Hamlet cz. 1 - 1985

  • 2 days ago
00:01:00Who's there?
00:01:02Who's there?
00:01:04I'm first, you answer.
00:01:06Stand up!
00:01:08Let God protect the King.
00:01:16The same.
00:01:18You're very punctual, Mr. Bernardo.
00:01:21It's only 12 o'clock.
00:01:23Go, rest, Francisco.
00:01:25I thank you for the relief,
00:01:27because I'm cold and stupid.
00:01:29You were worth it.
00:01:31The anime didn't pass.
00:01:33Good night.
00:01:39Stop, who's there?
00:01:41The Danes, friends of the country.
00:01:47So, good night.
00:01:49Good night, old man.
00:01:51Bernardo, good night.
00:01:53Good night.
00:02:03So, did you see those figures that night?
00:02:06I didn't see anything.
00:02:08I told you it was a foretaste.
00:02:10I don't want to believe the news
00:02:12about this terrible, twice-seen phenomenon.
00:02:14Last night, when that bright star
00:02:16in the west shone the same way
00:02:18where it shines now
00:02:20and the castle clock struck first,
00:02:22stop, look, there it comes again.
00:02:24You're right.
00:02:26Speak to me, you're a scientist.
00:02:28Speak to me.
00:02:30You're right.
00:02:36Who are you?
00:02:38Why do you come here at night?
00:02:40You dare to possess
00:02:42this wonderful military figure
00:02:45who was buried by the Danish monarch
00:02:48and died for life.
00:02:53I swear you to God.
00:02:58Answer me.
00:03:02He's gone.
00:03:06So, once you're gone,
00:03:08you tremble,
00:03:10you tremble all over,
00:03:12you believe it's all over,
00:03:14you believe it's all over,
00:03:16what do you think?
00:03:18God is a witness
00:03:20that I would never believe
00:03:22if it weren't for
00:03:24such a clear, tangible testimony
00:03:26of my own eyes.
00:03:30Isn't it a witch-like story
00:03:32of a dead king?
00:03:34Like you to yourself.
00:03:36He had such a weapon
00:03:38when he defeated Norway.
00:03:40I don't know
00:03:42what it could mean,
00:03:44but in my opinion
00:03:46it's a foretaste
00:03:48of the particular tremors
00:03:50in our country.
00:03:52Let's sit down.
00:03:58Let someone tell me
00:04:00what these constant
00:04:02and so strict values
00:04:04given up in the country
00:04:06worry me at night.
00:04:08What is this
00:04:10slander and
00:04:12buying up military tools
00:04:14at foreign fairs?
00:04:18This movement
00:04:20in shipyards
00:04:22where the laborer's labor
00:04:24is unrecognizable
00:04:26between Sunday and the rest of the week,
00:04:28which leads to an urgent rush
00:04:30giving the day a night
00:04:32for his companion.
00:04:34Someone explain it to me.
00:04:36I'll explain it to you.
00:04:40News about the affair
00:04:42go like this.
00:04:44The last Danish monarch
00:04:46was forced into battle
00:04:48by the Norwegian king
00:04:52who envied his power.
00:04:54Our husband
00:04:56died not so long ago.
00:04:58He laid the corpse of Fortinbras.
00:05:00And the son of this Norwegian king
00:05:02with an avant-garde
00:05:06gathered now
00:05:08from Norway
00:05:10behind Strahle and Jurgjeld
00:05:12a crowd of nameless volunteers
00:05:14who at least do not speak of cowardice
00:05:16and who, as our government
00:05:18assumes, do not rely on anything else
00:05:20to take away the power of arms
00:05:22on the road of violence
00:05:24those are the lands
00:05:26that his predecessor had lost.
00:05:30And this, as it seems to me,
00:05:32is the cause of these armaments
00:05:34the cause of our chat
00:05:36and the source of this uproar
00:05:38in the whole country.
00:05:40I think so too,
00:05:42that a new phenomenon
00:05:44in the military armour
00:05:46visits our guards
00:05:48and takes on the form
00:05:50of a heavenly king.
00:05:52This is a sign for our eyes
00:05:54of a fertile threat.
00:05:56When Rome stood at the top
00:05:58of its might
00:06:00shortly before the death
00:06:02of great Julius,
00:06:04various strange things were seen
00:06:06such as stars with tails,
00:06:08bloody rain, spots in the sun
00:06:10and a star
00:06:12ruling the states of Neptune
00:06:16as if for the final judgment.
00:06:20And the same predecessors
00:06:22of sad accidents
00:06:24who, as chasers, run before fate
00:06:26or are a prologue
00:06:28to the coming of the coming.
00:06:30Heaven and underground
00:06:32are sending now
00:06:34to our country.
00:06:36Let us go down to the vault.
00:06:40It is my request
00:06:42that we inform young Hamlet
00:06:44about what we witnessed
00:06:50Whatever is fresh in our memory
00:06:52is the death of our dear
00:06:54dear brother Hamlet.
00:06:56Whatever would be good
00:06:58for this heart to plunge in grief
00:07:00and to cover the whole country
00:07:02with a sorrowful veil,
00:07:04so much, however,
00:07:06does violence in nature
00:07:08and, speaking of it,
00:07:10we do not forget ourselves.
00:07:12Therefore, with the poison
00:07:14that, so to speak,
00:07:16from sadness to joy
00:07:18with weather in one eye
00:07:20and tears in the other
00:07:22with bouquet in hand
00:07:24and ink on lips
00:07:26balancing joy and pain.
00:07:28We have joined
00:07:30this marital bond
00:07:32once with our sister
00:07:34and then with the heir
00:07:36Whatever we did,
00:07:38we did not act
00:07:40against your wisest judgment
00:07:42which, freely revealed,
00:07:44gave this step a sanction.
00:07:46Thanks for that.
00:07:54And now know
00:07:56that young Fortinbras,
00:07:58that is, our
00:08:00underestimating value,
00:08:02that is, judging that
00:08:04our brother Hamlet
00:08:06will find no peace in this country
00:08:08and without a government
00:08:10and based only on this
00:08:12burning hope of benefit
00:08:14does not need to urge us
00:08:16by the ambassadors
00:08:18to return those lands
00:08:20which, legally,
00:08:22by the holy memory
00:08:24of our brother Hamlet
00:08:26were passed from his parents
00:08:28to the Danes.
00:08:30That's all.
00:08:32We have written
00:08:34a letter to the uncle of young Fortinbras,
00:08:36today the king of Norway,
00:08:38who could not bear
00:08:40to hear about
00:08:42the actions of his son
00:08:44to stop him
00:08:46from taking further steps
00:08:48in this matter,
00:08:50to prevent him from gathering
00:08:52the army
00:08:54and the ranks
00:08:56of his faithful subjects
00:08:58Wamses, Cornelius and Voltymand.
00:09:00We urge you
00:09:02to bring this letter
00:09:04along with a greeting
00:09:06to our king of Norway,
00:09:08without making you
00:09:10more serious
00:09:12to enter with him
00:09:14into nothing more
00:09:16than what the content
00:09:18of our higher words
00:09:22Let the haste
00:09:24praise your zeal.
00:09:26We will try
00:09:28You were to ask us
00:09:30for something
00:09:34for Aertes.
00:09:38What is the subject
00:09:40of your request?
00:09:42Speak boldly.
00:09:44So what do you demand?
00:09:46The permission of your royal majesty
00:09:48to return to France,
00:09:50from where I have come willingly
00:09:52to make a proper oath
00:09:54at the coronation of your royal majesty,
00:09:56but now,
00:09:58when I have fulfilled
00:10:00this duty,
00:10:02my wishes and thoughts
00:10:04will take me back to France,
00:10:06to which,
00:10:08in order to bow down
00:10:10and to forgive,
00:10:12I dare not to speak
00:10:14of your royal majesty.
00:10:16Does your father
00:10:18agree to this, Polonius?
00:10:20By strong requests
00:10:22he has come to my heart
00:10:24and has willingly
00:10:26placed the seal of his permission.
00:10:28Ask him not to defy
00:10:30your royal majesty.
00:10:32Go then.
00:10:34Arrange for me
00:10:36according to the will of time
00:10:38and by our grace.
