Aajzi- o -Inksari By Amjad Ali Amjad(360P)

  • last month
This lecture is about Ajzii o inksari.
Kashif Mag.


00:00I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the accursed. In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.
00:05I praise Him and send blessings upon His noble Messenger.
00:09Most worthy of reverence are those who hear and those who attend.
00:14People better than me.
00:16Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
00:20It is mentioned in the Hadith that the Prophet of the Universe, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said,
00:29Allah has made me the leader of the sons of Adam, but I am not proud of it.
00:42This humility of the Prophet of the Universe, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, is the greatest honor.
00:54In the Qur'an, wherever the Prophet of the Universe was given special rewards, the word Ad-Dhi has been used.
01:11Being a servant of Allah is a great thing.
01:14Being a servant of Allah is only possible when one is humble.
01:21One cannot be a servant of Allah with pride and jealousy.
01:26Pride and jealousy are the root of all spiritual diseases.
01:38When the soul is not healthy, how can a person progress?
01:48I have read an example.
01:54A well is made of soil.
01:57The water in the well is cold.
01:59In the olden days, wells and pots were used instead of refrigerators.
02:05Someone asked Surai,
02:07You give people faiz, water, and bow your head.
02:15Because Surai's neck is thin, you have to bend it to put it in a glass.
02:21Surai gave a beautiful answer.
02:25He said,
02:27The one whose past is also soil,
02:31The one whose condition is also soil,
02:35The one whose future is also soil,
02:39What will he do?
02:42The Qur'an says that man is made of soil.
02:50So man is the one who does not bow down in front of anyone except Allah.
02:58Man is the one who does not show arrogance in front of his own creation.
03:09And like Surai, he bows down and distributes faiz to people.
03:15Man is that.
03:17Because the people of Islam are made of soil.
03:21And all humans are made of them.
03:23So when there is soil, how is there arrogance in soil?
03:28Soil is humility.
03:31The other meaning of soil is humility.
03:35Man gets everything from the soil.
03:40He gets everything from the ground.
03:43He gets everything from the ground.
03:53This is humility.
03:55If you blow the soil, it comes down.
03:58If you burn the fire, the fire goes up.
04:01So when Satan said,
04:05I am made of fire and Adam is made of soil.
04:10I did not bow down because my creation is better.
04:15So the Creator of the Universe knows who is better.
04:19No one can decide that.
04:22The soil is better, the fire is better.
04:24Only the creator knows.
04:26So this was the mistake that Satan made.
04:30And this is arrogance.
04:32This arrogance humiliated Satan.
04:36So the only request is that
04:38if we understand who we are.
04:42We should have humility in us.
04:45What is the purpose of humility?
04:47To worship Allah.
04:49And to follow the commands of Allah and the Prophet.
04:52This is humility.
04:53To change your own temperament.
04:57To change your thoughts.
05:00To do according to Allah and the Prophet.
05:02This is humility.
05:04To leave your ego.
05:06I want this.
05:08I want this.
05:11What does he want?
05:13What does Allah want?
05:15What does his Prophet want?
05:17Wherever the ego stands on the ego.
05:20Breaking the idol of that ego is a very big thing.
05:27That is why it is important to understand this.
05:31That we should follow the commands of Allah and the Prophet with humility.
05:36The purpose of humility is not to bow our heads and walk.
05:39To walk with our temperament.
05:42There should be humility from the heart.
05:45There should be poverty.
05:47There should be humility from action.
05:49There should not be humility from knowledge.
05:52There should not be humility from conversation.
05:54It is not that a person should say that I am humble.
05:59In fact, he should understand that I am humble.
06:02Look, there is one thing.
06:04That is the inferiority complex.
06:07Inferiority complex.
06:09What is this inferiority complex?
06:11Why does it arise?
06:12The inferiority complex arises because.
06:15When we complain to Allah.
06:19You gave me a bungalow.
06:21You gave me a car.
06:23You did not give me.
06:24Complaining from here.
06:27All these things start from here.
06:30So if we are thankful.
06:32O Allah, what you have given me.
06:36I am not even worthy of it.
06:38I am not even worthy of it.
06:41Whatever you are giving me.
06:43You are giving less.
06:44You are giving more.
06:45This is a great gift from you.
06:48This is a great blessing for me.
06:51This is called humility.
06:53This is humility.
06:54Whatever you give, accept it.
06:57There is no complaint in it.
06:59Complaints and complaints give rise to arrogance.
07:02And acceptance and acceptance create humility.
07:06That is why we have to understand this.
07:09How to become a servant of Allah?
07:13What is the status of a servant of Allah?
07:16That first come to the servants of Allah.
07:19After leaving the servants of Allah, you will go to heaven.
07:23So the servant of Allah is the one who has passed through acceptance and acceptance.
07:29The one who in his commands,
07:32his body, mind, wealth,
07:35at the feet of his Messenger.
07:39Siddique Akbar.
07:41So this is a request.
07:43We should understand these things.
07:45We should express these things with our actions.
07:48This should not only remain a conversation.
07:51In fact, these things should be included in our daily life.
07:54Pray to Allah.
07:56May Allah enable you to do what I have said.
