2008 Spanish GP Practice

  • last month
The 2nd Friday Practice session for Round 4 of the 2008 F1 season at Barcelona.
00:00:00Right now, boys, right now, victory for the first time, it is to win.
00:00:27Come on, mate, he's ruining our race.
00:00:28Let's get past him.
00:00:29A race far better than any other is the Sequid de Catalunya, in the little town of Montmelo,
00:00:33near Barcelona.
00:00:34And that is the sight of round four of the 2008 Formula One season, welcome to Friday's
00:00:39second 90 minute practice for the Spanish Grand Prix at Barcelona.
00:00:44Hello again everybody.
00:00:45I'm Bob Varsha with David Hobbs and Steve Matchett.
00:00:49Beautiful day near glittering Barcelona.
00:00:51And as always, there's already been one 90 minute practice session this morning.
00:00:55Let's check the highlights and tell you who went quick.
00:00:59Of course, after spending the first three races of the year offshore, there are a lot
00:01:06of new parts.
00:01:07A new vented nose on the Ferrari, a new spine wing on the Renault, and since the teams know
00:01:12this track so well, the corner workers were left idle for about the first 30 minutes before
00:01:17cars first appeared.
00:01:18When they did, one of the first out was Lewis Townsend in his Macan Mercedes, who set the
00:01:22fastest time of the time at that time, he ended up third quickest.
00:01:26Jimmy Raikkonen went out and soon set a very quick time and he was to remain top of the
00:01:31Look at this kid going absolutely ecstatic as Massa suits up.
00:01:36Massa out in the F2008, he would find it difficult, spinning not once on the Ferrari chassis,
00:01:44a bit, once again making it two, however, in between those two little moments of overdrive
00:01:51when he managed to set the fastest second time of the session, just half a tenth behind
00:01:56his teammate, Jimmy Raikkonen.
00:01:57Then home down here goes out with the new, as you can say, that spine vent on the Renault.
00:02:02At this point, he was 2.3 seconds, 2.6 seconds off, he would end up 1.3 seconds slower than
00:02:08this man, Jimmy Raikkonen, who just stayed at the top of the timesheet all morning.
00:02:12In fact, it was a Ferrari 1-2, Raikkonen marginally over Massa, who had a half-second gap on Lewis
00:02:20Then Robert Kubica, Heiko Kovalainen and Fernando Alonso.
00:02:23As we come back to live pictures, there is Lewis Hamilton back on track, oops, and back
00:02:29off track.
00:02:30I was about to say, he's trying to make up for a very poor performance by his lofty standards
00:02:35early in his Formula One career, in the most recent round at Bahrain.
00:02:38A lot of people are going to be watching Lewis Hamilton this weekend.
00:02:42Well, of course, he had that terrific crash, horrible crash, Friday, on Friday there, slamming
00:02:48into the wall.
00:02:49And then his race was just dismal by his standards, coming in 13th, and terribly slow laps, and
00:02:55of course, he damaged the car very early on.
00:02:58There's his teammate, Heiko Kovalainen, who, on the other hand, didn't have a bad race
00:03:01at all, but of course, the Ferraris were just so overwhelming in Bahrain, and looking pretty
00:03:06strong here.
00:03:07Kovalainen did only half the laps of his teammate Hamilton in this morning's session, 10 laps
00:03:13for the Finn, 20 for the Englishman.
00:03:15As we watch a replay, the Spanish, no doubt, obsessed with Hamilton, with Hamilton going
00:03:20off the road.
00:03:21So this, how many times is it now?
00:03:23Four times?
00:03:24Three minutes?
00:03:25Even go there.
00:03:26Of course, this was the scene of that ugly racial incident during testing back in February.
00:03:31No sign of any recurrence here.
00:03:32In fact, the FIA has launched an anti-racism campaign this weekend called Every Race, backed
00:03:39by most of the personalities up and down the pit lane.
00:03:42And curiously, two who were not represented were the two Spanish drivers of note, Fernando
00:03:47Alonso and McLaren tester Pedro de la Rosa, but both men said it's simply because they
00:03:52weren't even aware that the program was being debuted here.
00:03:55With that, as we watch Alonso make his way around, let's welcome Peter Windsor to the
00:04:02Thanks, Bob.
00:04:03Great to be here in sunny Barcelona, just the start of the European season.
00:04:07Great atmosphere.
00:04:08All the motorhomes lined up, looking brilliant.
00:04:10The trucks.
00:04:11Bernie Eccleston's been up and down, making sure they're within half an inch of one another
00:04:14in the way they're parked, and everybody's set and ready to go, including, one has to
00:04:19say, the Superguri Honda team.
00:04:21A lot of indecision about whether they would be at this race.
00:04:25They were hoping to have to find a buyer.
00:04:27They're right out of money.
00:04:28They don't have any sponsorship.
00:04:29They're hoping to put together a deal, certainly to ensure their future and turn them into
00:04:33a constructor for 2010, but the Magma Group pulled out of that deal a good week or so
00:04:39ago now, and they are here now because, well, they're here, and because they were here,
00:04:44Honda decided, OK, we'll pick up the tab for this weekend, but this is the last time we
00:04:49do it.
00:04:50I did say to Nick Fry, so basically, they'll just go to Turkey and hope Honda will do the
00:04:53same thing there and thereafter, and he said, no, ain't gonna happen, so this could well
00:04:57be the last appearance for the Superguri team.
00:04:59Well, that will be sad to see them go.
00:05:01Hopefully somebody does come along and help pick up the tab, and that tab, by the way,
00:05:06for this weekend alone, is about 2 million euros.
00:05:14The brakes are terrible.
00:05:15Fuck it.
00:05:19Understood, Lewis.
00:05:20Look into it.
00:05:21OK, Lewis, it's your rear brakes.
00:05:22Your rear brakes are cold.
00:05:23You'll need to work them harder.
00:05:26I heard Hamilton say, I can't get it to stop.
00:05:29Again, it gives an indication, guys, of the constant stream in real time of telemetry
00:05:34coming off the car, that the driver can rodeo back to the pits and ask his engineers, hey,
00:05:38you know, I'm having a problem with the car, and instantly, again, as I say, in real time,
00:05:43the telemetry's streaming off the car every point around the track.
00:05:46The engineers can look and say, oh, well, it's obvious what's happening there.
00:05:49Too much cooling on the rear brakes.
00:05:52You need to just wind the bias back to the rear a little bit, stamp on it, get the brakes
00:05:56up to temperature.
00:05:57These carbon brakes, they need to have a core temperature of about 400 degrees C.
00:06:02There's a very limited range in which they will work.
00:06:05Unlike steel brakes, which, you know, you have a lot more tolerance on, carbon brakes
00:06:09are brilliant, but you have to monitor them.
00:06:12We've seen that time and time again, that each corner has temperature sensors on them,
00:06:16and they control the cooling to the brakes, cooling to the caliper, cooling to each pot
00:06:19on the caliper.
00:06:20They're a great consideration given to the brakes, and this is no exception around here.
00:06:24It's not a particularly hard track on brakes, but every component on the car has to work
00:06:28in harmony.
00:06:30Watching Robert Kubica and the BMW Sauber, notice all the new aerodynamic pieces on the
00:06:35After the first three races spent in a six-week period on the other side of the world, the
00:06:39teams are back, as you look at a Honda now, and able to put all their latest development
00:06:44bits on the car, including those two enormous rabbit ears on top of the nose of the Honda.
00:06:49Look at those things.
00:06:50Let me just highlight it, but you don't really need me to do that.
00:06:53Difficult to miss those fellows right there.
00:06:55Honda have been complaining of understeer all year long, and, well, that's really carried
00:06:59over from the 2007 car.
00:07:01This is a solution they were trying in the Barcelona test last week, prior to this session,
00:07:07just to try and give a little bit more downforce on the front of the car.
00:07:13Well, if that doesn't do it, then it won't will.
00:07:16You may remember from last year in testing, they tried a much bigger version of that,
00:07:20which really did look like elephant ears.
00:07:22I mean, they were enormous and so ugly.
00:07:26I think that's probably the main reason.
00:07:28The main reason they didn't run them was they were just too awful looking.
00:07:33Well, so far, it doesn't seem to be doing a lot of good.
00:07:352.2 seconds off Robert Kubica.
00:07:37Oh, Hamilton's gone around.
00:07:43Yeah, but you're right, Bob, a lot of new aerodynamic tweaks on the cars after that
00:07:47test, and we'll get into them as this session goes on.
00:07:50We've seen some great work from Ferrari in the winter, wonderful work on their nose,
00:07:54and we'll get into that later.
00:07:55Maybe Hamilton have put too much on the backs.
00:07:58Yeah, could have done it.
00:07:59Yeah, probably locked the backs up there.
00:08:01We'll get on to the radio now, and his engineers will say,
00:08:03well, your rear brakes are too hot.
