18:47The lieutenant seems to be very happy today.
18:49Yes, he is very happy.
18:51You are about to get married.
18:52How can a person be so happy?
18:54Come, let's sit.
18:55What happened?
18:56Are you tired?
18:57I am not used to it, sir.
19:00You mean to say that
19:02I should ask for
19:03that girl's hand for you?
19:05Yes, sir.
19:09That means
19:10I and Didem
19:11love each other a lot.
19:14Yes, that's her name.
19:15That's a good name.
19:21I want to say that
19:22you should meet her family.
19:26You mean to say that
19:35I should meet that family.
19:37Tell me,
19:38do I have to go in uniform?
19:40I don't think it is necessary.
19:45I will go
19:46as soon as possible.
19:48Thank you very much.
19:51Thank you very much, sir.
20:03if my parents were alive,
20:05they wouldn't have troubled you.
20:10There is no one else.
20:14That's why I wanted to
20:15tell you everything
20:16as soon as possible.
20:42How are you?
20:44I am fine.
20:46There is a good news.
20:49I have spoken to sir.
20:52And that
20:53he is ready to come.
20:55I can't believe it.
20:57This is a very good news.
20:58Tell me,
20:59when will you come?
21:00What do you mean?
21:01I mean
21:02when will you come to ask for my hand?
21:04Because before that
21:05I will have to make a lot of preparations.
21:08We will come at any time.
21:09What do you mean?
21:11Is it so ordinary
21:12that you can come at any time?
21:14You know me very well
21:15and my work too.
21:16As soon as I get time,
21:17I will come to you.
21:19You just
21:20prepare for the wedding.
21:25Okay, fine.
21:27if possible,
21:28call me.
21:29Okay, tell me
21:30when will we meet?
21:33you can understand
21:34the current situation, right?
21:35Yes, I understand.
21:37Okay, take care of yourself.
21:39You also take care of yourself.
21:40Okay, I will hang up.
21:47Burak had called.
21:48He was saying
21:49that he has spoken to his commander.
21:51this is a very good thing.
22:00This picture was taken 18 hours ago.
22:02There is a very big group here.
22:08Go my lions,
22:09destroy those terrorists
22:11with justice.
22:14I promise you,
22:16I will reach to Sardar
22:17and inform you
22:18about him at any cost.
22:20It was clear in his eyes
22:22that he wanted to die.
22:26Keep yourself safe.
22:30Keep an eye on the Emirates man.
22:31Be alert.
