25 men shoot their shot. Who will she pick #dailymotion #foryou #latest #boys
00:00Hey everybody, I'm not just kidding. It's Jess and welcome to the first ever shoot your shot
00:09Today I brought 25 guys to shoot their shot with our bachelorettes the catch is though
00:16They don't know how many girls they get to shoot their shot with so will they take a chance on someone who catches their eye?
00:23Or will they end up alone because they're waiting for something better
00:27If you give her the it if you embarrass yourself
00:31She can swipe you to dunk down on the benches. You're out for the entire episode
00:37So go for what you like
00:40But also choose carefully
00:42All right, guys, you ready to meet bachelorette number one?
00:57Whenever you're ready, feel free to come out
01:13I'm so nervous. Oh my god. Hi guys. My name is Ava. I'm from the Philippines actually, but I live here now
01:19I'm a social media content creator
01:22I'm a little bit of an ambivert more in the introverted side though, and I do love hanging out with my pets at home
01:28so I love like a calm chill person and we definitely want some humor and personality in there, so
01:35Bring it on
01:39Okay, you guys get to shoot your shot in three two one
02:06I'm pretty into dyed hair and that was like the first thing I noticed and I was like this might not happen again
02:10So I gotta just I gotta run for it and I don't know how many girls they're gonna be
02:14So if not now then when I saw she looked good to be honest, she looked good. I'm getting up for this one right away
02:19So, let's start the clock, okay, let's do it and your time starts
02:25So I want to know what your name is. My name is Justin spelled J-O-S-T-E-N a little different
02:32My parents decided to be a little quirky with it. Okay. I did want to ask a question
02:36So you said you do have animals? How many animals do you have? I have three dogs. What about you?
02:39I mean my mother we always like sheltered and took in like cats dogs anything and I literally just got a tattoo
02:44Oh, that's the cutest thing of my dog. He just passed away. He was my child
02:59Good how are you? Okay, what are you most passionate about? I would say anything to do with storytelling
03:04That's kind of like my trade and I think I'm just trying to make my own story, you know
03:07Yeah by getting different experiences traveling living different places. I love that. Okay, let's move you over to I want to hear about your travel
03:14Hello, how are you?
03:16Dimitri Dimitri, how are you? I like your eyebrows and your lashes. Oh my god, thank you
03:21I try to your face than me. No, no, don't say that
03:24You like taking care of yourself. What's like a self-care routine? Um, not too crazy
03:29I don't know into skin care that crazy or anything, but I take care of myself. I shower
03:40Said you do social media content. I do social media as well. Okay, what type of content you make?
03:45So I do I stream and I do more like modeling
03:49Okay, like bikini type stuff. Yeah, it's a little bit more like thirst Jaffee
03:53But I also do like comedy reels and all comedy reels. Okay, I make food content. So I like food reviews
03:59Okay, you need a good spot like mukbang and stuff like yeah mukbangs
04:07I do I like your pearls. They're original. I see like all the different. Okay, I like that. Yeah, I like your fashion
04:14What was that? I said you like traveling. I do like traveling. Yeah, I haven't really been to a lot of places
04:19I've only been to Mexico and Canada, but that's pretty much it. What about you? I love traveling
04:23I need a travel buddy. What's your favorite place that you've been to probably Japan really? Oh, I want to go to Japan
04:29Are you really? Okay
04:36So you say you stream I do stream what type of do you play games I do just chatting stuff
04:40I used to play games, but nobody liked watching me play games
04:44By you. Yeah, so I I used to stream a little bit as well and I would play a lot of you know
04:48Different games like the classic one. Okay, you know you said you're also into modeling, you know
04:53Yeah, okay, I see that I see that yeah, yeah, what's your hobbies so I guess I'm a robotics engineer by trade
05:00So I make I make little robots. Sometimes I like that. Yeah
05:04Actually live streams on Twitch people can try it and then they can control it
05:16Okay, I want to know what your toxic trade is toxic trade I'm a Scorpio I feel like you're oh
05:22Okay, tell me more about it though. I love Scorpios, but you know, they have their
05:26Definitely loyal to a fault no matter what but the minute that you cross me. I'll be petty. Do you like partying?
05:32I do like going out with my partner. Okay, but honestly
05:36I'm kind of past that stage
05:38So every now and then I like to stay in especially obviously stay with my animals
05:40Okay, and then just kind of like see where the night tastes me. Sometimes. I'll probably just watch me like horror movies
05:45I love okay
05:47Marathons, excuse me sounds like a vibey time. What about you? I honestly that sounds like a perfect like time for me perfect
06:00Um, I would say I'm a pretty sensitive guy, okay, I don't know I like to talk about my feelings and thoughts, okay
06:09Let's move you okay to over here
06:11Over here
06:15How's your relationship with your parents my parents good? Yeah, I don't talk to my mom. I don't talk to my dad
06:20Oh, yeah, good. Okay. Good. Do you have like a toxic trait at all?