00:08:05It's simple.
00:08:06Here's his view of it.
00:08:10That's a spot where Massa had one of his spins this morning.
00:08:15But, you know, again, think how many laps these guys have just covered around Barcelona
00:08:20last week.
00:08:21I know it's, you know, the temperature has changed, and it was raining on the last day,
00:08:25but these guys know the track inside out, and still, after the first hour-long practice
00:08:30session, they go out on the track, and once again, having problems with the car setup.
00:08:35They are so critical Formula 1 cars.
00:08:37They change.
00:08:38The track conditions change just subtly, just slightly, and it will show up on the car.
00:08:44Rubens Barrichello was terribly proud on Thursday of the fact that in one day of the
00:08:48test last week, he did almost 150 laps.
00:08:51I mean, that's more than two race distances.
00:08:54That's a lot of work for a driver.
00:08:56I mean, you know, just think of the strain on the guy's neck, two race distances in one
00:09:02That's good work by any driver.
00:09:04That's hard work, too, around here.
00:09:05As you can see, a lot of g-loading on this course.
00:09:07Nick Rosberg, currently lying in third spot.
00:09:11He didn't do quite as well this morning as you probably hoped.
00:09:13I think the Williams are really hoping they're going to try and get up there to challenge
00:09:17BMW for the best of the rest, but...
00:09:21Rosberg was 12th in the morning session at 1.23 dead, which was a full, well, two and
00:09:27a half seconds off of the Ferraris.
00:09:31Yes, because Robert Kubic is at the top of the timesheets now at 22.9, which is still
00:09:34a second and a half off of what the Ferraris did this morning.
00:09:37But, you know, this session is slightly more serious.
00:09:40They're going to start doing some data collecting here on fuel economy runs and that sort of
00:09:45One of the things you see is what Nico Rosberg's doing right there.
00:09:47He's got those white stripes, the softer the two Bridgestone compounds on the front, trying
00:09:51to check how long they will last under a certain fuel load.
00:09:55We'll take a break and return with more from Barcelona shortly.
00:10:01Speed's coverage of the FIA Formula One World Championship is brought to you by Bridgestone.
00:10:06For drivers who want to get the most out of their cars, it's Bridgestone or nothing.
00:10:14Welcome back live to the Circuit de Catalunya outside Barcelona, Spain.
00:10:19Friday's second practice for Sunday's Spanish Grand Prix, which you'll see live on Speed.
00:10:24And the headline is Adrian Sutil in the Force India F1 Ferrari tops the timesheets over
00:10:31Robert Kubica and Kimi Raikkonen.
00:10:34Let's take a look at this track with our BMW track analysis and David Hobbs.
00:10:38Well, at 2.9 miles, it's a pretty average length.
00:10:41As you can see, it's got a lot of corners squeezed into there, but a very, very long
00:10:45So aerodynamic efficiency is very important here.
00:10:48Turn one, Alfa is a fairly slow corner, but you pick up speed all the way to that Renault.
00:10:52Puts a lot of heat in the left front tyre.
00:10:54A little straight to Repsol, more heat in the left front tyre as you go down the hill
00:10:58now to Siac, which is at the bottom of the hill.
00:11:00The road slopes away there, so you tend to get a bit of understeer there.
00:11:03On what is now a cool right front.
00:11:06Down to Wirt, there.
00:11:07Tight corner.
00:11:08And then quite steeply uphill through Wirt to Campas.
00:11:11Campas at the top of the hill there, so a very fast sweep.
00:11:14Down to La Caccia.
00:11:15We're going downhill again now.
00:11:16La Caccia, they've messed it up somewhat.
00:11:18It used to be a lovely flowing corner.
00:11:19Now they've squared it off, something bad.
00:11:22Going up to Banks-Aberdell, through Eurocar, down to horrible chicane.
00:11:26Completely ruining New Holland, which used to be a really, really quick right-hand sweeper.
00:11:31But quite a bit of elevation change.
00:11:33And, of course, a track that everybody knows so well.
00:11:36As you said, Bob, because they do all their testing in it.
00:11:39This track has changed so much since you and I first visited it back in 1991, David.
00:11:43There have been chicanes that have come and gone on the front stretch.
00:11:46Remember that bizarre tyre arrangement they put up on the Nissan Strait in 1994
00:11:50after Senna was killed at Imola?
00:11:51Dreadful thing.
00:11:53That's a good look at that vent on the top of the nose of the Ferrari
00:11:56that caused a bit of a stir when a rough sketch of the new aero arrangement
00:12:00on the Ferrari appeared ten weeks ago in an Italian enthusiast magazine.
00:12:08So, of course, everyone in Ferrari-land was thinking, well, who leaked that?
00:12:12Of course, at that point, Nigel Stepney was long gone from Ferrari
00:12:15in the wake of the Stepney-Gate espionage saga last year, so they couldn't blame him.
00:12:21On board with Giancarlo Fisichella, trying to match his teammate Adrian Sutil's time
00:12:25at the top of the list.
00:12:26Here's that chicane.
00:12:27Nicely left-right sweep.
00:12:37He goes to P1.
00:12:39Force India, 1-2.
00:12:41Yes, they are two seconds off this morning's quick time, but hey,
00:12:45we take our little victories where we find them.
00:12:50Well, this new gig with Force India has been an absolute energy shot
00:12:55to Giancarlo Fisichella's career.
00:12:57Everybody's saying nice things about the Italian up and down the pit lane.
00:13:00Well, and of course, the other thing that's been an energy shot to his career
00:13:02was when Alonso went back to Renault,
00:13:04and probably did just about exactly what Fisichella did last year,
00:13:07if not worse.
00:13:08So, Fisichella has solidified.
00:13:11But you're right, he's got years of experience under his belt.
00:13:14And I say all credit to him, because he has remained confident.
00:13:18He's remained committed to this team.
00:13:20Because a lot of people, as you were saying, Bob,
00:13:22you know, a big jump from Renault to go down to a real back-marker team
00:13:25like Force India.
00:13:26But he's doing a good job there.
00:13:30Well, he's got a lot of experience.
00:13:32He's got a lot of experience.
00:13:33He's got a lot of experience.
00:13:34He's got a lot of experience.
00:13:35He's got a lot of experience.
00:13:36He's got a lot of experience.
00:13:37He's got a lot of experience.
00:13:38He's doing a good job there.
00:13:41Let's get Peter Windsor back in.
00:13:44Thanks Bob.
00:13:45Two quick comments.
00:13:46One, another shot in the arm for Gene Kaller.
00:13:48Fisichella, of course,
00:13:49is this recent passion for poker that seems to have hit everybody in the pit lane,
00:13:52including Robert Kubica,
00:13:54Kubica as he says he likes to be called,
00:13:56Nick Heidfeld,
00:13:57Tony Oluzzi,
00:13:58and Gene Kaller and Fernando Alonso
00:14:00all sit around every Saturday night and play poker.
00:14:02And they got a curfew at 11.30,
00:14:04but Gene Kaller is the main man, apparently.
00:14:06It's quite a handy poker player.
00:14:07We see on camera at the moment, Sebastian Vettel in the Toro Rosso Ferrari.
00:14:11This is probably going to be the last race for this specific car.
00:14:15The new 08 Adrian Newey version of this car should be racing for the team in the next
00:14:20round of the championship in Turkey.
00:14:22And that car, interestingly enough, will be a very nice version of the Red Bull Renault
00:14:25because it's going to have more refined front suspension design following that problem they
00:14:29had with the shim design in Malaysia when David Coulthard's front suspension collapsed.
00:14:35It's going to be on a different brake system.
00:14:36They're going to run Brembos, as you see from the hit codes, on the Renault-powered car.
00:14:41But they're, of course, all looking forward to it.
00:14:42This is probably, as I say, the last time we're going to see the 07 Adrian Newey Toro Rosso.
00:14:46So, Peter, apparently that early chassis that Sebastian Bourdais crashed so heavily in testing
00:14:52during the break will not hold them up from introducing the new car in Turkey?
00:14:56Well, there are a few question marks.
00:14:59Having pushed really hard, the design department of Red Bull Racing Technology said, well,
00:15:05we're hoping for Turkey.
00:15:06You know, in Formula 1 language, that means it probably will be Turkey, I think, but obviously
00:15:11that's what Toro Rosso are pushing for.
00:15:14But, again, a question mark over the future of that whole team because by 2010, which
00:15:18means the middle at the latest of 09, they need to be a fully-fledged constructor in
00:15:22their own right.
00:15:23And that is not an easy transition to have to make.
00:15:26Dietrich Mateschitz has said he'll put his 50% up for sale.
00:15:30There's Vijay Mallya of Force India F1, the Indian billionaire who is funding that team
00:15:36this year.
00:15:37They rolled out a massive new paddock.
00:15:39Now, you hesitate to call it a motorhome.
