Our Stories: Former CFNI - An Interview With Anthony Martin - Episode 183 Branham Research Podcast

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John invites Anthony Martin, a former charismatic minister, to tell his story about leaving Charismania. They explore Martin's upbringing in Missouri, his conversion at 15, and his journey into the charismatic movement. The conversation highlights the influence of religious organizations, touching on personal experiences with manipulation and control within ministries. Martin reflects on how his radical conversion led him down a path of ministry despite eventual disillusionment with the charismatic movement's practices. He discusses attending Christ for the Nations Institute (CFNI) and the dynamics of church leadership, revealing how certain ministers manipulate congregants for personal gain.

As the conversation progresses, they examine the history and influences of figures like William Branham and Gordon Lindsay, the relationship between charismatic movements, and how many modern Pentecostal movements trace back to Branham. Both Martin and Collins critique the celebrity-like status ministers often hold and the pressure to maintain a flawless image, while behind the scenes, their personal lives may be falling apart. The discussion also highlights the challenges of leaving these religious movements and the healing process that follows, with many finding community and understanding outside of the charismatic world.

00:00 Introduction
02:00 Anthony’s Early Life and Radical Conversion
05:00 The Role of Dreams and Salvation in His Faith Journey
08:30 Beginning Ministry and Early Marriage Struggles
13:00 Reflections on Music and Secular Influence in Church
16:00 Connections Between Gordon Lindsay, CFNI, and William Branham
19:30 Experiences at Christ for the Nations Institute
23:00 Observations on Church Leadership and Manipulation
27:00 Analysis of William Branham’s Influence on the Charismatic Movement
33:00 Modern Evangelists and Manipulative Practices
38:00 Gordon Lindsay's Role in Promoting Branham’s Legacy
44:00 Critiques of Integrity in Ministry Leadership
51:00 Navigating Life After Leaving the Charismatic Movement
57:00 Advice for Others in Similar Situations
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00:00:30Welcome to another episode of the William Branham historical research podcast. I'm your host John Collins
00:00:38The author and founder of William Branham historical research at William dash Branham org and with me
00:00:44I have my very special guest Anthony Martin former charismatic minister and currently on vacation
00:00:51So thank you so much for doing this Anthony on your vacation
00:00:55I can't think of anything more fun to do than sit here and talk to me
00:01:00Well to be honest when I when I sent you the email I was a little surprised you emailed me back
00:01:04So yeah, you know what you had
00:01:08I've actually been wanting to talk to somebody who has the experience you have I'm gonna let you introduce it
00:01:14not me, but I've been looking for somebody that had that connection because
00:01:18Charles and I discussed the
00:01:21organization that you mentioned in your email and we both
00:01:25Like we both kind of came to the same conclusion that you mentioned in your email about the people and you know, they're genuine
00:01:33Motivation even though they're they're kind of in the wrong place. Their heart was in the right place. We kind of came to that conclusion
00:01:41There's some interesting history that I won't discuss yet. But there there's also some you know
00:01:48Deception there too. So I want to talk about that
00:01:51But anyway, let's let's just start by maybe you could introduce yourself. Tell everybody a little bit about yourself. So
00:01:59introducing myself
00:02:01So, my name is Anthony Martin. I actually grew up in Sedalia, Missouri
00:02:07Got radically saved when I was 15 years old
00:02:11I happened to go to a charismatic church that I had went to
00:02:16when I was a kid for Children's Church, and
00:02:20So my friend Rachel she invited me I went there
00:02:26They did the the salvation prayer and then they also did the baptism of the Holy Spirit
00:02:33Which I had no clue what that was my youth pastor
00:02:37He as he did the sinners prayer I did that and then the first thing he said he goes now you need to get baptized
00:02:43with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues, but I'm like I'm just good with the salvation part and
00:02:50I can't remember
00:02:53How he said it, but basically you weren't really saved if you didn't get that. So
00:02:58So I did because I was primed and ready
00:03:02to to get saved and so I did got baptized with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues and
00:03:09Then we were kind of off to the races after that
00:03:11So but I'll let you let you kind of ask questions and kind of see where to go from there
00:03:17Yeah, you mentioned Sedalia of Missouri I've actually been through there I lived a good part of my life was in Pittsburgh, Kansas and
00:03:26You know, it's I think it's what two hour maybe two and a half hour drive from yeah. Yeah pretty close to that. Yeah
00:03:32Yeah, I've been there the home of the State Fair. Oh, yeah
00:03:37Right now I live in Columbia, Missouri now, but yeah, that's where I grew up at. Yeah, so you're
00:03:44Experienced as a charismatic minister, I'm I'm curious to hear more about that. What was it?
00:03:50Like what how did you come to be a minister? And yeah, well, so so I kind of started out
00:03:56I'll start back with with my salvation story and then just kind of build it up a little bit from there
00:04:03So before I got saved I was
00:04:06Like my family like we believed in God
00:04:09I didn't really believe in God necessarily, but my mom like her her mother was a Pentecostal preacher
00:04:17So I was a stoner kid. I had long black hair
00:04:20I loved Ozzy Osbourne like when I was 11
00:04:24I heard Iron Man for the first time and that's that's what really hit my my love for music and rock and roll and
00:04:31And all that
00:04:34But so I had watched the movie The Seventh Sign
00:04:37I think it was Demi Moore whoever was in that
00:04:41Well after that I started having these dreams about like the end of the world had come
00:04:45but I'm like standing in this scorched earth and I kept hearing a voice said that judgment of God has come and it's too late
00:04:51for you to choose and
00:04:54The voice was like so it's too late for you to choose
00:04:57Whoever chose to go to heaven is in heaven and whoever chose to go to hell is in hell
00:05:01So I would have this dream for like six months
00:05:05anyway, my
00:05:07My best friend Timmy his his sister Rachel was a Christian and so his house was the party house. So he started
00:05:15I've we used to go over there. Well, anyway, she started witnessing to me and all that kind of stuff
00:05:20I went to her church got radically saved
00:05:25And it really did completely shift the whole course of my life and
00:05:31So anyway, I got so radically saved
00:05:34I was living with my sister at the time because my stepdad my mom were traveling for work
00:05:39And I didn't want to travel with them. It rattled my sister so much that she thought I joined a cult
00:05:46She wasn't too far off. But but at the time it was my genuine love for for the Lord
00:05:52Yeah, so anyway, my mom flew back
00:05:55They were in Massachusetts at the time
00:05:57she came to make sure I didn't join a cult and of course when I told her my
00:06:02Salvation story and literally everything I had done before that
00:06:08You know, she supported it
00:06:10I had really long black hair at the time and she took me to get it cut off which
00:06:15like is now you're a Christian you got to look the part and
00:06:19So I was so radically saved that within a month of my salvation. My cousin got saved
00:06:26Because of me
00:06:28And then another month after that aren't one of our best friends got saved. I mean it was like
00:06:32Like the book of Acts was going on like in that time
00:06:36so anyway at 15, I felt like I I was literally praying on my my front porch and I
00:06:45Felt like like what do you want me to do with my life?
