Dawson's Creek Season 3 Episode 17 Cinderella Story

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Dawson's Creek Season 3 Episode 17 Cinderella Story


00:00Who would have thought that I'd actually be able to use those dance lessons?
00:04I was going to be dancing at this thing?
00:07But you said it was just self-congratulatory award-giving.
00:10This is a big deal.
00:11AJ's going to be reading his work in front of several very important alumni.
00:16He's the youngest person in his department to win the...
00:19Creative writing award?
00:22Creative writing.
00:24Yeah, I'll say.
00:25It's calligraphy.
00:26It's pretentious.
00:28You know what? Don't mind me.
00:30Just have a good time this weekend.
00:33I will.
00:35I mean...
00:37This could be the most romantic night of my life.
00:40I mean, it's not every day that I get invited to elegant dinners
00:44with distinguished guests accompanied by a friend who...
00:49Is that what you and AJ are?
00:53No, I... AJ and I are...
00:58It's really none of your business what AJ and I are.
01:01AJ and you are friends who kiss.
01:06I see.
01:09Long-distance relationships don't necessarily follow the same
01:13rules and definitions as regular relationships.
01:16No, they don't.
01:18And that's why they're perfect for you.
01:20Because they're not real.
01:22What is that supposed to mean?
01:25Don't you see?
01:28A little scrubber girl, Joey, gets to put on a pretty dress
01:31and go to the ball with college prince charming.
01:33That's not real.
01:34It's a fairy tale.
01:36Say what you will, but fairy tale or not,
01:39I still feel what I feel, Icy.
01:41What I'm saying is all you have here is an eyes-closed wish.
01:47Sometimes wishes come true.
01:49Yes, sometimes wishes do come true.
01:52Sometimes, even in unexpected places,
01:55reality always finds a way of creeping back in, Joe.
01:58The clock inevitably strikes midnight.
02:01And as Pumpkin City, the fantasy fades.
02:06Try to have a good weekend, Macy.
02:10Thanks for the ride.
02:12Have a good time.
02:22My heart is in my hands
02:26My head is in the clouds
02:30My feet have left the ground
02:33My life is turning around
02:39Every voice inside my head
02:43Is telling me to run like mad
02:48Bows and arrows, stars and sunsets
02:57Every heartbeat, every kiss
03:00Just makes me wonder
03:03What all this is
03:05Suits of armor, hearts and arrows
03:17What all this is
03:20Suits of armor, hearts and arrows
03:28We could have a winner here.
03:30I really hope you're right.
03:32Why? Just because my restaurant opens in less than a week
03:34and I still haven't found a chef?
03:36Waiters. Menus.
03:39What, the menus still haven't arrived from the printers?
03:41We sent them back yesterday, remember?
03:43We said $2,200 was a little pricey for Scampi.
03:46Alright, you just keep screening applicants for my weed staff.
03:49Hopefully we have found our kitchen talent.
03:53Chowder smells amazing.
03:58What do you think?
03:59Look, I don't know if I'm food, but I don't have to tell you that this food sucks.
04:04Are you sure that we don't want to just steal Bodhi from the potters?
04:07Unless we decide that Bessie and Alexander don't need a home and I don't need Joey as a friend.
04:13Chowder isn't easy to master.
04:14Here, try this breaded monkfish. It looks great.
04:17I've got to get off to the printer.
04:19Oh, and honey, don't worry. Everything's going to be fine.
04:30Thank you so much for picking up the sign. I really appreciate it.
04:33Yeah, well, unfortunately this may exacerbate the insanity.
04:37Unless, of course, you want to keep the place a secret.
04:39What happened?
04:40The guy told your mom he had to have a name by today. He's already got another job.
04:45I thought it was the fish bistro.
04:47Dawson, a woman has the right to change her mind.
04:49It's not this late in the game.
04:51Well, uh...
04:53Okay, so the restaurant could be like one of those hip, no-name clubs. You know, too cool to have a name.
04:58Excuse, please.
05:00I look for a restaurant that fish.
05:02I have trying out for Chowder.
05:05You guys hungry?