06:26Toxic trade I'm gonna say I got a toxic trait for real. I'm from being honest. I can't think of one
06:36Want to see what your toxic trait is my toxic trait, um, let's see. I love too hard. I care too much. I don't know
06:43Um, I don't know. I don't really have are you jealous? Am I jealous?
06:47Um, I try not to be if I am I'll talk about it with the person and figure things out. Okay, let's move you
06:54Hello, so traveling. What about traveling? Do you like I like just exploring other cultures meeting people while I'm out
07:00Okay, what other office you have? I like golfing snowboarding
07:04Go on the beach with my dog. Are you party thrifting? Okay. Are you party goer? I can party like heart
07:11I feel like you party too hard
07:13Not anymore
07:18Hi, what's your toxic trait? Hmm, I think I do a lot of things so it takes up a lot of my time
07:24It's hard to prioritize everything's but you know, cuz I prioritize me. Yes, of course
07:30Okay, I would always do that, all right
07:36I was just gonna ask
07:39Anything anymore. I'm an open book
07:43Where would you take her on a first date? There you go
07:45I love honestly either the arcade or the beach arcade cuz it's very competitive and I'm very competitive person and then the beaches
07:51Oh, I crush you on that. But yeah, and then the beach just because I mean, I love it
07:57I love playing beach volleyball. And then I also love going surfing. I love just Larry Tanner
08:08All right, well we have oh my god, we got a lot of different choices we do and
08:18So now is the time you take a second
08:23I'm here to help if you need but I feel like you have so many great. I do I do
08:30They're all amazing
08:33Honestly, I'm nervous
08:39Okay, well
08:41Honestly, I had a lot of talk with you and you were very confident and I like but I like your vibe
08:59Thank you
09:08So you have your match and now you can
09:23Justin are you surprised that you got a match? Oh, hell. Yeah, she's very pretty
09:29So I was definitely didn't expect it, but I kind of was just like, you know what now's the time to shoot your shot
09:34But yeah, very cringy, but it was her glowing smile. It was very it was very welcoming
09:39I liked her welcoming smile and then it just continued on even more because she mentioned something about animals and I myself in a
09:45I'm a big animal lover a very you happy that he shot a shot. Yeah, I'm pretty happy
09:50He's a cool person, I mean like, you know, he's the best one I could get so, you know, that's great
09:56You you were the best one in the line. That's what I'm trying to say
09:59So, you know, I think I think it was just destiny for us to like meet together. So
10:04He's already messing with me
10:07So we have five people bench
10:10Hey guys, and we have all of you here
10:15Is there someone else?
10:18Oh, hopefully
10:25Okay, let's bring out bachelorette number two
10:48As soon as care walked up I was like man I should have waited
10:51I should have waited one more but you know, it is what it is. I thought we would would have I better
10:57Hi, my name is care. I'm originally from the Bay
11:00I used to work in biotech in the clinical lab and also as a process engineer
11:05But now I specialize in plastic surgery after care. I'm a fur baby mom. So you have to like dogs
11:10That's not negotiable for me. And what I look for in a guy
11:14Honestly, I really like nice guys
11:18If you're not that
11:20Please don't shoot your shot. I
11:22Was so nervous in the back. We're praying or like just one. We just need one because all of us were so nervous
11:28We're like, what if no one comes up and shoots their shot? Like you never really know what to expect. All right
11:46As soon as she walked through the current I went whoa, I was like kind of star-struck she was gorgeous
11:51She was just so beautiful, but she was also like really confident
11:54Like it felt like she knew who she was and your seven minutes starts
11:59Now, hi, I'm I came nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. I love the outfit. Thank you
12:03By the way, what made you want to get into plastic surgery?
12:06So I got my nose done actually and it was such a rollercoaster of emotions and I felt like I wasn't really fully prepared
12:13It was spent like almost 20 grand on my nose
12:16Yeah, and then I feel like after care wise I was a little bit left in the dark
12:20So that's where I found that. I wanted to bridge the gap help other people. My name is care. So
12:25That's awesome. Yeah, did you get it done here or in Beverly Hills? Yeah, okay, cuz I heard like overseas is a lot cheaper, right?
12:32So like did you consider doing it over there?
