Chosen By Fate Rejected By Alpha Episode 4

  • 2 days ago
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Chosen By Fate, Rejected By The Alpha
00:00Ooh, that looks enticing. Don't you think, Trin?
00:04Juniper, I'm in heat. I'm not a perv.
00:06Listen, all I'm saying is if you find somebody you want to do that with tonight, we'll celebrate it.
00:14Trin, I think that's the Alpha.
00:16Everyone knew the Alpha was a huge deal. This was his party after all. How he was going to find his mate.
00:23There's no chance he'd ever choose me.
00:27As the music pulsed and laughter filled the air, a spark of anticipation ignited within Trinity.
00:33Could this be the night she becomes an Alpha's Luna?
00:39I know I'm in heat when I can't ignore my primal urge to mate.
00:52God, fall days.
00:53You okay, Trin?
00:55Yeah, I'm in heat.
00:57Well, duh. I can smell you from a mile away.
01:03As if going to the Harvest Moon Festival wasn't embarrassing enough as a werewolf who can't shapeshift.
01:07I'll have to go while I'm in heat.
01:09Come on, Trin. It's hot. Okay? The unmated guys will be totally into it, I promise you.
01:14Yeah, right. It's practically a billboard that I'm single and no one wants to be my mate.
01:22Cito? Watch where you're going, bro.
01:24I'm so sorry.
01:25No, Juniper's right. It's my fault. Sorry, Trin.
01:29God, sometimes I feel like I can't catch a break.
01:32God, what's that smell? Do you smell that?
01:36I'm going to walk home today. I'll see you tomorrow.
01:40Ow! What was that for?
01:42She's in heat, you idiot. Stop checking her out.
01:46I didn't know.
01:49I don't get why life chose to single me out.
01:52Of all my pack, I'm the only one who can't shapeshift, yet somehow I'm still a werewolf?
01:58I wish Juniper understood how hard it was for me, but she already has a mate.
02:03For Juniper, the Harvest Moon Festival would be an opportunity to celebrate her relationship with her boyfriend.
02:08For the rest of us singles, and there weren't many, it was the time to find a mate.
02:13But I was never going to find a mate while in heat.
02:18When my parents died, Aunt Eve and my cousin Carter took me in.
02:21Trinity, is that you?
02:23Yeah, it's me.
02:25But even at home, I'm still an outsider.
02:28Aunt Eve, about the Harvest Festival, I don't really think...
02:35Grandfather, what are you doing here?
02:39I had a feeling you might embarrass the family at the festival, so it's my job to see to it that that doesn't happen.
02:45Well, it's a shame you came then, because I'm not going.
02:49Wait, what, Trinity? I thought we worked through this.
02:51Pathetic child. The Harvest Moon Festival is not a choice.
02:58You need to find your wolf mate. It's your destiny.
03:02Why didn't you just disown me? When you learned I couldn't shapeshift.
03:06It would be so much easier than this lifetime of rejection.
03:10I'm tired of your foolish questions. You're going. That's final.
03:16Perhaps this will help you find a decent suitor. You need all the help you can get.
03:21I'd never seen my grandfather quite so angry.
03:24It was one thing to know I was a disappointment to him, and another to feel his disappointment directed at me.
03:30One thing's for sure. I have no way out of the festival.
03:52You're going to look beautiful.
03:54Thanks, Grandfather.
03:57Listen, I'm sorry I was a little hard on you earlier. I just want what's best for you.
04:08Even if he meant well, I somehow always felt like he would never know what was best for me.
04:13But I guess I have to appreciate that he tries to.
04:28Running always helps me clear my mind.
04:37This scent is unfamiliar. Something feels wrong. I have to get back.
04:44Well, you're up early. Something wrong, dear?
04:49I'm fine. Just went a little faster than usual today.
04:55Well, you'll need to be showered by noon so that we can start getting you ready, okay?
05:02Trinity, you look stunning.
05:05Thanks, honey.
05:09Let's just hope Grandfather thinks so, too.
05:12You know he just wants you to find a mate.
05:15Speaking of, it might help if you were a little taller, so he got you these.
05:23How am I supposed to walk in them?
05:26I think you'll manage.
05:28Oh, I got that.
05:31Meet you downstairs in five.
05:42Wow, you kids look fantastic.
05:45Thanks. Eve, is Trin ready?
05:48Yeah, let me go get her.
05:53Wow, you look hot, Trin.
05:56Shut up.
05:58Seriously, you're going to find a mate tonight?
06:00Maybe Cedar will, too.
06:02He's acting so weird. Maybe he knows I have a crush on him, or maybe he just doesn't think I'm pretty.
06:08Not if he just stands there like a total dork.
06:11What are you being so quiet for? Tell Trin she looks pretty.
06:14Um, you look really pretty, Trinity, but you always do.
06:18What was that?
06:20All right, can we just go to the festival?
06:24Let's hit it.
06:31How is this just the driveway? This place is insane.
06:34Who even owns this place anyway? Have you guys ever met the alpha?
06:39I don't think I wanna. Seems like he's overcompensating for something.
06:44Somebody's jealous.
06:48Who amongst you is unmated?
06:50Um, me.
06:52Is that it?
06:54Me, too.
06:56Young lady, what's your name?
07:00Trinity Whitney.
07:01Miss Whitney, you're in group number three.
07:04You'll be having your one-on-one and group meetings with the resident's owner, the alpha,
07:09at the gathering in two months if he fails to find a mate by then.
07:13Please, use this time to mingle with the other pack members.
07:16Wait, do I get a special group or anything?
07:21You may proceed.
07:23Wait, Trin, does that mean you're being considered as a mate for the event?
07:28Wait, Trin, does that mean you're being considered as a mate for the alpha?