00:10:40Now I turn to you,
00:10:42dear son of Hamlet.
00:10:46My son.
00:10:48A little more than a son
00:10:50and less than a son.
00:10:54What is the reason
00:10:56that the black clouds
00:10:58still surround you?
00:11:00And yes, sir,
00:11:02I am exposed
00:11:04very much to the sun.
00:11:06Dear Hamlet,
00:11:08cast off
00:11:10this gloomy colour
00:11:12and look at Denmark
00:11:14with a friendly,
00:11:16reconciled gaze.
00:11:18What is alive
00:11:20will die tomorrow.
00:11:22What is alive
00:11:24will die tomorrow.
00:11:26Today guests are here
00:11:28and tomorrow eternity
00:11:30will pass.
00:11:32This is a common thing.
00:11:34Indeed, madam,
00:11:36it is too common.
00:11:38When everything is common,
00:11:40why do you think
00:11:42it is so special?
00:11:44I think, madam,
00:11:46at least it is.
00:11:48For me, nothing
00:11:50is more special
00:11:52than this black,
00:11:56pitiful dress.
00:11:58I praise you, Hamlet,
00:12:00for your sorrow
00:12:02which you pay
00:12:04in honour of your father's memory.
00:12:06But know that your father
00:12:08also had a father
00:12:10and that he lost him
00:12:12just as he lost his father.
00:12:14A good son should
00:12:16some time
00:12:18show his heart,
00:12:20his unwavering mind
00:12:22and a bad temper.
00:12:24So cast off
00:12:26this burning sorrow
00:12:28and know that you have
00:12:30a second father in us.
00:12:32Let the whole world
00:12:34know that you are
00:12:36the closest
00:12:38to our throne
00:12:40and our heart.
00:12:42What is your intention
00:12:44to return to
00:12:46the school of Wittenberg
00:12:48is our wish
00:12:50quite the opposite.
00:12:52So we call upon you
00:12:54to stay here
00:12:56under our eye's
00:12:58loving care
00:13:00as our
00:13:02dearest courtier,
00:13:04relative and son.
00:13:06Dear Hamlet,
00:13:08do not let your mother
00:13:10ask you for nothing.
00:13:12Stay with us.
00:13:14I will obey you
00:13:16with all my strength,
00:13:18my lord.
00:13:20This kind,
00:13:24devotion of Hamlet
00:13:26has lit my heart.
00:13:28Let us go.
00:14:06How boring,
00:14:10lousy and futile
00:14:12the circle of this world is!
00:14:14It is not a ploughed garden
00:14:16but a garden
00:14:18that has grown
00:14:20only with boiling acid.
00:14:22What a shame
00:14:24that it could also come to this!
00:14:26A few months
00:14:28before he died
00:14:30and it is gone!
00:14:32Weaknesses, your name, woman!
00:14:34In one vain month
00:14:36she still tore off those branches
00:14:38in which she walked
00:14:40God, my animal,
00:14:42my foolish animal,
00:14:44I would have regretted it longer
00:14:46if I had not become
00:14:48the wife of my uncle,
00:14:50the brother of my father.
00:14:54dear prince.
00:14:56It is a pleasure to see you
00:14:58in good health.
00:15:00It is a pity
00:15:02that I forgot
00:15:04how to greet myself.
00:15:06The same as always
00:15:08Why did I bring you from Wittenberg?
00:15:10After all, it is Marcellus.
00:15:12Yes, sir.
00:15:14Good evening.
00:15:16It is a pleasure to see you, sir.
00:15:18But tell me seriously, brother,
00:15:20what brought you here from Wittenberg?
00:15:22A tendency to a vain life,
00:15:24your highness.
00:15:26I know that you are not vain.
00:15:28So what may be the purpose
00:15:30of your stay in Elsinore?
00:15:32You will learn to drink this here.
00:15:34I have come
00:15:36to see my mother.
00:15:38You have come
00:15:40to see my mother.
00:15:44it was too soon after that.
00:15:46It is a pity, brother,
00:15:48a pity.
00:15:50The burnt remains
00:15:52from the funeral pyre
00:15:54were treated
00:15:56as a wedding feast.
00:15:58My dear,
00:16:00I would rather see
00:16:02my worst enemy in heaven
00:16:04I saw him that night.
00:16:06You saw him?
00:16:10The king, the father of your princess.
00:16:12The king?
00:16:14My father?
00:16:16Be silent for a moment, sir,
00:16:18and listen carefully
00:16:20to this extraordinary report,
00:16:22which, according to the testimony
00:16:24of this Marcellus,
00:16:26I am to give you.
00:16:30For God's sake!
00:16:34What concerns
00:16:38and his empty
00:16:42consider them
00:16:44as a mother's
00:16:46caprice of hot blood.
00:16:48As a violet
00:16:50of the youthful spring,
00:16:52early but wavy,
00:16:54mild but not persistent.
00:16:56Smell a few
00:16:58only moments
00:17:00of burning.
00:17:02Nothing more.
00:17:04Nothing more?
00:17:08Think no other way.
00:17:20Perhaps he loves you
00:17:24that the purity of his will
00:17:26is without stain.
00:17:32But, considering his rank,
00:17:36that his will is not his own.
00:17:38He himself is the heir
00:17:40of his slave. He cannot, as a subordinate,
00:17:42choose only for himself.
00:17:44The security of the good
00:17:46of the whole country
00:17:48depends on his choice.
00:17:50Therefore, his choice
00:17:52must necessarily
00:17:56on the wishes
00:17:58and the consent
00:18:00of his great body,
00:18:02which is his head.
00:18:04So guard yourself
00:18:06with the best shield in this trial,
00:18:12even in yourself.
00:18:18I will place the content of this lesson
00:18:20on the guard of my heart.
00:18:24About me
00:18:26be calm.
00:18:30It's impossible.
00:18:32How alive I stand here,
00:18:34my lord.
00:18:36It's a solid truth.
00:18:38And we were obliged
00:18:40to report it to your highness.
00:18:44this sight of anxiety
00:18:46amuses me.
00:18:50Are you worth this night?
00:18:52We are, my lord.
00:18:54So it was armed?
00:18:56Yes, sir.
00:18:58So you didn't see his face?
00:19:00Of course not.
00:19:02It had been raised.
00:19:06Did it look dreadful?
00:19:10more than angry.
00:19:12It's a pity he wasn't there.
00:19:14If he were, he would have stunned you.
00:19:16Perhaps, perhaps.
00:19:18Did he play long?
00:19:20As long as someone
00:19:22would count to a hundred in a hurry.
00:19:26I will be with you today.
00:19:28Perhaps he will come again.
00:19:30He will, undoubtedly,
00:19:32if he wears my father's clothes.
00:19:34I have to talk to him.
00:19:36Even if the whole hell
00:19:38would tell me to be silent.
00:19:44As for you, my lords,
00:19:46if you have hidden this circumstance
00:19:48so far, keep it
00:19:50and whatever happens
00:19:54it will be for reason, not for language.
00:19:58We will meet on the terrace.
00:20:00I admire your prudence.
00:20:06Be my friends,
00:20:08as I am yours.
00:20:18The spirit of my father
00:20:20has left me.
00:20:24Crimes come out of the ground
00:20:26to become visible.
00:20:34What are your
00:20:40Tell me the truth.
00:20:44My father has confessed
00:20:46with his tenderness.
00:20:48With his tenderness?
00:20:52You speak like a fool,
00:20:56in dangerous matters.
00:21:00Do you believe
00:21:02this so-called
00:21:06I don't know
00:21:08what my father thinks.
00:21:10You don't?
00:21:14I will tell you.
00:21:18You are to think
00:21:20that you are a child
00:21:22when these confessions,
00:21:24these unconfessed
00:21:28make sense.
00:21:32Do you take money for good?
00:21:36He forced
00:21:38his love on me
00:21:40quite ordinarily.
00:21:42Yes, yes, because doing this
00:21:44is ordinary.
00:21:46And he claimed his words
00:21:48to be the most sacred
00:21:50of all oaths.
00:21:52A lion
00:21:54for a young sparrow.
00:22:00I know,
00:22:02when the blood boils,
00:22:04how eagerly
00:22:06an oath is put on the lips.