12:34I thought about it for sure, but I wanted to go to a surgeon where I could like annoy him
12:38Yeah, I want to be like hi. It's me again. Like I'm here. Can you please look at it? Does anything work?
12:44So yeah, I think I got my money's worth. Yeah
12:47Doesn't bother you
12:49Doesn't bother me like in general or like we're like that your partner would have it or anything
12:54I mean, I guess it depends on like how extreme it is. Like some people's is like really really extreme. Oh, you've seen my before
13:01Yeah, we have to show you have to show me that later. But
13:04No, I mean like it depends but no, I mean like it's it's cool with me. It's cool. I mean you're here
13:10I like the conversation. Hi, I'm John
13:14Do you mind if I ask your ethnicity? I'm I'm Chinese and like I think a little bit Hawaiian, but mainly just Chinese. Very cool
13:20What do you like to do for fun?
13:21Um, I like eating but my dad and my grandpa are both chefs and I don't know how to cook
13:27But I know how to eat so I can appreciate
13:29Well, my last name's good. So if you ever need a chef, I got you
13:33Okay, I like that. I like that. That was smooth. Okay, to be honest
13:37I think the second person was probably more of my type personally. She seemed very sweet. I am an engineer myself
13:41So she was talking about tech and I was like, oh, that's something I can relate to you
13:44So to be honest, I think if I could have redone it
13:47I probably would have gone for the second person, but you know, you shoot your shot and that's what you get
13:53You said you like animals I love animals personally, so yeah, I want to hear more about your dogs your fur babies
13:59Um, I mean I have to have one here, but one's back at home. I left her with my grandma
14:03She keeps her company. It's a lab and then I have a Pomsky
14:07And he just turned one. Oh, that's awesome
14:10You don't say you like food like personally for me
14:14Yeah, I love shiny food so like what kind of food you like
14:17My favorite is probably like omakase like sushi sushi is my favorite food
14:22Like I think if I could eat one food for the rest of my life, it'd probably be sushi
14:26Do you have any pets or anything? I've been debating where they've not to get a dog
14:31I volunteer at the shelter in Pasadena
14:34Yeah, it's all the pit bulls and
14:38Like that
14:41So, what do you like to do for fun, what do you like to do for fun?
14:44I like eating I like going out with my friends. I like dressing up for no reason because every day should be a celebration
14:50Yeah, what you look great. Thank you. I like traveling. Yeah
14:57Self-care, I feel like beyond the aesthetic standpoint of it
15:00It really taught me to how to have like a relationship with myself how to build trust with myself
15:05I feel like before I used to question am I valid to feel this way?
15:09So not just the physical but the mental aspect. Yeah, I go to therapy and stuff to do you that's cool
15:14No, I don't do therapy, but I like meditate and stuff
15:19And you said you like animals you said you like animals I do yeah, that's my goal actually my life goal really
15:26Yeah, I want to open my own like animal sanctuary when I got the money for that not now
15:38This bars kind of quiet, huh a little bit you're gonna buy me a drink
15:46I actually don't really either really what made you not drink or what makes you not drink. I think I had like a
15:52Phase and then I was like, you know what? I killed too many brain cells. I got stopped
15:58I started drinking when I was like 16. Oh, wow
16:01You know I'm saying like it was no good
16:04What are you uh, what are you doing the baby you said the biotech and stuff like right? Yeah, I used to work in biotech
16:09I'm gonna have to swipe. No, I'm so sorry
16:21Thank you, thank you, so you said you were like gain confidence over the years
16:24So what gets you to gain confidence over the years? I feel like I had a glow-up growing up
16:28I was like the really awkward shy kind of ugly kid to be honest
16:33evolving emotionally and mentally really
16:36Helped me physically as well
16:38Yeah, I think I went to the same thing. You had a glow-up face. Yeah, a little high school to college
16:44Okay, I'm gonna give the last person shot
16:49Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. I just wanted to get up here and I really like what you're doing
16:54You're very sophisticated and you love dogs, which I appreciate. I have a pit ski myself. His name is off
16:59He is named after pizza. Oh
17:02Honestly, he kind of like looks how he sounds like he looks
17:06But he's the sweetest pup I've ever met. So yeah, do you ever go to like Dog Beach?