00:06:48And I felt that call to the ministry and all that so fast forward a little bit
00:06:53I met my ex-wife her dad was taken over a church that I had started going to
00:06:58we became best friends and then we ended up getting married at 19, which don't recommend anybody doing and then
00:07:07We yeah, yeah, we had a couple kept my oldest son and my daughter we had them and then probably about
00:07:1526 or
00:07:1725 or 20 it gets all kind of hazy there but
00:07:20About 26 we packed up and moved to Dallas and went to Christ for the nation's Institute, which is
00:07:28Gordon and Frida Lindsay's
00:07:31Ministry or school or whatever
00:07:34so yeah, so that's kind of where it all kind of began and then after that we
00:07:40we went back to our home church and
00:07:43we started a young adult ministry there and
00:07:46We grew up from like
00:07:49It was my ex-wife and me a couple other people young people and then we grew up from
00:07:55from three or four to fifty to sixty within a couple months and then not long after that we
00:08:01We had an associate pastor
00:08:04Tell us that we needed to start charging them tie or not. I hate to use the word charging
00:08:12Admission you got a charge admission
00:08:1610% from kids who don't have any money
00:08:18but okay and then it that pretty well killed that and then not long after that my my ex-wife and I were going through some
00:08:25Some things and we're still best friends now
00:08:27But at the time there was just some things that kind of our marriage kind of fell apart
00:08:32we went our separate ways and we got back together again, and then I
00:08:37Don't know. I guess we're not we're not live yet
00:08:40So probably we were divorced for like two years got back together had my youngest son and then about a year after that
00:08:47She had come out and told me that she was a lesbian again with all this stuff ties into your podcast, right?
00:08:53Yeah, you know because her dad being a preacher and all that kind of stuff
00:08:59You know that was very suppressed, you know, so she had have known her whole life and there were there were signs there but
00:09:06You know if I I had changed a lot of my that two years that we weren't together
00:09:10I changed a lot of my views on a lot of things and
00:09:15One of them was homosexuality
00:09:17lesbianism all that stuff I
00:09:21Went from being you know far to the right
00:09:26at least in that aspect of things part of the left just because I had developed friendships with with gay and lesbian people and
00:09:34My friend Eric, I'll never forget we had this conversation because he's gay
00:09:40And I just listened to your podcast about your your best friend or your friend that had told you that he was gay
00:09:46That you guys were having lunch or dinner. Yeah, and
00:09:50Yeah, you know, it's kind of funny. You may he mentioned the rock and roll before your salvation and they cut your hair
00:09:56There's this I'm a big sci-fi fan. If you've listened my podcast
00:09:59You've heard me talk about it and I've got the Millennium Falcon in every one of my videos. So
00:10:05but um
00:10:07What I'm also I love fantasy and there was my one of my favorite books growing up was called a wrinkle in time
00:10:13And they've made a few different movies about it
00:10:15But there's this there's a scene when they make it to you know across the galaxy or whatever
00:10:20There's the scene where in there in this neighborhood every house is exactly the same every kid walk out
00:10:26they bounce the ball they walk back in and I don't know if you've seen it, but it that's what it felt like when
00:10:33Whenever you quote-unquote get salvation in these things
00:10:36They want to put you in this box that looks like everybody else
00:10:39And if you're not part of that box, you're you're not quote-unquote saved and I'll never forget when we left the cult
00:10:47and I went to I'm not gonna mention the denomination, but I went to a
00:10:51very very fundamentalist type church and and the minister took me to
00:10:56a rock and roll concert
00:10:59Which blew my mind. I was like what?
00:11:01And it's still to this day. There's songs
00:11:04They resonate with me because they're talking one of my favorite song by the group was called give it back and it was talking about
00:11:11Somebody does a good deed for you and you give it back to us by paying it ahead to somebody else, which is great
00:11:17I mean, it's a good concept, but you also mentioned Ozzie, which is what sparked this whole thought of
00:11:23I'll never forget after I think it was after that
00:11:26I first heard the song crazy train and oh my gosh, man
00:11:31And the fact that I mentioned Ozzy and mentioned crazy train all my podcast means I'm gonna get a hundred people saying I'm going to
00:11:39Hell because I because I heard Ozzy and I liked it, but that song was incredible and my son
00:11:45Picked up his guitar and I wish I had the gift that he has but he picked it up and he could play it flawlessly
00:11:52Start to finish Wow
00:11:54That's impressive. That's a hard song to play
00:11:57It is well, and it's funny because I on the web
00:12:01So we drove from Missouri to to Los Angeles on our trip
00:12:05and I stopped listen to you've been trying to catch up on your podcast as I've been driving and I heard the
00:12:11Podcast where you talked about the song highway to hell by ACDC. Yes, and it made me think of this is that
00:12:20You you talked about you trying to fit everybody into a box. Like you can't listen to secular music
00:12:26You can't do this. You can't do that. And I remember
00:12:29like we did a CD tape burning thing and I had like
00:12:35Album like, you know vinyl albums. I had one of it was Ozzy Osbourne
00:12:40No rest for the wicked and on the record it had the actual record itself
00:12:45it's one of those collectible ones that had his picture on it and then on the back was the
00:12:49The album cover and like infused in this record and I remember I like I had a hard time
00:12:56Like throwing that away, but but anyway, like you said about highway to hell. There's more meaning to it than just that
00:13:03yeah, and
00:13:05The one song that I always thought that about with with Black Sabbath was war pigs and like oh
00:13:11Well, they're talking about Satan spreading his way. I remember having this conversation with one of my friends
00:13:16Yeah, but at the end Satan spread it spread in his wings and I was like, yeah, but the whole song
00:13:21I said if you take it in the premise of when it was written
00:13:24Which was during the Vietnam War right the war pigs are the politicians like it's in there in the song
00:13:30Yeah, they're getting there just do because they're sending innocent people like it's a whole anyway
00:13:36Yeah, it just you know songs have more meaning to them than that. It's such a ridiculous box
00:13:42They put you in because I know people that will and some of those people will probably comment on my page ironically
00:13:49But they'll go watch movies like Ocean's Eleven where the guys are planning a big heist. They're doing something
00:13:55That's really really bad and they love it
00:13:58But they listen to the song which actually is talking about the consequences of your like highway to hell
00:14:04you mentioned talking about the consequences of your bad choices in life the song actually has a
00:14:10Somewhat of a good meaning to it. Yes, and there's other songs like that. I remember so I remember reading an article
00:14:18It was a Christian article article about
00:14:20It was imagined dragons the demon song
00:14:24so basically
00:14:26The woman that was writing and said well see he's got demons
00:14:29He's glorifying his demons and I'm like, well, that's it and I did I couldn't hold my tongue on that
00:14:35I had to comment. I was like, have you listened to the song though?