00:22:10In short,
00:22:12you don't want
00:22:14to waste your time
00:22:16in dealing with
00:22:18Prince Hamlet.
00:22:30I don't want
00:22:36You may go.
00:22:38I will be obedient.
00:22:44Good night.
00:22:52A sharp wind is blowing,
00:22:54taking over me.
00:22:56What is it, sir?
00:22:58Very unpleasant.
00:23:02What time is it?
00:23:04It's twelve.
00:23:06Twelve o'clock already.
00:23:08Do you see him, sir?
00:23:10My lady,
00:23:12my deputy,
00:23:14please take me
00:23:16into your care.
00:23:18My father, my benefactor,
00:23:22don't leave me in the dark.
00:23:24Tell me, what is it?
00:23:26What is the purpose of this?
00:23:28What do you want from us?
00:23:30I give you a sign, sir,
00:23:32to go with him,
00:23:34as if I wanted to talk to him myself.
00:23:36I will go with him, however...
00:23:38Don't go with him, sir.
00:23:40Let me go.
00:23:42Stop, sir, stay.
00:23:44He keeps calling me.
00:23:46Let me go, for God's sake!
00:23:48I will change the one
00:23:50who will keep me longer.
00:23:58makes him mad.
00:24:00Let's follow him,
00:24:02he will be obedient soon.
00:24:04How will it end?
00:24:06We can see
00:24:08something terrible in the Danish state.
00:24:10Let's follow him.
00:24:34THE END
00:25:22If you loved this father at all,
00:25:24you can forget
00:25:26the death of his body,
00:25:28and kill him.
00:25:30Kill him?
00:25:32Yes, kill him.
00:25:34Kill him all you want,
00:25:36but he was extraordinary,
00:25:38unheard of.
00:25:42And God will exchange him.
00:25:44He will exchange him as soon as possible,
00:25:46so that he will live like a prayer on his wings,
00:25:48so that his love will think
00:25:50and he will follow his revenge.
00:25:52Listen, then, listen, Amlete.
00:25:54Let it be known
00:25:56that during my return
00:25:58my husband was stabbed by a horse.
00:26:00Such was the reason
00:26:02for the death of my servant,
00:26:04so let it be known
00:26:06that the young knight
00:26:08who killed your father
00:26:10is wearing his crown today.
00:26:14Oh, heaven,
00:26:18I have no sense.
00:26:20When after noon,
00:26:22as usual in the garden,
00:26:24I fell asleep safely,
00:26:26two men with a bottle
00:26:28poured into my ear
00:26:30this deadly poison.
00:26:32They are coming!
00:26:34So I fell asleep,
00:26:36with my brother's hand
00:26:38I was deprived of life,
00:26:42and marriage.
00:26:46Oh, it's horrible.
00:26:54The prince is coming!
00:26:56A spark of unbearable feeling.
00:27:00Whatever method you want to use
00:27:02do not harm your soul.
00:27:06Do not do anything against the mother of demons,
00:27:08because she will leave heaven
00:27:10and those demons
00:27:12that sit deep in the souls of those present
00:27:16will make them their own.
00:27:20I bid you farewell.
00:27:22I bid you farewell.
00:27:28about me.
00:27:30My king!
00:27:34blue powers,
00:27:36oh, earth,
00:27:38what more can I call for?
00:27:40I have taken
00:27:42for a bride
00:27:44a veil,
00:27:46a smiling veil.
00:27:48I must write it down
00:27:50that you can wear
00:27:52a smile on your lips
00:27:54and be a sailor
00:27:56in Denmark at least.
00:27:58My king!
00:28:00Oh, the prince is coming!
00:28:02Oh, boy!
00:28:06Tutu, my little bird!
00:28:08And what, my lord?
00:28:10Tell us, my lord.
00:28:12That you will then scatter.
00:28:14I could do that?
00:28:16Neither could I.
00:28:18What will you say to that?
00:28:20I don't know.
00:28:22Who would judge?
00:28:26But you will be silent
00:28:28as God in heaven.
00:28:32We have nothing left.
00:28:34Then nothing more.
00:28:36But without any further fuss
00:28:38squeeze your hands
00:28:40and go with God.
00:28:42Go wherever you are interested.
00:28:44Everyone in this world
00:28:46has an interest.
00:28:48I will go and pray.
00:28:50Only words, my lord.
00:28:52I am sorry that you are offended
00:28:54from the heart.
00:28:56My lord, there is no offence here.
00:29:00I am telling you the truth.
00:29:02There is an offence here.
00:29:04A small one.
00:29:06As far as this spirit is concerned,
00:29:10it is a good spirit.
00:29:14Oh, stop it.
00:29:16What happened between him and me?
00:29:18And now,
00:29:20my dear gentlemen,
00:29:22in the name of friendship,
00:29:24do me a favour.
00:29:26What favour, my lord?
00:29:28Don't say what you saw that night.
00:29:32I won't say.
00:29:36On this.
00:29:38On honour. I won't say anything.
00:29:40Me neither. On honour.
00:29:42On this sword, rather.
00:29:44On this sword, rather.
00:29:48We have sworn, my lord.
00:29:50Swear on this sword!
00:29:52What shall we swear, my lord?
00:29:54That you will never, ever
00:29:56say anything
00:29:58about what you heard.
00:30:00Go here.
00:30:02Put your finger on my sword
00:30:04and swear
00:30:06that you will never
00:30:08say anything
00:30:10about what you heard.
00:30:12You will never say anything.
00:30:14About God.
00:30:16These are unknown things.
00:30:18You would like to know everything.
00:30:20Oh, Horace.
00:30:22There are more things
00:30:24on earth and in heaven
00:30:26than your philosopher dreamed of.
00:30:32Go here
00:30:34and first, in the name of God,
00:30:36put your finger on my sword
00:30:38and swear
00:30:40that whenever I seem
00:30:42to be a wild, strange creature,
00:30:44perhaps in the future
00:30:46I will be able to dress myself
00:30:48in such a way
00:30:50that, seeing me like this,
00:30:52none of you
00:30:54will be able
00:30:56to guess
00:30:58that you know
00:31:00anything about me.
00:31:04Swear on this.
00:31:06If you wish
00:31:08God to have mercy
00:31:10on you in your misfortune.
00:31:20We swear.
00:31:22Good morning,
00:31:24holy Valenty.
00:31:28Only now
00:31:30is something
00:31:32beginning to welcome
00:31:36A young man
00:31:38is lying with us.
00:32:04¶¶ ¶¶
00:32:34¶¶ ¶¶
00:32:58Welcome, Rosencrantz.
00:33:00Welcome, Wildenstern.
00:33:02The haste with which we called you here
00:33:04was not only the desire to see you,
00:33:06but also the need for your help.
00:33:10You probably already know
00:33:12about Hamlet's strange resurgence.
00:33:14I say resurgence
00:33:16because nothing inside him
00:33:18and outside him is what it was.
00:33:20What else,
00:33:22but the death of his father,
00:33:24could lead him to this extent
00:33:26beyond his nature,
00:33:28I do not understand at all.
00:33:30What have you grown with him?
00:33:32And with the proximity of his age
00:33:34and the thoughts of your neighbor
00:33:36would you like to have some fun
00:33:38in our court?
00:33:40Be it to tear him apart,
00:33:44or to examine
00:33:46this strange sadness
00:33:48on which,
00:33:50if we were to become aware,
00:33:52maybe we would find
00:33:54some remedy.
00:33:56If, in the proof of a kind will
00:33:58and the feeling of kindness
00:34:00you would like to spend
00:34:02some time here
00:34:04and support our hopes,
00:34:06you can count on
00:34:08such gratitude from us
00:34:10as the monarch deserves.
00:34:14May Heaven not make our efforts
00:34:18Give it to me.
00:34:22the ambassadors sent to Norway
00:34:24are already happy
00:34:26to be back.
00:34:28You have always been
00:34:30the father of good news.
00:34:32Be convinced,
00:34:34merciful sir,
00:34:36that my duties
00:34:38towards God
00:34:40and my ruler,
00:34:42as well as my soul,
00:34:44I keep in order.
00:34:46Somehow I think
00:34:48that if only this brain
00:34:50hadn't strayed
00:34:52from the path of righteousness
00:34:54which it has always taken,
00:34:56I would know the reason,
00:34:58or rather the reason
00:35:00where the source
00:35:02of Hamlet's madness comes from.
