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This lecture is about respect for Allah and His Worship.
Kashif Mag.


00:00I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the accursed. In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.
00:05We praise Him and send blessings upon His noble Messenger.
00:10He is the most worthy of reverence, the hearer and the seeker.
00:15People are better than me. Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
00:21It is in the Ahadith that Allah has assigned the duty of the angels to report on Allah and His Messenger wherever they are.
00:43Allah has His own system. He is aware of everything.
00:46He is the Knower of the unseen.
00:48But this system has been established under a system.
00:52He knows everything, whether the angels tell him or not.
00:56But there is a system under which this has been established.
01:01Hazrat Ayesha says that wherever Allah and His Messenger are mentioned,
01:09that place from the sky appears to be as bright as the stars.
01:17So the mention of Allah has innumerable blessings.
01:22One cannot even imagine.
01:24There is a Hadith which says that when the angels come to Allah to report,
01:36they are asked, where did you go today?
01:40They say, we went to a place where your servants were mentioning Allah.
01:48So the meaning of this Hadith is that Allah says that they saw me.
01:54They say no, they did not see me.
01:58So Allah says that even without seeing me, they are mentioning me.
02:03I am beautiful, if you see me, the matter will end.
02:08Then Allah says, what else did those servants say?
02:13O Allah, those servants were in search of paradise.
02:17So Allah says that they saw paradise, which has comforts, comforts and such things.
02:25They did not see.
02:27Despite this, they are in search of paradise.
02:30They said yes.
02:32Then they said, what else do they say?
02:35O Allah, they seek refuge from hell.
02:41So Allah says that they did not see hell.
02:44Despite this, they are so afraid of what I say.
02:48And without seeing me, they are mentioning me.
02:52Without seeing my paradise, they are in search of it.
02:57I have forgiven them all.
03:00So the angels say, O Allah, there was such a man who came to that gathering in such a way.
03:10He did not have any intention, he was passing by.
03:14He sat in such a way.
03:16What is the commandment about him?
03:18So Allah says that with the blessing of that Zikr and the blessing of the company of those people, I have forgiven him.
03:29So there are so many blessings of Allah's Zikr.
03:32There are so many rewards for it.
03:34The one who sits here does not sit like this.
03:37The condition is only that there is sincerity.
03:40Which is the basic condition of everything.
03:43Look, there is a hadith in Pak.
03:46That Huzoor says that those people who will come from different tribes, from different places and will gather in one place.
03:59And will mention me, Allah.
04:03I have forgiven them.
04:06From different places, from different sects, from different tribes, they will gather in one place and will mention Allah.
04:19One person, a great Tabi has passed by.
04:25Sayyid Ibn Musayyam.
04:28He asked him.
04:30Tabi is the one who has seen the Sahabi.
04:34And Taba is the one who has seen the Tabi.
04:37So he asked him, tell me one thing.
04:43I want such Halal that there is not even a hint of Haram in it.
04:49And tell me such Haram that there is not even a hint of Halal in it.
04:54So he replied that Allah's Zikr is such a Zikr that there is not even a hint of Haram in it.
05:04And the Zikr of non-Allah is such a Zikr that there is not even a hint of Halal in it.
05:12So the Zikr of Allah that we do here, that you do, is a very big thing.
05:19The condition is that we are sincere.
05:22It has a great value.
05:24Now see, this also came in the Hadith.
05:29On the Day of Judgment, some people will be on the throne of pearls.
05:40And neither will they be martyrs, nor will they be prophets.
05:46So the Sahabi asked, O Messenger of Allah, who will they be?
05:51So he replied that they will be those who do the Zikr of Allah.
05:55They will be sincere.
05:57Then it was said in the Hadith that the one who says with sincerity,
06:03that there is no God but Allah, will enter Paradise.
06:09Now this is one matter.
06:11On the other hand, it is a matter of keeping in mind Allah's likes and dislikes.
06:21Allah likes every good deed and dislikes every bad deed.
06:30Therefore, the benefit of the Zikr of Allah with sincerity is that we are safe from sins.
06:37It is very important to be safe from sins.
06:40Sin is a bad thing and goodness is a good thing.
06:45Sin makes a person's soul dirty.
06:50By offering Salat and Durshid, this soul becomes clean.
06:56So we have to be safe from sins.
06:58Because this is also a testimony of Huzoor.
07:01Ittaqil mahaarim taakun abdun naas
07:05No one can become a worshipper until he is safe from haram things.
07:13So it is important that on the one hand, the Zikr of Allah, the Zikr of the Messenger of Allah,
07:19Durshid, recitation of the Quran, Salat, etc.
07:23These are all the Zikr of Allah.
07:25And on the other hand, it is very important to be safe from sins.
07:29With this and with sincerity.
07:32There is also a Hadith in which Huzoor said that
07:36a gathering in which the Zikr of Allah and the Messenger of Allah is not mentioned,
07:43is like people standing on top of a dead donkey.
07:51We should keep these things in mind.
07:56All our gatherings, all our gatherings,
08:01where we sit and talk,
08:04the Zikr of Allah and the Messenger of Allah should definitely be given there.
08:10Durshid-e-Azkar is also correct.
08:13But if the Zikr of Allah and the Messenger of Allah is not mentioned,
08:16there will be no success.
08:18The Zikr of Allah is a very powerful thing.
08:21If a person,
08:25because Allah is Al-Quddus or Al-Quddus,
08:31and he is pure,
08:34and the Messenger of Allah is innocent,
08:38therefore, the Zikr of Allah is a journey of purity.
08:44It removes filth.
08:48The Zikr of Allah and the Messenger of Allah is a journey of purity and innocence.
08:54It removes filth.
08:57The more we move towards Zikr of Allah and the more we do Zikr of Allah,
09:02the Qur'an has said that there are many people
09:05who do Zikr of Allah while lying on their sides.
09:11And there is one thing in this,
09:14some people understand,
09:16I have been told many times that we will offer Salah,
09:20but it is very difficult to do Wudhu.
09:23So, this is an objection,
09:26we do not have an answer to that.
09:28Without Wudhu, Salah is not possible.
09:30But, there is no condition for Wudhu in Durshid.
09:34There is no condition for Qibla Ruh in Durshid.
09:38In Durshid, you can do Zikr of Allah while lying, sitting, walking,
09:42and everywhere.
09:44And this is the Zikr that Allah does with His angels.
09:52This is the Zikr that Allah does with His angels
09:57and invites us to join Him.
10:01ayyuhal lazeena aamanu sallu alaihi wa sallamu tasleema
10:06You too, O believers, send salutations and salutations to the Prophet.
10:12This is the thing in which Allah says,
10:16wahad amaliya Allah ta'ala,
10:19that Allah is making us a part of it,
10:21that you too join it and send salutations and salutations to the Prophet.
10:27So, all these things that are being said,
10:30they are being said only because,
10:33only because,
10:35at this time, the whole world is in search of one thing.
10:40Mushrik, Kafir, Muslim, everyone is in search of one thing.
10:45Poor, rich, white, black, everyone is in search of one thing.
10:51And that is peace.
10:54Peace of mind.
10:57Everyone is in search of it.
10:59So, this Zikr has been talked about because,
11:02the Quran has given a very authoritative statement,
11:06and that is,
11:08anaab zikrillahi tatminul quloob
11:11that without the remembrance of Allah,
11:14this heart cannot find peace.
11:17So, pray to Allah,
11:19that whatever I have said, may we be able to act upon it.