00:14:38what he's saying is he doesn't know if he's good enough for the person that he's with because he's has these demons like the
00:14:45Our struggle inner struggle that entered more turmoils what the song is about not about actual deep
00:14:51It's that he's trying to hide from this person
00:14:55It's just like oh good lord. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I could talk for like five hours on the music
00:15:01Yeah, one of my favorite is painted black which is talking about please. Let me introduce myself
00:15:05I'm Satan and then talks about all through history all of the bad things that have happened, but
00:15:12Yes sympathy for the devil, I'm sorry
00:15:19Yeah, and you can tell how new I am to music because I got the name wrong
00:15:26It's crazy, yeah, but back to the CF and I so we um
00:15:31And I'll let this out now. I've actually never mentioned what happened. I don't think but
00:15:35Charles I've had this happen twice now since I've been doing podcast
00:15:40And the second time we went back and rerecord it
00:15:43But Charles and I recorded a really really good episode on Gordon Lindsay, and I forgot to hit record on the dang video
00:15:51So that was the first time it had ever happened to me we were like
00:15:55I don't know how many were like 50 episodes in when it happened
00:15:59so I went back and I added a bunch I kept the audio and I added all the pictures and did it as
00:16:04kind of a slideshow, but as we were talking through that, you know, we could see a clear transition in
00:16:13Gordon Lindsay CF and I now don't get me wrong
00:16:16They're part of the NAR and it gets really weird when you connect all of the dots
00:16:21But there's a period of time in which Gordon Lindsay is
00:16:26Working deeply with the Christian identity folks. He's speaking at conferences of
00:16:31Like the Anglo-Saxon Federation
00:16:34Back whenever they had just turned racist and anti-semitic that he was at those conferences
00:16:40He gets in bed with Branham and you know the history there
00:16:44But there's there's a period of time we discovered not long
00:16:49Or not shooting shortly before we did that podcast
00:16:52where we could clearly see that Gordon Lindsay had enough of Branham and he just kicked him out and
00:16:58Suddenly the Empire started to crumble because Branham was the headline show
00:17:03So they brought him back and then kicked him out again and then do the second or third time they kicked him out
00:17:10you could tell there's this clear shift in what Gordon Lindsay was doing Christ for the nation's and
00:17:16Branham takes a shift even further into destruction. So you've got a clear parting of ways
00:17:23So that's what really interested me to have you on here to talk through that a bit what were the what were the Lindsay's like
00:17:29Well, I'll tell you
00:17:31so I had no idea of what Christ for the nation's was or Gordon Lindsay or any of that and
00:17:38my ex-wife
00:17:41She absolutely
00:17:43Loved like CF and I she would go there when she was a teenager
00:17:47I can't remember what it was. They would have some kind of youth event or whatever
00:17:52and so when we
00:17:55Started discussing like hey, like we're not getting any younger here. So if we're gonna like do this, let's do it
00:18:02Like being ministers go to school all that
00:18:07She brought up CF and I and Christ for the nation's we went down there
00:18:11we went down there for the college days or whatever and
00:18:15so in that that was my first initial introduction to
00:18:20Frieda Lindsay, which are you know, all the all those small schools
00:18:24They have the nicknames like mom Lindsay or whatever. I've heard at Rhema Bible Institute. That was Papa Hagan, you know
00:18:31So we were trying to figure out where we're gonna go
00:18:33So I went we went down there and of course CF and I also does really good praise and worship music
00:18:39so part of their little package that they sent out was
00:18:43Had a CD with the our CD and a video with their music and that specific year that they did it
00:18:50It was like the best album they've ever done
00:18:53so like I was already hooked when we watched the videos and all that so we go down there and
00:19:00they had the little dinner and all that stuff for the
00:19:03Potential students that are going to be there and I just happened to get to sit we sat down mom Lindsay Frieda Lindsay
00:19:11Dennis Lindsay and his wife. I think her name was ginger all sat down at our table. I'm like, oh
00:19:18Wait, like these are you know, that's you're famous because by now I've read up on you and I've read up about the ministry
00:19:25like what Gordon Lindsay at least the
00:19:30the what's the word I'm looking for the professional whatever the the
00:19:36I want to call it propaganda because it doesn't feel like they never seemed like they were a propaganda thing, but
00:19:42But I had studied their history and all that and how big they were in
00:19:46the 50s with Jack Coe and William Branham and
00:19:49Jack Moore like all the people that you have mentioned on your podcast a a Allen and all that
00:19:54Now they do whitewash that a little bit like you don't hear all the controversy
00:19:59And all like the way that it's painted is like they were all best buddies like yeah
00:20:03We're doing this wonderful outpouring of God and not a lot of and Dennis or Gordon really wasn't the preacher
00:20:10But he was recording all the wonderful miraculous things
00:20:14So so without the context of what was actually going on, you know
00:20:19The behind the scenes compared to the public you always use the the persona like our when you talk in your podcast
00:20:26So so the pictures painted like these were like the greatest revivalist of all time with a like they were all just hanging out
00:20:33You know oral Roberts like they were all the best of friends
00:20:37So so anyway, mom Lindsay at this point was 92 years old
00:20:42She sits down with me. She's trying to feed me her plate. She's like, do you want my chicken?
00:20:47Do you want this? So she was the sweetest little old lady ever and then
00:20:52She gave me a drink or a drink of her water because her water was out
00:20:59Or my water was out. She gave me a drink of her water, which I was like, okay, that's a little
00:21:05Don't drink on this side because that you can see where my lipstick is and I don't want your germs, but I'm like, okay
00:21:11That's not the way it works
00:21:13Right, right, right
00:21:14And then she was getting up to go use the restroom and she leans over to Dennis her son and goes
00:21:20Hey, make sure he doesn't eat my green beads
00:21:26So, but they were they were really nice down-to-earth people like I never
00:21:32Like coming from from where I got saved at I was it was a cold but not to the degree degree of what you grew
00:21:39up in I
00:21:42The whole time that I was there I never had that feeling there was no control no
00:21:47Whatever and of course Gordon was gone by that point and in Frida
00:21:51For CF and I what they really painted it was that it was Gordon's vision
00:21:56But Frida was the one that carried it out, right?