00:15:42It's a modular building, is what it is.
00:15:44Apparently quite spectacular.
00:15:45Well, looking very happy at the moment because his two cars, the Fischer Keller and Adrian
00:15:48Suter, are at the top of the timesheet, so no wonder he was smiling.
00:15:53I wonder how you say all in in Italian.
00:15:58Tutto inno.
00:15:59There you go.
00:16:01Could be a new career for Giancarlo Fischer Keller.
00:16:03Here's Jarno Trulli in the Toyota.
00:16:05He had a spin this morning.
00:16:09Trulli at the moment down in 16th spot.
00:16:11Two seconds almost exactly off the pace.
00:16:14Anthony Davidson's done three laps but has yet to post the time.
00:16:19And Henke Kovalainen, the McLaren Mercedes, has not been out yet at all.
00:16:23But once again, they do know this track very well.
00:16:26We'll be back.
00:16:34And here comes the team.
00:16:35FIA rules be damned.
00:16:37We're going to go out to the pit wall and cheer our man, but never as lustily as his
00:16:42What a moment this must be for a young athlete.
00:16:45Off the final corner he comes.
00:16:47The pride of all Spain.
00:16:48Fernando Alonso and Renault will win his home Grand Prix.
00:16:54Thank you to all of you.
00:16:56This one was the one to win.
00:17:03Now the good old days for Fernando Alonso and Renault.
00:17:06Just a couple of short seasons ago.
00:17:08Making victory here in front of a packed house at the Circuit de Catalunya.
00:17:12As you watch live Friday's second practice here on Speed.
00:17:15I'm Bob Varsha with David Hobbs, Steve Matchett and Peter Windsor.
00:17:18We do not expect a sellout here in Barcelona on Sunday.
00:17:22Of course, part of the reason for that is the new Spanish race in Valencia.
00:17:27Street event coming up later this year, which apparently has completely sold out its grandstand seats.
00:17:33Although it has come under fire by local environmental activists who claim...
00:17:38And the European Union.
00:17:40Well, an impact statement apparently wasn't done to their satisfaction.
00:17:45We'll see what happens with that.
00:17:47But, of course, Fernando Alonso's reduced competitiveness in his return to Renault this year...
00:17:52Won't help the gate much either.
00:17:57To Peter Windsor.
00:17:59Bob, yes, just looking at the lap times at the moment...
00:18:02We've got to assume that the two Force Indias are light on fuel...
00:18:05And that a proper fuel time is in the 22.9, 23.0 reason.
00:18:10And that looks like it's going to be a good motor race.
00:18:12We've got Robert Kubica, Kimi Räikkönen and Lewis Hamilton all within a tenth of one another.
00:18:16It's early days, as they always say, the old cliché.
00:18:18And Nick Heinfeld there too.
00:18:19But it looks like it's going to be very, very close.
00:18:22However, the lap times in general are a lot slower than they were in the test.
00:18:26And I think the main reason for that is because during the last test...
00:18:30Bridgestone took the opportunity to test for the first time the slick tyre...
00:18:33They're going to be introducing into Formula 1 next year.
00:18:36Of course, we currently race on grooves.
00:18:38And they had that slick tyre in both a hard and a soft compound.
00:18:41And did that soft compound slick lay some rubber in the test?
00:18:44The rubber groove was just phenomenal.
00:18:47And here we see that Fernando Alonso was quickest, in fact, in that test in the 18s.
00:18:52That shows how much grip there was.
00:18:53But bad news, I think, from the point of view of anyone hoping that the slicks would possibly improve the overtaking in Formula 1.
00:18:59Of course, having that massive rubber groove meant that it was incredibly slippery offline.
00:19:03And even less chance to get down on the inside of somebody there.
00:19:07But Fernando Alonso, very quick in the test.
00:19:09Bob Bell, the technical director of Renault, raised a few feathers before the Grand Prix...
00:19:15By saying that he felt this year the Renault engine was down on power relative to some of its competitors.
00:19:20Steve, I'm interested to get your take on this.
00:19:22But chatting to engineers up and down the pit lane, they think there's about a 25 horsepower difference...
00:19:27Between the best engine, let's say the Ferrari, and the worst engine currently in Formula 1.
00:19:32Obviously, the regulations are frozen.
00:19:33There's not much that can be done about that.
00:19:35But Bob Bell making the point that he felt the Renault engine was at the bottom end of that.
00:19:38And whether it's significant or not, we saw in Bahrain that they were using the older version of the software...
00:19:45For the McLaren Electronics ECU on the car.
00:19:48Not the only team doing that.
00:19:50Williams also had the older version.
00:19:52But I wonder whether there's any correlation there between the engines that are slightly down on power...
00:19:56Using different software now.
00:19:58You bring up an interesting point there, Peter, about engine development.
00:20:01Because, yes, the engine design development is frozen.
00:20:06But there is scope within the wording of the technical regulations...
00:20:11Which does allow the teams to change certain components on the car.
00:20:15Such as, for example, the valve seat arrangement in the cylinder heads.
00:20:20I believe you can modify the valve seat arrangement in the cylinder head.
00:20:23Well, some of the bright engineers in Formula 1 terms...
00:20:26That means pretty much everybody working on the engines...
00:20:29Figured out that if you include the swirl pot arrangement within the top of the valve arrangement...
00:20:36The combustion chamber.
00:20:38If you combine that with the valve seat...
00:20:41It means that you can change the valve seat and the combustion chamber for each different race.
00:20:47So there's actually quite a lot you can do.
00:20:50Playing with the fuel mapping, of course.
00:20:52But even on some of the engine components you can change.
00:20:55And they're still spending...
00:20:56The guys I've been talking to say that they're still spending massive amounts of hours...
00:21:01On dyno testing different components on these engines.
00:21:04And for something that's supposed to be frozen now...
00:21:07A lot of difference between them.
00:21:08And I wouldn't be at all surprised if 25 horsepower between these engines sounds very reasonable to me.
00:21:13Just expanding on Renault's problems...
00:21:16I think they have problems everywhere, from what I can figure out.
00:21:19They were complaining that they lack high-speed aerodynamic stability through the high-speed corners.
00:21:24Low-speed mechanical grip.
00:21:26So they're lacking on mechanical grip.
00:21:28They're down on horsepower.
00:21:29There's not much left, is there?
00:21:31We haven't got aero-efficiency.
00:21:33We haven't got mechanical efficiency.
00:21:34And we're down on horsepower.
00:21:40Steve, one of the interesting responses I did get talking to one of the engineers...
00:21:44Was that they felt that Renault had more to lose when the regulations were frozen than any other manufacturer.
00:21:49And that's because at that time they were revving to about 19.7, it turns out.
00:21:53Whereas the Ferrari was only revving to about 19.3.
00:21:55So they had to do very little to their spec to bring it back to the 19.000 rev limit.
00:22:00Whereas Renault actually had to do quite a lot.
00:22:02And quite obviously... Well, I say obviously...
00:22:04It's possible that in some specific important area...
00:22:07They've actually gone a bit over the top.
00:22:09And they are lacking in that area which cannot now be modified until the regulations are changed again.
00:22:16Well, you can see quite clearly from some of those shots we saw of Alonso in Malaysia and Australia...
00:22:21That the guy is having to over-drive the car.
00:22:24Whether that's because he's a bit down on power or down on grip...
00:22:27It's hard to tell.
00:22:28But whatever, you can see the car is very twitchy.
00:22:31And that's partly because he's over-driving.
00:22:33And of course it's only because he's as good as he is that he can over-drive it to that extent.
00:22:37You're right. You're absolutely right, David.
00:22:40And if you're down on power...
00:22:42Well, the easy solution is to take downforce off the car.
00:22:45But of course...
00:22:46It makes it twitchy.
00:22:47It makes it twitchy, yeah.
00:22:49So it kind of compounds the problems.
00:22:51But that...
00:22:52As we've seen earlier shots of the Renault with the extended dorsal fins...
00:22:56Such as the Red Bull team have been running from the start of the season...
00:22:59One of the main advantages of that, according to the aero guys I've been talking to...
00:23:03Is that it kind of stabilizes the airflow towards the rear wing...
00:23:07Which you would expect.
00:23:08But also you get...
00:23:10So as the air flows across the car here...
00:23:13Coming back towards the rear wing...
00:23:15Obviously mounted on here...
00:23:17It cleans the airflow, keeps it more linear coming back around the car...
00:23:20So you get less swirl as it comes down here if you didn't have this fin.
00:23:24But also you get some very positive sideload force on the car as well.
00:23:28So when Pat Simmons and the guys from Renault are complaining that the rear of the car becomes unstable...
00:23:34They can use this panel right here to get a little bit of your force on the car...
00:23:38To keep the car more stable as well.
00:23:40That's one of the reasons that Renault have gone that way.
00:23:43I've asked whether or not they'll be running it permanently...
