• last year
Blind Dating 8 Guys Based On Their Outfits #dailymotion


00:00If you were to describe our sex life in a song, what would it be and why?
00:04If I had to describe our sexual life, it would be Every Day Bro by Jake Paul.
00:09Because when you're with me, girl, it's every day, bro.
00:22Hi, I'm Neza. I'm a music artist, dancer, also content creator.
00:27You might have heard my song Corazón Frio.
00:29Nice, go check it out.
00:30Maybe. Maybe not. No sé. I don't know.
00:32Alright, Neza, so what kind of guy are you looking for today?
00:35I'm into someone who's very ambitious.
00:38I feel like I'm very ambitious.
00:40I also am very attracted to guys who are talented or just creatives in the creative space.
00:46And just someone who's really kind-hearted.
00:48What about physically? Are we looking for a big fat c*** or what?
00:52What up, YouTube? What's going on, guys?
00:54Make sure to like, share, and subscribe.
00:56Say it like that because I'm picking two lucky winners who comment within the first thousand comments to get 50 buckaroonies.
01:0350 bucks? What do we get?
01:05You get the love of your life.
01:07Oh, no.
01:11Also, guys, I just started a Patreon where I'm putting up exclusive content behind the scenes of this.
01:17Outtakes, a special question that Patreon only gets.
01:20And you also get a chance to get casted.
01:22We got someone from Patreon, guys, for this video.
01:25Should be a good time.
01:26It's gonna be a good time.
01:27Let's bring in your wingwoman.
01:29Obviously, everyone knows who it is.
01:30Come on, Freddie.
01:31It could only be one.
01:32Let's go, Freddie.
01:39Yo, this is so weird being on this end of it.
01:42And me being on this end.
01:43It's so nerve-wracking here.
01:45It's so chill here.
01:46This is, like, nerve-wracking.
01:48Yeah, because you gotta do all the bad stuff.
01:49Yeah, all the things.
01:50What's the bad stuff? Falling in love?
01:53Like, you gotta, like, let people down.
01:54You gotta be like, no, I don't like you.
01:56I don't like that answer.
01:57Then me, I'm just like, yeah, tell him.
01:59Tell him.
02:00Tell him.
02:01You know?
02:04Got it.
02:05All right, Freddie, so you know Nezha.
02:06What kind of guy do you think she should be looking for?
02:07Because I don't know if we can trust her.
02:08I want Nezha to find a hardcore dancer that she can dance with.
02:13Like do crazy, like.
02:14Could be fun.
02:15You know, dance moves with.
02:17But just someone that's gonna, you know, treat her like a princess.
02:21Give her what she needs, what she wants.
02:23And just maybe rub her head at night.
02:26Someone who's good at double dates because these kind of come.
02:29Someone who's good at double dates because you guys are like a package.
02:32Double dates.
02:33I thought you said something else.
02:34Double what?
02:35Double dicks.
02:36Ew, Freddie.
02:38I was like, I don't even know what that means.
02:39All right, let's bring in the boys.
02:49Are you ready?
02:51First time, baby.
02:52I know.
02:53Don't embarrass me.
02:55Turn around to meet the love of your life.
02:56Oh yeah.
02:57Love it.
03:00I love the enthusiasm.
03:01How you feeling, dude?
03:02I'm not gonna lie.
03:03Like everything, like my stomach just dropped.
03:04It is so weird being here and not there.
03:07I get it now.
03:08I get it.
03:09I get it now.
03:10Let's check out contestant one.
03:11What do we think about the super shitty shoes?
03:14What do you mean?
03:15I have those at home.
03:16They're not bad.
03:17They're just Air Force ones.
03:18They're just Air Force ones.
03:19Well, I'm just, well, that looks like a little poopy stain.
03:22That's what I was like.
03:23Oh, yeah, right.
03:24Right, right.
03:25Question number one.
03:26So I'm a big Marvel fan.
03:30So if you had to choose either a superhero or a villain to describe dating you, who would
03:35it be and why?
03:36I would say the Flash, because when you're with me, it's a little quick, but I also give
03:41off Ezra Miller vibes.
03:46But in a good way, in a good way.
03:49He's getting kicked off the movie.
03:50Ezra's kind of crazy right now.
03:52A little bit of a wild answer.
03:54So I got to process that.
03:55Franny, what do you think about that?
03:56He's quick.
03:57Quick with what?
03:58I don't know.
03:59Why don't you ask him?
04:00Whoa, two-pump jump.
04:05And there's nothing wrong with that.
04:07There's nothing wrong with that.
04:08Because I was just confused when you said, I'm quick with it, but I just want to get
04:13I'm quick with my feet.
04:14I might be quick with my riz.
04:15I might just be quick with whatever it is.
04:17All that matters is-
04:18That rhymed.
04:19That rhymed.