05:07So who is this kid worthy of being a Woodham mentee?
05:11Someone your school administration and I thought would be appropriate.
05:16How exactly do you guys go about making that determination?
05:19You'll see.
05:21If there are any problems, I can always assign you to someone else.
05:25I think I'll probably be able to handle a nine-year-old, thanks.
05:34Buzz Thompson?
05:36Meet Pacey Witter.
05:40Hey, how you doing, kid?
05:44How old are you?
05:47Sixteen. How old are you?
05:49You have five o'clock shadow.
05:52Well, I'm mature.
05:55Is that what you call it?
05:59I get it. You're a smartass.
06:03That's why they put us together. People think I'm a smartass, too.
06:07But when they really get to know you, they discover under the rough exterior lies a vulnerable beating heart.
06:17Get real! I'm not like one of those kids on seventh heaven, and I'm not like you, Pacey.
06:26Whatever, Pacey.
06:27Pacey? And you don't know anything about me, kid.
06:30I know you think you don't want to be here, but you're just dying to throw your arm around me and have a warm and fuzzy.
06:38Well, don't bother, because you're going to be back here trying to get rid of me.
06:43I give you 48 hours, kid.
07:00Snowstorm is falling from the night sky.
07:07It's growing faster, harder, stronger.
07:13See what's going on.
07:24Hi, um, I'm Joey Potter.
07:26Of course you are.
07:28You are?
07:29I'm Morgan.
07:31I am A.J.'s oldest friend.
07:34Oh. Where's A.J.?
07:38The jumpy boy is still trying to decide on what to read for tomorrow night.
07:43Why do I feel like I fell asleep on the train and suddenly woke up the protagonist in a Kafka story?
07:50Well, there's the wit, just like you said.
07:52The wit?
07:53The famous Potter wit.
07:55He's told me all about you.
07:58Artist, political agitator, and size 8 foot.
08:03Put these on. We're going to go blading.
08:10Is this the fun part?
08:12Is this the part where we're having fun?
08:14Or do I blink and miss it?
08:18You know, you got me, man. I don't want to be here any more than you do.
08:21I got stuck with you, but this still doesn't have to be so horrible.
08:26Here comes the honesty. Next is the intimacy.
08:31What exactly do you want?
08:33Let me make this easy for you. Read my lips. Pikachu.
08:40You want something that has to be treated with antibiotics.
08:43Man, your generation is so out of it. Pokemon, you putz.
08:48I knew that.
08:49I got Alakazam through Metapod, but I'm in serious need of a Polaroid.
08:53There's a vendor right over there.
08:55You gotta be kidding me, man. There's no way I'm spending 20 bucks on a Japanese trading card.
09:00You have a serious problem with anger.
09:02I hope the Capeside Mentoring Program knows who I'm dealing with here.
09:10Okay, if I buy you the stupid card, would you shut up for two seconds, please?
09:17Hey, here. Take these. Go whack some moles and stay out of trouble.
09:25You guys playing?
09:27Step aside, man.
09:31You asshole.
09:32Hey, hey, hey. What the hell is going on over here?
09:34Ow, ow, ow.
09:35What the hell is he doing?
09:36He hit me in the head with the mouse.
09:38Blow me right in the nose.
09:41They tried to push me off my game.
09:43Okay, that's it. You're done.
09:45No more decisions.
09:46Let me go.
09:57You're short.
09:58I showed her around town, just like you asked.
10:00You didn't.
10:05It's good to see you.
10:07How was your trip?
10:11It was a trip.
10:13I'm so sorry I wasn't there to meet you, but I still haven't picked a reading for tomorrow.
10:18Do you hate me?
10:28Oh, good God. Get a room.
10:32I hope she didn't totally wear you out.
10:36No, it was actually very informative.
10:38I had no idea that the Charles Ripper ran through so much of the city.
10:42You took her on the Charles Ripper circuit?
10:44She did better than you.
10:46I'm sorry. I asked her to pick you up, not take you on an endurance test.
10:49Oh, you're threatened.
10:51He can't play to save his life, and if any time a girl shows greater skill than him, he gets totally threatened.