00:35:06That is what we want to know
00:35:08above all.
00:35:10Let me first listen to the ambassadors.
00:35:12My news will be
00:35:14even after the feast.
00:35:18He maintains, dear Gertrude,
00:35:20that he has discovered
00:35:22the cause of Hamlet's madness.
00:35:24In my opinion,
00:35:26it is nothing else
00:35:28but the death of our father
00:35:30and our fast relationship.
00:35:32We'll get to that.
00:35:40Welcome, gentlemen.
00:35:42What do you think
00:35:44our brother, the king of Norway,
00:35:46has done to you?
00:35:48The most polite greetings
00:35:50in exchange.
00:35:52He told us to stop
00:35:54his son's plot
00:35:56which, as he thought,
00:35:58was aimed against the Poles
00:36:00who, however,
00:36:02having looked closer,
00:36:04found them turned against
00:36:06your royal bridge.
00:36:08Displeased with such unworthy
00:36:10use of his late age
00:36:12and infirmity, he ordered
00:36:14that he should never
00:36:16raise his weapon
00:36:18against your royal bridge
00:36:20as long as he was alive.
00:36:22The old man,
00:36:24pleased with this,
00:36:26awarded him
00:36:28three thousand crowns
00:36:30of intraty
00:36:32and allowed him to use
00:36:34those troops
00:36:36against the Poles.
00:36:38He gave us this letter
00:36:40asking your royal bridge
00:36:42to pass through the Danube
00:36:44and provide them
00:36:46with safety
00:36:48in the letter.
00:36:50We'll stop at that.
00:36:52In due time
00:36:54we'll read this letter
00:36:56and think about it.
00:36:58In the meantime,
00:37:00we thank you
00:37:02for their effective efforts.
00:37:04Go and rest.
00:37:12The letter
00:37:14is ingenious.
00:37:18Dear ladies
00:37:20and gentlemen,
00:37:22I would like to define
00:37:24what majesty is,
00:37:26what a servant should be,
00:37:28why day is day
00:37:30and night is night
00:37:32and time is time.
00:37:34It would be one thing
00:37:36to want to lose
00:37:38day, night and time, my dear.
00:37:40I want to be meaningful.
00:37:42Your son
00:37:44has gone mad.
00:37:46He has gone mad
00:37:48when I say
00:37:50what madness is
00:37:52if I don't become
00:37:54a madman.
00:37:56More meaning
00:37:58in less artificial phrases.
00:38:00I swear to you, my lady,
00:38:02that I'm not good at art.
00:38:04Your son has gone mad.
00:38:06It's true.
00:38:08It's true that it is
00:38:10both unhappiness and unhappiness
00:38:12that it is true.
00:38:14He's gone mad again
00:38:16despite the will of something rhetorical.
00:38:18All artificial phrases
00:38:20are based on the fact
00:38:22that your son has gone mad.
00:38:24All right.
00:38:26Now let's examine
00:38:28the cause of this madness.
00:38:30I have a daughter.
00:38:32I have her because she is mine.
00:38:34Well, this girl
00:38:36has given me
00:38:38this letter
00:38:40on my behalf
00:38:42and on my order.
00:38:44Listen to this.
00:38:46To the heavenly deity of my soul
00:38:48a thousand thanks
00:38:50O beautiful Ophelia.
00:38:52Well, beautiful is not an appropriate expression.
00:38:54Doubt whether the stars
00:38:56shine in the sky.
00:38:58Doubt whether the sun rises.
00:39:00Doubt whether the truth
00:39:02shines in the water.
00:39:04Doubt whether I love you.
00:39:06O dearest Ophelia,
00:39:08I do not run in the rain.
00:39:10I do not know how to chant my hymns
00:39:12but I love you very, very much.
00:39:14I love you.
00:39:16You know this.
00:39:18Be healthy forever
00:39:20as long as this machine
00:39:22remains his property. Amen.
00:39:24My obedient daughter
00:39:26has shown me this
00:39:28and with my ears
00:39:30she has discovered
00:39:32all of his charms.
00:39:36And how did she perceive
00:39:38these charms of his?
00:39:40What do you think of me, my dear Ophelia?
00:39:42I think that you are a righteous
00:39:44and honorable man.
00:39:46I have always tried to show myself
00:39:48like this.
00:39:50Just now I told my girl
00:39:52that Hamlet is a prince
00:39:54beyond your sphere.
00:39:56There will be nothing of it
00:39:58and just now I gave her instructions
00:40:00and she did not listen
00:40:02to his visits,
00:40:04to his tickets,
00:40:06to his gifts.
00:40:08She listened.
00:40:10And he,
00:40:12to put it briefly,
00:40:14immediately fell into sadness,
00:40:16then into insomnia,
00:40:20then into distress,
00:40:22then into pain,
00:40:24then into fever
00:40:26and so on,
00:40:28which is now
00:40:30affecting him
00:40:32with our great sadness.
00:40:34What do you think of it?
00:40:38It could be.
00:40:40Take it off
00:40:42if it is not so.
00:40:46When the ability allows
00:40:48I will discover the truth
00:40:50even if it is hidden
00:40:52inside the earth.
00:40:54How could we check it?
00:40:58You know,
00:41:00sometimes for a few hours
00:41:02I used to walk
00:41:04around the gallery.
00:41:06Is it possible to do it
00:41:08as usual?
00:41:10When the ability allows
00:41:12I will bring here my daughter,
00:41:14your royal brides.
00:41:16Then she and I
00:41:18could hide in the gallery
00:41:20under the shadows
00:41:22and witness
00:41:24this meeting.
00:41:26And if he does not love her
00:41:28and, as a result of this,
00:41:30loses his senses,
00:41:32let him be a simple
00:41:36or a cripple.
00:41:56How are you,
00:41:58our noble prince,
00:42:04thank God.
00:42:06Do you know
00:42:08who I am?
00:42:12I know perfectly well
00:42:14that you are a fisherman.
00:42:16I really am not,
00:42:18Your Highness.
00:42:20Even worse.
00:42:22I would advise you
00:42:24to be honest.
00:42:26Your Highness?
00:42:28That's right,
00:42:30to be honest.
00:42:32In the history of this world
00:42:34there is only one thing
00:42:36that is chosen
00:42:38among thousands.
00:42:40You are right,
00:42:42Your Highness.
00:42:44If the sun is born
00:42:46in a dead worm,
00:42:48the rays of God
00:42:50kiss it.
00:42:52It is a blessing
00:42:56but if your daughter were to rest,
00:42:58you would surely not bless her.
00:43:02What do you read,
00:43:04my prince?
00:43:06Words, words, words.
00:43:08May I ask
00:43:10about the content
00:43:12of whose?
00:43:14Of the book
00:43:16you read,
00:43:18my prince.
00:43:20Only the face.
00:43:22This scoundrel keeps
00:43:24that old people have grey beards,
00:43:26wrinkles on their faces,
00:43:28that they have a runny nose,
00:43:30that they have no cheekbones,
00:43:32and a huge chin.
00:43:34I give faith to all this.
00:43:36I don't think
00:43:38it's time to write about it.
00:43:40That's a crazy method.
00:43:42Could you go down,
00:43:44my prince?
00:43:46From this world?
00:43:48I will go down
00:43:50when the time is right.
00:43:52Will you allow me,
00:43:54Your Highness,
00:43:56to deprive you
00:43:58of my presence?
00:44:00You cannot deprive me,
00:44:02my lord, of anything
00:44:04I would not willingly give up
00:44:06if I were to live.
00:44:08If I were to live.
00:44:10If I were to live.
00:44:14Farewell, my prince.
00:44:19Boring old fool.
00:44:34My dear prince.
00:44:36My dear prince.
00:44:38My dear, good friends.
00:44:40How are you, Rosencrantz,
00:44:44How are you, my boys?
00:44:46You look like insignificant people.
00:44:48Happy because we are not too happy.
00:44:50Fortune's spade, we are not a goose.
00:44:52But her three wives did not come.
00:44:54Oh no, my lord.
00:44:58you live with her belt,
00:45:00or rather in the center of her belt.
00:45:02Yes, in her private apartments.