00:23:46And they said, well...
00:23:47Maybe we won't be running it at Monaco.
00:23:49Which again is indicative to me that it's for a high-speed track to try and clean the airflow to the rear.
00:23:54When you have a big wing on the car...
00:23:57Well, maybe they'll lose that rear wing on the car.
00:23:59But it's an easy thing really...
00:24:01Unlike the Ferrari nose, which we'll get into later...
00:24:04It's an easy component to put on the car and change.
00:24:06It's just a matter of changing the bodywork, rear bodywork one for one.
00:24:09It's a relatively easy thing.
00:24:10So it's worth doing that test.
00:24:12But I'm sure we won't see it at Monaco.
00:24:15But there's a lot of teams...
00:24:16I think Ferrari have done a lot of little tweaks on the car.
00:24:19And again, as we always say...
00:24:21It's the big things that make a little difference to the car.
00:24:23It's the little things that you struggle to see.
00:24:25They're the things that make a big difference to the performance game.
00:24:30Well, Steve...
00:24:31I'm not sure that I agree with you there.
00:24:33Because I have to announce here...
00:24:36That I've seen Flavio Briatore in my gym for the last 10 days working out.
00:24:40Which is quite something really.
00:24:41Oh my God, that must be...
00:24:42He's up on the old treadmill.
00:24:43It's fantastic.
00:24:44And between pants I said to Flavio...
00:24:48How's the team going?
00:24:49He said, we need more money.
00:24:50But I have a way to get more money.
00:24:51Don't worry, we have more money.
00:24:52And now we can see it, of course.
00:24:53That much larger surface area for ING on the car.
00:24:57And that is going to solve all the problems.
00:25:00I know why Flavio is in the gym.
00:25:02It's just been announced or confirmed...
00:25:04That he and his girlfriend, Elisabetta Gregoracci...
00:25:10The lingerie model who is 30 years his junior...
00:25:13Will marry in May.
00:25:15In front of 500 of their closest friends.
00:25:20A May wedding.
00:25:21How sweet and enchanting it will be.
00:25:23With the May flowers flowering.
00:25:25The blossoms blossoming.
00:25:26The leaves falling.
00:25:29There are two questions, Claudio.
00:25:31Either we say we stick with that 53 wing...
00:25:34And then try to do something about it.
00:25:36Or we try 19.
00:25:37Because for me, it's not working.
00:25:40I'd love to have that kind of downforce.
00:25:43But we can't use it.
00:25:45We're just shooting ourselves in the foot.
00:25:47We can't make it rough.
00:25:49I mean, we can go different on the rear suspension.
00:25:54But it's not going to help.
00:25:55And if we soften up the front with the current configuration...
00:25:59We already tested that.
00:26:01And I don't like it either.
00:26:02Because it makes the rear entry bad.
00:26:07Wow, interesting there.
00:26:09It's like Sebastien Bordet giving his engineers a lot to think about.
00:26:12Yeah, obviously he knows what he's talking about on that one, too.
00:26:15Meanwhile, here is the garage of the session leaders.
00:26:19Giancarlo Fisichella has improved his time to 1.22.383.
00:26:23Adrian Sutil right there in second.
00:26:35Welcome back.
00:26:36Less than an hour remaining in the second 90-minute Friday practice...
00:26:39For Sunday's Formula 1 Spanish Grand Prix.
00:26:42Which you'll see live here on Speed.
00:26:44Preceded by our Acura pre-race show.
00:26:47With Peter Winsor, David Hobbs, and Steve Matchett.
00:26:50I'm Bob Varsha.
00:26:51You'll also see the opening round of the GP2 championship...
00:26:54From Barcelona at 6 a.m. Sunday.
00:26:57So join us for that.
00:26:58There's Lewis Hamilton in the garage.
00:27:00Currently eighth for McLaren Mercedes.
00:27:03Kimi Räikkönen, the world champion in the Ferrari...
00:27:05Has forced his way into second, splitting the two Force India cars.
00:27:09And I never thought I'd hear myself say that.
00:27:12But it's Fisichella, Räikkönen, Sutil...
00:27:14Then David Coulthard in the first of the Red Bull Renaults.
00:27:16Felipe Massa in the second Ferrari.
00:27:18Nelson Piquet's Renault.
00:27:19Robert Kubica's BMW Sauber.
00:27:21Then Hamilton.
00:27:22Mark Webber in the second Red Bull.
00:27:24And Nick Heidfeld in the second BMW, the top ten.
00:27:27Fernando Alonso is twelfth.
00:27:34There's Heikki Kovalainen climbing into the McLaren...
00:27:37For the first time in this afternoon session.
00:27:40He did just ten laps in this morning's opening 90 minutes.
00:27:44And he has yet to complete a lap here.
00:27:46In fact, he's yet to be out of the garage.
00:27:48Well, Lewis Hamilton had an interesting lap.
00:27:50We were watching it while Peter was talking a few moments ago.
00:27:53His first two sectors were lightning quick.
00:27:55Putting him well at the top of the timesheets.
00:27:57And then it fell off in the third sector.
00:28:01Which is the last four or five corners.
00:28:03All of which are pretty tight.
00:28:05He was on the hard tyres.
00:28:06So they must have some sort of low-speed handling problem.
00:28:14A lot of the very slow corners on this track come in the third sector.
00:28:17Right from right here.
00:28:18Just this last bit.
00:28:20He fell right off.
00:28:21He suddenly ended up 0.7 seconds slower.
00:28:24Having led for the first two sectors.
00:28:26So, they've obviously got a bit of a problem on the hard tyres.
00:28:29Whereas Felipe Massa on these hard tyres.
00:28:31Here at the moment.
00:28:32How's he going to do on this last sector?
00:28:35Well, as we watch the Ferrari circulate.
00:28:37Keep your eye for this slot that we've been talking about up to now.
00:28:41On the Ferrari.
00:28:42It's on the nose.
00:28:43It's at the back of the nose section.
00:28:44If you imagine just the nose section.
00:28:46And the mechanics change during the pitstop.
00:28:48When they've had wing damage.
00:28:50There's a slot just around where the pitot tube is.
00:28:54Here it is right here.
00:28:55Actually, it's a still we took earlier on.
00:28:57That slot right here.
00:28:58And here.
00:28:59The nose.
00:29:00The split line of the nose is right there.
00:29:03What they're doing with this slot here.
00:29:05I'll get back to you.
00:29:29So, I'm afraid we're on the wrong path, man.
00:29:32No matter what.
00:29:33Trying to break the understeer doesn't work.
00:29:36It is not working.
00:29:39I sense a little frustration at that engineer's tone.
00:29:43Boy, oh boy.
00:29:45Oh, to finish off this thought on the nose here.
00:29:47What we're missing, guys.
00:29:48From all the photographs we've seen on the test.
00:29:50To explain how this works.
00:29:52There is another slot underneath the nose.
00:29:55On the bottom side of the car.
00:29:57Just at the edge of where the flap goes along underneath.
00:30:00So, if you imagine underneath where the rear flap finishes.
00:30:03There is another slot underneath to flow the air.
00:30:06From the underside of the chassis.
00:30:08Over the top of the chassis.
00:30:10And the idea of that is to kill some of the positive pressure.
00:30:13Flowing off the front wing.
00:30:15If you imagine the build up.
00:30:16This all boils back down to.
00:30:18In its essence.
00:30:19To keel arrangement again.
00:30:21Remember when we were talking about twin keel.
00:30:23And how the air builds up around the chassis on the single keel.
00:30:25So, we went to twin keel to pull the keels aside.
00:30:27When the wing was raised in 2005 to the regulations.
00:30:31And the aerodynamicists wanted to play with a way of.
00:30:34Getting more airflow around the underside of the car.
00:30:36Then we became.
00:30:37We moved towards a zero keel arrangement.
00:30:39Which all these cars have got now.
00:30:41Ferrari's next incarnation of this zero keel arrangement.
00:30:44Another way of getting the airflow from underneath the car.
00:30:48Is to build a slot.
00:30:50A vent if you like.
00:30:51On the underside of the nose.
00:30:52And simply vent the air.
00:30:54Flowing off the trailing edge of the rear wing.
00:30:56Excuse me.
00:30:57The front wing.
00:30:58The trailing edge of the front wing there.
00:30:59Off that flap.
00:31:00Over the top of the car.
00:31:03Some of the still shots we saw from the test.
00:31:06In Barcelona last week.
00:31:08You'll have noticed.
00:31:09They had a very high mounted pitot tube on the car.
00:31:12Over the air intake.
00:31:14Above the driver's head.
00:31:15And they were wanting to monitor.
00:31:17That air which is venting out of the nose.
00:31:19Whether or not they could gain a little bit to the rear wing.
00:31:22And also possibly gain a little bit of extra positive pressure.
00:31:26Into the air box.