04:20Hey, at the end of the day, it's for me to know and for you to find out, right?
04:27Okay, sure.
04:28What do we think about contestant number two's shoes?
04:29They look like they're meant to look like that.
04:31Do you know what I mean?
04:32They look a little worn, and maybe he just likes to walk.
04:35I like a worn-in sneaker.
04:36I don't like a super clean sneaker.
04:40Oh, hell yeah.
04:41How's David look without his feet?
04:43Sick, dude.
04:44Contestant number two, what's your answer?
04:46I have to go with ghost rider, because at the end of the ride, I'll ghost you.
04:51At the end of-
04:53At the end of what?
04:54The ride.
04:55At the end of the ride.
04:57Oh, okay.
04:58What's this ride like?
04:59Who's riding this?
05:00What is she riding exactly?
05:01Yeah, what am I?
05:02What are the details?
05:03Who am I?
05:04That's up to your interpretation.
05:05Oh, okay.
05:06Yeah, you ever been ghosted?
05:07I have been.
05:08Hasn't everyone?
05:09I've never been ghosted.
05:10Not once this week.
05:11All right.
05:12Oh, okay.
05:13I said this week.
05:14I'm not sure how I feel about being ghosted.
05:16I don't like that answer.
05:20Didn't really, didn't put a pep in my step, you know?
05:22All right, we got contestant number three.
05:24He's got clean shoes.
05:25He's still got the tag.
05:27Okay, some off-whites.
05:28I actually have them in green.
05:29Granny bought them for me.
05:30I almost got the green ones, but then I went with these.
05:32So, we're matching with his and hers.
05:34Look at that.
05:35His and hers.
05:36Look at that.
05:38All right, contestant number three.
05:39Who would you say describes you, superhero, villain?
05:43I would just have to go with Spider-Man.
05:45I've been told I kind of sound like him.
05:47And I'm also from New York.
05:48I kind of look like a young Peter Parker.
05:50So, I just have to go with Spider-Man, yeah.
05:52That's a good answer, because that's my favorite.
05:55His favorite?
05:57Wait, I was going to say that.
05:58I shouldn't have said that, because I feel like now everyone's like, ooh.
06:00We love a Spider-Man.
06:01We love a Spider-Man.
06:02Do a little Spider-Man moment.
06:03Yeah, that'd be cute.
06:04Come from the ceiling.
06:05Little Spider-Man kiss.
06:06Little backwards, little backwards.
06:07Upside down kiss.
06:08Yeah, upside down.
06:09He's a Spider-Man.
06:10Maybe he can shoot something at you.
06:11Oh, my God.
06:12Oh, my God.
06:13No, shoot his shot.
06:14Like a pickup line.
06:15OK, all right.
06:16All right, let's see contestant number four.
06:20I can't really see from here.
06:24Are those fear of gods?
06:25What are those?
06:26Rick Owens.
06:27Oh, I like, I like.
06:28OK, yeah.
06:29I like a man of style.
06:31Appreciate it.
06:32See, that's so fancy.
06:33I've never even heard of Rick Owens.
06:36You fuck with him?
06:37You like him?
06:38No, they're nice.
06:39I like him a lot, actually.
06:40Yeah, so did I.
06:41I'm a short guy, which is why they're kind of thick at the bottom.
06:43I've got to check those out.
06:44It's OK.
06:45I'm a short queen, too.
06:46I have the buckles on today.
06:47I'll follow you.
06:48I'll follow you.
06:49I'm 5'3".
06:50All right, we're chilling.
06:51I think we're all chilling.
06:52I'm definitely shorter than that.
06:53I'm always shorter, so it's all good.
06:54He's like, sick, I'm 5'4".
06:55I'm bringing out the heels right now.
06:56If you were to choose a superhero or a villain to describe basically dating you, what that
07:03would be like?
07:04Who would you choose and why?
07:05I would say the Hulk, because I'm a pretty chill guy.
07:11I'm calm.
07:12But when I get mad, I get fucking mad, you know?
07:18I mean.
07:19But to your advantage, I would never get mad at you.
07:24I like that you're clarifying.
07:25Oh, OK.
07:26So, like, defense.
07:27On God.
07:28I'm defensive, you feel me?
07:29I'll protect you.
07:31OK, I like that answer.
07:32I thought he was going to say something like Hulk smash.
07:33Yeah, that's what I thought, too.
07:34I'm listening.
07:36I'm going to smash you.
07:37It went like domestic violence for a second, but then he saved himself.
07:41But then you saved yourself, so I like that you've clarified.
07:43What do you think about a contestant number?
07:45Samur Air Forces.
07:46Samur Air Forces.
07:47These ones are clean, though, so, like.
07:48It's great.
07:49I treat her right.
07:50You know what they say about clean Air Forces?
07:53What is happening?
07:56Contestant number five, what is your answer?