00:45:04What a shame.
00:45:06Fortune is not a good woman.
00:45:08What's the matter?
00:45:10Nothing, my lord.
00:45:12I just came from bed.
00:45:14So the day of judgment is near.
00:45:16But the news is not true.
00:45:18And now a more detailed question.
00:45:20Tell me,
00:45:22what did Fortune hide in
00:45:24that she put you in prison?
00:45:26In prison?
00:45:28Dania is a prison.
00:45:30So their world is also...
00:45:32In a great one,
00:45:34full of thugs,
00:45:36Dania is one of the worst.
00:45:42we don't think so, my lord.
00:45:46But she is not for you.
00:45:48She is a prison for me.
00:45:50Your pride, Dania, is too tight for her.
00:45:52Oh God,
00:45:54I could be locked up in a nut cage
00:45:56and still feel the heat of an unlimited space
00:45:58if I didn't have bad dreams.
00:46:00And these dreams are the product of pride.
00:46:02Pride is nothing but a shadow of dreams.
00:46:04Dreams themselves are nothing but a shadow.
00:46:08Pride in my eyes is so airy
00:46:10that it should be called a shadow of a shadow.
00:46:12In the same way,
00:46:14that brothers are bodies
00:46:16and our monarchs are the heroes of shadows.
00:46:22But tell me,
00:46:24what are you doing in Elsinore?
00:46:26We wanted to visit you,
00:46:28your highness.
00:46:30You are complaining so much about me
00:46:32that I even thanked God.
00:46:34But I thank you
00:46:36from the bottom of my heart.
00:46:40You came to visit me
00:46:42of your own free will.
00:46:46You weren't sent after you.
00:46:50Tell me.
00:46:52Tell me.
00:46:54Be honest.
00:46:56What should we tell him, your highness?
00:47:00As long as it makes sense.
00:47:02You were sent after you.
00:47:04I can see in your eyes
00:47:06some kind of conviction
00:47:08that your modesty is trying to cover up.
00:47:10I know that the loving king and queen
00:47:12were sent after you.
00:47:14For what purpose, your highness?
00:47:16That's what I want to know from you.
00:47:20But I implore you
00:47:22for the rights of friendship,
00:47:24for our youth,
00:47:26for the duties of our friendship,
00:47:28for everything that is most sacred
00:47:30and for which a better speaker
00:47:32was sent after you or not.
00:47:34If you wish me well,
00:47:36tell me the truth.
00:47:38You were indeed sent after us.
00:47:46I'll tell you for what purpose.
00:47:48This way my conviction
00:47:50will prevent your talkativeness
00:47:52and your discretion will not be discredited.
00:47:54For some time now
00:47:56I don't know where I lost my sense of humor.
00:47:58I threw away my old habits
00:48:00and became so gloomy
00:48:02that this beautiful land
00:48:04seems to me like a desert.
00:48:08This magnificent building up there,
00:48:12this wonderfully hanging firmament,
00:48:14this majestic space
00:48:16sprinkled with golden sparks,
00:48:20is nothing else in my eyes
00:48:22but a wasteful, contagious collection of excrements.
00:48:24And what a perfect creature
00:48:26a human being is.
00:48:28As great by reason,
00:48:30as inexhaustible in abilities,
00:48:32as noble
00:48:34in attitude and in actions.
00:48:38At least similar to an angel,
00:48:40with the capacity of being close to God.
00:48:42He is a decoration
00:48:44and a pride of the world.
00:48:46And yet what is this quintessence of dust
00:48:48for me?
00:48:50The sons of the earth
00:48:52do not attract me, nor her daughters.
00:48:54However, judging by your smile,
00:48:56you seem to think so.
00:48:58No, such a thought
00:49:00does not cross my mind.
00:49:02Then why did you smile
00:49:04when I said that the sons of the earth
00:49:06do not attract me?
00:49:08I would like to think
00:49:10what kind of reception
00:49:12will be received by the actors
00:49:14whom we met on the way
00:49:16and who are striving here
00:49:18to offer their services
00:49:20to Your Highness.
00:49:24What kind of actors are they?
00:49:26The same ones
00:49:28who used to please You, Your Highness.
00:49:30Are they as popular
00:49:32as when I was in the capital?
00:49:34Do they always have a large audience?
00:49:36Not really now.
00:49:40Have they abandoned themselves in art?
00:49:42At least.
00:49:44But their efforts always go in a straight line.
00:49:46Only a flock of small, theatrical Indians
00:49:48has spread there,
00:49:50and the authorities
00:49:52get paid for it.
00:49:54They are in fashion now.
00:49:56No wonder.
00:49:58My uncle is the king of Duński.
00:50:00And those who used to
00:50:02scratch my father's face
00:50:04now pay him 40, 50
00:50:06and 100 ducats
00:50:08for his portrait in miniature.
00:50:12You were nice guests to me, Your Highness.
00:50:14Give me your hands.
00:50:16You were received with open arms.
00:50:18You were deceived.
00:50:20How so, Your Highness?
00:50:22I'm crazy.
00:50:24Only in the north-west wind.
00:50:26When it blows from the south,
00:50:28I can tell
00:50:30a hawk
00:50:32from a heron.
00:50:38Good news, gentlemen!
00:50:40Happy news!
00:50:42Listen to him, Guildenstern,
00:50:44and you too.
00:50:46I warn you that actors
00:50:48come to us.
00:50:50You are right.
00:50:52It was on Monday morning.
00:50:54I have to tell you
00:50:56something new, Your Highness.
00:50:58I have to tell you something new.
00:51:00When Rostius was an actor in Rome...
00:51:02Actors came, Your Highness.
00:51:04Oh, my!
00:51:06Oh, my!
00:51:08It's an honor, Your Highness.
00:51:10So every actor
00:51:12came to Ośle.
00:51:16Oh, my!
00:51:26I heard you once
00:51:28claiming a certain admission.
00:51:30An admission of a play
00:51:32that was never played
00:51:34or at most once,
00:51:36because, as far as I remember,
00:51:38the audience didn't like it.
00:51:40If you remember,
00:51:42start from this verse
00:51:44It doesn't start like that, but always from Perus.
00:51:48A terrible Perus, whose armor is black as his mind.
00:51:52It was said that until that night, when he lay hidden in the evil horse,
00:51:57he had turned his terrible form into a wilder color.
00:52:01He was red from head to toe.
00:52:04He was stained with the blood of fathers, mothers, daughters, sons,
00:52:07from the hell of the burning city, which shone with a cursed glow
00:52:11on the murderers of his master, burned with anger and fire,
00:52:15and his eyes were like carbuncles,
00:52:18and his eyes were like carbuncles,
00:52:22looking for the hellish Perus of the sinful old man Pluryam.
00:52:26You declare the Prince's love with perfection,
00:52:30donation and a drop of voice.
00:52:33Go on.
00:52:41I've finally found him.
00:52:44Weak against the grip of the oppressor.
00:52:48His rusty sword, rebelled against his arm.
00:52:52Listen, old man.
00:52:54Can you play the murder of Gonzaga?
00:52:57Of course.
00:52:58Then play it for me tomorrow.
00:53:00Couldn't you, if necessary, learn 12 or 15 poems,
00:53:06which I would write and include in your role?
00:53:08Why not?
00:53:12Please, recite this piece so smoothly, effortlessly.
00:53:16If you have to scold, as some of our actors do,
00:53:19I prefer my poems to be recited by a city fool.
00:53:27Don't hold your breath in such a way.
00:53:30Rather, be the master of your movements.
00:53:33Among the greatest flow, or, so to speak,
00:53:35the vortex of passion, you have to maintain moderation,
00:53:38be able to create a semblance of peace in your inner storm.
00:53:42I have no complaints.
00:53:44When I see a barren storm in Peru,
00:53:47I feel like I'm in Gaugan.
00:53:49I'm making a real fool of myself
00:53:51to please the ears of the community,
00:53:53which, in most cases, loves only in incomprehensible gestures and in regret.
00:53:56Learn this.
00:53:57I assure your highness.
00:54:01Don't be, on the other hand, too soft.
00:54:04Use the action to the word and the word to the action,
00:54:07having above all this in mind that you do not cross the boundaries of nature.
