Emmerdale - Belle's Special Scenario Episode - Part 4/4 (5th September 2024)

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00:00It's been going on for months
00:04Threatening me
00:07Stalking me
00:10Tracking my every move
00:13He spied on me with a camera
00:17Installed an app on my phone
00:22You don't believe me
00:27You think I've relapsed?
00:31Of course I believe you
00:33Then why are you looking at me like this?
00:35If I look worried, it's because I am
00:39Tom was right, I can't trust any of you
00:41Belle, no, listen to me
00:45I know what it's like
00:47to be abused by a man
00:49To live every day
00:51with your heart in your mouth
00:53and your stomach on the floor
00:55Oh yeah, he's railed us in
00:57He's played us all for months
00:59But do you honestly believe?
01:01I would doubt you about this
01:03I don't know
01:05I don't know anything anymore
01:07I feel like my brain's in pieces
01:11It's just fragments
01:13I can't put them together
01:15And what if Tom's right?
01:17What if I am actually losing it?
01:19No, whatever words he's put into that head of yours
01:21It's his sickness, not yours
01:23How can you be sure?
01:25Because I know what a woman looks like when she's been ground down
01:27And it's a million miles away from psychosis
01:31I'm so exhausted
01:35I feel like I've just got nothing left inside
01:41Listen, you know, these fragments
01:43What if we were to go through them one by one?
01:45Would that help?
01:47I wouldn't know where to begin
01:51I don't know when it started
01:53I don't know how or why
01:55You don't have to worry about it making sense, Belle
01:59Just let it out
02:03Thanks, Vinnie
02:05Shall we have a dance later?
02:09Confetti time!
02:13I'd dreamt of this
02:15I'd dreamt of that day
02:17Since I was a little kid
02:19Mum in some daft hat
02:23Dad in his only suit
02:25Walking me down the aisle
02:29And there I am
02:35Bunking on the sofa on my own wedding night
02:39Banned from the bedroom
02:41After he'd just slid into
02:43Everyone I loved
02:45Must have been crushed
02:49I felt sorry for him
02:53It was his big day too
02:55And he was right
02:57The whole thing was a disaster
02:59It was a total farce
03:01A total farce?
03:03Oh yeah
03:05Family brawls
03:07Caleb cheating with Tracy
03:09Mandy paralytic during the conga
03:11The circus
03:19Go on, say it
03:21Just when I watched the video
03:25I don't know, you looked really happy
03:27Did I?
03:31You must have been covering well
03:35No, I was happy
03:40Until what?
03:44Until Tom wasn't
03:48So I guess your memory became his
03:52Sorry I shouldn't be putting words in your mouth
03:55You're right
03:59Was it a pattern?
04:03Your mood dictated by his?
04:10Mum was so sure
04:13That I was going to marry a good man
04:16A kind man
04:20And that's the thing, he was
04:23He was good, he was kind
04:29I don't know what happened
04:35I don't know
04:44He's always loved me too much
04:48That was the problem
04:51He was so afraid of losing me
04:54Became obsessed
04:56At first
05:00And part of me felt
05:05I know it sounds twisted now
05:08No, it doesn't
05:10Having someone love you
05:13That much
05:16Someone who
05:19You're their entire world
05:22Made me feel complete
05:29But it didn't last
05:31The minute
05:35That's when the dig started
05:39Slagging off my dress sense
05:43Picking up Gabby and Dawn
05:45All these
05:47Passive aggressive little put downs
05:49That I just couldn't see at the time
05:53Actually that's a lie
05:56I could see them
05:59But you were too scared to say anything
06:02I just always knew where they were coming from
06:06I always knew how insecure he was
06:08How damaged
06:11But does that give him the right to hurt you?
06:14I'm not saying that but
06:18He's not all bad
06:20He's sick
06:23So then he's got no control over his emotions
06:29So then he's the same when he's at the vets
06:32With Jimmy and Nicola
06:35Well no, but that's different
06:37Because he has to cover it up then
06:39So then he has a choice, Belle
06:42He chooses
06:44To behave that way only around you
06:47You don't get it
06:49But if he is sick
06:51If his behaviour really is out of his control
06:53Why does he only show it around you?