07:59I would say Groot, because I want to show you my wood.
08:06It started off.
08:07I always have morning wood, so, like, you know, if she hard, I'm hard.
08:12Guys, I like.
08:13It started off so cute.
08:14My blood pressure just dropped.
08:15No, literally, I'm sweating.
08:16It depends what kind of Groot, though.
08:17I could be the smallest shrimp, you know, average Groot.
08:22We could be the big Groot, you know.
08:25Right, because he does grow.
08:27Can you give us your best Groot impression?
08:34I'm Groot.
08:35Oh, no.
08:36Yo soy Groot.
08:37Oh, Spanish speaker.
08:38Oh, si.
08:41So, hablo espanol.
08:42Muy bien.
08:43Oh, okay, okay.
08:44That finally got Franny excited.
08:45I was like, okay.
08:46She's like, hola.
08:49Big points.
08:50How are we feeling about contestant number six's shoes?
08:53They are.
08:54They used to be black and white.
08:55I like the color scheme.
08:56They're fun.
08:57They're fun.
09:00All right, contestant number six, what is your answer?
09:03Groot from Minions, The Rise of Groot, because I want to steal the moon.
09:10For me?
09:13For the world.
09:14You just want to steal the moon?
09:16And I have a big nose.
09:19But they're in right now, I've heard.
09:21Yeah, they are.
09:24Nothing wrong with a big nose.
09:25I got a big nose.
09:26As long as you got a big heart.
09:27You're going to love the next guy.
09:30Oh my God.
09:31Contestant number lucky seven, what is your answer?
09:35Take it, Nasty.
09:36Wait, what?
09:37No, my bad.
09:38My bad.
09:40I got charity after this.
09:41My bad.
09:42I was about to fucking grab it.
09:43What's up?
09:44I'm wearing size 14 in women's, so talk to me nice.
09:48What do you got?
09:49Blazers on?
09:50Yeah, they're Rick Owens.
09:52All right.
09:53They've been in these streets, but I haven't.
09:55I'm looking for love.
09:58What is your answer?
10:00Thor, because I got that hammer.
10:04It's like a screwdriver, but you know what I'm working with.
10:06Oh my God.
10:10I mean, I like that answer.
10:11My dog's name is Loki after.
10:13Damn, they call me a dog.
10:15Bark, bark.
10:16Shotty, what's up?
10:20Do you have a dog?
10:22He's got one in him.
10:23He's got that dog in him.
10:25Bark, bark.
10:26You see it, girl?
10:28No, but I do walk dogs.
10:29It's my career, so like.
10:31He's got a career.
10:32Yeah, yeah.
10:33Shout out, Wag.
10:34Shout out, Wag.
10:35Shout out, Wag.
10:36Shout out, Wag.
10:37Use my promo code, Bark, Bark, for 12% off.
10:41No, I've never seen the movie Thor, but I'm down to watch it with you.
10:46And he's also going to make you Thor.
10:51Hold up.
10:52Is there two women out there?
10:53Let's go.
10:58David, this is my video.
11:00DM me.
11:01DM me.
11:02Book a car.
11:03All right.
11:04Final contestant.
11:05It's late.
11:06Can you stick out your...
11:08He's in the Jordans.
11:09Love the Jordans.
11:13I didn't know that, but.
11:15Like that.
11:16Very cool, yeah.
11:17All right.
11:18What is your answer?
11:19Well, my answer is Beast Boy.
11:20I know it's DC, but you know I'm really versatile, so if you need me to be serious, I can be serious.
11:23If you need me to play, I can play.
11:25If you're trying to make jokes, we can write it down jokes, improv jokes, shit, we can be
11:30I can take you on a date.
11:31We can drink some wine.
11:32We can drink some tequila.
11:34Anything you want.
11:35We can write jokes.
11:37We can do it all.
11:38You can do whatever you want.
11:39We can do it all, man.
11:40I'm telling you, man.
11:41I like the assertiveness.
11:42I like it.
11:43I like having options.
11:44He knew exactly what he wanted to say.
11:46I like that.
11:47Okay, great.
11:48All right.
11:49We're going to discuss, and we'll let you guys know.
11:50Give us a second.
11:52Yo, turn your airdrop on.
11:56Neza, you ready to eliminate someone and break their heart forever?
12:01They're probably going to need therapy after this.
12:03No, when you put it like that.
12:04Everyone was great.
12:05Answers were great.
12:06But I'm going to have to eliminate contestant number two.
12:13Just because I don't want to get ghosted.
12:15No one wants to get ghosted, so.
12:16There you go.
12:20It's a stud.
12:21Hi, I'm Franny.
12:22Nice to meet you.
12:23Neza, nice to meet you.
12:24Nice to meet you.
12:25Dude, you look like a stud, bro.
12:27Yeah, I love the fit.
12:28It's great.