00:31:28Not allowed to supercharge or turbocharge the engines.
00:31:31To F1 regulations.
00:31:32But again.
00:31:33Thinking back to this frozen engine regulations.
00:31:35Now the guys are always working to find something else.
00:31:37If they can use a little bit of that airflow.
00:31:39Off the front wing.
00:31:41And just give a little bit more positive pressure.
00:31:43Into the air intake.
00:31:44You've got an advantage.
00:31:45Create a low pressure area.
00:31:47Well slot or no slot.
00:31:48Felipe Massa also fell right on his face.
00:31:51On that last sector.
00:31:52Which has the slower corners.
00:31:54Which may mean that their high speed aerodynamics are working better.
00:31:57But their low speed grip.
00:31:58Obviously not.
00:31:59He was a tenth of a second up.
00:32:01Going into that third sector.
00:32:03And ended up four tenths off.
00:32:04Coming out.
00:32:06That's a big loss of time.
00:32:07But also.
00:32:08He is also on the hard tyre.
00:32:10So these guys.
00:32:12It's important for them to make these hard tyres work.
00:32:14David Coulthard for instance.
00:32:16Is going quick here.
00:32:17But he's on the soft tyre.
00:32:20And he is fourth.
00:32:21In the session.
00:32:22All of the other cars in the top five.
00:32:24Are Ferrari powered.
00:32:25This one of course Renault.
00:32:29Actually guys.
00:32:30There was so much going on during the Barcelona test.
00:32:32That we've got several still images.
00:32:34That we took.
00:32:35From that test.
00:32:36And if you log on to SpeedTV.com.
00:32:38Later on.
00:32:39In the weekend.
00:32:40Our next shortboard session.
00:32:42We'll be looking at those in more detail.
00:32:44We haven't got so much time now.
00:32:45As we'd like to dedicate.
00:32:46Just to look at the air detail.
00:32:47Aerodynamic details around the car.
00:32:49Log on to SpeedTV.com.
00:32:50And look at the shortboard session.
00:32:52We'll try and cover that in more detail.
00:32:55You know.
00:32:56There are lots of other things you can do at SpeedTV.com.
00:32:58Including buying Speed merchandise.
00:33:00The all new Speed Swag store is here.
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00:33:12It's all there waiting for you.
00:33:14Adrian Sutil.
00:33:15Now in fourth.
00:33:16After David Coulthard.
00:33:17Goes to the top of the charts.
00:33:18With a 22.321.
00:33:19Then Fisichella.
00:33:20At 22.383.
00:33:25Less than a quarter of a second.
00:33:26Covering the top four cars.
00:33:27In this session.
00:33:28But it doesn't look as if Sutil is going to be.
00:33:29Doing any much on this now.
00:33:30Because we don't have a lot of time.
00:33:32We're going to have to.
00:33:33We're going to have to.
00:33:34We're going to have to.
00:33:35We're going to have to.
00:33:36We're going to have to.
00:33:37We're going to have to.
00:33:38We're going to have to.
00:33:39We're going to have to.
00:33:40We're going to have to.
00:33:41We're going to have to.
00:33:42We're going to have to.
00:33:43We're going to have to.
00:33:44We're going to have to.
00:33:45We're going to have to.
00:33:46We're going to have to.
00:33:47We're going to have to.
00:33:48We're going to have to.
00:33:49We're going to have to.
00:33:50We're going to have to.
00:33:51We're going to have to.
00:33:52We're going to have to.
00:33:53We're going to have to.
00:33:54We're going to have to.
00:33:55We're going to have to.
00:33:56We're going to have to.
00:33:57We're going to have to.
00:33:58We're going to have to.
00:33:59We're going to have to.
00:34:00We're going to have to.
00:34:01We're going to have to.
00:34:02We're going to have to.
00:34:03We're going to have to.
00:34:04We're going to have to.
00:34:05We're going to have to.
00:34:06We're going to have to.
00:34:07We're going to have to.
00:34:08We're going to have to.
00:34:09We're going to have to.
00:34:10We're going to have to.
00:34:11We're going to have to.
00:34:12We're going to have to.
00:34:13We're going to have to.
00:34:14We're going to have to.
00:34:15We're going to have to.
00:34:16We're going to have to.
00:34:17We're going to have to.
00:34:18We're going to have to.
00:34:19We're going to have to.
00:34:20We're going to have to.
00:34:21We're going to have to.
00:34:22We're going to have to.
00:34:23We're going to have to.
00:34:24We're going to have to.
00:34:25We're going to have to.
00:34:26We're going to have to.
00:34:27We're going to have to.
00:34:28We're going to have to.
00:34:29We're going to have to.
00:34:30We're going to have to.
00:34:31We're going to have to.
00:34:32We're going to have to.
00:34:33We're going to have to.
00:34:34We're going to have to.
00:34:35We're going to have to.
00:34:36We're going to have to.
00:34:37We're going to have to.
00:34:38We're going to have to.
00:34:39We're going to have to.
00:34:40We're going to have to.
00:34:41We're going to have to.
00:34:42We're going to have to.
00:34:43We're going to have to.
00:34:44We're going to have to.
00:34:45We're going to have to.
00:34:46We're going to have to.
00:34:47We're going to have to.
00:34:48We're going to have to.
00:34:49We're going to have to.
00:34:50We're going to have to.
00:34:51We're going to have to.
00:34:52We're going to have to.
00:34:53We're going to have to.
00:34:54We're going to have to.
00:34:55We're going to have to.
00:34:56We're going to have to.
00:34:57We're going to have to.
00:34:58We're going to have to.
00:34:59We're going to have to.
00:35:00We're going to have to.
00:35:01We're going to have to.
00:35:02We're going to have to.
00:35:03We're going to have to.
00:35:04We're going to have to.
00:35:05We're going to have to.
00:35:06We're going to have to.
00:35:07We're going to have to.
00:35:08We're going to have to.
00:35:09We're going to have to.
00:35:10We're going to have to.
00:35:11We're going to have to.
00:35:12We're going to have to.
00:35:13We're going to have to.
00:35:14We're going to have to.
00:35:15We're going to have to.
00:35:17Some traces of rather inelegant line there and his good idea.
00:35:20Some traces of rather inelegant line there and his good idea.
00:35:21Toro Rosso.
00:35:22Toro Rosso.
00:35:23Toro Rosso.
00:35:24Watch the gravel fly.
00:35:25Watch the gravel fly.
00:35:27And bits and stuff off the bottom.
00:35:29And bits and stuff off the bottom.
00:35:30Vettel's been pretty coy this weekend.
00:35:31Vettel's been pretty coy this weekend.
00:35:32There have been a lot of rumors that he might move up to the
00:35:33There have been a lot of rumors that he might move up to the
00:35:34Red Bull Renault team next year.
00:35:35Red Bull Renault team next year.
00:35:36He, of course, is sponsored by Red Bull.
00:35:37He, of course, is sponsored by Red Bull.
00:35:38He, of course, is sponsored by Red Bull.
00:35:39He does not have a professional manager.
00:35:40He does not have a professional manager.
00:35:41He does not have a professional manager.
00:35:42So any question about Vettel's future, you go right to
00:35:43So any question about Vettel's future, you go right to
00:35:44Sebastian himself and all he'll say is, well, let's not talk
00:35:45Sebastian himself and all he'll say is, well, let's not talk
00:35:46Sebastian himself and all he'll say is, well, let's not talk
00:35:47Sebastian himself and all he'll say is, well, let's not talk
00:35:48about next year right now.
00:35:49about next year right now.
00:35:50about next year right now.
00:35:51Otherwise, too, Heike Kovalainen finally gets out on
00:35:52Otherwise, too, Heike Kovalainen finally gets out on
00:35:53Otherwise, too, Heike Kovalainen finally gets out on the track.
00:35:54the track.
00:35:55I believe Vettel's the only driver that does not have a
00:35:56I believe Vettel's the only driver that does not have a
00:35:57I believe Vettel's the only driver that does not have a
00:35:58I believe Vettel's the only driver that does not have a manager.
00:35:59manager. Heike Kovalainen is very late
00:36:00Heike Kovalainen is very late getting to the session.
00:36:01getting to the session. This is only his third lap.
00:36:02This is only his third lap. We understand he had to
00:36:03We understand he had to replace the oil pump on his
00:36:04replace the oil pump on his gearbox.
00:36:05gearbox. After getting just ten laps this
00:36:06After getting just ten laps this morning, he probably wants
00:36:07morning, he probably wants everyone he can grab this
00:36:08everyone he can grab this afternoon.
00:36:09afternoon. Keep in mind, it will be penalty
00:36:10Keep in mind, it will be penalty free.
00:36:11free. Going back to the start of the
00:36:12Going back to the start of the season with his regulation change
00:36:13season with his regulation change where the teams, each
00:36:14where the teams, each car has to use a transmission assembly
00:36:15car has to use a transmission assembly for four consecutive
00:36:16for four consecutive Grand Prix.