00:54:11Everything that is exaggerated is contrary to the intention of the theatre,
00:54:15whose purpose, as old as it is now,
00:54:18is to serve as a mirror of nature,
00:54:21to show the value of its own features,
00:54:24the anger of its living image,
00:54:26and the world and the spirit of the age,
00:54:29the figure of their spot.
00:54:37all of you who are sitting in the court of Olympus,
00:54:43take away its power,
00:54:46break the spurs and the bells of its wheels
00:54:50and throw the round fist from the top of the sky
00:54:54into the infernal abyss of hell.
00:54:57This is too long.
00:54:58So, together with your brother, he will go to Balvier.
00:55:01He needs a jacket or a coat from the flea market.
00:55:05Go on, go to Hecuba now.
00:55:13But who saw the unhappy queen,
00:55:16how she was scorned?
00:55:18How she was scorned?
00:55:21She ran here and there,
00:55:23barefoot, with a shag on the same head,
00:55:25which she had recently adorned with a diadem.
00:55:28She came to the city of dresses in a rag,
00:55:31in a moment after the flea market.
00:55:34Oh, who would have seen it?
00:55:37This one, with his yellowed tongue,
00:55:39would have been taken against his fortune
00:55:41by the last blasphemy.
00:55:43And if heaven had seen her,
00:55:46at the moment when Prussia looked at her,
00:55:49with the wild joy of a cutting sword,
00:55:51at her husband's body,
00:55:53at the outbreak of her pain,
00:55:56he would have been in their radiant eyes,
00:55:59if only the things of this world could move them.
00:56:02He would have squeezed out of the second dew,
00:56:05and in the embrace of the gods...
00:56:08That's enough!
00:56:13You will tell me the rest another time.
00:56:18I would like to see
00:56:20that these people are well-fed.
00:56:23Let them find a good reception,
00:56:25because they are a living chronicler of time.
00:56:28It would be better for your nobility
00:56:30to get an ungrateful inscription on the tomb
00:56:32than their life-long testimony on the stage.
00:56:35I will deal with them according to their merits.
00:56:38It would be better for God
00:56:40if we dealt with each one according to his merits.
00:56:42Who would avoid a fight?
00:56:45Deal with them, your nobility,
00:56:47according to your dignity and nobility.
00:56:50Take them away.
00:56:53Yes, sir.
00:57:15It's done. Let's go, sir.
00:57:24To be or not to be?
00:57:27That is the question.
00:57:30For is it more worthy
00:57:32to bear the treacherous fortune
00:57:34without counterattacks and arrows?
00:57:37Or to fall with a weapon in one's hand,
00:57:40to die, to sleep, all that,
00:57:43to be or not to be?
00:57:46To be or not to be?
00:57:49To die, to sleep, all that,
00:57:52to appease both the pain of the heart
00:57:55and the suffering of the natural body with sleep.
00:57:58Would it not be the happiest end,
00:58:01to die and to sleep, to sleep?
00:58:06Or maybe you are dreaming of something.
00:58:10I don't know what kind of witchcraft
00:58:12they can haunt us with
00:58:14when death casts us into the jaws of sleep.
00:58:17I can't help it.
00:58:20There are other, more ordinary torments.
00:58:24To die can only mean to lose the battle
00:58:31and to carry the burden of defeat to old age.
00:58:35To remember the blows not only to the body, but also to the soul.
00:58:40To empty the unhealed wounds of memories,
00:58:42always lonely everywhere,
00:58:44and to forget the fate of the victors.
00:58:48Aren't we afraid to be a laughingstock of the noble courtiers,
00:58:51an unwanted guest and an intruder
00:58:53before whom I used to accompany the throne?
00:58:57So, should we choose a merciless disguise,
00:59:00petty everyday lies and deceits,
00:59:03consent to harm and vile cowardice,
00:59:05which in the end makes us from an ally
00:59:07of every filth given by force?
00:59:11Or should we choose a battle
00:59:13in which we can lose the peace,
00:59:16the gains of friendship,
00:59:20the homeland?
00:59:28After all, even this vain substitute,
00:59:30which is only worth calling life,
00:59:34becomes a treasure in the face of the void of death
00:59:38and prolongs our earthly misery.
00:59:44For who would want to bear the weight of pride,
00:59:48the crimes of tyrants and the crimes of the landowners,
00:59:51the breaking of the law, the impunity of the courts,
00:59:54the evil of the value of love,
00:59:57the humiliations that are a part of the merits of the honest,
01:00:00if they could free themselves from this shame
01:00:02with a piece of iron?
01:00:05For who would want to bear the weight of life
01:00:09in the face of the void of death?
01:00:14If the fear of something beyond the grave,
01:00:16of the lands unknown,
01:00:18from which no traveller has been able to return,
01:00:21did not weaken our will to act
01:00:24and did not help to bear the suffering already known,
01:00:28to seek the city with the escape of the unknown.
01:00:40So, entertainment
01:00:43makes us cowards.
01:00:48The healthy blush of our decisions,
01:00:54a sickly coat of filth,
01:00:58intentions full of power and meaning,
01:01:02worn out,
01:01:05weakened in running,
01:01:08lose their meaning.
01:01:18What do I see?
01:01:21A beautiful Ophelia.
01:01:35in your prayers remember my sins.
01:01:40How is the health of your princess Mośc
01:01:44since the days of Tyla?
01:01:50Thank me humbly.
01:01:55I still have a few small souvenirs from you, sir.
01:01:59I longed to return them.
01:02:01Take them away, please.
01:02:05As a living being, I can never give you anything.
01:02:08You know well, Mośc, that you did it.
01:02:10And you colored your souvenirs with words
01:02:13that raise the value of all things.
01:02:16The smell of them has flown away.
01:02:22Take them back, sir.
01:02:25In the eyes of the dead.
01:02:27Take them back, sir.
01:02:29Because in the eyes of every noble-minded person
01:02:33the most precious gifts become worthless
01:02:37when the giver is dead.
01:02:42Here they are.
01:02:58Are you honest?
01:03:01Mośc, my prince.
01:03:06Are you beautiful?
01:03:08What do these questions mean?
01:03:12That if you are honest and beautiful,
01:03:15your honesty should have nothing to do with beauty.
01:03:19What do you mean, sir?
01:03:21Can beauty be better than honesty?
01:03:26But beauty will turn honesty into a trifle
01:03:31faster than the influence of honesty
01:03:33can turn beauty into its heel.
01:03:38I loved you.
01:03:41Long ago.
01:03:44You gave me this, my prince, to understand.
01:03:57You didn't have to understand like that.
01:04:00I didn't love you at all.
01:04:05All the more so.
01:04:07I was disappointed.
01:04:17Go to the monastery.
01:04:20What's the point of multiplying sinners?
01:04:23I am honest myself.
01:04:26And yet I could accuse myself of such things
01:04:29that it would be better if my mother didn't give birth to me.
01:04:32I am more attached to them than to the authorities of my mind.
01:04:35I am greedy, proud, greedy for power.
01:04:38I am more attached to them than to the authorities of my mind.
01:04:41We are all arsiculti.
01:04:43Don't trust any of us.
01:04:45Go to the monastery as soon as possible.
01:04:47Where is your father?
01:04:50In Mośc's house, my prince.
01:04:52Then lock him up.
01:04:54So that he doesn't play the role of a tramp anywhere,
01:04:56but in his own house.
01:04:58Be healthy.
01:04:59Please have mercy on me.
01:05:01If you want to marry,
01:05:03I'll give you these provisions.
01:05:05Even if you were like pure snow, like ice,
01:05:07you won't leave your promise.
01:05:09Go to the monastery.
01:05:14And if you really want to marry,
01:05:16then marry a fool.
01:05:18Because sensible people know well
01:05:20that if you really want to marry,
01:05:22then marry a fool.
01:05:24Go to the monastery as soon as possible.
01:05:28Oh, I hate you.
01:05:30Please have mercy on him.
01:05:32I have also heard about your painting.
01:05:34You don't have much in one face,
01:05:36kept from God.
01:05:38You only make up.
01:05:40You make up.
01:05:42You make up.
01:05:44You hate words.
01:05:46You despise divine creation.
01:05:48You are a man of naivety.
01:05:50You make up.