12:30You don't like Ghost Rider?
12:31I don't want to be ghosted.
12:32I do like Ghost Rider.
12:33I don't want to be ghosted.
12:35Anyways, I'm going to go home to my girlfriend.
12:36Nice to meet you guys.
12:37Wait, what?
12:38That would make sense, why he would have to ghost me.
12:41Oh, yeah.
12:42Wait, does he have a girlfriend?
12:43Does he?
12:44Yeah, she's a really nice girl, actually.
12:45How do you know that contestant number two?
12:48Oh, uh.
12:49He is the girlfriend.
12:50He was smooshing back here.
12:54Okay, so let's go.
12:55We've got one nice ass ready to be shown.
13:02One, two, three.
13:05Turn around.
13:09Okay, contestant number one.
13:12Contestant number five is really feeling his ass.
13:15Now I'm feeling it.
13:18Alright, so let's start with contestant number one.
13:20What do you think about the pants?
13:21Clean, nice, chic, classy.
13:25You know?
13:26Classy and chic, we love that.
13:27Classy and chic, we love.
13:28All right, next question.
13:30So I recently kind of just got out of a relationship,
13:33but me and my ex are on great terms.
13:35So thumbs up for that.
13:36My boy!
13:37Yeah, if your ex was here,
13:39what would she say is your biggest red flag and why?
13:42A funny story with that is I've actually never had an ex,
13:47but up until recently, I didn't have social media either.
13:49So for me, I felt like not having a social media
13:52was always kind of fighting an uphill battle.
13:54And it was more for myself,
13:55just kind of focused on myself for the time being.
13:58So I guess his biggest red flag
14:00is never being in a relationship,
14:02never having social media.
14:04You can't really creep on him.
14:05Social media.
14:06I'm a heartbreak waiting to happen right now.
14:08I actually like that he just like came onto social media.
14:12Wait, wait, are you a virgin too or?
14:14No, no.
14:15But I'm the most virgin, non-virgin you'll find.
14:17Let's put it that way.
14:18Yo, he don't fuck for sure.
14:20For sure.
14:23For me, like, I don't want to say superficial or chic,
14:27but like standards or what have you.
14:28For me, a girl that I would choose as a girlfriend
14:30is a girl I would choose as a wife, you know?
14:31So for me, I've always kept it very,
14:33like I kept my standards high.
14:35Brainy, look at Brainy.
14:36I kept my standards high.
14:38I knew that was gonna get him.
14:39That's a green flag, bro.
14:40That's a dumb.
14:41I knew that was gonna get him.
14:41You gave all green flags, bro.
14:43How's that red flag?
14:44You're cheating.
14:45All right, what do you think about contestant number two's
14:47I love it.
14:49I actually have a pair that kind of looks like that.
14:51We're just matching everything.
14:52Wow, matching everything.
14:53Matching shoes, matching pants.
14:54That's wild.
14:55Dude, what do you carry around in those pockets, man?
14:58A whole lot of nothing.
14:59Yeah, but maybe if you're hungry,
15:00you could carry your snacks for you.
15:03You could carry all your baggage.
15:10All right, contestant number two,
15:11if your ex was here,
15:12what would she say is your biggest red flag and why?
15:15So that one's kind of a hard one for me to answer
15:17simply because I actually had a really healthy relationship
15:19with my ex.
15:20It was kind of just one of those ones
15:21that just went on for too long
15:22and, you know, we kind of ended it as friends.
15:24So it would be hard to answer that.
15:25But if I had to say,
15:26maybe at the time I was a bit of a procrastinator
15:29with my work.
15:30I was a lot younger
15:30and she wanted me to be a little bit more driven.
15:32So I guess that would be the red flag she would say,
15:33but since then I've definitely grown a lot
15:35and I'm a lot more driven of a person.
15:37I mean, I procrastinate sometimes as well.
15:39What do you think about contestant number three's shorts?
15:43Why are you saying it like that?
15:44I don't know.
15:47What do you think about contestant number three's
15:49I mean, we like being comfortable sometimes.
15:52I'm comfortable.
15:53I don't know if there was too much effort put in,
15:55but there was effort in the shoes.
15:57So, but I love the jewelry.
15:59What would your ex say is your biggest red flag and why?
16:02My ex.
16:03She would have said when we were dating
16:05that I live everything for last minute,
16:06but I don't no more.
16:11So that's what she would say.
16:12That's what she would say.
16:13She would be like, yeah,
16:14like he lives everything for last minute.
16:15Cause I did.
16:16Like what?
16:17Can you give an example?
16:18Like what would she get mad?
16:18Like everything, because we used to do,
16:19we used to work together.
16:20Like we used to do social media together and you know,
16:22like getting the YouTube video ready,
16:24edited all that bullshit.
16:25I would just do that.
16:26All that bullshit that makes me money.
16:30I mean, I get it.
