BTCC Crashes 2016

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BTCC Crashes 2016
00:00Can't find a way past Jack Goff, and he fends off Josh Cook, there's a bit of contact behind
00:03as Matt Jackson gets a tap and he's sideways, he's in the gravel, bounces his way back on,
00:08he is running strongly in 11th place as now look Collard and Tordoff, the teammates get together
00:13and off the road Mike Epps, that's at Graham Hill Bend, and Chris Smiley has gone with him and off
00:18the road there is Tordoff rotating at Surtees, back up Matt into 10th place as they work their
00:23way into Surtees, that is Hunter Abbott having a big lose, Alex Martin is off in avoidance,
00:28that's a big impact into the Armco, Alex Martin has done a lot of damage, look to the front of
00:32the suspension, he had to swerve to avoid Hunter Abbott, Tom Ingram, he's not going to take this
00:36lie down, he comes out of the corner with his nose in front, take that Rob, there's more contact,
00:40Collard is all sideways, he's going to go around, what happens to Ingram, Ingram survives,
00:45he's stood in the lead, amazing, Tom Ingram leads and Rob Collard has to bail out of the way as
00:50everybody else pours into Druids, it's harder to know, here you go, Aidan Moffat over the curbs
00:56and Turkington has run wide but you've got Martin Depper at the back of that queue who had the
01:00biggest moment of all, now the race leaders have gone through successfully, yeah I think, oh no,
01:06not all of them, not all of them, one of the MGs has gone straight on, that was Cook I think wasn't
01:12it, yeah it is, another car's gone straight on as well, that's one of the, that's Turkington,
01:20no not this lap, well he got through that lap didn't he, oh that was Cook going on, it looks
01:25like the coolant is very wide on the turn in, if you turn in a little bit early, which some drivers
01:30do, you seem to miss it, if you turn in late you seem to go be a passenger as you get coolant on
01:35the right, Tordoff leads into Paddock, Adam Morgan is second, Jack Goff third and Matt Jackson up on
01:40the inside of teammate Andrew Jordan who gets sideways, glances off Jackson, just about corrects
01:45it, that was a very good save because that could have been a hugely embarrassing moment for all
01:49concerned, it's cost Jordan a whole heap of places, he's in the mix against the Hondas and
01:52Moffat gets squeezed onto the grass, can he hang on to it, he can just about, that was a good save
01:57as well, so there's another car off within the first sector, it's Gordon Shedden we are told
02:01that's gone off the road, it is indeed, Sheds has gone off at Paddock, a long way off through the
02:06gravel into the barriers, listen, listen, yes, can you hear that rattling, that's the tyre coming
02:15apart and rattling against the wheel arch, that's exactly what that noise was, and there it is, flat
02:20yeah, so yeah, unlucky, very unlucky, but such are the margins in touring cars with maximum ballast on board
02:45Later on round the lap he gets pushed out wide, that's Ollie Jackson getting involved with James
02:51Cole, Warren Scott, Warren Scott, he's the one that's not come through and I fear it's him we've
02:56got the safety car for, excellent, oh no, we've got Martin Deper off, he's left the wheel behind, but
03:02it's front wheel drive, so he'll be able to drag it home and start repairs, and there look you can
03:08see, oh, a big off there, Matt Simpson and Dan Welch, and a lot of damage to the front of the
03:13Speedworks Honda of Matt Simpson, that's up at Coppice
03:19pushing, pushing, pushing, trying to get up the inside, Matt gets double collected as he tries to
03:26get past Dan Welch, well, it was just never on really was it, unfortunately,
03:32there's the second impact into the driver's side of Dan Welch's car, could go down, you've got, oh look, look, fire
03:39that's James Cole, and that's going no further, that's a big fire, he stopped it at the end of the pit lane
03:43but that's a massive fire, look how quickly that conflagration has taken hold, James is going to
03:48have to bail out, and the fire marshals will be there hopefully as quickly as possible, here they come
03:54James is going to have to bail out, and the fire marshals will be there hopefully as quickly as
03:59possible, here they come, let's see if this shows us, because they're coming out of the chicane, wow, yeah
04:07that looks like a, could be an oil line, oil or petrol fire, yeah, right, and he's gone off, he's