00:21:59Like so they had bought all the property and all that stuff
00:22:02he had a heart attack like as they were open either if I remember correctly as they were opening the school or
00:22:10At least within the first year that school being open. He passed away and she carried that out
00:22:17And it's just a little tiny school down there and in Oak Cliff
00:22:21It's not anything like this massive campus like or you or or some of the other guys that have in my opinion
00:22:28Really have exploited
00:22:31Christianity and and
00:22:33Innocent people but no the whole time that I was there. It was a great
00:22:38Experience in some ways like I felt like it. I got free of a lot of the cultish stuff just because you have so many
00:22:46People from all over the world. Anyway, I'll I'll slow down and let you say what you need to say or what you want to ask
00:22:53Yeah, I can talk forever
00:22:55It's such a weird history man
00:22:56Like when I sit back and because my family was at the top of the Branham cult, I have a lot of similar experiences
00:23:03I knew people that I have actually had guests on my podcast who would tell me that
00:23:10The and they don't give the names
00:23:11I try to keep the names out of it
00:23:13They'll tell me that the person and it's a person that I know very well that they're the most evil
00:23:20Violent person that they've ever met like this this minister totally ruined their lives
00:23:26Well, I have stories kind of like you where I sat with them at tables and they were they were genuinely nice people
00:23:33But there's this side of them that was really odd and and then you take a step back from that and you just look at
00:23:40The movement as a whole
00:23:43they only the best way that I can explain it when I'm talking to another person is it was as though that this were a
00:23:50traveling circus
00:23:51That made everyone a heck of a lot of money and some of the men who made a lot of money and women
00:23:59Decided to build church organizations from it and then those church organizations did good things
00:24:04So it started in this were very weird circus II way
00:24:08Yeah, and then suddenly now there's this big institution and they're kind of doing good but
00:24:13Now you bring in the NAR stuff and it turns weird again because now it's shifting towards politics in some of these cases
00:24:21Right. So what and how do how do you explain this mess? Right? Well, you know what from listening to your podcast with
00:24:29Like like we knew of William Branham, right?
00:24:32I mean we that was he's kind of like that the Elijah like they had even
00:24:37I'll tell you what that even in some of the books and stuff that they have
00:24:41that you've the gods generals and all that stuff were like curriculum for reading for
00:24:48The classes and stuff they have that picture of William Branham with the halo behind his head and all that kind of stuff
00:24:56Like they never painted him as a bad person
00:25:00Until the end of like they kind of were vague about
00:25:04Like yeah
00:25:05Him and Gordon had a split because William Branham was starting to get a little cultish
00:25:10But then God God took him away before he now if somebody might be like, well, that's not what they said
00:25:17At least that's what I heard whenever they told the story is that they split God took William Branham away
00:25:22that's why he had the car accident, but they never really spoke negatively of William Branham and I I think
00:25:29That's why people like you mentioned Benny Hinn and talking about William Branham anointing
00:25:34It's been smoothed over and then as I've listened to your podcast as you used to talk about the Brands
00:25:41I don't just take your word for it. You start researching all this kind of stuff. You're like, oh, man
00:25:46And you start to realize that all of the charismatic movement from from what I know
00:25:52Really can be tied back to William Branham and then it just kind of does this weird
00:25:57Like tentacles like as far and it's so far removed from that people who are charismatics now or
00:26:05tongue-talking whatever
00:26:07It can all be linked back to this one person
00:26:10And I mean, I guess you could do like John Alexander Dowey before that and then it kind of expanded out
00:26:15But really William Branham is kind of the main
00:26:19Source where everything else from then is spread out. So yeah, that's why I'm so intrigued by your podcast
00:26:26It's crazy, right, you know, you look back at Gordon Lindsay's entire Empire
00:26:32None of it would have existed without Branham Branham actually started the voice of healing. He was the the publisher
00:26:39Initially, he he handed over to Lindsay and I would give anything to know how that transition happened
00:26:46Whenever Lindsay took ownership, right because you don't just give this away. So what happened?
00:26:52How did he claim the entire Empire that was built but then take it a step further you mentioned the halo
00:26:59But that's just one of many many instances. We have identified
00:27:04actual instances where Gordon Lindsay would have been present when William Branham was caught as a fraud and
00:27:10Gordon Lindsay covered the whole thing up and that was early on like this was a there's a paper for example
00:27:17I want to say it's
00:27:191948 or 49
00:27:20where William Branham is having
00:27:23People come to his meetings pretending to be sick and in the same person is pretending to be sick in a another city in another city
00:27:30Well, they they catch him at it right and Gordon Lindsay's right there
00:27:34So he knows it and once you build your Empire on top of this
00:27:37You can't really say no that guy was a complete fraud because if you do your whole Empire topples and I kind of sometimes wonder
00:27:46because of the time
00:27:51Sometimes you want to believe something so bad
00:27:54You know and I almost kind of wonder if that's what happened with Gordon Lindsay's that it just kept building up
00:28:00Right, and maybe maybe the line in the sand was where William Branham's like I'm Jesus like me
00:28:06I don't know because it is clear that like a lot of the stuff that was happening
00:28:12Like it's in the more research that you do about any kind of move of God
00:28:16There's stuff like that happening. It's not it's not real, right?
