Worlds Tallest Tower-

  • 2 days ago
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00:00Some people like to climb buildings.
00:02They're maniacs.
00:03Literally insane.
00:04We're gonna react to someone climbing a 50-foot building
00:06and work our way up to someone climbing a 2,000-foot building.
00:09You're gonna wanna watch.
00:11This guy right here is climbing a 50-foot building.
00:13Nothing crazy.
00:14Some Nathan Drake-type stuff.
00:15No, that's dangerous.
00:17Honestly, yo, my girlfriend watches this.
00:19Can you cut it out, man?
00:20Stop. Tucker watches this.
00:21He might just want you to be his new dad.
00:23He just grabbed a little peg in the wall.
00:25See, this is why I hate video games like this.
00:27That's so scripted.
00:28Why would that peg be there?
00:29I know, right? Obviously, it's in real life.
00:31All right, now we're up to 100 feet.
00:33You know, you're just a typical contract.
00:35You get a call.
00:36Climb up top giant tower thing.
00:38And fixy-fixy.
00:39And so that's what he's doing.
00:40He's responding to the call and fixing the tower.
00:42You know, I used to want to do something like this,
00:44and then I decided not.
00:46Then you decided just to react to people doing it instead.
00:48Yeah, it works a lot better.
00:50And now, this guy climbed 390 feet.
00:53390 feet? Why so specific?
00:56I don't know, man.
00:57If it was 400 feet, I would be more impressed.
01:00But since it's 390 foot, like...
01:03Yeah, I agree.
01:04Hey, I've been here in Spider-Man Miles Morales.
01:07I'm serious.
01:08If someone was like,
01:09let Chris do that with you for $10 million,
01:11I would slap Chris and say no.
01:13I would still do it.
01:14You would let me dangle you for $10 million?
01:16No, I would dangle you for $10 million.
01:17Feel my hands.
01:18Feel how sweaty they are.
01:19Dude, they're wet.
01:20There's no grip.
01:21Why do I have his sweat on my hands?
01:22I'm a sweaty boy.
01:23479 feet.
01:25Does he climb the pyramids?
01:26Is that legal?
01:27Is that how many feet he got before he got arrested?
01:29To be fair, they've rebuilt it.
01:31Because remember in Transformers, they knocked it down?
01:33Oh, yeah.
01:34So this isn't the original one.
01:35Wait, he made it all the way to the top of the pyramid?
01:37I feel like this is like a crime.
01:39I didn't know the pyramids were that high up.
01:41That's insane.
01:42How did you not know?
01:43We're just shy of 500 feet.
01:45We're getting up there.
01:46So this dude is 495 feet in the air just climbing away.
01:49How do you get back down?
01:51Because when you go down, you have to look down.
01:53And then you're faced with 490 feet of death.
01:56Wait, is this guy just free climbing?
01:58No way.
01:59Yo, this is that guy who just goes and climbs stuff and then gets arrested.
02:02He just enjoys climbing, man.
02:04I don't get why people don't just let him do it.
02:07Why would you do that without a parachute?
02:09Because he's crazy, bro.
02:11Oh my goodness.
02:12He just climbed that whole building.
02:14That was the craziest thing I've ever seen in my entire life.
02:17Nothing will ever top that.
02:19That was insane.
02:20Dude, I'm crying tears.
02:21I'm just like so shocked.
02:22What is this guy?
02:23All right.
02:24Ow, my ear.
02:25Loud dubstep.
02:26That's how you know it's epic.
02:27This boy is 800 feet, which you might think is crazy.
02:29But we got some 2,000 footers coming up.
02:31There's a lot more feet to be had.
02:33I could never do something like this.
02:35That's just a lot of faith in a random crane.
02:37Like if that metal bar just gave up there, he would just fall.
02:40Imagine six months ago the guy's about to put in the bolt on that one bar,
02:45and he drops it, and he's like, ah, it'll be all right.
02:47Yeah, no one's ever going to go up here.
02:49Yo, that's a pretty dope view, though.
02:51Yeah, that makes it worth almost dying.
02:53Oh, my chest.
02:54I can't look at this.
02:55Even the camera's getting nauseous.
02:57All right, now we're at a 900 footer.
02:58The higher they get, the worse the camera.
03:00You know, if you just look at it from this angle, it doesn't even look like you're 900 feet in the air.
03:03No, it looks like you're just a couple of feet.
03:05Doing your thing.
03:06Doing your thing, hanging out.
03:07Oh, I'm not under feet.
03:08Does that make them better than me?
03:10You know, cats get taller because it asserts their dominance.
03:13Do you think that's what these people are doing?
03:16Whoever climbed the tallest building is more dominant.
03:18All right, here's a disclaimer that says we do not condone climbing large buildings.