04:12actually stopped in the right place, remember the cockpit will fill with fuel, with fumes very
04:18quickly, and they're, they negotiate red gate, is everybody around safely, no, because there Mark
04:23Howard gets turned sideways, and he's on the ground, three wide into the complex, Ingram leads the way,
04:28Moffat round the outside of Neil, who's at the inside of Ingram, they lead on each other, and
04:31Moffat's the victim, he gets knocked sideways, Matt Neil leads the way, Ingram second, look at Jordan
04:36at the inside as well, Cook goes for the lead on the inside into the final part of the complex at
04:40Seagrave, wow, three corners in, and Matt Neil leads the way, just way out wide onto the grass in the
04:46background has gone Aaron Smith, as Cook and Ingram run side by side, yeah very aggressive first lap
04:51overtakes taking place everywhere, right into the chicane, we saw Matt Jackson, oh, and Ingram tags
04:57sideways, and through goes Morgan, and here comes Moffat to regain a place as well, Sutton was
05:02delayed, Jordan trying to get up the inside, Ingram gets roughed up again, as Moffat comes up alongside
05:07him, elbows out, stuff this, so Ingram going backwards, bit of contact didn't help his case there, look at Jordan
05:12trying to get on at the end, Ash Sutton up the inside, and he's sideways, can he hang on to it?
05:17No, he can't, he's on the grass, and Ash Sutton is off the road and into the tyre barriers,
05:21oh, and now Matt Neil comes under huge attack from Ingram, as Moffat goes deep into the first part
05:26of the complex, runs out wide, so Matt Neil goes through, Moffat all over the grass, where's he
05:31going to rejoin? Still second, all over the grass, he's got a puncture though, he's got a puncture, and he's off
05:35the road, so Moffat effectively is out of the race, that's why he was going wide, tyres gone down,
05:40and that debris can cause another puncture, just about to suggest that, oh, a puncture on Neil, Neil's got a
05:45puncture, into the chicane, it's gone, it's happened at the right place, he can't get into the pit lane, he's gone,
05:51he's out of the way, mayhem coming out of the chicane, Gordon Sheddon in real strife into
05:58the pit wall, this will be a safety car I fear, with the car stranded in the middle of the circuit,
06:03and here we go, this was Matt Neil with a puncture, but Ingram gets alongside him, blocks off the pit
06:08entrance, Cook has no option but hit the inside of him, broken tow links, cars going everywhere,
06:14um and it ends up with Shedden turning into the pit wall. It was Cook as he got tagged but then
06:20tagged Shedden and turned him around and from a different angle have a look at this. Cook gets
06:26one hit, Roundy goes, tags Shedden and then Shedden heads for the pit wall.
06:33Cars everywhere but two big big hits. Look at the speed the car's coming past though that's
06:38the scary bit at the end. That Shedden's on board big whack wait for the pit wall it's coming up
06:45right now. Well he put the throttle down to straighten the car out but what he didn't know
06:49was the rear toe link was broken and that was... Rob Austin just kicks up the dust and that's
06:54Jeff Smith having a big big big lose out the back of the circuit round and round and round goes Jeff
06:59Smith. Now what put in there was that a puncture potentially? I don't think so but he just missed
07:04the end of the barrier. He gets out wide on the grass look yeah just got out wide and he's very
07:10lucky to miss the end of the barrier and he'll rejoin but he'll have to pit because of
07:15grass look how he just misses the end there but he'll probably have to reach out towards us
07:18and this is what happened to Mark Howard. Look at the background of the shot whoa
07:25well that's not how to look after your tires but and Dan Welch is hanging on in there for
07:29that second place and off the road goes Tornoff. Yeah he duked it out didn't he with Dan Welch
07:33coming through the complex and came off worst on the exit through Seagrave. Stewart Lyons is off
07:38the road the power mat Chevrolet is Hunter Abbott who unreliability now he's back out racing and
07:44he's loving it. Welch is off the road that could be a puncture yeah he's heading for the barriers
07:49oh dear oh dear after all the early promise Dan Welch is in the tyre barrier. Yeah Campbell Cobb
07:54he hits that kerb at Cobb quite hard and then as he turns right at Seagrave the car just wants to