16:33Like, like, like, like, you know, like all the,
16:34all the technical work, you know?
16:36Like I would just leave it for last minute.
16:37I still would do it, but you know,
16:38she would get mad.
16:39So I know that's a red flag.
16:40All right.
16:41Contestant number four, pants.
16:43I can't see him.
16:44What's he got?
16:44I don't know.
16:46I mean, camel pants are always kind of in, right?
16:52I mean, I have, I have, I have a pair.
16:53I'm not hating on it.
16:55It sounds like you're kind of hating on it.
16:56I'm not.
16:57I'm not.
16:58Oh, what's wrong with the camel pants?
16:58No, there's nothing wrong with it.
17:02Y'all are fucking annoying.
17:04We're supposed to be helping.
17:05I know.
17:07No, it's good.
17:08It's good.
17:09All right.
17:10What would your ex say is your biggest red flag?
17:11I would say my biggest red flag would be,
17:14I just care too much.
17:15My heart was just too big for her, you know?
17:17She just, she couldn't handle my love, you know?
17:23Just, I love.
17:24I just love strong.
17:26That's all.
17:26That's all it is.
17:27So you love too much.
17:28So you're clingy.
17:29All right.
17:30Let's move to contestant number five
17:31because he's been ready.
17:33I know.
17:33What is this two step happening?
17:36Is he a dancer?
17:37What's the little dance moves happening?
17:39We got some, some jeans.
17:40Some, they look like Levi's.
17:42They got a little rip.
17:43Oh, yep.
17:44Back with the.
17:45I like those jeans a lot actually.
17:46I would wear those.
17:47I actually really like.
17:48Yeah, those are nice.
17:48Contestant number five.
17:49What would your ex say is your biggest red flag and why?
17:52Too good at sex.
17:53Oh God, it's pretty.
18:00Oh my God.
18:03Yo, he ain't lying.
18:05Give me that.
18:06Yo, you approved?
18:09I don't know what is still happening here.
18:11If his sex is too good,
18:12he ruins it for everyone else and you,
18:14if you guys ever break up.
18:17So it's a red flag because I wouldn't find better.
18:19Better sex.
18:20I get it.
18:21Contestant number six.
18:24I just had to flex the jewelry one time.
18:25Oh, okay.
18:26So, oh, okay.
18:27Oh shit.
18:28My phone turned off.
18:29Yo, what's going on?
18:30I would say my biggest red flag is like,
18:32I just spend too much money on my shawty.
18:34It's just like, you know,
18:36and I got to pay it back to the IRS.
18:38So like, I prioritize you over the IRS.
18:42Because I put the I in IRS.
18:46And I'm like too much of a mama's boy.
18:47Like I just.
18:48Oh, okay.
18:49Okay, mama's boy.
18:50I'm like my step-mom, but.
18:54You're his step-mom?
18:55Wait, what?
18:56So you're mommy.
18:57I'm step-mommy?
18:58You could be tonight.
19:01What, this bromance happening between seven?
19:04Maybe they should just like,
19:05like go and take off.
19:07He's going to spend a lot of money on you.
19:08That's good.
19:09You like money.
19:09That's what you want.
19:12What would you, what's the first thing you'd buy her?
19:13A Chanel bag.
19:16From Santee Alley.
19:17That shit's fake.
19:21I love it.
19:22I love it.
19:23I love it.
19:24It has number seven.
19:25Those PacSun?
19:26How did you know?
19:27Because I worked there for six years.
19:29I didn't even got these six years ago.
19:31That's crazy.
19:31He was probably there.
19:32All right, what would your ex say
19:33is your biggest red flag?
19:35Man, she'd say my biggest red flag is,
19:37I'm too friendly, man.
19:38I'm just too charismatic.
19:39I mean, I get along with everybody.
19:41So she, she might be hating and be like,
19:43damn, is he talking to her?
19:44Is he fucking her?
19:45But in reality, I'm just being nice, man.
19:47So as time went on,
19:48I found a balance to not try to fuck
19:52every girl I talk to.
19:53But you know.
19:54Wait, while you were in the,
19:56wait, hold, are you in the relationship?
19:58Yo, teach me your ways.
20:00Wait, what?
20:01So you're trying to fuck the first one?
20:03Oh, listen, listen, listen.
20:05I kind of got lost in the question.
20:07I started bullshitting
20:08and then I started speaking the truth
20:09and I was like, wait a second.
20:10Basically, she would say I'm too friendly
20:12because like, you know, I'm just,
20:13I be nice with everybody, man.
20:15You know, I'm a good person.
20:16You know what I'm saying?
20:17She really was a hater.
20:19Well, I'm, I'm a very secure girl.
20:23I love that.
20:23You talking to other girls wouldn't bother me.
20:25So I feel like that's fine.
20:26What about other guys?
20:27What do you mean?