03:21Do not.
03:22Only climb the small ones.
03:23By small, he means under two feet.
03:25Honestly, Chris, you want to just go climb a building with me?
03:27Yo, like, this is something bros do together.
03:29I feel like we need to bond like this.
03:31I know.
03:32This is something like the boys just get together on a Saturday.
03:34Let's grab Chan, let's grab Carl.
03:35Let's just hit some cranes.
03:36It's weird.
03:37Why would he go up there without a shirt on?
03:39Yeah, it might be cold.
03:40Nice watch, though.
03:41Geez, he's got to flex his giant watch in front of us while he's 950 feet in the air.
03:45Okay, we get it.
03:46You're better than us.
03:47With no cables, no nothing.
03:48Doesn't care.
03:49They're just chilling up there.
03:51Look at that.
03:52Fist bump.
03:53That's terrifying.
03:54How are you just standing there?
03:55Dude, are you crazy?
03:56Why is he just looking at the camera, biting his lip, bro?
04:00What am I supposed to do with that?
04:02Honestly, man, if he climbed that thing, he can do what he wants.
04:04He can do whatever.
04:05A thousand feet.
04:06Why does this guy get a ladder, but no one else does?
04:10Yo, that's in New York.
04:11Yeah, that's in New York.
04:12Oh, this is cooler.
04:13It's 16 feet higher.
04:14This looks like something Tariq would try to do.
04:16But then Tariq would fall.
04:19Nice Nike ad.
04:20Nike, go climb a building.
04:21This person has very great legs from doing this.
04:25Maybe that's why they do it, is to get these incredible climber legs.
04:29Just shy of 1,200 feet.
04:30What is that, like a reactor or something like that?
04:33Yep, just filming your girlfriend walking with a probability of dying.
04:37Oh, now you got to juggle.
04:39Of course.
04:40Of course he's got to juggle.
04:41It wasn't enough to be 1,100 feet in the air.
04:43Now you got to juggle.
04:44This is making me sick.
04:45So this one's 70 feet higher?
04:4670 feet cooler, you mean?
04:49Oh, look at that.
04:50That one is broken.
04:51I don't trust that.
04:52Look how rusty it is.
04:53Look how rusty it is.
04:54This thing's broken.
04:55Oh, let me proceed to climb.
04:56Oh, it's that guy again.
04:57It's the same guy.
04:58It's lip bite guy.
04:59If you're watching this, you are crazy.
05:011,476 feet.
05:05He said it was a greasy crane.
05:07Why does that sound so gross?
05:09Why does everyone keep putting these cranes so high up?
05:11Why are cranes so greasy and so high?
05:14Do cities just go, yeah, this is a good place,
05:16just put a tall crane here?
05:17Imagine the people that don't climb these for fun
05:19but actually have to work on these.
05:21Yeah, this is some weenie stuff.
05:23Don't do this.
05:24If you want to do this,
05:25why not just get a job working on these cranes?
05:28Get paid to do it.
05:302,000 feet?
05:31I didn't know they made feet that high.
05:33Wait, he's not that high up.
05:34Look, the ground's just right there.
05:36That's a clout.
05:38So this is somebody who's actually working.
05:40They're climbing up here because this is their job.
05:42That's insane.
05:43See, his job isn't to climb up there.
05:45His job starts when he gets up there.
05:47I hope this dude gets paid, like, 500 bucks an hour.
05:50Yeah, they would have to pay me a lot of money to go up there.
05:53$100,000 if you do it right now.
05:56Well, actually, with safety harnesses, yes.
05:58I would be terrified the entire time,
06:00and it would probably take eight hours,
06:02but I would at least try.
06:032,131 feet.
06:06This looks like something out of, like, Batman.
06:08It does look very ominous.
06:09Oh, my God.
06:10That just looks like a giant PC.
06:12Just a computer.
06:13That looks like the evil villain corporation.
06:15That looks like the people they're fighting,
06:17and this is God watching.
06:19Or it looks like a computer.
06:20A little bit.
06:21I hope my kid doesn't see him up there.
06:22Why would you?
06:23What encourages you to do this?
06:25He's literally just climbing this random pole.
06:27There's no safety harness.
06:28There's no nothing.
06:29And then for what?
06:30It's all that effort, and then you're at the top,
06:32and you're like, all right, time to go down.
06:34Oh, this is giving me a headache.
06:36Dude, this is crazy.
06:37I could never do this.
06:38I said for the 1,000th time.
06:40Honestly, Chris, I'm getting the vibe you want to do this.
06:42I hate heights, man.
06:44This is tripping with my, like, vertigo.
06:46Oh, my God, that's insane.
06:47No, I'm ending the video here.
06:48Chris, you got two seconds.
06:49What do you have to say?