10:58How long have you guys known each other?
11:00Pretty much since we were zygotes.
11:02Morgan and I grew up together, same town, same high school.
11:06Same college?
11:07Actually, I got bored with this geek, and I decided to make some new friends.
11:11So, I went to school last semester at Savon.
11:16I've always wanted to study Paris.
11:26Sorry, my French isn't very good.
11:29Morgan likes to embarrass me, so I'm not letting you two hang out together anymore.
11:33See? Threatened.
11:35Don't let the friendly banter fool you, Jo. We really can't stand each other.
11:39You know, you were all he wrote about in his letters to me.
11:47I'll bet he never told you a thing about me.
11:53Yeah, well, I can see that you two need some time together.
11:59Thank you. At least you could take a hint.
12:03Joey, I'm glad that you're here. I was beginning to think that you might be one of his fantasies.
12:08Oh, she's real. Told you.
12:10Yeah, flesh and blood.
12:14That's me. Joey Potter of flesh and blood.
12:18You know, I think it's gonna all work out fine.
12:26Here's another one. This guy says his Spanish map of Quiche is world famous.
12:31Does anybody have any idea what that is?
12:34You don't want to know.
12:36The lady who did the cajon bay?
12:38That was my favorite.
12:39Yeah, she was a gem, huh?
12:41She said if you catch the ceiling, it's covered in tiny burnt fish bones.
12:45Yeah, your mom needs some serious help, man.
12:47I want to know what rock these people have been cooking under.
12:51Hi, you guys.
12:53Hey, I know you. You were at a rally, right?
12:58No, or was it the hacky sack circle at Cape Fest?
13:01Very funny, yeah. I know, I've been a little out of circulation lately.
13:06Spending most of my time with Henry.
13:09That's understandable.
13:10I think there's a six-week honeymoon period to go through whenever you get into a new relationship.
13:15Well, yeah, but then you wake up one day, you realize you got the relationship, but not much else.
13:22If you're in need of sustenance, you've come to the right place.
13:25Actually, I was thinking about serving.
13:28Said sustenance.
13:30Jim Lindley wants to be a waitress.
13:32Yeah, I think it would be a great way for me to meet new people.
13:34I could earn enough tip money to occasionally take Henry out, and I'm tired of living off my gramps.
13:41Well, as you can see, my mom is in need of sustenance.
13:48How soon can you start?
13:58Do you believe I haven't been able to decide on a reading for tomorrow?
14:01It's only the most important opportunity of my lifetime.
14:04What's wrong with me?
14:06She's pretty.
14:12She's really pretty and so smart.
14:15Yeah, real smart.
14:18Oh, no.
14:22AJ, why didn't you tell me about her?
14:27I don't know. I mean, I guess we have so little time together, I just figure I'd concentrate on the big things.
14:33You don't think one of your oldest friends is a big enough thing for you to tell me about?
14:40But, I mean, how much do you talk to me about your friends?
14:44I guess you're right.
14:46So, I'm trying to decide on something I did more recently, or maybe one of my older pieces. I don't know.
14:53Did you two have a date?
14:57Charlie, look, I promise you, you have nothing to worry about.
15:03I'm sorry, I damn this stuff, but I just want to make sure that no foreign elements get introduced to your hemoglobin,
15:09because that's the part of the blood that transplants your...
15:11I know what that is.
15:17You know, I know something that might work better than this.
15:33Is it better?
15:37Well, see, now I'm feeling a little light-handed.
15:44Yeah, I don't think my hemoglobin is transporting enough oxygen through my body.
15:50Oh, that could be a problem.
16:03I was thinking... Oh, I guess you guys got that wrong.
16:06No, wait, what were you thinking?
16:09I was thinking, Arthur, you know, go with the nature of love piece.
16:14You don't think it's too old?
16:15Arthur, they already know your new stuff. They want to know where it comes from.
16:19I say be honest and show them your roots.
16:22Yeah, you're right. Yeah, that's a great idea.
16:25What's up with the double-breasted jacket and the rope tie?
16:29You wouldn't know a word and suddenly you turn Ralph Lauren on us?