08:00go left so I'm guessing he got a deflation there but that was a shame he was running very well and
08:06didn't he? Let's see he goes over the line yes I think he has a smoke coming off the right rear
08:12of Jordan's car there he goes oh across the face of the pack there was smoke coming off the right
08:20rear and Jackson Dominant up front so have they done something different on setup or was that
08:25Jordan clattering the kerbs now Carlisle at the inside of Shedden and they touch
08:28the Honda is sideways he's on the grass Gordon saves it could all have championship points look
08:34he sees a little bit of a gap but it all it closes there because Shedden gets into the back of Gough
08:39just slightly and it all just tightens up trying to find a way past him earlier in the race he
08:43comes up makes his move on the outside down to the chicane can he get the job done no and there's
08:48contact get Gough gets it wrong under braking hits the Honda they both go off well Gough just locked
08:53the rear you saw the rear end snatch uh is that car hobbled of Shedden we'll have to look at the
08:59right hand side look no it's not it's not right it's not no it's something wrong with that car
09:06oh what a shame it's broken you can see the right rear corner's broken yeah there it is
09:10right tolling broken unsurprisingly uh under braking you see it on the head-on shot
09:15and he just locks the rear momentarily and it snaps the car into Shedden
09:19the sister BMW of Rob Cullard meanwhile was in a spin down at the hairpin leaving him down the order
09:28then it's Tom Ingram and then Josh Cook as they dive down through Cascades for the first time
09:33you've got Dan Lloyd up the inside as well as the field turns its way through way out wide goes
09:38Aaron Smith he goes rally crossing he'll get back on as the leaders head towards Island Bend for the
09:42first time Tornoff in the lead a great clean start at the front and it was Tornoff who just
09:47had enough momentum to pull across the front uh Matt Jackson having a big problem there very wide
09:53down at the uh the BMW just ahead but Jordan's going to try and get the inside there's drama in
09:58the background at Nickerbrook and Aidan Moffat's off the road and he's got damage as well Cullard
10:02is going to gain a place is Jack Goff going to go through yes he is so Rob Cullard goes sixth
10:06that goes wide all over the grass this is Cook's chance to come back and if they make contact going
10:10down towards the Dentons Kink and Josh Cook he's back through Jack Goff was ahead of Matt Neal but
10:15Matt's got the inside line and Cullard has got damage and off he goes he's got a punctured tyre
10:19yeah he's got a puncture from running off what a shame to end that race what a fantastic race he
10:24was having and so they work their way down through his lops for the first time and a sideways Hunter
10:29Abbott goes way way off the road he's almost back up at Cascade and Tom Ingram on lap 13 is still
10:35third and everybody behind getting really frustrated as Plato again gets towards the
10:40back of Cook and turns him sideways there's contact between Lloyd and Aaron Smith coming
10:43out of Island Bend there are cars everywhere now at the inside in the MG comes Ash Sutton but Plato
10:48has put a place on him Tornoff is on the outside trying to get into the traffic and Lloyd leads but
10:52only just because there's contact Smith fires him off the road Roundy goes into the tyre stack
10:58Tornoff is badly delayed in all of that as well Lloyd had his nose in front but there was contact
11:02as he turned across the front of Turkington, Turkington second it's Goff third it's Cullard
11:06fourth they wriggle their way through but there's mayhem in the background Alex Martin is off the
11:10road Subaru has gone off as well and that may well end up being an early safety car because
11:14James Cole's car is off in the ground here comes a replay look both on line Plato jumps out very late
11:21I don't think Turkington's seen him I don't think Turkington's seen him until it's too late and
11:27they're very lucky to get through both unscathed Goff got completely blocked exactly and Cullard
11:33ever the opportunist straight up the grass here's the replay looking back from Turkington's car
11:39Bang gets turned around bang again straightens him up and Goff has nowhere to go he's back on
11:44again keeping at bay Ash Sutton and the Subarus of Plato and Turkington and off the road towards