17:09I actually haven't been to many so I haven't been in LA for too long. So you're just like located close to here
17:17Yeah, well maybe you can make a trip out to Orange County I'll take you to the beach bring your dogs, okay
17:22Yeah, we can get some
17:24I'm gonna
17:29Don't drive that's the thing. So no, honestly, I was just my goal coming here was just a shoot my shot
17:35No matter what and I did and I'm happy so care
17:39We benched a couple guys and we still have five guys left right in front of us
17:45Mm-hmm, we can only choose one or none. Okay, I have a decision. Okay
17:51I'm gonna take everyone here. And then yeah, I'm sorry to the bench
18:05It was most memorable because you like ran up and then also we have
18:10But I also feel like you were the most engaging and like asking about what I do which I really appreciate
18:16Feeling good. I mean, she's a beautiful girl. So, you know
18:20So it's a win. It's a win now. You can walk off into the Jubilee
18:30What would a first date look like for you guys I like I like doing active stuff
18:34I'm open-minded, but I'm not super athletic. I have to warn you. I don't even know how to ride a bike. So no, it's cool
18:39Yeah, we can figure something out
18:41Maybe do something a little like a little activity and then a little you know, like eat a drink after so food, you know
18:48Guys I just want to say I'm actually so proud of you. I'm seeing some sprinting. I'm seeing some hopping some jumping
18:55I'm seeing bold 10 out of 10. Maybe there's someone else. Do we have anyone else?
19:20Okay, I'm from South Florida and I love to travel and explore and just do new things. So
19:29Yeah, I don't know
19:30Is there anything you're particularly looking for? Um, someone fun adventurous. I like to cook
19:36So if you like to eat, I also own my own swimsuit line. I've had that for a couple years now
19:41It's something I'm actually really passionate about. All right, everybody shoot your shot three
20:10Miles this is like look I gotta get I gotta find a way to get off this seat
20:14How do I get myself?
20:16Uncomfortable enough to get up and I said, well, what would I do? Let's let it fly
20:21I gave him brownie points for the confidence, but I think that it was like
20:26Almost on the borderline of cocky a little bit just slightly so that intimidates me a little bit sometimes
20:31Okay, your seven minute starts now
20:35First of all, it's a pleasure to meet you. Nice to meet you. What was your name again? Okay, okay
20:40Okay, that guy aka your guy potentially
20:44I'm not even gonna lie soon as you did South Florida and I saw your hair. I just brought me back to Miami
20:49Are you from Florida? I went to the you so, you know, I mean 305 305
20:54So, you know I'm saying like I really tapped into that you said fun. I'm a bit of fun myself
20:59What do you like to do? Um, I love to travel. I love to cook I work out
21:04Okay, okay a lot of like water activities for swimming jet skiing
21:11You know keep a scan jet ski, you know, I'm talking keep this game. Oh, sorry
21:16Coconut Grove. I mostly did it like Mexico. Oh, okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Yeah, that's what I was like
21:22Yeah, I should know that low-key. I was trying to go back. I was thinking like is there any way?
21:26I was trying to get her to like make eye contact with me or something so I can like, you know
21:29Sneak my way off the bench somehow if she said something like what if I want him then maybe yeah
21:39What's your name, my name is Kyla nice to meet you. So like what are you into? What do you like to do?
21:49So distract me
21:52Do you like to work out? I do like to work. I actually hit the gym a lot
21:55Actually, I was wondering if you like what has what's your basically your favorite date?
21:59In general, um or date idea
22:01So I'm like really the type of girl that likes an all-day date
22:04Like I want to start doing one thing and then we're just together until okay nighttime
22:08Would you mind if I was ever somewhere else? Well, I'm doing a date or not. What do you mean like
22:14If I was just planning it the whole time and then you're somewhere
22:21I wanted I wanted to know what he meant. How was someone bro?
22:25Stumbled I went once miles ripped off his shirt and jumped right in front of me, bro
22:30I I didn't know else to say like I was I was like
22:34Like I couldn't I couldn't even think like I was looking at his back the whole time
22:37I was like dang this dude this dude really works out
22:39I'm a little like timid. So I need someone more like direct and confident just to like get to the point
22:45Good to meet you. I'm Alex
22:49I mean you pretty much told a lot about what you like
22:52I mean, you said your favorite dates like an all-day thing
22:55So I like to just start with like honestly like that's what I'm saying
22:57Like I like someone direct because I don't want to plan the day. You want someone?
23:01Yeah, I want someone to plan the day just based off of like our mutual interest. What's your love language?
23:06Quality time that you're like number one. Okay, okay, and then doesn't have to be outdoors
23:12You're purely not a person. No, honestly, like I love like theater going to plays museums case gorgeous
23:19I really like her outdoorsy energy fun enthusiastic energy. So I think that fits well with mine. So I want to give it a shot
23:30Hey, my name is Sonny. Nice to meet you. Do you like adventures water activities? Yes, so I love surfing. I love snowboarding
23:36I love skating. I do all of the adventuring. I traveled all the way from Colorado to do music in LA
23:41Okay, I love it play live shows like every weekend
23:44So if you wanted to date we'd start during the day at the beach. Have a good day. Great lunch
23:48Can you teach me how to ski?