16:32No, I just want a little perspective of what's wrong with that.
16:35It'll take a lot more than a boring jacket.
16:37Why not just be yourself? You know, khakis, sweater loafers. That's you.
16:42Oh, and I have something for you.
16:48Who's Arthur?
16:54You can't make me do this.
16:55The hell I can.
16:57This is slave labor.
16:59Can you do anything besides whine, kid?
17:02I can write letters.
17:03You can paint.
17:04Look, watch and learn, all right?
17:07It's up and then down and then up and then down. You got it?
17:11I've never heard the expression, don't go against the grain.
17:20Who on earth got you to sit still long enough to teach you how to paint?
17:24My dad.
17:25Really? Where's your dad now?
17:29Somewhere in the Atlantic.
17:31Oh, yeah? Your dad's a sailor?
17:33Nope. Fish food. Scatters ashes off Nantucket.
17:41Where's yours?
17:44Uh, my dad, he's probably hanging up his holster right about now.
17:49A cop! That explains your authority issues.
17:52I don't have authority issues.
17:54Issues, issues, issues.
17:56I don't have issues, okay?
17:58I don't have issues, okay?
18:00Look how you handled me at the arcade.
18:02You got into a fight.
18:04You're gonna have to learn that there are better ways to handle confrontations like that than playing whack-a-kid.
18:08Okay, mentor.
18:11How'd you get in this stupid program?
18:18I hit a guy.
18:21I hit a guy.
18:22That's it, I'm out of here.
18:24Hey, come back. Hey, come back here.
18:26Or what, you'll whack me upside the head?
18:28You little...
18:29Help, help, Charles is being slept on me, you hypocritical maniac.
18:34His father's name is Arthur, so they named him Arthur Jr.
18:38That's what the agency is for.
18:40I can't believe he never told me.
18:42You would have gotten it eventually.
18:46Who's that?
18:49A friend.
18:52He's gorgeous.
18:57Wow, these drawings are incredible.
19:00I can't believe that people just draw these on the sidewalk.
19:03Actually, sidewalk chalk drawings are a classic Parisian tradition.
19:07Yeah, but who does this kind of work?
19:12Um, that one took me three days.
19:15People just respectfully walked around while I worked.
19:18This semester, I'm studying photography.
19:21I guess I was wanting something more substantial in my life.
19:26Here, take this.
19:30It's beautiful.
19:32Yeah, well, he may chicken out and not even show up tomorrow night.
19:36You know, sometimes you really have to kick his butt.
19:40I mean, once I gave him some thick gray crane paper,
19:44told him he had to fill it up with words before he talked to me,
19:47and he didn't talk to me for two weeks.
19:51Oh, there are so many things that I'm learning about him every day.
19:55Did you know that he likes to eat all the peanuts out of Chex Mix?
20:00Yeah, he's been banned from social gatherings in over 20 states.
20:05Well, I have been witness to his pasta slurping.
20:09Oh, whoa.
20:12Does he still conjugate Latin verbs under his breath when he gets nervous?
20:16Otomo, otomos, otomo.
20:19He's such a mess.
20:21Yeah, but he can kiss.
20:28You don't have to.
20:36Afterwards, we felt really weird and silly, and, uh,
20:43well, we just, we know each other too well,
20:46and, uh, we have way too many fights.
20:51But there's just no mystery, so, um,
20:57there's absolutely and positively nothing there.
21:08Do you have any plans for tomorrow night?
21:12Actually, one of my favorite activities.
21:15I'm gonna get the early Sunday times and just...
21:18Come with us.
21:20That's your thing.
21:22No, you're, uh, AJ's oldest friend.
21:25You, you should be there.
21:28Yeah, but you're his girlfriend.
21:30Isn't it possible for the both of us to be a part of AJ's life?
21:37You're right, Sherry Potter.
21:42Oh, my God.
21:44Hey, you guys, you guys are leaving already?
21:46Oh, Boston, I've eaten so much over the last few hours, I just can't be objective.
21:51Are you sure you don't want to stay, though?
21:52They've got a really good tune about the guy who's backing you up.