00:28:21It's not real even if some healings and some sporadic little things happen
00:28:26I would say nine out of the ten aren't
00:28:30real healings or
00:28:32Miracles, there's not real signs and wonders going on and you realize
00:28:38The the narcissistic part of of
00:28:41Everything that is tied into this
00:28:44From one central figure and that's one one
00:28:48pattern throughout that movement charismatic movement
00:28:52there's always somebody that they talk about how cold they are how
00:28:57They're God's man, and they're meant to raise up like a the next generation
00:29:03except for they never raise up the next generation and that that's probably where I became the most disillusioned with Christianity and and
00:29:11Not cure Chris
00:29:12Let me rephrase that not Christianity the charismatic movement is
00:29:16Because there's more people that are like that and ministers who are like that than who actually create that next generation to go out
00:29:24In CF and I in the Lindsay's defense and in Christ for the nations. They actually seemed
00:29:31to encourage that like to actually like the according to CF and I
00:29:37That was Gordon Lindsay's whole vision because when he saw all the hippies getting saved and all this this was going to be that
00:29:43Ladder rained again. I don't know how many ladder rains we've had but good Lord. There's been a ton of them
00:29:50but this was gonna be that next generation and they they really seem to have held to that vision and I don't want to be a
00:29:59Devil's advocate advocate for Gordon Linds or yeah for Gordon Lindsay
00:30:04But because I'll be honest I'm agnostic now and it has nothing to do with anything that I've been through it
00:30:10It has more to do it the more that you I'm like you a very analytical person
00:30:15so the more that you study like it kind of just like okay, like I
00:30:20Have nothing against Christianity or any kind of religion at all
00:30:24But but in the like I said with it back to what I was said about
00:30:29Gordon Lindsay, at least it seems like their vision or what the vision was supposed to be for CF and I
00:30:36it feels like they I can't say now because it's been years since I've been there, but it feels like it's
00:30:43They kept to it now. Yeah minus what happened way back then
00:30:47That's kind of it feels like everybody was fighting for their place back then. That's what it seemed like
00:30:52Have you ever wondered how the Pentecostal movement started or how the progression of modern Pentecostalism
00:30:59transition through the latter reign
00:31:01Charismatic and other fringe movements into the New Apostolic Reformation
00:31:06You can learn this and more on William Branham historical researches website
00:31:11William dash Branham org on the books page of the website
00:31:15You can find the compiled research of John Collins Charles Paisley
00:31:19Stephen Montgomery John MacKinnon and others with links to the paper audio and digital versions of each book
00:31:27You can also find resources and documentation on various people and topics related to those movements
00:31:33if you want to contribute to the cause you can support the podcast by clicking the
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00:31:43To the audio or video version that you're listening to or watching on behalf of William Branham historical research
00:31:49We want to thank you for your support
00:31:52You know, I've reached the place where I don't even view it as Christianity. So
00:31:57any comment you make is fine with me because
00:32:00Even though their heart may be in the right place and they may think that they're writing good things
00:32:05Christianity for me and from what I read in the Bible is that you have a community of people that love each other
00:32:11Love God help each other if a person gets sick
00:32:14Let's go help the sick person and then if God were to heal the sick person and they would all praise God and say wow
00:32:21That's wonderful, but we're still gonna love the ones that didn't get healed that for me that view would be Christianity
00:32:28But it's like that
00:32:29They took one person who might have gotten healed and then turned it in turned that itself into a religion
00:32:37Where now everybody has to come and they all try to get healed
00:32:40So it
00:32:42It it's just so weird when you think about the theatrics of it because you can't really generate healings like they claim they do
00:32:50so you've got the examples like I mentioned where you plant the people and one of the gimmicks that was used in the
00:32:57Not just William Branham's but I found this and I think Katherine Coleman was doing it
00:33:02Maybe Amy Simpleman Pearson, but they bring in all these wheelchairs
00:33:06And if you're standing if you're tired
00:33:08Well an usher will put you in a wheelchair and they'll wheel you up because your legs are tired
00:33:12Well when when they get to stage, they don't literally say this person was crippled and they're raising up
00:33:18But when the audience sees them raise up everybody's going. Oh my gosh
00:33:22We have a we have a genuine healing of a crippled person, right? And it's all it's all for show. It's all up
00:33:32You've said in your previous podcast, I think it's very accurate in today's world. Most people aren't gonna go
00:33:41But if you look at the 20s the 40s the 50s superstition and all that kind of stuff
00:33:49It makes sense that more people are more willing to buy buy into that at that time
00:33:56don't think you could get away with it in today's world, although it does seem whenever the
00:34:03The next move of God like whoever
00:34:05This guy got visited by an angel and they got gold dust coming down from the heavens and all that
00:34:11It typically seems like those guys get cut short pretty quick
00:34:16Because as it was that guy's name Todd Bentley, I think
00:34:23He was gonna be the next move of God guy
00:34:26I remember seeing this guy and so I remember seeing him and being like something's not seeming right and
00:34:33Lo and behold he was before he even got famous. He was already doing things
00:34:38He shouldn't be doing you know, and so so stuff like that
00:34:44Yeah, anyway, I just
00:34:46It seems like they get cut down and a lot quicker than what they did back then and and maybe because we have more
00:34:53We're in a social media world, it's easier to get caught right you get caught dead to rights
00:34:59It's not just somebody else saying something over here there and all that
00:35:03We're probably in those days
00:35:06You just you you had more men more
00:35:09Yes men who were covering things up and then you're moving on to the next place
00:35:12So you can't it doesn't spread like wildfire, you know, and yeah
00:35:18It's like the snake oil salesman from Bodanza you go you go use one town till you get all the money you can get out
00:35:24Of that town and then I figure you out you go to the next one. What's a new town?
00:35:28They don't know what's happened and what's going right? They have no idea what's going on
00:35:32And the irony is, you know, we've got because of William Branham's
00:35:38Sales strategy. I don't know what you call a strat. I don't I really don't understand why he did all the recordings
00:35:43I know they made a lot of money at it
00:35:45but there's some there's some weirdness there too with the money in the sales because he
00:35:51in 1947 all of the predated
00:35:56Recordings they you can't find them. They no longer apparently exist
00:35:59But all that aside if you go back to those early recordings
00:36:04You can kind of see where he's going from town to town to town and he'll tell the same story again
00:36:10And it's a new audience
00:36:12so he'll use things like
00:36:14Claiming his memories poor he'll say who was that girl Marilyn Monroe
00:36:18I prophesied and and yada yada when he goes to the next town and it might be a week later
00:36:24And he says now who was that girl?
00:36:26What was her name again brother and and it happens again and again you can tell that it's a it's very staged
00:36:32The whole thing is staged telling the same story. It's just at a different. Yeah different
00:36:37It's like giving a speech and you're giving the same speech to a different class, right?
00:36:41Well, our committee well, I like if you look at a comedian they have their own
00:36:45It's the same jokes. They tell from town to town. All right, if you go see a special it's the same jokes
00:36:52Well, it's the same thing. You're not
00:36:54You're not like I'm a big professional wrestling fan. So like I used to watch I used to watch it all the time
00:37:01But they'll do they're called house shows and what they're doing at the house shows is they're doing the same
00:37:07The same choreographed moves over and over over again
00:37:10So like in the old magazines you would read like well
00:37:13they were in New York's here in New Jersey and
00:37:16The cards exactly the same in both places and the win-loss is the same like and they're doing the same thing over and over again
00:37:23So you kind of have that with the preachers, right? They're going from town to town to town to town town
00:37:29You're just preaching the same message and like it like a comedian like a joke it might hit it might not and they're like well
00:37:35That was not hit anymore. So we'll change up that story
00:37:40Exactly, and I think that's actually a better illustration of what I was trying to say
00:37:45If you go back in the early years in Branham's ministry, he's only got like ten sermons
00:37:51They all have different titles, but he's saying the same thing and telling the same stories
00:37:56Many of them are called my life story or some variation of that
00:37:59Well, Gordon Lindsay is one who is sponsoring these things so he is seeing that same story told from town to town to town
00:38:08Well where it gets weird for me trying to understand the mindset of Lindsay
00:38:13the way that the the theatrics of this the way that they tell the stories is there's always this supernatural element God gave me a
00:38:21vision an angel came down from heaven and said such-and-such and
00:38:26Then they watched the audience's reaction and they might have a they might have said some variation of the word and watched the audience get
00:38:33Excited. Well that variation gets introduced into the stage persona
00:38:38Now the stage act begins to shift and over time you can watch from town a where it's an angel, you know
00:38:46Like one of Willie Nelson's angels in blue jeans to angels in a white robe
00:38:52Shifts that much right? Well, Gordon Lindsay is there and he's watching the shift. Yeah, so he knows it's not supernatural
00:39:00But it is a it is a stage act that is selling and he doesn't stop it
00:39:06So when I see him not stopping it, that's where it gets right for me
00:39:11well, you have to question the integrity a little bit, you know, it's and then I'll tell you that's probably the been the I
00:39:19I don't struggle with anything now with all that kind of stuff
00:39:22but the thing that I really struggle with with the charismatic movement that the spirit spirit filled tongue-talk and
00:39:29Whatever laying on of hands
00:39:32Is the lack of integrity and also seeing it from on the inside, you know
00:39:40I'll try to be more diplomatic but seeing seeing a pastor and his wife
00:39:48Where they hate each other's guts and the only reason that they're together is because they're ministers, right?