00:36:17Grand Prix. That only comes into effect on
00:36:18That only comes into effect on Saturday.
00:36:19Saturday. So as it's Friday, it will be
00:36:20So as it's Friday, it will be penalty free.
00:36:21penalty free. But in essence, if that had
00:36:22But in essence, if that had happened tomorrow, or if they
00:36:23happened tomorrow, or if they suffer a similar problem
00:36:24suffer a similar problem tomorrow, every time they break
00:36:25tomorrow, every time they break the seals on the transmission,
00:36:26the seals on the transmission, it will be penalty free.
00:36:27the seals on the transmission, it will be penalty free.
00:36:28the seals on the transmission, it will be penalty free.
00:36:29penalty free. It will be penalty free.
00:36:30It will be penalty free. It will be penalty free.
00:36:31It will be penalty free. It will be penalty free.
00:36:32It will be penalty free. It will be penalty free.
00:36:33It will be penalty free. It will be penalty free.
00:36:34It will be penalty free. It will be penalty free.
00:36:35It will be penalty free. It will be penalty free.
00:36:36It will be penalty free. It will be penalty free.
00:36:37It will be penalty free. It will be penalty free.
00:36:38It will be penalty free. It will be penalty free.
00:36:39It will be penalty free. It will be penalty free.
00:36:40It will be penalty free. It will be penalty free.
00:36:41It will be penalty free. It will be penalty free.
00:36:42It will be penalty free. It will be penalty free.
00:36:43It will be penalty free. It will be penalty free.
00:36:44It will be penalty free. It will be penalty free.
00:36:45It will be penalty free. It will be penalty free.
00:36:46It will be penalty free. It will be penalty free.
00:36:47It will be penalty free. It will be penalty free.
00:36:48It will be penalty free. It will be penalty free.
00:36:49It will be penalty free. It will be penalty free.
00:36:50It will be penalty free. It will be penalty free.
00:36:51It will be penalty free. It will be penalty free.
00:36:52It will be penalty free. It will be penalty free.
00:36:53It will be penalty free. It will be penalty free.
00:36:54It will be penalty free. It will be penalty free.
00:36:55It will be penalty free. It will be penalty free.
00:36:56It will be penalty free. It will be penalty free.
00:36:57It will be penalty free. It will be penalty free.
00:36:58It will be penalty free. It will be penalty free.
00:36:59It will be penalty free. It will be penalty free.
00:37:00It will be penalty free. It will be penalty free.
00:37:22It will be penalty free. It will be penalty free.
00:37:23It will be penalty free. It will be penalty free.
00:37:24It will be penalty free. It will be penalty free.
00:37:25It will be penalty free. It will be penalty free.
00:37:26It will be penalty free. It will be penalty free.
00:37:27It will be penalty free. It will be penalty free.
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00:50:00It wasn't so long ago that getting the components on an F1 car,
00:50:02even with the great expertise of the composite cook, is to close.
00:50:06So there's hardly any gap between the two. It was very difficult.
00:50:09You used to see a lot of teams running...
00:50:11We're going to radio.
00:50:13A lot of teams running helicopter tape to seal the body work.
00:50:17But now the guys are getting much, much closer.
00:50:21Just quality. Quality and everything improving every year.
00:50:27Oops. Talking of quality.
00:50:28Heikki Kovalainen not having a good day at all.
00:50:31Is he spinning now?
00:50:32Is he mechanical or did he throw it off the road?
00:50:36He's over in the Turn 5 area.
00:50:42Looks like he may not return.
00:50:45He's done.
00:50:47Oh dear. Heikki Kovalainen with eight laps on the session today.
00:50:52Krumman so distraught he can barely eat.
00:50:55Oh, a bit of a close moment there.
00:50:59So he obviously broke on the run down the hill somehow.
00:51:05Remember, it was a gearbox oil pump that kept him in the garage for the opening laps of the session.
00:51:12Fernando Alonso goes P1.
00:51:14There's an interesting dynamic going on at the Renault team right now.
00:51:17We know that Fernando Alonso has an out clause in his contract that will allow him to leave the team,
00:51:23as you see his countrymen reacting.
00:51:25If the car doesn't measure up in terms of performance to certain limits.
00:51:32We'll listen to the radio first.
00:51:56That'll do it.
00:51:59The point I was going to make about Renault is that Alonso has been pretty consistent in bad-mouthing the car
00:52:05while that man, his team principal, Flavio Briatore, has been saying,
00:52:08Oh, we're getting better, we're getting better.
00:52:12And most recently, Alonso admitted that,
00:52:15Yes, I'm trying to hold the attention of the top teams in case I want to go somewhere.
00:52:20And Briatore has been getting more militant in saying,
00:52:23No, he's with us until the end of his contract.
00:52:26So, there could be fireworks in the Renault garage before the season's out.
00:52:30Well, there's going to be fireworks wherever Alonso is, I fear.
00:52:33And, of course, he obviously had fond thoughts of going to Ferrari next year.
00:52:38And Montezemolo said the other day that they didn't think he would fit the team very well.
00:52:43And I think after last year's episodes at McLaren, I find it hard to find he's going to fit anything.
00:52:51David, I have to, David, totally agree with you there.
00:52:54I mean, it's one thing for Alonso to say he wants an out clause, but where's he going to go?
00:52:58I mean, Mario Tyson's already, last year he could have had Alonso,
00:53:01and he said he's going to break up the team, there's the last guy we want.
00:53:04Ferrari is saying the same thing.
00:53:05Everybody looks at what he did at McLaren, and he realises he's going to have to stay at Renault, I think.
00:53:10And the way things are going now, Renault's starting to really do a good job,
00:53:14a methodical, good job, hard work.
00:53:16Bob Bell and the boys have really been on the case in the last couple of months,
00:53:20and it's great to see Renault responding like this.
00:53:23And we were talking earlier, you made the comment, David, best of the rest.
00:53:27I think it's an interesting point to see where we actually draw the line under who's made it and who's the rest,
00:53:31because does that include BMW?
00:53:33Are Renault still there as a double world champion from a couple of years ago?
00:53:37Right now, I'd say BMW, oh, a bit of understeer there from Fernando, I'm not quite sure what happened there.
00:53:41But right now, it's a question of who are the rest?
00:53:46Ah, he's working. See, that's what I mean about overdriving.
00:53:49I mean, this guy is driving fantastically well.
00:53:52I mean, you have to do that to make this car operate.
00:53:55And of course, they must be desperately disappointed at Renault,
00:53:58because they had put so much effort into this car last year.
00:54:02I mean, about halfway through last year, they said, well, we're going to give up on 2007
00:54:06and concentrate on the 2008 car.
00:54:08And here we are in 2008, and not looking just great at the moment.
00:54:13But Alonso is certainly driving his heart out in this car.
00:54:18Got another break coming up as Nick Heidfeld pushes the BMW Sauber around.
00:54:23We'll be back with more Friday practice in just a moment.
00:54:31In the 2001 Spanish Grand Prix, McLaren's Mika Hakkinen held a 38-second lead over Michael Schumacher,
00:54:37heading into the final lap.
00:54:39But just five turns from the finish line, the Finn's clutch exploded.
00:54:42As smoke and fire spewed for the back of his McLaren Mercedes,
00:54:46Hakkinen could only watch as Michael Schumacher zoomed by him in his Ferrari into the lead
00:54:51and on his way to his 47th career victory.
00:54:55Hakkinen would eventually see the finish line,
00:54:58but it would be on the side pod of teammate David Coulthard's sister McLaren.
00:55:04Just another memorable moment between those rivals, Hakkinen and Schumacher.
00:55:09But back to the 2001 Grand Prix of Spain in Barcelona.
00:55:16Back live, just under 18 minutes remaining in the second and final Friday practice,
00:55:21preparation for Sunday's Grand Prix.
00:55:31A lot less steering wheel input from Nelson Piquet there from his teammate Alonso just a few moments ago.
00:55:37Oh, wow. Goes to the top of the timesheet as well. Looking very smooth.
00:55:42Got the soft Bridgestones and just the right fuel load.
00:55:50Flavio looking on.
00:55:53What do we have here? Looking at one of those hub skirts.
00:56:00I mentioned earlier, Piquet is not a big fan of this racetrack.
00:56:07I bet he'll take P1.
00:56:09He did a 21.936 this morning.
00:56:12Only a 22.019, so we can assume he has fuel on board as Heikki Kovalainen
00:56:17talks it over with the McLaren Mercedes engineers after his car apparently failed him.
00:56:22With just...
00:56:26He's only got 18 laps in the whole day.
00:56:29Right, only 8 in this session.
00:56:30As opposed to Nelson Piquet, for instance, who got 31 laps in this session.
00:56:37Four tenths of a second off of teammate Hamilton's best lap.