21:54Oh, yeah, well, I can still be objective.
21:56If this guy is half as bad as he doesn't before him, I mean, he's just...
22:00No, I, I, no, no, no, no.
22:02Don't even mention anything that comes from the sea.
22:07Oh, thank you.
22:10Oh, my God, I, I promise to stop doing this before you guys open.
22:12Don't worry about it.
22:14Is everything okay?
22:16Oh, God.
22:18Your wage staff is just experiencing the difficulties of proper serving.
22:26Jen, I'd be happy to demonstrate the standard way of carrying a stack.
22:31Oh, thank you, God.
22:35Thanks for the offer, but, um, I think we've got it covered.
22:38Well, okay, then, uh, what can I do?
22:41What do you mean?
22:44Well, I'm here.
22:46Reporting for work is requested.
22:49Who requested that you come to work?
23:05You know you can't keep treating me this way.
23:07There are laws.
23:08You have to feed me.
23:21It's all beef.
23:22Want an old part of the beef?
23:25Come here.
23:27When are you taking me home?
23:29My mother's cooking a meatloaf and mashed potatoes snack.
23:33You want to wait for meatloaf and mashed potatoes?
23:39Who's the girl?
23:41What girl?
23:42The one you named your boat after.
23:45True love isn't a person.
23:47It's an idea.
23:48An unattainable idea.
23:51Who's an unattainable girl?
23:54You just love getting under my skin, don't you?
23:56Have you kissed her?
23:58I told you, there's no girl.
24:00Fine, you just kiss her.
24:01Why don't you just shut your mouth?
24:03I have no problem taking a swing at a guy, but you can't tell a girl how you feel about her.
24:08Man, you're pathetic.
24:10You want to go home?
24:12You're bluffing.
24:13You need me to finish your boat.
24:15I don't need you.
24:16Let's go.
24:17Bustin' coward.
24:18Let's go.
24:20But tomorrow you better find something creative for me to do,
24:23because I'm not working on this pitiful raft anymore.
24:26Well, maybe tomorrow I just won't show up.
24:29Make my day, loser.
24:34What am I doing here?
24:36I had a good life, good friends,
24:38a modest but promising little future teaching at a junior college in a pleasant suburban town.
24:44At this time, it is my honor to introduce the young man who made this institution so proud.
24:51Tonight, he will share with us his imaginative mind and distinctive voice.
24:57If there's still time, do you want to make a break for the back door with me?
25:00AJ, come up here and share with us.
25:24Tonight I'm reminded of FDR's immortal words,
25:28the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
25:33Of course, FDR never stood up here.
25:39Silent dream.
25:41It had always seemed like a silent dream to her,
25:44the many meaningless passings in the hallway,
25:47the sense of disconnection from those she supposedly knew so well.
25:51But when she met him, the boy she'd already known all her life,
25:56she realized that love unspoken is the loudest sound of all.
26:02And she awoke.
26:10Her name was Mary.
26:12And more than anything, she loved to read the Sunday Times on Saturday night.
26:17Mary dated frequently and sadly found her time spent alone as they sheltered from the rain.
26:24It seemed no one else noticed the dawn of her era.
26:27I fell into her and woke where the radiance should be.
26:31Her silent dreams breathed her a new breath.
26:34Her dances were free.
26:36Her smile was an empty space.
26:41The End
26:44The kid hates me.
26:46Well, don't take it personally.
26:48He's been through four mentors in the last year.
26:51And you've been expecting this conversation?
26:54I had hoped not to have it with you.
26:57But I'm not surprised.
26:59His mother works all hours,
27:01and the program isn't really designed to be a cheap babysitting service.
27:05I try to do more with that kid than just babysit him.
27:08He has the highest IQ in his class,
27:11but he's constantly failing.
27:13Can't seem to finish anything he starts.
27:17Guess that thing with his father really screwed him up, huh?
27:19Wouldn't it screw you up if your father ran off with a young woman?
27:25Ran off?
27:27Started a whole new family.
27:31You're not talking.
27:37That's why he behaves the way he does.
27:39He feels rejected.
27:41Well, I know that feeling.