23:49Absolutely. I'll teach you whatever you want. Where's the favorite like your favorite place you've been?
23:53Tokyo Tokyo. Yeah, I'm huge into the Japanese culture
24:01Real quick, this is the most important thing for me is like what are your passions?
24:04I'm really passionate about like my family. I just want to succeed in life just so I can take care of them
24:10Okay, so it's like the bikini thing. There's like the huge things are just fashion overall
24:18We meet finally
24:21Nice to meet you finally
24:23Sure, you know I'm when she came out
24:25I was like damn like this girl is beautiful
24:26But she also looks familiar and we did kind of change eye contact perspective
24:31And I was like we've been following each other for like three or four years
24:33We made some contact just seeing her in front of me was like, okay
24:38First of all, you're beautiful in person
24:40I've seen on these pictures and I've always had the interest and now you're sat here in front of me like this is some kind
24:45Of destiny. Have you ever done like a paint and sip kind of thing?
24:50Cuz I was thinking like for a first date we could do a picnic
24:53Music I have like my little paint up setup. Okay, so are you like good at painting or you just you just do it for fun?
24:58I'm not a professional and this is just a paint and sip
25:01So it is for fun, but like I can do a little bit. What about you?
25:08Yeah, I mean it's art it's fun to do what other kind of activities I heard lifting yeah, I like to work out
25:14I've been kind of getting into like Pilates yoga
25:17You weren't standing up just a second ago. Are you I stood up a minute ago. Oh, you wanna?
25:25What made you just randomly stand up, you know, I like to I like to hear what you have to say first
25:31You know, I was listening to the conversations. I I kind of like what I heard, you know
25:35What did you like you like to travel you like to cook? Okay, so you like to travel?
25:39I like to travel I like to eat
25:41So you stood up for the food a little bit of both, you know, I mean, I just think it'll work out
25:46So, you know, I just want to introduce myself. Okay. Well, it's nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too
25:51So hopefully hopefully we can uh, we can match. I think I think it's a good thing. Okay
25:56You got 16 seconds girl, whatever you whoever you want to talk to you, whatever you want to do
26:08So, what do you think of first date
26:12Are you I'm sorry guys you guys we saw the chances of the two lineup. I get that
26:25Takes confidence to shoot your shot. How do I get that confidence?
26:29The nectar out download it right now. Let's fall in love. Let's get after
26:40How are we feeling I'm feeling good, yeah, I like everyone's demeanor mostly I like really strong like yes dominant energy
26:48Um, I like someone who kind of like just knows what they want takes charge
26:52plan states like
26:54Okay. Well you have
26:57All of these amazing choices in front of you and
27:01Let's pick one or none
27:04Hmm, this is hard. Oh my gosh
27:22Well that way I'm go plan your date have fun
27:31We've just been following each other on Instagram for like years, but we've never met nor have we even DM
27:37I don't know we've DM but like twice like we would be able to story reaction or something
27:41but like very short, but it was never like like I needed like
27:46Yeah, she is like for sure my type and I followed her for a reason. I'm sure I can't remember
27:51It's been a minute
27:52But yeah, I kind of like got dropped right here in front of me it was like a chance
27:56I just wanted to shoot my shot. I find him very attractive and his answers were just all perfect
28:01So I think everything happened in like perfectly divine timing
28:06All right, guys, there's four of you left. How are we feeling?
28:11Phenomenal, I love it. Were you like holding out for something specific? Yeah, you can feel her
28:18Should we bring her out?
28:22Let's bring her out
28:37That's it
28:44You end up staying seated the whole time yeah, so they weren't really my type I'll be completely honest
28:50Is there anyone who caught your eye care for sure, but I feel like that was a lot of people
28:54I was supporting from the sidelines. I don't always got to be the one shooting
28:56Sometimes you gotta let the boys show that is it for our bachelorettes, but look how many empty chairs there are
29:04look at this like school photo vibe like
29:09I'm so proud of you for jumping up shooting your shot and having fun
29:14Welcome back to shoot your shot same guys different girls different number of girls. Let's get into it
29:24I'm sorry. I'm the pickup line. They just don't work on me. I could only see all of you as friends. Unfortunately
29:34Thank you so much for watching wasn't that fun and
29:38Don't forget you missed a hundred percent of the shots you got
29:41And don't forget you missed a hundred percent of the shots you don't take so shoot your shot
29:48Come on. What are you waiting for? Get your booty up. Shoot your shot. Say hi to her. Say hi to him. Come on