00:56:41Hamilton's had 23 laps in the session.
00:56:44Could be another driver conflict brewing at the McLaren.
00:56:47That'll be interesting to watch.
00:56:48It could well be, yeah. Kovalainen seems to be very quick at every race so far.
00:56:54Back on board with Piquet.
00:56:57The golden lap is gone.
00:56:59The lap before on the softer tyres.
00:57:03But they need to know where these tyres do run off,
00:57:05so they've got to do a number of laps on these tyres
00:57:08with a decent fuel load to get an idea of when they're going to collapse.
00:57:13Okay, speaking of intramural team battles,
00:57:15Piquet has now piffed his two-time world champion teammate Alonso
00:57:20for the second time in a row.
00:57:22Piquet has now piffed his two-time world champion teammate Alonso
00:57:26by 0.015 seconds.
00:57:29Does Alonso want to get him back for symbolic reasons?
00:57:36Say, in front of what looks like to be a pretty good crowd for a Friday,
00:57:40yes, he would want to get him back.
00:57:44But it is symbolic on Friday.
00:57:47Renault have been working hard on suspension
00:57:50as well as aerodynamic settings on the car at Barcelona.
00:57:53One of the components they've been playing with is this,
00:57:57you may have heard them talking about this J damper arrangement.
00:58:00A lot of teams have been trying to develop and test a J damper arrangement.
00:58:06I've been trying to hold off a little bit
00:58:08until I can find out more about the J damper,
00:58:10so we're giving good information, current information about a J damper.
00:58:15In essence, it's kind of like the old mass damper that was banned.
00:58:19It just helps the ride of the car,
00:58:21helps the car ride the kerbs better,
00:58:23takes some of the frequency out of the car.
00:58:25Yeah, but a little bit slower through that third sector yet again.
00:58:29Here, a split screen of the Honda.
00:58:31You can see the different wing arrangements on the car.
00:58:34This is through the same session, different times during the session.
00:58:37This is the one they've been running lately in the session.
00:58:40You can see this much curved arrangement
00:58:43in comparison to the straight wing there on Barrichello's car.
00:58:47But it gives an indication, despite the fact that
00:58:50they've just spent a week testing,
00:58:52they've been testing the cars all season long,
00:58:54and right through much of last autumn and winter in the wind tunnel,
00:58:57they do a week's session in Barcelona,
00:58:59and come the session,
00:59:01they're still playing with aerodynamic setup on the car
00:59:04in this hour-long session.
00:59:05They still haven't decided exactly how they want
00:59:08the aerodynamic arrangement to be on the chassis.
00:59:14Just going back to that J damper arrangement.
00:59:16They call it a J damper
00:59:18because I and J are the mathematical symbols for inertia.
00:59:23There's been a lot of speculation.
00:59:25Some people say, well, is it J-shaped?
00:59:27Is that what it is? How does it work?
00:59:29What does it do for us?
00:59:31It works on a rotating mass
00:59:33to give a little bit more centrifugal,
00:59:35or I should correctly say centripetal load.
00:59:38You get a little bit more damping effect out of a certain mass,
00:59:41but all the teams have been working on this thing in secret.
00:59:44We're trying to get any information from the teams
00:59:46about what a J damper is.
00:59:48Forget it.
00:59:49Nobody wants to talk.
00:59:51Some gyroscopic effect to provide stability as well.
00:59:54That's interesting.
00:59:56Remember that last year it was Renault
00:59:58that were kind of leading the way with the mass damper arrangement,
01:00:01and then Charlie and the FIA suddenly jumped in and banned it
01:00:04on the grounds that it was a movable aerodynamic device,
01:00:07despite the fact that it was a mechanical component
01:00:09buried inside the nose.
01:00:11Well, all right, whatever.
01:00:12But, of course, the teams were never going to let that go
01:00:15if they've got their claws into something
01:00:17that they think had given it an advantage.
01:00:19So they started to develop this inertia damper,
01:00:21which is on the car now.
01:00:22Lewis Hamilton coming out.
01:00:24Peter Windsor will be with us in a moment
01:00:26with more on Henke Kovalainen.
01:00:27Just one other point about that mass damper.
01:00:29In the Thursday FIA press conference,
01:00:31Fernando Alonso was asked directly about it.
01:00:33He said, no, it's not a mass damper,
01:00:35but it is a changed suspension setup that we're working with.
01:00:40Now let's go down to Peter Windsor with more on Kovalainen.
01:00:44Well, Bob, I wish I could be absolutely precise
01:00:46as to the problem with Henke.
01:00:48He's in the garage now talking to two engineers,
01:00:50Steve Hallam and his specific race engineer, Mark Slade.
01:00:53They're all three of them tearing over telemetry,
01:00:55which would suggest that they're kind of
01:00:57sort of trying to work out what happened,
01:00:59but can't really report anything more than that,
01:01:01other than to say it's a rather bleak atmosphere
01:01:03down, right down at the foot of the pit lane here,
01:01:06where Vodafone, McLaren, Mercedes are sited.
01:01:08The next team up is Force India.
01:01:10Nothing wrong with that, of course,
01:01:11but interesting to note that both cars from a distance
01:01:14look quite similar.
01:01:15They've both got those flame red wings
01:01:17and they're basically sort of grey-silver in the middle.
01:01:20So those two teams right down here.
01:01:22McLaren, a little bit of a lost cousin in Formula One
01:01:25at the moment right down here.
01:01:27Not a very nice atmosphere.
01:01:30And McLaren down there, of course,
01:01:31because of the fact they scored no constructor's points
01:01:34last year after their Spygate penalty.
01:01:38They were allowed mid-pit lane with some enhanced facilities.
01:01:41Why there are better facilities at one part of the pit lane
01:01:44than the other, I do not understand.
01:01:46This is Formula One, after all, but nevertheless,
01:01:49after a mid-pack for the early part of the season,
01:01:52now they're down at the tail end.
01:01:54Formula One fans stay up to date with mobile text alerts
01:01:56all season long.
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01:01:59right to your cell phone.
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01:02:09Well, Lewis Hamilton seems to be consistently quick
01:02:11through that first sector.
01:02:13He locks up a bit there going into that downhill left-hander.
01:02:16But then most people do that because the ground falls away,
01:02:19you've got a lot of weight transfer.
01:02:21But quick through that first sector,
01:02:23then he nicely loses time out.
01:02:25I mean, at the end of the second sector last lap,
01:02:28he looked like he was going to jump to about fourth,
01:02:30and he still stayed down in 10th.
01:02:33It looks like a bit of a qualifying simulation.
01:02:35So if he's going to be on the ragged edge,
01:02:37that would be the time.
01:02:38See, at that point, that's the time loss.
01:02:40He should be in about third spot.
01:02:48Yeah, he was a little late on the throttle there, wasn't he?
01:02:51He's either having trouble with his third sector,
01:02:54or he's sandbagging, for lack of a better phrase.
01:02:58Looks like he just backed off a little bit.
01:03:00He's going to try it again.
01:03:01Oh, he's going to be way down.
01:03:05Looking down the time charts,
01:03:07you go from Nelson Piquet at the top
01:03:09all the way down to Robert Kubica in 12th,
01:03:13and you've only spent .769 of a second.
01:03:19That's Pedro de la Rosa looking on.
01:03:23There's Nelson Piquet in the car.
01:03:26Piquet, Alonso, Nakajima, Massa, Weber, and Rosberg,
01:03:31the top six covered by less than a quarter of a second in Barcelona.
01:03:43Back in Barcelona moments ago,
01:03:44somebody told Heikki Kovalainen his pizza had arrived,
01:03:47and he stuck the landing.
01:03:49Boy, I tell you what, that was a heck of a jump.
01:03:51I was waiting for him to fall over those, uh,
01:03:53his arms that were hanging out down his,
01:03:55of his uniform, let alone jump that thing.
01:03:58The young lady standing there,
01:03:59I mean, the barrier's up around her hip,
01:04:01and he cleared it by a foot.
01:04:04I mean, this is a sub-four-hour marathon,
01:04:06as we now know.
01:04:09Heikki can get it done.
01:04:10You can imagine him very quick in that first sector.
01:04:43These guys for the last few years
01:04:45have been talking about that, that stamp of a J down there.
01:04:48They just have the ride so well sorted on the chassis.
01:04:51Absolutely, yeah.
01:04:53It looks so smooth in comparison to some of the others.
01:04:56They can allow the engineers to set the car relatively stiff to give a firm ride,
01:05:02but still allow it to just flow liquid-like over the curbs.
01:05:08I'd love to see how that vent in the nose works on the CFD software.
01:05:13Is it like a chimney with a big blast of air,
01:05:16or does it just create a burble that generates an area of low pressure that forces the nose down?
01:05:22I wonder how it works.
01:05:23One of the aerodynamicists I was talking to, he said,
01:05:25Steve, don't just think of it as the trailing edge of the wing.