27:43So, he tests the people in his life,
27:47just to see if they'll come back to him.
27:54Well, if you like, we can reassign you immediately.
27:59You thought I came in here because I couldn't handle the kid?
28:03I don't know what kind of problems those other four guys had,
28:05but there's not a kid on Earth that Basie Witter can't handle.
28:08The only reason I came in here was to ask if I could pick him up early tomorrow.
28:14Sure, I think we could arrange that.
28:27I'm really angry with you, Dawson.
28:30You had no business telling your father that I needed help.
28:34Mom, you do.
28:35Where did you get a ridiculous idea like that?
28:38Ridiculous? You mean like the state this place is in right now?
28:41Mom, you open in less than a week. I can't do it all.
28:45I only asked you to screen applicants for my wait staff, oversee some tastings.
28:50Yeah, things I know nothing about.
28:51Well, bringing in my ex-husband certainly isn't the solution.
28:55Okay, Mom.
28:56You and Dad have made it very clear how much you want to be a part of each other's lives.
29:01I thought I was confused before.
29:03Dawson, do you want people to tell you how to direct your movies?
29:06No, you need people to act in them, like them, take direction.
29:10This is my career now, Dawson.
29:12God, I thought of all people you would understand that.
29:15Well, excuse me for not wanting to see you fail, Mom.
29:17You know, if there's one thing that you've taught me,
29:19it's that you should never be ashamed to ask for help, right?
29:23I don't understand why you can't take your own advice.
29:35Can you believe the pinch I look like in your bottle of Dom?
29:38It's definitely your night.
29:40You have no idea how lucky he is you broke your heel.
29:43The guy can't dance to save his life.
29:53Oh, here we are.
29:56Here we are.
29:59Have you guys thought about heading down to the Arboretum?
30:02I bet it's amazing down there tonight.
30:08I want to go back to your room.
30:15Good. I'll have the Arboretum all to myself.
30:18Pitch kiss later.
30:20This is yours.
30:23Thank you, Mark.
30:24You're welcome.
30:49Yes, Mark?
30:53You tell me.
30:56You're feeling guilty right now, aren't you?
30:59Guilty? No.
31:01I don't like the idea of Morgan hanging out by herself at night.
31:06Go join her.
31:10I want to go back to your room alone.
31:16Tonight is one of the most memorable experiences of your life, AJ.
31:22And you should share it with Morgan.
31:25I don't understand.
31:27You've got to be the thickest Mensa member around.
31:29AJ, Morgan is your muse.
31:31No, Joey, she's just my friend. That's all.
31:33No, she's more than just a friend.
31:35She picks out paper for you and she encourages you to write
31:38and she demands that you be yourself
31:40and she does this in such a selfless way that you can't even begin to comprehend and...
31:44Wait, wait, wait. Did she tell you something?
31:47Did she say that she wants more than friendship?
31:50No, she...
31:51Then where is this coming from?
31:57I know what it's like to...
32:01to harbor feelings for somebody that you deny and...
32:06I know how horrible it is to realize those feelings way too late.
32:12And this is coming from my own experience, my own life, which...
32:20you know very little about.
32:23God, Joey, give me a chance.
32:25Let me get to know more about you. Isn't that the fun part?
32:30Yes, it's fun and it's romantic and exciting and unbelievable, but...
32:39it's not real.
32:41Well, then let's make it real.
32:44See, you already have something that is real.
32:47And Morgan has just recently realized that I...
32:51Why do you think she came back from France?
32:55Can't you hear it too?
32:57Hear what?
33:00The loudest sound of all.
33:03Love unspoken.
33:06The feelings between you and Morgan.
33:09Joey, you're reading way too much into this.
33:12Am I?
33:14Okay, then why the look?
33:16What look? What are you talking about?
33:17In the reading, you paused and you looked at her.
33:21I don't know. I was reading something and...
33:24Okay, I guess it made me think of her.
33:26It's because it's about her.
33:28No, it's a made-up character, Joey.
33:36AJ, I...
33:39I want you to go to her.
33:41And I want you to...
33:44to look into her eyes.