01:05:52You make up.
01:05:54You make up.
01:05:56I don't want to look at it anymore.
01:05:58It drives me mad.
01:06:00You make up.
01:06:02It's worth marrying a man from now on.
01:06:04Those who have already married,
01:06:06live happily,
01:06:08live in health.
01:06:18Go to the monastery.
01:06:22Go to the monastery!
01:06:36Her symptoms are not like that.
01:06:40What he said,
01:06:42although a little bit without connection,
01:06:44did not carry the features of madness at all.
01:06:46His gloominess is gloomy.
01:06:48Something evil is coming out of him.
01:06:50What has fallen out of the egg
01:06:52could be lost.
01:06:56Desiring to prevent evil,
01:06:58fresh in my mind,
01:07:00I decided
01:07:02to send him directly to England.
01:07:04The purpose...
01:07:08Maybe this journey
01:07:12can expel
01:07:14this something
01:07:16that his thoughts
01:07:18revolve around.
01:07:20What do you think of it?
01:07:22It may be good.
01:07:24Send him to England, sir,
01:07:32lock him
01:07:34where your wisdom
01:07:36will show.
01:07:40Good advice
01:07:44from the wise
01:07:48must be warned
01:08:00Oh, how the noble spirit
01:08:02has been shaken!
01:08:04The court, the leader, the wise,
01:08:06the tone, the sword, the mind,
01:08:08the purpose of the world's attention
01:08:10All this...
01:08:12All is turned upside down.
01:08:16And I,
01:08:18of all the most noble women,
01:08:20I am condemned to see
01:08:22this wonderful chosen soul
01:08:24like a broken bell
01:08:26with a tangled shroud.
01:08:36Oh, why did I have
01:08:38to see what I see,
01:08:40to see what I saw?
01:08:48Chorazzi, what do you want?
01:08:52you are the most honest
01:08:54of the people I have ever met.
01:08:56Oh, sir...
01:08:58Don't think I want to bribe you.
01:09:00What could I expect from you?
01:09:02Who would bribe a poor man?
01:09:04Listen, there is one scene
01:09:09pay full attention to my uncle.
01:09:11Don't take your eyes off him.
01:09:13I will keep an eye on him, too.
01:09:15Then we will combine our observations
01:09:17into a definitive conclusion.
01:09:19Very well, sir.
01:09:21If he steals my devotion
01:09:23and leaves intact,
01:09:25I will pay for this theft.
01:09:27They are on their way.
01:09:37How is our son Hamlet?
01:09:41He lives like a chameleon,
01:09:43full of promises.
01:09:45You couldn't have taught him
01:09:47better than this.
01:09:49I have nothing to do
01:09:51with this answer.
01:09:53These words don't belong to me.
01:09:55Nor do they belong to me now.
01:09:57Oh, you were playing
01:09:59at the university,
01:10:01if I'm not mistaken.
01:10:03This is my prince.
01:10:06I had the reputation of a good actor.
01:10:08What did you play?
01:10:10I played Julius Caesar
01:10:12and I was killed on Capitol Hill.
01:10:14Brutus killed me.
01:10:16What kind of brutality was that
01:10:18from his side,
01:10:20to kill such a capital body there?
01:10:22Come here, dear Hamlet,
01:10:24sit next to me.
01:10:26Forgive me, mother,
01:10:28this metal is more attractive.
01:10:30Did you hear that, sir?
01:10:32Would you like me to sit on your lap?
01:10:37No, my dear prince.
01:10:39There is a head
01:10:41on your lap.
01:10:44You can, my prince.
01:10:47Do you think that I had
01:10:49something else in mind?
01:10:51I don't think anything.
01:10:53It would be a bad idea
01:10:55to lie between the legs of a girl.
01:11:03My prince, you are happy today.
01:11:05Oh, I am only your happy one.
01:11:08Besides, what can a man do
01:11:10if he is not happy?
01:11:12Here, for example, is my mother.
01:11:14Look, madam, how radiant she looks.
01:11:16Although my father
01:11:18died two hours ago.
01:11:20Two times two months ago, my prince.
01:11:22So long ago.
01:11:25For God's sake.
01:11:27So there is hope
01:11:29that these five great people
01:11:31will survive for half a year.
01:12:59What was that?
01:13:25What was that?
01:13:27It was a Hultajski Bigos.
01:13:29We will find out from this guy.
01:13:31Actors can't keep their tongue
01:13:33behind their teeth.
01:13:35They have to spit it all out.
01:13:43Gentlemen and ladies,
01:13:47for us and for our drama
01:13:49we beg you
01:13:51to be respectful.
01:13:57It was short.
01:13:59Like the love of a woman.
01:14:03Thirty times
01:14:05Feba Rumaki
01:14:07circled the circle of Tellus
01:14:09and spread
01:14:11through the Neptune.
01:14:13And thirty times,
01:14:15twelve times in turn,
01:14:17the moon
01:14:19over the heads of the earth
01:14:21lit up and faded.
01:14:23When Amor
01:14:25when Amor's
01:14:29joined his hands
01:14:31with a knot
01:14:33which will probably
01:14:35untie after death.
01:14:37Let us count
01:14:39so many moons and suns
01:14:41as love,
01:14:43and we will live to the end.
01:14:45But, ah,
01:14:47for some time now,
01:14:49in your health, in your mood,
01:14:51there has been a change.
01:14:53I will leave you, and soon.
01:14:55The strength
01:14:57of my humble servant
01:14:59is diminishing.
01:15:01You will stay.
01:15:03You will live
01:15:05in this beautiful world,
01:15:11and maybe you will be wed
01:15:13to a second husband.
01:15:15Oh, stop these words.
01:15:17Such a thought
01:15:19would be a crime in my hand.
01:15:21I would be condemned
01:15:23to be wed to a second husband.
01:15:25Only such a second husband
01:15:27can become the wife of the first one.
01:15:29Only vile fetters
01:15:31stick to repeated relationships,
01:15:33but never to feelings.
01:15:35The killer of the first one
01:15:37repeatedly strangles him
01:15:39when he introduces his new husband
01:15:41into the bed.
01:15:43How do you like this play, ma'am?
01:15:45I think
01:15:47this lady is preaching too much.
01:15:49Do you know the content of this play, Hamlet?
01:15:51Doesn't it contain anything
01:15:55Nothing. They are only joking.
01:15:57What is the title of this play?
01:15:59The Hand on the Mouse.
01:16:01Where did you come from?
01:16:03From Przenośnie. It presents the murder
01:16:05committed in Vienna.
01:16:07The murdered priest's name is Gozago,
01:16:09his wife is a baptist,
01:16:11but what do we care?
01:16:13We all have a clear conscience,
01:16:15Your Majesty.
01:16:17I'm sorry, Your Majesty.
01:16:21My thoughts are getting mixed up.
01:16:23Maybe I'll sleep.
01:16:25I'll fall asleep.
01:16:35Let the thinnest dreams
01:16:37and all evil
01:16:39pass our doorstep.
01:16:41This is a certain Lucian,
01:16:43the king's son.
01:16:47Go on, murderer.
01:16:49The crow is already
01:16:51crowing his revenge.
01:16:53The thought is black,
01:16:55the hand is firm,
01:16:57the flow is brave,
01:16:59the time is favourable,
01:17:01no one's presence
01:17:03is hindered.
01:17:05A grey leap
01:17:07into the midnight
01:17:09of murderous
01:17:13three times cooked
01:17:15by your curse,
01:17:17your magical power,
01:17:19terrible in its development,
01:17:21show me,
01:17:23in this healthy
01:17:35A third one in his own garden
01:17:37for plundering his kingdom.
01:17:39His name is Gonzago,
01:17:41an authentic thing,
01:17:43eloquently described in Italian.
01:17:45Now we'll see
01:17:47how the murderer
01:17:49gains his wife's love.
01:17:51What's the matter, sir?
01:17:57More light.
01:18:01End the spectacle!
01:18:11Let the crows roar!
01:18:15The grave is rumbling!
01:18:17Someone's not sleeping,
01:18:19so that someone could sleep!
01:18:21This is what's happening!
01:18:29Corazzi, you saw it.
01:18:31When it was about the poison,
01:18:33I thought it was good.
01:18:35What? There's no poison?