07:38Ooh, that looks enticing. Don't you think, Trin?
07:41Juniper, I'm in heat. I'm not a perv.
07:44Listen, all I'm saying is if you find somebody you wanna do that with tonight, we'll celebrate it.
07:51Trin, I think that's the alpha.
07:53Everyone knew the alpha was a huge deal.
07:55This was his party, after all.
07:58How he was going to find his mate.
08:00But there's no chance he'd ever choose me.
08:05I'm gonna get a drink.
08:08Get me one, too.
08:10I'm gonna get mingling.
08:14It's true.
08:16Ooh, Trinity Whitney. What a surprise.
08:20I don't know why she even bothers still looking for a mate.
08:23She can't even shapeshift.
08:37She'll get there.
08:39Hey, Trin.
08:42Oh, it's you.
08:44I'm just going for a little walk.
08:46It's a lot being here. I think I just need a second to breathe.
08:50Yeah, no, I totally get it.
08:52Can I come with you?
08:53I don't want to take you from the party.
08:55And I think I just need to be alone.
09:05Maybe I'll never find a mate.
09:08I don't know why she even bothers still looking for a mate.
09:12She can't even shapeshift.
09:16Maybe I should just leave the pack behind and accept that I don't belong here.
09:25Cedar, is that you?
09:28Cedar, if this is a joke, it's not funny.
09:35The dangerous scent.
09:37The same one I smelled when I was running the other day.
09:40That scent.
09:42It's getting stronger.
09:49You're the Alpha.
09:51Aren't you?
10:00I couldn't believe he was here with me.
10:03I mean, this is the Alpha.
10:05What could he want with me?
10:14Get away from me.
10:20I can't be near you!
10:34Where are you?
10:39Nikki, what?
10:40I need to go.
10:42What was that?
10:43What happened?
10:44Please, just help me get out of here.
10:46We're gonna ask her out.
10:47I've seen the way she looks at you.
10:49She's coming.
10:50Just go.
10:53Come on guys, we're leaving.
10:55Is everything okay?
11:01That was humiliating.
11:04Get away from me.
11:07If everyone finds out that I upset the Alpha,
11:09they'll think something's wrong with me.
11:14Baby good?
11:16Yeah, I think so.
11:17Just a little shaken.
11:20Hey, you know you can always talk to us.
11:23We're always here.
11:24I'm always here.
11:26Thanks, guys.
11:28Sorry I ruined your night.
11:36Hey, I'm home.
11:37Trinity, what happened?
11:39Have you been crying?
11:41Party just wasn't for me.
11:43Are you sure?
11:44Because if somebody said something cruel,
11:46we can tell the Alpha.
11:48Just drop it.
11:49I mean,
11:52thank you.
11:54I've just
11:56already had a rough night.
11:57I don't want to ruin anyone else's.
12:02Back so soon?
12:04What happened?
12:07Alpha got super upset about something
12:09and he ordered everyone to go home.
12:11I wonder what happened.
12:13I could ask her the same thing.
12:16You good, cousin?
12:21I heard some people
12:23say that they saw you with the Alpha.
12:25Of course they blame me.
12:27Everyone blames me.
12:28Oh, I'm sorry.
12:30I shouldn't have said anything.
12:33I didn't mean like...
12:34It's okay. I know you didn't.
12:35I'm gonna go to bed, though.
12:37I'm tired.
12:41I'm worried about her.
12:43We all are.
12:46The brief encounter with him,
12:47it felt so intense.
12:50It was intoxicating.
12:52But then he growled.
12:54What if he banishes me?
12:56I don't even understand what I did wrong.
12:59But I don't know what I would do
13:00if I could never see any of my friends again.
13:05Get away from me.
13:08I'm doomed.
13:15Good morning.
13:16No run for you this morning?
13:18No, I didn't sleep well.
13:20So I decided to skip it.
13:22Are you sure you're okay?
13:25Do you want some?
13:26I made you a favor.
13:27No, thanks, Aunt Eve.
13:29I'm gonna head to Juniper and Cedar's soon.
13:31I'm gonna head to Juniper and Cedar's soon.
13:33We're gonna catch a movie.
13:35Planning more mischief?
13:39I didn't realize you were still around.
13:41I didn't realize I needed your permission
13:43to stay at my daughter's house.
13:44That's not what I meant.
13:45You made quite a little scene last night.
13:47I don't know what you mean.
13:48You ran from the festival in tears.
13:51Did you think I wouldn't hear about it?
13:53That's not true.
13:54I didn't just run.
13:55You didn't make a commotion and run away?
13:57You didn't?
13:58Come on, Trinity, don't lie.
14:01It doesn't suit you.
14:02You don't understand.
14:03It all just happened so fast.
14:05You are a disgrace to this family.
14:13Please, Eve.
14:14We can't make excuses for her any longer.
14:16We can't protect her anymore.
14:21I have spoken to the Alpha.
14:23He has graciously agreed
14:26to continue considering you as a mate.
14:30We have two months to prove your worth.
14:32Let's hope that he doesn't find another option
14:35in the meantime.
14:38So you're the reason I ended up on his stupid list?
14:43I wondered what kind of sorcery landed me on that.
14:45I should have known you'd find a way
14:47to meddle into my business.
14:50I'm trying to help you, Trinity.
14:53Do you think a man of his stature
14:55would even consider you without my word?
15:06It was probably the worst fight I've ever had with Grandfather.
15:13That scent.
15:15I know that scent.
15:25Who are you?
15:26What do you want?
15:30Oh my god.
15:31It's him. The Alpha.
15:41I told you to stay away from me!
15:48This is it.
15:49I'm about to die.
15:52Don't let your excitement die!
15:54The full audio series is on the Pocket FM app.
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