20:29Contestants five and six.
20:30Oh yeah, five and six over here.
20:31Go in.
20:35The first contestant that I'm going to eliminate
20:37is Camo Pants.
20:39We're not sure if you really do love too hard, but.
20:48We got that warning.
20:50We got that warning.
20:52What's up?
20:54Buen promeso.
20:55Yeah, muy bien.
20:56All right, hola.
20:57Un placer.
20:58I actually like the whole.
20:59You like him, huh?
21:00He's cute.
21:00Yeah, look at him, come on.
21:02You fucked up, dude.
21:03I did.
21:04Can I go back?
21:05I know you like Benito.
21:06That's why I asked him to be on.
21:08He was kind of booty talk.
21:10There'll be more Benitos out there.
21:12She's like, it's okay.
21:13It's okay.
21:14So the next contestant that I'm eliminating
21:17is contestant, well, number four now, but five.
21:27I didn't recognize your voice.
21:30You really good at sex?
21:33And you know, he was right.
21:34His nose is big.
21:35Wait till you see the wild guy, dude.
21:38Contestant number four right now has got a way bigger nose,
21:41but we up right now.
21:43Big nose is our handle.
21:43Send his ass home.
21:44Shut up.
21:45Don't you have Postmates to drive for?
21:48All right, Mr. Beans, thank you so much.
21:53Bye, guys.
21:57And turn around.
22:02Contestant number three.
22:03We had to switch him around
22:04because he's a little shorter, but.
22:07But he took his shirt off, nice.
22:09Contestant number one.
22:10What do you think about the fit, Franny and Neza?
22:12I mean, clean, chic.
22:16I'm Persian, baby.
22:19I'm the first one above 5'10".
22:21I'll tell you that.
22:22She's taking shots.
22:23Wait, how tall are you?
22:24Sounds pretty insecure to me.
22:27Contestant number one.
22:28How tall are you?
22:29How tall are you?
22:30I'm 6'4", what the shoes are.
22:31So like 6'3", without.
22:32I want to take out a measuring tape.
22:35I'm with it.
22:35Let's see if he's telling the truth here.
22:37All right, so next question.
22:38So I'm a music artist, so obviously I love music.
22:41If you were to describe what making love to you
22:44would be like using the title of a song,
22:47what would that be and why?
22:48Like in the beginning, I had to first go
22:50with my boy A$AP Rocky with problems.
22:52Up until I got my, I got a Bluetooth prescription.
22:56So for me now it's Drake, is there any more?
23:00So she's going, is there any more?
23:03You know, I guess we decide if that's a blessing
23:05or a curse, you know?
23:06You're going to find out if there is any more.
23:07I am going to find, if there is any more.
23:08Yeah, okay.
23:10For me to find out, okay.
23:11Okay, babe.
23:13What's up, what, what's up?
23:13Okay, babe.
23:14Okay, Mr. Babe.
23:15Okay, tattoos.
23:16Oh, babe.
23:17Oh, I thought you were calling me babe.
23:18I was like, oh, let's go.
23:19Oh, no, not yet.
23:23What song would you choose to describe
23:25what making love to you would be like?
23:26Oh, A Tu Merced by Bad Bunny.
23:29Oh, okay.
23:30Just like the title,
23:31A Tu Merced.
23:32Right, A Tu Merced.
23:39That ain't fair.
23:41Are you Puerto Rican?
23:42No, soy Hondureño.
23:42Ooh, I just heard a little, I just heard a little splat.
23:46No, it did, it did something to me.
23:47He sounded Puerto Rican though, right?
23:48No, you did, you did.
23:49Yeah, you did for a second.
23:50Yeah, I know.
23:50I thought it was hot, bro.
23:51You got a sexy ass voice.
23:52Oh, thank you, bro.
23:53Appreciate it.
23:54I make music.
23:55I make music.
23:55So you can hear my voice in my songs too.
23:56Oh, you make music?
23:59Dude, give us a little snippet, bro.
24:02I thought he was going to start singing.
24:03I know, me too.
24:20Okay, let's hear some from the other guys.
24:24Okay, contestant number three.
24:26I mean, we all like abs.
24:29Can't you do that?
24:35It's the same thing, I swear.
24:38All right, what song would you use to describe and why?
24:41Oh, I'm going to regret this.
24:42Um, probably 22 by Taylor Swift
24:44for the amount of times you're going to come.
24:46Oh, yo, that's crazy.
24:52Okay, what do you, Brandon can't breathe.
24:54Um, I'm having a panic attack.
24:56I don't think I've ever made anyone come 22 times,
24:58like in a relationship.
24:59It could be more of like a weekly thing.
25:01I feel like that's a good number for the week.
25:02Okay, like a total?
25:03That's what I was going to say.
25:04I was like, what does 22 mean?
25:05Yeah, one session might be a little wild.