01:18:37If the King of Comedy
01:18:39doesn't like peonies,
01:18:41the King of Moist Comedy
01:18:43is not a lover!
01:18:45There are poisons.
01:18:47Prince Moist,
01:18:49may I say one word?
01:18:51How many are there in the dictionary?
01:18:53Prince Moist, the King...
01:18:55What does the King do to you?
01:18:57I've been very fond of him since I left.
01:18:59From drinking?
01:19:01If I were him,
01:19:03I'd go to the doctor.
01:19:05If I were him,
01:19:07it would make him even more yellow.
01:19:09Don't go back on your word!
01:19:19I've had enough.
01:19:23The Queen,
01:19:25the mother of his Prince Moist,
01:19:27has sent us for you
01:19:29to greet you.
01:19:31I'm glad to greet you.
01:19:33No, Prince Moist,
01:19:35it's not the right time.
01:19:37If your Prince Moist
01:19:39would like to give us a sound answer,
01:19:41we'll follow his mother's orders.
01:19:43I can't.
01:19:45What is it, Prince Moist?
01:19:47To give you a sound answer,
01:19:49because I'm sick.
01:19:51I'll serve my mother,
01:19:53so let's get straight to the point.
01:19:55You say, gentlemen,
01:19:57that my mother...
01:19:59Not only that,
01:20:01she admires and admires your Prince Moist.
01:20:03Admirable son,
01:20:05who admires his mother so much.
01:20:07Isn't there a post-scriptum
01:20:09under this maternal admiration?
01:20:11I wish you to see her
01:20:13before you go to bed.
01:20:15I'll obey her,
01:20:17even if she's been my mother ten times.
01:20:21Do you have anything else to say?
01:20:27Prince Moist,
01:20:29there was a time when you liked me.
01:20:31And even now.
01:20:35Prince Moist,
01:20:37what torments you?
01:20:41I have no future.
01:20:43What do you mean?
01:20:45The King himself
01:20:47assures your Prince Moist
01:20:49the succession of the Danish throne.
01:20:57What are you doing around me
01:20:59as if you wanted to drive me into a foxhole?
01:21:03if I've made you too bold,
01:21:05let her explain my attachment.
01:21:09I don't understand it well.
01:21:13Please play this flute.
01:21:17I can't, Prince Moist.
01:21:21I really can't.
01:21:23How do you love me?
01:21:27How do you want to get the voice of Prince Moist?
01:21:29It's as easy as lying.
01:21:31Put your fingers through the holes.
01:21:33Put the end in your mouth
01:21:35and you'll get the loudest tone.
01:21:37But I can't get
01:21:39any melody.
01:21:41I don't know this one.
01:21:43Now look at me.
01:21:45You'd like to play on me,
01:21:47to convince yourself
01:21:49that you know my mechanism,
01:21:51to squeeze out the whole scale of tones,
01:21:53to rip out the core of my mystery.
01:21:55Do you think it's easier to play on me
01:21:57than on a flute?
01:22:03Whatever instrument you want,
01:22:05play it.
01:22:07You can upset me,
01:22:09but you'll never play on me.
01:22:13Welcome, Mr. Dobrodziej.
01:22:15Your Royal Highness.
01:22:17The Queen Mother
01:22:19wishes to speak
01:22:21with Your Royal Highness
01:22:23in a moment.
01:22:27Do you see this cloud
01:22:29similar to a camel?
01:22:31Indeed, it's a camel.
01:22:33I think it's similar
01:22:35to a moose.
01:22:37Yes, it's similar
01:22:39to a moose.
01:22:41Or to a whale.
01:22:43That's true.
01:22:45A real whale.
01:22:49I'll go to the Queen Mother.
01:22:51I'm in a hurry to inform her.
01:22:57Leave me alone, my friend.
01:23:11Who's going to blame me for this?
01:23:17Who's going to take the blame
01:23:19and hang me upside down,
01:23:21spit in my face,
01:23:23throw lies into my eyes?
01:23:25Who's going to do that?
01:23:27But I'd deserve it.
01:23:29Because I really must have
01:23:31a dove's tenderness
01:23:33and a lack of a yellow
01:23:35that gives bitterness
01:23:37the feeling of harm
01:23:39when I still haven't
01:23:41fed a flock of dogs
01:23:43with the blood of this bastard.
01:23:49You can't believe this!
01:23:51It wouldn't be a disaster
01:23:53if we were to let go
01:23:55of this madness.
01:23:57So be prepared.
01:23:59If you receive the preparations
01:24:01immediately go to England with him.
01:24:03The good of our country
01:24:05doesn't allow us
01:24:07to suffer such a close-knit
01:24:11where his tricks
01:24:13expose us more and more.
01:24:15We'll be prepared.
01:24:17Holiness is the pride
01:24:19of your royal family
01:24:21because it's about the safety
01:24:23of so many thousands of people
01:24:25who live under its shadow.
01:24:27Every private life
01:24:29has to defend itself
01:24:31with all its strength
01:24:33and courage.
01:24:35And what about the life
01:24:37of millions?
01:24:39Never without the sound
01:24:41of the general cries
01:24:43of the king.
01:24:45We have to crush
01:24:47this fear which is now
01:24:49too much of a hoax.
01:25:01Calumny and crimes.
01:25:05Cooks in heaven.
01:25:11The oldest crime
01:25:13is the stigma
01:25:17of brotherly murder.
01:25:31I can't pray
01:25:35although the need
01:25:37equals the will.
01:25:39The power
01:25:41of my will.
01:25:45When a man is divided
01:25:47in action
01:25:49I stand, wavering.
01:25:51What do I have to do
01:25:53and do nothing?
01:25:55Like this.
01:25:59Even if
01:26:01this cursed hand
01:26:03was two times
01:26:05so dirty
01:26:07from the blood of my brother.
01:26:09The black sky
01:26:11has no roots to wash it off
01:26:13until it turns white
01:26:15like snow.
01:26:19What is grace for
01:26:21if not to forgive
01:26:23the guilty?
01:26:27What are prayers
01:26:29if not this double strength
01:26:31able to support us
01:26:33when we are to fall
01:26:35or rise again
01:26:37from the ground?
01:26:41I look up
01:26:45my error
01:26:47is gone.
01:26:59what kind of prayer
01:27:01can be helpful to me?
01:27:03Forgive me
01:27:07cowardly murder.
01:27:11It can't be
01:27:13because I still have
01:27:15all that led me to murder
01:27:17the crown,
01:27:19the power, the wife, the brother.
01:27:23It can be a sinner
01:27:27who holds the veil of sin.
01:27:33In practice
01:27:35of this ruined world
01:27:37it happens
01:27:41to take away
01:27:45with a golden hand.
01:27:49even the law
01:27:51bought over
01:27:53by the fruit of rape
01:27:55is seen.
01:27:57But there
01:27:59it is not so.
01:28:01It is not so.
01:28:05There is no repentance.
01:28:09There are naked actions.
01:28:13And a man who is
01:28:15facing his crimes
01:28:17eye to eye
01:28:19must confess them.
01:28:23So what
01:28:25is left for me
01:28:27to do?
01:28:29To try what repentance can do.
01:28:33What it can't do
01:28:37but what it can do
01:28:41when a sinner can't
01:28:47Oh, terrible pain!
01:28:51Oh, heart like death, black
01:28:53with a soul
01:28:55that, trying to be free,
01:28:57is getting more and more cruel.
01:29:01Come to my aid, angels.
01:29:05Bend your knees
01:29:09and soften these steel-bitten hearts
01:29:11as the nerves
01:29:13of a newborn infant.
01:29:27can be fixed.
01:29:45Now I could do it.
01:29:49Now I did it.
01:29:51But this way
01:29:53I will go to heaven
01:29:55and this will be my revenge?
01:30:01Wait for me, Lord,
01:30:03for a little while
01:30:05when I will be drunk
01:30:07in sleep, in anger
01:30:09or in the midst of an escape.
01:30:11When I will play or curse
01:30:13or do something else
01:30:15that does not smell of salvation.
01:30:35The words fly up.
01:30:41The thought is buried in the dust.
01:30:45the words without meaning
01:30:47do not receive in heaven.
01:31:13© transcript Emily Beynon