00:39:54that's their income and
00:39:56Seeing that it's very disheartening because here we're supposed to be the pinnacle. Well, we're not pinnacles
00:40:03But we're charismatic. We got the gifts of the spirit. We have discernment. We have prophecy
00:40:07we have healing and yet you guys the only reason you're together is
00:40:14This is all I've done for 30 years. This was literally what was said
00:40:18He goes, I guess I I could be a greeter at Walmart because you have no other skills
00:40:23You can't do anything else. But yeah, and then your wife won't leave because she doesn't know what she's gonna do
00:40:29But then she really is trying to be a devout Christian and there's no affair that's happened
00:40:36You know, it's just this it's all about control, right?
00:40:39It's all about that and but it's like how you speak about the public
00:40:45that's probably where I got most disillusioned with everything was is
00:40:49that the public who they are in public and who they are in private is two different things and
00:40:55part of my getting radically saved was
00:40:59You know, I believe that you got to be the same guy
00:41:02I'm not saying you don't have to have struggles and that sort of thing. It's easier to
00:41:07Empathize with somebody who is having struggles and they're honest about it. Then somebody's like I'm the man of God
00:41:15I'm the guy and you got to submit to my authority. Meanwhile over here. My wife hates my guts. My kids hate my guts
00:41:24I'm looking at things. I shouldn't be looking at you know
00:41:28All that part of it. It's just like that's where my disillusionment comes in
00:41:34And it's all created off that
00:41:36If we
00:41:38The way it all ties back is it's been perpetuated ever since its beginning the you act like this out here
00:41:45But back here as long as they don't see past that persona
00:41:50This is okay. We just keep it up and
00:41:54Married to a pastor's kid. You see a lot of that and then
00:41:59Just the further that you get in the ministry that it's very common. It's very that's a normal thing and
00:42:07Yeah, like I said all it just again. It kind of all ties back to that
00:42:11That's everybody's trained to do that and you can train it all the way back to William Branham
00:42:16You can train it back to ministers back then
00:42:19Because you have to be that celebrity superhero
00:42:22Man of God, right? So yeah, and the irony is whenever you and I began emailing back and forth
00:42:29That was the point
00:42:30I was actually wanting to drive home and I knew if you had gone to CF and I you probably
00:42:35Would be able to do it
00:42:37see I grew up in a world where I
00:42:40knew pastors children, I was the grandson of one of the headmasters and Branham ism and
00:42:47Looking back, you know, there's a lot of falling out. They call it falling away
00:42:52There's a lot of falling away
00:42:54Pastors children and the reason for this isn't because they're bad kids as the girl would like to like to know
00:43:01But they see the fact that it's all theatrics. They watch
00:43:06One of my favorite cartoons in the Sunday papers was the Lockhorns
00:43:10You see a minister and his wife that fight like the Lockhorns
00:43:15But then they get into the public and oh, they're so happy and not a problem. Well, they're not genuine
00:43:21And so the children can see they're not genuine
00:43:25They have struggles like every person on this earth has struggles
00:43:29But they pretend they don't and the problem that I see with all of this
00:43:35even that I can give them a little bit of grace because they they have a ministry, but
00:43:40when you create that
00:43:42Perception of yourself that isn't even human now you've entered into where you're becoming superhuman
00:43:48I have no problems. I have the perfect life at home. Nothing's wrong
00:43:52Well, you've got a church filled with people who are people and they have people problems and now they're thinking well
00:43:59What what am I doing wrong that I have all of this in my life. That's problematic
00:44:03I must be a sinner and then over time that
00:44:08Transition because they're going to the pastor saying these things and then the pastor gets this
00:44:12Elitist complex like he's above all of that when he's not and the whole thing for me
00:44:18I can see why people become disillusioned because the whole thing is an illusion
00:44:25yes, well and
00:44:29You know, I guess I guess we're just gonna be honest, right I think I think the
00:44:38part of my disillusioned to is
00:44:40Being a minister
00:44:42You can be a master manipulator, right because you have the ability
00:44:47You you catch people in a position of their vulnerable, right?
00:44:51and so you can manipulate people I I can tell you an instance where I saw a
00:45:02Tried to put a little distance but where
00:45:05The pastor needed money for a car. Well, actually his car broke down
00:45:12Subtly and I see this happening suddenly
00:45:14He starts to weave in this thing like all this car cost. I think it was ten thousand dollars to repair, right?
00:45:21And he suddenly like but I'm praying for God to you know to provide right who he's talking to this person
00:45:28Who has money?
00:45:30But it's it's so subtly
00:45:34Like you become a master manipulator, right?
00:45:37He's subtly dropping those hints to the point that it's interwoven in the conversation
00:45:42to eventually that person ended up giving him the ten thousand dollars that he needed to fix the car and
00:45:51there's just different instances like that like where they
00:45:57They have people's trust and they're viewed as this not just as a super God or superhuman person
00:46:03But also God's man the anointing and all that kind of stuff
00:46:08the preacher can manipulate the the parishioner into giving them whatever they want or
00:46:16That I can tell you of another instance where somebody's TV broke and in the conversation
00:46:21They had mentioned it that their TV had broken and guess what after church that day here comes
00:46:27Five people with this brand new TV to get it set up in the pastor's house like that's the kind of stuff
00:46:34It's just like and now this particular person that I'm talking about
00:46:39He was not a forceful like
00:46:42Like some some ministers are like that demanding forceful like you serve the pastor and all that he
00:46:49On a interpersonal level he was a very soft-spoken very gentle very kind any and
00:46:55Aside from that. He's a very gentle kind person
00:46:58But he learned how to master that to still manipulate people and get what he wanted
00:47:04He just didn't do it with force. He did it with a soft hand. So yeah, it's just any solution with that, too
00:47:11So yeah, I have a real problem with that. I am. Yeah
00:47:15In fact, I think it was the podcast that are recorded just before this one last week, but had the same exact discussion because I
00:47:24I'm nowhere near the level that they are and I don't ever see myself to be a minister or anything like it
00:47:29but I've noticed that I can say things and I can watch the reaction of people and
00:47:34after you do this a bit you kind of get a feel for
00:47:38the power of your words and how to use them and so if you want people to
00:47:43Understand a certain topic you say it a certain way
00:47:46Well, if you want them to do a certain thing
00:47:48You can also say thing in a thing in the right way and I'm watching all of these ministers in this
00:47:54NAR and all of its
00:47:55apostolic networks
00:47:57they're saying things that
00:48:00Honestly, I can go back in the 60s and I can find white supremacy groups saying the same kind of politically charged statements
00:48:07And it resulted in riots and people died
00:48:10they were people who assaulted other people because of words spoken in a sermon and I'm saying the same thing today and
00:48:18These men like I'm I'm amateur at all of this
00:48:22I'm a little shocked that I'm doing it if I have the power to
00:48:26Understand that my words can have that kind of an effect. Well think of a minister who does this every single Sunday?
