Strong growth of the oil industry in Venezuela

  • last week
Venezuela's VP, Delcy Rodriguez, visited the Orinoco oil base where she verified the continuous growth of the oil industry in the country. teleSUR


00:00In Venezuela, the Vice President, Delsi Rodriguez, who is also Venezuela's Minister of Energy and
00:05Petroleum, has toured the Orinoco oil belt to see that the industry continues to strengthen.
00:12The facility, one of the most important in the country and named after Commander Hugo Chavez,
00:18was toured by the delegation, which also included the President of Petróleos de Venezuela PDVSA,
00:24Hector Obregón, and in a leading role, the plant's workers.
00:29During the visit to the facility, located in the south of the country,
00:32which extends over five states, they reviewed the recovery and development plans and
00:37reaffirmed the commitment to contribute to peace and the growth of the country.