11:49the back has gone Warren Scott Goff has pulled away quickly and Jackson and Moffat in stride
11:54Moffat's got a puncture he's got damaged suspension Cook and Goff get themselves together coming out
11:59of the corner safety car sorry Tim safe to interrupt you but the safety car being deployed
12:03Hunter Abbott's car needs retrieval after that whack well of course this is going to change the
12:08complexion of the race Tordoff is going to lose his lead completely meanwhile Hunter Abbott's
12:14strong qualifying performance came to naught as the power max racing Chevrolet was another early
12:19casualty falling in contact with Adam Morgan there were further safety car interventions
12:24following a dramatic off for Mark Howard's Volkswagen at Clairvaux midway through teammate
12:28James Cole in contrast found himself beached in the Clairvaux gravel trap following contact with
12:33Alex Martin scrap over 7th went right the way to the line as Tordoff's last ditch attempt to
12:38wrest the position from Ingram resulting in contact further down the field Aidan Moffat
12:43and Matt Jackson came to grief at Clairvaux and just before the safety car appeared
13:04Turkington leading the way then away way wide there's a spinning Warren Scott
13:08off the road goes Jake Hill and others scatter in avoidance as Turkington goes
13:12wider Wilson through on the inside goes Matt Jackson may have lifted don't know got sideways
13:18Welch collected him and then Ash Sutton got involved as well it was absolute carnage there
13:25and uh no option at all but to red flag just then it's Neil Tom Ingram has gone past
13:30Mark Howard's in strife again there was a sideways car in the middle of all of that and sad to say
13:35that Martin Depper's miserable weekend gets no better because he's been rallying
13:39Hill will move over to defend that position and there's a rear turn Sheldon gets it oh no
13:45Morgan into Sheldon turns him sideways and now Gordon Sheldon has got them all stacked up behind
13:50him Sheldon then Morgan trying to get up the inside and there's more contact and Gordon Sheldon
13:53is knocked sideways can he hang on to it he's got it he's got it he's got it he's got it he's got it
13:57there's more contact and Gordon Sheldon is knocked sideways can he hang on to it he can but he goes wide
14:01Morgan is through well I mean we thought Bruxton provided the most this was when he got tapped
14:07sideways by Warren Scott but he saves it they're still banging into each other is that car in a
14:15dangerous place he's done a lot of damage to the car he's done damage to the barriers and this was
14:20quite an impact off across the grass and Kerrunge that's a Cora by the look of it and so Martin
14:26Depper's car off on the outside down to Richie's and he succeeds in so doing but torn off it is
14:30who leads the way and a drama in the background because over and over and over and over has gone
14:36the Chevrolet and the car has ended up atop the barrier the red flag is out straight away
14:41and that has taken down a camera mount it is a big big impact and straight away the red flag is out
14:48so let's have a look at the restart the start rather than it was all behind where it kind of
14:52kicked off so how does Hunter Abbott get launched well Alex Martin comes across with Mark Howard and
14:58then as Mark Howard comes back across the road Hunter Abbott just glances off the side in Howard
15:02acts as a ramp and over and over he goes and the cameraman suddenly realizes that that's going to
15:06be a big big whack he hangs on for the contact and down goes the camera patch this is from the
15:13cameraman's position so imagine how he must have felt he saw it coming because he let go of the
15:19camera and Hunter Abbott just clips the side of the car oh oh well as we've said our cameraman
15:32is shaken but conscious and that is the best news of all from another angle Tim yeah it's
15:38uh almost irrelevant what happened at the front isn't it it's just bunching at the background
15:44and then because Hunter Abbott just clipped the wheels of the car
15:49it launched it into a violent series of rolls
15:52and that was our cameraman some sort of 12 feet up in the air
16:15Wilson Collard locks up Morgan scrabbles up the inside of Ingram look at Jackson
16:19barging his way through Ingram is the casualty on the grass that was elbows out stuff from Jackman
16:24get up the inside of Rob Collard and take the race lead the answer should be yes on the inside
16:28but Collard stands his ground he gets forced out wide all over the grass back onto the circuit