00:48:32Yeah, these people know what they're doing. They know what they're saying
00:48:36They know the result that's going to happen
00:48:39and like you said it can be used to get the money I
00:48:43My family has struggles too
00:48:45I'm very cautious not to mention my struggles because people will send me money and many of the people who would send it are very
00:48:52Like the cult has robbed them blind. So I'm careful not to
00:48:56But these ministers I know I can name names. I'm not gonna do it
00:49:01But ministers who have done exactly what you've said and people who did not even have the money to give them
00:49:07Who couldn't even get food on their own table was giving them their money?
00:49:11well, and
00:49:13And I know I don't want to speak. I feel like we're going like we've kind of nailed some I'd have friends who are ministers
00:49:20Who are legitimately?
00:49:22Doing God's work, you know
00:49:24So but the problem is for I feel like for every one good ministry you have
00:49:30Now some people like well, you just have that one bad minister and then there's ten good ones
00:49:34I would beg to differ. I would say for every one minister who's doing the right thing
00:49:39there's ten of them whose lives are on the verge of falling apart and
00:49:43That's from just seeing it. That has nothing to do with like, oh, I'm just disillusioned with the thing
00:49:49It's sad and it's a sad state of affairs
00:49:53Because right there for everyone you have ten that have an agenda
00:49:58Whatever it is to feed their ego to fill their pocketbook
00:50:02sometimes all of it together, you know, it all ties in together and it's sad because I think I
00:50:08Think again if it sounds so weird to say but it all ties back into that's been the ebb and flow of this thing
00:50:16Ever since its inception, even if you look at John Alexander Dowie, it's the same thing
00:50:22Perhaps they started out good, right?
00:50:27But I think most of it. It's either to feed ego. It's either to feed their finances or stupid
00:50:33the other thing is is
00:50:36Are we allowed to say sex on here? Is that allowed depends on how you say it?
00:50:41Well, but it's allowed to to get the girls. I mean all that stuff's all tied in or the guys
00:50:47I guess it depends on the person. Yeah, but it's all tied in
00:50:51It's it's sex money and power and fame and control. It's never
00:50:56Really what the gospel is about or what Jesus taught about
00:51:00There's very few
00:51:02Churches that are concerned about the poor not really even though that was like the most important thing that Jesus talked about
00:51:09you know in
00:51:11at least from my perception in the view of
00:51:14The charismatic movement and kind of how that all splintered out
00:51:19As long as I can remember
00:51:21There's not been a church. I've been to that
00:51:25That poor was important or the
00:51:28The community was important. It was about the church and about the building and about
00:51:34How are we gonna get a new steeple or of a pave the parking lot not?
00:51:39You know or pastor needs a new car, you know
00:51:43So, yeah
00:51:45The irony is that the ministers who are preaching the hardest against sex drugs and rock and roll are usually after sex money and power
00:51:53But you always find that. Yes. Yeah
00:51:56Like you I know some really good ministers who have their heart in the right place even in the Branham cult
00:52:01I know some really really good guys, and I wish they could escape though
00:52:05They may never escape but they're really really genuinely good guys
00:52:09But like you say, I'd probably say one in twenty
00:52:13But my my experience is tainted by being in a cult, but like you said, there are good people
00:52:19I've also after leaving the cult. I have been to different a variety of different churches
00:52:25I have seen some who were really genuinely good people. I've also seen some that I
00:52:32You know real churches normal churches. They publish their finances
00:52:36So you can go pick up the papers and see where the money's gone. Well, look at some of the some of their
00:52:43Astronomical expenses and watch as they come in and then watch the God has given me the inspiration to have a money drive
00:52:50And then that follows up. Well, I know exactly why they're doing it. I'm a businessman. I know how this works, right?
00:52:57Right, right
00:52:59Why in church today? I it probably has always been run like a business, but even more so it seems like it's you know
00:53:06again, that's
00:53:08The disillusionment that you get because then you read like in the book of Acts and like, you know
00:53:14It's I get the Apostles are getting the money. They're redistributing the wealth and
00:53:21It seems like the Apostles today are getting the money, but they're not redistributing it back out
00:53:29Other than to fix up the building right that's that's kind of the extent of it the rest of it and and I
00:53:36I'm sure you'll probably get comments and all that. Well, not in our little country church
00:53:40We don't have that kind of resource
00:53:42But but even a church with a hundred and fifty people in it if you have them given ten percent of their income to it
00:53:49There's enough money there to fulfill a lot of things. Oh, yeah
00:53:53Yeah, just from seeing it like you anyway
00:54:02Yeah, you know
00:54:04Ten ten people all it takes is ten people to make one salary
00:54:08So if you have a church of ten people that that pastor is making a pretty good living now
00:54:13You had 20 people he's better than every single one of those 20
00:54:16And so I guess the whole premise of me emailing like it was one
00:54:22It's a it's almost like a like new revelation not really new revelation
00:54:27But more like confirmation of everything that you kind of already knew in a movement
00:54:31But it brings it solidifies it and you don't realize how
00:54:36How connected all it comes back to one human being?
00:54:42And and his surrounding partners that we're all kind of but he's really not just a central fit
00:54:48Figure in the message, but in all of care at the charismatic movement
00:54:54And you don't even realize it and I'm sure there's people that don't even realize it now
00:54:58But it just kind of solidifies even things that we do in that
00:55:01Didn't the charismatic church can all be tied back to them, you know, it was specially with the control the all that stuff
00:55:09So anyway, yeah, I guess that's that's what I have to say with all that
00:55:12But there are a lot of ministers that got in boats in the stream, but Branham was the stream that carried them basically
00:55:18Yeah, he's kind of like when you know
00:55:22Living in Missouri. We got the Mississippi River that comes through it
00:55:25Well, if you go far enough up you can get to where the Mississippi River starts, right?