33:48And look deep.
33:51And see just how made-up that character is.
33:58Is that what you really want?
34:12So that's it, I mean...
34:15What about us?
34:20This is...
34:22This is something that...
34:25I'm going to remember for the rest of my life.
34:30But see...
34:35Us is a memory.
34:44And you and Morgan...
34:46are reality.
35:04I don't know.
35:07It's like a broken heart was just...
35:10that earthly...
35:14moral truth.
35:20AJ, there are worse things than a broken heart.
35:27Like the love that you don't explore.
35:35I guess I'll see you around.
35:39Potter, Tom and Joseph.
36:05I give up.
36:06I give up.
36:34I give up, office.
36:37I give up.
36:40I just wanted to come by and tell you something about your work on the boat.
36:47It ain't half bad, kid.
36:50Yeah, if you pay attention, I'll teach you a thing or two.
36:56What do you know about making meatloaf and mashed potatoes?
37:03You have to work it with your hands.
37:12Like this?
37:14Getting the hang of it.
37:18It's a good thing your mom had to work late tonight, huh?
37:24And so you know...
37:26my father's not entirely dead.
37:37My name is Joey.
37:40Is she a hottie?
37:43I'm not answering that.
37:45Come on, I'm nine.
37:47I have years before I get there.
37:50Least you can do is call for a prescription.
38:01She's so beautiful.
38:03She's so beautiful...
38:06that every time you look at her, your knees tremble,
38:09your heart just melts.
38:11You know, right then and there,
38:13without any reservations that there's order and meaning to the universe.
38:17She's a hottie.
38:21Where is she?
38:25Right now, she's probably out having the time of her life.
38:32It's not a sign of weakness
38:39When it's out of your control
38:45To everything, there is a reason
38:53And a time for letting go
38:57It's more
39:03It's more than meets the eye
39:12It's more
39:16It's more than meets the eye
39:27Looks like you've been out here for a while.
39:32I bet you could use a friend.
39:37For someone who's been so wrapped up in her own little world,
39:40you're pretty perceptive.
39:42Well, that's just the kind of girl I am.
39:45Thoughtful, empathetic,
39:48and I can see pretty much everything that happens out here from the restaurant.
39:52So you're the fun ahead of the bomb.
39:56And then I caught a mini version of a wrath myself.
40:01Just after I broke a few more plates.
40:08I think the pressure of the restaurant has finally gotten to her.
40:13You saw, all I was trying to do
40:17was help her out. She completely unloaded on me.
40:21I think you were trying to do a little more than just help her.
40:26You're trying to help yourself, too.
40:29Help myself?
40:31You're trying to put your family back together, Dawson.
40:37No, I'm not.
40:40You saw how angry I was at the B&B when they tried to close this hospital down.
40:46Exactly, because that was a facade. A lie, of course, that upset you.
40:52What's going on in the restaurant is real.
40:55What's going on in the restaurant is chaos.
40:57We invariably return to what we know, Dawson. What's in our bones.
41:03Your family, that.
41:05It's in your bones.
41:09But I know that they're not getting back together.
41:11They're not getting back together.
41:19So what am I doing?
41:23I remember a couple of years ago, at that spot right over there.
41:30You asked me to dance.
41:34And you said that you wanted to be my boy adventurer.
41:41Did I really say that?
41:45Oh, you're so naive.
41:47And sweet, and honest.
41:49On the outside, you're not that same naive little boy anymore.
41:54You've been through too much recently.
41:57But deep down at your core...
42:01There's always going to be a part of you that rejects reality.
42:05That's eternally hopeful and...
42:10Just wants his parents back together.
42:23So what happened?
42:27Nothing happened.
42:35You got bored?
42:38You got homesick?
42:41You finally ripped off his rubber mask and revealed his true alien features? What?
42:46I don't want to talk about it.
42:48Oh, well, forgive me if I'm having a little bit of trouble with the no questions asked part.
43:14Good morning.
43:16Good morning.
43:18I came here to apologize for...
43:21Undercutting your authority around here and offering my services, but it looks like you're doing just fine without me.