16:33goes Collard Shedden leads the way Collard into the back of him for Hunter gets sideways
16:37take that says Rob Shedden tries to defend
16:51ahead of Adam Morgan as they wriggle their way through the first sequence of corners
16:54with Matt Neal getting up the inside of the Mercedes and turn Morgan sideways and Adam
16:58he's off into the gravel straight away yeah Morgan trying to go around the outside of Matt
17:03Neal and already Dave Newsham and Rob Austin getting involved with the two Hondas of Matt
17:06Neal who is just ahead and then Gordon Shedden behind there's a big lock-up from James Carlton
17:11here going straight off into the tyres straight away so Collard's going to do it all over again
17:16his ass up is he getting it all wrong big big slide and he saved it that's the save of the day
17:21now that's up for Trump he's all this together he's on the outside contact with Rob Austin
17:28through the gravel big big slide on board with Austin now yeah he did as well to save that didn't
17:33he I mean the car's almost traveling backwards at the point he pulls the throttle to break the front
17:39gains the place this is more replay Tom Ingram style so there's Jake Hill in the mix then he
17:45got tangled up with James Carlton gets turned around Offutt stays ahead of Morgan as they
17:49dive down through Duffer's dip but a good start by Matt Jackson to lead the way Stuart Lyons is
17:54in trouble Alex Martin he's off Mark Howard he's off Aaron Smith recovering and this was with Mark
18:01Howard and it turns him around to the grass on the inside so Jeff Smith off the road it has not been
18:08his weekend has it Dan Welch tipped Warren Scott's Subaru into the gravel which ironically threatened
18:13to derail teammate Plato's chances of victory Turkington Subaru tapped Collard's BMW into a
18:18lurid slide as the damaged BMW straightened out further contact ensued and both cars were fired
18:24onto the grass and out of contention and there's contact in the background there look as Ingram
18:29gets turned sideways by Ash Sutton Morgan gets involved Aidan Moffett nips up the inside Alex
18:34Martin is sideways and in the weeds more bodywork flies it's been a pretty rough down towards the
18:38Dean Hairpin Jackson just about in front but then he's on the outside line will lose out and into
18:42the back Viv goes Cook Plato gets involved Turkington gets involved as well they all run out
18:46wider look at Jordan up the inside he's third and Goff gets harpooned there by the MG Jack Goff's
18:52race he's right away the Proton is heading for retirement and round goes Jack Goff it's been a
18:57miserable day for Jack Goff and this time it's at Yentwood there's damage to the car Usham up
19:01the inside and he goes through the long next is Hill then it's Moffett look at Ingram as well in
19:05the background and Usham and Sutton comes and blows off into the gravel goes Usham and that I
19:11fear is going to be a safety car and that could really start to spice things up
19:41the end of Wellington straight and look there third and fourth side by side as Cook gets out
19:45the inside of Jordan and they touch Cox all sideways Jordan into the side of him
19:49Jordan goes back up into third but Moffett is going to be alongside he's on the outside line
19:53for Laffield and there's contact and round he goes but McNeil involved in all of that and he'll have
19:57the inside into Brooklands and of course oh contact there that was Collard and Adam Moffett surely
20:02something's broken there and that's Dapper with the wheel off he's having a big big big moment
20:06going up towards Beckett
20:13that was a concertina effect all three cars looking for the same bit of road and it just
20:18neatly removed the left front wheel Collard is absolutely charging he's up into ninth place
20:23here and he's not done yet yeah well of course oh he's been passed back he obviously ran wide there
20:27far up front Neil gets into the back as well and Andy Jordan's hit Abbott as well Matt Neil has
20:34got a problem he's slowed right down Moffett's gone past him as well Matt Neil could be in real
20:39stride here he's keeping going but is this the end of the championship dream for Matt Neil no he's got
20:44it going again something goes Matt Neil there was contact with the MG I'll say it again is this the
20:50end of the championship dream for Matt Neil because that now is a whole different proposition
20:54as everybody tries to dodge around him