25:06Like a night, a week, and a year, 10.
25:08I think in a week.
25:0910 years?
25:10We can make that happen.
25:11With me, it's 10 years.
25:13Number one, just helping himself out.
25:15Kith, uh, Kith's shirt.
25:17Oh, you see the logo?
25:19Kith, okay, we like Kith.
25:20Okay, we love Kith.
25:21He wants to blow you a Kith.
25:25If I had to describe our sexual life,
25:28it would be Every Day Bro by Jake Paul.
25:31Because when you're with me, girl, it's every day, bro.
25:35That is a good song.
25:36That is, you know what?
25:38That was a bop.
25:39Can you speak Spanish?
25:40Oh, fluent.
25:42I'm just saving that for the next round.
25:43Oh, okay.
25:44I can't give it all up at once.
25:48Yeah, biblioteca and shit.
25:49Contestant number five, I like the zip up jacket.
25:53Thank you, I really appreciate it.
25:55If you were to describe our sex life in a song,
25:58what would it be and why?
25:59Tupac, Do For Love.
26:00Because in relationships, there's a lot of ups and downs
26:03and be a lot of bullshit and people try to put bullshit
26:05on the relationship, but we gonna get through that shit
26:07and we just, it's gonna be us against the world.
26:09That was a great answer.
26:10That was a great answer.
26:11Best answer.
26:12Good job.
26:14I like that.
26:15I like that, too.
26:16But he's already foreshadowing all the problems
26:17you guys are gonna have.
26:19But, you know, that's great.
26:23It wasn't as hard as it goes, like,
26:24as the number goes down, it gets harder and harder.
26:26Everyone had a good answer.
26:27The first person that I'm eliminating is
26:30contestant number one.
26:35Maluma, baby.
26:36We just eliminated Maluma.
26:38We eliminated Maluma.
26:39You literally eliminated Maluma, look.
26:44Hey, Ryan, they didn't do that for you.
26:45I know, I know.
26:46Like I said, I apologize.
26:48Nice to meet you.
26:49I casted this guy from my Patreon, make sure to subscribe.
26:54We casted him on Patreon, I saw him, I was like,
26:56dude, she's gonna love this Maluma, funny looking guy.
26:59I've gone 365 days, too, you know?
27:02He knows, he knows.
27:03Thanks for being here.
27:04Thank you guys for having me.
27:05If you wanna possibly get casted, subscribe to my Patreon.
27:08You found him on Patreon?
27:10It's good casting.
27:12This was really tough, but I am gonna eliminate
27:15contestant number four.
27:17I just thought the answer was just a little cheesy.
27:22That's cool, man.
27:23That's cool, man.
27:24Y'all, hey, y'all did a good job, man.
27:27You were so fun.
27:28It's cool, it's cool.
27:28Nice to meet you.
27:29I hope y'all find the one, you know?
27:31I thought I was the one.
27:32I also do.
27:32But it's cool.
27:40So Neza loves animals.
27:42She has a cute little pup named Loki.
27:46Yeah, dog mom.
27:47Also my nephew.
27:48So if you had to describe your penis using an animal,
27:51what would it be and why?
27:53An anaconda.
27:56That's it.
27:57I'll leave it to your imagination.
27:58That's it?
27:59Anaconda, you know, like wrap around you, choke you.
28:03Type shit.
28:04Anaconda squeeze.
28:07Bro, you said your penis, bro.
28:08Like what if you want me to say a fucking, a cat?
28:10The fuck?
28:12What the fuck are we doing, bro?
28:14How did I end up here, man?
28:16Contestant number two,
28:17if you were to describe your penis as an animal,
28:19what would it be and why?
28:21I would have to say an electric eel
28:22because it's long and it'll leave you shaking.
28:28I can't follow that.
28:30That was an insane answer.
28:32That was a very clever answer, but that was insane.
28:34That was a wild energy.
28:36I'm freaking out back here.
28:39Contestant number three.
28:41Damn, I'd have to say a betta fish
28:43because, you know, I'm not a betta,
28:45but I'll fight a other fish
28:47and I'm always swimming in water.
28:48You know what I'm saying?
28:51I'm gonna just walk myself out.
28:53I don't know, electric eel is great.
28:55I was going to say that,
28:56but cause you probably using a vibrator
28:57when you're going to the beach.
28:59Yeah, I go betta fish
29:00cause you can't put me next to other dudes
29:02cause I'll fight for you.
29:03Oh, okay.
29:04Yeah, here you go.
29:06Before we eliminate someone this round,
29:08we're going to ask a special question
29:10only exclusive to Patreon.
29:12So if you want to see the question
29:13and the answer to this,
29:14go subscribe to the Patreon.
29:15All right.
29:16So the contestant that I'm eliminating
29:19is contestant number three, betta fish.
29:23Hey, look at this stud, baby.