43:36This coffee tastes like lamb chowder.
43:38Oh, that's good.
43:43That is good.
43:46This is not the place I left last night.
43:48Oh, you mean you weren't at Leary's Fresh Fish?
43:52I thought Leary's Fresh Fish was returning to Dawson.
44:00So what's going on?
44:02You know, you were right about what you said, honey.
44:04I, uh, do need a partner and I was just too proud to admit it.
44:08Well, don't be so hard on yourself.
44:10Running a restaurant takes many talents. You've got the most important one.
44:14You know how to delegate.
44:16So you made Dad a partner after all.
44:18No, no, that would never work. She hired me as a general manager.
44:22Oh, hired being the operative work.
44:24My first order of business was to strongly suggest she make Bodhi her partner.
44:30Bodhi? But wait.
44:31Well, yeah, he's going to own 20% of the business.
44:34And in return, he's going to provide me with all of his recipes, oversee the kitchen, work only nights.
44:39That way it won't take him away from his B&B.
44:41Oh, and we're going to have to fire Jen from the waitstaff.
44:45Honey, as a waitress, she's going to put me out of business in a week.
44:48But she'd make a charming hostess.
44:51I think she would like that.
44:54Apparently you guys work well together.
45:25So you ever want to speak again?
45:31Come on, Joe, say something.
45:37What do you want me to say, Pacey?
45:40You were right?
45:43You were right, okay?
45:45Right as always.
45:47Pacey Witter.
45:49The only person in my life who ever speaks the truth.
45:53That's not entirely accurate.
45:58Well, you told me what was going to happen.
46:01Which was what, Joe? What happened up there?
46:09There was another girl.
46:17I'm sorry, Joe.
46:20You know, the whole time that I was watching them, I just kept thinking,
46:24this is it.
46:28This is real.
46:31Just like Pacey said.
46:34This is the real thing.
46:37And it reminded me once again what exactly I don't have.
46:43Keep looking, you'll find it.
46:45I won't.
46:47I mean, isn't that obvious by now? I'm not meant to.
46:50Why? Because you're 16 and alone? Come on.
46:54No, because I'm 16, and in my entire life,
46:57there have been two people who've actually known me, Pacey.
47:00Dawson and...
47:01This A.J. guy didn't know you.
47:03I don't care how you felt about him, Joe.
47:05He didn't know you, because if he did, he never would have walked away.
47:08I don't care how you felt about him, Joe.
47:10He didn't know you, because if he did, he never would have walked away.
47:13I was going to say you, Pacey.
47:23Have you totally lost it?
47:34All right, what did you mean by that?
47:36The what?
47:37About me knowing you better than anybody else.
47:40Exactly what I said, Pacey.
47:42You know me, okay?
47:44In a way that nobody else besides Dawson ever has, so...
47:47We're not talking about Dawson right now. We're talking about me.
47:49I mean, you can't keep on doing this to me, Potter.
47:51Doing what?
47:52What, so I count on you and I tell you secrets and suddenly...
47:54And you called me in the middle of the night to pick you up. Why?
47:58I'm sorry that I called. I thought that I...
48:00I'm not mad that you called me. I just want to know why you called me.
48:05You were the first person that I thought of, Pacey.
48:08And what does that mean, Joe?
48:10It means that...
48:14I guess it...
48:16It means that I can talk to you and that you're there for me.
48:19Don't you ever get tired of talking?
48:22I get tired of talking.
48:23No, I don't get tired. I don't...
48:24I don't want to talk anymore.
48:25What are you trying to say, Pacey?
48:27Why are we standing? I don't...
48:34You can. You can. You can.
49:05You can.
49:06You can.
49:07You can.
49:08You can.
49:09You can.
49:10You can.
49:11You can.
49:12You can.
49:13You can.
49:14You can.
49:15You can.
49:16You can.
49:17You can.
49:18You can.
49:19You can.
49:20You can.
49:21You can.
49:22You can.
49:23You can.
49:24You can.
49:25You can.
49:26You can.
49:27You can.
49:28You can.
49:29You can.
49:30You can.
49:31You can.
49:32You can.