00:55:30And there's nothing there except for that little trickle that comes down and then it flows out into this massive River
00:55:37from the podcast just
00:55:39Like I said, I knew a William Branham and the way that he's talked about is this powerful man of God
00:55:45But you realize everything flows back to this one central point, you know, maybe John Alexander Dowey before that
00:55:53but I don't think any he would have been like the
00:55:57the Abraham to
00:56:00Jacob yeah that kind of you know, that's that's kind of what it feels like but you just realize that it's all connected
00:56:06But that's why I reached out to you
00:56:08To start with was because it's just like wow, you realize that this is all tied together. So yeah
00:56:15Yeah, I refer to him has as the prototype con man, basically
00:56:22Evangelist and everything's kind of attached to that with I don't care Benny in TL Osborne
00:56:31Joel Osteen's dad John, you know, even Jimmy Slatt like all those guys
00:56:36You can kind of base it all the way back to this again. Same guy same central person. So anyway, yeah, it's crazy stuff
00:56:43Well, I'm so glad you did contact me if you had
00:56:46Some advice that you would give to other people who are trapped in the charismatic movement. What advice would you give them?
00:56:53well for anybody
00:56:56Not even just the charismatic movement probably even your listeners and all that there is a life after that there is and I
00:57:04Think probably in my struggle was was fear like trying to get out of that because even hell is always that thing
00:57:10That's always a threatening thing. Like if you don't do this and you don't do that, then this is the case
00:57:16for anybody who's a believer
00:57:19Read the Bible like the Bible will set you free from all the stuff that doesn't line up with the cult and it fits
00:57:25I will say that the more
00:57:29The more that you're starting to come out of that the more resistance and the fighting than the barking that you're gonna get from everybody
00:57:35Else just telling you you're wrong or you're whatever
00:57:39Trust your instinct. I
00:57:42Guess I would start from that trust your instinct what you feel inside of you
00:57:47That's telling you to get out and get out and walk away from it
00:57:51Reconnect with God. I think the biggest thing that the problem is in any movement is
00:57:57People don't read the Bible, right?
00:58:00They take everybody else's word for it
00:58:03I think the more that you get in more and read the Bible that it will start to kind of push you in that direction
00:58:08To go and if you're probably feeling that already if I'm talking to like your audience
00:58:15If you're feeling that direction to push you out
00:58:18I would even say that this podcast is one of those things that's trying to push you out
00:58:23telling you it's okay to go out that way and
00:58:26I don't
00:58:28Everybody believes different things
00:58:31But I do think that God does kind of
00:58:35It's trying to put you in it push you in a direction to move that way and don't be afraid
00:58:39It is hard because what happens when you do walk away from stuff like that or a church or a body of Christ
00:58:48And I don't mean the actual body of Christ like real Christians, but that body of Christ
00:58:53They will turn your backs their backs on you. They will ostracize you
00:58:57They will threaten you that you're gonna go to hell that you're gonna die and all that kind of stuff, but you won't
00:59:02It's it's just like the Oz the great and powerful. Don't look behind the curtain. Don't do that
00:59:08And what I found is later on
00:59:11They were scared and just as wanting out as you were
00:59:15But they were afraid and that's why they act the way that they act
00:59:19So that I guess I don't know. I kind of went all over the place with that, but truthfully
00:59:24There is a way out just keep moving forward if you feel like that's what you need to do then do it
00:59:29And I think in today's society you have more support groups and more people that have been through that and have gotten out of that
00:59:37That you're not alone, and I think that's probably one thing that your podcast does too
00:59:42It kind of brings to light that you're not by yourself like you're not gonna be
00:59:48There's other people that have walked out of that, you know
00:59:51And that's one thing I'll say about your podcast
00:59:55So the back to the first church, I know we've been all over the place but back to the first church that I went to
01:00:02At the time when I left that church
01:00:05Like they all turned their backs on me
01:00:07And I remember one of the girl that I was dating or kind of singing at the time
01:00:11She said well if you don't love your pastor that my pastor then you can't possibly love me
01:00:17Right and then I remember seeing I was like 16 years old
01:00:22And that was my first Christian experience ever
01:00:25I remember seeing those people in Walmart and them about facing and walking away from me and so
01:00:33So I think the biggest thing is you realize is that you're not really alone and even this podcast
01:00:39Like you feel like you're by yourself at the time, but there's just more
01:00:45There's more people there's more community more groups out there that have been through stuff like that than what their habit
01:00:52I don't I don't know. I guess that's kind of how I would
01:00:55Finish it up and say it that way. Yeah, that's a good advice
01:00:58I had a lady recently contact me and she had her first experience where she had went into a place and that she got the
01:01:05Scorn the the nasty eye I call it from the cult members and right. She was like, well, what do you do?
01:01:13And I said, I don't know that's that's like average Tuesday for me. I
01:01:17Go into any story that happens for me
01:01:20but that initial fear that that's really the weird part of this because
01:01:25You're in it and part of your fear of leaving is because you know
01:01:30Deep down inside that you've done that to other people and that you will write that
01:01:34So then when you leave, you know, what's gonna happen because you were part of it
01:01:38You know, they're all gonna be like that and so it kind of keeps you in that fear then after you leave you're like
01:01:44Oh, no, it's gonna happen
01:01:46But after you're away from it for a while, you're like, yeah, that's kind of childish. That's what a ten-year-old. Yeah, I do
01:01:53It's not what adults usually do
01:01:55Well, you know, it's funny and I know we've probably got a little longer than we should but you know
01:02:01It was funny is that after I had left I left with my youth pastors
01:02:07After I left what you find is it starts to trickle like years, you know months to years later
01:02:15Those same people that ostracized you that are out of it
01:02:19They come they do come to you with their tail between their legs and apologize
01:02:24But and I and I don't mean I didn't mean to sound like well, they're coming with their tail between their legs
01:02:30They just need somebody to be like, it's okay like yeah, they need a hug, you know
01:02:35yeah, they do and I and so a lot of the relationships, you know, you get older and they kind of go everywhere, but you
01:02:43there's a healing in that once you get through that and then those people that were your
01:02:49Your per lots of their put your persecutor. Yeah, they're not really persecuting like in that, you know
01:02:56But the people that were treating you bad
01:02:58They're just looking because now they feel like you did at that time. They just need somebody to say hey, it's okay
01:03:04Like we're good. Yeah
01:03:07so and I don't know too many people that have gone through that that are not become calloused and
01:03:13Unempathetic towards that. So yeah, anyway, yeah people are people and they all want to like other people at heart
01:03:20They've just kind of been manipulated against it. So well, thank you so much for doing this
01:03:25I could probably go for the next three hours. This is incredibly fun
01:03:35Well, they were all good
01:03:40Well, if you've enjoyed our show and you want more information you can check us out on the web
01:03:44You can find us at William dash Branham org for an overview of the dark side of the NAR
01:03:50You can read weaponized religion from Christian identity to the NAR
01:03:55available on Amazon Kindle and soon audible