29:26Whatever, dude.
29:27I fucking need y'all.
29:28Where's the homies at, dude?
29:31Where are we going?
29:32Rainforest Cafe?
29:33Rainforest Cafe.
29:34You wouldn't need to dab me up.
29:35You wouldn't need to dab me up.
29:36I didn't.
29:39You said you wanted one of the homies.
29:40I know.
29:40Oh, yeah, dude.
29:41I'll be at the cafe.
29:42That sounds good, baby.
29:43I love you.
29:44Whatever, dude.
29:46Whatever, dude.
29:47Oh, I love his videos.
29:48I know, he's great.
29:51All right, final question.
29:54So I'm a dancer.
29:55I've been able to dance and tour
29:56with a lot of great artists in the past.
29:58So dance is obviously very important to me.
30:01Would you guys be able to show me
30:02some of your best dance moves?
30:05And if you guys want to be a little spicy,
30:08you guys could give her a little, you know,
30:10a close up dance, you know,
30:13maybe touch her a little bit or something.
30:16Sit on her?
30:17Sit on her?
30:30That was good, bro.
30:30That was good, bro.
30:31You did good.
30:33That was good.
30:34That was good.
30:35I saw a lot of tongue in there, and I liked it.
30:37I didn't see some tongue.
30:37You were like, ah.
30:40Contestant number two, would you want a dance,
30:43or do you want to give her a special dance?
30:45I'll let her pick.
30:47No, no, no, no.
30:48Guys, I can't.
30:49I'm sweating.
30:50No, no, no.
30:52Well, then we have to get a chair.
30:53Yeah, if you get a chair, I'm down.
30:55Bring in the chair.
30:58Oh my God.
30:59Oh my God.
31:08All right.
31:12Oh my God.
31:12What is this?
31:25Yo, clap it up for my boy.
31:26I mean, I don't know what just happened.
31:28Well, just know, this is going on the internet very soon.
31:32Well, think about it.
31:33Do you want someone to give you lap dances,
31:35or do you want someone to just dance like me?
31:40I'm, I'm, I, I.
31:41Yeah, this is, this is the hardest part.
31:43Yeah, this is awful.
31:44Just so you know.
31:44Hold on, we'll do one last question.
31:46All right, last question.
31:47So I'm dating to marry.
31:49So if you were going to propose.
31:51How would you do it?
31:52Yeah, how would you do it?
31:53Yo, I saw this movie one time.
31:57That's crazy.
31:59That's crazy.
31:59Yo, I swear, I'm being honest.
32:01I saw a movie and I thought it was so fire
32:04how this guy took her to a firefly field.
32:07You know, like walk and talk.
32:08You know what I'm saying?
32:09Like talk about how we love each other,
32:11how we're proud that we made it this far
32:13and how I'm here with you alone.
32:16And then I just bust it.
32:17But like, hey, would you marry me?
32:19You would say yes.
32:21You would say yes.
32:23You would say yes.
32:23Right, really romantic.
32:24Question number two.
32:25I would probably have to take you home to the motherland
32:27and do it at the Amalfi Coast in Italy.
32:31That sounds nice.
32:32I've never been to Italy, so.
32:33Sounds like a nice place.
32:35His friend's like, must be nice.
32:36Must be nice.
32:40This is really hard.
32:41I don't know.
32:41I've had, I've had so much fun with everyone today.
32:44I think.
32:47I don't even know what she's going to say.
32:47I don't know.
32:48I don't either.
32:49I think I'm going to eliminate contestant number two.
32:52Just because I really love the firefly.
32:54Like I just, that just like, is like ideal.
32:56Like beautiful.
32:58He got it from a movie too.
32:59And he got it from a movie.
33:03She made the right decision.
33:04He's a good guy.
33:05I promise.
33:05Love you puppy.
33:06Love you guys too.
33:08All right.
33:09Let's get the winner out here.
33:10Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
33:15All right.
33:18Hi, nice to meet you.
33:19Nice to meet you.
33:20How you doing?
33:20I'm Fabio.
33:21Did we say our names?
33:22No, huh?
33:23No, you didn't say your name.
33:24Fabio, I like that.
33:25King and queen right there.
33:25King and queen.
33:26Let's go.
33:28Crazy, huh?
33:32Are you guys flirting right now?
33:33I think so.
33:34Are you ready to post her on Instagram?
33:35What's going on?
33:36I'm checking myself out if I look good for her.
33:37You feel me?
33:39So you think you made the right choice?
33:42Funny, talented, makes music, speaks Spanish.
33:44Works out.
33:48Bro, I think she's beautiful, bro.
33:49Oh, thanks.
33:49All right, what's your Instagram?
33:51You're so annoying.
33:52It's getting real serious.
33:55It's getting real serious, real quick.
33:56It just shows that he's already DM'd me before.
33:58You're not even funny.