01:05:28It is gathering air from that area of the car.
01:05:31Dot, dot, dot.
01:05:34That's all he would tell me.
01:05:36We saw Heikki Kovalainen's McLaren forlornly wheeled back into the pit lane.
01:05:40Let's go to Peter for why.
01:05:42Well, the latest news, Bob, is that it was an engine failure on Kovalainen's car.
01:05:46Of course, no penalty incurred because this is Friday,
01:05:49but not always a comfortable thing to be happening over a Grand Prix weekend.
01:05:53Absolutely not.
01:05:55Everybody on track right now except three cars.
01:05:58Mark Webber, currently sixth, Nick Heidfeld, 13th, and Jarno Trulli, 14th.
01:06:04Everybody else is out there with less than four minutes to go.
01:06:08Well, they like to go out together at the end here,
01:06:10so they can all complain about traffic afterwards.
01:06:22Mitsubishi appears to be raising his game after a brutal start to the year in Melbourne.
01:06:28Oh, boy, wouldn't it?
01:06:30Better races in Malaysia and Bahrain.
01:06:33Now, here he is, running up at the top of the time charts in practice.
01:06:37Back to the hard tyres now, so it's going to be interesting to see what sort of time he can do
01:06:41compared to what he did on his soft tyres.
01:06:43Obviously, we don't know what fuel load he's got on.
01:06:45Probably got some more fuel on now.
01:06:50There you go, 1.4 seconds slower.
01:06:52Again, lost most of that time in that last sector.
01:07:06Oh, boy.
01:07:24Alonso walked a little bit there.
01:07:25I don't know why.
01:07:26He kind of let off.
01:07:29Interesting to watch.
01:07:30I think he was catching up with those people in front of him so fast,
01:07:32he probably dropped back a bit.
01:07:33And, uh...
01:07:35I don't know why he would stop otherwise.
01:07:36We know he has...
01:07:38There is road off there to the left.
01:07:40So that would be a right to me.
01:07:42Now he's using the chicane.
01:07:44That was Nico Rosberg.
01:07:46Felipe Massa wheels on to the start-finish straightaway.
01:07:51Is that a...
01:07:52No, that's Rosberg ahead of him.
01:08:02You know, we've seen Alonso before with that carting driving style
01:08:06where he just breaks deep and then yanks the front end around.
01:08:09We're seeing a lot of mid-corner steering input from him.
01:08:12I wonder if he's still struggling with the tires.
01:08:16There was Rosberg.
01:08:19Forgot about the new chicane.
01:08:21Two years ago.
01:08:24Then, of course, he had to let Massa by again.
01:08:27Back to right, didn't he?
01:08:31Less than a minute and a half to go in the session.
01:08:40David mentioned earlier the elevation changes around this track.
01:08:44It's not even level on the front straight,
01:08:46which dips down, basically, from start to finish.
01:08:49It's a downhill straight.
01:08:50There's some good old speed up down there.
01:08:52It's never flat around here.
01:08:55But it's not a bumpy circuit.
01:08:57The circuit itself is quite a nice, smooth circuit.
01:09:00But nice elevation change as well.
01:09:03The teams say it is the most aero-important track of the year,
01:09:09which is part of the reason they enjoy testing here so much.
01:09:11Yeah, it is. You're right.
01:09:14They say if you can get the car to work well around Barcelona,
01:09:18you can pretty much guarantee you can get it set up everywhere.
01:09:23A couple of years ago, I'd said that was the case,
01:09:25but these cars are now so aero-critical.
01:09:34One of the Ferraris using the curb.
01:09:36I just wanted that camera to be a little bit lower.
01:09:38I was hoping to see the inlet for that vent underneath the nose.
01:09:42It wouldn't show it.
01:09:47Ferrari muscle.
01:09:50He won't tell his girlfriend it washes off in the shower.
01:09:57One of the beauties of testing in Barcelona
01:09:59is that you get to spend your nights
01:10:01in one of the world's most beautiful cities.
01:10:05Barcelona is just fabulous.
01:10:07Checkered flag is out. Session is done.
01:10:09Raikkonen is king.
01:10:10With a 1.21.9.
01:10:12The only driver to dip below 1.20.
01:10:16Followed by Nelson Piquet and Fernando Alonso.
01:10:18That may sell a few tickets.
01:10:21Then Kaz Nakajima, Felipe Massa,
01:10:24Mark Webber, Nico Rosberg, David Coulthard,
01:10:27Giancarlo Fisichella and Adrian Sutil,
01:10:29the top ten.
01:10:30And we haven't seen Mark Webber once.
01:10:35Mark Webber's done 36 laps,
01:10:37and we haven't had a camera shot of him once.
01:10:40And, obviously, he did a very good job for Red Bull.
01:10:43He was quickest on the final day of testing,
01:10:45which was a bit of a mixed-up day,
01:10:46because it did rain,
01:10:48and most guys had got out at the right time of the day,
01:10:50as it was drying out.
01:10:51But still in all, Red Bull not looking too bad around here.
01:10:55With David Coulthard down just one spot,
01:10:57two spots behind him in ninth.
01:10:59Not a promising session for the Toyotas.
01:11:01Jarno Trulli, 14th, as you saw.
01:11:03Timo Block, his teammate, back in 20th.
01:11:07Super Aguri Hondas at the back.
01:11:10Sebastian Bordet and Sebastian Vettel in the STRs.
01:11:14Vettel, 18th. Bordet, 19th.
01:11:16And I can't believe that McLaren can be too happy.
01:11:18Lewis Hamilton's done 33 laps,
01:11:20and he's down in 11th spot.
01:11:237 tenths slower than top guys.
01:11:25And Kovalainen, of course, is down in 16th,
01:11:28and only done 18 laps in the whole day.
01:11:32Three hours.
01:11:33But only 6 tenths of a second off of Hamilton's best lap.
01:11:38They're obviously struggling to find a setup,
01:11:40in spite of all that testing they're doing.
01:11:42Hear the horns in the grandstands saluting their man,
01:11:45Fernando Alonso is pushed backward into the garage.
01:11:48We'll take a break.
01:11:49Start wrapping up this Friday practice live from Barcelona.
01:11:53Stand by.
01:11:54There's Lewis.
01:11:55We'll have more in a moment.
01:12:01Speed's coverage of the FIA Formula One World Championship
01:12:04is brought to you by Yokohama Tires.
01:12:06Uncompromising performance.
01:12:15Welcome back.
01:12:16You can hear the crowd in the background
01:12:18as Fernando Alonso goes out to meet his countrymen.
01:12:25That's a very cool thing.
01:12:28Hopefully they got their money's worth today.
01:12:30Let's take a look at the results of Friday practice.
01:12:33David Steve.
01:12:34You see the top 10.
01:12:35Kimi Räikkönen, the way you'd expect him to be.
01:12:37But then look at that.
01:12:38Piquet and Alonso, the two Renaults.
01:12:40Nakajima and Williams,
01:12:41and Felipe Mas in the second drive.
01:12:43Mark Webber, Red Bull.
01:12:44Nico Rosberg in the second of the Williams.
01:12:46Then Coulthard in the second of the Red Bulls.
01:12:49And Fischer and Sutil in the fourth.
01:12:52Who'd have thought they'd be in the top 10?
01:12:54That's a very nice result for those guys on a Friday P2.
01:12:5811th through to 16th,
01:12:59Lewis Hamilton from McLaren.
01:13:01Kubica, Heidfeld.
01:13:02Truly scrumptious for Toyota.
01:13:04Jenson Button in the Honda and Heike Kovalainen.
01:13:06Problems all day long.
01:13:09Barrichello, Vettel, Bordet, Timo Glock, Sato
01:13:12and Davidson.
01:13:13Roundout at 22.
01:13:16So that's your Friday,
01:13:17but we've only just begun at Barcelona.
01:13:19Speed will be your home for Formula One action,
01:13:21in fact, all weekend long.
01:13:23Join us again tonight at midnight Eastern time
01:13:25as we look back and analyze the Grand Prix of Bahrain.
01:13:28Round three of the season on Formula One debrief.
01:13:31Tomorrow morning we'll bring you coverage of qualifying
01:13:33from the Circuit de Catalunya,
01:13:35beginning at 8 a.m. Eastern.
01:13:36Then join David, Steve, Peter and myself
01:13:38bright and early Sunday morning at 6 a.m. Eastern
01:13:41for the opening round of the 2008 GP2 championship
01:13:44from Spain.
01:13:45Immediately following GP2 at 7.30 Eastern,
01:13:48the Formula One Spanish Grand Prix,
01:13:50beginning with the Acura Prix race show.
01:13:53For David, Steve and Peter, I'm Bob Barsha.
01:13:55See you tonight on debrief.
01:13:56Stick around.
01:13:57Inside Grand Prix coming up next.