06:55Because I trigger him
06:59By being the sweetest
07:01Kindest, most understanding
07:03Do you really think I'm a walk in the park to live with?
07:06When I've relapsed and I'm imagining all sorts
07:08I've played my part too, okay
07:10So if I'm going to be honest
07:12I have to take some ownership
07:14Like he's doing
07:22Your psychosis
07:24Was a weapon
07:26You were adamant you took your meds
07:28Because you did
07:30And then all that stuff about Piper
07:32You even said
07:34No, I don't know anything for sure
07:36I cannot accuse someone of what ifs, can I?
07:38I have no proof
07:40Belle, why are you defending him?
07:42I'm trying to be fair
07:44What, like he's been fair to you?
07:46When he sold your car?
07:48When he wrote down every little penny that you spent?
07:52I'm not excusing his behaviour
07:56Is it any wonder?
08:00When you've got Carl for a dad
08:04Loads of people
08:06Have rough starts in life
08:08They don't all turn into abusers
08:14I mean this is the last thing you need but
08:16It just hurts to see you so
08:18Poisoned by all his lies
08:20Do you think I've been brainwashed?
08:24We all have
08:28Because that is what men like him do
08:32Tom is an abuser
08:34And I know you might not feel ready to call him that
08:38You don't have to knock seven bells out of someone
08:40To earn that title
08:50Oh no, please tell me you didn't
09:20The first time
09:24Was just a posh
09:32It could have happened to anyone
09:36But then
09:40We had this awful dinner party
09:42A toast
09:44To friends and happy futures
09:48You lying bitch
09:50He found out I was still on the pill and
09:54I have never
09:56Seen such rage in his eyes
10:00He called me manipulative
10:04Said I was messing with his head
10:08And my hand
10:14It was under the hot tap
10:18And he didn't do anything
10:22He just held it there
10:24He burnt you
10:28He said it was just for a second
10:32He said it was an accident
10:36And somehow
10:38I believed him
10:42But I hurt him too
10:44Like I said, I'm not Lily White in all this
10:46I should never have lied to him
10:48So why did you?
10:52Because I knew
10:54I knew I'd react if I told him the truth
10:58And if I said something it might
11:02Result in another accident
11:06How are you ever
11:08Supposed to win in that situation?
11:10You can't
11:18And I found that out
11:20When he punched me in the stomach
11:24It just happened
11:30It happened once
11:34But it was hard
11:40It was so hard
11:42It took my breath away
11:46And this is him loving you too much
11:58So the abortion
12:00Was that all because of him?
12:06I wasn't ready
12:08And there's no way
12:10I was going to bring a child into that home
12:14So you went to the clinical
12:16By yourself
12:18It was fine
12:20None of this is fine, Belle
12:22Somebody should have been with you
12:24I should have been with you
12:26Holding your hand
12:28You didn't know
12:30No I did
12:32I knew something wasn't right
12:34All that
12:36Guff at that holiday cottage
12:38Why didn't I trust my gut?
12:42I should have done so much more
12:48When you pushed me
12:50It just made it worse
12:52Because I didn't want you to know
12:54I didn't want anyone to know
12:58Because you didn't think you'd be believed
13:00Because I felt stupid
13:04And I felt weak
13:06And I felt like no one would understand
13:10You have no idea
13:12What it's taken for me to knock on your door
13:14And telling you all of this
13:18Breaking over it all
13:22It's really hard
13:24And the horrible bit is
13:28There's more
13:30There's so much more
13:32We've got all night
13:34And there is no rush, okay?
13:36We're gonna do this your way
13:38In your time
13:42Thank you
13:46Listen, you coming to me
13:48It's an honour
13:54Just know that you're not fighting this alone anymore, okay?
13:56Now you've told me
13:58Everything that's been going on
14:00I promise you things are gonna change
14:04That man is never gonna hurt you
14:14It's alright
14:26It's alright
14:28It's alright
14:30It's alright
14:32It's alright
